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Global Freedom TV with Dr. James Fetzer and Scott Bennett

2024-06-18 Dr. James Fetzer: On the Brink | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV with Dr. James Fetzer and Scott Bennet talk about how in a recent peace summit in Switzerland, discussions about the Russia-Ukraine conflict didn’t go as planned. Key nations like Russia, China, and India didn’t participate, leading to the summit’s failure. Meanwhile, tensions are rising between the West and Russia, and between Israel and Hezbollah. The US is also trying to pass an act to counter anti-Semitism, but there are …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV talks about how dr james fetzer says europe is rebelling

2024-06-11 Dr. James Fetzer: Europe Rebelling? | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV with Scott Bennett and Jim Fetzer discusses the rising tensions between Russia, Ukraine, and the West. It explores potential conflicts, the readiness of the U.S. army, and the impact of political shifts in Europe. The post also emphasizes the importance of focusing on domestic improvements over foreign conflicts. It’s a must-read for understanding the current global situation. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. stephen pidgeon

2024-06-05 Dr. Stephen Pidgeon | Global Freedom TV

Join Stephen Pidgeon as he explores global changes and their impact on our world on Global Freedom TV. From the shifting power dynamics to the importance of free speech, he’ll delve into topics that shape our lives. Learn about the historical influence of the British Empire and the current demographic changes in Europe. Tune in for an insightful discussion on our evolving world. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with Mr. Mike Harris

2024-06-03 Mr. Mike Harris | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV with Mike Harris filled in on a show, discussing topics like illegal immigration and the U.S. Navy’s state. He compared the U.S. to the Bolshevik revolution and recommended a related TV series. The speaker also discussed political unrest, Mexico’s first female president, and U.S. foreign policy. They advised preparing for a potential financial crisis and expressed concern about the future. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. scott bennett and mr. mike harris

2024-05-13 Dr. Scott Bennett with Mr. Mike Harris | Global Freedom TV

This blog post discusses controversial statements made by Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump, and their impact on U.S. politics. It critically examines U.S. support for Israel, the influence of certain groups on U.S. politics, and the potential consequences of these relationships. The post also explores societal changes, the role of women in politics, and the need for mental preparedness in the …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. james fetzer and dr. scott bennett

2024-05-07 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. James Fetzer: Anti-Semitism Runs Amuck! | Global Freedom TV

This blog post explores rising tensions between Russia, France, and the UK over Ukraine. It also discusses differing views on Russia’s policies, anti-Semitism in the U.S., and a controversial anti-Semitism bill. The post further delves into criticisms of Trump’s support for Israel and concerns about American politics, including the upcoming election. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024-05-14 Scott Bennett Dr. James Fetzer: Presidential Wars in America Ukraine Russia Israel.

This blog post explores potential political changes in America, focusing on the influence of certain donors. It questions the motives behind leaders’ actions and statements about conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. The post also discusses the suppression of news coverage and predicts potential political chaos. It ends by reflecting on the strained U.S.-Russia relationship. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024-05-08 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon

Join Dr. Stephen Pigeon and Scott as they discuss global issues, faith, and politics. They explore conflicts, political climates, and religious beliefs, offering thought-provoking insights. From the trials in Ukraine and Gaza to the differences between Islam and Christianity, this conversation will broaden your understanding of the world. Tune in for a deep dive into history, faith, and …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with Dr. Stephen pidgeon

2024-05-15 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon | Global Freedom TV

Dr. Stephen Pigeon discusses global events and societal changes. He believes these changes are part of a plan to degrade society and pave the way for a small elite to rule. He criticizes the acceptance of various sexual orientations and practices, and warns of a potential future where societal norms shift drastically. He encourages a return to traditional values and the importance of faith. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. scott bennett and dr. stephen pidgeon

2024-04-10 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV in this article explores claims that Burisma, a Ukrainian company linked to Hunter Biden, funded terrorist activities in Russia. It suggests that Western officials, including those from Burisma, could be involved. The article also touches on the Biden family’s controversial connection with Burisma and the possibility that U.S. intelligence knew about potential terrorist attacks. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. scott bennett and mr. mike adams

2024-04-15 Dr. Scott Bennett with Mr. Mike Harris | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV post talks about recent missile strikes in Iran and their effects, especially in Israel. It highlights the need for unity and strong leadership in teams, particularly in the military. The post also explores global issues in Israel, Iran, and Ukraine, and the power of truth in resolving these conflicts. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Scott Bennett with dr. james fetzer talks about iran striking back

2024-04-16 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. James Fetzer: Iran strikes back?

In this blog, Scott Bennett discuss’s the rising tension between Iran and Israel. Dr. James Fetzer shares three possible outcomes and warns that any escalation could lead to Israel’s downfall. We also explore Iran’s restrained attack, Israel’s defense, and the potential for false terrorism reports. The blog emphasizes the need for global action to prevent harm. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with Jr. James Fetzer and Dr. Scott bennett

2024-04-02 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. James Fetzer: The war escalates | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV post explores global conflicts, including rising tensions between countries like Syria, the U.S., Israel, Iran, and Russia. It discusses the U.S.’s possible role in these conflicts and the potential for a third world war. The post also covers a recent terrorist attack in Moscow and the U.S.’s alleged involvement. It ends by questioning the U.S. government …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. scott bennett and dr. james fetzer

2024-03-26 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. James Fetzer: UN Approves Gaza Ceasefire | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV post explores two main topics. First, it discusses a destroyed bridge in Baltimore and its potential link to U.S. actions in Russia. Second, it delves into a UN report accusing Israel of causing massive casualties and displacement in Gaza. The post also questions U.S. support for Israel and the global response to these issues. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Freedom TV with dr. scott bennett and more mike harris

2024-03-25 Dr. Scott Bennett with Mr. Mike Harris | Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV explores various global issues, from recent terror attacks in Russia to the political tension between Russia and the West. It also delves into societal reactions to resource shutdowns, the history of Ukraine’s independence, and the idea of states creating their own currency systems. Lastly, it proposes a solution for unauthorized border crossings into the U.S. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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