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Gerald Celente on trends journal talks about how inflation is to stay


In his June 28, 2024 talk, Gerald Celente discusses recent news trends. He talks about the markets’ good June despite a downturn, stable oil prices, and rising inflation. He also mentions the struggle many face due to increased housing prices and stagnant wages. He warns about a possible banking crisis and the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Lastly, he critic …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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In Nashville w/ Dan Bongino

Posted in: Dan Bongino

– Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that’s not immune to the facts. With your host, Dan Bongino. Nashville. The amazing, talented, incredible country music legend, my good friend, Johnny Rich….

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X22 Report – [DS] Just Played Their Hand You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports

In this blog post, the text explores various conspiracy theories surrounding the deep state and alleged government corruption. It suggests that Donald Trump’s presidency was a strategic move to counter the deep state’s control, and encourages people to fight for their freedom. The post also discusses concerns about COVID-19 manipulation, election rigging, government corruption involving Hunter Biden, and growing mistrust in the …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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9.25.23: Elections Borders Swampers COMMS Menendez 1871 PRAY!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots

In this blog post, various opinions on President Donald Trump are discussed, including his alleged knowledge of election cheating and his involvement in criminal justice reform. Despite his successor, Joe Biden, Trump’s popularity in polls remains high. There is also speculation about his return to office sooner than expected, with a focus on current issues like immigration, drug trafficking, and public sentiments. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Florida’s Forced Quarantine and Forced Vaccination Law

Posted in: MPN, MPN News, News, Updates

The Governor and Attorney General of the state of New York are fighting hard for quarantine camps, and have officially appealed a court’s decision blocking them from carrying out such gross human rights violations. Click Button Below to Learn More. …

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SUNDAY SPECIAL w/ Donald J. Trump and Dinesh DSouza

In this special podcast episode, Dan Bongino interviews President Donald J. Trump, covering topics such as election interference and the January 6 events. Trump reflects on his experiences in Washington, discussing his strategies and successes. From firing James Comey to managing the economy, he shares insights into his governance. Read more for an exclusive look into Trump’s perspective. Click Button Below to Learn More…

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22 Years Later, Never Forget 9/11 Was an Inside Job

Posted in: MPN, News, Updates

(Editor’s note) – 22 years ago, on 9/11/01, Israeli operatives, the Bush administration, Larry Silverstein, the news media, and many others helped…

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9.4.23: FINAL BATTLE WISH coming true FANI Obama exposed Victories. PRAY!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots

In this thought-provoking blog post, the speaker delves into a range of political issues, from government responses to COVID-19 to allegations against past administrations. They shed light on potential media propaganda and express concern over Trump’s potential return. The post also explores the impact of a “MAGA style Republican victory” on European unity and discusses election fraud allegations. Additionally…

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Zion Ron Parkland Woman’s Intuition Women’s Sports Act AI Influencers Lithium

Posted in: News, Patriots

– Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been the most pro Israel state in America. Scott signed the first bill in America to go after antisemitism in our universities. He says critics are using that as a weapon against him. Scott: We don’t need champions of Israel. We need critics….

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Settlement in mask case reached

Christians Receive $300,000 Settlement for Wrongful Arrest Amid 2020 Anti-Mask Protest

3 Christians Receive $300,000 Settlement Justice has finally been served for three Idaho Christians who were wrongfully arrested during an anti-mask protest…

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Chinese Lab Carrying Infected Mice Uncovered

Illegal Chinese-Linked Biolab Unearthed in California; Mice Engineered to Carry COVID-19 Found

Posted in: Andy Oxide, MPN, News, Updates

In a rather horrifying discovery, Fresno County authorities have uncovered an illicit laboratory harboring infectious agents, medical waste, and genetically engineered mice…

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Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees

Posted in: MPN, News, Patriots, Updates

Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly informed me they are…

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Ironic! Pfizer Gets Taken Out By Tornado Right After House Judiciary Demands COVID-19 Documents

Posted in: MPN, News, Patriots, Updates

Ironic! Pfizer Gets Taken Out By Tornado Right After House Judiciary Demands Covid-19 Documents and Content Moderation Contacts. House Judiciary Letter to…

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Border Lie

The Great Border Lie: Opioids & Fentanyl Murders Ahead of Covered-Up USA Invasion

Posted in: MPN, News, Trump, Updates

Unraveling a deep-seated conspiracy involving the DEA, CDC, FDA and more, linked to the opioid crisis in America. The failed War on Drugs and its catastrophic aftermath exposed….

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COVID-19 Linked to Long-Term Decline in Sperm Quality

COVID-19 Linked to Long-Term Decline in Sperm Quality

Posted in: Health, News

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly left an indelible impact on the world, affecting various aspects of our lives, from economy and healthcare to social interactions and everyday routines. As scientists continue to explore the numerous consequences of this deadly virus, a recent study has shed light on an intriguing and worrisome finding: COVID-19 may be linked to a long-term decline in sperm quality…

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2024 election predictions allegations America artificial intelligence assassination attempt on President Trump Austrian Economics Benjamin Fulford Benjamin Fulford Report Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report Biden Biden administration Bitcoin Blackrock California censorship CENTRAL BANK central banks China Congress conspiracy theories discussion constitutional sheriffs controversy Corruption Covid Covid-19 CSPOA current economic situation analysis current economic situation discussion Dan Bongino Deep State Democratic Party Democrats DOLLAR Donald Trump ECONOMIC COLLAPSE economy Elon musk FEDERAL RESERVE Financial Collapse Florida freedom of speech Genocide Gold gold market trends government Gregory Manorino Hunter Biden INFLATION investigation investing in commodities investing in gold investing in gold and silver investing in precious metals Jack Mullen JOE biden Jovan hutton pulitzer Judicial Watch Justice Department law enforcement lin wood mainstream media manipulation mike lindell North Korea patrick byrne Patriots On the Street Pentagon potential Precious metals president President Trump rising cost of living robert david steele Ron Partain untold History Channel Russia secret service sheriff mack sheriff richard mack Silver The Sheriff Mack Show Tom Fitton Trump twitter Ukraine United States Vaccine Vaccines Washington White House World Economic Forum

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