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Global Freedom TV talks with Scott Bennett and Dr James Fetzer

2024-01-23 Scott Bennett Dr. James Fetzer: Trump/Tucker The Winning Ticket. Global Freedom TV

Global Freedom TV with Dr. James Fetzer and Scott Bennet discusses their beliefs that America’s problems can be solved by non-traditional politicians like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. He thinks they can restore good values, peace, and a strong economy. This blog also discusses America’s involvement in foreign conflicts and the Supreme Court’s controversial decisions. The writer suggests Nikki Haley could improve California’s leadership and promotes a conservative worldview. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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James Fetzer with Scott Bennett discussing trumps recent victory in Iowa

2024-01-16 Scott Bennett Dr. James Fetzer: Trump wins Iowa.

James Fetzer explores various global political topics, including President Trump’s victory in the Iowa caucus, conflicts in Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine, and the evolving dynamics of the Democratic party. It also discusses the impact of the Yemen situation on US and UK interests, and the historical and current influence of the US on oil trade. The post concludes with a discussion on potential global power …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024-01-17 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

Scott Bennett and Dr. Stephen Pigeon talk about the sad news of journalist Gonzalo Lira’s death and how it affects people in America. They think the US government didn’t help Gonzalo on purpose because of politics. They also talk about bad things happening in the government, like people using their power in the wrong way and maybe even doing things that are against the law in wars. The text makes us think about what’s happening in the US right now and how it’s being run. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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298 1:07:57 2023-12-19 Global Great Awakenings: Scott Bennett Dr. Jim Fetzer.

This blog post delves into global politics, focusing on the strained relations between Russia, Ukraine, and the US. It discusses the Russians’ perception of American leaders, the West’s alleged attempts to weaken Russia, and Ukraine’s military struggles. The post also explores the ongoing conflict between Israel and militant groups, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the shifting dynamics in the Middle East …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2023-12-26 Scott Bennett Dr. James Fetzer: The Houthi Revolution and Attacks against Israel.

“Global Great Awakenings” on GlobalFreedomTV.com, hosted by Scott Better, delves into the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The show highlights the escalating tensions, international reactions, and potential consequences of the ongoing strife. It also discusses the involvement of various groups, the impact on global economy, and the potential for a shift in global power dynamics. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024-01-09 Scott Bennett Dr. James Fetzer: Lloyd Austin dead?

In this insightful discussion, Scott Bennet and Dr. James Fetzer delve into controversial topics, including the speculated death of Lloyd Austin, rumored Epstein documents, and global conflicts. They explore the potential of these scenarios to provoke outrage and trigger significant changes in the US, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and maintaining virtue amidst these crises. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024-01-03 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

In this blog post, we delve into global events, scrutinizing Ukraine’s leadership, Russian aggression, and U.S. vaccine mandates. We critique the handling of the pandemic by the NHS, CDC, and pharmaceutical industry, and discuss geopolitical conflicts, including alleged war crimes. The post ends with a forecast of societal upheaval and a call for grassroots change. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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230 1:28:40 2023-12-20 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

In this blog post, Scott Bennett and Dr. Stephen Pigeon critically examine the geopolitical turmoil in Ukraine, Russia’s evolving stance, and the erosion of Western traditions. They debate Ukraine’s leadership, the potential annexation by Russia, and the global implications of Alaska’s strategic moves. The discussion also touches on the anticipated downfall of the American dollar, societal survival strategies, and …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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365 1:33:11 2023-11-01 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

In this thought-provoking Global Freedom TV program, we delve into faith, spiritual ministry, and their blessings, while also exploring conspiracy theories, political power shifts, and potential constitutional rights infringements. We critically examine societal behaviors, governmental actions, and foreign policies, predicting potential societal fallout and economic crises. The discussion emphasizes preparedness, community-building, and righteousness in the face …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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281 1:33:11 2023-11-01 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

Explore the intricate web of political, religious, and societal issues in our latest blog post. From the role of faith in turbulent times to the critique of political conspiracies, we delve into the complexities of the U.S. and global landscape. Join us as we navigate through controversial topics, offering a unique perspective on the world’s current state. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Great Awakenings: Scott Bennett Susan Lindauer.

Navigating the complex political landscape of the Middle East, this blog post critically examines the escalating tensions in Palestine, potential power grid failures, and speculated assassination plots. It highlights the dehumanizing treatment of Palestinians, the influence of Israeli lobbies in America, and the potential shift in global power dynamics. It concludes with a call for revolutionary change, echoing the spirit of 177 …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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BREAKING: Army Intelligence Warns Of Biden Assassination Plot

In this politically charged discourse, the speaker alleges potential assassination plots against President Biden and other key figures, suggesting a crisis is imminent due to policies enacted since 2001. They argue that this environment is fostering right-wing terrorism conspiracy theories and online persecution, while marginalizing MAGA Republicans. The speaker calls for a renaissance, urging vigilance and local political action to safeguard communities …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Great Awakenings – Scott Bennett, Mike Harris, Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Explore the intricate web of global politics and conflicts in our latest blog post on Globalfreedomtv.com. Delve into controversial discussions on the 9/11 events, the Gaza-Israeli conflict, and the alleged Israeli intel penetration. Uncover the historical impacts of British imperialistic strategies and the contentious views on Jewish influence in global politics. Join us as we navigate through these …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Great Awakenings: Scott Bennett and Dr. Jim Fetzer

In their program, Great Awakenings, Scott Bennett and Dr. James Fetzer critically examine the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel’s alleged violations of humanitarian law, and US foreign policy. They also discuss the escalating conflict in the Middle East, potential global war, and the implications of the ‘Great Reset’ orchestrated by globalists. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Global Great Awakenings Scott Bennett w/ Mike Harris

“Great Awakenings delves into international conflicts, U.S. military strategy, and the Middle East crisis. It critiques governmental corruption, explores immigration issues, and suggests conflict resolution strategies. The text also predicts potential global aggression, discusses Israel’s non-compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and raises concerns about rising crime levels. It emphasizes American economic self-re …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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