2024-03-04 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Mike Harris. | Global Freedom TV

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots



➡ Scott Bennett, the host of Global Freedom TV recently returned from a trip to Russia where he was part of a film festival. The film he was involved in, titled “An American Officer in Donbass,” documents the experiences of Russian soldiers and volunteers fighting against globalist tyranny. The film also accuses Elon Musk of falsely claiming that he is not providing Starlink to the Ukrainian military to fight the Russians. Bennet believes that the only way to remove the corruption in the American political system is through a violent upheaval, but not necessarily with guns.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences in Russia, where he was documenting events and interviewing people. He criticizes the media for spreading misinformation and compares the current situation to the Bolshevik Revolution. He expresses concern about the influx of immigrants into the U.S., fearing it will lead to cultural destruction. He also criticizes the U.S. government and military, suggesting a civilian revolt may be necessary.
➡ A recent report reveals that top German military officials have been discussing plans to attack the Crimean Bridge, a strategic target in the ongoing Ukraine conflict. This has raised questions about Germany’s involvement in the conflict, which they have consistently denied. The discussions also involve the use of a long-range missile, the Taurus, which has been a point of contention. The report suggests that these plans could be seen as a declaration of war against Russia, potentially escalating the conflict further.
➡ This text talks about the political tension between European NATO leaders and Russia. The leaders are accused of trying to start a war to save their own political careers, which is causing fear and instability. The text also discusses potential military strategies, including attacks on civilian targets and economic warfare. The author warns that Russia has a strong military history and could cause significant damage if provoked.
➡ The text discusses the current geopolitical situation, focusing on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It suggests that the West, including the U.S., is losing influence due to internal issues and economic struggles. The text also highlights the strategic importance of Taiwan due to its semiconductor manufacturing. Lastly, it criticizes the U.S. for prioritizing profit over long-term strategic needs, suggesting this could lead to serious consequences.
➡ The text discusses the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with the speaker suggesting that Russia should take control of key Ukrainian cities and negotiate from a position of strength. The speaker criticizes the U.S. and Ukrainian leadership for their handling of the situation and suggests that the conflict is being prolonged unnecessarily. The text also touches on the situation in Gaza, suggesting that the conflict there is revealing the true nature of the involved parties. The speaker calls for intervention to prevent further violence and loss of life.
➡ The text discusses the current political and social issues in the U.S., criticizing the government’s foreign policy and domestic issues like homelessness and crime. It suggests that the country is on the verge of collapse, possibly leading to a civil war. The text also criticizes Trump’s choice of personnel during his presidency, but suggests he is the best hope for change. Lastly, it emphasizes the need for citizens to stand up against these issues for the sake of future generations.
➡ The speaker praises the Russian people and their leader, Putin, for their resilience and lack of hostility towards Americans despite past conflicts. They express concern about America’s confrontational position and encourage Americans to challenge those who spread ignorance or slander. They also mention their belief in a Trump-Tucker political ticket as a potential solution for America’s issues. Lastly, they discuss a product they believe helps fight cancer and could potentially combat effects from Covid-19.


Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Welcome to global great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Bennet, your host. We’re joined again by the great Mike Harris, who is going to be welcoming me back from my trip to Russia. We’re going to be talking a little bit about that with Tong and Mike and playing a couple videos. I kept it pretty top secret.

I was going over to Russia to be part of a film festival. They were launching the film that we did in Donbass. They titled it an american officer in Donbass. And they did an RT documentary about 52 minutes long in which we go to various cities in Donbass, Soladar, Mariupol, Gorlovka, Arte deprosk. I can’t pronounce some of these names, but they were all cities that had been devastated by high Mars, cluster bombs, shelling drones.

A lot of the internal revelations, a lot of internal meetings I had with the russian soldiers and volunteers that had come from all over Russia and beyond, people from South Korea and Japan and other parts of Asia had all come to fight on the side of Russia against globalist fascist tyranny and authoritarianism. These are coming right from their words, not fighting NATO, but fighting the expansion of this globalist new world order.

And that film documented a lot of the suffering and a lot of the deeper truths, including Elon Musk and his fake statements to the american people that he is not providing Starlink to the ukrainian military to fight the Russians. That is a lie. That is a flat out lie. And either he is a liar and should burn in hell for it, or he has been duped and needs to rectify it because Starlink is being provided to the ukrainian military in the prosecution of their conflict against Russia.

And in fact, the Starlink capability is allowing drones to be flown by the ukrainian side, dropping chemical weapons, which is another violation of the international treaty, but dropping bombs and weapons on civilian areas of Donetsk, on children’s centers, on kindergartens, on playgrounds, on old folk pension buildings, not military targets, not army targets, not navy ships, civilian targets, as acts of terrorism. So we’re going to be launching in a little bit of that, a little bit of the film, the film festival event.

We’ll be doing that all week. Also wanted to play a video that we just did on Friday at the breakout of this german plan to fire missiles into the crimean bridge and do it secretly, as if the Russians wouldn’t know, as if they could somehow claim, oh, no, we did nothing wrong. While know, moving stuff around with their feet. No one believes them anymore. So we’re going to look into that, but we’re going to launch all into that tonight with Mike Harris.

Mike, before I play the videos, let me just hand it to you and give us your welcome and your opening remarks. Go ahead. Mike Harris. Well, LT, welcome back. I’m glad you made it. And about an american officer in Doneesque, you may not be the first one. There may have been other ones that were CIA operatives or special operations teams or other things that had negative intent toward the russian special police action.

But you were the first one that went over there to really get out the truth and to try to bring peace back to this area where war should have never have happened without us interference and the US committing a violent coup against the democratically duly elected government of Ukraine in 2014. And everyone needs to remember this, we’re on the wrong side of history. That bitch Vicky Newland went in there and spent 5 billion of year in my tax dollars to topple a duly elected government.

And now they’re beating their chest and saying we have to give them another 60 billion to protect democracy. It’s what that woman does is she topples duly elected governments and puts in puppets that are compliant to what the jewish overlords want us to do. Anyway, welcome back. I’m glad you made it back and I’m glad you got through us customs and homeland security safely without incidents. So I was concerned about that.

I thought they might shake you down a bit. Yeah, I was too. But people were praying for us. And that really is everything God says. When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. So I was very blessed and I knew whatever would come would be ordained by God, and he would give me the strength to go through whatever Daniel in the lion’s den or any of those Jonah in the belly of the whale.

But I did anticipate a very hostile reaction when I would return because this film. Make a long story short, this film was an RT documentary, but they released it in the equivalent of their Academy Awards in Russia at this big hall, this big auditorium with all of these other films and documentaries that they had made with russian military people on Don bass on the whole war. So they had done little films about different groups and different fighters and personalities.

So mine was an american, and it was first broadcast, of course, in Russian, but then they translated it and they just released it on RT. So people, I saw it when I got back. So there’s an english language version on RT. We’ve got a link up on the website globalfreedomtv. com. You can watch it up there, you can also watch it on Shellgame. But global freedom tv, we have it on our rumble page too.

But the director and everyone did a really great job. But thankfully when I got back, Mike, all I said was I went up to the customs office and of course the customs, they flagged my passport. So she said, you have to come with me. I thought, ok, here we go. And they take me in a back room and the girl walks in with her uniform on and says, all right, Mr.

Bennett. And I said, I don’t answer any questions, my lawyer’s outside. Any questions you have, you can pose to him. But I affirm all of my rights, I waive none of them. And I just like to go. She said, well, I haven’t asked you anything. I said, I’m not going to answer anything. And she said, well, 1 second she goes out, comes back in, could we search your bags? I said no, any search of my bags would be a violation of my constitutional rights.

I have a right to be secure in my person, papers and effects, and there’s no warrant. So no, I object to my bags being searched on any kind. I’ve already gone through multiple levels of airport screening. Everything could be x rayed that you could imagine. There’s nothing there. I didn’t say all that. And basically they said, okay, well, here you go and let me go because I thought we’re at a time, and I’m not trying to be confrontational, but if you don’t affirm your rights and defend your rights, we are only going to be encouraging a tyrannical police state to get ever more violent.

I mean, this whole genie was let out of the bottle. You know better than anyone, Mike, with the Patriot act and the false flag attacks of 911, that set us on a downward spiral into the toilet and the oblivion of history. And I’ll be surprised, and I said this on russian tv, I said, I will be surprised if America does not have a civil war and a revolutionary war to vomit out all of this garbage and all of these garbage people and all of these fraudulent fake laws, all of the shit that’s got into our political system.

The only way to get it out is through a violent upheaval. However, it doesn’t have to be done with guns and such, but there has to be a political rhetorical violence. And I think Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin was a flavor of that. There was a certain rebellion against the status quo. And I talked with Tucker on my way in and out. I won’t go into the details here, but more of that, you know, something’s happening.

The smartest guys in America are connecting with Russia, and I think they’re following your lead, Mike. They’re following mine. They’re following Scott Ritters and others. So let me play this quick video just to give people an intro. This is a good video. This was the intro to the film that we did just to give people an idea of the environment that we’re at. I want you believe me, my daughter.

Be my daughter. So that was just a portion of the video that was in the studio, that was in the auditorium where they had this big event, and they had multiple films and multiple times. But I thought that was very special in having an orchestra play that theme song that they play throughout the various films and such. It blew my mind. Everything about it blew my mind. And I have to first say, spasiba.

Thank you to Nastia, Krestevi, Belka, Angelika, Olga, Arteom, Sasha, all of the rt people that put this together and looked out for me and made sure I wasn’t killed. There are a lot of bad guys who got really angry that I went over there and did this. I saw some intel thing called I’ll pick it up in a second, some counterintel thing. Let me bring it up right now because I don’t want to mispronounce it, but they went apoplectic and put this big thing about how I’m a Kremlin, a disinformation guy or something like that.

Here it is. Myth detector Ge now, what country is ge, Mike? It’s Germany. Okay. So myth detector. I thought it would be Deutschland, but myth detector ge I’m going to put this up here. Right after I did, when I was back there doing all sorts of videos and interviews with different people, this popped up. Scott Bennett’s disinformation about the biolaboratories in Ukraine. Actually, this came out before July 4, 2023.

And they go on. Now the New York Times is agreeing with that the disinformation is real. Yeah, there you go. So who lost credibility here? Myth detectors. Yeah. And it blew my mind because it was ge. You see it up here? Myth detector ge so is that in Germany? And is it Germany? Is it funded by the United States? And they go into Hunter, Biden and minimum, I don’t know.

I’ll send you the link here just so you can check it out. But they go on and on. Know it smells like CIA because it’s the same thing that they said about the CIA spends most of their money on two primary things. One of them is controlling the narrative, and the other one is developing ways to destroy other countries. Agricultural produce, the crops and livestock, everything else. That’s what they spend a lot of their money on.

Well, this was a fabulous event. It was a fabulous conference. It was a spectacular film environment. I was absolutely breathtaking. It was like the Academy Awards. And they had all of these military veterans come up on stage who were actively serving, and it was called a time for heroes. And I was honored that they put me up with the heroic soldiers of Russia. And it was just as an american officer documenting everything there.

And they only had enough time for about 50% of what we shot. So there’s a whole other 50% of other stuff going and seeing things. But I think they captured it very well. So people can see it on RT, you can see it on rumble. Go to globalfreedomtv. com and we’ve got the links. But I’ll end it by know again. Mike, I’m reminded, being there, being with the soldiers on the ground, meeting with various people, talking with various russian media people, I’m there as a man of truth.

I’m there as an ambassador for God. As God said, you shall be my ambassadors. And I went there to be love and truth and salt and light. And that’s what I received back. And this, to the russian people, is their World War II. This isn’t just a military operation. This is a World War II scenario where they’ve had to rise up to stop the invasion of fascism into their country, which happened in 2014, it happened in 2005.

It’s been a long time coming. But the media and the west and everyone in the west is so toxically stupid and ignorant. I won’t say that the west is stupid. We’re toxically misinformed. And this is all done by the same Jews who did the Bolshevik revolution and murdered 80 to 100 billion russian christian men, women and children. What you just said was confirmed by a russian orthodox priest that I did a whole interview with.

They killed 80,000 russian orthodox priests in a week, and now they’re doing the same thing to our country. They’re trying to take us down to the equivalent of a bolshevik revolution here in the United States. And what they learned from the Bolshevik revolution, why they failed and could only hold power for 75 years, was that they didn’t break the russian culture, they didn’t break the russian family values.

They didn’t break the russian religion. They tried, but they didn’t. So what they’re doing here this time now is they’re bringing in these tens of millions of savages from the third world to destroy our culture and our people, to thin our numbers, as well as bring in this other savage culture that’s going to be toxic to the first world culture we have in the United States. So we’re going to have our hands full, brother.

Just to accent that, Mike, I ran into John Mark Dugan, if you’re familiar with John Mark Dugan. He is the former marine, the former police officer in Florida that fled the United States. He did some cyber stuff and found a lot of dirt on bad guys in the Florida police area. Anyway, he left America and went back to Russia, did this whole Jason Bourne kind of thing, jumped on a plane pretending to go to Canada or something, and got off halfway and got on another plane.

So he evaded detection and got out of the country. Anyway, he’s back in Russia, very nice guy. And I was talking with him at this conference, and he was saying the same thing you’re talking about, but he also said, oh, America’s, you know, it’s done. There’s no chance. There has to be such a massive cutting, a massive disinfection. And it arrives to me. And I’ll put it to you, Mike, and we’ve talked about this before, the infiltration of the garbage, the scum that are coming up into the United States, either there’s a military level purging, or the areas that these people are coming into are just going to turn into toxic garbage heaps.

And they’re just going to be ghetto wise, they’re going to turn the blue cities on the east coast into Haiti is what’s going to happen. It’s going to be just like Haiti. And if you’re a white person living there, your survival rate, your life expectancy just lost about 40 years. If you’re a 20 year old young man, your life expectancy now is going to be 40 years shorter.

And that’s going to happen. Women are going to have it the worst because these black savages from the Congo and the Central African Republic think that rape is a human right, and they can have any woman they want when they want her, and it’s going to go poorly, and people are going to have to defend themselves and your wives and your daughters, and it’s going to be bad.

And then if you do defend yourself or your wife or your daughter or your friend, you’re going to be subject to criminal liability on this end because they’re going to use that against us. And it really is time that we purged our entire government and flushed this crap down the toilet, I mean, right into the septic tank so it can just sit there and rot among know until it.

Yeah, yeah. And I met, too, with the ugliness of people like Mike Lee and the House intelligence committee. It was just cited on Napolitano, and Napolitano was talking with McGregor, and this guy is up on Face the Nation this week spouting off about how we need to support Ukraine, how the speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, needs to pass these bills, pass Ukraine funding, and all of this.

This is something that can’t be tolerated because these are war crimes. These, these are things that the american public can’t have on their blood on their hands. Well, the problem, Scott, is that with our democratic republic form of government is that everybody in Washington, everybody who’s there, is in it for the paycheck. They’re not doing their job according to the constitution. They’re not looking out for the welfare of the nation.

They’re not looking out for the welfare of the nation’s people. And they’re there to get rich. And we are ruled by the oligarch class, which is all Jews. And look at Biden’s cabinet. Look at how the head of his agencies, what religion they are. And it really is a sobering set of documents here. And these are the grandsons and the granddaughters of the Bolsheviks that destroyed Russia under the Tsar 100 years ago.

Now they’re here and they’re working on us. And unless we want to go down that route ten times worse because they’ve infested our country with third world savages now. And Russia didn’t have that problem. We have that problem now. So they don’t want to lose control of the United States the way they lost control of Russia and the Soviet Union after 75 years. So we’re looking at a very long time if they truly gain control and they’re able to implement their plan.

And I just hope to God that we are together enough and tough enough to do it. I look at the good news is that the US military is incapable of winning wars. They stalemate in Korea, a loss in Vietnam, a loss in Iraq, a loss in Afghanistan. They don’t know how to win. And these are against relatively unsophisticated, primitive people, again, third worlders. And so I think our chances are pretty good against our high tech military of having a civilian revolt if it ever comes to that.

And winning, because it may take 1520 years, but we’ll win the damn thing. We just have to be willing to fight for it, that’s all. Yeah. Let me draw your attention to this recent development that just came out where the Germans are being cited for. Oh, yes, this one. Yeah, let me bring it up. This was a story that just came out where the german Luth FafA guys were.

Here we go. Were talking about attacking the crimean bridge and Rt. Marguerite Simoyan, the editor in chief of Russia today, came out with it and they called me just as I was leaving to get on the airport. Mr. Bennett, have you left yet? No. Well, come down to studio. We’ve got this story and it was all about this german revelation and I wanted to get your take. Let me play this quick video, Mike, to discuss this development.

I’m now joined live in the studio by RT correspondent Steve Sweeney and former us officer Scott Bennett. Thank you both for making the time to be in the studio with me today. Steve, I’ll start with you with these bombshell statements. Won’t Germany have to provide some justification? After all, this is a discussion about an attack. I mean, these are quite shocking revelations. The transcript that we’ve just heard and that we’re seeing now that german top military brans have discussed how to attack and not just attack, but destroy the crimean bridge.

This, of course, has been a frequent target for Ukraine and its backers. Now, they describe this as a target of strategic and military importance. But obviously the issue then is that when does this become direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict? This is something that Germany has consistently denied. They’re talking about now, the supply of the Taurus missile. This is a long range missile and how that this can be used to target ammunition dumps as well as the crimean bridge.

Now, Olaf Schultz, the german chancellor, has come under fire from british mps just recently over his reluctance to supply the Taurus missile. And they were criticizing him for actually blowing the COVID or giving away intelligence secrets. Now, this was Alicia Kearns, one of the Tory MP, and Tobias Elwood. Both of these are linked to the british military intelligence. So of course, Germany has, will have to somehow come up with some justification for what we’re hearing now.

And if you cast your mind back to last year, the german defence minister was talking, of course, about she made an off the cuff statement saying that Germany is at war with Russia. And of course that was rolled back very, very quickly. So this is a very interesting development. Gerhard it doesn’t matter. We need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict.

I am exaggerating a bit. But if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we’ll drive by car from Poland so that no one notices, that’s already participation, and we won’t do that. So, of course, there we hear it from the horse’s mouth. There. The german top military brass are looking at ways, really to cover it up and make sure that they’re not directly linked, that there is no suggestion or nothing can trace it back to them, that the blame can be pinned on them for being involved in the conflict.

This is quite interesting. Let me quickly turn to you, Scott. It turns out Macron was right about sending troops to Ukraine. And his NATO allies are just putting on a poker face. Is that how you judge this situation? I judge this as declaration of war or preparation for a declaration of war by a bunch of incompetent buffoons in France and Germany and these NATO countries. This is not aiding and abetting any ukrainian Zelensky operation.

This is pre planning for a war. A declaration of war against Russia. That’s what an attack on the crimean bridge would be. This is what the Germans are lying about when they say through Schultz, oh, no, we will not be going to war against Russia. It’s a lie. They’re preparing to go to war, and they’ve been caught red handed. So Russia should send, of course, its UN ambassador Nebesnia to the United nations to say, be advised, we are now being threatened with war by Germany.

We’re being threatened by war with France and make it known to the world that Russia will respond with an absolute defense of its people, its territory, and its infrastructure. That could result in not only World War II, but the annihilation of Germany and every german military person and every french and NATO and british and american person that participates in a declaration of war against Russia. This is not something that Russia is going to play with.

NATO and France and Germany thinks that they’re playing some sort of a puppet theater. They’re not. They’re playing deadly games. And I think their own people have been betrayed by Germany so many times. First allowing the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline and now preparing to go to war that would annihilate most of the population of Germany. So although Russia doesn’t want that, this is the inevitability of what an attack on the crimean bridge would result in.

Steve, we understand that german officers were discussing the possible loopholes needed to avoid becoming directly involved in the conflict. What are they? Well, they’ve spoken about a lot of technical information about how the Taurus missile could be fired. They’ve spoken about the satellite imagery that they can take and how that can be processed, but it would need to be processed in the Buchell german air force base. And they’ve kind of spoken about how they could get technicians or specialists to that base to process that information.

And this information gives the possibility of a target of accuracy of around 3 meters. So this is very detailed level information. But they’re also talking about speaking to the Brits on the ground and how that they’ve managed to adapt mount so that the storm shadow, the british long range missile, can be fired. And they also mentioned during the conversation that there are a lot of people on the ground with american accents in civilian clothing, implying that there is an official us presence perhaps on the ground.

So they’ve spoken about how to disassociate themselves with this and to avoid that accusation of direct conflict. So they’re looking at these lines of communication, not directly with the german air force and the german military, but with the manufacturer of the Taurus missile that can perhaps then take the german army a step away from these allegations and these accusations. So they’re very sneaky. They’ve spoken about in very clear terms that they can’t be associated with this direct involvement with the tourist missile.

Scott and Steve, this all feels like a whole scene from a seven movie, except it is happening sort of in real time with all the tapes that we’re listening to. And Scott, this one is for you. What are the chances that governments of other european countries are discussing similar issues behind closed doors, but stating that they do not intend to participate directly in the conflict? I think they’re the victim of their own lies and they believe their own lies.

And they think that they have some sort of hypnotic charm, that whatever words flatulently come out of Macron or Schultz or Reese Schunak are going to be breathed in like perfume by Russia and somehow hypnotize them into acquiescence? And I think the opposite is true. This is a declaration of war, a preparation to declare war. And it should also be acknowledged that the Americans are involved. When american special operations people or CIA are recorded on the ground, this is an american participation.

So Russia is presenting evidence, and I think it’ll have it in the United nations soon, that this destruction of the crimean bridge that they’re planning is not only a foolish mistake, but it’s quite ironic, especially to me as a military officer whose grandfather fought against the Germans in World War II, that the Germans don’t seem to have learned their lesson. They’re backing the same Nazis in Ukraine that they backed in World War II.

They lost that war miserably. They were humiliated as a nation, and perhaps they haven’t been humiliated enough. And they’re not seeming to adapt to the world’s reality that Russia is not going to be intimidated or threatened by NATO, and it’s not going to pull back. It’s going to win the conflict in Ukraine. And if they try and amplify it by destroying the crimean bridge or any other infrastructure, it’ll only result in the annihilation of Germany and France.

But I think this is a time for Russia to make direct appeals to the people of Europe, to the people of France and Germany, and say, your leaders are preparing to go to war to secure their own political positions. You need to remove them before they start something you can’t end. That’s quite interesting. I’m going to come back to you, Steve, about the loopholes to avoid and the officers that were directly involved.

You want to talk us through that part again? Well, I think, as we mentioned, that there’s this tranche, then maybe there will be another tranche of 50 missiles. That’s perfectly understandable, but it’s all big politics, I’m guessing what’s really behind it. I have learned from my french and british colleagues that, in fact, with the storm shadow and scalp, it is the same as with the Winchester rifles. They may ask, why should we supply the next batch of missiles? Because we have already supplied them.

Let Germany do it. Now, perhaps Mr. Frosteda has something to say on this subject. Yep. So as we’ve heard there, this is the talk about know they’re talking about. The french scout really begins to destabilize the, the wider implication of all of this. Well, I think this really begins to destabilize the european NATO leadership. This is going to terrify Schultz and Macron and Sunak and the demented old fool Biden.

They are going to begin coming apart at the scene. So Russia really can quicken that disintegration by animating and energizing its rhetoric and making direct confrontational presentations at the United nations and elsewhere with the language of war and with the direct confrontation and finger pointing. You’re a liar, Germany. You’re a liar, Schultz. You are preparing for war, and we found it. And your people need to know about this.

And we’re communicating directly to the german people. Your leaders are so terrified about losing their political positions. They’re trying to trigger a war. And I think very soon you could see the overthrow of Schultz, the overthrow of Macron, the overthrow of Biden, because no one in Europe wants this. 70% of the people were against Macron in France because of his rhetoric. These people are in fantasy world. But the fact is they’re also going to do a multipronged attack.

They’re going to send naval drones against the bridge and missiles. They’re also going to do some other attacks against the russian areas of Donetsk and Lagansk and elsewhere. They are trying to force Russia into a political settlement, and they think that they can do it by amplifying the firepower of their attack on russian infrastructure. And instead it’s only going to backfire because Russia not only can defend the bridge, but it can annihilate every single ukrainian NATO personnel or vehicle that is coming in to be used against them.

And they need to really prepare to do that. Russia can use this as a springboard to accelerate and intensify its own military and political and information momentum and communicate to the United nations this is no longer about Ukraine. This is about rogue leaders in these european nations preparing to go to war with Russia to save their own political lives. We’re going to have to leave it there for now.

Thank you so much for my. So I’ll stop there, Mike. The rogue leaders seeking to extend their own political lives through triggering war, the desperation of these german, french, british leaders. I’ll hand it to you to pick up from that interview. Let me give you two things. The first thing on this, the most obvious thing is if you’re at a flag level officer, why are you breaking operational security and allowing this type of a communication to go over anything that can be intercepted in any way? Are you fucking stupid? Come.

Mean, were they just baiting the Russians with this? I don’t know what their real intention is here because operational security is tantamount to success. Tantamount. I want to come back on that and visit on another topic with us staffing issues that we’re doing right now. But that is my number one thing. Flag officer. If that was anybody, a captain or less would have been court marshalled and end of Brig.

I’m sorry that you’re going to stockade, brother. Really? An enlisted guy did something that bone headed. Okay, number two, apparently it was leaked by an internal military person or person. Okay. But still, operational security. That type of conversation should be under lock and key. Unless it was a Psyop. That’s what I’m just saying here, number two, if they’re going to hit the carch bridge, that’s a civilian target.

Okay. Russia can respond in kind against civilian targets. And I’m thinking BMW factories, Mercedes factories, BASF factories. Not Boeing, the French one Airbus. Airbus in Toulouse, France. You can hit these civilian targets and you could put 50 60,000 people out of work in two days and they have nothing to do, no money coming in. And you have just crippled their economies at a very deep level, hitting only civilian targets in kind.

If I was the Germans or the French, you got macron talking about sending active duty French into fight in Ukraine, I’d be really careful about what I shoot my mouth off about. I would never telegraph my moves to my adversary in such a way. Even in a psyop, I would never ever do that. That is like foolish. But like I said, you can break the back of already struggling economies in Europe by taking out maybe 2030 factories.

Boom, gone. They’re all reachable by cruise missile. They’re all highly precise. They can be targeted directly. Very few, very low civilian casualties. And done civilian target for civilian target. We got know and fuck that. And then I would cut off all gas shipments into Europe. All of them. Nothing through Ukraine, nothing through any source. Let them figure out how they’re going to keep themselves warm or run their industry in the meantime, how they’re going to keep the lights on for the european continent.

And I would really hurt them economically as hard as I could. And that’s how you do it. That is a formula right there and it’s level headed. It’s proportionate. All right? If you’re going to punch us, we’re going to wallop you, but we’re not going to go after civilian casualties. We’re going to go after civilian targets that are cash generators. Because you interrupted our civilian target with the bridge.

Tit for tat. Yeah, the Russians again, it was told to me in diness, the Russians prefer to endure suffering than to inflict suffering on others. That’s why they’ve waited so long in the counter offensive against the Nazis in Donetsk. And I think, I agree with you, Mike, but the russian temperament and I think strategy and character is not to go after any of these Airbus or BMW plants or things like that.

They don’t want to disrupt or alienate the civilian populations. As I said in that interview, you have to divide Macron and Schultz and Schunak from their people who already hate them. That was what would divide the people. If they do something stupid like attack the Kirch bridge and then in turn the BMW factory and the Airbus factories are gone now. Well, you would think, however they did it to the Nordstream pipeline and these dumb fucking Germans just kept stuffing their faces, know, Liverwurst and sauerkraut and the British just did the same thing and all of the people of Europe have done nothing.

Now they’re getting their underwear and a knot and they’re throwing pig shit and cow shit against the government buildings through farmers that don’t want to eat bugs. And don’t the little faggot bureaucrats trying to tell them how to grow things or not grow things or Monsanto versus non Monsanto. I mean, the farmers are rising up and the entire european continent as far as I’m concerned, are a bunch of plastic wooden dolls.

They have no manhood, they have no spiritual values, they have no christian ethos. Russia does. Let me finish this. The farmers, I’ll end it by saying the farmers in America and in Europe are more loved than their military. The military was loved before 911. It was loved in the moment of 911 because everybody thought the lie was true. But after 20 years of military industrial complex whoring themselves out to make a profit on war, no one loves the military.

That’s why they’re not joining the military. So I think the United States military and the european militaries are lowering and losing because pageantry and parades and all this bullshit goes only so far. The only military that matters are those who are slogging it in the mud and the cold and fighting to defend their mothers, grandmothers, wives and little girls. That’s what I saw in Russia. I didn’t see any of that in the ukrainian side.

I saw a bunch of french black foreign legion guys in the fight that dropped their weapons in ran. I saw a bunch of Central Americans in the fight and dropped their weapons and ran. I saw a bunch of Poles getting killed. I saw a bunch of foreign mercenaries that were just getting slaughtered, but they thought they were coming in for a game of call of duty. You got a big freaking shot coming to you because you’re fighting Russians.

People that know how to fight because they’ve been fighting for a thousand years against Genghis Khan, against Napoleon, against the Poles, against the Germans, and you think you’re going to go over and fight the Russians? We have no idea the potentiality. We’re like a little Chihuahua dog barking up a tree and there’s a big Kodiak bear about to come down because it’sick and tired of being barked at and it would be devastating to the west.

Russia could annihilate the entire european and american alliance just based on the technical aspects of its artillery and its weaponry alone. Unless you’re going to pull out phaser guns, which the US doesn’t have, you really have no chance. So I’ll put it to you, Mike. How do you see this German planning to blow up the crimean bridge with Taurus missiles and not using the Ukrainians to do it because they’re too dumb as a bag of rocks.

Therefore, it was going to be who? Germans doing it, British doing it, Americans and american accents. And american civilian clothes in Ukraine. There’s a revelation. How many Americans in american clothes are in Ukraine. Where are they in Ukraine? Where are they staying? What are they doing? How come they’re still alive? I mean, if I was Russia, I would have taken every single foreign person out and every single hotel that they’re at out.

But Russians don’t want to do that because they don’t want to kill Ukrainians. They want the slavs to be reunited, and they’re on the course trajectory to do that. But it’s been an enormous cost. And I’m wondering, Mike, if they’re going to set off the nuclear event at Zaparosia or what is their next tactic that you see Macron or Schultz or these people doing? Well, I don’t know, but they’re losing, and they’re losing badly.

But you have to look at the disease that has infected all of the west, whether it’s Europe, whether it’s England, whether it’s the United States or Canada, and that is, we are all jewish. Oligarchs dominate us. We don’t have a republic. There isn’t an honest, fair election anywhere in the west at all. It’s all bought and paid for by jew money. It’s the bankers. It’s those who control our economic system.

The economic system is in trouble. It’s collapsing. They are desperate for a war. They think they can still fight one, but they cannot. And just look at the weapons platforms alone. The russian weapons platforms perform brilliantly because they’re made to be efficient. They’re made to be cost effective. For the cost of one f 35, they can put eight or nine mig 57s in the air. It’s incredible. They don’t have the software burden that is on there.

They may not do all the same functions, but they can go up and get into a sore t and they can come back victorious from. They can survive. And if they lose two or three, so what they’re still ahead of the game if the US loses two or three f 35s. Look at the cost. It’s an incredible disparity in cost because we just don’t have the money. Our entire military philosophy needs to be rethought and rebuilt from the ground up.

And I mean from how we procure things, the type of systems we procure, as well as what we were teaching in the service academies. I mean, you look at what’s happened to the air force academy, it’s fag central now. It’s all these trannies coming out of here. You saw that clown act of a colonel saying how we have to be inclusive. It’s going to help us fight wars.

Really? You’re going to help fight a war? What are you going to do, buff your fingernails? Come on, give me a friggin break. But we have been led down this road of destruction and the Russians can destroy us on their own. They don’t need the help of the Chinese. But if you think the Chinese are going to sit this one out, they’re not. If this goes hot and goes kinetic, China is going to make their move on Taiwan.

It’s going to force a move out of the US. And now we’ve got wars on two fronts. We are not safe on the north american continent with 55 million illegal aliens in this country. And you know better than anyone, Mike, the dynamics of Taiwan and the value. Personally, I don’t see a value, know, offensively defensive of mean. I just don’t see can you can make diplomatic overtures and things, but on a military level, I don’t see any value of going in and defending or fighting for Taiwan.

Let me give it to you from a strategic point of view, from strategic materials. Silicon Valley doesn’t have any silicon anymore. They don’t make semiconductors there. They’re made in Taiwan. Everybody went through the cost effective model of using a contract manufacturer, in this case TSMC. They produce more semiconductors than anybody else on the planet right now. And if that falls into the, I mean, to the chinese hands, they control the semiconductor technology of the world, not just the US of the world.

And so that makes Taiwan an extremely strategic, valuable commodity right there. Just because the machines and the people are over there. Yeah, because that’s where the actual manufacturing goes on. Bill Clinton allowed this in 1998, whenever he allowed. I’m going to go back to my old Motorola. They were the largest manufacturer of semiconductors in the world by dollar volume and unit volume. And Bill Clinton allowed the Chinese to take them apart and acquire all their technology allowed it because China won them because they were the premier telecom company in the know.

So all that technology China has access to now and all that’s left is in Taiwan because we haven’t built wafer fabs in this country in going on almost 20 years and China is still building them. We haven’t done this because they got too expensive to build. No one company could afford to build to carry the burden of the sunk cost. And it’s a bullshit story. It’s a lie.

It was a Chicago school of economics persuasive sale of why you should contract this out and outsource it to someone else to make you a profit for you. If you can’t be in the business and make your product for a profit, you’re in the wrong damn business. Yes. And it’s the Chicago School of economics that undermined, gutted american manufacturing. That’s where it came. Know, I’m met with the idea that part of the delusion that strikes the american political people is the thought that somehow there’s a hypnotic charm, somehow there’s this mystical fragrance associated with the name America or the brand America or the nostalgia of America and all the pageantry and leader of the free world and all of this pontification and flatulence, I should say that emanates and it’s all self delusion.

And I’m wondering, I see it this way. But I’ll put it to you. These people in our own ranks, in Washington and elsewhere, are so deluded with their grandiose importance as America that the world can’t live or do or think without us on some sort of pedestal. It’s like we’re the wizard of Oz that you come before to get a great and powerful audience of wisdom. Can I add to that? Yeah, go ahead.

What I’m going to add to that is that we have sold out to the almighty dollar. Every CEO doesn’t think about what the long term consequences of these moves are going to be to the country as a whole. He thinks about what is his bonus package going to look like this year? What is his stock options? How are they going to be valued when he liquidates them? America is for sale.

Our people sold it to the highest bidder. Whether it’s China, whether it’s the banking system, whether it’s the blackrock, the vanguard. They sold out. They sold out everything. And no one put the needs, the strategic needs of the United States and the american people at the apex of their decision trees. No one did. How much can I make out of this, what’s in it for me? That’s what our politicians have done.

That’s what our ceos have done. That’s what these universities have done with degrading the level of education that’s put out by getting more and more students in who are less and less capable. The United States is all about the money and only about the money, and it’s a foolish way to be. And we, the american people, are going to pay a horrible price for being led by the pied piper of the dollar, being doled out by the Federal Reserve and other jewish bankers.

We’re going to pay the price for it. It’s going to be heavy. It’s going to be hard. Mike, how do you see the winding down of Ukraine? I know we’ve talked about this for a while. It was going to be over in weeks and months and all this. And now we’re at this stage. I’ve said on russian interviews over there, I think they’re going to replace Zelensky with Tomashenko, the woman.

And that was picked up, Julia Kimchenko. Oh, God, what a tragic air that would be. They hope a woman is going to somehow stop Putin. That’s the whole thing. But I don’t think it’s going to happen. But I’ll put it to you. How do you see the Ukraine russian conflict evolving now from a strategic and tactical point of view? You see them quickening. Are they going to go at the same pace? Are they going to go to Kiev? Are they going to go to polish border? Here’s what I would say.

The first thing on this show, no one else has talked about it. They just had an event in Sochi. They had this world youth festival. And I thought you have to grow the good. It’s easy to put out fires, but you have to also throw soil and seeds and fertilizer and water and regrow life to camouflage and erase the memory of the bad. So it’s easy to go down and kill a bunch of nazi thugs and tattooed idiots, which Tucker Carlson doesn’t seem to really understand the depth and dimensions of why Russians called the Ukrainians Nazis.

He did this interview with this silly little guy who, I don’t know who he is, but I didn’t like him. But Tucker Carlson doesn’t seem to understand. He said, well, I was a little bit upset that Putin was moralizing. Well, first of all, moralizing is the reflection of spiritualizing. And if you don’t moralize and spiritualize law in politics, you’re a damn fool, because law and politics are the fruit of the tree of moral and spiritual harmony or disharmony? So Tucker needs to get a little bit deeper on these things.

But the other thing, know, calling them not, they’re not being insulted. Russia’s not just calling them Nazis because it’s an insult, but because they’re pursuing and practicing the agenda of a ethnic blood, drug induced hatred that the MkUltra CIA have impregnated them with. That’s where the nazi thing comes out. But I said they need to go down to Odessa and make that the center point for regrowing a healthy ukrainian russian society.

Make that the world’s fair, if you will. In Odessa, yeah. You may have to cover it with 50,000 spet snots. That’s okay. Russians can do it. But you make Odessa the world’s fair, the city of brides, right? Beautiful ocean coast area, and you don’t take fucking prisoners. You go and say, this is our town. This is our city. It’s always been a russian city. It’s going to be grown and made the most beautiful city in all of Ukraine, and do that elsewhere.

But I’ll hand it, Mike, to you to get your thoughts. Well, we just had the two year anniversary of the beginning of the special police action that Russia initiated. Now, about a year ago, I said it should be over in six weeks. Here’s my mistake, my analytical mistake. I treated that situation as if it was me making the decisions, not Vladimir Putin. Okay? My analysis say he could have been done in six weeks if he’d have done it Mike’s way.

He did it his. So here we are, still going on. I mean, he’s a very smart man, but I would have had this over a long time ago. I would have taken this to the polish border. I’m not sure what he’s going to do. I’m pretty sure he is going to take Odessa because he wants to cut it. Does him no good to leave what’s left of Ukraine to Poland or someone else if it still has a black sea port.

He wants to seal that off. He has to seal that off. And then I would also take Kiev. And, like, I mean, this is me speaking. I don’t know what Putin is going to do, but I would go all the way to the polish border just to make a statement and then negotiate parts of it back to Austria and Hungary from a position of strength and possession is 90% of the law.

And then I would use that give back of territory to rebuild the first relationships, functional relationships, with the west. And that’s how I would do it. But like I said, I have to own the fact that I was wrong because I put my mindset where I should have been analyzing Putin’s mindset on how he was approaching the war. But he’s been very careful and very deliberate about not destroying those.

You see those big apartment buildings that are getting bombed? I’ve been in those. I mean, it’s like going to Cabrini Green or prud. I go housing projects in big cities in the United States, they’re awful. And the hallways, the corridors are not maintained because those are public. No one cleans them. No one does anything. They’re filthy. But you get inside the apartments once they’re there, and they’re quite nice because the people own them.

Nobody owns the hallway. They don’t have a homeowners association that takes care of that stuff. He’s been deliberate trying not to kill slavic people. But by the same token, this has drawn out a whole nother year. And now we’re up to over a half million dead ukrainian men. And now they’re drafting women and they’re enforcing them into combat roles, which is unconscionable to me that they would do this.

And so was Putin really saving any lives or would he have been. It’s the old story. Do you want to slowly pull the band aid off or do you want to rip it off? And I was the guy to rip it off. And Putin’s approach has been to slowly pull it off. Either way, it’s coming off. But I’m a guy. Get it done, get it over with, and start rebuilding as quickly as you can.

But that’s how I perceive Ukraine. I don’t think Zelensky is going to live another 30 days. This is Mike talking now, because if I was one of his flag level officers, I’d find a way to frag know, because he’s killed so many people. He has had so many people killed, and then he’s skimming massively off the top. Millions and millions and millions. And in turn, he’s bribing the US Congress.

And the US Congress wants this $60 billion to come through because they need more paychecks. They need to stay bribed. They have their overhead to meet to keep their staffers working and happy. So there are no clean hands on the Ukraine side of this thing. Even with the US and the Schumers and the Lindsey Grahams and the others in this world who are part of that money laundering scheme.

Victoria Newland said it herself. Well, the 60 billion we’re going to give. Ukraine is going to come right back into the US with new purchases of arms from the Raytheons, the north of Grummans and the Lockheeds. She said it. She said it on tv. They know what they’re doing. It’s right there, right in front of the world to see. So Putin needs just pull the Band aid off, quit molecular, just rip.

Done. And go all the way to the polish border, like I said, negotiate what he’s going to give back to the west from a strategic point. Strength of power of strength. And there he has it. And it so helped me if they bombed that, if they missile that Kirch bridge, I’d be dropping some cruise missiles in on the Mercedes factory, at the airbus factory. Other strategic. I can think of about 30 really nice targets that would really disrupt the french and german economies for a long time and kill minimal civilians.

If the Russians have to do that, they will do that. There’s no nonsense with them. They don’t look for fights, but they end them. They don’t look for opportunities to amplify things, but they will amplify. They’ll win the poker game, they won’t lose because they’ve got better weaponry and they’ve got better morale and they’re fighting for something. They’re defending something. We’re not defending anything and Ukraine’s not defending anything.

It’s been used as a whore. And instead of marrying the United States, the United States has hoarded out like that biblical story and is about to chop up that concubine and send it to all parts. Israel is failing and they’re going to want to transplant all the israeli Jews out of Israel, the Middle east, where they’re going to be wiped out if they keep up this Gaza nonsense and transplant them right back into the depopulated Ukraine and they want to take back Khazaria.

That’s been one of their end games since the beginning of this thing here. And Putin cannot allow that to happen, because if that happens, he’s right back to where he was in the 8th century and it’s all been for naught. And so it’s time to really take the gloves off and end this thing. And Putin is the right guy to end it. And I had said that, too.

And they know about the jewish zionist Khazarian agenda, Mike, switching to Israel and Gaza and what we’re just. Could you get worse? Every day seems to get even more of a Stephen king expression of horror and demonic evil and slaughtering and killing people. But is anyone in the world’s nations going to step up and do some sort of humanitarian airlift or sea drop or something that’s going to be interventionalist? Or are they just going to stand around and wring their hands until the Jews annihilate everybody? You know, the only good news about what’s going on in Gaza is that the Jews are exposing themselves as the monsters they are.

And I told you a month or three ago when this Gaza thing started that the Palestinians have to fight because they’re being genocided. And once the Palestinians are genocided, which of the arab nations are they going to genocide next? Going to be Jordan. It’s going to be Lebanon. It’s going to be Syria. Which one’s the next? This is going to go on until someone fights back and stops them in their tracks.

And the sooner the Arab peoples, the muslim nations realize this, the sooner that Israel will be stopped. They are hurting Israel right now. What the Houthis are doing in the Red Sea is being very effective, destroying their economy, but they need to amp it. Mean the Iranians are eventually on the target list on this, but they’ve really got to stop it because the Jews are going to keep going until they have their way or until someone stops, know, switching to Donald Trump and closing us out.

They love Donald Trump over there. All the russian people and the civilians that I would go to dinner with and stuff. Trump yeah. Trump go my guy. They all love him. They all love him over. They, they’re, they’re looking and baffled about all the bullshit that the Dems are doing and they’re trying to throw them off the ballots and all this court stuff. How do you see this whole snowball sort of building for Trump? Even though I’ll put a caveat, he did some real stupid things with regards to Ukraine.

Giving weapons to Poroshenko started this whole thing. So when he says, oh, I’ll end it overnight, well, you started it. So you have some blood in the game. And it should never have gone this way. You could say, he know a pigeon. But I’ll put it to you. How do you see this happening? Trump’s biggest failing was his personnel choices. Yes. When you hire an idiot, like an idiot, what do you expect? I mean, a guy who’s known nothing but failure in his whole career, Bolton is another one, has the fecal touch.

Everything he touches turns to shit. And when you hire this caliber of person and treat them as an expert and listen to them and follow their advice, of course you’re going to. So, you know, Trump needs to get rid of the foreign policy establishment and the intelligence establishment and cripple these people. Bad enough when they leave government service that they will not be able to form a private CIA and do things in a clandestine way, off the books with US resources and assets that they need to have their backs broken, maybe even a ten year, 20 year prison sentence, sort of sold when they get out, that all their contacts have died.

I mean, something along those lines. But these people have led this country astray. They have cost us trillions in treasure. They’ve cost us tens of thousands of our own lives, millions of foreign lives, through their ill conceived foreign policy. I mean, just ill conceived, and there is no excuse for it. And if Trump wanted to do the right thing and really do right by the american people and right by the United States of America, he would find a way to pull these people’s teeth, cut off their thumbs, whatever, so that they can never cause problems as they have caused again.

But Trump’s failure was by who he surrounded himself with. I mean, Bill Barr, his ag. Really? You’re going to hire a bushy who hates you to be your attorney general? Really? You’re going to put John Bolton as head of national security? Really are. You know, come on. I appreciate this, but these are inept people who have done nothing good for this country. And like Scott, I’ve said many times, we have no problems we can’t fix, but we’re not going to fix our problems by putting the same old hacks back in there.

And Trump better have a bench of good people who are, get the outliers, get the Scott Ritters, get the Doug McGregor’s, get guys like this. We’re going to talk sense to them and say, hey, if you do this, that’s going to happen. It’s going to be really bad. Don’t do it. But no one would. Everyone wanted promoting more war. Oh, go ahead, bomb Syria. Really? What did that? Just made everything they advised him to do makes things worse for the guys.

But like I said, Trump needs personnel, is policy. If he wants to change the policy, he needs to change the personnel. Well, like you and I think smart guys out there who can do this job, who know the material and make good recommendations, well, we can reconcile things with the Taliban, we can reconcile things with the Iraqis by taking our thumb off the scale and try to screw these people every chance we, you know, I started to write about this when I was coming back on the plane.

Besides the listing of all the war crimes and violations of federal law and international law that has been committed through this. US funding of war crimes and terrorist strikes by the Ukrainians, which will go into Congress. But we have lost the music of love in our song of diplomacy. We’ve lost the social graces that position a person of aristocratic and sophisticated and attractive character. And you don’t have to necessarily be Rex Harrison and a tuxedo and be so charming.

The silver comes out of your words. But you have to be somewhat minimally charming and attractive and warm and affectionate and something that someone from another country. There’s empathy. We have no one of that character, ever, in the american government that I’ve seen since Ronald Reagan. We don’t have any of those old school, diplomatic, brilliant men. And forget the women. I don’t want a bunch of yahoo. Let me toss something in here to you.

Okay, go ahead. You look at our foreign policy and what a disaster it’s been since 911, and you look at our domestic situation around here with the homelessness, the drug problem, the illegal aliens. I mean, we’re living in Gotham City out of a friggin Batman movie where the criminals are in control. We have become a criminal nation. And that is what we’re living in. And some of us, you and I and others, don’t like it.

We want to change it back. We do not want the cartels running the FDA. We want something better for us. We want an FDA that works well. We don’t want criminality. We don’t want homeless people on our streets. We don’t want our veterans suiciding at 23 a day. We want better. We don’t want our kids grow up to be thugs and going to go do smash and grab theft for a living when they’re adults.

We don’t want that. We have to get that back on track. And Trump is our current best hope for this. But like I said, we’re living in Gotham City. Just like, it’s dark, it’s dirty, it’s filthy. All of our cities are filthy. There’s not a one that I can think of that I would want to live mean. San Francisco used to be nice. New York was okay under Giuliani.

I never really was crazy about New York anyway. Philadelphia is a shithole. Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. What? We got nothing. We have ruined it all. We have allowed it to be ruined on our watch. You and I haven’t ruined it. You and I, the ones protecting it. But we’ve had our teeth pulled, and we’ve not stood up and gotten to the real fight. And I think the real fight is right.

Around the corner. I think this country is on the verge of collapse, which is going to result in an internal civil war like you’ve never seen, and it’s going to get ugly. Yeah, I would agree. And there’s no point people sticking their heads in the sand or getting upset or shaking and covering their ears and their eyes, saying, I don’t want to hear. I don’t want to see.

That doesn’t serve you well when a tornado is coming at your house. You look at January 6 and how they use the Capitol police as thugs, and they painted a peaceful protest as an insurrection when they had black lives matter antifa, burning the country down for the whole summer, and you had peaceful, good people going out and saying, hey, Congress, do the right thing and don’t let Biden steal this election.

That’s all they were saying. But then our police force puts infiltrators into the crowd to cause the problems. They were waved into this. Now anybody is afraid to protest, is afraid to express displeasure with the narrative, if you will. And so we’ve got to overcome our fear and do the right thing anyway. We have to make this right. This is not the country I want to leave to my kids and grandkids, if ever have any.

You’re exactly right. And a civil war, revolutionary war, is coming upon us because of the evil and the tyranny and the unconstitutional actions by people without authority, without constitutional authority and doing illegal acts. And when they violate the constitution. It’s our duty to uphold and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Domestic. And our domestic enemies are the worst. Domestic enemies deserve a slow death and torture.

Well, Scott, welcome home, brother. Glad you’re back. Glad you made it through customs and homeland security safely. I thank you. I thank you very much, Mike, and I thank you for your prayers, and I know Tong’s prayers and everyone’s joining us. And I’ll end it by saying Russia is a beautiful country, beautiful people. A wonderful experience I had. There’s no foul feelings or sour looks towards Americans. I expected some anger and resentment from people who’ve lost loved ones to american weapons.

And I met soldiers who were crippled from american weapons, but I never encountered hostility or anger from them. And that showed me a tremendous faith and character. So I have only good things to say about the russian people and the government and President Putin. I think he is the best political leader that this world has seen in 30, 40 years. He’s experienced and skilled and seasoned and understands government and the intelligence agencies, and he’s seen the world since Reagan’s time.

And from a historical point of view, that’s the best kind of general to have. They’ve been around the block. They know every nook and cranny of the terrain, and they know this game of what’s going on. And they have no ambitions against Europe or the United States. They want no hostility against the United States. And in fact, they look at China as the nation to be wary. It’s, it’s the most tragic thing in history that Americans have been pushed into this confrontational position.

But only Americans, only Americans can push ourselves out of the darkness and into the light. And anyone trying to keep us in the darkness or the ignorance, either through political correctness or slander or, well, you’re a russian agent or you’re a homophobe, or you’re a this or you’re that. Those people deserve death rhetorically, not necessarily physically, but you destroy these people ideologically and verbally in the gladiatorial arena of communication and ideas.

And that’s what we hopefully are empowering with through Mike’s wisdom is knowledge and wisdom and skills in the language that you as an american patriot, where you are in your part of America or the world can carve out and create at least a little bubble, a little Shangri la where reason and law and order still prevail. So, Mike, it’s always wonderful to have you on. Thank you so much for joining us.

Any final thoughts before we close out? No, I’m good. Welcome home. That’s it. Good to be home. Good to be home. Good to be back. And hopefully we will see our country resurrected and put on the good standing. I think a Trump tucker ticket is the winning ticket. But who am I? But I think I’m smarter than most. But a Trump Tucker ticket could be the winning one to set us on a twelve year trajectory of republican healing and the states given back to the states the almighty power of self determination and rule.

That’s how to get us back on track as being a republic. So we’ll see what happens. Thank you for joining us on Global Freedom tv. The great Mike Harris, we will have you on again. And thank you for joining us on globalfreedomtv. com. Go to our website and email us there if you have any questions or needs. If you do need the black SAv, we are still advertising and putting that up.

We’ve been backlogged because of popularity. But go to destroycancer. com ww dot destroycancer. com. Go to a website, you can see the imagery up there. You can order it online. There’s a buy now click, I might add. I just used it a second time for a little area that I had on my back, and the same thing happened. It killed and crusted the skin. Cancer that was there, and it purges it out of the body.

And I think we’re in a time where cancers are very prevalent because of all the shedding and who knows, all the other stuff. So this, for me, is something that I’m routinely using to cleanse my tissue and my body of this substance. And you just take a little bit by capsule. I put it directly on the skin for the skin cancer, but you can take it by capsule and it goes in for 20 days and it’ll kill whatever cancers in the body.

That’s my testimony. We don’t give medical advice, but it worked for me. So go to destroycancer. com if you have any cancer issue, and for preventative, too. And we expect it’s going to be also helpful at destroying the shedding effects from Covid-19 any of the artificial fibrous substance that grows in the body. We’re expecting this will be destroyed by the black SAP too. Amazing, miraculous stuff. So we will see you tomorrow with the great Dr.

James Fetzer. Until then, God bless you. Good night. Sa. .

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