2024-03-11 Dr. Scott Bennett with Mr. Mike Harris | Global Freedom TV

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots



➡ In this discussion, Scott Bennett and Mike Harris talk about their concerns over large companies buying and selling smaller ones, and their thoughts on President Biden’s State of the Union address on Global Freedom TV. They also discuss their views on immigration, suggesting that the U.S. should only welcome highly skilled immigrants. They express their worry about the impact of illegal immigration on American society and question whether the Statue of Liberty still represents the country’s values.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the impact of immigration on American society, particularly on public services like hospitals and schools. The author argues that laws allowing immigrants to access these services are straining resources and causing problems for American citizens. They suggest that local communities should take action to enforce stricter rules on who can access these services. The author also criticizes politicians for not addressing these issues, suggesting that they are influenced more by donors than by the needs of the public.
➡ The U.S. government is spending a lot of money it doesn’t have, and plans to increase taxes to cover the costs. This could affect everyday Americans and may require budget adjustments. There are concerns about people immigrating to the U.S. and benefiting from systems like Social Security without contributing to them. The article also criticizes the current state of higher education and corporations, suggesting they are failing society and need to be audited.
➡ The article discusses how deregulation of airlines led to higher prices and worse service, with the number of national carriers dropping from 56 to around five. It also talks about the increasing control of the economy by large companies like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard, who gain power by buying smaller companies and liquidating their assets. The article also alleges that these companies, along with the Chinese Communist Party, manipulated voting machines to influence the 2016 election. Finally, it criticizes the secrecy of Dominion, a voting machine company, and suggests that their machines can be easily manipulated.
➡ The speaker criticizes the current state of the U.S., claiming it’s being controlled by external forces and has lost its freedom. They believe the government is being manipulated by individuals with dual Israeli citizenship, leading to a loss of power for the American people. They also express concern over the country’s focus on foreign issues, like Ukraine, rather than domestic ones. The speaker calls for a “war-time mentality” and for those they believe are responsible for the country’s issues to be held accountable.
➡ The text discusses concerns about foreign influence in American politics, particularly from Israel and Mexico. It suggests that groups with foreign ties should be registered as foreign agents, and dual citizenship should be ended to prevent divided loyalties. The text also discusses the issue of illegal immigration, suggesting that Mexico is strategically encouraging its citizens to have children in the U.S. to gain a foothold in the country. Lastly, it discusses the idea of patriotic Americans relocating to certain areas to strengthen their position against perceived threats.
➡ The speaker believes there are many more illegal immigrants in the country than reported. He suggests a harsh approach to border control, including severe punishment for drug traffickers. He also discusses the conflict in Ukraine, predicting a coup and suggesting that the situation will worsen. He ends by expressing concern about the future of America and the need for citizens to be prepared for potential challenges.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Bennett and we are joined one more time with the great Mike Harris, delving into some of the international and domestic issues which are facing us and trying to make sense of it all with the great Mike Harris, intel analyst and person who’s been around the world. Mike, it’s great to have you on. And I know we’re going to be delving into one of the key questions that we raised last week that we wanted to explore was the capital companies, the private equity firms, these BlackRock, Vanguard State street capital companies that are buying up firms, liquidating them, selling off their assets.

It’s right out of Oliver Stone’s Wall street from 1985, how Gordon Gecko would go after a company and basically devour it from the inside and leave it a shriveled hull, taking their pensions and selling off their liquidity and things like that. So I wanted to explore that with you then also what we have going on with the State of the Union address what you thought about that with Biden.

There’s a few comments and a few things that he said that I thought were quite remarkable, including his admission of the blue roofs of homes in Maui that didn’t burn. Joe Biden, as he was walking out, admitted, you know what, if you fly over with a helicopter, some of those houses with special roofs, they didn’t burn. And the foresty guy responds if they’re made with the right materials, as if fires burned from the roof down.

So I think that was an admission of his naivety on the directed energy weapons that were used for the fires in Maui as well as paradise and elsewhere. And I did also hear Biden stole my idea about building a flotilla of naval deliverance aid and piers and economic recovery zones here. Biden and his NSA CIA minions like that idea so much, Mike, they hijacked it, said, I’m going to build a pier in little, I don’t know, commission for Scott Bennet for that.

But anyway, we’ll return to it. Mike, I’ll hand it to you. Give us your opening salvo before we jump into that little video you gave me, too. Go ahead. Well, my opening salvo today is I’m going to take us a little off track just for a few moments, but I’ll get us right back on. But today I want to ask the listeners, is it time to tear down the Statue of Liberty? And I ask that because of this open border situation and how we’re being overrun, literally overrun, in every town, every city, every state, by these illegal aliens from 163 different countries coming in here that don’t speak English.

We’re not getting doctors and lawyers and engineers. We’re getting people who are illiterate in their own languages. And we’re getting savages, essentially savages. We’re getting being overrun. And they’re hand feeding them. They’re giving them debit cards, $10,000 limit on them. They’re giving them free housing, free food, free everything. And yet they’re still out here committing crimes. And Biden’s gaffe at the union calling Lincoln Riley was a gaffe.

But he did at least speak plain English when he called her murderer, her accused murderer. Let me rephrase. An illegal alien. And so at least he got out there. So I’m just asking, say, is it time that we took down the Statue of Liberty? Because I don’t want your tired, I don’t want your poor, I don’t want your huddled masses. If anybody’s going to come here, I want your best and brightest.

I want your engineers, I want your doctors, I want your scientists. I want the people who can add value to our society, not degrade our. So that’s my opening salvo, Scott. I had to get it out there because I’ve never been a fan of that Statue of Liberty. I think it’s ugly. I think it’s a very pagan looking thing, and it represents liberty. We are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave.

We’re essentially living in Gotham City, and the criminals and the mad men are in charge. The insane are running our country here. And so how long are we going to pretend that the Statue of liberty means liberty for anybody or anything? Because things sure aren’t getting better for working Americans out there. They’re getting worse and much worse rapidly. So I really have to challenge the listeners. Is it time to tear it down? Is it time to retire it? Yeah, from a sort of a drill sergeant point of view.

If we were giving a briefing to soldiers, I would say, let me make this very clear. You are either at war with the enemy of the United States or you are a traitor. Because you’re at peace with the enemy of the United States. And the enemy of the United States is he or she or they that invade our country, climb the wall, blow a hole in the wall, sneak across and parasitically exist off of this country illegally, unlawfully, unconstitutionally.

Going to our hospitals, going to our schools, going to our social services. You do not have a right to a driver’s license or driver’s license in particular is unconstitutional. But you do not have a right to come into this country and use our systems. So you’re at war with the alien and that’s the manliness that we’ve lost and forgotten. There’s too many beta males or beta females that want to live in.

Well, what can you do? Well, we want to welcome all. Well, we can’t do anything about it. No, you’re at war and that means you put yourself in a psychological, attitudinal position of being at war. That doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a club or a knife or a gun and execute vengeance and kill people or terrorize people. No, but you choose your battles wisely. But it does mean that you are looking with a stern, soldierly face.

Your bearing is a militant soldier at war. There’s fierceness in your gaze and in your mental position and you are not to be at peace or participating or entertaining or encouraging the enemy to rest on their laurels, to take advantage, to deepen their position here. So we have to put ourselves in the warframe. You are at war with everybody that comes across this border and occupies our country.

That’s the first mental condition. You put yourself in, a state of war. And if you’re not, then you’re a traitor and a fool and a coward and you deserve to be destroyed. You deserve to have your home stolen, wrecked, ruined, your wives and daughters taken into a spoil and you killed. Because you’re not at war with the enemy, you are allowing them to come in and ruin you.

So in putting yourself in a position of war, that gives you the requisite aggression and alertness to be watching everything that is done in your environment, that gives you the moral momentum to walk into a school board meeting or a town council meeting and go up to the podium and say, ladies and gentlemen, you’re either at war with the enemies of the United States, which means people who are illegally, unconstitutionally invading our country, or you are at peace with them and you’re a traitor, which is it? And we need to get back to that framework.

And then, of course, completely stopping all of the refugee resettlement program because that is the license that’s been used to bring in these illegal invaders, calling them refugees. They’re not refugees. They’re not fleeing from death and persecution like they fled in Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos after the Vietnam war. These are Mexicans, Hispanics, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Costa Ricans, Venezuelans, whatever you want to call them, from the banana republics of Central and South America that want to come here, not because they love Uncle Sam, the red, white and blue mom and apple pie, not because they want to wave the american flag, not because they want to contribute anything to the dream of democracy, liberty, or whatever else is wrapped up in the propagandistic nostalgia of what it means to be american.

They’re not coming here for any of that, and they don’t care about that. In fact, most of them, when they come to this country, they fly mexican flags on their cars. They put mexican flags in their windows. They take mexican pride. These people are coming here to take a spoil. And if there’s an economic downturn and the dollar, let’s just say, loses 50% of its value just to be kind and they have nothing and they don’t have any jobs, then what do they do? They engage in black market operations, which means human trafficking, sex trafficking, kidnapping your little girls, stealing, doing every vile thing of criminality.

Then what do you do? Well, if you’re at war with them, you’re in a position to win the battles. And unless you’re in that mental position of I am at war with the invader, then you’re going to be mentally debilitated and handicapped and unable to ignite the required passion and energy to go into a fight, a rhetorical fight and a physical fight, too. You have to be in a mindframe of, I am at war with the enemies of the United States, and I am not at peace.

And anybody that’s on the side of the enemy, these congressmen and senators, I’m at war with them, too, because they’re traitors. There’s an enormous liberating effect on your psyche when you put yourself in that aggressive state of being at war with the enemies. And that’s something, Mike, we need to refresh. In all of american manly culture, you cannot be at peace. And woe unto you when all men speak well of you or you try and speak well of all men.

Go ahead, Mike. Well, let’s go back and look at a little evaluation here, because first of all, it used to be primarily Mexicans, and now it’s other than Mexicans, including people from the Congo and from Haiti. And Haiti is particularly troubling because they’ve broken down into cannibalism, open cannibalism, and everyone from Haiti can claim to be a refugee. Suddenly we have, Haiti has moved to the US. We can’t let that happen.

We’ve got to become protective of our country. But we were like the frog in the cool water, and now the water is starting to boil. We’re starting to feel the heat. And so now we’re saying, well, they passed these laws decades ago that say anyone shows up at a hospital has to be treated, whether they can afford to pay or not. And if you don’t let them in, then your hospital, you lose your licensing and your funding.

Any school, any student that shows up of this age and that age has to be educated, and you have to provide people who could speak their language to them so that they don’t get left behind. And all of these things that were private schools decades ago, private schools don’t have that, but public schools do. More people still go to public school than they go to private school. It’s always been that way.

But what they’re doing is they’re crashing the entire system. How many communities have lost hospitals, have schools closing because the budget is killing? They don’t have the money to educate these non american citizens, non american children who have been smuggled into this country here illegally. And so we really got ourselves in a bind here on this. So how do we get the federal behemoth to unroll these laws they passed decades and decades ago, that they’ll be able to turn away illegal aliens at hospitals, be able to not educate the children of illegal aliens here at our public school system? These are the things that bind us and we’re going to have.

One of the problems is with our legal system and that the expense of court fights and how expensive it is. Ask Trump about this. But if they would pass this law, it would be challenged immediately, and you’d go through this court, that court, the other court, first the superior court, then the appeals court, then the supreme Court. And what is the Supreme Court going to do? I don’t trust them.

I don’t trust them. Do the right thing anymore? No. And so do all of us have to lose our community medical center or our hospital before. What do we do then? Because the illegal aliens bled it to death by their needs. They go in there for a sore throat, and some guy just was in a car accident, had a leg amputated, but now the hospital is not there.

So instead of going 10 miles away, he’s got to go 50 miles away. What’s going to happen to America under these circumstances? What’s going to happen when there aren’t enough books to educate our kids, us american taxpayers who foot the bill, and our kids and grandkids don’t get an education because they’re too busy bringing in spanish speaking instructors and the expenses greater? There’s not enough resources to go around.

And this is what’s coming, folks. This is what’s coming. Like I said, the water was cool decades ago when they passed these laws, and now the water is reaching a boiling point. And so now we’re stuck with bad laws that were passed then that have bankrupted a lot of hospitals, a lot of our medical system, the stress on our prisons, the stress on our law enforcement. All of these things.

These people bring their problems with them. They bring all of their dysfunction to our country with them because the old claim was, well, they’re just looking for a better life. Yeah, they’re looking for a better life. They want your better life. Yes. And they want to take it from you. And we’re at the point now where you very correctly surmise, we have to fight for what is ours.

Yes. And the question is, you don’t go out and get in a fistfight. You don’t go out and get in a gunfight to solve this. This is a legislative process where you go out and vote for the people who are going to do the right thing for you. Well, the problem is that our politics is not dominated by the body politics by the populace. It’s dominated by the donor class.

And the donor class tells the politicians what to do and what to vote for. And we’ve got to correct that fundamental problem. Yeah, and it’s got to be exercised, too, through the institutions and the organizations and the clubs of the counties. Right, the states and the counties. De Tocqueville said all of the little organizations are what make America great. That’s what american republican form of government’s all about.

The freedom to associate and the plumbers Guild or the wood Carpenter’s Club. And I’m not saying unions or anything like that, but the small associations, the militias, the groups, the Vietnam veterans of America or your county, these little clubs, gatherings, men groups, institutions, and the churches, I might add, these are the institutions that need to be influenced. So people need to. Again, the only thing you control is your county.

Only thing you can control is your town. Only thing you can control are your local people, your school boards, your supervisors, your sheriff, others, mayors, et cetera. Real manly leaders need to go into these institutions and declare war. We’re not here to have a conversation or a coffee club or raise our pinkies as we sip tea. Mr. Supervisor, Mr. Sheriff, Mr. Veterans group chief, whoever it is. Mr.

Pastor, we are here as Americans, as patriots who sworn the oath to uphold and defend the constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. And this county needs to have a radical, instantaneous expulsion of these bad laws and just stop enforcing them. A sheriff and a posse or a militia or all of the above can meet with, network with the schools and the churches elsewhere and say, we are not, as of right now, as of today, we are not allowing another single illegal alien kid to be enrolled in any school in our county unless you prove that you are a citizen, that your parents are citizens.

You don’t go to school here, you are removed from the school. You do not get access to these institutions. Real men have to begin enforcing that. That’s what you do to an enemy that’s coming in and stealing your resources, and that’s what they’re doing. So this can be handled and remedied on a local level. It’s never going to be remedied on a state level. It has to be county by county.

I’d like to think you have state governors and state legislatures and, I don’t know, Idaho or Oklahoma or places like that would rise up. But we are so toxic, and I’ll end it here, Mike. We are so toxic with self guilt, with, oh, we’d be a mean person if we kicked out all the illegal mexican kids in our schools, or we’d be so cruel if we didn’t allow food stamps to be given to illegal aliens.

And all this other stuff. All the people who say that and believe that are poisonous and are traitors and can’t have anything to do with them. Absolutely, I agree with you. See, we set up our society for our own people. And these illegal aliens, whoever they may be, they saw, hey, they’ve got a pretty good deal. We want that, too. And we were betrayed. The betrayal that happened to us didn’t happen today.

It didn’t happen yesterday. This happened decades ago. I mean, decades ago. I can go back to the Simpson Mazoli, I can go back to the Immigration Reform act of 1965 and look at when we were betrayed back then by what’s his name, Metzenbaum, and Ted Kennedy, who was blackmailed into it because of his incident with Mary Joe Capekno. But this is how this works. And the foundation for this problem we have was set back then.

And I was a little kid then. I was ten years old back when these laws were passed as far as the immigration Reform act. And that changed the demographic of the United States, and it’s still changing it today. We’re down to 56% white of America, where in 1965, before that law, we were an 80 plus percent white country. And we’ve lost it. We’ve lost it. I mean, then Johnson came in and created this whole permanent underclass of welfare parasites that live off the section eight housing, the EBT card, snap food program, all of that.

And with the $34 trillion budget and spending a trillion dollars every 90 days of money that the US people do not have, Biden’s talking about having a $5. 5 trillion tax increase. Who’s going to pay this? Working Americans are. And like I said, Biden said the other day on his news conference, we tax the rich, we could tax them at a higher rate. We could raise $500 billion over ten years.

Biden burns through $50 billion in a day. He’s going to raise 50 billion a year for ten years off the super wealthy. He burns through that in a day. So it’s going to come out of everyday Americans. So there’s going to have to be some budget adjustments here as to what gets funded and what doesn’t. We can’t afford an $886,000,000,000 a year military anymore. The only people who should be immune would be Social Security recipients because they’ve already paid in.

And we shouldn’t allow the 70 year old grandfather of the illegal alien who came up to the country to collect Social Security, too. But that’s what happens when people come to this country. They bring their relative, this whole chain migration concept. You may be from India or from someplace else. You bring your grandfather over that suddenly he’s eligible for Social Security. Well, he gets a check. Why is that? He’s put nothing into this ever.

Like I said, the system that was built by Americans to benefit Americans is being hijacked and it’s feeding the rest of these parasites who are coming in. Now what we have to deal with. Let me play a video that you sent me because this is a very funny video, but it shows you, in a sense, a glimpse of what is coming and what, this is not funny, Scott.

This is tragic is what this is. This is tragic that this is going on in. Here’s a, here’s the video. Let me make sure that share sound is not that they’re sharing anything of an intellectual group, but let’s see. It didn’t stream very well, but you saw the wigs and the weaves flying and you’re watching these black women fighting. This is a spring break going on in Florida.

And spring break used to be a pretty good rite of passage where college kids would go off and party and have a good time. And all this, and this savagery that we’re seeing is we’re seeing how our society is collapsing and how these people got into college in the first place. I don’t understand. It must be part of that diversity, inclusion and equity movement that’s going on to get them up to speed here.

But this whole thing people need to figure out. We’ve been fed this story that diversity is our strength. We’ve been being fed this for a long time. It’s a bullshit story. It’s a lie. Because diversity is death for our culture. And we, as you said, your opening comments about putting wartime mentality to our population here, we have to realize that our culture and our people are worth fighting for.

And we’re not going to allow this bullshit to go on anymore. People have to act civilized. I don’t care if you’re white, you’re black, you’re asian. Whatever. Act civilized. You’re not allowed to act like savages, not in public. And if you act like a savage, you’re going to be treated like one. And that’s just plain simple logic there, that you get what you deserve. And the other thing that comes to mind is we need a complete audit of every single facet of our society, a basic overall health check on all of these things, on all of these the institutions of higher education.

I have never met a college professor all the way up to my PhD level. I had one professor in college who was a conservative. The rest of them were backstabbing rats who fell in love with their own rhetoric and their own writing and their own research, and they were embedded in professorial positions, but they were all liberal. No one had served in the military. No one had served in the government.

No one had any intelligence background. They were academics. And some of the most poisonous bullshit comes out of their mouths, and it turns our country into less and less men of action. Less and less men of you can still have an education and be a man of action and be a man of war. But the higher education has completely failed and is continuing to fail with their politically correct mantras, their lesbian, gay, transgender sensitivities, their climate change religion.

All of this garbage needs to be completely vomited out of the higher education system. And people really need to exercise prejudice and say, no, I’m not going to this school or this curriculum. I’m not taking this class. I’m focusing on a completely different education, a classical education that enriches my life, expands my wisdom and knowledge base, provides me with the skills and the connections. In order to facilitate make a living, all of these institutions need to be checked.

But the other thing I wanted to delve into was the companies, the corporations. Blackrock, Vanguard State street capital. I’ve heard some very alarming news analysis where these companies go in and totally bleed these other companies and corporations dry and sell off their assets and all of this stuff. And it just seems to be, is this a jewish zionist operation? The people in charge of this are jewish Zionists.

I know the Blackrock guy and his. We’re forcing society to change. We’re forcing the LGBT into culture by forcing target and bud light to adopt this. This seems to me to be a national security threat that somehow needs to be arrested, stopped. And these people in these companies need to be stopped, if not arrested, for treason or somehow undermining the national security of the United States. If you’re going into target or some other company to sell off assets and totally break it apart, liquidate it, you are destroying the manufacturing, the commercial, and the culture of people going into the workforce.

You’re destroying the very companies that are required to generate life in America. And I wanted to hand it to you, Mike, to expand on your comments and analysis of that. Let’s look at how the private equity model works. Okay? And I’ve been railing against this. I sent you a copy of that Wall Street Journal article that came out in 1998 when I made a $1. 6 billion offer to buy a Motorola division in the semiconductor space.

But what they do is they’ll identify an industry that they want to be in. A private equity firm will. And they’ll look to buy assets, companies in that sector. And what they’ll do is they’ll try to buy one of the bigger ones. They’ll pay a premium price for it to get their foot in the door so they can own one. And then what they do is they set that company up.

They flood it with cash so it can expand, it can grow. We can outmarket and do everything else. And they do these efforts to weaken their competitors. And then what they’ll do is they’ll start buying up their competitors, and they’ll try to amalgamate volume of business, whether it’s in sales volume or unit volume. But they’ll amalgamate the volume of business so they become the dominant player in that particular space.

What they do then, after they’ve acquired two, three, four companies, they’ll merge them all together into a single company. Because you don’t need to have two accounting departments. You don’t need to have three HR departments. You don’t need to have three marketing departments. So what they’ll do is they’ll start laying people off and laying them off en masse. You’re talking thousands, tens of thousands of jobs lost with what they call a roll up.

They’ll roll up a sector of an industry to where they are now, the big kahuna in that space, and they are the dominant ones. If they raise prices, everybody else raise prices. They lower price, everybody else lowers prices. They have a new product, everybody else better have a new product. So it all marks in lockstep there. But then what they’ll do, let’s say they owned 10,000 trucks and they owned all their facility, all their manufacturing.

They’ll sell their facilities, they’ll sell their rolling stock inventory, and then they’ll lease it back. So they’ve taken all that cash out now they’ve got all their cash out, plus some. So now they can go out and buy more companies, maybe in this sector that they’re in now, or maybe they’ll expand into another sector that they want to do the same thing to, another roll up in another industrial space.

They may go into food service. Right now we’re watching a big roll up going on in grocery stores. I believe the company’s called service capital out of New York, and they’re merging all these grocery chains together and they’re rolling them all up. And so what they’re going to do is they’re going to dictate to the suppliers what they’re going to buy and what they’re going to pay for, and it’s reverse of a free market.

So what’s happening as a function of their success is that we have fewer and fewer choices. We pay higher and higher prices and we get worse and worse service. And the example I’m going to point out on this one is the airlines. Reagan came out and he deregulated the airlines. We had 56 national carriers at that time, companies you forgot about Branif, PSA, Allegheny, all these regional and national carriers.

Now we’re down to, I think, five national carriers, but we’ve lost 90% of them. We went from 56 down to five or six. And what’s happened, the pitch Reagan gave us was that this is going to make it better. We’re deregulating. So you have more competition, it’ll have better prices, you’ll get better service. Well, we don’t have better prices. The prices went through the roof. The service stinks.

There was a time when airlines served meals on airplanes. They’re not just a bag of peanuts, but, I mean, you had a choice. You want the beef or you want the chicken? It was kind of funny. It was a little joke. People traveled a lot, like I did. It was a bit of a joke. They gave you a little white tablecloth to go over your fold down tray, and they gave you silverware that was made out of metal, not a spork.

But everything that we were told about deregulation was a lie. It made it easier for the private equity model to come in and impose itself on that, and it made it harder. Like I said, the service got worse, the prices got higher. It was just the opposite of everything that we had been told it was going to do to us. And so it’s time to end this private equity model, and it’s time to outlaw it and make it so they can’t function in this space anymore, because we’re in the process of transitioning from being a free market economy to being a controlled economy.

And you touched on the big three. Blackrock, State street, and Vanguard. Those are the big three who are going to be controlling our economy. They’re not using government to do it. They’re using their financial power to do it. And like I said, they get this financial power by acquiring the smaller companies, liquidating their assets, releasing them back to themselves, and then they’ve got all this free money to reinvest again.

And so they get stronger. And the long term result of this is that there’s more money and more power in fewer hands. And the longer it goes on, the more money and the more power in fewer hands. I look downstream maybe ten years, where Vanguard decides to acquire State street or Blackrock decides to acquire vanguard. I look forward to that, where everything in their portfolio now is under one roof.

And so again, it goes through the cycle. We don’t need two accounting departments. We don’t need two HR departments. We don’t need two marketing departments. We don’t need two groups doing research. We have it all under one roof. So all those people get laid off, what are they going to do for a living? This has happened time and time and time again, and it’s really had a corrosive effect on the strength of the american economy, and it’s contributed directly to the destruction of the american middle class.

It just destroyed it. Well, on another level, too, there is a political dimension and a war dimension to this, because I know Union bank of Switzerland, chairman of the Americas Robert Wolf, who retired from UBS after we had exposed the shell game that UBS was doing and financing terrorism and taking money and working with the Clinton foundation of the Obama administration. That whole episode that involved Snowden and Birkenfeld, and Snowden had been tracking Birkenfeld, and then I had been tracking Birkenfeld, but that whole shell game of UBS popped its ugly head up later in a different avenue.

And that specifically was Union bank of Switzerland with Robert Wolf, chairman of the Americas, in 2009 entered into an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party in China to open up a UBS China subsidiary where UBS, chairman of the Americas, would own this bank. That UBS could start in China with the chinese government’s allowance. So China and UBS would create this UBS China, essentially. But the Chinese had conditions, and one of those conditions was UBS would exercise its leverage and with staple street capital and other financial capital gains companies.

But this one was the one that proved out UBS and Staples Street Capital would exercise its control, investment purchasing over Dominion voting machines, premier voting machines, and esns voting machines. UBS agreed to that. Robert Wolfe agreed to that. Staple street agreed to that. And the Chinese Communist Party, of course, strategically planned on this, because then you have these voting machines that were then manipulated, impregnated, whatever you want to call it, changed, and they then facilitated, aided the election fraud against Donald Trump.

Now, the condition that China promised UBS, if you do this, we will give you complete ownership of the chinese UBS subsidiary that we’re going to bankroll and create with you. So China, from 2009 to 2020, incrementally shifted its ownership of the UBS subsidiary that it established from like 75% down to 0%. Which means the Chinese Communist Party basically gave UBS complete ownership by the end of 2020. The agreement was at 2020, China will release full ownership of UBS China to UBS chairman of the Americas, the big bank in Switzerland.

And that’s exactly what happened. That was part of the election fraud and the overthrow of Donald Trump. And that is where big capital, big banks, big communist governments planned the overthrow of the United States government, while at the same time manipulating their patsy child molester, Joe Biden and his drug addicted, whorehopping son, Hunter Biden, and pulling their strings. So that’s just an illustration of how this affects our national destiny.

Well, let me toss one more thing in there, Scott. I mean, I did an interview back in 2012 for RT, Russia today, talking about they were going to host the third party candidate debate because they were going to have Romney and Obama and the third party. They couldn’t get arrested. They were just locked out of the news cycle. So RT hosted it. They had me on because I’d served as finance chairman for the Republican Party and I’d run for governor of Arizona myself back in 2006.

So they had me on to get my opinion and things. And what I told them, I said, look, these voting machines, you have to understand. It’s like slot machines in Las Vegas. When it’s a Friday night and it’s slow. The house will dial up the machines on the slot machines so that it pays out quicker, it pays out more, and suddenly everything’s paying out. It looks like it’s good.

It’s fun. More people come in, they start spending money. They’re having a great time. And then as time goes by and they’ve got the capacity of the crowd they want and people are spending money like it’s water. They dial it back down. So at the end of the evening, everybody goes home broke, which is what a gambling house is supposed to do. You’re not supposed to leave with any money.

You’re supposed to leave broke every time you go indoor. And so that’s the type of control that they have over these voting machines. If candidate A is up in this district, they can dial it down so that he’s not as mean. They can have the machine tabulate so that the other guy is up and they have the same level of control. It’s easy to do with this software.

It really is. It’s not hard. And that’s why to this day, Dominion will still not let anyone look at their software. It’s proprietary because anybody who knows how to code and can understand C or C plus understands that how easily this can be done. It can be deciphered, it can be reverse engineered, and then you’ll see exactly how manipulatable these Dominion machines are. And Dominion is done. They’re out of business.

They’re thrown out on their ass because nobody wants that. I want them thrown out on their ass, but nobody wants a voting machine that your vote doesn’t count. You might vote for candidate A, but they cast your ballot for candidate B depending on what it’s been predetermined to say. Just like the formula that the casino has on Friday night, when it’s slow, they crank it up before you go home.

Everybody leaves broke. And so they control your destiny. They control the outcome of the election in advance. Let me ask you on the election subject, the state of the union that just occurred. I watched it. I took notes. I watched the whole thing. And I watched Biden go in. I watched him walk out. And that’s where I heard him say in his conversation with some forestry guy as he’s walking out.

It was so. And I recorded it on my phone. I put it up on Facebook. You hear, you know, they’re talking about paradise fires and they need money for forestry to cut down the trees, and he. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, forestry. Oh, and, you know, the fires are bad. You know, if you fly over a helicopter in Hawaii and the houses with good roofs, they didn’t burn. So he’s admitting directed energy, admitted other things.

But I want to get your feeling on the state of the union. What did we witness? What was the spectacle? What was your takeaway from that? We have an old man who is suffering from dementia, who is being medically abused in order to keep him in his position and functioning as best that his handlers can. They used him to steal the election. He’s not running policy. He is completely reactionary.

He doesn’t have a forward looking thought at all. He announced no plan for the country, about what he wishes to accomplish and what he could accomplish if he had a second term. All he did was tell us that we’ve got to continue to invest in Ukraine to secure their borders. Not our border, their borders. He went on the abortion topic because the Supreme Court finally straightened out their mistake of the 1970s with Roe v.

Wade. And he’s unhinged. He’s angry. His impulse control is gone. And if you’ve ever been around anyone who had Alzheimer’s or dementia, they get angry easily. Yes. And Joe Biden got very angry for no reason in what should be a somber occasion. And he should be here offering assurance to the people that you’re safe. With my leadership, I will do a good job for you. I know what I’m doing and I know how to do it.

And this is what my vision for the future is. If you choose to elect me again. And he didn’t do any of that. Like I said, he’s talking about Ukraine’s needs, not the needs in this country. Before the show started, I jokingly said to said, the United States is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. I said, we need to take down the Statue of Liberty because we’re living in Gotham City and there’s no Batman.

No one’s going to come here to save us. I mean, the criminals and the maniacs, the mad men are in charge of running our country. And this is what happens when you have a zionist occupied government, which is what we have. The american people no longer have the influence that we once had when we had a more legitimate government. But we’ve been thoroughly infiltrated by so many dual israeli citizens now who hold cabinet positions and hold senior Ses, bureaucracy, senior executive service positions, that the american people have lost our power over the government, and we are becoming the oppressive state that the Soviet Union was before it collapsed and the russian people took back their government.

And so I want to be very clear about something, too, and don’t buy the narrative that you’re seeing on the mainstream media that Russia is this terrible country. It’s a wonderful country and it’s full of wonderful people. And my first trip to Ukraine and the former Soviet Union was, I came back, I was shocked. I said, they’re just like us. It was wonderful, nice, friendly people. I mean, they were glad to be out from under the yoke of communism.

Well, what happened is all the grandsons and the granddaughters of the Bolsheviks are now here running our country. And that’s who’s in charge here. And that’s why we’re on the trajectory we’re going on. And I’ve said this on this show before, Scott, I’ll say it again. Until we bring the real perpetrators of 911 to justice, we’re going to continue down this whirlpool. We’re in the downward spiral we’re on.

That’s right. And if we would ever bring those people to justice, then we might see our country begin to turn around. But we’ve got to break this criminal cabal, this jewish criminal cabal that is controlling our country has to be broken, and they have to be brought to justice for the crimes they’ve already done. We don’t need to let them do anything else. We have enough on them.

We know who they are. We know where they live, we know what they do, but nothing gets done. And when you said we need to adapt a wartime mentality, I’m waiting for the first shots in the civil war to start. Because once it does, it’s open season on these people. And we can go after them because they’re going to be on the other side than we are as american patriots, and they’re going to try to paint us as, oh, you’re white supremacist, you’re white nationalist.

No, I’m an american patriot. See, that’s the thing. The guilt trip is gone. All little guilt trip things that they’ve pulled or allowed, they’re gone. They don’t have any effect anymore, especially with Gaza and the israeli genocide that they’ve done. But it’s a time to hold everyone to account. Facts and truth are not opinions, and facts and truth and the historical facts of incidents and situations that have occurred in this country are absolute verifile pivot points on the timeline of our existence.

And I was listening today to a video, and it qualifies. Everyone has to be qualified. Everyone has to be tested. Charlie Kirk. I saw this video of Charlie Kirk, and I don’t particularly like Charlie Kirk. I think he’s a little bit of a faggot beta male, but nevertheless, everybody has their own peculiar roles and stuff. But Charlie Kirk has said a lot of things that I agree with.

But then he gets into a discussion with students on a student campus, and the students are saying, what about the USS Liberty? Why are we giving $3 billion to Israel? And they bombed the USS Liberty. And Charlie Kirk’s response, instead of saying, I’m not sure about the USS liberty, tell me about it. Know some other response, such, you know, the US’s liberty was bad, but we need know support our ally.

And he did go into, well, there are allies, but he said this, Mike, don’t bring up that. That’s false, that’s a lie. That’s propaganda. Don’t be peddling that here. So a student that brought up the verifiable historical fact of the USS Liberty, a ship that was attacked by Israel with the intent of sinking it in order to trigger a US war against the Arabs or whatever the agenda had been.

And the response to the crew on the USS Liberty, shutting them up, telling them they speak a word about being attacked by the israeli planes and torpedo boats, they would go to jail for the rest of their lives, splitting up the crew so they couldn’t talk about it. This happened. It was 19, 68, 69 or something like that. And here, Charlie Kirk, Charlie Liberty, God Forbid, Charlie Kirk, who is the cheerleader for the young turning point american conservatives.

Half of these girls I see on turning point or these conservative groups, they look like they’re sluts right out of a Barbie doll movie. Their skirts are right up to their highest point in their thigh, and they’re drinking goblets of wine and their boobs are pouring out. And I’m thinking, you’re the conservative. You’re supposed to be a republican conservative woman. No, you’re a bunch of paid models and whores and Instagram wannabes, and you’re cloaking yourselves in the patriot movement.

The turning point, whatever it is, there’s a very od phenomenon to that. I think it’s the jewish Zionist going in and getting influencers and using them. But Charlie Kirk and his antagonism against people that were saying, what about the five dancing Israelis? One of the guys said, oh, you’ve been to Israel? Yeah, I’ve been there twice. Beautiful country, beautiful people, beautiful culture, right? The college kid said, yeah, I bet it was good.

Did they dance well? Have you ever seen those dancing Israelis? They’re really good dancing. So all of the video, and Stu Peters, who I think was the one who put it up, who’s been very outspoken against the Jews, and he said it very often, we’re finding the challenges to these people, like Charlie Kirk and others. When you touch Israel or touch 911 or touch the endless wars that we’ve launched in Afghanistan and Iraq, they completely fall apart and they go into the America and their diatribes.

So these people all need to be tested again. You’re at war. You’re not at peace. You’re at war. So you need to really evaluate and do not be afraid of being condemnatory or aggressive and even outraged by these people. Let me chime in here and give it a point that will reinforce what you’re saying here about testing. And this will reinforce it really well, because not only are we at war, but we’ve been infiltrated.

Yes. And the fact that we’re infiltrated, everyone is suspect. Yes. We have to do these reality checks on everybody before we buy their bullshit. Yes. And everybody needs to pass some level of test. And so I think this is something that you brought up. That is a very good point, because we are not a unified group. We’re an infiltrated group, and we’re weakened by it. And one thing we could do immediately that would change the political complexion of this country is force APAC, the american Israeli Public Affairs Committee, to register as a foreign agent.

If they had to register as a foreign agent, then all these congressmen who’ve got their hands out and are getting greased by campaigns, suddenly they’re going to be toxic and nobody’s going to touch them. So we might see some legislation that actually benefits the american people and doesn’t benefit the israeli american interest because they use that. And APAC should have been registered as a foreign agent 20 years ago, but they’ve skirted it somehow with their influence, with the money they spread around.

So they’ve never been taken to task on that. And that is one thing that could be done immediately. And all of these other jewish influence peddling groups should all have to register as foreign agents, whether they’re staffed and manned by Americans or not. They may hold american citizenship, but they probably also hold israeli citizenship as well. And so this whole dual citizenship thing needs to end, and we can’t allow people with a divided loyalty to serve in any capacity in government.

I don’t care if you’re a dual french citizen or a dual israeli citizen or a dual mexican citizen. And that’s another thing about illegal immigration. You realize that the mexican constitution states that if a mexican man fathers a child, or if a mexican woman bears a child anywhere in the world, no matter who the other parent is, that child is considered a Mexican primarily by Mexico. So all of these anchor babies that have been born in the United States are also mexican citizens by default, by Mexico’s own constitution states this.

And so you look at how we’ve been set up by Mexico, and I think Mexico is playing the long game on us. I think they’re playing the rope of dope on us and have been for a long time to where they want to carve out a good chunk of our real estate that they lost back from the Alamoa whenever Texas succeeded in repelling them. And the 1845 Treaty of Guadalupe Hedalgo established the current boundaries along Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

They want that back. They want everything back all the way up to the Oregon border, and we’re not going to give it back. And so, like I said, I think Mexico has been playing a long game with us. I think they’ve been really conning us all the time. I think all this cartel activity is directly sponsored by the CIA on one side and the mexican government on the other, with two different outcomes in mind.

But, you know, Mike, in taking the temperature of our armed forces, and let’s just say every citizen of the United States, every citizen of every state is a member of the armed forces. Let’s just say, as a patriot, as an American, whether you are good or bad, is immaterial. But you as a citizen, by virtue of your citizenship in the United States, and I’m not talking about the Amish or any of this other bullshit about don’t take up arms.

But every citizen, you are a patriot. You are commanded to be prepared to take up arms, to take up a musket, and defend this land, because it can’t be done by one man. It has to be done by all citizens. Strength and numbers. So every citizen is a citizen soldier, if you will, a minute man. But when we do a closer examination of the condition of this country, and it’s minute man soldiers, patriot citizen soldiers.

I see besides you and I, and you’re in one state, I’m in another, and we’ve got other people out there like Jim Fetzer in Wisconsin. We’ve know Stephen Pigeon in Alaska. We’ve got people all over the country that are hard edged fighting patriots that will kill without hesitation to defend their families and their property and their liberty in the constitution. Those are the Alphas. Then you have these other half wit, limp dicked, cowardly, denture wearing, COVID-19 vaccinated simpleton fools that hate the country want every third world to come in.

And then you’ve got the undecided, the chicken littles. We’re in a very bad way because you and I may be worth a lot. One Scotsman is worth ten non Scotsmen, I’d always say. But everyone else around us is combat ineffective. So when you’re surrounded by combat ineffective people and neighbors and such, it comes down to where do I need to go? What do I need to do to become a force multiplier? How do I get into the presence of other men, like Mike Harris and others where we have each other’s back? Do you see a reorganization of the states and the population? So people are going to be rapidly exodusing to other states like Florida, Chicago, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, the Dakotas, Wyoming, the places that are more gun friendly and independent and rigorous.

Do you see a forced migration because patriots are surrounded by lemmings in America and you have to move in response to this united front of illegal immigrants that are coming in to devour like locusts. You can’t stand against an army of locusts. You have to relocate to strengthen yourself. Let me toss something out. There’s a guy named Harold Covington who died a few years back, wrote a series of books about this, something he identified as the Northwest Republic.

Now, Harold Covington is vilified by the SPLC, the mean he’s the worst racist, he’s this, he’s that, the other thing. But what he was advocating for was a white homeland in the northwest of the country where the patriots who could manage to escape from the encroaching communism and savagery that’s coming into a country and set up their own place up there. That’s what he was advocating for. He wrote like five or six books on the topic.

They’re brilliant books. They’re fun read, they’re really great. But he lays out a really good template that if you wanted to do such a thing, this is how it needs to be done. And like I said, I’d highly recommend him. I think you probably pick him up for free PDF. You’re going to have probably go through Yandex or something that is not censored by Google or the other ones because they don’t want his publications out there.

But Harold Covington was the guy’s name and his books are brilliant. And he had a clear vision for what has to happen. Because right now, even if you had every patriotic white American ready to go and fight, we’re scattered, we’re dispersed, we’re all over the place. Have to get into a geography and secure that geography first. And then if you wanted to take back the rest of the country, it would take years to push the savages out and retake control.

But that’s what the whole premise of his books, he wrote four or five of them that were about that. And like I said, they’re a fun read, but he outlaid a template there that was just brilliant. Well, we’re going through some major political plate tectonic shifts in populations. And with this immigration, this invasion that is facilitated by traders in our own Congress, this is the encroaching reality. And you can stand and fight like Samson against 1000 philistines, but at the end of the day, are you going to be fighting 24 hours, seven days a week, or are you going to have to relocate yourself to a better position where your force is multiplied and you’re in a more secure position? The other thing is, be prepared, we’ve talked about this before.

Be prepared for some of these states and cities and places like Chicago, New York and Seattle and elsewhere to be complete derelict, diseased, mentally ill, garbage heap areas of the states. Be prepared to see and be prepared for the trauma. Be prepared for the nausea that you’re going to feel when you think about just how much America has fallen since 1950, when we had all of the classic movies about how beautiful and idyllic american life was and you didn’t lock your doors and everybody was white and it was Pleasantville.

Right? It’s a great memory. It’s a great time. I love those movies because it takes you into a time where America was healthier and better, not the garbage that we have today. And this is only going to get worse, Mike, don’t you think? Because barbarians are going to become more and more violent and hostile and desperate, there’s no doubt it’s going to get worse. And like I said, whenever the EBT cards don’t get refilled for month, the Social Security checks don’t go out that month, when they don’t have enough money to pay any of the government bureaucrats that are there, it’s going to be Annie Bar the doors and it’ll be chaos real quick.

People don’t go to work when they don’t get paid. You’re not going to have law enforcement and what is this country going to look like without the rule of law? And we really got to leave it there because that’s a whole nother set of discussions that we have to tell people to prepare for because that’s what we may be looking at. I hate to say it, but we may be looking at that.

Let’s get something else straight. I want to be clear about these immigration numbers. We were told we had 11 million illegal aliens in this country for 25 years. It never went up. It was always 11 million. 11 million. Well, in 2015, Goldman Sachs came out and said there’s approximately 38 million illegal aliens in the country back then. And now we’ve had another probably 25. On top of that, we probably have 50, 60 million illegal aliens in this country right here, right now, right this minute.

Because the numbers we’re getting off the mainstream media are all Bs. We can’t trust the thing they say. They’re a fraction of what the real numbers are. And I’ve known this for a very long time. I understand this border issue. I understand it quite well. I published a paper in an article in veterans today a few years back about failed Mexico foreign policy failure. And it’s a brilliant paper.

It’s a really simple plan as how we can secure the border and take it back. But Trump is on the right path, saying that if he’ll really do it, and that is start the biggest deportation plan ever. And not just deport the people who are here illegally, but the businesses that hire them need to be boycotted and ostracized and run out of town because they’re the ones who are enabling them to come here.

And these cartels, enough of these cartels. It’s time to start killing drugs. Absolutely. You know, Mike, I’m glad you said that. We can’t put up with it. We just mean you need to have at the border, you need to have at the. God, I wish you and I were in charge of half these operations because the country would change overnight and the government bureaucracy would change overnight. As I’ve said before, I’d be the ass kicker, kicking over every door of every government agency with a team of SF guys saying, director, assistant secretary, you’re all mine.

I’m looking through everything. And if I see one thing that you’re un American, your ass is there. There’s a drill sergeant, a Marine Corps drill sergeant, attitude in me. And that’s the only way to handle these bastards. But what we need is across the border you need to have drug dealers that have been caught with fentanyl hanging by the neck for everybody to see who is crossing in and out of the border.

And if you’re caught with fentanyl in your car, I don’t give a shit if it’s five pills or 5000. You come across the border with undeclared medical contraband, you’re dragged out of that fucking car and you’re pronounced guilty. Here’s the evidence. A military war environment summary executioner then says, this person is trafficking fentanyl. You’re dead. You’re the owner of this car, you’re the driver of this call, or, I don’t care, kill everybody in the goddamn car.

You pull them aside and either firing squad or a 45 caliber right in the head and then you hang them up and display them. This is what America does to drug dealers who come in to kill our children with fentanyl. And I don’t care if you have 100 or 1000 or 10,000 dead corpses swinging on wires like wood chimes. That’s how you do it. The resolve. That’s what Asia does.

You screw around on some of these things, you probably know better than I do. They don’t mess around. So we need to get very brutal in dealing with the most brutal animal savages that are coming into our country. First thing we need to do is secure that border. And what my suggestion was is we put a 50 miles into Mexico, DMZ, the demilitarized zone, where we don’t allow any traffic to go that’s not authorized, and we start inspecting things in Mexico.

We don’t allow them to get to this country. We stop them on that side of the border. And like I said, I articulate this all very well in this article on VT. But that is one thing that we could do that would make a huge difference. Give people the website where they can go and see your Ww veteranstoday. com, Mike Harris my name. Type it in the go down to the bottom.

You can search the archives and it’ll say Mexico foreign policy failure. Just type in those words and the article will come up. But we can fix all of these problems. We just have to have the will to do it. Yes, and right now I’m not seeing anybody besides you and I and a handful of others who have the will for this fight anyway. Scott, it’s getting late and I need to.

Let me close this on one final thing. Ukraine and the Ukraine war. And everything seems to be coming to a muddy, slippery stalemate. With the leopard tanks and the Abrams tanks being blown up. Everything is sinking into the mud. What is your 32nd sky view of how the ukrainian conflict is going to dissipate over the next three to six months? Well, I think that Zelensky is about to have a coup pulled on him.

That’s my personal opinion. And I think that saner people in Ukraine want to see the killing stopped. The Ukrainians are running out of conscripts, as we said last week. Week, before I forget what it was, that they’re now conscripting women who are unlucky to be hauled off and picked up, and the jewish power that runs our State department and funds our military wants Ukraine at all cost. And they’re taking this as a personal issue because they’ve got a different outlook from the day one, Scott, I said, we don’t have a dog in this fight.

American people do not have a dog in this fight. This is a jewish fight. These are our jewish overlords, our jewish masters in this country. They want Ukraine for their own purposes. They’re about to be crushed and driven out of Israel because of their maliciousness with how they handle the palestinian people. And as we discussed, the Palestinians have to fight back because they’re being genocided. If you’re going to be killed and wiped out anyway, and your kids and your grandkids are all because you have nothing to lose, you might as well fight the bastards and kill as many as you can.

That’s right. So the Palestinians have to fight. They don’t have a choice. If they have to fight with sticks and rocks, they have to fight. And as soon as the other arab nations, other muslim nations, realize they don’t have a choice either. They have to fight. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, they all have to fight. They don’t have a choice. Israel’s going to destroy them all if they get away with this.

But what I’m going to predict is going to happen is that Turkey, Erdogan, is going to be able to unite the muslim world to give a solid ass kicking to Israel. And the Israelis are going to be crying, whining, because they’re the poor victims being pushed from their land that they stole from the Palestinians. They’re always play the victim, and then they’re going to make that play to try to leverage part of Ukraine to reestablish du Khazaria.

Well, Putin cannot allow that to happen, because if he does, he’s right back to where Russia was in 800, and he’s got this poisonous vine growing next to his country that’s going to do nothing but try to undermine, destroy the russian people and all the rest of Europe as well. So that can’t fly. This has to be ended in another way. But these are my predictions. I think it’s going to get pretty ugly here.

I think 2024 is going to be the most violent, ugliest year in the history of our republic, largely because of the sedentary, silly, careless weakness of much of the american population that are delusional and wanting to continue their delusion to keep their head stuck in the sands and say, oh, everything will work out. Oh, yeah, we’re America. We’re the best. No, that fantasy, Scott, after three days with no food, let’s see how easy going they are.

Yeah. I think their attitudes are going to change. I think they’re going toughen up real fast. Well. Or they’re going to die, I hope. And we need to be prepared to marshal them when they come to their right mind and say, okay, now you’re ready to be a soldier. Good. We will show you how to think and act like a soldier. Mike Harris, great to have you. Thank you so much for joining us.

Wonderful. And we will see you next week. And thank you for joining us. Our audience. Please email us@globalfreedomtv. com. We love to hear from you. We will see you next time. God bless you. Good night. Thank you, sir. .

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highly skilled immigrants in US immigrants straining resources immigration Immigration impact on American public services impact of illegal immigration on American society large companies buying smaller ones local communities enforcing stricter rules politicians influenced by donors President Biden's State of the Union address Scott Bennett Mike Harris discussion Statue of Liberty representing values US government spending and tax increase

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