2024-03-06 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots



➡ Scott Bennet, a former U.S. army officer, has returned from a trip to Ukraine and Russia where he claims to have witnessed war crimes. He alleges that the U.S. government is illegally providing weapons and resources to Ukraine, which are being used to commit these crimes. Bennet has documented his findings and is calling for an immediate investigation by the U.S. government. He warns that any attempts to silence him will be seen as a violation of his rights.
➡ Scott Bennett, a whistleblower, accuses the U.S. government and others of conspiracy and treason, and demands to testify about these issues. He believes that the death of American journalist Gonzala Lira was a planned murder involving American political figures. The article also discusses allegations of genocide by the Israeli government and the Ukrainian government’s intent to commit genocide. It ends with a critique of Victoria Newland and her husband’s alleged plans to dismantle Russia, and their involvement in the 2014 coup in Ukraine.
➡ The article discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, suggesting that the Ukrainian leadership has been encouraging violence and hatred towards Russian speakers, leading to many casualties. It also accuses the Ukrainian government of committing acts of genocide, targeting civilians, and causing destruction. The author believes that the U.S. and other foreign entities are supporting these actions. The article ends by stating that many Ukrainians are beginning to regret their involvement in the conflict.
➡ The article discusses the current political situation in the United States and the United Kingdom, focusing on the leadership and their decisions. It criticizes the U.S. for its alleged violations of international law and questions who is truly in control of the country. The article also discusses the situation in Ukraine, suggesting that the U.S. and U.K. are involved in the conflict there. Lastly, it calls for the separation of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland from the U.K. and the formation of republics in every nation.
➡ The text discusses the current state of Britain, highlighting its political, military, and societal issues. It criticizes the country’s leadership, including the royal family, for their alleged involvement in scandals and their failure to uphold moral and religious values. The text also mentions the impact of ‘wokeness’ and political correctness on British society, suggesting that these factors are causing people to leave the country. Lastly, it discusses the potential for a revolution in Europe, with Russia observing from the sidelines.
➡ This text talks about the current political tensions and conflicts involving countries like Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States. It suggests that there might be major changes coming, including the end of the British monarchy. The text also discusses the possibility of escalating conflict with Russia, especially over issues in Ukraine. Lastly, it mentions the political situation in the U.S., including the upcoming elections and the potential candidates.
➡ The text discusses the political tension between different states in the U.S., focusing on election rigging and the potential for states to withhold their electoral votes. It also criticizes Washington state for a proposed bill that would pay people for reporting discrimination. The text further discusses potential military conflict involving Russia, Ukraine, and NATO, suggesting that Russia could launch a devastating strike if provoked. Lastly, it mentions the need for diplomatic discussions to prevent such a conflict.
➡ The article discusses the current state of global politics, focusing on Russia’s military power and the United States’ foreign policy. It highlights Russia’s successful military campaigns in Syria and Ukraine, and criticizes the U.S. for its actions in the Middle East. The author calls for rational leadership in America that can stand up to defense contractors and make sound decisions. The article also criticizes Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and predicts a global backlash against such actions.
➡ The text discusses the author’s belief that America has lost its global influence and respect due to its actions and policies. The author criticizes the idea of America trying to dominate the world and suggests that this approach has led to a lack of trust and dislike from other countries. The author also expresses concern about the potential return of Donald Trump to the presidency, arguing that it won’t change the world’s view of America and could lead to more problems. Lastly, the author discusses a cultural divide in America, symbolized by the six-colored flag representing different sexual orientations, and suggests this is part of a larger spiritual battle.
➡ Stephen, a guest on a show, encourages listeners to stay focused on their faith and personal goals. He warns about an upcoming event, likened to a biblical prophecy, and urges people to understand and follow religious teachings. He emphasizes the importance of choosing who to serve, suggesting a choice between worldly pleasures and a life of faith. Stephen ends by warning of the consequences of ignoring God and the potential downfall of nations that forget Him.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to global great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. I’m Scott Bennet, your host, and we are joined greatly again with Dr. Stephen Pigeon, our wonderful intel constitutional lawyer, analyst, and global affairs expert. We’re going to be jumping into a lot of the things that we see happening around the United, United States and Ukraine and talk a little bit about my trip to Donbass and Russia, which I just returned from.

An amazing trip, a wonderful trip with wonderful, beautiful people and a beautiful culture that is salt and light of the earth. A christian orthodox, traditional family values, people and culture. Is Russia not anything remotely close to what the propagandists, the jewish Ashkenazi, khazarian zionist mafia, demonic edomite lunatics try and describe nothing what the Democrats tried to describe. The Democrats, of course, hate the Russians because they freed themselves from the misery which the Democrats define themselves by and try and define everybody else by.

Democrats are known for creating misery and forcing misery upon all people, calling it fairness. So that’s one of the reasons that they hate the Russians. But I had a magnificent trip. I won’t belabor it and describe it here. I want to devote a lot of the conversation with Dr. Stephen Pigeon, who has so much to offer. Steven, it is good to be with you. It’s very refreshing to come back into the states.

I wanted to read a very quick document that I wrote up on the plane and let that set the tone and the foundation for our discussion today because it revolves around my experience in the Donbass as a former military officer who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. And I see now domestic enemies are destroying the United States, our reputation, our constitution, and very dangerously, putting us into a war footing situation in violation of the Constitution.

So I wrote up my distilled observations of everything in Ukraine and Russia. Donbass, Mariopol, Optimiosk, Gorluvka, Solidar. I’m getting better with my pronunciations. It must be the Scottish. I’m not as good as that, but hopefully the girls will teach me more. This is a letter that I am sending, and I just would value your insight, of course. But I want to read this for the people. In case anything ever happens to me, I want this known as a sworn affidavit.

I, Scott Benedict, hereby swear that everything I’m about to read is true and accurate to the best of my ability, so help me God. Amen. I am a former officer of the United States army, and I’m submitting this as a former officer to the United States army, and I’m petitioning the Pentagon to reactivate me so that I will be activated as an officer once again and petition the Pentagon and appear to testify about this matter.

As an officer, I would ask them also to reinstate me as a colonel. But that being said, stephen, this is what I wrote up based on my experience and my observations over there, and I’ll read it very quickly. This is a notice of crimes and demand for immediate us investigation and intervention dated March 2, 2024. Be advised. And this is going to the United States Congress and various congressmen and senators and committees associated with intelligence, military affairs, and the Ukraine situation in particular.

Be advised, you are hereby served legal notice of the following sworn affidavit by Scott Bennett. Be advised. Pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America, international law, and the treaties and agreements made by the United States, you are hereby served legal notice of the following violations. Eight US code section four, missed prison of a felony. US code 1382, missed prison of treason, crimes against humanity war crimes.

18, US code 241 242 deprivation of rights under color of law and conspiracy to commit deprivation of rights, chemical weapons violation, and other violations of civilian and military law, both domestic and international. Other laws and charges will be added. Be advised. Scott Bennett is a former United States army officer who held a top secret, sensitive, compartmentalized security clearance and worked in psychological operations for the United States Civil Affairs Psychological Operations Command, U.

S. Central Command Terrorist Financing State Department coordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Adele Daly and Booz Allen Hamilton. The advised petitioner, Scott Bennett, has just returned from investigating and documenting war crimes in the Donbass areas of Ukraine, Russia, including the cities and regions of Donetsk, Mariupol, Solidar, Gorlovka, and other areas. A film has been created recording this investigation and the link to the review. This material is available at ww globalfreedomtv.

com. Be advised. You are hereby serve legal notice that Scott Bennett has firsthand knowledge of these facts and has personally witnessed and documented the illegal and constitutional and moral appropriation and application of weapons, finances, and personnel provided by the United States government in the above mentioned cities and regions and other areas of Ukraine, Russia. Be advised. Weapons, financing, and personnel by the United States government to the government of Ukraine and specifically its Zelensky regime, are being used in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and consequently making the United States government and its people a legally culpable party to international war crimes crimes against humanity and other violations of domestic and international law.

As a result of this criminal activity, the advised the sworn affidavit Jurat by Scott Bennett establishes and declares to all parties within the United States government and military and the citizens of the United States and the several states that the following has occurred and is currently occurring as a result of the criminal misuse of american resources, non military targets are being intentionally destroyed by NATO, US and other personnel operating as allies and or agents of the United States operating under the auspices of, quote, supporting Ukraine’s Zelensky regime and agenda.

Be advised. This sworn affidavit Jurap by Scott Bennett establishes and declares to all parties within the United States government and military and the citizens of the United States and the several states that the following has occurred and is currently occurring as a result of the criminal misuse of american resources, non military targets are being attacked, irreparably damaged or destroyed, and civilians are being intentionally murdered as a result.

Several female victims and eyewitnesses of these criminal acts have interviewed with Scott Bennett about this, and these interviews and testimony and evidence demands an immediate congressional hearing and corrective action by the United States government. Schools, kindergartens, libraries, businesses, senior citizen pension offices, civilian apartments and housing complexes, vehicles are being targeted, damaged or destroyed as a result of this heinous corruption, personnel in the Biden administration have intentionally engaged in the above mentioned activities.

These persons include, but are not limited Joe Biden, Victoria Newland. Ah, I wonder why she stepped down. Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other names that are forthcoming. Be advised. In addition to the above mentioned crimes and actions, pets and animals of the human beings being victimized have also been targeted for destruction in violation of rules relating to the safety and ethical treatment of animals and other international rules relating to the husbandry in animals.

I just thought I’d throw that in there for the PETA people to come on my point. It’s an important point, Scott. Be advised, chemical weapons are being deployed through drones and other delivery systems and used against civilian personnel. These drones are being deployed and directed by ukrainian personnel and their allies using Starlink. Starlink Internet services provided by Elon Musk testimony question for you. The chemical weapons that you’re talking about here, the chemical distribution, what kinds of chemicals are being distributed using these drones? These are chemical weapons that are loaded into grenades or bomlets or other delivery bottles or other canisters that are then strapped to drones or lynched to drones that then fly over personnel of the russian army or civilians or other targets and drop these weapons upon them.

But they are chemical in nature. Okay. Be advised, chemical weapons are being deployed through drones and other delivery systems. These drones are being deployed. Testimony relating to this is available at the filmglobalfreedomtv. com. There was testimony from a lot of soldiers about the chemical weapons being dropped on them. In conclusion, be advised Scott Bennett has undertaken this investigation at great danger to his own life and property and rights and has received death threats and threats of violence against him by ukrainian personnel, government and media, as well as those operating as american, NATO and other elements and agents claiming to advance and support and defend the interests and agenda of the United States, the European Union and NATO.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, including british, german, french and other circles. Be advised, you will hereby serve legal notice that any attempts to initiate any hostile communication or acts, threats, coercion, intimidation, violation of rights, arrest, confinement, interrogation, questioning, confiscation of property or other actions against Scott Bennett either by the US government or other, will be construed as both a violation of Scott Bennett’s inherent rights protected by the United States Constitution, the California Constitution, and international law.

And Scott Bennett reserves the right to take any and all legal action against any party, person, organization, or government involved in such action against him, including all members of the United States government, military and its allies. Be advised, Scott Bennet files this report as a whistleblower and demands to testify about this matter to congressional authorities and international bodies immediately. Be advised, any attempt to conceal or distort this matter and any failure by the United States government, agency or agent to provide any protections to Scott Bennett or acknowledge or investigate this matter will be interpreted as a malicious and intentional act of seditious conspiracy and treason against the United States of America and other international crimes filed over international water.

Scott Bennett without prejudice, March 2, 2024. All rights reserved. None waived. I would add to that the death of Gonzala Lira, an american citizen who was also an american journalist, at the hands of the ukrainian military was a conspiracy and an intentional act of murder that was performed with Victoria Newland’s knowledge and participation in other american political people or agents or contractors within the United States or operating with the authority of the United States.

Gonzala lira was murdered intentionally by Victoria Newland and other parties under her control. This is what I believe, this is what the evidence indicates, and I think discovery will confirm that. And there’s more matters we could put in. I was nodding off to sleep when I wrote this. I was so exhausted. But that’s the general broad strokes. And I know it needs a little bit of polishing, but, Stephen, I’ll put it to you to get your commentary.

Well, thank you, Scott. And I appreciate your live eyewitness testimony that you prepared in this warrant affidavit. Thank you for doing so. It’s very interesting that what we see, you know, recently there’s been a case made by lawyers out of South Africa concerning acts of genocide being perpetrated by the nation of Israel. And not only the nation of Israel, but certain actors within the israeli government have been targeted as specific perpetrators of genocide.

It’s a very important aspect of the international law governing this that as we did in Nuremberg, where many nazi actors were tried and hanged, received the death penalty for executing crimes of aggression against humanity. So we see similar things happening here. Now, one of the difficult thresholds at the ICJ had to do with establishing intent. And establishing intent is probably the lion’s share of the threshold, the burden of proof that you have to be able to demonstrate that, not beyond a reasonable doubt, but certainly with a high measure of credibility, that there was an intent to commit genocide.

Now, here we have a long litany of practices coming out of the ukrainian government with express intentions to commit genocide. We know, in fact, it is in the written record in the ukrainian legislation. So what you see is this, first of all, you know that Victoria Newland, who’s going to be known by dropping the f bomb concerning the EU. And that’s the extent of her legacy, other than the fact that they’re recalling her regime change Karen.

And I think Anthony Blinken picked up on the fact that not only is she regime change Karen, but that she is the chief actor in committing war crimes and initiating this battlefield event that’s taken place in Ukraine since 2014, since her and her husband published, published, written materials of their intent to take Russia apart because of their ethnic hatred of Russia. And let’s talk about this ethnic hatred just to get a little bit of a background.

The ethnic hatred of Russia comes from the same camp. It’s the same camp that is engaged in supporting the genocidal actions that are taking place in the Levant right now. Okay? Same group, same group of people. And what they’re mad about is the fact that there was an attempt by radical Talmudists, atheist Talmudists, who had picked up the political expression of one Victor Mordecai, also known as Karl Marx.

They had picked up his political expression and engaged in the systemic overthrow of orthodox Russia in a bolshevik revolution financed by members of the khazarian bankster community in New York and London. And they went into Russia and they overthrew the tsarist regime and then proceeded to engage in a genocide that goes unmentioned. No one wants to mention this genocide that took place in Russia under the hands of Yosef Jugishvili, a khazarian mobster out of Gruzia, Georgia, out of the nation of Georgia, Gori.

Okay, so he comes to power and he together with another group of atheistic Talmudists, initiating an atheistic political platform called communism that begins with taking down all the crosses off every church in Russia, which had the. And you know, you’ve been in Moscow. It’s the largest number of churches of any city in the world. They tore down all of those crosses, the most beautiful churches you’ve ever seen that bring art and majesty together in a tremendous expression.

The churches of Russia are incredible. And everything about it is incredible. The liturgy and the entire orthodox ceremony, that’s the natural evolution of Protestantism, is to return to the majesty, I think, of what orthodoxy presents. Well, there’s no question. I mean, Sanct Basil, Savor St. Basil’s in Eplosia in Red Square. Probably the most beautiful church in the world. Yeah. The most important church is Christ our savior, the white church on the Moscow river.

I was there too. I was there too. I did an interview with one of their priests and he said, you were speaking so much scripture, I had to go back in my mind and remember I was just speaking the word, all grace and glory to the. Well, you know, it’s good for him to hear scripture. Very good. But the thing is, know, when you look at what Stalin did together with, you know, Vladimir Lenin, all of these Khazarians who were financed by fellow Khazarians in the west to overthrow an orthodox nation and to then engage in a genocide, an unprecedented genocide.

There has never been a genocide to exceed the scope of what Stalin did, killing some 66 million russian orthodox people in order to advance international communism, which is slavery for you, wealth and property for us, right? For the super elite, Goyim serfdom for us, the chosen with two souls, et cetera, we are going to enjoy all the fruits and benefits of the world, and you are going to be goyim, animal slave dogs.

And so this is what they did. Now, of course, this communist regime is always destined to failure because communism neither works in practice nor in theory. It always fails. It’s always an economic failure. It only lasts until the nation is completely looted. Well, Russia was a vastly wealthy, naturally resourced wealth that it took a long time to exhaust. But the Soviets did exhaust it. And it came to a complete and abrupt conclusion, really at the hands of the creator, who gave the Russians a 70 year famine of the word.

There was a 70 year famine of the word as there has been a 70 year famine in the United Kingdom. Different dates, but a 70 year famine nonetheless. And that 70 year famine came to an end. And when it did come to an end, Russia began to spring back into orthodoxy. They sprang back into orthodoxy. They didn’t re embrace political talmudism called communism. What’s the oldest joke in Russia? Communism.

Right. That’s the oldest joke in Russia. So the Russians are not interested in doing communism ever again. And so this was done and was pushed away. And so these red diaper doper babies and Michael Savage would call them in the United States, red diaper doper babies in the US that were longing for the return of communism are absolutely ticked off that after they slaughtered 66 million Orthodox in Russia, that these people could come back, that orthodoxy could spring back to life.

I thought we killed all those people. What’s going on here? And so they hate Russia to the core because they hate their orthodoxy, they hate their faith, they hate the fact that those crosses are back up on those churches again. And people like Victoria Newland, who is a red diaper doper baby, as well as Anthony Blinken, as well as most of the Biden cabinet, all they can think about is how much they hate Russia and how much they need to do to get rid of it.

So Victoria Newland and her husband published on this issue how to destroy Russia and divide it up into eleven countries and on and on and on. They published on this well before Maidan. And then, of course, Victoria Newland managed to weasel her way in. Her and her husband both weaseled their way in during the Obama administration to be able to gain the controls of the foreign policy apparatus of the State Department and engage in covert operations to overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine in the most blatant, illegal coup violation of every international law there is.

That they did in 2014 in Maidan. Now there are Ukrainians right now that are repenting of having even participated in Maidan. They’re repenting of this. I’m sorry we did this. Sorry we took our country apart. Well, let me tell you something. To the Ukrainians who repent. You’ve got 700,000 dead. Yeah. This is out of Vladimir Zelensky’s mouth, not my mouth. Zelensky said we’re 700,000 troops short. That’s a tacit admission that they’ve had 700,000 casualties and he’s throwing Ukrainians right into the meat chopper without any consideration whatsoever for their lives or for what they’re fighting for now following Maidan.

I mean, it was immediately after Maidan we saw the rise of Nazism being encouraged and funded by the US State Department, that we saw the rise of the Azol battalion. We saw the rise of right sector of Svovodna, of other groups inside Ukraine that were engaged in overt Nazism, tattooing swastikas on themselves and black sons and SS insignia and the worship of Stepan Bandera and so forth and so on.

Now, all of this then was then, let me just add as a personal note to buttress and support what you’ve said, I, having been on the ground in Donbass, interviewed several of these Asimov battalion, right sector Nazis and inspected their tattoos and their runic writings that declare some pagan worship of Thule and the Valkyrie warrior honor and all this other mythological clap trap that seems to be digestible and attractive to some of the more semi retarded or emotionally disturbed people, which is always the target audience of the Ciamkulture program.

But I met them personally. To me, my psychological analysis is this has been coming since 1990s, before that, of course, but they have been purposefully creating an environment and a symbology of hatred based on wrongdoings that have been completely fictional, fictional wrongdoings that have been attached to Russia that are somehow used to blame Russia in the minds of these asimov right wing Ukrainians, all your suffering, all of your problems, everything that you lack, everything that Ukraine could have is being stopped and stolen by Russia.

That’s the CIA, mi six, Tavistrok, Shin Bet, Masad, all the other parties that are involved with this, this is their agenda. And having looked into their gaunt faces when I was in Donbass, after they are caught, after they are brought to the reality that Russians are not any of the things that they have been brainwashed into thinking, I saw a very observable drop, depression, vacancy in their eyes and their mind that resembles what you said earlier, the repentance of ever committing any of these acts, maidan and elsewhere.

This is a repentance momentum that is coming upon all of them, especially those who’ve been captured or imprisoned. They are now realizing that when Zelensky said, and I said this to them too, when they told me, well, we were told by Zelensky and his commanders that America supports us and America is behind us and America is going to help. I said, no, that is not right. The american people are not behind Zelensky.

They are not behind Ukraine. They are not full of hatred and war against Russia. This has been a hijacking and a theft of the american treasury and the American State Department, CIA and the Congress have been all part of this RicO racketeering, money laundering scam. But don’t make the mistake of thinking the american people are on your side of bloodshed. They are not. And I did it delicately and diplomatically, but they got the point.

So I wanted to just infuse on that. Steve, what you’re describing with the right wing nazi presence that the west constantly says doesn’t exist. It does exist. And I saw the photographer and saw his footage of the young woman who was captured and raped and branded with a Schwastika and then had her stomach carved in the shape of a Schwastika and killed her. That was done by pagan Asimov, right wing Nazi, tattooed us mercenary contractors, ukrainian proxies, against a young civilian ukrainian woman who speaks Russian.

And these are the war crimes. Let’s talk about that, because here’s where you begin to establish the intent to commit genocide. So you have open remarks by Poroshenko and others. Yes. Saying, we’re simply not going to tolerate the russian language in Ukraine. Now, as soon as they came against Russia, and he said, your children will be in basements, our children will be in schools. Now, that is an open intent to commit genocide and genocide.

And so then they have passed criminal statutes criminalizing the Donbass and Lukansk, and they criminalized these areas. So they gave these russian speakers no choice whatsoever. Now, I want to remind everybody that the day after that, the Maidan coup was successful and the duly elected president stepped down, the interim regime in Ukraine issued an edict that all jews must register. Did you know that? No. They issued a regime, all jews must register.

That was the day after the regime collapsed in Kiev. And so here they were. And of course, that thing failed because the money wasn’t going to be forthcoming from Victoria Newland anymore if you’re going to have Jews register. But there was a flight out of Odessa of some 40,000 jews that said, get us out of here right now. And so those jews took out of Odessa and moved to Israel very quickly.

And so what took place there was the Crimea. Looked at that and said, hey, we’re not doing this. We’re not going to do this. We’re completely russian speakers down here. Why? Because Crimea has always been part of Russia. Always. It pre existed before Ukraine ever existed. But then the russian speakers all along that corridor, that eastern corridor, were now criminalized. Their businesses are being shut down. They’re being randomly beat.

I can’t tell you how many testimonies I did when I had asylum applications from people fleeing Ukraine when I was working immigration, that families would come in report after report after report. I was beaten. I was taken out to a landfill and smashed. The cops wouldn’t do anything. My daughters were beat up in school, all because they were russian speakers. All because they were russian speakers. Their businesses were burned down, their houses were burned down.

They were beaten. Their cars were taken from them. And then they go to the police station to find as off members standing behind the policeman they’re reporting to. Right. And so because when you file for an asylum application, you have to demonstrate that you’re not just discriminated against but persecuted, and that the persecution comes from someone in government. You have to demonstrate that in order to obtain an asylum application.

It was quite easy to demonstrate in Ukraine because the government officials were the ones that were behind it. They were the ones that were initiating the beatings. They were allowing these rogue militias to transit the streets, beat people up for speaking Russian, and then they would make demands on know. Let me hear you say glory to Ukraine in Ukrainian, and if you can’t say it, then we’re going to found you and we’re going to leave you as a bloody mess over in the landfill.

And this kind of thing was going on. But the fact is that the ukrainian parliament has come ahead with many actions that make it very clear they intend to liquidate russian speakers in the Donbass. Now, because of that, establishing genocide, acts of genocide on behalf of Ukraine is going to be fairly easy to do. Establishing intent to commit genocide is pretty easy to do. And of course, if the Russians decided to ever make a case along those lines, they would be a piece of cake because they have few mountains of this data.

Now, in addition to doing that, from 2014 on, the ukrainian approach has been, well, don’t attack the militias of Donetsk or the Lukansk. Instead, bomb residential buildings, bomb libraries, bomb churches, bomb daycares. They’ve been lobbying in artillery rounds into residential buildings since 2014. Yes. So there has never been a moment when the ukrainian leadership hasn’t said, gee, maybe we shouldn’t intentionally kill civilians. They have the exact same mindset as that group of soldiers that opened fire on the people trying to get bread at Rafa.

Yes. Okay. Same mindset. Women and children. We don’t care. We’re going to kill them anyway because someday they’ll grow up to be terrorists. Maybe. But the fact is that this kind of genocide, this act of genocide on behalf of Ukraine is easily provable. Now, the next question is, since we can prove genocide, we can prove intent to commit genocide. Now, can we prove acts of genocide? Well, there were 14,000 deaths before Russia intervened.

Now, since then, you know that there is daily shelling of Donetsk, daily shelling. And that they intentionally target civilian targets daily. And they targeted civilians in Belgarod, Russia. They targeted civilians in Korsk, they targeted civilians in Moscow. They targeted civilians in St. Petersburg. The Russians have repeatedly limited all of their targets to civilian or to military targets, period. The Russians are striking military targets. Ukraine is responding by, well, we’ll terrorize you by killing civilians.

We’ll pretend that we’re winning the war by killing your civilians. Now, this is a despicable decision on the part of the ukrainian leadership, but it is aided and abetted by people who come in and say, use our high Mars to kill those civilians, use our 155 millimeter weapons to kill those civilians, use our drones, use our tanks, use our equipment to kill those civilians. Don’t use your stuff.

Use our stuff. Use our cluster bombs. Yeah, and cluster bombs. And the fact that cluster munitions were introduced in Ukraine is an absolute war crime. What I would emphasize, Scott, and I think this is the most important part because this seems to be the ignorance on the part of America. America has been in violation of international law since 2003. Yes. And it has been in nonstop violation of international law.

And the argument is, well, we’re the biggest bully on the block, and we’ll tell you when your international law applies to us. Until then, shut your mouth or we’ll bomb you, too. And this has been the attitude in the United States. Well, now, this attitude is now costing the United States everything. And the big question that we have going on in the United States right now is who is in control? And I think this is a huge issue.

I don’t think Biden is in control of his own bowels, let alone be in control of the, you know, he’s staggering, know, he’s taking orders. He’s just a puppet. He’s not even a political puppet. He’s a stage puppet. Can he finish a sentence? Give him a card? Let him read this, see if he can get through this sentence. And everybody knows all the Democrats are admitting that his dementia is beyond relief and he has no business being in office.

But there are very few who are going to allow Kamala Harris to take it because she is, of course, a usurper, not a natural born citizen, can’t lawfully hold the so. And of course, there’s data on her that when it comes out, it’s going to be absolutely horrendous. Now, you heard that big Mike has bowed out of the presidential campaign. Oh, okay. So Michael Yvonne Robinson, aka Michelle Obama, can’t find a way to hide his penis from being seen by the cameras as he dances around another Ellis DeGeneres show.

Well, that’s good news. Maybe he’ll go back to the bonobo monkey cage in the nearest zoo where he belongs. Well, I’ll tell you. Well, anyway, big Mike’s out, and I think Kamala Harris is out. I don’t think they’re going to allow her to take the position. So they’ve got a real problem. Now, the question is, since Joe Biden is completely out of control, not doing anything completely incompetent, then somebody else is making the decision.

Now, Lloyd Austin. I still, to this day, believe Lloyd Austin was killed in Kiev on January 4 when he was there with your friend Eric Olsen. Yeah, and I think both of those two are deceased, and they have a body devil running Lloyd Austin’s position right now. And he’s pretending. And of course, anybody can be as smart as Lloyd Austin. What’s it going to take for us to get kickbacks by running a war in Ukraine? That’s the only question you have to answer.

And it makes it easy to create a body double for him because they can say, oh, he just looks bad because he’s about to die of cancer. No, it looks bad because he’s not the real Lloyd Austin. Yeah, it looks bad because his ears don’t match, his nose doesn’t match, his chin doesn’t match. But don’t let that bother you. We think he’s close enough to satisfy. Right? And so anyway, these guys are all running around, but there is somebody making decisions.

Now, it’s possible that it’s this new general Bauer that’s running NATO that has decided, okay, I’ll show you how to win that war in Ukraine. And he is a piece of garbage. I’ve seen him. I know him. He’s a delusional. He’s like Petraeus, completely delusional on some sort of nostalgic kick that America is 1980 1990 all over again. Yeah, well, that is pound foolishness. And, of course, McGregor has laid this out.

Colonel McGregor has laid this out over and over again that these guys do not know how weak we are. And they do not know how prepared Russia is. Now, it’s very clear that Victoria Newland in starting this. And listen, Victoria Newland. Listen, Victoria Newland has the death of 700,000 Ukrainians on her, okay? May she bathe in their blood even tonight. Amen. She is responsible for the death of those 700,000 dead Ukrainians.

Her and Bojo Boris Johnson went in and told Zelensky, oh, no, whatever you do, don’t engage in a peace process with Putin. We’ll back you. With what? The broken down Queen Elizabeth with your 72,000 troops? Bojo, what are you going to back them with? Are you going to kick in the 38 million pounds you received from Pfizer? What are you going to back them with, Bojo? That’s what I want to know.

Oh, we’re going to back them with the US. Now, there are elements. I did a show on this on Radio freedom, Alaska, today, Scott. I was talking about this. England is completely out of control, too. The United Kingdom, they no longer have a king. Charles has quietly abdicated. He said, oh, I got cancer, got on a helicopter, flew out of the roof of the Buckingham palace and they haven’t seen her harem since.

And William and Kate, they’re not showing up in public. They said, we’re not doing any more public appearances. So the king and his queen consort Camilla and the Prince of Wales and his Princess Kate, none of them can be seen. And Harry’s like, out of the country. So who’s running the crown? No one’s running the crown. Who’s the prime minister? An unelected guy who was a representative of Jacob Roadshield, who’s now dead.

So roadshield’s dead and you got this guy standing around, hey, my puppet master is dead, but I can hang out on stage as long as I got access to chat, GPT, I can write speeches over there, right? So Rishi Sunak, he’s out of his mind. So who’s engaging in this stuff that’s going on in Ukraine? There’s some m I six guys and some guys from the british army that are like, well placed.

Well, we’re going to go fight some war. It’s like this Bauer guy that’s in NATO. I’ll show you how to win in Ukraine. We’ll put f 35s in there, we’ll put f 16s in there, we’ll blow up the Kurt’s bridge. This is a typical junior officer who has never had real experience in real war, because, look, the first thing that happens whenever you get in the fight. Let’s just take a common fist fight.

You’re thinking to yourself, I’m going to hit that guy with a cold conk and I’m going to knock his doors right off, never thinking to yourself that he’s probably going to punch you back. And he may have something that you don’t know about because he’s thinking the same thing that you’re thinking. And so you throw your big, fat right roundhouse, and that’s just exactly what he was waiting for, was your right, and his head comes down and his left comes right over the top and smashes your head wide open.

This general is not thinking at all. Well, we’ll advance the f 16s, we’ll move the f 35s in there. We’ll pull up these troops on the polish border, we’ll advance the leopard tanks. We’ll move the m one Abrams, right? We gave them 31 m one Abrams. They’ve been blowing them up one a day since they introduced them into the. With little paper airplane drones. That’s here, send that in here.

Zap. Right? And how can you miss the m one Abrams? Right? They got a footprint that can be seen from the moon. That’s right. This warfare is so stupid. But now we’ve got these brain dead psychos in there. I know how to win the war. Hey, listen. Has it occurred to you that there has not been any kind of a vote in the United States saying, hey, let’s go to war with Russia? Can you show me the congressional act that said it’s time for us to declare war on Russia? Can you show me.

Oh, no, no. You got guys like Lindsey Graham and other guys. Oh, well, we need to make an investment in killing Russians. Really? You’re going to say that out loud? You’re going to say that out loud, are you? Lindsay? Here’s another guy that’s never been in a real fight, right? This is another guy who’s been compromised by jewish videotape massage agents, having Lindsey Graham sodomize some little boy on Epstein island.

That’s what Lindsey Graham’s about. That’s what half these congressional pukes are about, being compromised. They’re nothing but a bunch of ice cream licking, lascivious children who’ve never worn the uniform, never served, and some who have are just complete zionist psychopaths who believe the same claptrap. Very few have been seasoned veterans that understand war is the last thing that you want to open up, because it always ends bad.

And this is a conflict that is going to destroy NATO and destroy I think now you’re seeing the Great Britain, the British Empire as it was come apart. Now is the time for Scotland to separate Wales, to separate Ireland, to separate from these boy loving faggot English and assume a new destiny among nations. This is a time for republics in every nation to form. The republics of the righteous form and expel the unrighteous and their evil actions and have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.

This is the time for the true spiritual community to come out from the Covid-19 retard shedded monster zombies that are just in the process of dying and their equivalents who are the warmongering bureaucratic, technocratic elite like Prestorius and Schultz and Macron. All of you know, George Galloway being elected. I think this is an indicator of a lot of things to come know, a complete revolution in Europe and Russia is just going to sit back and watch it happen.

They don’t need to get involved because they didn’t do this. This was all self inflicted madness. Yes indeed, all self inflicted. And the thing is, like I say, Scott, Britain is in crisis right now. They don’t have a know both of their aircraft carriers. They can’t get out of port because they’re both broken down. They’re trying to sell the Prince of Wales. Right? Now, anybody interested in a used MG with a blown engine, right? I mean, that’s basically what it know Britannia rules to seize.

They can’t get their stuff out of port, they can’t get their subs to work, they can’t get their subs to fire missiles. They can’t get their aircraft carriers out. Now I suspect that the RAF is still flying its jets and still doing very well with the RAF jets. They’re maintained. They know what they’re doing in the RAF, but that’s the only area in Britain where there’s any strength at all.

They don’t have an army. They can’t even fill a stadium. With what troop? With the number of troops they have. They only have 70,000 troops in uniform. That’s ridiculous. And I just add to that, Steven, the reason for the delusion and the darkness and the incompetence and the ineptitude and everything that is afflicting them is because of their spiritual rebellion and evil that they are forcing upon their land and their people.

I had people in Russia that I’d met who had relatives in Britain and had left Britain, but their relatives were still there and they wouldn’t go back to Britain telling me that their relatives, some of whom know kids in school, their nephews and such, were being constantly abused and mentally traumatized with wokeness, homosexual, transgender, all that garbage. Well, if you want to call yourself a dog, you can call yourself a dog and this and that and just mind brainwashing events and things at school.

It’s 1984 right out of it. Wokeism and all of this sexual debauchery and perversion and climate change. This is why Britain deserves to be destroyed, because it’s forgetting God and it’s disrespecting everything of God in the natural order. And when you do that, you deserve the death of eternal damnation and the flames that will devour you unless you repent as Nineveh and come to your right mind. And God says it, if my people who are called by my name will repent and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal and hear and heal their land.

I know. Can’t remember how the prague is exactly, but until Britain does that, it’s destined only to be destroyed. But I just wanted to say the Wokeness, the agenda of british wokeness and pushing that is toxic and that’s why people are fleeing. I mean, one of the guys I know over there, his mother is now trying to sell her house, lived all her life in Britain like my family did in Scotland, and now are so sick of all of it.

It’s so toxic. They’re selling and moving to St. Petersburg. As a Brit, I think that’s an indicator of a lot of things to come from all over the world because I think so too. I think so too when you talk about this. Look, there’s some great sin that took place in Britain. Like, for instance, in the United States. We had a great tragedy happen during the Kennedy administration.

JFK had an affair with Marilyn Monroe and she went public on tv, with tv with happy birthday, Mr. President, which ultimately resulted in her being murdered by special agents. Right, that’s the end of you, Marilyn. You’re done talking. But the fact that she exposed the adultery of JFK turned the United States into an adulterous nation. The United States began to pervade this adultery and as a result, the counterculture sprung up in rejection of that hypocrisy.

And so we started on the long path into debauchery, all predicated upon that little film made by Marilyn Monroe. Now, in Britain, they had another celebrity that was absolutely a catastrophe. It was a guy named Jimmy Seville. And Jimmy Seville was a predator. He was a pedophile predator. And this puke would go up to homes that were full of special needs children, children that were really handicapped. And he would be raping these underage girls in this handicapped hospital.

And you’re talking like tens and maybe hundreds of incidents of him doing this, running around the country in his little rv and raping people wherever he went, sexually molesting people live on tv. And who was his best friend? Prince Philip. And who did he hang out? Charles, you know, now, King Charles. Right. These were his best friends. And so Charles and Philip were always intimately engaged with Jimmy Seville, pedophile known, pedophile predator.

Pedophile rapist. And then, of course, Andrew, who’s got all kinds of pictures up at Epstein island, right, the brother of. He. He has apologized, he’s paid damages to the women he’s raped that were underage, on and on and on and on and on. And I’m not sitting here trying to bash Andrew in the face. But he was accused of and did admit to and paid damages for being a pedophile.

Yes. Now you have the situation with these Epstein files coming forward and Charles is implicated in it. So you have this litany of pedophilia, adultery, promiscuity, fornication and so on, all coming out of Buckingham palace, and it’s been coming out of Buckingham palace since the mid 60s. Since the mid 60s. Well, what do you think that does to the society when your defender of the faith, of the anglican faith, is leading the whole country into pedophilia? What do you think happens to a culture when that goes on? So this is what has happened.

And now the question is, Charles refused to be a defender of the faith. So what relevance is he? He has no political relevance because he wouldn’t dare to lift a finger to contradict parliament or the prime minister. And he has no relevance as the defender of the faith because he’s refused to defend the faith. He wants to let in Islam and Judaism into the middle of the anglican church.

And so he’s not a defender of the faith and he’s not a defender of the kingdom. So why do we have to have royalty at any respect in Britain? And so when you say that Britain is. And listen, Scott, as much as this dominant paradigm is dominant among the BBC, it’s dominant in british schools, the murder hierarchy that’s in place in the National Health Service is over the top.

Right. We know that since this pandemic came down, we know what happened in british hospitals. And so, as a consequence, you have all of this protocol in this situation in Britain. But make no mistake about it, I know many, many people of faith, of great faith in like, for instance, when you go into Wales and you can walk into any pub in Wales and start singing a hymn and everybody in the pub knows it and half the guys in the pub having a beer are on the mean.

This is something to keep in mind about the people in Britain. There are people who do love the faith and have an expectation that the faith is going to be met and defended by the crown. And so the fact that this whole exists in Britain, this great crisis exists in Britain, you’re right, it’s going to reshape. There isn’t going to be a united kingdom. The kingdom is already disunited.

It’s not one unit any know when I was in Edinburgh? Last time I was in Edinburgh. When you go down to Hollywood down there, where the scottish parliament is, they had five different national flags up there, right? And none of them were the know. You can see that this disintegration is taking place, but there is a disintegration and a reintegration that can take place between the people of the British Isles, but they have to take place as equals.

No more of Britain telling Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, you’re a free nation, while they’ve got their leadership in a leather leash that’s connected, right, to the pedophiles in know. And the same thing with Wales. You can’t outlaw the Welsh language. Let the Welsh speak the Welsh, let them speak cum Reich. Get off their back, let them speak their language and get the puppets out of. And the Scots will not allow puppets up in Edinburgh, but they do, they allow EU puppets up.

See that? When you see the nation disintegrate, it can disintegrate. And then you have people look at one another and say, you know what? We all drive on the left side of the road. Everybody in Europe drives on the right side, but we all drive on the left side. We all have protocols that we understand. If I drive in Belfast, I can also drive in London. If I drive in Dublin, I can also drive in Edinburgh, right? And so all of these things that are kind of mutual understanding can, from mutual respect, cause a rejoining into some kind of an alliance that reshapes Britain.

But I’ll tell you, this whole business of reshaping the constitutional monarchy, I think the monarchy is over. That’s my opinion. The monarchy is over. It’s done. And so there’s going to be some radical shifts. Now the question is with France and Germany, what are France and Germany going to do? I mean, I heard today that the german leadership is running for nuclear bunkers. Vladimir Putin has come out and said, look, I’ve given you my last warning, I’ve told you, and this moron out of NATO is flying f Crimea.

What do you think is going to happen? What do you think is going to happen? Let me tell you what’s going to happen. If you think the Russians are going to tolerate f with 61 b nuclear bombs, nuclear missiles on board, coming into ukrainian airspace, you’re sadly mistaken. Yes. What’s going to take place is Putin has told you, Putin came out in writing and verbally and said, this is your last warning.

Stop. This is it. You’re done. Either bow out and you figure out how to end this conflict, or we’re going to start striking the bases that are intent upon initiating acts of force against Russia. If you think you can put f 16s in the air in Romania against crimean targets, don’t be surprised when Romania is a nuclear radioactive wasteland. Yes. And I remind you, and I remind the Romanians that it was Russia that pulled you out from under the otoman yoke.

You don’t have a christian faith because you did it. It was Russia that pulled you out from under the otoman yoke. And so when Romania says, well, let’s just get in there and bomb them. And of course, this whole issue with Transnistria, right, Transnistria, Odessa. Vladimir Zelensky was in Odessa today with the prime minister of Greece. And the Russians put a bomb 50ft away. Boom. Missile here. Vlad, we know exactly where you are and we’ve just about had enough, okay? So try to pick up this message.

If you think you’re going to keep mooching money and bringing in more weapons while you’re trafficking in the organs of the 700,000 dead Ukrainians who died on the battlefield on your behalf. I can’t think of anything that is more ghoulish than that. Except that they’re also doing it with children. Yes. And so, at any rate, under these circumstances, Scott, I think we’re going to see, I don’t know if we have enough palatable intelligence anywhere in the country for somebody to come into the White House and say, look, no, there’s nobody in the white house that can say no, because the guy who has the responsibility of saying no can’t complete a sentence and they don’t know how to replace him.

Well, the other thing that needs to be considered, too, and I’ve said it before, and I think it’s important for moving forward in a constructive way, to reunite and begin to heal and cultivate a renewed russian american relationship, which can be very easily done based on the culture and the personalities of the people that have just a genetic connection, Russians and Americans. But what needs to be very clearly understood and said, of course, in my opinion, is that Donald Trump began the facilitation of weapons to Poroshenko and the genocide against the ukrainian people, the russian people in eastern Ukraine, the russian speaking people.

That can’t be denied, that can’t be avoided. That needs to be acknowledged, and that needs to be corrected. Donald Trump proudly said, we’re not giving them blankets or pillows. We’re giving them weapons. And he had Poroshenko in the White House, in the Oval Office with a crackling fire in the background, shaking his hand. And we know, of course, Poroshenko was there in the Minsk agreements with the fat Hitler granddaughter, Angela Merkel.

I think it was Sarkov. Granddaughter. Yeah, she’s daughter, not granddaughter, the daughter. Okay, so the daughter of Adolf Hitler, Angela Merkel, the French, the British, all of them were there and lied to the Russians, saying, we’re going to have the Minsk agreements and all of this will be settled diplomatically. And it was a lie. But Donald Trump allowed this genocide to begin. Now, he is the front runner for the republican nomination.

He’s most likely the person who will be put back into the presidency if there’s election, if they don’t kill him, if they don’t engage in a false flag civil war trigger, which I expect them to do. I don’t expect elections in November. I expect the Democrats are going to go mouth frothing, demoniac, mad dog crazy, and I think they’re going to try and kill Donald Trump. I also think they’re going to kill Joe Biden and put Gavin Newsom into that position.

I think they have to make him a martyr, and they probably would kill Kamala Harris and then move Gavin Newsom into Kamala Harris’s position and then kill Joe Biden and move Gavin Newsom up again to declare all sorts of suspensions, and Russia did it, or who knows what. But Americans need to be prepared to that to declare. No, we’re not buying your lies, and we’re declaring that you are not in any way, shape, or form an authority or a government or an officer of the United States.

We are back to the republics of America. Some sort of a revolutionary war declaration all over again. That’s the only way out of this, because they are so sick and toxic with narcissism and pride and madness. They think they can control bully and threaten the american people. You either obey us or we’ll destroy the country. So Donald Trump, if he is given by the grace of God to go into the presidential position, he needs to understand and not allow that mistake ever to be made again, because it was devastating.

And the Russians hold him accountable to a certain extent. Now, they like him. They like him better than anyone else up there. But I’ll just put that out there, that he needs to learn that lesson, because you’re not going to bully the Russians and you’re not going to persuade the Russians. Nothing that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth is going to be perceived with any authority. The Russians are going to look at him and say, well, let’s see what you can do this time.

You flipped everything up last time. Let’s see what you can do this time. You were a novice in the presidency. You didn’t know what buttons to push or what levers to pull. Putin invited your Justice Department to come over and prove that there was no election interference. Russia had nothing to do with any election interference. He told you that in Iceland. Where then Newt Gengrich, all these other neocon, Zionist, Catholic, whatever you want to call them, papists, had a apoplectic fit and didn’t want any of that.

They didn’t want any going over to Russia to see what the true nature of the election meddling accusations were because they knew it would have been disproven. All of these people, Trump, and Trump’s responsible for all of it. Every person around him, he appointed, he allowed. I don’t care how old you are, I don’t care if you’re not doing it. It’s your responsibility to have someone in charge of your office who is letting people in and keeping people out, who is doing the tally of who’s good and who’s bad and who is uncertain his whole presidential administration.

Listen to McGregor, too. McGregor said everybody told him, build the wall. What did he do? He came in and dicked around with Paul Ryan and the rest of these traitors in the republican party, Mitch McConnell, and did the Obamacare thing. And then he played defense. The whole, you know, I don’t know, Stephen, if he’s got the brains or the survivability. I mean, a Republican’s better than a Democrat for the most part.

But that one thing on how this whole war started needs to be understood so he can at least give a poetically decently reasonable, persuasive answer of how it’ll never happen again on his watch. Yeah, I don’t know if he’s capable of doing that. And I agree with you, Scott. I don’t think we’re going to get to a 2024 election. I think that it’s very clear to the Democrats that Joe Biden has no chance.

I mean, none of the above is beating him. None of the above is beating him in democratic primaries. There hasn’t been that kind of a problem in 45 years for a Democrat. Right. And 45 years is Jimmy Carter, who was considered just an absolutely worthless president by anybody who was alive during that time. Now, you see that the Democrats know they don’t have a candidate. They don’t have anybody to run against them.

They don’t have anything. They’re sitting here going, what do we do now? Right? We can’t put Hillary the know and what are they going to do? They’re just really at ODS ends. But what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And I pointed out to you that these 25 states that came alongside Texas on the issue of the border, those 25 states have the capability to tell the Democrats who are cheating in the election, hey, listen, you so much as rig one little bit of this election, you and your friends in New York with their mass media that you’ve got there in New York, you guys rig this election at all, and we’re pulling our electors.

We’re not going to vote, period. We’re not going to be casting, but we’re not going to be sending any lectures to anywhere to cast a vote on behalf of any election. You’re not going to have a quorum and you’re not going to get a vote and you’re not going to get in, period. There’s not going to be an electoral college. Well, the Democrats can do the same thing.

The Democrats, if Trump has this landslide victory, these Democrat governors who are absolute communist loyalists, they’re Bolsheviks to the max, Bolshevism. Above all, communism, above all, the end justifies the means. They don’t care about the means. They’ll kill children. They’ll burn America to ash so that they can rule over it. Yes, they could very easily withhold their electoral votes as well and say, well, we’re not going to vote and put Trump in office.

So the long and the short of it is, irrespective of what happens in November, there isn’t going to be a vote that can be counted because the country is divided. A house divided will not stand. It’s that simple. And there has been no attempt by anybody to use any kind of pluralistic language to bring the country back together, because your choice. Look, Washington state has got a bill pending right now.

It’s called the Karen bill. If you’re a Karen, we’ll pay you $2,000 to call up and say you’ve been offended by somebody. Somebody discriminated against you because you were dressed up as a man and they didn’t like it, or somebody discriminated against you because you wanted to use the wrong bathroom and they didn’t like it. Or somebody discriminated against you because you’re just butt ugly. And that’s the problem.

Either way, anytime you make a phone call, you get paid $2,000. Okay? The Karen chime bill. This is Washington, okay? And why would Washington advocate such a bill? Because they’re a bunch of perverted lunatics. Yes. The place is a satanic hellhole. Look, if you want to get a picture of what Sodom looks like in the modern world, go to Seattle. You thought that San Francisco was Sodom. You ain’t seen nothing until you get up there where you can see that the non religious fornicators standing know.

Standing among the human feces piling up all over the streets while the meth heads are calling from corner to corner, smacking you in the face because you’re not giving them any money. And the homeless camps are tens of thousands of people strong all over the whole city. A city that was once a beautiful place, the Emerald City. Now it’s the tent city, the tent feces city. Look, Washington, under the leadership of the Lisp Jay Inslee, is a fecal stain on America, okay? They’re not the rectum of America.

They’re the fecal stain of America, okay? That’s what they are. That’s what their leadership is. That’s what their legislature is. That’s what their supreme court is. A fecal stain, okay? And nothing more. All right? So when we see this kind of stuff, there isn’t any possible way that Washington is going to be reintegrated into a conservative America. It’s not going to happen. There is no possible way to cross this divide.

Can we meet halfway? Yeah, you can just call me trans instead of transgendered. How are you going to meet halfway with the deranged? It’s impossible. So because of this, this house is divided. This house will necessarily fall. Now, the only question is how much of it is going to be destroyed in a nuclear war before that happens. And I can tell you that the way it stands right now with guys with fantasy artists like Bauer and like Stoltenberg and like some of the leadership out of the british military and some of the leadership in the german military have now been caught conspiring to blow up the Kirch bridge with german troops.

Somebody like Macron, these people have this idea that they can keep this war up. They can up the ante on the kinetic war by introducing french special forces into Ukraine, by introducing german special forces into Ukraine, by introducing f flown by american pilots out of Romania into Ukraine. And there’s not going to be a step taken against the military assets that are providing those weapons coming into Ukraine.

That is what you call stupidity. The russian reaction, they’ve already said, already they’ve said it. I don’t know how many times they’ve said it. But what you could expect is that there is a strong likelihood that when Vladimir Putin decides, that’s it, they have crossed the threshold where they have threatened the motherland with a nuclear weapon. That’s it. Now we’re going to hit all the strategic targets. We’re going to hit the targets where all the manufacturing in Europe is for any armament, or you guys are making howitzer shells, okay, we’re going to blow that up.

We’re going to hit all the airports where any f 16s are seated. We’re going to take out all the frontline troops that are amassed on the belarusian ukrainian border. They’re all going to disappear. We’re going to blow up everything. Every asset that is threatening Ukraine out of Romania and Moldova, they’re all gone. And so, for that matter, any staging ground that belongs to NATO, that is in current staging operations against Ukraine, they’re all going to be struck.

And they’re all going to be struck not with a conventional weapon that’s a 500 pound bomb or 1000 pound bomb, because that’s going to blow up one warehouse, might blow up a city block, but it’s not going to blow up the base. It’s not going to blow up the capability. No. It’s going to be a nuclear weapon. It’ll be a nuclear weapon. It’ll be delivered on a hypersonic, probably a kinshall.

And the kinshalls are going to completely decimate everything that NATO has to offer in the european theater. There will be nothing. There will be nothing left. When Putin decides to pull the trigger, every asset capability that NATO has in the european theater will be completely gone. There’s a chance that the turkish assets under Erdogan may survive, that Putin may not strike Turkey, but Romania, Poland, Germany, France, decimated.

Let’s talk about that, because what needs to be said by Russia to Turkey to prepare for and guide this in the direction that’s favorable for them. I would speculate, be advised, Turkey, these assets, you must nationalize them and control them. Every military device in your country is your property now. It’s not the Americans, it’s not the British, it’s no one of NATO’s. It’s your property now, or you immediately reject them, eject them and get them out.

But in the event of a conflict with NATO, Russia is going to protect itself, and it does not want a conflict with the Turks and the turkish people. But it is not going to allow Britain or America or any other NATO country to go into Turkey, assassinate Erdogan and set up a puppet, and then think that they can initiate war from this impregnable position. But there needs to be words and discussion about that.

I’ll put it to you, Stephen. How is that going to be shaped? How is it going to be said? Well, I mean, there can be contacts out of Moscow to Istanbul or Ankara. Just basically say, look, there’s going to be a debilitating strike on Dayto. If you so much as move an asset, if we see f 16s coming off the ground, out of insurquoik or anywhere else in Turkey that are headed north, well, then you’re going to be the next target, and it’s going to be absolutely devastating.

And Vladimir Putin said it once before, and I think he should reiterate it now. The red mosque used to be called the Hagia Sophia, an orthodox church. It’s time to restore its nationality. Yeah. Right. And so when you see this, and this is something that Erdogan understands. He understands because he’s declared himself caliph. He understands the theological aspects and the counterbalance between Islam and Russia. But Vladimir Putin is a premier diplomat, as is Sergey Lavrov.

Sergey Lavrov, possibly the best diplomat in the world. Right. And they’re engaged in constant contact with these guys. And so, you know, that the position could be. It may even be, look, we’re not going to do it. We’re going to have the Iranians do. If you. If you lift the finger towards us, the Iranians are going to completely decimate Turkey, and then you can deal with that. And, of course, all of this hedge is moving in a specific direction.

And so with that being said, I had hoped with the removal of Victoria Newland, who is a festering boil on the annals of american history, that we would be able to pull away from this adroit, irrational hate. Russia, warmongering that’s been going on for 50 years. We could get away from that and start to recognize and do the necessary thing, which is to respect Russia as the fourth largest economy in the world and now the number one military in the world.

That’s right. Let’s not forget, too, Steven, let me just say this occurred to me the other day, actually, yesterday. Russia has been fighting in Syria when Obama went in to overthrow Erdogan and did all these maneuvers with ISIS and creating all the Arabs, bringing all these problems, and they went after Erdogan. That’s where Russia stepped in and started its military campaign to destroy ISIS, defend Erdogan, defend its ports in Turkey, and it expended a lot of men in material.

That was the beginning of the fight. They succeeded. They destroyed ISIS. They stopped the 700 trucks that Erdogan was stealing oil through. Yet Trump and his idiocy. Oh, I love the oil, as he wraps himself in the flag, well, you’re stealing oil. You’re stealing from these people. There’s a moral dimension that you can’t escape with, or else you’re schizophrenic. So you have to be on the right side of morality on these things.

You don’t have to be a girl scout, but you’re in the wrong. So Putin and Russia went into this fight in Syria and won. And the US is just still kind of pissing on itself. And with this whole. I mean, they’re setting themselves up for all sorts of bottles and bullets and bombs to be thrown at them from Iraq to Yemen, and mean, the next will be CENTCOM in Qatar.

That’s going to start to be abused, if know, destroyed, threatened. And Africa command Africom, which was the seed of Zabignu Brzinski’s son, Ian Brzezinski, that I was working with at Booz Allen Hamilton, Mila, or Mika Brzezinski, that was her brother. Isn’t that funny how they all kind of slither into these positions? Yeah, the nepotism. Russia started this fight in Syria, and then it’s continued this fight in Ukraine.

So you’re right, it is the preeminent military power in the world because it is never built, and it’s built its fighting up on moral conviction. Moral conviction to protect the motherland of Russia. We must protect Syria, we must protect Ukraine. We must stop this invasion that they’ve been trying to do since the 1990s. They crippled and hurt Russia in the 1990s. Larry Summers, Strobe, Talbert, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, the IMF, loans, all sorts.

You know, that better than anyone. All the abuse they did to Russia in the 1990s that barely kept it afloat. And Putin came in and saved the country. But this is something to be understood, is Russia’s military mind has matured into a. They have become the gladiator Maximus, where NATO is a bunch of wimpy, skinny guys pissing on their own feet as they see this gladiator coming out that is so seasoned and experienced, they know it’s just a matter of steps before they get hacked into pieces.

And I don’t say that glorifyingly of Russia. It’s just a matter of the mathematics of battle. When you accumulate victories and you learn and you become a better warrior, a better soldier, a better army, which is precisely what’s happened to Russia. You’re ready to take on the world. And the world in the NATO orbit is incapable of taking on Russia, as we’ve seen with Britain and France and Germany and all this stuff.

And as others have said, galloway said, this has been a humiliating defeat for NATO. And he’s exactly. It is a humiliating defeat. And one wonders, is it more humiliating than Afghanistan? Is it more humiliating than Sudan? Is it more humiliating than Israelis getting their head handed to them in the Gaza Strip by a bunch of guys who are completely unarmed with no food? How’d that happen to you guys? Best military in the world? I don’t think so.

You can’t take down Gaza and the US military can’t take down the hooties. So what are you talking. Okay, where’s John Bolton to come out here? Hey, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb. Iran. Hey, John, why don’t you fly down there to Djibouti and hang out there and tell us how to bomb the hooties into oblivion before we trust you on how to bomb me around? Okay, let’s see you do it.

He’s just a big mouth who’s just a big mouth for the defense contractors, period. That’s all he is. He’s just a big mouth for defense contractors that Trump put in his. I mean, so the thing is for we have to pray for some leadership somewhere to appear in America that is rational and reasonable and who can say no to the defense contractors? No, you’re done. You’ve made all the profit you’re going to make.

You’re not making anymore. We’re done. We’re done with done. And listen, when Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire in front of the israeli agency, the israeli ambassador, this was a massive and huge public statement. I watched a vigil for Aaron Bushnell that took place last night where all these american veterans were taking what’s left of their american uniform and throwing it into a 55 gallon drum and burning it.

Yes. And they’re burning it because why? Because they were told one thing and they went to Afghanistan and were killing civilians in order to protect the CIA’s hoppy fields. That’s right. That’s what they discovered. They went to Iraq and were shooting against women and children in order to protect George Bush’s fantasy that there were weapons of mass destruction in an Ally, a country that was our ally. Now, these kinds of things now, and all of America, I think the numbers are in close to 80%, are absolutely in revulsion of what just happened.

What they’re calling up there, I think they’re calling it the flower massacre, where 230 Palestinians were going up to the food truck to get food to feed their children and were shot down, gunned down, like they posed some kind of a military threat. And I can tell you that the whole world is revolting now. The whole world is like, okay, that stinks. I can’t get alongside it. I can’t come in support of it.

I can’t stand with it. I’m not going to do it. I may dislike palestinian people from one end to the other, but I can’t do that. I can’t do that. And so this is the situation. And of course, Benjamin Netanyahu thinks he is Cyrus the Great, or is he thinks he is some kind of messiah anointed by that great racist supremacist, Rabbi Schneerson, who is a dog extraordinaire, who is burning in the lowest level of hell as we speak.

But nonetheless, he was anointed by schneersen and told, oh, you’re a special messiah for Israel. So he thinks he’s the messiah. Well, let me tell you, the messiah doesn’t murder women and children, okay? The messiah came to save life, not take it. But you think you’re a messiah in killing women and children. You can’t take Gaza. You’re never going to be able to take Gaza, and you’re going to end up losing all of Israel before it’s all said and done.

You’re going to lose all of Israel. Ultimately, the UN is going to reverse UN resolution s. 181 and terminate this project. Roadshield’s dead. Your father, your real father, who is not Yahwah, you have a different father. Go talk to Mashiak, who said in the gospel of John, your father is Satan. That’s who your father is. It’s not the creator and maker of heaven and earth, because the creator, the maker of heaven earth is not a murderer, a liar and a thief.

And you guys are murdering in Gaza and you’re trying to steal the natural gas and oil off the gazan coast and you’re all a bunch of know those aren’t your real names. Those aren’t your real names. And it’s not the nation of, it’s not. The whole thing is a gigantic fraud, identity fraud, land occupation, acts of genocide that the international criminal Justice Court has already determined that you’re engaged in genocide.

That’s already been determined. And you can’t stop now. You’re going to open fire on women and children trying to get food. Well, so what I have to say is, when do we have a rational leader in the United States? When do we have someone that can go to the defense contractors and say no? Yeah. And it has to be someone with a sobriety. It has to be someone with sophisticated, intelligent, mature, adult energy about them.

Trump, for his good, he has this cartoonish, thematic, dramatic, theatrical. I’m so great. I tried to do this. I’m the victim. They did this. What they do to me, they do to, you know, there’s a whininess, there’s a bitchiness, there’s a complaint, there’s America and our country and the greatest and all that. There’s a delusionary. And Dustin Nemos has commented on his lack of faith completely in Trump.

But there’s a delusional component that got us into this trouble in the first place. This delusional component that was accelerated by the project of new american century, which Victoria Newland was part of. Jewish zionist Ashkenazi types, Dove Zacheim, Doug Fife, all sorts of other jewish zionist persons associated with this group. But there’s been this delusion that launched us into this Francis Fukuyama, end of history, full spectrum dominance, dominate the world, turn the world’s material towards us and we’ll just be the grand emperor of Oz that rules over everybody.

There’s a delusion in that that Ronald Reagan didn’t have. Ronald Reagan, for all his flaws, I would choose Ronald Reagan today and twice on Sunday over Donald Trump and anyone else in the american electorate. Ronald Reagan today. I would choose him because of, uh, and I may be wrong, but I don’t think I am on his maturity and sobriety and his know, you can’t bully the world or else the world is going to bully you eventually.

And that’s where we’re going into. And you can’t bully the world into changing. Well, we need you now to double all your oil imports. Saudi Arabia. Well, we need you now to only do money in the US dollars. Well, we need you to stop doing what you were doing and change and go back. The world’s not going to change anything. The world’s not going to go back to what America had before.

They don’t trust America. They don’t like America. Why should they? What have we done to improve the lives of anyone? And I’m not being critical, I’m being very accountant oriented of what have we done in 2030 years, that we may fool ourselves, but we’re not fooling anyone else. So there needs to be a sobriety that if Trump is being lifted up in this direction, and part of me hopes so, but another part of me hopes not.

Because if you go into this like a cavalier, we’re going to do, I’m going to have them settle this in 24 hours. It may be red meat for your political ignoramuses who go America and wave their Trump flags and love the nostalgia. I’m convinced half these people who are drunk on MAGA and all this other stuff is some sort of perverse, self narcissistic, almost like you’re holding up a phone, taking a selfie of yourself.

There’s a weird narcissism that has taken over the american consciousness in the last ten years. But unless there’s a sobriety and a maturity and a completely change of disposition, I just see the world responding to us with a very cold shoulder. And if Donald Trump gets in, let’s just say, for the sake of argument, he gets in the elections, everything worked fine, and miraculously, he gets into the political office.

The world is not going to change. The world is not going to open up its arms for us. The world is going to watch us with a very keen eagle eye and maintain, if not strengthen, its international alternative arrangements and agreements and monetary baskets and other things, at this point, I see we have to humble ourselves and come to the world with an entirely different playbook and an entirely different thing to offer.

Because what do we have in our assets? What do we have? Germany, France, Britain? Scandinavia, Canada? No, maybe we don’t seem to have anything, but I’ll pose it to you. Taiwan, South Korea. Yeah, we’re at a point now, Scott, where we’ve lost so much, particularly under the tutelage of Biden, we’ve lost so much, we’ve lost so many of our alliances, we’ve lost our economic strength, we’ve lost our military strength, we’ve lost our society.

We’ve lost our cultural strength. We’ve lost everything. We’ve lost everything under the ruse of the Democrats have to control. And the end justifies the means. Well, the means, we’re killing the whole country. Yes. And so now you got your end, now what, you power hungry megalomaniac. Now what? And so here we are in a situation where the country is just about on the verge of being finished. If Donald Trump gets elected, first of all, he can’t take the office until January 2025.

When he takes the office in January 2025, if he’s not ruling over a smoldering rune, which I think he will be, but if he’s not ruling over a smoldering rune, then he’s going to have to deal with the instant he gets in the fantasy media out of New York is going to, as soon as he wins the election, everything’s wrong with Donald Trump. Indicted 92 times, this criminal felon, blah, blah, impeached twice.

They’re never going to stop with the narrative about how rotten he is. And then the next thing you know, here comes special counsel out of the Department of Justice that’s going to be appointed before he can take office in January to begin investigating this, investigating that, investigating the other thing all over again. All over again. Financial crimes that were committed in the campaign, all the fraudulent representations, all this stuff is going to be all laid out.

The FISA court starts coming in, all the surveillance tapes start coming in, all the money is spent to create a whole dossier documenting him on Epstein island. And who knows what kind of AI generated stuff is going to be in the middle of the mix of that. It’s just going to be published right and left all over the place. And here it comes. So here comes all this stuff.

Now, what is he doing to defend himself? Well, right now, he’s supporting. He is surrounding himself with deep state agents. It’s no difference. It’s all your friends. What’s the name of that group? The AmeriCAn something or other? You know who I’m talking about? That group of generals. These are his people. And so he’s going to be right in the middle of the deep state again. He’s going to be right in the same Muck, right in the same mire.

He’s going to be in the same Muck and mire. It’s not going to be any different. And there’s going to be, oh, we’re behind you. We’re behind you. And they might do a couple of token indictments of a few people here and a few people there. And maybe he’ll engage in some revenge stuff against people like the prosecutor in Atlanta, Georgia, or maybe the prosecutor in New York, or the judge in New York.

Maybe there might be some revenge stuff that’s taking place. Probably not. Probably more likely is that he’s going to be confronting all the usual. Of the usual crap. It’s not going to be any different. It’s going to be the same defunct nothingness that’s going to come out of the executive office with a lot of posing going around. We’re the greatest. We’re doing great. Blah, blah. We’re not doing great.

We’re collapsing. We’re collapsing. And I can tell you the difficulty of the House divided is not going to come together under Trump. He’s not going to be able to marry the people. And, Scott, this is what it comes down to, okay? The six colored FlAG is an ExpressioN of TAlmudic Control. Scripture says that yah created them, male and female. He created them two sexes in the Old TestamEnt.

In the ApocRYPHa in the New Testament, there’s two sexes. In the TaLMud, there’s six sexes. So the six colored flag is reflective of the six sexes of the Talmud. So you have a group of people in this country that have come under the dominion of the Talmud. Now, you check them, and you scratch them, and you ask them, are you a believer in scripture? Oh, no. They’ve got their flag up.

They’ve got their six colored flag up. Do they know that they’re ascribing to the Talmudic worldview? No idea whatsoever. But this is what it comes DOwn to. And this is why in Russia, where they’ve just criminalized the LGBT movement as extremist. If you’re caught as an operative in the international LGBT movement, you go to prison in Russia now, as you should. So the thing is that when you look at this, you can see, look, this is what I said to my people the other day.

Choose today whom you will serve. Either you’re going to serve this rabbinical, Talmudic six sex world, which is governed, by the way, by a six headed God of lust called Hashem. Die, or you’re going to serve yah, who created the heavens and the earth. Who created them male and female. He created them, that the two should be united, and what he has Put together should not be Put ASunder.

This is what is reiterated in the New Testament and is said in the Old Testament, there are two sexes, male and female. Now. So if you’vE got a different worldview from that. If you’re saYing, that is ANETHMA to me. I believe in the six colored flag. I believe in the six sexes of the six colored flag. Well, then you’re under the Talmud. Go get yourself a copy. Go read it.

You’re under the Talmud. And how is Donald Trump going to be able to cross over any border to say, we’re going to have to unite with this kind of disparity going on? This is a fundamentalist spiritual battle that has risen to an all time crescendo. It is an all time crescendo because the Talmudists once again are seeking to control the whole world, just as they did under the banner of the international Kam Somal, international communism.

Now they’re doing under international LGBT. Same people, different name. Yes, STEVEN, we’re about out of time. Thank you very much for joining us. I want to give you some last closing words. What can you close us out with before we end the show? Go ahead. Stephen pitching. Well, you know, what I have been saying to my friends and company is that we need to continue on with what we’re doing.

Okay? We have a focus that’s in front of us, and the focus in front of us is to do the things that we have been called to do on behalf of our faith. And these are the things that we need to do. We need to focus on our goals ahead of us. Do not be troubled by letter or word that things are coming upon the earth. Instead, stay constant with what you are doing in your daily walk and seek after righteousness.

Seek after righteousness if you can, and work on your own life. When we talk about this eclipse that’s coming here on April eigth, that’s going to be an eclipse. That’s going to be 40 days before Pentecost. That is going to pass over seven cities named Nineveh. It’s telling you, this is the sign of Jonah. The only sign that wicked generation is going to be given is the sign of Jonah.

Repent, for you have 40 days before you will be destroyed. Yes, we’ve come to this closet. Now. We’ve come to this view. And so, for the average person, if you are a person who is scripturally illiterate and you don’t know what I’m talking about, the difference between the Talmud and the sacred scriptures, you need to get up to speed. You can’t sit back in your armchair anymore and say, I’m just a sports guy, a sports fan.

I just like to bet on teams. You need to come to an understanding very quickly. Because there is not going to be any other dividing line. Nobody’s going to care whether or not you support the Kansas City chiefs. Your question is whether or not you adhere. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day whom you will serve. And in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, you got to serve somebody.

You’re going to serve somebody. You’re either going to serve that six colored flag. Or you’re going to serve the life, and life more abundantly. That is given to us by the one whose word can be found in print. So that’s what I have to say, Scott. Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me, in my house, we will serve. Right? That’s right. And love the Lord with all your heart.

With all your mind. With all your strength. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor as yourself these. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say rejoice. This is the day the Lord hath made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And every tongue that shall rise up against thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.

And their righteousness is of me. And woe unto you when all men speak well of you. And I always take that when you are standing up in an lgbt school auditorium or town council or anything like that. You rejoice to speak righteousness in a room full of the wicked. Because you never know when a demoniac is suddenly going to come into his right mind. Because it is the word.

It’s not your argument. It’s not your education. It’s not your mind. It’s not your eloquence. It’s nothing to do with your humanity. Faith cometh by hearing. Hearing by the word of God. And we are his ambassadors. We are his voices. So when we speak the word. And I had the great honor of speaking the word always, constantly, on every interview, everywhere I went, the Lord’s word went out first.

And it was for his purpose that I was in Russia. I was constantly asked, aren’t you afraid? I said, I’m doing the Lord’s work. I must be about my father’s business. I’m not afraid of anything. No man can do anything to me. The Lord shall send his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. So we’re at a time that you have to turn away from Sodom and Gomorrah and love not the things of the world.

Love not the world, nor the things in the world. Or else be prepared to turn into a pillar of salt and hear the words, Lord, didn’t we invest in money against Ukraine? Didn’t we give weapons to Israel in your name, God’s going to say, depart from me, ye he do iniquity. I never knew you. And you will go where the worm dieth not. And there is eternal suffering for all eternity.

So this is the day the Lord hath made. This is the day of salvation. This is when people have the opportunity to turn from their wicked ways and ask God into their heart. Failure to do that will be the absolute failure and destruction of the United States and every other nation that forgets God. And we’re on that trajectory. These are the end times. And of course, we shouldn’t be upset about that.

We shouldn’t be upset about anything that the Lord’s doing. We must be diligent, and we must exercise our diligence and speak truth. That’s why that legal notice of war crimes will be sent. And regardless of what happens, they will be put on notice that I’ve been there and I’ve seen what they’ve done, and I’m telling them and I’m telling the world what I’ve seen and calling them out.

So we’ll just give all glory to the Lord for whatever happens to us. And of course, we’re always very grateful for the great Dr. Stephen Pigeon, God’s anointed man, to be joining with us and giving us so much wisdom. Stephen, always a pleasure. Always very humbled. Thank you very much for joining us. And thank you for joining us on globalfreedomtv. com. We will see you next time. God bless you.

Good night. .

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2014 Ukraine coup involvement American journalist Gonzala Lira death conspiracy genocide acts by Israeli government genocide allegations Scott Bennet war crimes witness U.S. government illegal weapons supply Ukraine U.S. government investigation demand Ukraine conflict escalation Ukrainian government genocide intent Ukrainian leadership violence encouragement Victoria Newland Russia dismantling plans violation of whistleblower rights

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