Geezy Truth News #129 (26 March 2024) with JIM FETZER

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer a guest on Geezy Truth News, discussed his plans to return to the Supreme Court to correct a mistake in a previous case. He also talked about global issues, suggesting that we might be on the brink of nuclear war due to tensions between the CIA and Moscow. He mentioned the possibility of staged attacks, or “false flags,” and discussed the political situation in Russia, where Putin has gained significant public support. Lastly, he touched on accusations of genocide in Gaza by Israel, a topic that is causing international controversy.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the conflict in Gaza, the author’s skepticism about the Holocaust, allegations against Donald Trump, and theories about the JFK assassination. The author suggests that Israel is losing international support due to its actions in Gaza, questions the authenticity of the Holocaust, criticizes the legal actions against Trump, and presents alternative theories about JFK’s assassination. The text also includes a song and various other topics, making it a complex mix of ideas and opinions.
➡ This text talks about different theories and discussions around JFK’s assassination, including the idea of a ‘magic bullet’ and various shots fired. It also mentions the cleaning of the car he was in and the manipulation of his medical records. The text then shifts to discuss potential future threats to America, including possible attacks and issues with immigration. Lastly, it touches on changes in the army’s values and the relationship between the U.S., Israel, and Palestine.
➡ The speaker believes that a fake attack might happen during the solar eclipse, using the event as a cover. They think this could be a desperate move by the Democrats, as they feel Trump is gaining too much support, even from minority communities. The speaker also mentions that people used to fear eclipses, not understanding their natural causes, and suggests that this fear might be exploited.


To Gz Truth News. It is March 26, 2024. We have our always very special guest, Dr. Jim. Sir, thank you for coming on the show. Right off the bat, we want to ask you, what are the court updates? How are you doing and what’s going on? Well, I have plans to return to the Supreme Court and even to the courts here in Wisconsin because the whole thing has been a sham and I believe I’m going to be in the position to expose it.

So I had a false submission where I had made a mistake that I’m correcting and strengthening the case before the Supreme Court had docketed. I withdrew the premature submission. When you do these things pro se, they’re complex and there are lots of ways things can go astray. So I’m doing my best to get it straight, do it right, and get a result that will set the record straight.

So that’s the latest. Next time we speak, I will probably have made those submissions and can be more specific and detailed. Okay, great. And I just want to mention for anybody who’s interested, givesengo comfundingfetzer is where you can help out. That’s, that’s absolutely right. And I’m going to be updating the website in terms of the description when I get these submissions off to the respective courts. Great. So other than that, what else is going on? What’s the domestic news, international news, what’s going on? A lot of people are always asking.

It seems like the world is always falling apart. What’s happening, Jim? Well, Scott Ritter suggests we’re on the brink of nuclear war with the CIA and the Moscow attack, which clearly was orchestrated by Ukrainians and the CIA. Unless, and this is completely fascinating, I have three different sources who are quite good sources suggesting it may have been staged attack, a false flag. Now Russia, and of course inside the United States, we’ve had many, many of these false flags, including of course, Sandy Hook, Boston bombing, Orlando, Dallas, Charlotesville, Parkland, Las Vegas, Buffalo, Nashville, and the like.

And indeed Brian Davidson. In our latest truth versus news program, which is 2 hours where I present the stories and Brian and Scott Bennett, who’s a former army intelligent psyops officer or commentators, you can find them on my bitchute channel. Jim Fetzer discussed indications that this may have been an orchestrated event. Putin has now, of course, passed his election. He got around 88% of support of the russian people.

He’s free to be far more aggressive about Ukraine. He knows that western countries perpetrate phony events all the time. It is not beyond the realm of possibility, that he adopted a page from the western playbook to use it against the west, because now he has tremendous public support for taking more aggressive action against Ukraine. And while we do have reports of these assassins having been trained in Turkey through the ukrainian embassy there and so forth, I have resisted the very thought in the past because I have such admiration for Putin and his character.

And it’s, in my opinion, under ordinary circumstance, beneath the character of Russia to fabricate an event. But this might be a solitary exception. So I want to say, if anyone wants to pursue that idea, in any case, Russia is going to be far more severe. Now. They’ve taken a kind of gentle approach here to four with a special military operation. They deliberately were not declaring war because of its legal and other ramifications, but have no doubt the gloves are off, and the western nations are going to find themselves in a predicament if NATO, for example, tries to expand its resistance of Russia.

Putin’s already creating two new divisions of russian forces for conventional combat. And if they dared know, threaten a nuclear attack, he’s already made it clear to the world that he will go all out. Not a piecemeal response, but that it will be full throated. In my opinion, the war would be over in a matter of hours. These russian missiles are so sophisticated and hypersonic, a single Satan, two, for example, with, like, 15 independently targeted warheads, could take out all of France.

And it’s been Emmanuel Macron who has rather absurdly suggested that maybe NATO should start sending its troops into Ukraine. I mean, this is ludicrous. This is a form of russian roulette being played by the french president, perhaps in part to distract attention from Candace Owen doubting the fact that his wife is a man who apparently began seducing him when he, she was his nanny, and at 40 years of old, when he was only 15.

This is quite a scandal. Candace has expressed concern. People are telling her she’s likely to get whacked. I’m hoping that she will turn her attention to Big Mike. Or, in fact, I gather there’s a documentary in the works for Big Mike about Michelle Obama, in fact, having been more Michael Levon Robinson being a man with breast implants. It’s a staggering story. And, of course, Joan Rivers was telling us about it way back when, and then she seems to disappear now.

Let me say I have seen a video of a woman coming out of a concert in New York who had the voice of Joan Rivers, the height, the weight of build. At Joan Rivers. My opinion is she’s not dead. She was simply taken off of the stage so people wouldn’t keep coming back to ask for more information about Michelle, Michael and Barack because she’d been questioned by a reporter that now we have the first black president, we’re going to have the first gay.

And she said, well, we already do with added, and of course Michelle’s a tranny, we all know. And he was kind of dumbfounded. Well, I think the Obamas don’t want reporters pursuing the story. So they had Joan conveniently disappear, supposedly through her death, for a routine throat examination. But that’s far fetched and highly improbable. I think simply more likely that she was reported to be dead to take her out of the spotlight.

So people would be pursuing the story because the woman coming out of the concert, I believe was and, you know, not dolled up. She was in the past but in disguise, just looking like a normal person. Anyway, you cut it. We have much more taking place. We have the UN special rap on tour accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. This is very significant. RT is reporting israeli action in Gaza qualify as genocide on at least three grounds.

Going to report by Francisca Albany’s UN Human Rights council special raconteur, which was leaked to the public on Monday. She’s due to present her remark to the council on Tuesday. That would be today. The pro Israel group UN Watch obtained an advanced copy of the document and posted it online. The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel’s assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it is inflicted reveal an intent physically destroy Palestine as a group.

Albanese rites she argues that Israel has destroyed Gaza, killing over 30,000 palestinian, destroying 70% of its residential areas, displacing 80% of its population. There are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met, she said. The report accused Israel of violating three criteria of the genocide convention, killing members of a community, inflicting serious mental or bodily harm to the group, and deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part to be presented today.

Unsurprisingly, the United States claims Israel is following international law, not blocking mean. It’s ridiculous how the United States is going down with a ship, State Department claimed Monday. That was yesterday. Israel is using U. S. Weapons without violating international U. S. Law. Despite the massive civilian casualties in Gaza and the starvation blockade imposed on the strip, no one is going to believe that at all. Indeed, there are so many additional reports of atrocities being committed by Israel, it’s simply outrageous to make the suggestion.

Thus we have the Cato Institute reporting Israel is a strategic liability for the United States. President Joe Biden recently proclaimed, there’s no going back to the Middle east status quo as it stood on October 6. But the truth is Biden refuses to abandon the status quo, particularly regarding Washington’s so called special relationship with Israel. Unwavering us support for Israel has been a consistent element of Middle east policy since the establishment of the state in 1948.

JFK coined the phrase special relationship in 1962, explained that Washington’s ties to the state were really comparable only to that which it has with Britain over a wide range of world affairs by 2013. Then Vice President Biden argued, it’s not only a long standing moral commitment, it’s a strategic commitment, but it’s one that is now costing the United States standing before the world. Even Donald Trump now is encouraging Israel to end it, to stop its offensive, warning about global support fading.

I wish he were more unambiguous in calling it out, but he seems so committed to Israel, which troubles me profoundly, and he’s not brought himself to do it. Here we have former President Donald Trump said he would have responded the same as Israel did after the October 7 attack, but urgent country to finish up its offensive in Gaza. Get this over with. Warning of international support fading now question becomes, what does he exactly mean by finishing up kill all the rest of the Palestinians in short order, we do have an onslaught against Rafa for over 1.

2 million refugees are located that Israel been threatening to undertake, which is going to leave the world aghast. Is Trump actually encouraging them to do it sooner and kill more faster? You have to finish up your war, he says. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done, he said in an interview with an israeli newspaper. You’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on.

And I will say as Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world, you are losing a lot of support and of course, there’s just no doubt about that. It is indeed the case. Now. It’s a very interesting little diddy that DC Dave has put together I’d like to share to the tune of stuck in the middle with you by steelers wheel.

This is interesting. Let me play it for you. I like DC Dave and this is good. It something’s not right. Ain’t no reason why I need to fight just because they have bad days. I keep wondering why I had to pay New York Times to the left box news to the right here we are sucked in the final jew yes, we’re sucked in the final jew and I’m wondering what it is I could do they want to stall filled up with hate but I just want food on my plate food to the left of me suckers to the right here I am sucked in the fighting for you always coming through the cave into the plane but suckers never stop asking hold up the hand please make some sense of it all but I can see it makes no sense at all is it cool to just lay down my gun? Cause I don’t think that I’m helping anyone food to the left me justice to the right here I am stepping up the truman came into the field but the dude never stopped asking hold out their hands and say please just because they had a bad day I keep wondering why I have to pay fools to the left of me circus to the right here I am sucking the fighting for you sucking the fighting for jew here we are sucking the fighting for jew you I just want to emphasize songs like that are indicative of changing attitude.

Israel has shown its true character here, and it is repulsive. They have, of course, feigned that they were treated badly by the Germans in World War II, but my own research has exposed the holohoax that this was fabricated after the fact to create a justification for the founding of Israel and in all the camps combined. According to the International Committee, the Red Cross, which is keeping copious, detailed records of the age, the sex, the ethnicity, the religion and the cause of death of every inmate, they recalibrate their numbers.

In 1993, total, 296,081 died from all causes combined, none of whom, not one, was put to death in a gas chamber. Fred Locker, who is a leading expert on gas chambers, in 1988 participated in the trollebert Zondel for a Holocaust denial in Canada, went to the camps, studied their facilities, and came back with a report that none of the equipment, the arrangement at any of the camps could possibly have served as a gas chamber.

You would have thought that would be the end to it. But no. The mythology persists to this day because israeli jewish political power is rooted in a western sense of guilt over the Holocaust. They can’t afford to allow the truth to be exposed. But many of us have done that. And you can find an extensive documentary I did on my blog@jameshwester. org. If you go to the 65 shows, you’ll find the official World War II narrative, historical fact or mass illusion, and I leave no doubt about it.

Indeed, in my opinion, anyone who has done the research on the Holocaust is either a Holocaust denier or a big fat liar. There are no alternatives. Meanwhile, this marxist, Leticia James, is attacking Trump after the Court of Appeals reduced the massive bond he was going to have to put up of nearly $500 million to 175, saying he’s still going to have to pay. Donald Trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud.

The court already found engaged in years of fraud that falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enriched himself, his family and his organization. That’s nonsense. That’s complete rubbish. There were no victims here. There were no complaints. Donald Trump had given his estimate of his real estate value, including Mar a Lago, which actually has a value between 200 and 300 million. The judge and the attorney general artificially deflated it to create a false impression that Trump had done something wrong.

The banks have their own assessors, the banks make their own evaluations. The bank thought he was totally reliable, had ample collateral, made the loans, they’ve been paid back with interest. They’re VAT and happy. They’d like to do more business with Trump, but they’re not being allowed to because of the vendetta taking place here. Really quite disgusting. Trump is succeeding. He’s way ahead in all six of the battleground states by two to four points.

There’s no reason to think Biden could possibly win an honest election. We have to look back at 2020 and recognize the Democrats are masters at stealing elections, especially by way of mail in balloting. Question becomes how they’re going to try to steal it this time. It doesn’t look like they’re going to have another COVID up their sleeve, but I don’t discount it. They might even create a false flag and attack here in the US and declare martial law and then deny the possibility that.

Deny possibility that the possibility that martial law might be imposed in elections postponed indefinitely. We just don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve been anticipating for some time that the Democrats are going to bring in Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama to be their actual candidates, but there are lots of problems with both. And I think the recent death of Tafari Campbell, who was Barack Obama and Michelle’s chef under very mysterious circumstances, drowning in 3ft of water when he was a qualified swimmer, where Brock showed up a following day with bandages on his hand and a black eye, suggests to me that rather like the encounter between Paul Pelosi and his friend David, or David hit Paul over the head with a hammer, which is, by my discernment in inference, was actually a dildo.

A pink hammer you can buy on Amazon. com for $95. Loaded with batteries, hit over the head, could induce a skull fracture such that Paul Pelosi sustained. And where he sought to break out the glass at the back of the house to make it appear as though there had been a break in, but in the process badly cut his hand, and the glass was on the outside when it should have been on the end.

I think there’s an attempt here to suggest that the party Campbell had an accidental death, but it appears to have been deliberate, and I believe this is going to become a big deal. Tom Fitton of judicial watch has been good at keeping the pressure on with regard to all of this. Meanwhile, the leading expert on the medical evidence in the assassination of JFK, David W. Mantek, who is both a MD and a PhD.

He’s a PhD in physics from Wisconsin. He’s an MD from Michigan. He’s board certified in radiation oncology, has published a readily accessible version of his earlier, far more formidable and technical book that was massive, like a volume of an encyclopedia. A new book, the JFK Assassination. The final analysis of the shots the president sustained, where in the past he had identified two shots to the head. Indeed, David and I have been collaborating since 1992.

When he informed me on eve of his first entry into the National Archives, he thought he would discover evidence of a second shot to the head, but also that the autopsy x rays had been altered. He found both. And in the new book, he explains a third shot to the head. There’d long been debate over whether Jack had been shot in the head. And you may recall when Malcolm killed him, put his finger right up to his right temple and said it was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head.

From the intersection of the triple underpass and the picket fence where there’s an above ground sewer opening, or from the curbside sewer opening on Elm street. Well, guess what? It turns out both. That was a third shot they had fired from the curbside sewer opening. And that means Jack was hit altogether. Five different times. He was hit in the back by his shot fired from the top of the county records building by deputy sheriff, implanting a man liquor carcana bullet using a 36 larger caliber round and a plastic collar known as a sabo.

It was a shallow shot only when it’s about as far as a second knuckle on your little finger. It turns out that Sam Kenny, a driver of the Secret Service Cadillac colloquially known as the Queen Mary was given a bucket of water and a sponge to wash out the blood and brains at parkland and found a whole bullet. Evidently, it was that slug worked its way out of his back, which he explained to a neighbor, he took inside and left on a stretcher what would become the celebrated magic bullet.

Except there was nothing magic about it. Second hit was fired through the windshield, hit JFK in the throat. According to Bob Livingston, MD, a world authority on the human brain and an expert on wound ballistics, that bullet fragmented, part going upward into the brain and severing this top membrane that covers the cerebellum, a comp part, part of the brain at the top of the brain stem, base of the skull, and the other into his right lung, where they concealed the damage by substituting a bona fide JFK x ray, because all his medical records were at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

So they could not only conceal the wound, they could conceal the damage by using a genuine JFK autopsy from the past. Then we had, after the driver, William Griffith, pulled the limousine to the left and to a halt, where the location where he should park, pull the limo to a halt, had been identified by yellow paint on the curbing that was still wet. It was applied in the night.

He was hit then three times in the back of the head. That shot, by the way, was fired by an air force expert from inside the triple underpass. And he was hit the three times in the head, once in the back of the head, by a shot fired from the dow text by an antigastro Cuban using the only unsilenced weapon. Indeed, blossom that day, a manlic or carcano, to set up the acoustical impression of only three shots having been fired where two missed, one hit a distant curbing, a fleck of concrete of which cut him on the cheek, which eventually would lead to reducing the number of shots fired from three with three hits to two, where they had to introduce the idea of the magic bullet, which was an utter fantasy, not even anatomically possible.

But that’s how the government played it. I mean, the absurdity is, the afternoon of the assassination, two shots were widely reported on radio and television. The small shot, clean puncture wound to the neck and the shot to the right temple, which blew his brains out, the back of his head. Attributor Admiral George Berkeley, widely on radio and television. And then you got Malcolm Kilde pointing to the right temple.

So that Frank McGee, who was on NBC when the report started to dribble in that the FBI and the Secret Service had concluded there had been three, and only three shots fired from above and behind, says, this is incongruous. How can the man have been shot from in front, from behind? Is that blatantly how they manipulated the american people? Actually stunning, stunning stuff. The shot of the right pitbull, which was fired from the intersection of the triple underbass in that above ground sewer opening, appears to have been fired by the mob shooter, who may have been the best shot in the world at the time, and from the curbside sewer opening by the israeli shooter.

Such a combined impact, he blew his brains out the back of his head, but he ejected debris so forcefully that officer Bobby Hargis right into the left rear, impacted by the debris, initially thought he himself had been shot. You can find my discussion of his new book on my blog@jameshfetsherd. org. Under the title new book nails how JFK was taken out in Dallas. And it’s also been published on unz.

com, which is known as the UN’s review, which is the hottest website in the world today, where there’s a fairly extensive discussion of the book and many issues raised, which one commentator said was the best discussion of JFK he’s ever seen and where I find it hard to disagree. In any case, those who want the latest on JFK check out the discussion thread on UN’s review. Meanwhile, we can expect a whole lot to be taking place in the world as a consequence.

And it may or may not be the case that the Baltimore bridge collapse by a huge cargo carrier was manipulated by controlling a computerized system to crash into the bridge and bring it down. If I’m right, and this may simply herald the first of what are going to be many attacks on America and including by those illegals who have come into the country. Well, we had an illustration of what we may anticipate on a large scale at a Home Depot where one illegal was apparently shoplifting and the two security guards apprehended him, only to have dozens of other illegals in the store depend upon him and beat him up to get their guy free.

I’m afraid this is going to happen a lot in America that we’re not prepared for it. It’s going to be very messy, and they’re going to be a lot of unhappy campers. I just got to say, this is where things stand today, right here in the USA. Thank you, Jim. It’s quite the know. We’re hoping things turn around. We’re hoping the good guys are winning. And there’s a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we don’t know what’s going on.

A couple things I wanted to ask you. Did you mention the, I know Joaquin Hogopian had a really nice article about it. What do you think about the West Point change in their motto honor, duty, country? Did you hear about that? Yeah, of course. No. Joaquin publishes on my site. I frequently am the first place of publication. The other alternative is thegovernmentrag. com. So Joaquin and I go way back and it is outrageous that they’ve changed the motto.

It’s still in the mission statement or the other way around. It changed a mission statement, replaced it with army values which appear to include transgenderism and wokism. It’s truly outrageous. Indeed, a piece I’ve done with Scott Bennett, who’s a former army intelligence psyops officer, concludes we no longer have an army. And I’m afraid that if we are confronted with a necessity to actually put troops in the field, we’re going to fall flat.

That the way in which the army has been conducting business has failed to meet its recruiting goals. All the services, with a possible exception of the Marine Corps, are falling woefully short. And it’s got a lot to do with a mandatory vax with know classes to learn how your country is a racist nation, not wanting to take showers with trannies and the like. I mean, the young red blooded american males from the south who have made the bulk of our military in the bass have been turned off, and I don’t know how they’re going to be induced to return.

And if they seek to impose a draft, I think it’s going to create protests the likes of which you’ve never seen, because sending american troops to fight for Ukraine or worse yet, to go to Israel to slaughter Palestinians is not in the american playbook. It should never have been there. And yet I have reports that the initial entry into Gaza city was done by a thousand american special ops, most of whom were shot up and killed by Hamas or Israel.

Want to fight wars using our children and daughters. And not for nothing, as it said that the israeli national anthem is onward christian soldiers. So I think DC Dave’s song, the parody unstuck in the middle with you about fighting wars for Jews, I think the world’s attitude toward Israel has changed permanently. It can no longer claim to be the victim. These are savages, and their contact toward the Palestinians is overwhelmingly worse than any actual experience induced by the Germans on the Jews in World War II.

I mean, the inversion in perception is massive, and frankly, it appears to be permanent. So if the United States does not associate itself with Israel, we are going down in the world’s estimation and have already fallen very far, which is why Trump is a bit desperate about the United States, Israel concluding, I don’t think he actually means slaughtering all the Palestinian. I think he just means, stop what you’re doing because you’re losing the world and the US is going down with them.

Sad to say. That’s where we are today, my friend. Very sad, very sad indeed, and very true. And we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully, it all gets turned around. One last question I got for you is, are you familiar with the April eigth eclipse? Have you heard any reports about that? There’s been some reports that they say April eigth, there might be a false flag, this and that.

So just throwing that, the fact that this predictable astronomical phenomenon of the moon imposing itself between the sun and earth, so that there’s just going to be a strip on earth where sunlight is blocked out by the moon’s intervention between these two celestial objects, no causal consequences whatsoever other than those areas being deprived of light ever so temporarily as the eclipse take place. The fact that there is so much being set of this suggests to me, yes, it’s highly probable a false flag is going to occur and it’s going to be totally artificial, having nothing to do with a solar eclipse other than for the sake of timing.

I mean, you’d have to go back to primitive eras, a thousand years before the birth of Christ, for example, when the population thought that this was something awful and intimidating because the light of the sun was being blocked, failing to understand, of course, the elements of these celestial bodies, at least in terms of their causes and their significance. So, yeah, I think you’re right, and it’s a good question and timely that you ask, because I do believe, yes, they’re going to perpetrate some kind of phony attack.

Maybe this will be when they declare there’s got to be martial law, because Trump is doing all too well. He’s really got the support of most of the nation, including the blacks and latino communities are going overwhelmingly for Trump. There’s no one left to vote for the Democrats. It’s that bad. So desperate times call for desperate measures. I think we may be contemplating one of those when this eclipse takes place.

Right. All right, Jim, well, thank you for all your, everybody givesengo. com slash fundingfetser and also jameshfetzer. org. Jim, as always, thank you very much. Stay strong. Stay blessed. And God bless everybody, and let’s get this country up in order. Thanks so much. You’re doing a great job. Likewise. Thank you. Bye. .

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.

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accusations of genocide in Gaza allegations against Donald Trump brink of nuclear war CIA and Moscow tensions Conflict in Gaza discussion Dr. Jim Supreme Court return Gz Truth News guest appearance Holocaust skepticism Israel international controversy Israel losing international support JFK assassination theories legal actions political situation in Russia Putin public support questioning Holocaust authenticity staged attacks discussion

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