– 100 senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings. They are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats or lobbyists. They alone should be held accountable.
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In 184, Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel wrote the following still true today:
100 senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of 300 million who are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.
I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason – they have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it no matter what the lobbyist promises. It is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party. It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted by present facts of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.
When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist. If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red. If the army and Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan, it’s because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they do not receive Social Security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it’s because they want it that way.
There are no insoluble government problems. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish, to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject, to regulators to whom they give the power to regulate, and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like the economy, inflation or politics that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do. Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and they alone, have the power. They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses, provided the voters have the gumption to manage their employees.
Reading from Charlie Reese and reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese. Thank you for watching the latest Greg Reese report. Be sure to go to to see my latest videos. Sign up for my free newsletter and subscribe for exclusive content. And be sure to support my – Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for optimal strength, and they can only be obtained through diet. They can be found in grass-fed beef, which is why the ruling class is trying to ban it, and they can be found in fish, which are arguably the best source of Omega-3s. But the problem today is finding fish without a high mercury content. Your best option is our ultimate fish oil and ultimate Krill
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