Daily Update #3 – Wednesday, December 16, 2020

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Daily Update #3 – Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Fellow Patriot,

It seems like the news and updates are coming out like a firehose now!


So Much Has Happened in The Past 24 Hours!

In today’s main topic, I will be talking a bit about what to do with all this information and how to prevent “information overload” from taking place.

It has happened to me several times over the years.

That is how I know what to do about it! Lol

I will explain more and give some simple solutions below.

You will also get to see a classic Bruce Lee quote that can give you a “superpower”!


“Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.”

― General George S. Patton Jr.



By Jared James

My Patriots Network (MPN) is becoming the biggest community of Patriots on the planet.

It is bringing together Patriots of all backgrounds…

…from all different countries…

…united around one common purpose…


Maybe you are an entrepreneur.

Maybe you have a job you really enjoy.

Maybe you have a job you really do not enjoy!

And maybe you lost your job and do not know what is happening next.

No matter what your current situation is, it is a must that you have goals for your life.

If you have a family, you might have goals for your family too. But no matter what, you have to have goals!

Having clear goals ensures we are continuing to grow and evolve, which is what ultimately brings us happiness and fulfillment on this planet.

We share a lot of different news updates here with you.

This is to inform and EMPOWER YOU WITH KNOWLEDGE, so you can make more informed decisions in your own life.

But regardless of what we share with you, it is always important for you to remember what your personal goals are.

This way you do not get overwhelmed with information and then you stop taking action.

One simple technique to prevent productivity decline is to FOCUS ON YOUR #1 PRIORITY TASKS FIRST!

 Get them 100% complete. Then, use “spare time” or specific scheduled times during the day to catch up on news, do research etc.

Now, learning about this information may also inspire new desires and goals for you.

For example…

Maybe learning about these voting machines will inspire you to start learning about cyber security.

 It could be that seeing all of the corruption being exposed from these politicians is motivating you to learn more about politics and possibly run for some political office in your local area.

 Maybe you are seeing what’s trending and what is needed around the world and you are using that information to capitalize on it with some business venture that adds tremendous value to society.

Whatever the case may be for you, it is important to FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.

You are reading these words for a reason.

You are on this path for a reason.

And this is not the end…

It is just the beginning!

Thank you for being on this path with us.

I will be sharing more with you tomorrow.

Be well,


Today’s Tip

Tip of the day: Many of us realize the power of having goals, but many do not think about their goals every day. Even fewer write their goals down every day. This can be an effective reminder and also a way to continue to focus more energy on them every day to help you program yourself for their achievement. Pro Tip: Use white paper and a pen with blue ink for the best results.

In Other News

There are many companies that are having technical issues. Whether that is related to the “super hack” that recently occurred or not remains to be seen.

However, Gmail has been having massive issues in the past 24 hours, with many users not able to receive emails. Some users even had issues logging into their Gmail account.

* It is HIGHLY suggested that if you use Gmail at all and if you connect it with any third-party apps, to remove those connections and reset your Gmail password.

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