Tuesdays With Mike | Trump Dumps on Israel | Untold History Channel

Posted in: News, Patriots, Untold History Channel



➡ Ron Partain and Mike host a show called the Untold History Channel and they discuss current events and historical topics. In this episode, they talk about a recent comment by Trump about Israel losing the public relations war, and how this ties into their theories about secret political maneuvers. They also discuss their frustrations with people who don’t understand or agree with their views. They believe that Trump is secretly working against Israel, despite his public support for the country.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief that some people are spreading false information about Trump’s relationship with Israel. They argue that Trump has actually been working against Israel’s interests, citing his actions in Syria and his withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Middle East. They urge listeners to focus on these actions rather than superficial images or statements. They also mention an article they wrote on the topic and encourage listeners to sign up for their mailing list.
➡ This text discusses the geopolitical roles of China, Russia, and Iran, and the impact of the Belt and Road initiative. It also delves into the controversies surrounding Epstein’s Island, which was allegedly used for blackmailing influential figures. The text further discusses the influence of neoconservatives in the Republican Party and how Trump’s presidency affected their standing. Lastly, it mentions the Epstein case and Trump’s involvement in it.
➡ The text discusses how the power dynamics are changing in the political world, particularly in relation to Jewish influence. It highlights how public figures, like Candace Owens, are openly criticizing Jewish power, suggesting a shift in societal attitudes. The text also discusses the impact of Trump’s presidency, particularly his role in the Abraham Accords, which led to Arab states formally recognizing Israel, changing the political landscape in the Middle East. Lastly, it mentions the decline of AIPAC’s influence and the internal divisions within the Jewish community, largely influenced by Trump’s actions and rhetoric.
➡ The text discusses the history and politics of Israel, focusing on the Zionist Congress meeting in 1897 and their prediction of a homeland in Israel. It also talks about the influence of Israel on U.S. politics, with some believing that Israel had significant control over Congress. The text also mentions a perceived civil war among Jews, with some supporting Trump and others opposing him. Lastly, it touches on conspiracy theories related to 9/11 and the involvement of various groups.
➡ The speaker discusses how accusations of anti-Semitism and references to the Holocaust are losing their impact. They mention how public figures like Joe Rogan are openly criticizing the situation in Gaza, something that would have been controversial in the past. The speaker also talks about how traditional media is losing control and how people are becoming more aware of global issues. They end by discussing a historical event where Adolf Hitler won a lawsuit against a Jewish newspaper that falsely claimed he was funded by Jews.


Ron Partain, untold history. This is the Tuesdays with Mike and Ron show for Tuesday, April the 9th. Yeah, April the 9th. And this was recorded yesterday. I’m gonna go ahead and just let the recording go, but I want to let you all know that after this, I’m going to show you about a two hour documentary on Israel’s 2nd 911. And it kind of dovetails with what we did yesterday.

We recorded this, Mike and I recorded this yesterday, so it kind of dovetails with that. So stay tuned for that. It’s not going to show up until, because I only get two, I only do two slots at a time to with rumble. So I can’t, it may not show up yet, but it will by the time that this recording is done. So FYI, there will be another show following this.

So anyway, look forward to seeing you there. That one will be live. I’ll be narrating it live and then playing it. So it’s going to be almost kind of like a watch, party type thing. But anyway, that’s coming after this. So enjoy the recording of Tuesdays with Mike done yesterday. See you in about an hour. And welcome, everybody, to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron partain and it is Tuesdays with Mike, recorded again on a Monday.

Mike had something else come up again on. So this, we’re gonna, we’re recording this on the day the world is falling apart because of the solar eclipse. But if you see this on Tuesday night, then that means the world is still okay. We were very, very cloudy up here. I didn’t see anything. Didn’t, I didn’t. Very cloudy day here. I’m out in California. So there wasn’t, as far as I know, there wasn’t really anything.

It wasn’t that big of a deal. Yeah. So I personally, I didn’t think anything was going to come from it anyway. I thought it was a, I thought it was going to be kind of used as a test event to see, hey, this is what, this is what the reaction is going to be. So it was more of a reaction test than anything else. Yeah, that was my, that was my opinion.

But you know, who knows? So what do you got for us today there, Mister King? Well, Trump made a comment a few days ago that’s very much in line with many of the articles I’ve been writing these lat, these last few years. And so I wanted to revisit that topic. He made a comment, he was doing an interview with an israeli newspaper and he said, you know, Israel is really losing the PR war, the public relations war over this.

And that’s very important. And it was very strategic on his part, because what he’s doing is he’s calling attention to the so called atrocities that we spoke on your last show. I don’t believe there’s a war going on at all. I call it a wag to dog scenario. Want to believe it’s real? That’s fine. Either way. Trump making that comment was like a little dig in the back.

You know, he says, well, they need to wrap the. Wrap this up. It’s going on too long, and Israel’s losing the public relations war. And that generated headlines, lots of headlines. A comment from the so called white hat White House. Some Israelis were criticizing it. So it’s the. This is like, really the first time that Trump has openly, you know, pulled a rug out from under Israel’s feet a little bit.

It was very damaging comment. So. But that’s what’s going on. And I’ve been trying to explain this for years to people who are fixated on Trump, the Zionist. And, you know, you can’t reason with these people. I mean, frankly, they’re just stupid. And I’m just, like, so sick of hearing from them. Yeah, they. I’ve had, like, some of them have been donors. They pulled their donations. They quit the site.

They call me a shill. I I don’t care. You know, um, I’m not in this to please people, so I could gain subscribers. I’ve presented voluminous amounts of information to show this pattern, how Trump has had to play the game. Now, I sent you that article. If you could pull it up. I just a few turns out of there, and I want to tie this back into our friend Q.

Okay, so here from the top. Scroll down a little bit. You passed it. Okay, the cue posts. There you go, right there. The cue posts. Trump. There we go, right there. There. Okay, cue post number 151. How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Do you attack it from the front? Do you walk through the front door? Do you signal ahead of time that you will be attacking? Okay.

Who is the dangerous animal? The cabal, the new world order and its components? The globalists, the Zionists. You don’t do a full frontal assault. And the way that Trump has handled the zionist element of this conspiracy handled it beautifully, because he has to contend with the jewish power that still exists. And even more significantly, these deluded evangelicals who worship Israel. Okay. You have to tread very carefully. If they perceive at all that you’re criticizing God’s chosen people, or Israel, they will turn against you because those pastors, a lot of them, are working for the Mossad.

So you have to deal with this. So the way to play the game is to wage your secret war against Israel, right? And yet putting on a public face. I love Israel. Bibi’s my buddy. I will stand with Israel, etcetera. That is meant to conceal the moves that he has made against Israel, which I’ll get into in a little bit. And then, of course, you have the other Q post on the right.

This is the classic Q 916. If you had to rate like the, the top 20 classics of all time, I definitely put this one in there. We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason, not mentioned a single time. This is way back in 2018. And here we are in the end game. They have indeed saved Israel for last. Israel is taking a beating in the public relations war.

I’ve been saying this since October, and now Trump just used that same word, the public relations. And this is what it’s all about. This what, this is what’s going on. And to anyone who’s followed this over the years and understands Q q anon ology, okay, we’re seeing this unfold right now, and it’s. It’s beautiful. They, they snuck up on Israel. They did this quietly. And they never, they never really perceived what Trump was doing until it was too late.

If you’ve ever seen Godfather part two, and the way that Michael Corleone, Pacino, how he played the big jewish month’s mobster, Hymen Rolfe, this is identical, because in the film, it depicts Michael Corleone. He’s plotting to take down Hymen Roth, but in order to do it, in order to conceal it, he’s kissing his butt. He goes to his home. Mister Roth, you’re a great man. I know you worked with my father.

My father admired you, blah, blah, blah, kissing his ass, in the end, he has Hymen Roth executed, right? That’s how you play it. And this is, this is what happened. And I do believe that BB, Satan, Yahoo, was executed some time ago on orders from Donald Trump. And I just say that based out of the patterns and the inferences, looking at all these characters who look different, the mask lines.

And then, yeah, I was one of a multiple pictures where he appears to be wearing a mask. I believe he’s been taken care of, but he’s finished anyway, because now that they’ve juiced up, and this is probably us special operations, these massive demonstrations are taking place in Tel Aviv. They’re camping out at BB’s, so called BB, Netanyahu’s private home. So he’s gone. Likud’s gone. Greater Israel is gone.

And eventually the Palestinians will get a nice deal out of this because that’s always been Trump’s dream. So everything is just going exactly according to plan, as I’ve been saying for the last four or five years, based on the clues that Q has been giving us and how they correspond with real life. That’s. I agree. Yeah, I absolutely agree. And, you know, I want to echo my frustration, you know, to the people that just, they cannot get past the fact that, oh, well, Gerald, Jared Kushner’s evil, and he’s, you know, and, and it’s just, I don’t know.

It’s just, it’s, I get. Well, you know, the deep state, they’ve got their operatives, too, and they’re not completely defeated. That’s where this emanates from. They have characters in our midst who sound like us and act like us, and they drop these poison pills, and they’ve built up a following, and it’s just all they do is attack Trump no matter what they do. And it’s hard to tell who’s an operative sometimes and who’s been duped by them.

But I, that’s a. I don’t see why they can’t see it. That’s an important thing, though. That’s a. It’s in. It’s important to do that because then if you. If it’s important to be able to, to do it convincingly, because then if. If it’s not done convincingly, then how do they, how are they gonna know? They’re, they’re gonna know that it’s just, it’s fake. Right, right. So it has to have an aura of, of credibility.

Other. Otherwise, it’s like, you know, you’re not going to fool the enemy. Yeah. Right. And they have a way. And I’ve actually been on podcasts, in debates with some of these characters, and I bite my tongue even though I’m 99% sure that they’re operatives. A couple of them even look jewish. I just play along like I’m disagreeing with them, but I really think they were operatives. But for me, one of the telltale indicators is somebody who just goes overboard with the juju Jew stuff.

Okay? Now, of course I talk about Jews because this is a jewish mafia. We can’t pretend that it’s not. But I’m not. They kind of tipped their hand, like, oh, yeah, it’s a jew. It’s a jew, Joe. That’s how they sheep dip themselves, get the street cred, so called, and then they hit you with, you know, I used to support Trump, but no more. He’s with the Jews.

That’s how you recognize him, right? And, you know, I mean, they’re not, it’s not going to change anything. They’re not going to stop. Nothing can stop what’s coming, like you said. But it’s, it’s a shame that some of our lesser brethren have bought into this and, you know, they can’t, they can’t get out of their head. But it’s important, I like to emphasize this in our community because we don’t want to lose any of your people or my people to these, to these devils who are preaching this nonsense that Trump is one of them, when Trump has been killing them.

And I go on to talk about that, and we’ll talk about it. Now, the other stuff that follows in my, in my article, by the way, you’ll find that in the article section. I just posted it, Trump dub dumps Israel. It’s at the article section of real news and history. com. You know, I need all your listeners to go there and at least sign up for the free mailing list so we can stay in communication.

But that’s the most recent article Trump dumps on Israel publicly. And it’s, you know, it’s a big deal. It’s a big deal because, because now, you know, a lot of the Trump supporters, and this is why he has to tread carefully because this is especially something in the conservative and the religious communities, they love Israel. But a comment like this goes a long way to begin loosening that up a little bit.

You know, it’s like, yeah, you know, they are being kind of rough, you know, even so, but I just was just, I was very heartened to hear Trump say that. But the bulk of the heavy lifting or the heavy artillery fire is going to continue to come from the controlled left against Israel, which is a beautiful thing, you know. Amen. Yeah, I, you know, I don’t know, call me.

I just, I cannot wait for this to be done. And I’m, and I mean, I cannot wait. Man, I’m so excited. Yeah, it is, it is tiring, though. And it’s like a marathon. But we were told eight years. You know, it was very subtle, but, you know, you look at the plan, it had to be eight years, so, and the last one, even, even though it’s, even though it like, it feels like it’s taking forever.

It’s, you know, shoot, we’re already in the fourth month of 2024. Yeah. I mean, it’s insane. It’s. This year’s flying by. Yeah. So before you know, it’s going to be November. Yeah. Well, like all great films, the climax comes at the end. So I know some big events are going to be coming, I’m sure, you know. Yep. But getting back to the article, what does this see? What’s the next point I wanted to make? Here, here, I’ll reshare the screen.

Okay. Okay. Well, there you see some of the headlines down there that grew out of Trump’s comment. NBC news Trump faces backlash for criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu. Reuters, Israel and White House condemn Donald Trump’s remarks. So now this is amplification of what he said. Okay. Okay. Now, I want to go over point by point, the stuff that matters. People get fixated on trivial stuff. Like, for example, moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

Who cares? It’s no big deal. Okay. Or saying that I stand with Israel. That’s nothing. Let’s look at some substantive points. And I have a point right there. Trump and Putin took out the CIA, Mossad’s ISIS, and saved Syria. Oh, here we go. Okay, that’s lower. Down. Lower, yeah. Trump and Putin took out the CIA, Mossad, ISIS, and saved Syria. That was a major geopolitical objective of design.

This was to take down Assad. Okay. They wanted him dead and out just as much as they wanted Gaddafi gone or Saddam Hussein gone. Right? They didn’t get it. And why did they not get it? Because ISIS was put down. ISIS was a front for the Mossad, and they were there to destabilize Syria and overthrow the government. Supposed to be like a muslim terrorist group. Instead of fighting the Jews, they’re fighting Syria.

Isn’t that strange? Okay, now, when I say that Trump and Putin took out ISIS, which was one of Israel’s most deadly weapons, was active in 40 different countries, they could push a button and they could activate these mercenary, mercenary terrorists to destabilize any country in the world at will. How did Trump kill ISIS? Well, there’s a headline. I’m not going to pull it up now, but I can find it for you.

But this is a fact. His third or fourth month in office, he killed the CIA’s funding for the so called moderate rebels of Syria. That’s ISIS. There is no such thing as moderate rebels. And then ISIS rebels, there’s no distinction but the seat. So the CIA or American taxpayer dollars was funding ISIS? Trump cut that off, okay. On his own. And while he’s doing that, Russians were bombing ISIS on the ground.

So that’s how Syria was saved. So don’t tell me that Trump, you know, works for Israel. These idiots, they call him Zion don, you know, just because of the superficial mask he has to put up, he thwarted single handedly with this order. He took their money away, and he thwarted this decades old ambition of his, of Israel to throw, overthrow the Assad family. Okay, so Trump did that.

Nobody could die. And that’s huge. That’s huge. Good. Now Syria is rebuilding. They’re normalizing relations and with other countries. So this was the line in the sand where this reign of terror, where we know first they killed Saddam, then they killed Qaddafi. Now they want to go to Syria. And then later on, they had Lebanon and then Iran. They stopped it. They stopped this trend cold in Syria.

Donald Trump did that. So the next bullet point, Trump pulled out of the Middle east and let Russia and Iran as the protectors of the region. I mean, yeah, I know we have a base still in Saudi Arabia and such, but you got us out of Afghanistan, out of Iraq. There’s like a couple hundred people in the northern corner of Syria. The United States is not at the disposal of the, of the shitty little state anymore.

That’s what I call Israel, the SLS. And who’s, who has filled the vacuum? Russia, China and Iran. They do joint military exercises. Also Turkey. So there’s not going to be any expanded war. There’s not. And there is. There will never be another war in which the United States fights for Israel. We’re out. And these world powers have filled in the vacuum, and it’s over. And it’s Trump who created that situation.

He handed, he basically handed over not the political legal jurisdiction, but he placed the region under the protection of Russia, China, and Iran. Israel can do nothing now. Mm hmm. Okay. Trump did that. That. That is just undeniable. And it goes 180 degrees contrary to the zionist greater Israel agenda. This is the stuff people need to look at. Don’t look at Donald Trump, you know, lighten a menorah with some scenic Jews in the White House.

That’s so stupid. You know, silly people send me these pictures of Trump at the wailing wall with the beanie on. I don’t care about that. I’ll show you pictures of Trump with Hindus on their holiday or with Muslims unite. What does that mean? Means nothing. This is the substance. Okay. Did you have anything else you wanted to ask or add? Ron, before I move on. No, well, okay.

It says Trump pulled out of the Middle east and left Russia and Iran as the protectors of the region. You talked in here about China as well. So what? Because I see, I’m of the opinion that the Belt and Road initiative is. Well, let me ask you, do you talk at all in here about the Belt and Road initiative at all? Yeah, I don’t think it’s a problem at all.

I just think it’s international. No, I’m just. If you’ve talked, if it’s something that’s coming up, then I’m not. Then I’ll leave. Oh, no, no. I didn’t mention it in this article. Okay, so, because I think that China and Russia and Iran are the three big players that are going to. That have a role here. And I look at the belt and road initiative and I don’t see the China in their history has not been an antagonistic nation that wants to go conquer the world.

That’s never been their mo, ever. So I look at what they’re doing with the Belt and Road initiative as part of the good thing for building the infrastructure for the future of. It’s like that’s their part that they’re playing in terms of cultivating global commerce for that so that everybody can be profitable in the future. Now, does that mean that they’re going to have Brzezinski’s nightmare? He wrote about in 1998, he was worried about, you know, the central asian countries getting together and doing things on their own without being under us influence.

And this was part of the reason for Pearl harbor, for 911. You know, he used the phrase Pearl Harbor, Brzezinski, because he foresaw back then we could, we could lose Central Asia, our dominance over Central Asia. Right? Meanwhile, the Zionists, they wanted to dominate the Middle east. So you have these two forces together, and that’s what 911 was all, was all about. So they failed at the new world order and they failed at their greater Israel.

911 was supposed to be it. I think 911. 911 filled multiple roles. But I think one of them, certainly what you’re talking about definitely is one of them. I think it also had the functionality of destroying the constitution and whatnot on the domestic front, but on the global front, it had the, it had the ability for them to justify going to war or military action with all these other countries.

Yeah, yeah. So, but anyway, I digress. So what’s now? Okay, so those are two biggies right there. Okay. I don’t know what people are complaining about, but now, number three, this might be the biggest one of all. Trump took out Israel’s Epstein Maxwell island blackmail operation. Epstein island wasn’t just about an eccentric billionaire pervert and Hollywood pervert elites. No, it’s much deeper than that. It’s much bigger than that.

He had other properties, and then there’s other sex traps involved. This was big. This was how they would gain control, through blackmail. And some of it was voluntary blackmail, meaning people will go to Epstein’s island. They didn’t care if their dirty deeds were being recorded. They’re showing their loyalty because they’re going to rise up in the system. But this is a huge. This may have been Israel’s most powerful weapon.

Even more southern isis. Even more so than the Israel lobby. Epstein’s island. Okay, who was Epstein? He’s nobody. Was I. He was a high school math teacher who was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell and Les Wexner of Victoria’s Secrets fame. He’s just a front for Wexner. This is Wexner’s money. Ghislaine Maxwell, her father was Robert Maxwell. Buried in Jerusalem with high honors. Mossad, he was a newspaper magnet in magnate in Britain.

He’s Mossad. And all these ex Mossad chiefs were at his funeral. So by shutting down Epstein’s island, you took away all these black mailable people, and now they belong to Trump. Well, they’re. They’re probably all in jail now, but imagine the information they got. So this was. This was a devastating blow to the shitty little state by taking down Epstein’s island and similar operations. There was also the NXiVm sex culture.

And there’s also Jeffrey Epstein. He had a ranch, I think, in New Mexico. He had a property in Florida. This happened in all over, so God knows what kind of information. When they raided all of his residences, I mean, they probably got everything they need to arrest everybody, including the Israelis who are running it. Right? People want to ignore that, and then they’ll say, oh, yeah, but he, he was buddies with Jeffrey Epstein.

No, he wasn’t, asshole. He already had him arrested. Nobody else would. He kicked him off his property and said, never come back. Yeah, he had him raided. It was Jeff Sessions on his last day on his way out. Yeah, he had Epstein’s island rated and busted up. Jeff Sessions, who Trump, by the way, pretending not to get along. There’s all show to cover this. Cover this up was create this illusion of the incompetent Jeff Sessions.

Now, Jeff Sessions, he cleaned out the swamp big time. And he shut down Epstein’s island. So there’s another mighty blow struck against Israel. There was. And I’m trying to find the. If they were, I’m trying to find this thing where it was the Trump. There was whoever it was that was prosecuting. Or was it, was it the prosecutor or was it the defender? Two lawyers on Trump’s. No, I think it was the.

Who was the girl that was, that was, that was prosecuting or trying to. Comey’s daughter. No, the one who. With the, with the, with Epstein. The Epstein case down there where Acosta was the, was the, it was the one in Florida. And. Well, the. Who. I think it was the, I think it was the attorneys for the people, for the girls, the, the attorney that was representing the victims.

And, and they got, like, Trump called him and cleared his calendar, cleared his schedule, and said, I’ll give you all the time that you need to ask me any question you want. No time is no problem. I’ll give you all the time that you want. Ask me any question you want. And he literally, like, sat there and was extraordinarily generous with his time to help them go after Epstein.

Do you remember that? Something vaguely like that. Yeah, yeah. I was looking for. We don’t even have to cite these instances because the bottom line, he put. He put Epstein in jail, right? Okay, you think Gillay Maxwell was a hit with Chelsea’s wedding? Come on. Yeah. Hillary Clinton appointed Maxwell’s nephew to a position overseeing the operation in Libya. You know, so. But that was a huge loss for Israel.

Everything’s been a huge loss for Israel. Thanks to Trump. Thanks to Trump. And there’s more. And there’s more. But wait, there’s more. All right, let’s see. Well, let’s see what. What is. This guy has been Israel’s number one enemy, and he’s got people accusing him of being pro Israel. It’s a beautiful trick the way he’s played it. Okay, what’s next? Trump smoked out the Israel first neoconservatives and chased them out of the republican party, which they and their goy agents like Cheney, Romney, Bush, etcetera, had once dominated.

There’s no question. I mean, he, he made the republican party inhospitable for these people. Bill Kristol, you know how much influence that guy used to have? Those peanut people ran the republican party, the foreign policies. This is going back to the days of Reagan, since they infiltrated. There’s a whole story of the so called neocons were marxist jewish liberals from the New York area, intellectuals, so called. And all of a sudden they discover, you know what? We’re conservatives now.

Yeah, liberalism’s no good. And, you know, stupid conservatives got all excited and welcomed them into their ranks and into their think tanks and newspapers and magazines. It’s all, isn’t this wonderful? All these marxist jews now are conservatives. And what happened? They took over conservatism, okay? They took it over and they redirected it. They killed the remnants of Goldwater Reagan conservatism, and they made it neoconservatism, which involves, you know, your mouth, a few conservative slogans.

You come out for tax cuts, this and that. But on the foreign policy, it’s super aggressive, particularly in favor of Israel. They ran the Republican Party. They took it over under Reagan, totally controlled it under Cheney. And I mean, that was them. They had to stranglehold on them. You know, all these guys, Romney, McCain, all subservient to this neocon clique which was both political and journalistic. Kagan is one of them.

Pudoritz, you know, William Sapphire, old New York Times columnist, that immensely powerful trump came on the scene. They all went after him. And in the end, by the end of that campaign, they were all endorsing Hillary. And he got them to show their face, you understand? So when he won, these guys were done. Bill Kristol used to run these cruises and all these stupid, you know, I don’t call him stupid, but these trusting people who listen, read their newspapers or listen to conservative radio thought Bill Kristol was a great guy.

They were going to recoup. But now they saw when they turned on Trump, they said, what’s going on here? You know, and you still see their remnants, people like Ben Shapiro, but Trump smoked them out and he attacked them by name, viciously, and they had no place to go. He purged the Republican Party of the Israel first neocons. I mean, what else does he have to do? These are, these are mighty damaging body blows to international Zion to lose your.

They lost the republican party because of Trump. Yeah, I love that you mentioned Shapiro. God. Oh, yeah, little Benny, he’s being smoked out now, too. Yeah, yeah. He went after, and, you know, I know this is a side, side note, but I. He went after, what was her name? Candace Owens. Yeah. Yeah. You went after Candace Owens. And she’s like, yeah, dude, I’m done late. Yep. And she’s dropping the j word now.

And this is happening more and more, further evidence that the jewish power is, is waning significantly. You know, Ron, you know, we’re boomers. We’ve seen how many people have we seen taken down over the decades just, just for casting a disparaging glance at the shitty state. You know, that’s all it took. How many careers ruined, you know, how many people forced. Remember Marlon Brando once made some comments, got in trouble.

He starts making, I’m sorry, he went to a freaking synagogue, gave a speech, and he starts fake crying so he could, he could gain forgiveness. They were going to run Marlon Brando out of Hollywood. The biggest stars in Hollywood, on and on and on. Now, it’s not like that. You can talk about the adL, you could talk about Israel. It’s changing. And this is happening because we’re in the era of Trump.

So it’s a beautiful thing. It really is. And it’s quite obvious to me. What’s the next point? Let’s see here. Next point. Trump got an arab state, got arab states to formally recognize Israel through his pleased. And though this pleased the citizens of Israel, it removed the. Oy vey. The Arabs want to push us into the c card from the hand of the hardcore israeli warmongers. Yeah, that’s, that’s a big one.

That’s a big one. Because, uh, that’s, um, you know, it’s kind of advantageous to Israel if you could have normal relations with all the arab states. It’s really to their benefit. However, for the warmongers of Israel, it also removes a card that they like to play. Oh, everybody’s against us. They hate us, they won’t recognize us. They want to push us into the sea. That’s why we have to act this way.

Well, with these Abraham Accords, they can’t play that anymore. It took it all away. And that’s the whole point. I think ultimately the plan is once you get rid of the baby net and Yahoo crowd, once and for all, is you begin to integrate Israel into the region economically. So it’d be like normal neighbor, having normal relations with, with your neighbors. And, and you can’t say anymore, we’re, you know, we’re, we’re oppressed.

So, so Trump created that. That’s, that’s good for everybody in the region. And it really undermines the, the warmongers and their, in their rhetoric about how everybody’s against them. They can’t say that now. So that was, and who was the architect of the Abrahamic Accords? Oh, Jared Kushner. Yeah. Who supposedly, you know, run the, ran the Trump administration. And he’s evil jew, you know. Well, you know, I, I don’t know what his other political leanings are.

But he did that. And that’s, that was, that was a huge contribution. And, you know, I don’t know what else people would want from, from Trump. Look at all he’s done. You know, Israel’s, Israel’s finished. And there’s another point which I don’t think I listed in this article. Let me see if I did. But I did a whole article on it. I’d like to talk about that. Well, you see, do I mention a pack here? So there’s this.

And then this is the last point. Go back to, go back to that where we just were. Well, never mind. I got it on my end. I got, I’ll just read it here. It said Trump threw BBC and Yahoo. Out like a used up lemon rind after he finished playing him. At the very end of his administration. He, he made very disparaging remarks about Netanyahu that got a lot of press coverage.

At one point, he said, f him, he’s not loyal. Trump said that. He also said BB never wanted peace. It also came out that there was a phone call between Trump, Trump and Sheldon Adelson where Trump was yelling at Adelson, demanding that he give up, give more money to republicans. So there’s many stories like this, how at the end, you know, now Trump is at peak strength, he can show his true face, and he was really letting it, have it to these guys.

He hated Netanyahu. Okay? And Shayla, he doesn’t like these people. But this is how you had to, you had to play the game. But he did say that. And he’s quoted as saying f, netanyahu because Netanyahu’s one of the first to call and congratulate the so called character Joe Biden publicly acknowledged. And this is like very soon after the election, everybody screaming fraud. And here’s Yahoo. Congratulations to President Biden.

And Trump smoked him out that way. So, so there are many damaging remarks that he’s made. And now, again, we see how he’s criticizing his war effort. So another big point is a pack, okay? The American Israel lobby has lost its influence. It’s been split and divided against itself. It’s not what it used to be, not even close. And even the jewish newspapers acknowledged this, that AIPAC is on.

It is fading away in terms of its influence. Okay? Now why is that happening? It’s happening because at the same time that Trump was provoking the marxist Jews with his right wing rhetoric, America first, really getting them angry. He’s telling about how much he loves Israel. And that created a big problem with an APAC. And then he would start to berate the leftist Jews and say, I’ve done everything for Israel.

Why don’t you support me? You guys don’t love Israel. American evangelicals love Israel more than you. He constantly provokes them and they start screaming anti semitism. He created a rift. The rift was always kind of there a little bit. He exploited it. And he did this deliberately. He made it. So AIPAC is, I’ll show you a headline from jewish newspaper. They say AIPAC has split up. American Jews have split up into two warring tribes.

You got one tribe, they’re mega zionist. They think Trump is for them and the other one is marxist leftist, and they hate Trump. So amidst this division, AIPAC has fallen. It’s, do you know what happened a couple, a couple weeks ago was announced? $100 million. I’m looking it up right now. I said it’s going to progressive into the campaign of Republicans. Okay, so evidently Trump has taken control of their money as well, in accordance with executive order 138818.

So what, this is the one. This is the one. Okay, so it’s a left versus left house battle funded by a split over Israel. Is that the one? There’s a bunch of stories like that. I can’t, that’s, that’s a New York, it’s the New York Times. Progressive campaign launched a counter AIPAC. Former AIPAC officials warned against some Democrats split from the party of on Israel. From NPR, AIPAC explained the inside story of America’s powerful.

Yeah, so it’s, it’s, yeah, there’s a lot of, lot of stuff out there. He engineered this deliberately. Deliberately. He created the, it’s an internal jewish war going on. And the funny thing is, the one supporting Trump, they think he’s all pro Israel. He’s not anti Israel. He’s not against the israeli people or the idea of peace or anything. He’s against the whole greater Israel Netanyahu crowd. That’s who he wants it to take down.

But, but now he’s, now a hundred million dollars is going to be put towards the campaigns of MAga Republicans. And they’re not going to get anything in return from it because I could tell you right now, though, they will never be another us war for, for Israel. Thanks to Trump. So this is, this is the, these are the things that matter. And this was all engineered by Commander Trump.

And the whole time he was doing it. The zionist evangelicals, they love Trump. And you got a portion of the zionist Jews, they love Trump. Why such a paradox? Because he concealed it, he concealed his secret war by making all these gestures. To have so many the black pill people, they can’t get over it. So, so that’s it. There was a, there was a very interesting, somebody shared with me a very interesting show, and here I’m gonna, I’m gonna share this with you.

You here. I’m not going to share, I’m not going to play the whole thing, but maybe I’ll play it after the show tonight. That actually might not be a bad idea to play it after the show tonight. Let me see. Here it is. It’s about 2 hours and eleven minutes long, and it’s all about Israel’s 2nd 911, how Zionism conquered JFK, America and Palestine. And it’s very interesting.

Very interesting indeed. I’ll send this to you and you can watch it if you want. So it’s very interesting. I’ve watched quite a bit of it and I’ve been bouncing around, going back, catching a few things that I missed, but wow, it’s awesome. I, anytime I find something like that, where they actually take historical information and they put it to context and they, and then they, they incorporate things from, from yesteryear and bring it forward, and then it’s like, wow.

It just, it, it really like, it makes it real, it makes it hit home because it’s like, wow. Okay, I see where this is going now. And they’ve been dentists forever. Yeah, yeah. It’s quite a story. They come a long way since the Zionist Congress meeting in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, where they come out of there with these incredible pie in the sky future predictions or pronouncements saying, uh, yeah, it’ll take about 50 years, but eventually an international body will give us a homeland in Israel.

To hear something like that in 1897, you would have laughed at them. There weren’t even any Jews in Israel back then, maybe a small handful. And like, okay, how are you going to get Palestine away from the ottoman turkish empire and the Arabs who populate that area of Palestine? What do you mean you’re gonna have a home in 50 years? What did they know? The Turks weren’t about to create a problem like that and give them that land.

They already knew that a world wars were being planned many years in advance. And that’s, that’s how you do it, because at the end of world war, at the end of every world war, the victorious powers get to sit around a table, put out a map, get a marker and play God. And this is what they were anticipating, right? If you guys want to know what? A pack? The.

The symbol of a pack, looks like. Yeah, that’s the. This right here is apex symbol. Makes you want to vomit. Sure does. Yeah, well, you know, it’s. I go. I walked into. I don’t want to call out Clay Clark because I think Clay tries to do good things, but he’s just been. He’s been, you know, hijacked by the whole Schofield reference Bible garbage because, you know, it’s all.

He’s part of the evangelical crowd in the. In. In the middle middle America. And, you know, I mean. I mean, so many have fallen under the spell that Israel is the chosen people and they have their own covenant with God and. Oh, my God. It just. It makes me. It just makes me sick. It makes me ill. But, I mean, you know, you go in there and they, you know, this is like the John Hagee crowd.

You know, they fly in the mare, they fly in the israeli flag, and they don’t even understand that that symbol isn’t even israeli. It’s like, freaking satanic. It’s a six. It’s a. It’s a star of Moloch. Yeah, yeah. It’s not. It’s not even Israeli because that’s that symbol. That symbol is nowhere near anything Hebrew from the scriptures. Yeah. But anyway, I digress. So is there anything else in this article that you wanted to touch upon? If you go down the bottom, there’s some fun headlines we can go over.

Yeah, I’m looking at it right. I think I’m looking at it right now. This. Let’s see this one right here. The Donald followed up. Those were the cosmetic things that he did to cover up his secret war. He called Assad an animal. He bombed an empty field in Syria. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, fawning over Satan, Yahoo praising AIPAC, condemning anti semitism, spewing hatred towards Iran, staging the killing of an iranian general.

I don’t believe that was a real killing. That Solomoni. I reviewed some of the pictures. Oh, the Soleimani. Got the Soleimani. Yeah. Very, very suspicious pictures and images. Fakery all over the place. Donning the beanie at the wailing wall, recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli did. Golan Heights were stolen 50 years ago, and it’s all populated by Israelis now. So, I mean, like, big deal, but these are the kind of things that gave him his street cred.

But unfortunately, people on our side, they took it as substantive and say, oh, aha, see, he’s a zionist. But this is all cover the over the top show of solidarity solidified his perceived position as lord protector of the shitty little state to such an extent that his popularity among israeli citizens eventually surpassed that of Satan Yahoo. Himself. And that’s another thing that enables him to undercut, say now, he actually made himself more popular than Satan Yahoo in Israel.

So. But if you go down towards the bottom, there’s some headlines here. I’m guessing the ones from some jewish Democrats who once relished attending AIPAC now describe it as a hostile territory. That’s right. And it’s because of, it’s because of Trump, because of the rift he created. He goes on to say, it’s just not a place for me anymore. So Trump, and he continues to do this. He just did it last week.

As a matter of fact, he did it again. He said, you know, Jews who don’t support me are traitors to Israel. Here’s the headlines. Trump doubled down. Where am I? Oh, here. I’m sorry. Looking at the pictures, Trump doubles down on calling jewish Democrats disloyal to Israel, so he’s provoking them. These are the leftist marxist Jews who hate him. You say, why do you hate me? The best thing for Israel.

You’re disloyal to Israel. They hate that. And this is what it means by the civil war that he has deliberately engineered amongst the Jews. The headline above, textbook anti semitism. American Jews condemn Trump for telling them that Israel is your country. Okay? So he’s basically insulting them while making it seem like he’s for them. It’s just, this is vintage Trump. Uh, Trump. Trump is right. We Jews hate him, despite what he’s done for Israel.

Okay? So this is, he’s just doing this constantly. He’s capitalizing on this, and he’s getting maybe 30, 35% of the Jews to like him and another 60% who hate him and that whole civil war, and he’s feeding into it deliberately as basically neutered AIPAC. I don’t even think a pack exists anymore. I can’t believe they’re giving $100 million to Republicans. It’s wonderful. And these aren’t going to be rhino Republicans.

These are going to be Trump’s people. So I think he’s confiscated their money under those executive orders. Wouldn’t that be just the. Oh, my God, that would be. I would be, I would be doing the, the dance that those people in the, in the black hats, and I’d be doing that dance. Here’s a quote from Trump on a radio show. Israel literally owned Congress, but they don’t anymore.

So he’s telling us it was powerful. Today, it’s almost the opposite. Okay, so here’s Trump acknowledging that AIPEC doesn’t have power anymore. Israel is no longer a force in Congress anymore. It’s amazing. I’ve never seen such a change. Israel had such power over Congress. So this is Trump talking. And what, and what he’s doing now is he’s blaming the far left for doing it. So he, he’s making it sound like, you know, this is not a good development, but he knows what he’s saying.

You have to understand how to read his code. Right. And this is something that most people, it’s escaped them. They still talk about the almighty Israel lobby. No, no, they’re just about out of business, along with the neocons, along with Epstein’s island, on and on and on again. So this is what I mean by Trump’s secret war against the Zionists. It’s just brilliant. Just brilliant. Oh, I liked BB.

I still like BB. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was BB. And I’m, and not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape. I haven’t spoken to him since. Yeah, he, he out judged the jew is what Trump did. Yeah, that’s beautiful. Yeah, that’s beautiful. We are saving Israel for last. You know, the, you talk about all the, all the crap that they do were, how they, how they demand loyalty from, you know, us politicians and how they own us politicians and whatnot.

And, you know, I believe that there is a lot of truth to that. And you, I remember I met, I met Cynthia McKinney. And I remember when she came out back in, what was it, like? 20 04. 20 03 20 04 time frame when she was actually asking some serious questions about 911 on the hill and boy, she got grilled for it and ultimately she lost her seat to that, to that dumbass who the, I mean, put it this way, the guy who took her seat is the same guy who thinks that Guam is going to capsize because they put too many people on one side of the island.

You know, I’m talking about. Yeah, yeah, I remember that character. Yeah. But at the end of this journey, you know, I still believe will be 911 truth. So we still got a long way to go. I agree. So, you know, I’m interested to see how they, how they play that. You know, I think it’ll be just too explosive to say Israel did it. But what I think they’ll do is they’ll present.

It was a lot of players involved. And it was, it wasn’t just, you know, Israel, though operationally, they were heavily into it, you know, with the art students infiltrating the towers and things like that. But certainly the, the brzezinski crowd had their hands in that. But we don’t, we’ll see where that, we’ll see where that goes. But I’m telling you, in the eight, the as card doesn’t work anymore.

The anti semitism card is getting weaker. I mean, gone were the days where they could just drop that card and everybody just frees up. And in this business in Gaza these last seven months, every week, Joe Rogan, who’s huge immense, came out the other day. I’m paraphrasing, he says, you know, these are, these are, people talk about the Holocaust. How can they do that with what’s going on in Gaza now? You and I know some years ago somebody said something like they’d be done right.

He’s not. So. Nope, he’s not breaking in the anti semitism card and the Holocaust card. People sick of hearing that. And the longer this wag the dog thing goes on, the better, you know, and I say that because I don’t believe it’s real, but nonetheless, you know, taking a public relationship nightmare so well. You know, and I know I said this last week, it’s, again, this is them having to play defense and they’ve never had to play defense before.

Yeah. They’ve always played offense because they’ve always been able to get one step ahead and. But now their tricks aren’t working and they don’t know what to do. Yeah. They not only don’t know what to do, but they’re quickly lost, losing the weapons that they used to have to do. It’s almost like they’re left to fight with their bare hands. They do not control the press anymore. I firmly believe that under continuity of government, the media is being overseen.

So. Yeah, and I just. But, but like you, I, you know, I mean, this is, this, this episode was long overdue because I get, because like you, man, I’m so sick and tired of people who just can’t get past the fact that, oh, he did this and he did that. So he’s still on Israel’s payroll and, oh, my God, I hear that and I just want to vomit.

Hey, you want to hear something interesting? Sure. Guess who once won a civil court case and was awarded a symbolic amount of money because he was being falsely accused of being supported by the Jews and the accuser was a jewish newspaper that’s the other, only other hint I’m going to give you. A jewish newspaper accused this individual of being funded by the Jews, and he sued and won.

Would it be somebody that I would know? No, we’re going back in history. Oh, um, give me. All right. Is it 50 years, 100 years? About 100 when this lawsuit happened. Yeah. Baruch Adolf Hitler. Oh, okay. He was just starting his movement in Germany. Okay. Gaining some ground. And in order to discredit him, a jewish newspaper called Volwartz, forward leftist, marxist jewish newspaper, said Hitler’s actually funded by american Jews.

Okay, well, they. Yeah, they’ve been forever. They did that so they can black pill, so people could read that said, oh, he’s one of them. Hitler’s one of them. The same tactic that they use against Trump, reverse psychology tactic. He sued them in a court of law, and he won, like, six marks or something like that. It was, like, a small amount, and he won’t. So Hitler sued the Jews for saying that he was working for the Jews and won.

And so now, same thing, like, oh, no, Trump’s a zionist. It’s coming from them. All right. They want us to get. Disagree with each other, break our ranks over Trump, you know? Wow, that’s interesting. That’s very interesting. Clever trick. Now. It’s beautiful. Yeah. Well, anything else there? Or is this. I mean, you know, I guess this whole show, is that positive note that you like that. Oh, yeah, yeah.

I. You know, Q is. Even though I don’t think we’ll ever hear another post from Q again, I think that’s. We’re done there. But we have it all, so it’s redundant. Yeah. It’s. We don’t need anymore, but infer the rest. Yeah, well, you know, I look at the. The Q operation, did what it needed to do. It woke. It changed the mindset of people. Yeah. Woke up a lot of people.

It was also used to put a little bit of information to induce the bad guys to making bad moves. They were reading those boards, too. You know, it did what it had to do. It woke up just enough people, but not too many, because, remember, this military operation, the whole point is that people don’t know about it. Understand? Do we really want everybody to know that the military’s taken over? No.

Well, good thing. So at some point, you cut it off. They got just enough of us awake. And, you know, that’s what I say. I I don’t worry about waking normies up to this military operation. That’s not for them to know. They just need to learn about globalism and the new world order and this cabal and everything. Okay. This kind of stuff we’re talking about here, the operation, the queue, that’s just for our crowd.

Yes. But I think there’s gonna come there, there will come a point in time when this will come out. The operation. Mm hmm. I don’t, I don’t know. And I always wonder about. Because, like, because then you’re basically, you can’t get the majority of people. No, I mean, like, wow, we’re being, we’re being manipulated. No, no, no, no. I don’t, I don’t mean, I mean when that went on, when the dust has settled.

Oh, the bad, the bad stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I think that’ll come out. Yeah. But the, the idea that this, because the whole point of the movie is to make it seem like this is all spontaneous and all this evil stuff is uncovered and in the end, we win. That’s what people are supposed to believe. Not supposed to believe that it’s all been orchestrated, the game by them, by the white hats.

That would the whole purpose, you know, so. Well, you guys, if you would have, if you would have signed up for, for Mike’s newsletter, you would have this, you’d have got. When did this come out? Yesterday. Yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. I got a big response on this. So sign up for his, sign up for his things. You can go to realnewsandhistory. com. And then if you go to real news and history.

com slash Ron, all lowercase letters, you will, you’ll get something a little extra special. So, yeah, that’s the paid stuff discounted just so. Yes. Okay. Alrighty. Well, mister King, thank you for your time and. All right, everybody, take care. Good night. Or good night. .

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