The Cascading Effects of Monetary Dissolution: A Review of Market Trends | Silver Savior

Dollar Purchasing Power Collapse- Act Now | Silver Savior

The continued growth of debt, especially within the US and Western financial arenas, demands our focused scrutiny. As a proponent of Austrian Economics, the relentless increase in fiat currency supply is a harbinger of impending inflationary pressures that central banks seem ill-equipped to manage. Our reliance on debt-based currency is akin to an Achilles’ heel, one that exposes economic Achilles to financial vulnerability and cyclical crises. For More Information Click The Button Below


In his blog post, Gregory Manorino warns of a looming financial crisis caused by maximum saturation in the system. He highlights the impact on businesses, layoffs by corporations, and hedge funds betting against the debt market. Manorino predicts a meltdown and rising oil prices, while cautioning about growing risk levels, global inflation, and devaluation of debt securities. The market risk indicator is …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Economy In Collapse… Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket! Banks Will Get Another Bailout

– The speaker, Gregory Manorino, speaks about various societal and economic issues including the ongoing pandemic and lockdowns, media manipulation, increasing personal debt, and the growing threat of bankruptcy. He also addresses the dominance and control of central banks and expresses suspicion that another economic crisis is imminent, which he believes will lead to increased power concentration in fewer institutions. He also briefly discusses the stock market, where the risk remains crucially high, and presents a bleak outlook for cryptocurrencies and crude oil. He urges a revolution against the central banks and requests the public to share his message widely. ‘

Central Banks Marching World Currencies off a Cliff: Finalize Your Preparations Now

MyPatriotsNetwork-Central Banks Marching World Currencies off a Cliff: Finalize Your Preparations Now

It’s not elected bodies that work tirelessly to enslave humanity; it’s governments cooperating with private corporations, including a fully captured media and the money interests that control them. Today we are living through a period that will someday be called “the Great Currency Collapse.” While the captured media babbles on about dollar strength and praises […]

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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