Postcard From the Death of American Dream

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➡ In this video, Mark Moss discusses the declining quality of life in America, highlighting the increasing economic disparity between the rich and the poor, with stagnant wages, rising health care costs, and inflated asset prices. To help understand the situation, he shares ten enlightening charts showcasing dependency on debt, the impact of money printing, societal breakup, food quality decline, and decreasing life expectancy. He warns that unless the monetary system is revised, the situation will continue to deteriorate, with 2024 signaling a critical year with more money printing due to election strategies.
➡ The key to financial growth lies in prioritizing investments over spending. The wealthy continue to amass wealth by buying assets that appreciate over time. Investment preferences include scarce assets like fine art, Bitcoin, and unique properties; energy-intensive assets such as gold and commodities; and income-producing assets, with a small fraction geared towards high-risk, high-reward speculative assets. The ability to adapt to the new economy, having multiple income sources, and investing even small amounts can lead to significant benefits in confronting inflation.


Postcards from the death of the American Dream. Now, it’s not a secret that for most, the quality of life in America and most of the other developed world seems to be on the decline. Two income families are barely getting by. Homes are out of reach and unaffordable. For most, health is declining while health care is skyrocketing. But most don’t understand why. So in this video, I’m going to show you the postcards.

And warning, these are not comfortable viewings. I’m going to show you ten charts that explain how we got here, what’s going on, and where things are headed over the next year and beyond. And the last three charts really show you what’s happening from a non financial perspective. And it’s scary. And once you see this and understand it, you’re going to understand what we can all do to keep our own personal dreams alive, even if for the majority, it’s not.

So let’s go. Welcome to the channel. If you’re new, my name is Mark Moss. I make these videos to change the way you think about money because almost everything you’ve learned is wrong. And once you see these charts that I prepared, you’re going to know why, right? You’re going to know what they don’t want you to know, why you can’t have this level of understanding how and why we got here, where we’re headed.

Now, I often think back to this quote from Henry Ford. He said that if the American people knew how the banking system worked, there would be a revolution before the morning. That means they wouldn’t wait. It would happen immediately. But now, real quick, before I dive in, I want to let you know that I am doing a live presentation where I’m going to take a long, deep dive into all this, into something I’m calling how to Prepare for the $7.

5 Trillion Shockwave, how to Secure Your Wealth and Protect Your Investments. Now, look, this is all being caused by this disruption of the rise of the global south, the rise of the BRICS, what’s happening with Russia and China. Now, look, it’s not about a new currency. It’s not a gold backed currency. It’s not about that. But it’s how the currencies in the commodity markets will move and change because of this and what to do about it.

It’s a free event. There’s a link down below or probably a QR code on the screen. I’m going to run through about, I don’t know, several dozen charts, walk you through that, and I’ll take all your live question and answer, show you what I’m doing and so much more. All right, now, jumping back into the video. So I got ten charts or postcards that I want to go through.

As they say, that picture is worth 1000 words. And so I’m going to show you 1000 words, and I’m going to give you some of my own words as well. And I want to let you know that last three charts, as I said in the intro, are charts that you don’t normally see. I don’t normally show them because they’re not financial charts. They’re more qualitative. So you can understand what this means, but they’re really important to understand where we’re headed.

All right, so the first chart that we have, the first postcard that you can see up, is a look at why life seems to just be getting harder for you and everyone. You know this, right? You know that it just seems like your quality of life isn’t what it used to be. And this chart perfectly sums it up. You can see since 1965, which is about everyone’s working memory, but wages have not risen in real terms, so no one’s paid.

Now, they’ve gone up in total terms, but when adjusted for inflation, they haven’t gone up. This is basically stuck in this rat race. But the problem isn’t just that your wages are trending down. Actually, on its own, that’s bad enough as it is. But while you make less, asset prices keep going up, you can see on the chart that equities have risen in real terms by 2. 5% per year and have compounded in a loss of purchasing power by you, the workers of 83%.

Now, you understand in 1971, the median price of a home in the US. Was just 26,800. Or when you adjust it for today’s dollars, it would have been $189,000. But today they’re $416,000. Now, if we put this in terms of time, back in 1971, it would have taken the average worker earning the median pay 2. 7 years to earn the median home. Today it’s 6. 5 years. That’s 2.

4 times longer. That’s four years longer the median worker has to work to get the median pay. Stealing four years of your life, you’re starting to get it. Now, quality of life, your purchasing power has been going down. We can see that assets are where we store our wealth. When you make your money and you save it, you store it in your assets. It’s like our life’s battery so that later in life we don’t have to work.

We can live off those assets generally to pay for retirement. But the problem is that as assets got more expensive versus wages, no one managed to save anything. In fact, half of retirees today have no savings, and it’s going to be nearly impossible for them to cover the cost of living in their later years. And when you don’t have enough assets to cover your expenses, and of course the government’s not going to really help you, so then you have to keep on working, which is okay, I guess, for some people, except for that it creates other huge problems.

Like baby boomers are now competing with millennials in the job market, which is the first time in history this has happened. And this is making it hard for millennials to make good money. And overall, it just drives wages down for everybody. So what do these groups do who are working hard but not earning enough? Well, they load up on debt, of course. What else, right? And for millennials, they can add this credit card debt and auto loan debt to their student loan debt.

But this debt, it just steals from future productivity. So it’s literally stealing from their futures to get by. Today, in their present and in a debt based system, the dollars are liabilities and the debt is the asset, meaning the house, the car, the business. That’s the asset. But what if those asset prices fall? If the debt collateral falls? Well, then the whole system unravels. So the only way to make sure this debt Ponzi scheme keeps on going is to have the government and the central banks just keep on printing more and more and more.

Now, I’ve always said there’s two things certain in life death and taxes. And now there are three. The third is money printing. There’s just no other way. But here’s the problem with this. As more money is printed, the existing money buys less and less and less. And so as the currency is debased or devalued, it pushes asset prices even higher and higher and higher. But because wages are not rising, in fact, wages are going down.

Most people are getting poorer and poor and poor. Now, when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and life gets harder, and they fall further and further behind, this leads to division, resentment, anger and even rage. The country, the nation, the world splits into a two party system. Everyone’s blaming the other person, all pointing blame at each other, but without understanding what’s really going on and who’s really to blame.

It also leads to a complete breakdown in society where services just don’t seem to work. Planes don’t run on time, trains derail food and gasoline plants seem to catch on fire. The whole food system starts to break down. Manufacturers try to make food cheaper and cheaper to offset the debasement, leading to food quality going from healthy to not healthy to just straight up unhealthy, which, of course, leads to the highest rates of obesity and heart failure.

And today in America, the deaths are skyrocketing. And for the first time in a century in the United States, the average life expectancy is actually falling. And it’s not just falling, as you can see on the chart, it’s plunging. And while people are living shorter, we’re witnessing the birth to death ratios collapsing, and not just collapsing, but at an accelerating rate. So as you can see, the money is what’s broken.

And we’re going to need to see a reset. And it’s coming, but it’s going to take some time. So what’s going to happen over the next few years and what should we be doing about it? Well, again, the third certainty of life is the governments are going to print more money and 2024 is going to be a big year for the money. Printers, the Fed will print more money, and the government will hand out more stimulus to bribe voters going into an election year, which leads to yet more printing down the line.

And the people will get poorer and poor and poor and despair will keep rising, rising and rising. Now, that’s the big picture view, and I know it doesn’t sound good, but it doesn’t have to be your fate. It’s certainly not going to be my fate. Now, the reason that the rich get richer and the poor get poor is because the rich buy assets and the poor, they don’t have any.

So you have to think about investing first. There’s a difference in the mindset. Think about investing first, paying yourself first and spending second. You got to think about buying things that go up in value instead of buying things that go down in value. Maybe instead of putting a $10,000 down payment on a car that would lose money, you could put a $10,000 payment down on a rental property.

And then you could drive a cheaper car, maybe one you could buy a cash. Maybe you could think about earning more income in the brand new economy. There’s a whole new economy out there that you can easily tap into to make more money. I know a lot of you. I get your messages all the time that you’re getting laid off or you just don’t make enough to save.

Well, then go earn more. Now, I know that’s hard. You may have to learn new skills, but it’s doable. You can learn everything you need on the Internet. You have to think about buying assets that will also keep up with or beat inflation. This is why the rich keep getting richer. It’s not just the rich. It’s the people that buy assets. All right, now, you can get started with $50.

There’s no excuse. Now, what do we buy? All right, so we want to buy, first of all, scarce assets. And I think about it as savings, not investing. But I earn my income and I save it in scarce assets. What are those? Well, Bitcoin, of course, 21 million. But we also have fine art, collectibles, we also have waterfront property, things that we can’t get more of. The next level of assets I like to save into would be energy intensive assets.

I’d put gold there, energy plays, commodity plays, things like that. The third place I like to invest, and I would recommend this should be the number one. But not everybody has enough money for this is income producing assets. Assets are things that put money into your pockets. Liabilities take money out. And so I want to buy assets that put income into my pockets. I put that number one.

But in this instance, I’ll put it number three. And then we want to buy inflation resistant assets, assets that help us keep up with the price of inflation. And then finally, if you have enough money to spread around, I like to take a little bit of my money and I put it into speculative assets. These are things that might have 20, 30, 50 times upside potential, but I do this with just a small percentage of my portfolio.

Now that’s it from a broad level, but of course, there’s a lot more detail to it. If you want me to break that down, you can leave me comments down below. Now, even if you can only afford a very small amount of these assets, it’s going to make a difference. There is no other way, okay? There’s just no other way. You have to earn more and you have to save your money into assets that will beat this inflation, because it’s coming.

And choose wisely. Everyone is going to lose their minds next year because this money printing is going to be out of control. But you don’t have to be one of those losing your American dream or whatever country you’re in. You can take control of your future. Now, again, I am having a live presentation next week where I’m going to show you what’s happening with the world of commodities and currencies because of the rise of the BRICS, Russia, China.

If you’d like to come, I’ll show you some more charts. I’ll show you more specific assets. Assets, names of assets that I’m buying, that you can buy, and how I’m separated my portfolio. Sort of like I broke down for you. If you want to come hang out, it’s free. There’s a link down below, QR code up on the screen. Come check it out. I’d love to see you, and I’ll answer all your questions live, but that’s what I got for this video so far.

Let me know what you think. I know it’s scary, but again, this doesn’t have to be our reality. We can choose to be different. Leave me a comment, let me know what you think. If you like this video, give me a thumbs up. If you don’t give me a thumbs down, that’s okay. But at least tell me why in the comments down below. And that’s what I got.

Thanks so much to your success. .

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