Winter Weather Warfare Wages On! Get The Disturbing Details Of What’s Happening In California

Posted in: Patriots





Reinette Senum Exposes Winter Weather Warfare 





In this interview, Peggy Hall talks with Reinette Senum about the “weather warfare” in California specifically. However, it is also happening in most/all other states.


Reinette Senum is an American politician and activist who served as the mayor of Nevada City, California, from 2006 to 2008. She is also known for her work as an environmental activist and for promoting sustainable living practices in her community.


She has worked to promote organic farming and sustainable agriculture and advocated for protecting public lands and preserving natural resources.


You can find more info from Reinette on her substack at: 


And, of course, you can find more of Peggy Hall’s work on her website, 


Here are some links mentioned in the video and where you can learn more about this geoengineering:


All the geoengineering around the world:



Dane Wigington’s Geoengineering Watch: 






Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others See What’s REALLY Happening In California!


And it’s ALWAYS good to be prepared!


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peggy hall geoengineering peggy hall healthy american reinette senum reinette senum geoengineering weather modification reinette senum peggy hall
  • It is important to keep all eyes on chemtrails since the release of particles effect the atmosphere but who is responsible for the pilots to release these chemtrails? Is it Bill Gates?

  • They need to show the shareholder what these people are doing and tell them they are in on the evil front, if they take money from them; it’s time to close it down and be weary if the set up as someone else….

  • There was a young lady showing the lemon trees dying around a town, she mentioned the town was thriving a few days before and then a mist entered the town and then the lemons were dying on the trees.

  • Yes, the midwest over the Madison area is heavily sprayed – I first noticed it in 2014 some days are turned into a deary haze, there was less during the Trump years but its back to full swing now. Its amazing that so many people cannot see it or deny its happeneing yet it s right there in plain sight.!!! Now I am in Florida and there is not so much in the sky as in Wisconsin. When I was in Australia in 2018 it was amazing to see clear blue skies again. It’s an abomonation – Bill Gates mentioned he wanted to dim the sun as a way to slow global warming (which is a scam) they love to give deplorable practices a friendly name (geo-engeneering). When elements of our society attack the rest of us we know we are in insane times!

  • Quote from a former Iraq battle field Veteran, US Army Intel Officer:
    “When Hussein was occupying the Oval Office, one of my greatest fears was that his organisation would poison the water supply. Whilst that fear continues today (They have been doing so in low doses), my fear has expanded to them poisoning the food supply and the overall environment (I know they have been doing that too).

    A war against a foreign invasion force is probable on United States soil soon if the citizenry fails to actively and passionately get directly involved to prevent it. It will first be guerilla-styled warfare in the streets, disguised as criminal gang activity [cartel] spilling over from across the Mexican-US border, giving an excuse for the federal government to employ martial law, inviting UN troops to assist in their “efforts” to restore order. The presence of a foreign “peace force” will then become a permanent fixture as the citizenry will no longer have any Constitutional Rights due to being under the submission of martial law. As this is happening, simultaneously, other first-world countries will be experiencing similar issues. Most of Europe already has, albeit in the form of the boiling frog, in that for two decades, the EU has been ushering militant terrorists into developed countries and creating chaos which has been used to strip the citizenry of its human rights as the EU [UN] further empowers itself. One can easily observe Sweden, Germany, France, und Greece to see it more clearly. Look westerly, and it has been happening across the UK as well. In the South Pacific region, New Zealand and Australia have been suffering through it. Women and children are raped in broad daylight, increasingly, people are violently murdered daily as “no-go zones” arise and expand. Western European culture, heritage, traditions, and even communications are being ‘legally’ suppressed and banned as an invasion force has been replacing it with something thoroughly unknown to Europeans until recently, all under the guise of [forced] “immigration.”

    In America, Hussein has been following through with his promise [threat] to ‘fundamentally change America.’ He and his masters are getting away with doing it because the citizenry is too intellectually inept to realise what is transpiring and too lazy to get off their collective arses to prevent it from happening.

    As I have said for the last forty-five years, people are reactionary, not preventative. Once they react, it is too late to do anything, as the damage has already been done.

    Unless the citizenry across the Western Hemisphere decides to get off its arse immediately and stop what has been well underway, its entire culture and way of life will soon be eradicated. There will be no more freedom, rights, privacy, or personal comforts as an individual. Everyone will be made a ward of the UN state. There has not been such conquering in known world history since the expansion of the Roman Empire and later Genghis Khan.

    The people will be wise to take an immediate stand lest they are prepared to suffer the consequence of their blind folly.”

  • Hello,
    Just a brief comment… THANK you for this educational video. I’ve been aware of a lot of stuff, but I learned SO MUCH more from you. I’m in WA State, south of Olympia, we have seen what we ‘thought’ were chemtrails too. After listening to you, I’m believing they ARE chemtrails.

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