Will The Supreme Court Hear This Case On The 2020 “Rigged Election” Tomorrow?

Posted in: Patriots


A “rigged election” is equivalent to war.


That is an argument of the plaintiff in this lawsuit attempting to be heard by the Supreme Court.


A lawsuit alleging that “Character Bribes” Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 Senators violated their oaths of office by not investigating evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the winner is set to be reconsidered by the Supreme Court. 


The plaintiff seeks their removal from office. 


Violating their oath of office and some of the other things they may have done sounds like treason to me. 


We The People should know by now what the punishment for treason is…


But the case was filed by Raland J. Brunson, representing himself, argues that a rigged election is a threat to the Constitution and equivalent to war, and therefore, allegations of it must be investigated. 


The Supreme Court will consider whether to hear the case after a private conference.




The conference will be happening tomorrow, Friday February 17, 2023. 


We shall see if they actually decide to hear the case or just deny it, like many others that have been presented before.


However, when judges and justices refuse to hear a case, often it is because the attorneys that wrote it did so in a way to sabotage the case, making it nearly impossible for the judge or justice to actually approve it. 


So, since Brunson is representing himself, did he write the case in a way that the Supreme Court will have to accept?


I do not know. 


But we will be getting more information either tomorrow or early next week.


Since the SCOTUS private conference is tomorrow, the news might not be made public until early next week.


But either way, you can be sure there will be a lot of talking heads discussing it as soon as the news comes out. 


You can read more details about this story on JustTheNews.com here.


You can read Brunson’s petition to the court here.


You can also see the timeline of events of the case on SupremeCourt.gov here.


What do you think? 




Will the Supreme Court actually hear this case or will they deny it like many others we have seen?



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brunson scotus case brunson supreme court case Supreme court election fraud 2020
  • Not being a lawyer, I’m not sure how much tolerance is given to poor grammar or sentence structure, but I would think that if any such errors affect the meaning or interpretation of the petition, it might easily be rejected. Perhaps Mr. Brunson should have had a grammarian review his work and straighten out passages whose meaning was not written in a clear way. Anything as important and as imminently legal as a Supreme Court case should be airtight in its presentation.

  • To provide value for the reader you could note that those in support of this case can go to the website Brunsonbrothers.com and use a sample letter to the SCOTUS. Even if you already sent a letter it is suggested that an additional letter would help.

  • It makes all the sense in the world, but, seems the Scotus would be ruling against themselves too since they refused to investigate also.

  • If the Supreme Court will not hear this case as written then they are as guilty as all the rest. Any one having to deal with these issues knows we the people can’t have justice because we’re not BAR Attorney’s and do not have permission to play in their sand box.

  • If the Justices refuse to hear it on appeal it brings questions up to me. They themselves take the oath of office as all or elected officials do and it is written in the Constitution that it be done. When Congress holds serious interviews the oath is taken then why is it not honored all the time as the Constitution says? Look at the corruption all around our country today from president to mayors. Why is it ignored? And if it is ignored are our Justices all during what their oath to protect the Constitution and defend the citizens.

  • No. SCOTUS will again Denie Petition for Certiorari as the Plaintiff failed to state sufficient grounds or cause to Reconsider.

  • They should accept it! They like all of the Senate and House take an oath to protect and defend our country and Constitution against all foreign and domestic threat. The Supreme Court takes two oaths of office!
    That’s what this case States. Congress did not do this because they refused to give 10 days to investigate all the fraud that went on. According to the constitution this is treason if they do not protect and defend Our Constitution and our country. If they do not except the case then their oaths and the oaths taken by the Congress are not worth a tinkers damn!

  • How can they not hear the case? Isn’t that their job to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States? If they won’t hear it, they should all be arrested…for treason.

  • I have lost all respect for the intelligence & integrity of SCOTUS & I highly doubt they will do what is right. They are hopeless cowards looking out for themselves & their cushy lifetime jobs, the Chief Justice scurrilously either bought or threatened into doing the Lefts’ bidding, others shamelessly & openly biased. We have lost our Constitutional Republic to corruption.

  • This Supreme Court is afraid of their own shadow, although they should definitely hear the case, I doubt that they will. Our Supreme Court as it stands is for the most part full of cowards. Except for Justice Thomas and Alito – the rest are useless.

  • This is what Americans allowed to happen under their noses BIDEN, AFTER 50 YEARS OF IMPOSTERS. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LxGVw77crpi6/ BIDEN IMPOSTERS REPRESENTING AMERICA OVERSEAS FOR 50 YEARS. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jXCb0mGaoLEt/ BIDEN COMPLETELY ERADICATED IN 1972 https://www.bitchute.com/video/rtxnHvgph9HL/ BIDEN, ABOUT TIME, https://www.bitchute.com/video/nAaD7nOqxqva/ BIDEN, IMPOSTERS, ANY DOUBTS? https://www.bitchute.com/video/yFP0O4o1mGfY/ BIDEN HALF CENTURY. https://www.bitchute.com/video/TQXls5ZOxBsT/ BIDEN, A SEA OF IMPOSTERS. https://www.bitchute.com/video/W5mE1dNyJukT/ BIDEN THE MAN THAT NEVER WAS. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ddfr7yGvztWU/ IMPOSTERS FOR DUMMIES. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I5V0Yb4kwnCV/
    EARLY REAL FOOTAGE OF IMPOSTERS First years in senate several very different imposters. None remotely like real blue eyed “plugs” Biden. When Biden was a young senator at 30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZ5_XwqchE&t=52s Young Joe Biden on campaign finance 74. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZmZe7fe3E&t=266s First presidential run in 1987. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRxOldhJ7Sw&t=39s Visits to Russia1973. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2106495846150584 Trip to Russia in 1979. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rkAsepcja8

  • I believe that the Supreme Court will hear this case because the application has been so well written that it captures the enormity of an attack on a US election.

  • Probably not. Too much potential for chaos if the charge demands that SCOTUS commits to a judgement on the claim. Just saying,

  • Oh Father in Heaven: We humbly seek thy kind favor, use these mighty Christian Warriors (The Brunson Brothers) to take down these evil forces of darkness as David took down Goliath with a slingshot and stones, in the name of the Lord of hosts.
    Our eyes are on you, save us Lord Jesus, in your name we pray. Amen

    Do you think its time to get on our knees and pray?
    from: Carl-Ray: Boltz

  • They should hear the case! If they don’t they are also breaking their oath to the constitution and letting the American people down! We all know that Biden did NOT win that election!!!!!

  • If they Deny it, then proves justice department corruption. If it’s approved, they must call in the military and Marshall’s rt away! Either way the Supreme courts not hearing the case.

  • They will not hear it or consider it. It will be a mute point as they themselves might be considered complicit by the left wing news media if they do.

    They are well aware of the Constitutional law and the possible implications.
    They will not do their duty but sweep it into trash bin of neglect.

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