Need to Know News (17 April 2024) with Carl Herman Joe Olson

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Need to Know News With Carl Herman has a discussion about various historical and current events. It talks about a secret operation during World War II where U.S. agents broke into the Spanish embassy to steal secret codes, but were caught by J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI. It also mentions a German spy who turned himself in to the FBI, but was betrayed. The text criticizes the U.S. for being involved in wars for most of its history and discusses current issues like the conflict in Gaza and the COVID-19 pandemic.
➡ The article discusses a potential conflict between Israel and Iran, with Israel allegedly provoking Iran into a war. Over the weekend, Iran attacked Israel for the first time, while Israel has been attacking Iran and its allies for a while. The article also mentions that Israel’s missile defense against Iran could cost over $1 billion. It also suggests that Israel’s claims of stopping Iran’s attacks might not be entirely accurate, and that there are concerns about potential false flag attacks.
➡ The U.S. has approved a large amount of money for overseas operations, despite being in significant debt. There’s concern about the potential for conflict, especially with Russia, who has advanced weaponry that could pose a serious threat. The article also discusses the ongoing situation in Ukraine, where Ukrainian troops are surrendering to the Russians due to lack of resources and support. Lastly, it touches on issues related to COVID-19, vaccines, and the role of the World Health Organization.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the WHO treaty for public health, suggesting it gives too much control to the organization. It criticizes the person in charge, Ted Tross, accusing him of past wrongdoings. The article also questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, claiming they are harmful and used as bio-weapons. Lastly, it discusses issues with the FBI and the state of American society, suggesting it’s no longer merit-based but driven by identity politics.
➡ This text talks about various controversies and corruption within the government, including the anthrax attack in 2001, the appointment of Christopher Wray, and the actions of the FBI. It also discusses the horrors of war, including organ harvesting and the destruction of hospitals and universities. The text criticizes the actions of Donald Trump and the military industrial complex, and mentions a book by Tulsi Gabbard that discusses her experiences in war and in Congress. The text concludes by stating that the government is rotten and that change is unlikely to come from voting.
➡ The speaker believes that the country is in a state of total tyranny and the only solution is for everyone to fully understand the situation. They mention a movie about faking moon landings and plan to discuss it in a future program. They also express disappointment in certain leaders for not fully addressing the issues at hand and suggest that these leaders should be held accountable for their actions. The speaker ends by thanking the listeners and promising a future show.


Carl Herman, Mission Viejo, California. Joe Olsen, Texas. Chris Weinert, Fort Myer, Florida. He should be here momentarily. It is the 17 April 2024. Let’s take a look at our topics, get some opening statements. All right, we’re going to the war. We’re going to have a specific conversation about Iran’s counterattack on israeli intelligence and air force bases. The fact that our developed, so called developed nations are seemingly in a race to the bottom, not just the US, but all of them.

And then COVID got a bunch of updates with that, official optics, and then kind of a semi serious ending with it. All right, Joe, opening, brother. Yeah. One of my good buddies, Colin Heaton, has a website called Forgotten History. And yesterday he posted about a 20 minutes long video. One of the most rotten bastards in the history of America. Yes, J. Edgar Hoover. And he mentioned several sources, several books, and I hadn’t read those books, but I did read puppet master by Richard Hattie.

And he mentioned a couple of episodes about some of the stuff that Hoover did. But he didn’t go into the proper detail on two specific anecdotes. And I want to cover one of two of those today. One of them is that FDR appointed William Wild Bill Donovan to be head of the OSS office of strategic Services in July of 1942. Donovan had 1500 operatives that he worked with worldwide, and they spoke French, Italian, German and Japanese.

So he was very good at being able to organize this stuff. He found out that the Germans were using their enigma machines and they were communicating directly with the spanish embassy in Washington, DC. And the Enigma machine was broken. The code was broken by the British in July of 1940 for the air force. And then the naval code was different. It took them until mid 1941 before they were able to break that.

But every month they would send out a new set of pin numbers to index the Enigma machine until you had enough data about, well, this submarine was supposed to be in this location, and then it ended up being in that location. You had to have enough data points, and it would take them four or five days to be able to figure out what the new code pin numbers were.

So, pretty straightforward. So anyhow, Donovan figured out that the spanish embassy was getting couriers arriving every month, and they were bringing in the new enigma code pin numbers. And so he got a team of guys and they put a ladder up against the ten foot high fence, climbed over the fence at the spanish embassy, went inside in July, August, September, and then in October to microfilm the new information that was inside the spanish embassy.

And they didn’t get caught. But FDr mentioned something to J. Edgar Hoover about it. J. Edgar Hoover was like, they’re not allowed to do anything in the United States. I have complete jurisdiction over the United States. So he contacted reporters from the New York Times and the Washington Post. The hidden bushes with flash cameras. And when Donovan’s crew put the ladder up and started climbing over the wall, J.

Edgar Hoover jumped out with flashlights and flashing cameras, took pictures of them, and arrested them on the spot and had front page news. The next day, J. Edgar Hoover catches US Secret Service trying to do Secret Service activities inside the United States, which is J. Edgar Hoover’s territory. Absolutely, 100% treasonous. If I was president FDR, I’d have marched his ass over to the spanish embassy and shot him right there in front of the wall.

But anyhow, so here it is. It’s OSS had successfully done a series of break ins at foreign embassies, including the spanish one, in illegal operations of photographic, vital paperwork and confidential codes. The spanish embassy was targeted by Donnan and contained a mother load of poorly guarded information. In the successive months of July, August, and September of 1942, his agents broke into the embassy three times, rifling through it, safe for maritime codes, and knew.

And Roosevelt had generous praise. And so then in October, that’s when he busted him. And then Colin Heaton mentions that they caught some german spies that had been offloaded by a submarine on Long island. And he said, in Florida. And that’s not what this book says. But bottom line is, there was a bunch of Germans that were recruited out of the german army that had spent time in the United states and could plausibly pass for, you know, German Americans.

And one of them was a kid that his parents moved here when he was in elementary school. He went all the way through high school, and then his parents moved back to Germany. So he had, like, 1015 years of formative training in the United States. He knew baseball players and the teams and the blah, blah, blah. And so he made a perfect spy. Well, they had four. Excuse me, six four man teams that they made two separate submarine landings, one in Long island, and according to this book, the other one was in, like, New Jersey.

And all the teams disappeared into the United States to do sabotage and spy work. But this kid decided, man, I forgot how much I love America, and Nazi Germany is not really that nice a place to be. So he went to the New York FBI office, and he said, look, there’s 24 german spies that have just been landed by submarine. And I’m willing to go state’s evidence if you promise not to prosecute me, and I will tell you all their names and all their locations and all of the activities that they’re going to be involved in.

Well, the director of the FBI office in New York contacts, uh, J. Edgar Hoover. J. Edgar Hoover says, put him in a separate cell. Don’t touch him until I get there. He shows up and then immediately they drag the guy out in front of the new, uh, New York offices FBI. And. And he photographs himself handcuffing the guy and putting him in jail for ten years. And the guy said, I’m not telling you anything else because you broke your promise to me.

That’s the kind of rotten traitor that this son of a bitch was for 50 years inside the US government, and they still have a building named after this bastard. And this week, Mickey Mouse Johnson, who now claims that he is a wartime speaker because, yeah, we have to go to war with somebody, don’t we, mister speaker, in order to keep the mic industry going. Well, anyhow, they just authorized $300 million for a brand new headquarters for the J.

Edgar Hoover traitors. Absolute, 100% traitors. And I’d spit in Mike Johnson’s face. What a coward you are. What a traitor, what a liar, what a piece of crap. What a. What a. Oh, you’re disgusting beyond belief. Thank you, Joe. Just got a text from Chris. He’ll be here in 1 minute. He says, oh, boy, he missed all the initial fireworks. Yeah, yeah. Well, snooze, you lose. All right, let’s go to the Caitlin Johnstone.

If the mainstream worldview was accurate, Gaza wouldn’t be burning. And that. I like that headline because it speaks to the inversion of the world that we’re in. It is satanic, it is orwellian. And the destruction of Gaza proves the entire mainstream western worldview is bullshit. Because of the mainstream western worldview was accurate, destruction of Gaza would not be happening. And we know we wouldn’t be slaughtering children in a cage.

Stop pretending. Biden on, passive witness to Israel’s war mongering. Caitlyn Johnstone again, and that’s true. They are directly complicit in genocide and they’re happy about it. The war is meant to be continuous, clandestine. Now, this is a good point, and that would be a take home point, is that they’re not here to solve problems. And Joe’s introductory statement is right on target with because we live in an empire, and that’s been the history, and this is my eleven part series, which goes through history that you’re familiar with.

It’s kind of a top ten of the US. Violations of treaties in order to start lie begun wars of aggression. And the evidence is all right, all the facts are on our side. We would love to debate people on this, but as we keep talking about our opponents, they won’t debate because they can’t. Because all the facts are on our side. Joe, your brother. Yes. Our wonderful country has been around for 248 years.

And during that time, 17 years, we were not at war with anybody. Which means that we’ve had 231 years of continuous war in this country. Absolutely inexcusable. But you’re never taught that in your history class. They managed to hit a couple of the high points, the wars that they can’t avoid mentioning because the majority of the people that were draft age ended up having to go fight in those stupid damn wars.

But bottom line is, we’ve been a warmonger nation since day one and it’s absolutely disgusting. A video that came up yesterday and guy’s got a YouTube website called New Atlas and his name is Brian Berlick Berletic and he’s got a video that he just put up. 2009. Brookings Institute future Israel Iran war. And they go through 170 pages of all the different things they could war game to set Iran up so that it would look like we’re just the innocent victims of men old evil Iran attacking us.

And this is over. The weekend was the first time that Iran has ever attacked Israel, and Israel has repeatedly attacked Iran in the nation and then Iran allies all around there, all through Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. Absolutely disgusting. So bottom line is, I’ll put a link to that because it’s really important. He’s got a written article that’s at eastern, new eastern outlook, and he reads that article as part of his presentation.

But bottom line is, what happened over the weekend is that the pretense of invincibility for the Iron Skullcap Yarmulke has been broken. They had to send out several hundred missiles at a million dollars a pop in order to stop $30 million worth of wind up toys. And bottom line is Israel called the United States and said, contact Switzerland and have Switzerland contact Iran and have Iran give us a list of targets that we can hit inside Iran so that we can save face.

And Iran said, go pound sand because they’ve had enough of these rotten Zion bastards. And I had to. And the majority of the people in the United States have. And when you finally realize how rotten these sobs have been since the Persians burnt their temple in 586 BC. Then you will realize this is the greatest enemy that human beings have ever had is Zionism. Thank you, Joe. All right, let’s talk about Iran’s counter attack.

So Scott Ritter, weapons vector Iran displayed one of the greatest military demonstrations in modern history. And Scott’s analysis, and I didn’t see this interview, I saw another one, but he basically said, all right, so they did send the old junk, and then they sent some of the new stuff, and then stuff came through. And that isn’t even the most recent stuff. And they had seven hits on exactly what they were targeting.

And this is a real inside baseball type. Look at it. Iran breaches anglo zionist defenses and historic attack, a breakdown. Okay, so we have the two air bases that were used on the attack of the iranian embassy in Syria and the israeli top secret intelligence spy base and intelligence headquarters getting hit. And there is a lot of information here if you want that military analysis. Israel’s missile defense against Iran, estimated to cost over $1 billion.

As Joe was talking about. I’ve heard higher figures than that with us and the UK portion of that cost. And then we got Peggy Hall. Israel miraculously stops Iran attacks. And that’s the. That’s the line from Israel. But it couldn’t stop moss. Huh? Huh. So a bunch of guys on paragliders and motorbikes. And that’s because October 7 was allowed to happen. And I want to emphasize this, October 7 was an inside job documentary by John Hanke.

55 minutes. Just going over the news in order to demonstrate and to show that what happened on October 7 was a false flag attack, the most secure border in the world. The Israelis, they have sound, they have motion, they have heat, they have video, they have eyes on. And all the military does and anybody who’s been and the military will confirm this for you, is they practice, they drill, they train, they plan for contingency.

So what happened on October 7, in the official story, would have been called upon and stopped instantly. They would add a chance. But instead, IDF stood down for 6 hours. And the film that John chose in the documentary is what we saw on the news is a bunch of people looking for people to engage, but they couldn’t find any because IDF stood down. And then when IDF came in, came in, they came in with the heavy artillery of IDF and then blew everybody up and then blamed Hamas.

And that’s what we have for a false flag attack. Joe, your thoughts? Yes. There’s another website that I went to over the weekend, simplicity Simplicius 76. Substack the title of his latest piece is Iran breaches the anglo zionist defense. And he’s got a lot of videos about all that stuff and all the stuff that was actually hit and then the hole that they dug with a backhoe and said, here’s where one of the bombs went off.

Well, guess what? The bombs, the missiles that made it through. The simplest one of those is the Iranian Fata, F A T T A h, which has a 450 kilogram, which is like a thousand pound warhead, a 1400 kilometer, 870 miles range. And it goes at machine. So they didn’t stop that, and they’re not going to stop the next ones or the even bigger and better ones that they’ve got.

And supposedly Iran has already got several nuclear warheads. And we know that Israel has 200. And what they’re threatening to do is that they’re going to go ahead and strike Iran with nuclear weapons thinking that they won’t be hit. Well, guess what? Now Pakistan has said, well, we’ve got nuclear weapons and we’re more than happy to nuke Tehran. And Turkey has said, well, we can see what Israel thinks about the Palestinians and so we can go ahead and blast them.

And the reason they were able to knock down so many of those incoming missiles is because the weasel who was appointed to be king of Jordan allowed them to use jordanian airspace. And Jordan, United States, France and England all participated in shooting down these little wind up toys that were sent over that took 4 hours to reach there. So they were obvious that they were coming. The Iranians said, we’re standing up.

We’re not going to hit any civilian targets. We’re going to hit nothing but military targets. So bottom line, that’s what’s going on. But getting back to King Abdallah, his grandfather is the one that made a deal with the British to fight against the Ottomans during World War one in return for being king of the muslim empire. But instead, they split it between him and the king that the British appointed from that same hash knight tribe to be king of Barak and also the king of Saudi Arabia.

And they gave Saudi Arabia the largest amount of terrorists, so he felt like he got screwed. But then his grandfather in 1948 said, well, the Jews are coming in and I’ll do what I can to help them. And so he helped them. And then his father in 1967 betrayed the other Arabs and gave, went to Israel and gave them all of the game plans for everything that Syria and Egypt were planning to do in their attack in the 67 war, which caused their defeat.

So here’s a guy with three direct descendants of traitors to his own race of people into his own country. And he was raised in England. Couldn’t even speak Arabic until he was made king of the f**king country. That’s the reason. And that’s because he’s been completely exposed. When the Israelis said that they were going to attack Iran, they wanted to fly over Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia said, no, you’re not coming across our territory.

So bottom line is we’ve split the world and everybody. Now, they’ve been screaming since World War two, never forget. Never forget. Never forget the little pearl clutchers that got gassed in the ovens and then turned into ash. No, they didn’t. But never forget. Well, now the whole world can see exactly what your tribe has been doing to all of humanity for 2500 years. And we will never forget.

And all of the young people in this country are vehemently opposed to Israel and anti Zionists. And now the whole entire southern world is all completely opposed to them. And now the arab world is united with the exception of Jordan. Jordan and Egypt. And those two puppet governments are going to be overthrown very shortly. So we’re going to see a whole completely different dynamic. And this rotten little country needs to be dissolved.

Yeah, it’s very exciting and tumultuous. And these puppets are at risk, as are the leaders, the puppets in the so called developed nations. And a little more analysis of what I believe it was, Scott, or somebody I was talking about. It was. So the analysis was, is that this was a classic probing attack to see what Israel could and could not stop. And they hit exactly what they were targeting.

And they found out that the Israelis could attack and stop the. So easy stuff. But it would be. It would be like somebody who could play slow pitch softball who could hit one of those pitches. But fastball? Nuh uh. Not a chance. No? No. Hope so. We’ll see how that evolves. Okay, more related to wars. So this is from the Netherlands. And we have from time to time shown what is happening in the race to the bottom with all of the developed countries.

And all of the leaders apparently, are all close to FJ with single digit approval rating for the heads of state. And this is the Netherlands. €4 billion for Ukraine. And that, of course, is going to be against the will of their people. And here in the US, Steve, nice point. Over 90 billion overseas passed the house last night. 48 billion for Ukraine, 14 billion for Israel, 2. 4 for Red Sea operations, 2.

58 for Indo Pacom. And that’s pretty much replenishment of the weapons 3. 3 for industrial base, $0 for the US southern border while we are $35 trillion in debt and that’s what we have and it is amazing that it begs the question what is the end game for these optics? And if the cats are in charge then they’re looking for, they’re looking for a fight, they’re looking for a civil war and they’re going to won that’s if they’re in charge.

If white hats are in charge then what we’re seeing is the outrage of the public legitimately to what they always do as would Joe was talking about earlier there’s nothing new here there is a greater public perception of what is going on in the empire with these politicians in order to dominate resources natural and the human resources in order to maximize the profits of those natural resources Joe, any comment brother? Yeah, what was I getting ready to say? Yeah it looks like the Ukraine war is fixing to wind down really quickly because massive numbers of ukrainian troops have been in contact with the Russians and they realize they’re getting killed at a ten to 20 to one ratio to the Russians that they have absolutely no ammo, they’ve got no logistics support, they’ve got really poor command the Russians have total air dominance all the way across the whole entire country and so they’re surrendering en masse.

The Russians and the Ukrainians that are in the field at this point all speak Russian and so the Russians have been in communications with them and then after they surrender they’re taken to russian bases and they’re treated really well and then they contact their friends and say no this is going to be. You’re going to like it here a lot better than you are in the ukrainian army and they have nobody left to draft but over the weekend, on Saturday they released a RT released a video on three new weapons systems that Russia has just recently deployed one of them is what NATO calls their Satan rocket and I don’t remember I didn’t write down what the name is in russian but bottom line is that’s a hypersonic multiple warhead intercontinental ballistic missile then the next one is there a vanguard a V a n G a R D which is a glide missile this has no motor involved in it it’s shot by ICBM’s it goes up above the atmosphere and then as it comes back through the atmosphere it reaches Mach 25.

At Mach 25 the capsule itself is covered in plasma so it’s completely invisible to radio waves because they can’t penetrate the plasma so it’s 100% invisible. And then it has complete avoidance system and it’s able to have a range of 6000. Then the other thing they release information on is their prevsett. P e r e v S b e T. Sorry if I don’t pronounce it correctly in Russian, but that’s a laser satellite killing system.

They’ll be able to shoot down all of our spy satellites, all of our gps, all of our communications network satellites in just a few moments. So bottom line is the day that we decide that we’ve got to thump our chest and show Russia how tough we are and that they’re nothing but a gas station with nuclear weapons. They’re going to take out all of our entire military capability and every one of our dozen aircraft carriers are nothing but floating Pearl harbors.

They’ll be gone with hypersonic missiles and hypersonic torpedoes in the first 2 hours of conflict. And each one of those will lose 80 airplanes. And the stupid airplanes that we’ve got are over $100 million a pop. And that’ll be 5000 sailors that if you’re lucky, you’ll be floating in the sea and somebody will be able to pick you up, but most likely you won’t. So bottom line is the United States is saber rattling.

In addition to that, within easy striking distance of Iran, we’ve got a dozen military bases with 55,000 soldiers that are all going to be frontline targets. It’s insane for us to have this type of leadership in our government. The liars that we’ve got in Congress, the liars we’ve got in media, and the liars we’ve got in the White House State Department are absolute 100% criminals. Not only the United States, but all of humanity.

Disgusting excuse for a government. Yeah, yeah. And it is that bad. And it is tiptoeing to the brink. And once you get too far over the edge, there’s no coming back. People may feel bad, helpless, because what are you gonna do? All you can do is what you can think, say and do. So pay attention, have what you have count and recognize that a lot of the war is over our heads, apparently.

All right, COVID, got a bunch of worries with that. That’s all. Pretty much what we have covered is just piling on the data. MSM blackout on rallies in Japan against the WHO and super warp speed 100 day vaccines. Corporate media isn’t showing you this, but medical doctors, medical experts are laying this out. A lot of the data that we’re talking about an extreme violation of human rights. Yeah, yeah.

Doctor Reiner Fulmic his court case incarceration and recently real dossier detailing secret actions of his accusers. Yeah, we have gone over that with the FOIA information that had been discovered. I’ll just read what Reiner wrote last week. I told you that the excellent german journalist Paul Schrayer won a huge victory in court under the german version of the Freedom of Information act. As court victory forced the german equivalent of the CDC to make secret documents available which proved that the so called pandemic was in reality a plan.

Damn it. And we didn’t cover that. And they basically said that the data wasn’t driving the so called health, so called orders, but it was a political decision. Rand Paul says he will invest doctor Anthony Fauci secret trips to the CIA before COVID-19 top Republican to prove off the books visits spy agents. I question the Wuhan lab leak theory. Well, we shall see. National income and national COVID-19 confirmed mortality.

Show you a couple of graphs here. So if you take the high income, upper middle income, lower middle income and low income. And on the left here we have the dose per 100 people. You can see that the high income people, they pretty much have doubled the doses per. So we average two each. For low income people, it’s a half a dose per person. And then let’s take a look at the deaths per million.

And we have a correlation of the upper income, the upper middle income, the lower middle income and the lower income. And we point that out during the so called pandemic, that the lowest income, the homeless did not have. A pandemic expert validates the survey analysis. Vaccines are the main cause of chronic disease. Now this is expanding the scope from beyond the so called COVID shots 19 to vaccines in general.

M rna pseudo vaccines, current research. So here’s another one. And this is saying that the people who are diagnosed with so called long COVID, the people who are so called vaccinated, have much worse outcomes. Steve Kirsch. I just challenged doctor Paul offit to a public debate and is one of those vaccine fanatics. And he claimed the anti vaccine movement is in the misinformation business and business is good.

Uh huh. And Kirsch responded, hey, how about we have a public debate to resolve who the misinformation spreaders really are? Are there any mainstream media reporters who want to know the truth about vaccines? ABC’s news reporter Max said, God. So he was doing a story on Robert Kennedy and had questions for Kirsch. 15 minutes. And after spending the 15 minutes answering all his questions, I asked him. There is a simple way for you to independently, objectively and definitively determine whether or not RFK junior is telling the truth about vaccines or not.

It will take less than five minutes of your time. Would you like to know what it is? Max said, gotta go. As ABC government media pretending massive health crisis not going on. Ed Dowd. So here’s more of the data, and this is cause unknown. The epidemic of sudden deaths and sudden deaths and the morality data is definitive. Something happened and they want to push us over to the who’s road to totalitarianism.

And we have gone over that. That would be the last one. And this who treaty basically says that, oh, do you hear this pounding on my roof? That’s good. That’s good, because we have. We’re getting solar power and geyser. I hear it. I’m glad that you don’t hear it. Just wanted to clarify that was going on and people confused. Let’s see, we got Chris back. Internet is non existent.

Okay, so Chris is. Isn’t going to be joining us, but the WHO pandemic. So they’re saying, look, you’re not getting involved in your national government business at all. Everything will be the same once you pass the WHO treaty for public health. And everything will be the same unless we say so. If we take there is another pandemic, then we can order. We control your economy, we control what goes at every person, we control what goes on.

People for a mask. We control everything. That’s the part they’re not saying. Joe, your thoughts? Oh, yeah. That who treaty is absolutely abomination. And the guy that’s going to be enforcing it is a known terrorist and genocidal maniac himself, Ted Tross, or whatever the hell his name is, from Ethiopia. Yeah, he has a degree in health, economic, some crap like that, and calls himself a doctor, but he’s not a medical doctor.

And when he was in charge, he ended up allowing a cholera epidemic to kill like 20,000 people in his country because they were the wrong tribe and they were having like some kind of internal divisions. A lady that is a good friend of ours, and I’ve done dozens of interviews with her. She’s done hundreds of interviews with Fetzer, Mariam Hanin. M a r y a m h e n e I n.

She has an article posted at Principia Scientific called vaccine injured, truly insane, where one of these medical puppets gets up and goes on and on about how there’s no proof that any vaccine was ever dangerous and that they’re all 100% effective, and that everything they do is just absolutely wonderful, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s just absolutely disgusting that these people can either be that big of a liar or that absolutely delusional.

But then there’s another website I came across this morning, Jim Ferguson, on what used to be called Twitter, now called x, and his title is dutch data hacked. And he’s got a guy that hacked into the database for all of the european health data, because it’s all behind a paywall where you can’t get to it. But he’s an expert hacker, so he got into it and has plotted all of the material showing, number one, the excess deaths, and number two, the excess side effects, and which side effects are in what ranked order? So bottom line is there’s ample evidence, and there’s more coming out every day.

And the excess deaths is something that’s going to show up on every actuarial table, that’s going to affect all the life insurance rates. And the life insurance companies are not going to be able to lie about it and say, well, we have to increase your rates because more people are dying. There’s morticians nation worldwide that are going out and saying, we’re finding these gigantic three foot long rubbery clots inside people’s bodies that we have never seen in hundreds of years of autopsies and embalming processes.

So, bottom line is, the evidence that these things are absolutely 100% a bioweapon is irrefutable. And the fact that Anthony Fauci got an email was released yesterday saying that Barrick, the guy that’s at Chapel Hill, said that he had 15,000 samples of COVID in refrigeration in Wuhan that were ready to be distributed. Yeah, that’s bio weapons by our government kids. Yeah, yeah. And we didn’t have a show on Monday because I was in La Quinta, which is by palm Springs, I was visiting some childhood friends.

My two brothers, they have a fantasy baseball league. And so out of those six guys that were there, two of them for sure were on fire and had something to say that if there is another attempted COVID that will not comply and will fight back. And certainly the expressions of these guys were that they are, they’re not tolerating this anymore, they are not necessarily believing it, they don’t know what to say about it.

So it’s more anecdotal evidence. Well, you need to do, because it’s not just the mRNA vaccines. Every vaccine is loaded with adjuvants in order to cause what they, they call an inflammatory response because they consider that to be part of an immune system response. So they’re intentionally infecting you with poison under the pretense that because you’re reacting to a poison, it’s going to be able to make you react to whatever other crap they put in your body and that’s going to help you react to some other pathological symptom.

The bottom line is every bit of these things is bio weapons and you should never ever get a vaccine for anything and never allow your children to get them. They’re absolutely 100% toxic and there’s no redemption for this particular medical mafia that we’ve got running this planet at this particular time. And if you were really serious, you’d have to compare the health outcomes of like the Amish to the people who are vaccinated in order to determine that.

And we would find out as we know that the whole system is in there torturing, poisoning and mind controlling us everywhere. Want us completely locked down into some kind of experimental slave species. Fish optics. Congressman Mike Garcia tells FBI director Chris Wray his agency is ideologically inverted and now represents the USA equivalent of the soviet secret police. I like that. That’s a good start. That’s in the right vein.

We need more. It has to be orchestrated for their arrest. America is no longer a merit based society. Paul Craig Roberts yeah, yeah, yeah. Cooperative competition is no longer the name of the game. It is identity politics. This is one to know. Dot in Fo Fred Burke, State Department interpreter who rejected his oath over 20 years ago and now he has put this website up, that website up for years and years and years.

It’s number one alternative news site in my opinion, toxic pesticides and popular foods. If you want a briefing of those news, I recommend it. And I want to point out here, let’s see the concerning levels of pesticides found in the products of 17 major food manufacturers. Toxic PFAS chemicals found in popular feminine products. And that’s from CNN itself. So what Fred does is he takes a look and finds the articles that come from corporate media that actually do tell the truth.

So that means that these, that that information is no longer controversial. And a possibility of where we’re going with optics is that people are going to be more interested in something like this community owned vegetable gardens and Brazil. Joe, your thoughts, brother? Yes. Well, the article that you mentioned by Mike Wallace I think is what his name is. No. Mike Garcia tells FBI director Chris Wray his agency is ideologically inverted.

Now represents the US equivalent soviet secret police. This has a really extensive list of all of the things that the FBI has. Has botched in the way of investigations and the people that they frame. But he misses a lot of really important ones. Number one, he misses the fact that in 911, four FBI field offices reported issues with arab flight. Arab students in flight school training. And that was in San Diego, Phoenix, Tulsa, and in a city in Florida, a small city.

I don’t remember the name of it. But bottom line, four flight schools, all of them ordered to stand down. The guy that was in Tulsa had 56 hours of dual time in a Cessna 150, but was so incompetent that no instructor would sign him off to do a three lap solo around the airfield, where you just take off, circle the airfield, touch and go is what they call it.

They wouldn’t allow him to do a solo, so he left the flight school, went up to Minneapolis, went to a place called Pan Am flight school, where they do flight simulator training. And it’s no relation to the Pan Am airline that’s just used that same name. But he goes in and says, I’d like to learn how to fly 747. And they said, well, show us your log book.

He showed them logbook. I said, well, you can’t qualify for a student loan, so if we were going to give you flight training, you’d have to be able to pay for it. And he goes, okay, fine. He pulls out $5,000 in cash. And so they said, okay, well, we’ll get in touch with you. They contacted the FBI office. Two agents, Harry Samet and Colleen Rowley, went over, pulled up the guy’s record.

He was in the country on an overstate visa, illegally, had no sign of income. How in the hell did he get $550, 100 bills to be able to pay for that? How did he get from Tulsa up to Minneapolis? So they went over and busted the guy, and they notified the headquarters at FBI. And the headquarters at FBI said, do not interrogate that guy and seal his laptop.

That was on August 16 of 2001. On August 18, Harry Samet wrote a 26 page affidavit of all of the evidence that this guy was involved in a terror plot, and he was hijacker number 20 on the airplanes, which is why there was only, quote, 19 of them. And he was again ordered by. He sent it to 50 different offices in the headquarters at FBI. So don’t tell me about the rank and file.

The file is 100% ranked. Everybody that’s in the FBI at this point is fully compromised. All they’re there for is their pension. And they could give a shit less about the constitution or the people of this country. Absolutely 100% uniparty cesspool, and absolutely 100% corrupt. And in addition to that, we had the anthrax attack, which happened at the end of September in 2001. The head of FBI at that point was Robert Mueller, who was sworn in on September 7, one week before the, excuse me, September 4.

So it was one week before 911. And he decided that the anthrax was caused by two different scientists that worked at Fort Detrick. And so he went and tried to do everything he could to frame them. One of the guys, he said, had a pond that was near his house. It was like a one acre pond. And his hypothesis was that the guy had set up a lab underneath the water, and every night he would sneak down there and manufacture anthrax in a lab that was underwater so nobody would be able to find it.

So they pumped the whole entire pond drain, like 5000 thousand dollars worth of money to get the pond drained. And there was absolutely no evidence that anybody had been manufacturing anthrax in the bottom of the pond. One of the guys committed suicide. And so they said, well, he committed suicide, so obviously he’s the one that did it. That’s the rotten FBI. And that same rotten Mueller is the one that went after Trump for two damn years with the russian gate shut.

Absolutely 100%. And then rotten Chrissy Ray was appointed by Donald J. Trump and sworn in in July of 2017. And he’s been the one that’s been running all of the federal ops against everybody in this country since then. And that’s why we still have this rotten mess, because Christopher Wray is as rotten, as rotten as J. Edgar Hoover. You never get away from the rotten tree that this rotten fruit falls from.

Absolutely disgusting. Yep, yep. And the minimum that people can do, of course, with what you think and what you can say and what you can do is to withdraw consent and arrest. You don’t have to put up with this, you don’t have to tolerate it. And then you can begin to consider, I reckon, the pathways of Gandhi and Doctor King for how you’re going to make this visible so that there is a total withdrawal of consent.

So we shall see how things progress. And with Joe’s attitude, ties in nicely to our finale here. When you notice the hidden hand behind the distractions. Yeah, that’s us patriots. That’s what we’re seeing. We’re not playing the game. We’re chasing our tails or chasing the little light or anything like this we see. We see. All right, let’s go into final thoughts, and we can incorporate anything with that little thing here.

It’s another day in the empire, and paradoxically, of course, things are getting worse, and we’re covering the same things, and the data is all there, and there is no legitimacy to its government. It is a lying, looting, orwellian, inverted, satanic rogue state empire. Theyre evil. Evil almost beyond description. I mean, if we wanted to talk about adrenochrome, you might run out of adjectives for the torture of children in order to maximize their fear before killing them and then consuming them.

These are pedophiles, kind of vampires. And if you want to watch a more modern movie of kind of what I think is going on. Jupiter ascending. These are by the siblings that did the matrix films. I do recommend that. All right, Joe, final thoughts, brother. Oh, I got a couple of final thoughts. One of them is that when the. The CIA operation timber sycamore armed the IsIS in northern Syria, they were killing Kurds and Christians, and they killed over a half million Christians that had lived in Syria for 2000 years.

But one of the things they did is when you end up in a war zone where a bunch of dead parents are, you end up with a bunch of orphans. They were herding the orphans into organ harvesting centers, and somebody managed to sneak a video in, and you could see these pictures of this little four year old girl being led into a room. And then they were bringing out ice chests full of freshly harvested organs.

Absolutely disgusting. You won’t find that on the Internet now, but we need to make sure that when it’s time for war trials that these criminals have, that brought against them as well as everything else. And then the IRGC, which is the Iranian National Guard, they said that there’s a third. Where? There were 36 hospitals in Gaza. 30 of them have been completely leveled. Six of them are marginally functional.

At this particular point, they had twelve universities. All of the universities have been 100% leveled, in addition to the at least 60,000 people that are either dead or buried under the rubble waiting to be found. And yesterday, I came across Tulsi Gabbard’s site, and she was promoting her new book, which is called for Love of Country. This is a woman who served in three deployments over in the Middle east, and she was in a medical unit.

So she got to work with all of the soldiers and all of the civilians that they brought in. So she got to see both sides of the ugly side of war, and she was over there like I said, for three different deployments. And then she served in Congress for eight years, and she was approached by all of the Mick monsters and the apex and everybody else and realized that she couldn’t do anything there.

So she stepped away from. But she’s got a book, and the name of the book is for love of country. And one of the questions he was asking an interview yesterday is, what was the hardest chapter she wrote? She goes, oh, the hardest one was chapter number five, the elitist cabals of cabal of war mongers. And he said, I was crying the whole time I was writing that chapter because I was remembering all the horrible things that I’d seen in war and all the horrible lies that I’ve been told as a congressman and as a serviceman, and that’s why I’m actually doing this.

So, bottom line is, I have a tremendous amount of respect for her. I don’t know that she’s the right person for the VP ticket, because that’s somebody you need to stick with for four years. And I don’t know that she’d want to be attached to Trump for that length of time, but she certainly deserves a cabinet position because she is a definite leader. And if she manages to stay free of the uniparty system, and she’s certainly at this point, not a Democrat, then, and nobody should be a Republican.

And maga, I’m sorry, DJT, you’re off your rocker. Vaccines are horrible. You’re not going to win a war against Iran. The war in Ukraine was absolutely stupid. The whole entire military industrial complex is insane. Everything that’s going on is absolutely insane. And so even though I can appreciate what you’re dealing with in the way of the law, fair and the illegal things that they’re doing against you, it just goes with the territory.

But bottom line is, you’re going to have to have a huge epiphany on a wide range of subjects for you to have a functional presidency, because so far, you’re wrong on so many things that I could barely hold my nose and vote for you. And just in closing on that particular thing, there was a congressman from Texas named Steve Stockman, and he was bringing impeachment charges against Lois Lerner in 2011 for all of the IR’s files that she secretly downloaded to disks, which was illegal, and then transferred to the Eric the red Holder DOJ department to prosecute tea parties nationwide and put the opposition in jail.

And so he had ample evidence on it. And so the DOJ went after him. They managed to trump up charges against him, even worse than what they trumped up against Trump. And he ended up being convicted and got 280 years in jail. I heard him speak last week at a tea party meeting, and when Trump was getting ready to leave office, somebody said, hey, you’ve got this congressman that stood up for the rights of the american people and he’s sentenced to 280 years in jail.

And Trump goes, okay, well, I’m not going to pardon him, so he won’t have a criminal record, but I’ll commute his sentence. And so that’s what DJT did, even though he did manage to pardon Jared Kushner’s mafia connected kazarian mafia daddy. But that’s a different story. And so, bottom line is, when the commutation order came down, the judge that had done the sentencing said, okay, we’re going to sentence you to time served for the commutation, but I’m going to give you the equal amount of time under probation where you’re not allowed to say anything.

So they gave him a six year gag order. So now his gag order was just expired in January this year, and now he’ll be able to tell his story. But bottom line is, every bit of our government is rotten, top to bottom. And I don’t see any way of resolving it with, with a ballot box that’s going to be crooked and you’re certainly not going to resolve it with lawyers in a legal system that’s crooked and judges that are crooked.

So bottom line is, I don’t know how we save this nation. You’re not going to pray, obey or vote your way out of this tyranny because we’re in 100% tyranny. And the only thing that can save us is for masses of people to have a complete 100% awakening. And then one final thought. There’s a movie that I saw a trailer for that’s coming out this summer about faking the moon landings.

And it’s like they have all of the evidence. It’s absolutely hilarious. About a two minute long trailer. I’ll send it to you and we can use it on next week’s program because it’s hilarious. Yeah, I want to thank you, Joe. And I want to point out, just to comment with Tulsi and Tulsi and my colleague for monetary reform and ending poverty, Dennis Kucinich. They pull their punches, and I appreciate the truth that they do give, and maybe they’re not given the full truth because of what happened to JFK, RFK and congressman that you mentioned.

But Tulsi, until people go to the point saying this is a crime and these leaders need to be arrested and removed and prosecuted. That, for me, is the defining line. If you can’t tell the difference that this is criminal and that these people should be removed from causing harm before because these are crimes, then you’re pulling your punches. And I know Dennis knew better. I know Tulsi was better, but they won’t say it.

And yet, I’m not walking in their shoes. That I do encourage people to give their best thoughts, words and actions. All right, patriots, thank you very much. We’ll be back sometime, maybe Friday, Saturday, Sunday with Brian. Brian wasn’t able to make it to his show. He got bogged down with work. So we’ll see what happens for over the weekend, but we will have some sort of show. Thank you very much.

Bye. .

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