33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pikes WW3 Predictions Examined.. Real Or Fake?

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner TV, the host and guest Susan Bradford discuss Albert Pike, a Scottish Freemason known for a letter he wrote predicting three world wars. They explore Pike’s connections to international finance, arms trafficking, and money laundering, and how his predictions seem to be coming true today. They also discuss the influence of secret societies like the Freemasons and international bankers on global events. Finally, they delve into a controversial letter Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini, which outlines a plan for world domination and the rise of a Luciferian doctrine.
➡ This text discusses the idea that powerful families, like the Rothschilds, have manipulated historical events for their own gain. It suggests that they may have influenced major events like the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery, not for moral reasons, but to further their own interests. The text also talks about how these families might use division and conflict to control society and advance their agendas. Lastly, it raises questions about the future, wondering how far society will swing between extremes before finding a middle ground.
➡ The text discusses the idea that powerful groups, like the Rothschilds, plan events years in advance to maintain control. It suggests that these groups might be moving towards a new financial system, possibly digital, which could drastically change our world. The speaker encourages listeners to research and form their own opinions on these theories. The conversation ends with an invitation to the guest, Susan Bradford, to return for future discussions on her research into these powerful groups.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. We are going to be discussing Albert pike in this episode. I am with Susan Bradford, a scholar, a researcher, an avid researcher. And I been wanting to do this topic for a while because I think where we’re at today magnifies. It just reeks with Albert Pike. I mean, I’ve been looking into Albert pike for so long, and I’ve always been aware of his letter to Mazzini for the three world wars, the plan for the.

For the three world wars. I know he was a Scottish Freemason. There’s a lot of question marks around Albert Pike. A lot of people said, oh, that’s been debunked. It wasn’t real. But to me, you know, I looked at this letter in the nineties when I was in high school, and everything that’s happening today, just to me, just, I feel, is it represents Albert pike to the t.

I think everything he said is coming to pass right now. And I’m wondering if it’s all part of a grand master plan, because it sure does seem that way. I feel like we’re all just, every politician, just pawns on the chessboard for something much bigger, the hand control in the mall. And I’m here to say, could it be the high level masons that are in charge of all of this that’s happening right now, this brotherhood, this secret handshake society? Susan Bradford, thank you for coming on.

Thank you so much for having me. I think there is a secret hand, and I would say the secret hand is not only the Masons, but also the international bankers. And just to provide a little background, and I think you’re talking about the letter that Albert pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini. And so both of these are kind of two sides of the same coin. Okay? And just to discuss who these people are.

So Albert pike was a Scottish Freemason. He was something that jumped out at me. He was a member of the odd Fellows. Now, the odd fellows recruited CV Starr, who went on to found AIG. AIG was established in China. They ended up working with the Office of Strategic Services, which was the precursor of the CIA, to map out China and Europe for eventual corporate domination by Wall street.

So that’s a very key connection. And pike was also. He’s a member of the scottish Freemasons. And one thing that one point that a lot of people don’t know, at least in America, is that the scottish Freemasons founded the bank of England. And the bank of England was a central bank in England. Like the Federal Reserve, it was a private bank owned by private shareholders that covered the debt, financed the debt for the british government.

So they took that template and then the same secret hand modeled that to establish the Federal Reserve, you know, a few years later. And we needed the Federal Reserve, of course, and then finance the World War one. World War two. And who was Benjamin? Who was Giuseppe Mazzini? That was the gentleman to whom Albert pike wrote the letter. Mazzini is credited with founding the italian mafia. So he brought the young italian movement over to the United States, which is allegedly linked into the rise of the mafia here.

And he answered directly to Benjamin Disraeli, the british prime minister, who was also allegedly part of the same kind of secret network. But you’re looking at the scottish Freemasons. And these are the people who allegedly were behind the civil war. The civil war, in part, was fought because the British were back then allegedly trafficking slaves and they were in competition with our cotton producers to produce cotton, I think, in Egypt and other places.

That cotton was then part of a very lucrative international textile market that was global and that was also tied into some of the international drug laundering, like opium, over to China. So you’re looking at the, Albert pike, the beginnings of this kind of international network that is working with international finance, with arms trafficking, with money laundering. And so the fact that he had the foresight to map this out, I mean, I remember it was.

I think it was 19, 94, 95 that I first saw this, 93 that I first saw this letter. And I was like, wow, I can totally see the first. And the second sure didn’t go as planned. I’m like, the third. I don’t see it happening anytime soon. And this was in the nineties. And now that we’re right now, with everything that’s happening in America, worldwide, it’s going exactly to plan now.

Yes, it is. So you could have debunked this in the nineties or in the early two thousands. It’s just this or that. But no, now everything is happening exactly to plan the way I see it. And I’m going to go ahead and read a little bit of this. This is the following is a letter that speculation claim that Albert pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars.

They were a plan and an attempt to take over the world. Pike letter to Giuseppe Mazzini was a display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977. This letter has been claimed to be by many Internet sites to reside in the british library in London, which denies the letter, even denies it even exists. Giuseppe Mazzini was an italian revolutionary, leader of the mid 18 hundreds, as well as the director of the Illuminati, Albert pike.

Historic masonic figure, was a 33rd degree Freemason, occultist, grandmaster, and creator of the southern jurisdiction of the Masonic scottish right order. Following are apparently extracts from the letter showing how the three world wars have been planned for many generations. I’m just going to go through them real quick. Is that all right with you? Go ahead. Yes, go ahead. First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the tsars in Russia and of making the country a fortress of aesthetic communism.

The divergences caused by the agent or agents of the Illuminati between the british and the germanic empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken religions. Second World War must be fomented to by taking advantage of the differences between the fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel and Palestine during the second World War.

International communism must be. Must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom. Christendom, which would be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. Now here’s the third world War. And tell me if this, if you can relate to this one, folks, if is this is not happening all around us, must be fomented by taking advantage, I hope I’m saying that word right, by the way, by taking advantage of the difference caused by the asian tour of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of islamic world.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the muslim arabic world, and political Zionism, the state of Israel, mutually destroy each other. We’re watching that right now. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on the issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion that’s happening within America right now. We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provide a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and in multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose diastic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal but without knowing where to render its aberration, will receive the true light through their universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. So what he’s saying here, he wants to bring in the doctrine of Lucifer. Correct? Am I reading this right? The doctrine of Lucifer which they perceive to be the true light of enlightenment. I found this kind of interesting. I think the agenda really got underway after the Rothschilds acquired control of the british monarchy.

The british monarchy was the group to which the freedom Masons ultimately answered. And once Rothschild acquired, acquired control of the monarchy, which was the representative or the symbolic seat of Jesus in Europe, they then decided to kind of serve as the role of God and the creator of humanity. But in order to accomplish this, I think they set about destroying anybody who could possibly rival them. And I remember that.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Victoria’s Secret, David. You have. Okay. And that was. Go ahead. That they’re all. The real secret is that they’re all a bunch of. I can’t say it on fluffy, but you know what I’m saying, right? Is that the truth? Am I on the right track or on the wrong track? You’re on the right track. And that there may have been an alleged Jesus bloodline or at least something that they would.

They are professing that they held that they were the descendants of Jesus. And so the Rothschilds held a 200 year contractual control of the crown from 18 2015, which would have ended in 2015. And I think that they may have been looking at installing a Rothschild as an antichrist. Like this would be the new God figure and we’ll have, you know, the. The Christianity and the other religions discredited and everybody will be, you know, begging for a new God, begging for the return of Jesus or the return of something.

So they really are pushing this and you see everything happening now here. It’s even talking about the american civil war. I mean, it seems to me, and it’s always under some guise, like everyone thinks, that the civil war was truly fought over slavery. There were so many other reasons for it and there’s always this hand that’s controlling all of it. Right, Susan? I mean, it’s what they feed the public, you think you’re going to war for a certain reason, but there’s so many other reasons that under this, you know, they use these.

This one, they’ll use a particular reason to fool the public, deceive the public, and then bring in the order that they want. Right? Yes, the civil war. I mean, we were taught a completely different narrative that really, the civil war was about freeing the slaves. But when I looked into Pike’s involvement with this, I could see that there was kind of this competition within England and that Mazzini was part of kind of like this underground state, secret society.

And what they were trying to do is they, like, I think, as I said, they were trying to use our cotton, which would then be shipped over to England to create textiles. The textiles would then be shipped over to India to buy those textiles. So India, in turn, could not create its own. And in order to pay for the textiles, they’d have to sell opium to China. So you have, like the beginnings of, you know, this opium trade, and they’re linked.

This was like the nascent global economy. And what was interesting is that the Rothschilds had agreed to finance the freedom of. The freedom for the slaves. And how they did this is that they had the government of Britain pay them off. And this was reported, I think, in the Guardian, a few other british newspapers a few years ago. They had the british government pay off the slave owners to free the slaves.

And the slaves were promised land and territory to kind of build new lives for themselves. So they were given, you know, a million millions of dollars. The british government went into debt. And by the end of the civil war, of course, Lincoln was assassinated. And the promise to give the slaves the land was never honored. So they then had to return back to the land now as indentured servants now, you know, in probably a worse condition than they were before.

And this was all done on behalf of their commercial interests. Please. I mean, you really do have to. I mean, the way that history is taught to us in school, you have to really go back and relearn everything. The truth about it’s really. There’s so much more to every story. It’s unbelievable. There really is. And they were showing that until recently, until like, 2015, when the Rothschilds had to surrender their contractual control of the crown, that the british government was still paying off the slave owners to the tune of over $100 million.

And this was at the expense of the taxpayers and the slaves and their descendants never saw a dime. You know, I was. I just. I just did a show with. I forgot who I did it with, but it was. I did one with Mike King where we talked about the second world war. And obviously, you know, I don’t want to say that individual’s name on fluff to, but everyone knows the, let’s just say the bad guy out of Germany, right.

I don’t even like to say his name on here, but with the funny mustache. Yeah. Really? That’s what I have to. That’s. I have to really be very elusive on fluffy. But without him. Without him, I mean, he, wasn’t he funded by. I know he said, I know that people say he was against the bankers, but wasn’t he funded by the Rockefellers? And without him, the state of Israel would have never happened.

I mean, without, without him, it would have never happened because I think a lot of it, you know, it was you. I was talking with you about this. Talking to me. Punches to the head, Susan. Sorry. Yeah. I mean, but, I mean. Oh, but we were talking about this. That would have never happened. So it makes me think about, like, you know, I. And I can’t help but I’m sure my audience is thinking the same thing.

The proper division that has been made in America right now with the MAGA movement and everyone against Israel and everyone against Palestine and everybody’s fighting with, I mean, the division is there. It is there. It’s right in our face. You got BLM, you got this, you got all these different groups. We’re perfectly right. Now, we have been sliced and diced and divided so much. And we know these groups are getting outside funding.

And I don’t want to go into that on here, but it begs the question, like, would any of this be possible without stoking the so called patriots? I mean, isn’t that one, isn’t that what’s going to cause the desired fire to get going? The way that they advance their agenda is through hegelian dialectic. So they take two opposing forces, the fascists, the communists, Maga and immigrants or whatever, and then they pit them against each other.

And then the solution is the solution that they want to have, have advanced. And they usually know what that is beforehand. And they. So out of chaos brings in order. Out of order, chaos out of destruction, creation. It’s the rise of the phoenix out of the ashes. So let them just throw enough gasoline on the fire, get everyone stoked up. And that’s all the news syndicates are doing, Fox, CNN.

They’re just stoking the fire. They’re just pissing people off more every time I turn on where I go to my parents house and watch Fox. I’m like, okay, here we go. It’s something, you know, it’s just they’re making, you know, pissing people off. Pissing people off. Spraying the gasoline. Spraying the gasoline. Same with CNN. Both of them. Nobody delivers the news anymore. There’s nothing positive on the news.

It’s all negative stoking. They’re really trying to get this fire ablaze. And it seems to me like we’re there. People are pissed off now. We’re. I’ve always said, Susan, that I’m really watching this pendulum because the pendulum right now is swinging so far left. And we already know. I already know Mister T is going to come back. I see what’s happening here. I’m watching this strategy. What I’m worried about is how far right is this pendulum going to swing now? Do some people need to get, you know, is there, you know, certain people need to, you know, have justice brought to them.

Yes, but where do we stop? I mean, how far is this going to go? I mean, are we going to have military on the streets? Is there going to be police everywhere? When do they go away? Are they going to stay? I have a lot of questions, you know, and I have no doubt that this is where that’s going. I just want to know. Everyone needs to be held accountable.

Do you get kind of what I’m saying here? I do. I’m trying to be very vague on fluff tubes. I’m sorry. That’s okay. You want some accountability, but you also, I think you want integrity restored to the government. You want stability, right? But when do we come back to that middle ground? When do we, we’re so far over here, then we’re going to go swing this way. And then when do we come back to the middle ground? And what is that going to look like? Do you think it’s up to the people not to react like.

Because I think that they want us to look over here, look over there. They want us to pay attention to all the infighting and all the drama, when we should be looking at those who are like the masterminds, the puppeteers behind the scenes who are causing all the chaos and maybe misappropriating funds. Look how many people think that Biden’s a buffoon. I mean, they just say, like, oh, gosh, look at him.

You can’t even pronounce a sentence. You know, that type of stuff. Right? And to me, it’s like, yeah, keep saying that. Keep saying that about him. That’s fine. You’re not paying attention to this over here. Just pay attention to what? All his mistakes. Tripping up the stairs, falling off his bike. It’s almost like they want you to look at that. That’s correct. And that’s on their media, which, you know, and the media, of course, is controlled by these private corporations, which ultimately answer to the same, you know, hidden hand.

So, movie for you. I guess the question I have about Albert pike is, how could he for that to be? Oh, it’s been debunked. It’s been debunked. It was never in the museum. It never even existed. But how is it right on the money? It’s just right on the mark. And I’m just posing the question to my audience, to you as well, is, do you think there’s any validity to this? And I want my audience to decide that I think it is up for them to research it on their own and, of course, come to their own conclusions.

There was a letter that was posted on Henry Macau’s blog. Do you ever follow him? Do you know who I’m talking about? No. He’s a truther, a jewish truther. And he posted a letter that was written to him from Jacob Rothschild, who was recently deceased. And in that letter, Rothschild had said, we planned 50 to 100 years in advance, so we plan everything. So this is at the top, head of, head of the syndicate kind of acknowledging that they actually do plan out these events.

They would have to in order to stay in control and stay in power. You can’t plan just a few months ahead of time or a year. They got to plan this out. Absolutely. 50 years at least. I mean, and, you know, to me, it’s about who controls the monetary system. And then now we’re going into this new system, and I am really scared about what that could look like.

You know, I mean, I have faith it’s going to go in a different direction, but nobody knows. I mean, we all don’t know. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we know they want to pull the plug soon. I think one of the agenda items of the Rothschilds, according to Ayn Rand, and this was, I’ll say, allegedly, this was a report that was given a few years ago, was that the Rothschild’s plan, ultimate endgame is to become so rich and powerful that they could collapse the entire economy and still be the strongest financial force in the entire world.

They’d have that much financial power. And we’re at a point now where technology, it’s like a technocracy. We don’t need money anymore. They have all the technology they need. They can do whatever they want with this technology. They just need their worker bees, the people. And. Well, they don’t actually, that’s not even true. They don’t even need that anymore. They just need to manage and control a small, select group.

And. And they want to be gods, correct? Like they want to be the gods of humanity and eliminate God as a whole. So I don’t know. I think we’re in it now. I think we’re really in it now. And I think this year, going into next year, we’re going to really see what direction this is going. But I think by this time next year, by this time next year, I think a lot of the dust is going to be settling and we’re going to know what direction this is going.

What about you? What do you think? I think that that’s a possibility because the petrodollar, which has been the basis of our economy for so many decades, that’s falling by the wayside that we have the rise of these digital currencies and we need like, a new global, global financial structure, and that has to be supported by properly functioning governments. So I think there are a lot of answers that need to be resolved, I think before that could happen, and we certainly need to have some political and financial stability.

So I think the problems that we’re facing should be resolved. But it does appear that it’s very bumpy. I don’t know if you see it as being as smooth because we’re having Brics, was supposed to rise, is now stumbling and so forth. Yeah, I see. There’s a lot of resistance. I do. And I do. I’m going to stay optimistic. I’m going to say very. I’m going to stay optimistic and say that I believe humanity wins this because I think a lot of people are waking up, a lot of people are waking up to these devious type of plans, but it’s going to be one hell of a fight, no doubt about it.

And people that think that it’s, oh, this is all a show, it’s a movie. No, no, no, man. We’re in it. This is it. This is for all the marbles. And I just love having guests like yourself, intelligent guests, that research a lot. And you’re an author, correct? You’re also an author of a few books, correct? Yes, I am. I’ve written a number of books on the deep state.

I’m currently working on another right now, but I’ve really explored the bloodline and the bloodlines and the hidden hand, especially the role of the bankers in kind of creating the world in which we live. So I know a lot of the backstory. Well, I know that I have you as a reoccurring guest on Nino’s corner tv. I’d love to have you on again to talk more about this.

I think this is fluff tube worthy. So I’m going to put this out there. And, Susan, where can people find you? Thank you. You can find me on my website, which is susanbradford. org. And you could also link both to my books and to my substack. I would encourage you to sign up to my substack if you’re interested. I am providing a lot of kind of new information that will help you acquire clarity on the deep state and the actors behind it.

So, you know, you know, you know the hidden hand and you know where they’re going with, with their agenda and how they intended to achieve it. Thank you. I really appreciate this. Susan, thank you for joining me here on corner, folks. Go visit Susan Bradford. Susan bradford. org. Susan bradford. org. And she’s a reoccurring guest on Enos Corner TV. We go really deep into this stuff. So, Susan, thank you for joining me.

Thank you, David, thank you so much. .

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Albert Pike Scottish Freemason Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini Albert Pike's world war predictions arms trafficking and money laundering Freemasons influence on global events international bankers influence international finance connections Nino's Corner TV episode discussion Powerful families manipulation of historical events rise of Luciferian doctrine Rothschilds influence world domination plan discussion

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