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The U.S. is sending more soldiers to Guyana because of a land fight with Venezuela. Venezuela is trying to be friends with strong countries like China and Russia. The U.S. doesn’t want to lose its power. But, people are worried about higher taxes and money problems. The writer says we should pay off debts and protect our money from inflation. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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precious metals, legal developments, the cryptocurrency market

Precious metals like gold and silver faced corrections after their recent gains, while industrially significant metals like platinum and palladium saw legal developments potentially affecting their prices. The cryptocurrency market continued to suffer outflows. Goldman Sachs reached a settlement over a metals-related lawsuit, suggesting possible impacts on the firm’s financial performances ahead. For More Information Click the Button Below….

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“Scientist Clint Winters created Canola Dyne, a product that eases pain by boosting brain endorphins. Inspired by his mom’s cancer battle, this product not only lessens pain but may also act as an antidepressant. Canola Dyne is a hopeful new step in pain management and overall health.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Join me on a thrilling adventure as I search for Bigfoot at Mount St. Helens! I traveled across the U.S., using helicopters and other tools. I even heard strange sounds like those recorded in the 70s. No Bigfoot yet, but the journey was full of surprises and fun. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Houses are Under Water

Published on: May 13, 2024 by I Allegedly in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots

1. “Many homeowners owe more on their homes than they’re worth, especially in southern states. This problem, called being “upside down,” has grown during the health crisis. Experts think home sales will be low this summer, and big buildings are selling cheap due to more people working from home.”

2. “Dr. Amy talks about a money problem in California. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Dr. Kirk Elliott talks about the role of the economic advisor to the president. He points out issues with how the government borrows money. The article also discusses Japan’s economic situation and its global impact. Lastly, it emphasizes investing in gold and silver, warns about debt, and discusses the privacy issues in the digital world. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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➡ This article talks about job choices. It tells the story of a woman who became an ironworker instead of going to college. It says that there are many jobs out there that people don’t want to do. It encourages us to work hard and focus on earning money, not just having a fancy job title. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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The U.S. SEC is in a legal fight with Ripple Labs, a cryptocurrency company. The SEC wants $2 billion, not Ripple’s $10 million offer. They worry that accepting less might make other crypto companies think they can break rules and pay small fines. This case could shape future cryptocurrency rules. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Join Dan Bongino in his podcast as he chats with Laura Trump about her role in the Republican National Committee. Learn about changes she’s making for future elections. Also, discover a sleep aid product that can improve your well-being. Hear about the Republican party’s plans to expand its reach and ensure fair voting. Tune in now! …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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“Google is moving out of its office at One Market Plaza in San Francisco next year. But don’t worry, they’re not leaving the city. They’re just moving their workers to other offices. There’s a vote in November that might change business taxes and help bring people back to work. Some folks say this situation is like a ‘doom loop’ for the city …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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“Greg Manarino talks about the market’s health, doubting a big gold value increase. He explains a ‘Fed put,’ where the Federal Reserve buys lots of debt to keep things steady. He warns that actions by big banks since 2008 have twisted stock and house prices. He thinks our money future looks grim, no matter who wins the next election.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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This blog post explores Dr. Steven Gundry’s health methods, societal control, and potential distractions like solar storms. It discusses current issues like open borders and economic instability, and criticizes the administration’s actions. It delves into conspiracy theories, potential election manipulation, and concerns about illegal voting. Lastly, it highlights the potential threat of a severe geomagnetic storm to our communication …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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“Explore how Mother’s Day and traditional roles are changing in our society. This article talks about how some people feel left out during these holidays. It also discusses ‘tradwives’, women who choose to stay home and care for their families, and the criticism they face. Lastly, it questions if our changing norms are really for the better.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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“Discover the truth about our food industry. This article shares Chloe’s story, a rancher providing healthy, grass-fed meats in Colorado. Learn about harmful practices like using growth hormones and antibiotics in meat production. Understand the importance of knowing where your food comes from and choosing healthier options. Join us in supporting ethical farming over large corporations.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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“Boeing’s 737 planes might not be safe, says a third whistleblower. He found many defects daily but was told to ignore them. This could be a big safety issue. Two similar planes crashed in 2018 and 2019, causing 346 deaths. Boeing says their planes are safe. They have 90 days to fix these problems.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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2024 election predictions 2024 elections allegations America artificial intelligence Benjamin Fulford Benjamin Fulford Report Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report Biden Biden administration Blackrock border security California censorship CENTRAL BANK central banks China Climate Change concerns Congress constitutional sheriffs controversy Corruption Covid Covid-19 CSPOA current economic situation analysis Dan Bongino Deep State Democratic Party Democrats DOLLAR Donald Trump ECONOMIC COLLAPSE economy election interference Elon musk FEDERAL RESERVE Financial Collapse Florida freedom of speech Genocide Gold government Great Reset Gregory Manorino Hawaii Hunter Biden INFLATION investigation investing in gold investing in gold and silver investing in precious metals Jack Mullen JOE biden Jovan hutton pulitzer Judicial Watch Justice Department law enforcement lawsuit lin wood manipulation mike lindell North Korea patrick byrne Patriots On the Street Pentagon Precious metals president President Trump rising cost of living robert david steele Ron Partain untold History Channel Russia secret service sheriff mack sheriff richard mack Silver support The Sheriff Mack Show Tom Fitton Trump twitter Ukraine United States Vaccine Vaccines Washington White House World Economic Forum

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