Tucker Carlson with Joe Rogan: CIA JFK Assassination Pompeo Trump | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about various people’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, including reporters, politicians, and celebrities. It discusses their roles in promoting vaccines, masks, and pharmaceutical drugs. The text also touches on conspiracy theories related to the JFK assassination and the involvement of figures like Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump. Lastly, it criticizes the way these issues are presented in the media and questions the credibility of certain individuals.
➡ The text discusses the influence of public figures like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, and criticizes their spread of controversial ideas. It also talks about the secrecy surrounding the JFK assassination documents, suggesting that both Trump and Biden have kept them hidden against federal law. The text further criticizes the FBI and CIA for their actions and perceived corruption, and mentions the alleged plot by Mike Pompeo, former CIA director, to murder Julian Assange. Lastly, it criticizes the public’s acceptance of government criminality.
➡ This text criticizes Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump, accusing them of hiding important information and committing illegal acts. It suggests that Pompeo plotted to kill Julian Assange, and Trump is blamed for the deaths of millions and the destruction of the constitution. The text also questions why these individuals are still respected within the Republican party and why they might be considered for future leadership roles. It ends by expressing concern about the lack of democracy and accountability in the country.


What do people do during the pandemic? That’ll be the first thing you do is ask these people. You know, it’s kind of like when I was a kid growing up, I was born ten years after World War two ended, and so it was kind of a thing, you know? What’d you do during the war, daddy? You know? Well, people need to ask these reporters, so, hey, big daddy, what did you do during the COVID wars? What were you doing? Were you pushing pharmaceutical drugs? Were you pushing the vaccines? Were you pushing the mask? Were you pushing politicians? Who did all that stuff to us? What’d you do during the war, Tucker? You know, the COVID war.

What did Rogan do? You know, I know Tucker hawked it for years at 25 million a year. He was hawking the pharmaceutical drugs. He would lay back. I don’t know, you know, maybe he’d give you an eye roll, but that’d be it. And he’d let these other people talk without pushing back against it at all. Rogan would not let people come into his studio there unless they were PCR tested.

Yeah, he bought it hook, line and sinker as well. Not much discernment there from Joe Rogan about anything, especially about things like UFO’s and stuff like that. And then this was sent to me because Mike Pompeo was also mentioned. And this stuff with the CIA and JFK assassination and this Tucker Rogan thing, Harry Hound said this to me, said Trump and Ci, Ci plant, and. But he says he respects Mike Pompeo.

Well, again, we’ll talk about that in a moment. But 100% united in their support of funding Ukraine, as we’ve seen over and over again, when you, when you look at the. This one is also sent to me as a forwarded tweet from Golden Phoenix who said, Alex Jones says the vax is a bioweapon for the population. Also, Alex Jones says the father of the vax is our only hope.

Can you explain that, that to us, Tucker? Because Tucker said Alex Jones is just some amazing prophet. And actually, in the transcript that I was able to get, they spelled it prophet. And I think maybe Tucker minute as P r o f I T. Alex is an amazing profit. He made an amazing profit off of selling the pandemic and selling Trump and selling January 6. And he sold his audience down the river with things like this, admitting the new force inoculations coming next year will actually maim and kill a lot of people because Bill Gates knows he can’t hide it.

That’s why Trump is taking control of the process, saying he’s gonna have an early vaccine. Yeah, right. That doesn’t make one that is so dangerous or that doesn’t change our DNA. You knew better than that. Even endorsing what Trump’s doing. I understand what it’s doing, and I’m not even endorsing what Trump’s doing, and I’m not even endorsing what Trump’s doing. Gates goes, trust my vaccine, but don’t trust the CDC’s vaccine.

Vaccine. And then I went and looked up the ones that Trump’s looking at. They’re very weak weighted, classic viruses with a very low amount of. It was always mRNA. You’re lying, Alex. Just lying. It makes your body have an autoimmune response, the squalene or the mercury or the aluminum to trigger that. And so, yeah, Trump’s looking at basically sugar water for folks. Can we take a little bit of attenuated microwaved or radiated COVID deal? Absolutely frickin lately.

He chokes on his own lies right there. Just amazing. I mean, he’s always, adjuvants were always a bad deal until Trump was doing it. And we could say, oh, just, it’s just the adjuvants. Don’t worry about it. You can take, well, the adjuvants themselves. You’re going to inject some mercury or some formaldehyde or something else like that to attack your immune system. Oh, yeah, sure, just go ahead.

Not a problem for Trump. And of course, it was always mRNA encapsulated and polyethylene glycol pegylated. We always knew that from the very beginning as well. It was never about a dead or weakened virus. Tucker Carlson just revealed the sinister figure who blocked Trump from releasing the JFK files. See, poor Trump, he just can’t deal with these sinister figures in Washington, these sinister figures that he chose to be in his administration, these sinister figures that he promoted after they were in his administration, that he kept in his administration.

Poor thing. What is it about these people? They, you know, they’re, they’re like, you know, he’s got just a cabinet full of Rasputins who seem to wield this hypnotic effect on Donald Trump, and he just can’t shake it. But vote for him and he’ll do it better next time. He won’t have that problem the next time. Thanks. This is what Darren Beatty says. Thanks to Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, we now have a clearer idea of who might have been behind the effort to prevent Trump from releasing all the JFK files.

Yeah, we don’t know. We never knew it was a CIA that was doing that before, but now we know. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, it is Mike Pompeo. During his conversation with Rogan, Tucker described the former CIA chief and secretary of state as a sinister person and as a criminal. Well, you know, he kind of admitted that he was a criminal when he was at Texas A and M.

And isn’t it interesting that Tucker really doesn’t have any problem with Trump in all of this? I mean, he talks about it and he focuses, like Darren Beatty does on Pompeii or some of these other people, but, you know, when you look at the two people. But Trump chose to be the director of the CIA because the president gets to make that choice, right? CIA is under the presidency, and Trump gets to pick the director of the CIA and so forth.

Well, the first person he put in was Gina Haspel, who ran the torture program and ran the COVID up of the torture program and then shopped those lies that they tortured out of people. Shop that around the Pentagon and lied us into the Iraq war. So that’s the person he put in charge first, then he put in Pompeo. But poor Trump. He’s just though. Darren Beatty says Trump has a reputation for delivering on his promises.

Does it? Maybe delivers on his promises to Davos in the World Economic Forum, in the UN, but not to us facing down every obstacle that the Uni party and the deep state could muster. However, there was one promise, says Darren Beatty, that Trump didn’t quite fulfill. And I guess that was to protect us from. Protect the Constitution. Oh, no. It was the release of the JFK assassination records, he says.

In all fairness, Trump’s decision to hold back on releasing certain files left many scratching their heads, especially after he promised the american people he would do that. So what is going on with this? How did that get kicked away? The theory that President Trump was captured regarding the JFK files isn’t to suggest that Trump is weak. He says, far from it. That’s right. You know, he got captured, but he’s not weak.

They manipulated him, but he’s not stupid. So what is he then? You know what? This is the kind of orwellian double think that’s being sold to you by the likes of Darren Beatty and Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson and all the rest of these people. How can he be so weak and gullible, and yet he’s going to be the strong man who’s going to save everybody? This is not to suggest that Trump was weak.

Far from it. Instead, it highlights just how convincing, how powerful and how far reaching our shadowy government operatives can be. I am absolutely disgusted with these people. That’s why I call them out by a name, because this has just gone on for too long. And it’s amazing to me that the american people can’t or won’t see through it. So here’s what he has to say about this. So this is on Rockfin here.

And H says, I want to let you know that protonmail is putting yours and guards and Jason’s link to Rockfin into my spam folder as of last week. Hmm. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know. Anyway, and thank you for the tip, Eric. I appreciate that. On our, on Rockven. Thank you very much. But so here’s the transcript that I got. This is Rogan and Tucker Carlson. And so he says, well, Trump is saying, course the CIA had knowledge of it, he said, but the whole JFK assassination industry, and it really is an industry, said Tucker, more books written on that than almost any historical topic is filled with wackos.

Right. And there’s a lot of wackos out there. So here we go. I don’t think that’s true at all. As a matter of fact, I don’t think there’s been more books written on the JFK conspiracy by longshot than any other historical. That’s, that’s nonsense. But he characterizes everybody as wackos. That’s to inoculate himself in advance. Same reason that he’s referring to UFO’s as uaps. Now I’m, you know, I’m going to push this stuff out there and I’m going to play both sides of this.

I want to pander to the people out there who are watching this stuff, but hey, don’t call me a wacko like you’ve always called people wackos. And so Tucker and Rogan are never wackos. No matter what kind of crazy nonsense they sell you about psychedelic drugs or UFO’s. They’re not wackos at all. Don’t call them wackos. They’re anything. You should take them very seriously, folks. When I look at how everybody hangs on what Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson say, I was telling Karen this morning, I said, we really are in an idiocracy.

If those are the people that everybody turns to for information, it’s really bad. It’s really, really bad. He goes on to say, so all these other people out there are wackos. But now I’m going to get in it, because, you know, I’ve, I’ve now denounced every, everybody who has always looked at this and written books. They’re all wackos. But now I’m going to come in and I’m going to give you my superior analysis of this, says Tucker Carlson.

He says both Trump and Biden have, in violation of my read of federal law, kept those documents, the JFK documents, secret. There’s no living person connected to the Kennedy assassination. It was a couple of generations ago. There’s no one person whose secrets are being protected. It’s an institution. Maybe countries, there may have been countries involved, too. I mean, I don’t know the answer, but there’s clearly something worth protecting.

Well, it’s the institutions and it’s the reputation of these institutions with all the stuff that is happening, right? It is when you look at the FBI. Now that the FBI has turned on conservatives, they turned on liberals a long time ago, from its very inception, as a matter of fact. The way J. Edgar Hoover got the FBI was to run the Palmer raids, raiding a bunch of leftists and communists as Woodrow Wilson was trying to maneuver us into World War one.

Palmer was the attorney general and Jagger, Hoover was a guy underneath him. And so those raids were supposed to be a virtue signal, show how tough Palmer was because he wanted to run for president. But because J. Edgar Hoover was a master at public relations and all the rest of stuff, he got all the glory from it. And he parlayed that into the Federal Bureau of Investigation with him as the head of that.

And he was always doing pr about that. He created the tv program with Ephraim Zimbalist. Junior conservatives bought it all hook, line and sinker. They didn’t care about looking at the FBI co intel programs or any of that other stuff, which they could have been cut. They were coming after some bad people. But they, as I always say, the worst thing that can happen is that we, in going after criminals or going after terrorists, that our government becomes criminal, our government becomes terrorists.

That is the worst possible outcome. They have to be held to a higher standard. And if they become what they’re supposed to protect us from, they are far more dangerous than any of these other organizations could be. So people have a hard time believing that the FBI could be corrupt for the longest time because J. Edgar Hoover had done so much to protect it as an institution. He burnished and polished the image of that institution, which was totally fabricated and made up.

They did a great job of doing it, and that’s why they’re doing this kind of stuff, because across the board, if we take a clear eyed look at what the american government has become, it’s pretty clear that it is a criminal terrorist organization of the first rank, both domestic and foreign. It is a criminal operation, terrorizing people, creating wars, assassinations, coups, the rest of this stuff, including our own government.

He says, I know that. Tucker says, I know that. When I spoke to someone who had seen the documents two years ago, and I got one fact out of him, which is, yes, the CIA was involved and by CIA. CIA is a huge organization. But James Jesus Angleton, the head of the operations directorate, had knowledge of this, which I think is well known. But that’s the view of someone who saw the documents.

So I thought that was news. So I went on tv and I said that the next day, I’ll never forget it. I went quail hunting, and I was driving back, and I got a phone call from Mike Pompeo’s lawyer. Mike Pompeo was secretary of the state at the time, but before then, he was a director of the CIA. And in that position, he plotted the murder of Julian Assange.

So he’s a criminal as far as I’m concerned. Wow. He noticed that. He’s pretty sharp. When I was a cadet. What’s the first. What’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole, and he’s proud of it entire. And the people at Texas A and M are laughing. The conservatives like it, applauding that.

They applaud that criminal. NSA doesn’t just listen to bad people. NSA listens to interesting people. Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans? No, sir. It does not. Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not willingly. You know, if you could just get James Clapper into a poker game, you could make a fortune.

I mean, it just. Not a good liar, not a. Not a good government employee either, because he doesn’t have much respect for the constitution of the fourth amendment. But anyway, he goes on to talk about this. He was surprised that he got a call while he was driving from Mike Pompeo’s lawyer on him is shut up. He’s also surprised in other parts of the interview where he finds out that they got into his phone, they got FISA warrants on him and things like that because he’s contacting people in Russia.

You know, he’s setting up the interview and things like that. And that’s the, you know, the whole way that they have gotten around the FISA prohibitions against spying on Americans. Well, if you were talking to somebody in a foreign country that we’re interested in, foreign citizen in a foreign country, even if you’re an american now, we can. We can listen to you. That’s what the section 702 that Mike Johnson just put through.

That’s what that’s about. So no surprise he could have reported this a number of years ago. You know what I was just showing you there with James Clapper? That was 2013. What was Tucker Carlson talking about? 2013. Well, not about that stuff, he wasn’t. And so now it comes around to him, doesn’t it? Anyway, he says, I’ll never forget it. He says Pompeo had been the director of the CIA, and in that position, he plotted the murder of Julian Assange.

Yeah. So he is a criminal as far as I’m concerned. But his lawyer called me and said, you know, you should know that anyone who tells you the contents of classified documents has committed a crime. Yeah. That is the law that they described. But you go back to the Pentagon papers, in Daniel Ellsberg, they said, well, Daniel Ellsberg committed a crime by releasing the stuff to the New York Times and Washington Post.

But the New York Times and Washington Post did not commit a crime, they said, by publishing it, because that’s freedom of the press. So you go after the guy who gave you the information, but the press. Now, I’m surprised that Tucker didn’t know that or didn’t say that. Like, so why are you telling me this? I didn’t take the documents. You know, if you got a think crimes been committed or whatever, you talk to that person.

I am the press, and I can do what I want to according to law. But of course, these are people who don’t obey the laws. You just heard Mike Pompeo say there, it always bothered me that he said that at Texas A and M, a very conservative school, a conservative audience, and they clapped and they laughed about that criminality, because they clap and applaud the criminality of Donald Trump as well, don’t they? There isn’t anything that Donald Trump can do, criminal or otherwise.

These people will not applaud. So he said, he’s threatening me. I’m in my car. He says, I’ll never forget this. And I said, you’re really saying that to reveal that the US government had a role in the murder of a democratically elected president, to say that out loud. That’s the crime. What about the actual crime, which is murdering a president? Like you’re covering up for that. And Mike Pompeo, he had no response at all.

Well, he’s talking to Mike Pompeo’s lawyer, he says. And so Mike Pompeo is the one who pressed Trump to keep those documents secret. Well, again, that looks likely since he’s got his lawyer calling him and telling him to be quiet about the JFK assassination. But he can’t. That’s not proof of it at that point in time. You see, there’s something really wrong with Tucker’s logic. You know, I mean, it’s like if his lawyer is telling him, be quiet about that because he can say, well, perhaps, you know, Pompeo is the one who’s doing this.

He’s not with the CIA now, but he’s with the, he’s the secretary of state. So maybe that’s what is going. Certainly we all know that Pompeo is despicable. You know, he’s admitted it himself. But then he said, mike Pompeo is the one who pressed Trump to keep those documents secret. It’s still Trump’s fault, isn’t it? Does that excuse Trump? Well, he thinks it does. And so it’s like, what is crazy to me is not just that Pompeo did that.

I think Pompeo is a really sinister person and a criminal. And I think that. I think that because the facts suggest that he was caught. Yahoo news Mike Isakov wrote a long piece on this several years ago. His employees went to Mike Isakoff and they said, hey, Mike Pompeo is plotting to murder Julian Assange, who has never even been charged with a crime in the United States. He’s planning to murder him as CIA director.

That’s illegal. You’re not allowed to do that. Well, they would reply that they can do whatever they want to. They have killed foreign citizens abroad. They’ve killed Americans abroad. That’s what they do. And I said when I played that clip before from Mike Pompeo, they don’t just lie, steat and cheat, lie, steal and cheat and have classes on it. They also do assassinations, coups and wars and have classes on those as well.

And they do the lying, the cheating, the stealing, the assassination, the coups and the wars here at home as well as abroad. So he says, well, what is crazy is how Mike Pompeo is treated. He’s treated like a republican poo bah in good standing. He fully expects to become secretary of defense in a Trump administration, which is, like, completely insane. Well, then why don’t you talk about Trump? I know perfectly well why Tucker doesn’t talk about Trump.

I mean, look at my gas gauge, and I can tell that I’m here driving people away from the program by talking about Trump. Look, the. Let’s just apply that to Trump. Okay? So what’s crazy is how Trump is treated. He’s treated like a republican poo bah in good standing. He fully expects to become president in the next election, which is completely insane. It is. Look at what he did in 2020.

So he says, why would you take a criminal and give him nuclear weapons? You know, criminal. Who poisoned his own people with a vaccine, who defied the Constitution? Who put us trillions of dollars in debt? Who established a move the Overton window for universal basic income? Who moved the Overton window for a global idea? Mark of the beast. Why would you put somebody in as president again? And that applies to both Trump and to Biden.

Both of them. Why would either one of them be there? He says, okay, that’s my view. I think it’s common sense view. And he goes, he likes to go to fundraisers and dinners, and everybody’s like, hey, Mike Pompeo, it’s like, no, you’re the guy who kept information the public has a right to know secret. You’re the guy who plotted the murder of someone who committed no crime. You are the outlaw.

You are the bad guy. But no, he’s treated like a pillar of Republican Washington. By whom? By Trump. And it was Trump who plotted the murders of millions of Americans and tens of millions of people around the world. He participated in it. He was poisoner in chief. He paid for it. He put it together, he bragged about it. He brags about it to this day. You punch his thin skin and he brags about how he jabbed everybody.

And yet this guy who plotted the murder of so many people, who did everything he could to destroy the constitution and the middle class is the hero of the middle class. It just absolutely, I look at this and I just don’t understand what this is really. Why even bother to do this anymore? But anyway, he says, they’re afraid of the agencies, the people in Congress. They’re afraid of the agencies.

Whenever you got unelected to people who are not accountable to anyone, making the biggest decisions, you don’t have a democracy, you got something else. That’s what I said in 2020. I said, Trump has turned this country over to a medical bureaucracy dictatorship. Why are we caring about this election for him, of all things. And the rest of the people. Yeah. Don’t set yourself on fire. These people aren’t worth it.

The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread. Father, people have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds.

It’s the David Knight show. .

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celebrities endorsing pharmaceutical drugs COVID-19 pandemic public response credibility of public figures in pandemic Donald Trump's role in pandemic JFK assassination conspiracy theories Joe Rogan's controversial ideas media representation of COVID-19 Mike Pompeo's involvement in COVID-19 politicians promoting masks role of reporters in promoting vaccines secrecy of JFK assassination documents Tucker Carlson's influence

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