Sasquatch Campfire Discussions With Steve From How To Hunt.. Who Are They Really? | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about how a secret video of a non-human creature, possibly a sasquatch, that they can’t share publicly. They also talk about investing in precious metals with Noble Gold Investments. Steve emphasizes that he’s not a Bigfoot enthusiast, but wants to help those who’ve seen such creatures and been ridiculed. They also discuss the possibility of these creatures having advanced abilities and question why we don’t see more of them. They end by discussing the importance of enhancing our sixth sense and questioning the education system.
➡ This text is about a person discussing mysterious beings that are rumored to be over a thousand years old. The speaker wonders why these beings, who are supposedly more advanced than humans, don’t help us. They also share a story about a hunting trip where they discovered that foxes can’t see the red light spectrum. The speaker then talks about a video where a man in Alberta, Canada, captured an image of one of these mysterious beings in the reflection of his sunglasses, suggesting that these beings might exist in a different light spectrum that humans can’t see.
➡ The text discusses a theory about the existence of giants and other mythical creatures, suggesting they might be living among us in an alternate dimension or frequency. The speaker mentions a video where a creature’s reflection is seen in a man’s glasses, but not in the physical world around him. This leads to a discussion about whether these beings are allowed to interact with humans, with some believing they are only permitted to observe us. The speaker also suggests that these beings might view humans as inferior due to our destructive behaviors.
➡ The speaker discusses their frustration with the lack of attention important issues receive, and how people often ignore the truth because it’s uncomfortable. They also talk about their personal journey, from being a successful boxer to experiencing a life-changing event that led them to their current path. They now focus on helping their community and sharing knowledge, despite the challenges. They also mention the power of faith and the strange pattern of alien abductions stopping when the name of Jesus Christ is invoked.
➡ The speaker is discussing the overwhelming amount of information and events happening in the world today, making it hard to focus on any one issue. They also talk about potential future problems, like infrastructure failures and food shortages. However, they suggest that these challenges could lead to positive changes, like healthier eating habits if people are forced to rely on local food sources. They believe that despite the difficulties, we will make it through and enter a new phase of existence.
➡ The speaker lives near the Mexico border and discusses the increase in crime due to people crossing the border. He also mentions a documentary about the journey from Central America to the U.S. The speaker plans to meet up with friends and share information he’s learned. He also shares a humorous story about an older man who won a hunting trip at an auction. The speaker ends by expressing his belief that life continues after death.
➡ A group of hunters, including a Hungarian man who doesn’t speak English, are sharing funny stories. One story about a man putting a gerbil up his backside causes a lot of laughter. The narrator, wanting to include the Hungarian man, tries to translate the story using a Hungarian-English dictionary, but can only find the word for guinea pig, not gerbil. The Hungarian man misunderstands the translation, gets upset, and avoids the narrator for the rest of the trip. The narrator advises against trying to translate jokes using a dictionary.
➡ A man named Steve plans to meet again with a friend who recently encountered a strange creature. The friend, who lives about 4 hours east of Vancouver, initially thought he saw a grizzly bear while hunting, but upon closer inspection, realized it was something else entirely. The creature was huge, about nine feet tall, and had a weathered, old, and tired look. Steve plans to share a video of the encounter and discuss it further in a future podcast.


So, folks, welcome to Nino’s corner tv. I’m joined with Steve how to hunt. Awesome channel. One of the best channels out there. And Steve just showed me a very sensitive, top secret, compelling video. Compelling video of a sasquatch that. Let’s call it an upright being that isn’t human. Right? Okay. An upright being that isn’t human. I mean, this thing was. What I just watched right now. Just blew my mind.

But there’s no way. And a lot of people can be like, ah, come on. Put it on. No, no, we can’t. We can’t show this. I know that for a fact. But that was awesome, what I just witnessed. Well, you can’t duplicate it. No, folks, get your noble gold. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna knock it out. Steve has invested. Got you stressed? Because I’m stressed. Too complicated.

Don’t leave your money in the bank losing value. Get it working. Invest in precious metals with noble gold investments. It’s simple, real, and always there for you. Real through history’s toughest times. And let me tell you, folks, we’re going into some really tough times. I just talked to Steve about it off camera. Noble gold investments have american experts that make it easy for you. If you’re after an IRA and you qualify, you’ll even get a free quarter ounce gold standard coin.

Keep it simple. You can’t go wrong with precious metals. Noble gold investments, folks. Go to noble gold investments and get started. All right, Steve, that video you showed me, I see stuff like that, kind of like, on YouTube. But this, I know this is. That would be too hot to show. And we have reasons for that. But, man, that thing moved. Like, I think you could run like a.

What, a 3840? I don’t know, 100? I mean, I don’t know what this guy. That thing moves like a stealth agility. Like, didn’t skip a beat. Like it would just dust Hussein bolt walking. You know what I mean? Like, that’s crazy. I can’t believe this. Things glide. How fast it was moving up the mountain. Wow, bro. I mean, that’s. That’s up a mountain. Covering ground like that. You can’t.

Is what the saying is. You know that Patterson gimlin film from back in 67 where it shows that thing ripping on the. On the river? And they say that’s the best video clip ever. Not anymore. Basically. Is a handful of notches more credible than that. Yeah. Not a handful. Like, you can’t duplicate it. No, I know. And I’m not. We’re holding back some details of the type of video, what was used to video, and where the video is made.

We have to hold that back out of respect for the request from the people who supplied me with the video. So. And I’ve had this for over a year, right? I’m not showing this public, I’m not trashing my word, not a chance of help, but I can show friends when off of my phone when we’re in private. Right? So there you go. Can we say what was. What it was running from or no, or no? Probably not.

Okay. Right now, the point. The point I think right now, what we can share easily is the fact that I showed you in confidence, in private, a video shared with me that is basically, I don’t know how much more significant than that 1967 video. Majorly more significant. Way more. And then there’s no question in my mind. There hasn’t been a question in my mind anyway. It’s just more confirmation.

My only question I really have in my mind is how are they so enormous, so elusive? I mean, how come we don’t see more of these things? I know they blend into the forest really well, but what technologies are they using? What sensories do they have? I mean, they’re supposedly, they’re presumptuously supposed to be more primitive than humans, right? So how do they have these advanced techniques or advanced technologies that we don’t have to make themselves so elusive, disappear, maybe go into other dimensions? Are they, are they the nephilim? Are they what, what do you believe these things are, man? Because they obviously, they’re able to defy all logic in physics.

Well, I think I’d like to make one thing clear, first off, before we start babbling about this topic. I mean, I made a pledge a little while back that I would make sure every freaking person got hurt for what they saw, didn’t ask to see. All right, first off. So I do not share and dedicate my channel to this topic because I’m a Bigfoot enthusiast, man. I just live for Bigfoot.

You know what I mean? I’m not the guy. I don’t give a flying shit. I’ve seen them, and I seen one about three weeks ago, too, but anyway. Three weeks ago? Yeah. I’m just not into it. I’m not into it. I want to go and enjoy my life. Done. Threatened. I’m terrified. But at the same time, I want to help all the people out there who are being laughed at and discredited, which is in the tens of thousands, right? And as I said earlier, as soon as you get slapped in the face of the sandwich you didn’t order as soon as you get slapped in the face with it.

Oh, now you really know that we’ve been misled, misinformed, and lied to from day one. Why? Right. And then you go down all these other rabbit holes. But I’m getting at, before we start talking about it, I think, like, today I have more energy and more concern for what’s going on to our communities around the globe than I do this topic. But it’s a, it is a, it is a fun.

It all goes hand in hand because they’re hiding so many things from us. And if we knew the tree, the true, true nature of everything. Hold on, I got to screw up my screen. Here we go. Well, that’s the thing. Like you said, how can they do all this shit and we can’t? Well, I’m getting to the point now that I firmly believe that we can and we could do a bunch more shit than we’re taught that we can do today.

We’re taught that all these skills are fantasy, make believe dreams. Oh, really? Are they? Because you imprinted that into our minds and children about a bunch of other topics that are, are coming out to be true today. So f, you, right. That, and that what gets me back to making sure that we hear the voice from every single one of our members of our community and get community back.

And that’s the only. We’re gonna get true knowledge. It’s the only frickin way. Right? But anyway, I’m starting to ramble, but I just wanna, I just wanna make that point that I am not a bigfoot enthusiast. I’m far from it. I’ve seen these damn things and I wanna know why I seen them and why I didn’t know about them. And I want to know why Billy Smith down the road doesn’t have a fair crack at taking his children and possibly exposing himself to this fucked up topic.

Why he doesn’t get that fair chance before he goes and does it by accident. Because I think you got it right the first time. One of the times I talked to you said it will give us, it’ll give us our true meaning of freedom, how to live off the grid, how to live outside the Matrix. And I also believe it’ll dispel evolution. It’ll completely throw a monkey wrench in that.

You know, it’ll just, there’s so much that this does by knowing that these things exist, dude. It’s like if we could somehow harm us and try to figure out to teach people and enhance their 6th sense. Like these beings avoid us like nothing they say. They ignore demeanor between our ears before we even get out of the truck. And I believe that as being true. Now just think about this one.

In society, if we were taught as young children one of our very first teachings once we go to this school, fucked up system, but let’s just say the system was legit and we taught our children how to enhance their 6th sense. Now if we could have that, there isn’t one dark son of a bitch anywhere on the planet that could dupe you with anything, right? Anybody looking to be in that position of leadership, the mayor, the president, the prime minister, the sheriff, the people would know if they were legit or not just by their entomb 6th sense, right? When you go to school as a kid, you know, church school, these indoctrination camps, they teach you what to think, not how to think.

They kind of dumb you down during the process, through the whole conditioning process. By the time you’re an adult, you’re completely numbed and jaded and dumbed down to everything, right? You’re just, you’re a product of the system. You’re just a consumer at that point. You don’t know what your purpose in life is. People are depressed, they’re on medicine, they’re on this, they’re on that, you know, so definitely conditioning process.

And then they take a bunch of these as kids, you know, so we know, right? I mean that’s the big, that’s the big kickoff right there. These things out of the wild, they live free. No wonder they don’t want to be sought out or looked at or found. Well, you know, they say there’s a rumor on the street. I don’t know how legitimate it is. I’m pretty sure we’re going to find out, though.

But they say these beings are like, some of them are over a thousand years old, apparently. I don’t know. Anybody can laugh at that. I don’t know. Who knows? Let’s just say they are. Why don’t they say shit? Why don’t they help us? If you saw our, okay, our intelligent, our modern, modern communities, worlds have come and gone from the face of the earth numerous times. You can’t argue that that’s fact.

Okay, what happened to them? Let’s just say that is fact. It is fact. Now, you’re these beings that outclass us. They don’t need us. And they’re sitting back, thriving, watching whether or not they’re coming here and going. I don’t know. Well, what’s going on with the humans today, Ralph? Well, they’re. They’re on their way again. These guys are on their way out again. It shouldn’t be too much longer by how.

How slow our clock goes. Why would you help us? They’ve been watching us come and go for how many generations? Right? Why interfere with an enemy that’s destroying itself? Right. Yeah, they’re gonna. They haven’t learned yet. Let them gobble themselves up. They’re gonna start from scratch again. What’s this, the 10th time now? Well, we know. Who knows, right? I don’t know. But anyway, what’s really fascinating to me is I think on the last program, you said that these things are always.

Are often found by the least suspecting place, I would imagine, which is nuclear reactors, right? Yeah. And then we had that one nuclear physicist who took his, was it Geiger counter, whatever they call it. He’s curious and ran about the footprints, and he got a frickin a reading off of the footprints, this damn thing. Now, does that say they’re radioactive? No. It says there’s a possibility these beings can expose themselves to radiation and it doesn’t do shit to them.

I don’t know. Who knows? I don’t know. Somebody does know, though, and wasn’t going to mention getting back to. How can they do these things and we can’t get this one? I just shared this on a video a couple a little bit ago, and you have to fall. I have to drop a little bit of a easily understandable experience I had years ago so that you can relate to what I’m going to drop on you next.

Okay? So, years ago, I’m a professional, big hunting guide in British Columbia. You meet people from all over the world, celebrities. I met presidents, for God’s sakes. And in the offseason, I was a single guy, and I would have invites all over the frickin place. And I’m like, hell yeah, I’m coming. The stories of God, too. If I ever go hang out the shit that I’ve seen and done, you’ll.

My police id from Mississippi alone will make you go, what the fuck? Anyways. And that was with Elvis’s best friend. Anyway, you know, I got stories that. Are you not. Well, you probably got just as many. Anyway. Good ones. We’ll compare. We’ll compare. No, yeah, yeah, yeah. So get this one. So these, these, these kids, these guys, the hunters kid, West Virginia. These are prominent family. And it’s funny because you’re a hunting guy, everybody wants to take you out and shoot shit.

I’m like, I don’t need to shoot shit. I’m a professional hunting guy. I’m not a killer. Do you know what I mean? But everybody, hey, y’all want to come on, shoot some groundhogs? Yeah. You’re not a poacher. You’re just, you know, you do what you got to do. I fill the freezer, eat their shit. But because I’m a hunting guy doesn’t mean I need to kill shit when I go visit people.

But anyways, think that you want to come out and they want to show you what they do in the back hills. Okay? So these kids. And these kids were calling other, referring to other guys as rednecks. And I’m like, what? You guys are going to be rednecks? Anyway, get this one. Say, throw me in the box, this truck, and it’s going to make sense in a minute. They throw me in the box, this truck drive in the middle of frickin nowhere.

It was creepier than shit. Pitch black into the woods, down this old deactivated, you know, this old road under oak trees and crap and hardwoods, like, remember the Blair witch project? Yeah, right? Just drive through that shit and like, oh, my God, who am I with? And what am I doing? And then they had a speaker with a battery attached to, you know, as a car, that lawnmower battery attached to a speaker and a cassette player.

And you put the cassette player in, and it would play. It would play alarmed fox pop sounds and scream that into the pitch blackness of this chorus. It looked like the Blair Witch project. That was so creepy, right? So we’re standing on the. In the bed of the truck with rifles over the. Over the cab of the truck. Pitch black, dead silent. And they’re pumping the screaming, screaming fox pop sound in the woods.

But they also had a spotlight with a red lens on top of the spotlight. Okay, so it’s a red spotlight. And sure enough, all of a sudden, here comes these eyeballs. Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. And here come these freaking foxes out of nowhere. And they’re running right up to the truck in the red spotlight. Lit up like they’re lit up. Didn’t have a clue. So what I’m getting at is these foxes can’t see the red light spectrum.

Nothing there. We had them lit up like broad daylight with these spotlights with a red lens on it. I get where you’re going with this right now. Get this one. So take note of that. I’m just using that as a fact that there is a different light spectrum that a mammal that exists today can’t see. Easily proven as that example. And I think. I believe it’s canines across the board.

I think it’s canines that can’t see the red light spectrum. Anyway, not the point of my story, but an example so you can follow along. So we’ve already proven that a warm blooded mammal can’t see shit in the red light spectrum, which everybody, every human being is familiar with. Now get this one. This guy on a YouTube channel. Fuck. What was the name of it? Damn it. I can’t remember the name of the channel.

Native guy, First nations guy in Alberta. He’s seen these things numerous times. He’s got a channel, and he shares his experiences and all of his friends and family’s experiences. And he just a straight up dude, normal dude. And he shares the shit that’s going on in the mountains and forests of Alberta on YouTube. So he’s in the forest. I gotta get a hold of this guy. I don’t know if he’s using his phone or a video camera.

I don’t know. It’s one or the other, because I think that everything combined might be the recipe that a lot of people are looking for. Get this one. The guys in the forest in broad daylight just went down, like, within a couple weeks ago. And he’s talking into his camera. So I don’t know if it’s a gopro or a phone problem. Guessing it’s probably his phone. He’s making his video the day, right? But he’s walking through the forest.

He’s like, I can hear shit around me. And he’s. You can see around him. It’s, you know, there’s no green leaves on the trees yet. He’s like, I can hear something around me. I can hear right in front of you, but I can’t see anything. He’s got frickin Polaroid polarized sunglasses on. I don’t think they’re full mirror, but they’re reflective. Get this one. He’s looking at the camera is recording his face.

The reflection is caught. Here’s this. What is exactly described that what tens of thousands describe as upright, hairy being looking at him right in front of him. And he recorded it through the reflection on his frickin sunglasses so he couldn’t see it with his regular eyes. Wow. What? There’s a regular, and this is on his channel? Yeah. Regular rural living. First nations guy in Alberta. Not a fucking video.

Lives within a different spectrum of light. That’s what it exists in. Or to hide from us, obviously. Well, who knows if it’s intentional hide from us. But the fact of the matter is, I think this guy just proved that human beings can’t see a certain light spectrum. Yeah, right. But he did. I mean, really hard way to learn. Really suck. Oh, man. Dude. Oh, shit. It could be worse, right? I’m just saying, man, is that bizarre? How the hell’s the first nations guy living? It’s just crazy just how you have to really unlearn everything, man.

It’s a piss off. I have no doubt these things exist, especially with the video you just showed me. No doubt, man. That made the Patterson Bigfoot. I think it’s a Patterson Bigfoot. Right. Of the 1960s. I made it look like nothing. Like nothing. Like that was just whatever. This was crazy. What I just saw eats it for breakfast. You can’t fake it. You can’t fake it. And I won’t go into why you can’t be here, but.

So let me ask you this, man. We were just talking about the Kandahar giants. You knew of someone that knew one of the soldiers that I guess survived it, correct? He was there. Yeah. I’ve got a couple of contacts. I got. One is a very intelligent guy who I hopefully will possibly be hooking up with him, and another guy maybe in the near future, this guy who saw the giant firsthand.

And I also have another friend who is a hacker and in the hacking community, and she knows a guy who worked on people in Afghanistan that were in that fight. She worked on a guy who lost his leg in the fight with the Kandahar giant. And then he went down with PTSD, fiercely. Apparently he’s gone back to work. He couldn’t. He can’t. He can’t relate to life here.

And he went back to. To the forces to go be a medic again. But she claimed they made him. They probably made him. They’re saying, hey, man, yeah, because, I mean, some of these people get institutionalized and they get billed as crazy. They get. They get put away. You know, you. You survive something like that, your life is hella. Therefore, afterwards, I mean, they’re just like the apparent supposed SEAL team said bin Laden.

And then apparently they all died, you know, the bin Laden that they didn’t show us face. Right? Yeah. So why did all of these personnel that were directly involved with the count hard giant, how come they weren’t disappeared, you know, I mean. I mean, how many survived? I don’t know, but. But, I mean, there’s been a, various podcasts have had guys on board. I think then Sean did something on that.

Gosh, I gotta find that guy’s number again. But there’s a handful of guys out there that were directly involved in this battle. And there’s some guys are the solid thing loaded on pallets and taken away by helicopter via Germany. And then apparently this sucker ended up in the states. And this guy who I know who’s doing the investigation says, now what are they doing with that DNA? And they’re hot.

This thing. Like a big redheaded giant. It was redheaded, right. Isn’t that description. There was the same type of descriptions of giants in Nevada that lived in a cave that the indian people in that area were in constant war with. With giants in Nevada. And they found the remains of these things in the caves, I think in the early 19 hundreds. They, they excavated it, removed the bones, but they’ve just found more relics of these things just recently.

So this isn’t Nevada. Some cave in Nevada was a shit pile of photos and legitimate corpses. Skeletons of giants dug up in the Smithsonian made them disappear. Right. Right. So what I’m wondering here is, and we talked a little bit about this before we went live, is, are these relatives of the giants? I mean, they must be, right? I mean, these things are huge. They’re 1012ft tall. That’s a giant to me.

Would. Are they, are they the neph? I’m trying to figure out what they. Are they the nephilim? Are they part of the fallen? Are they just hybrids that just want no part of any of this? Why are they being allowed to exist? They are obviously, they’re obviously very protected, I would imagine, and protected. There’s a big mystery. There’s a few different angles. There’s apparently one of the most dominant storylines that all, everything the arrows seem to be pointing to is the nephilim theory story, whatever you want to call it.

And then you’ve got the original. They’re hybrids. They’ve been hybridized, crossed with animals, intentionally hybridized, not just with whatever the male DNA is or these things. But then, like we said before, the unfortunate shit eaten thing is another one is these dog headed, dog man things, which I refused to even as soon as I don’t for how long. I used to hear people talk about the shit and be like, oh, God, here we go again.

Right? Yeah. Werewolf. Yeah. But then I had to pull my head out of my ass after about my 10,000th eyewitness email coming in. And now we got the DNA from one of these beings. Dude, cameras that pick these things up sometimes that’s not a shot on them. And you see that obviously looks like a man wolf type of creature. I’m not. People can dismiss this all they want.

I would have 510 years ago as well. But no, there’s something going on. I think something’s going on in a lab somewhere. And they’re genetically modifying these things with humans, with dogs. That’s what I think is going on with. I think it’s a given. It’s a given that I think maybe the sasquatch has been here. Okay. I would say, okay, thousands of years or whatever. Millions of years, whatever it is.

But the dog man, I think, is a genetic, genetically altered being, in my opinion. I think there’s just no way, dude, come on. A werewolf? It’s like, I can’t wrap my mind around this, dude. Well, everything’s genetically altered. That. That dog thing that’s in the egyptian. All egyptian. You’re right. Can you see this? Right. Hey, can you see this right now? Can you make that out? What that is? That’s a lens of a.

Yes. It’s a huge shadow in the background. You know, look at this. That zoomed in on the shadow. Holy cat. That’s the reflection of his glasses. Yeah. Yeah. I think has a big nose. That’s a still from a live video the guy made walking through the forest. Yeah. First nations guy in rural Alberta is walking through the forest and somehow came up with how to fake that said nobody ever.

Right. You show the picture where it shows the being up close again and the glasses. Yeah. So he got Swan Lake. Bigfoot, I think is the name of his channel, I think. Yeah. So all sudden, this face, he sees it later after the videos made, reflecting off of his sunglasses right in front of him. But he couldn’t see shit in front of himself, and he was panning around with his camera.

Yeah. So this thing’s in an alternate. Or, like, an alternate dimension or light frequency, I guess, because it’s obviously in our dimension. So what is it, dude? It makes me think about the. If you can believe this, you got to believe the reptilians. You got to believe all of it now. Because if they’re able to coexist with us in some kind of other alternate frequency, whatever this is, no wonder.

I mean, I just had on. I just had on. Was it Jason Brashear’s talking about they live. Remember that movie back in the day? They live where the guy puts on the glasses. Roddy. Rod Piper. Eighties movie early eighties where he sees the true reality of things. With these sunglasses. You can see like, the reptilians and you can see like, all the supplemental messaging and tv and in signs says, buy, consume.

You know, just, just. You can see everything. It’s an old, old ass movie. But I mean, really, if we look at the veil from what, what this triad is. Look. I mean, look at that. Look what you just showed on his sunglasses. That right there shows. Proves it. That’s from video, dude. That’s from a video in the forest. But native guy walking around talking to a camera. And then later on he’s editing, he’s like, what the hell is that shadow in my sunglasses? Takes a still.

Zooms in. What the fuck? So did he feel that thing around him though, right? Oh, yeah. He could hear things right in front of him. He could hear. He could hear things all around him. And right in front of him. He couldn’t see shit. I’ve had hunters email me sitting 14ft up in a tree stand, right? Something breathed on the back of his neck and hawked a loogie on the back of his neck.

Spun around. Nobody’s there. I wonder if there’s some kind of law that they’re not allowed to touch us or hurt us. Apparently. Apparently the word on the street with a lot of people have researched the asses off, which obviously I don’t. I just. Listen, everybody. I don’t got time to go researching and digging into these things. Ultimately, it’s a big chunk of life, right? But they say they’re not allowed to interfere with us, period.

They could watch us. They call. They call them the watchers. They just watch us. They watch us. They say that they do not have any respect for us, period. Consider us an absolute waste of oxygen because of how stupid we are and we are not even close to where they are in existence today. Kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? We’re just bumbling through this life, poisoning the shit out of each other through the shit we feed ourselves on and on and on.

But they say they got absolutely no respect for us, don’t they? Don’t give a flying shit, I guess. They look at us. They look at. But you said, hold on, though. But that would make sense because we’re falling. We’re falling. But they. I remember you telling me a story. Maybe you’ll share with my audience that they do. And I can’t remember the details of the story, but you said something about the respect they have for Jesus Christ.

Yeah, they. When we’ve had, I don’t know how many. But then again, okay, so we had a shit pile of people have researched this topic from one to the other. They’ve ran into these beings numerous times. These are very God fearing, biblical, Bible reading people, and they rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord and tell them, I command you to leave me alone now or leave my property now.

Quit looking in our bedroom window at our kids now. And it works. It’s worked like more times than it hasn’t. Then we got other guys who tried and it didn’t do shit. So we didn’t believe. I don’t know. I haven’t a clue. But there’s no. I heard that alien abductions are. I’ve had a guest on talking about this that they stopped the minute someone rebukes him in the name of Jesus Christ.

Yeah. It’s not a, it’s a pattern. It’s just like I had a, an investigator from California, Los Angeles investigator emailed me and he says flat out, hey, dude, as soon as we get three of the same similar testimonies, it’s a pattern, and we dive all over it. We only need three. He goes, you got 30,000? Yeah. Right. I mean, there’s no, I mean, this isn’t a segment to throw back and forth.

Whether or not the shit’s going down. It is going down. And you can help. You can put your head in the sand. That’s fine. Put your head in the sand. It’s not going to change it if you react by laughing or lashing out. Just because you can’t handle the facts doesn’t mean it ain’t happening. You just can’t handle it. Right? And the majority of humans, let’s face it, man, like, all right, we both got pretty large followings, right? And I’ll put some, I’ll put a post on, say, Instagram, something to do with a big fish.

We caught her under underwater film and whatever doing. And they’ll get like, I don’t know, 1015, 2500 likes, right? And then, like, today I put on what should have the most attention in the world today is the french president pushing for the nuclear exchange with Russia. Yeah. Right. That should be on everybody’s plate, in your face. And everybody should chase that guy down, put him in a cage.

And I put that post up. You got like 300, 300 people paid attention to it. But I wonder if that’s because they’re throttling it back or. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know, man. It’s like I kind of lately have been a little frustrated only because of the, if you follow what’s going on for real in the world today. Listen to the intelligent people that we listen to.

If you’re not pissed off and frustrated right now, you’re basically just a freaking window licker as far as I’m concerned today, right? And I use. Exactly. I go, listen, we’re in a population right now where apparently we have this microscopic virus airborne. So you know where our number one food sources are. Well, we still let people in where our food sources are for our city, but we put stickers on the aisles to make sure everybody walked in the same direction.

Right? If that doesn’t make you look, I’m trying to bite my lip right now. How I really. I know. It’s. It’s disgusting. Like, really? But the amount of you, then you look at all these people that are following suit and following the sheep off the cliff, and you’re like, dude, I am not part of this. I’m not part of this human race. I cannot be part. Not part of this.

This can’t be. This has got to be a movie, right? It’s a bad one. I often think to myself, you know, I. I flatline twice, right? And I often wonder, did I really die? And am I back in an alternate timeline and I’m living through this fucking hell? I wonder. I was like, my life was so good. I was 36 and o, I was on my way to the heavyweight championship of the world.

I was fucking unstoppable. And then after those incidences, everything changed. And I’m like, am I in an alternate reality? Dude, did I really die? And I got sent. And this is. I really think it’s you. Like this. Tell me that that’s not possible. I know that’s possible. Like, maybe my parents are mourning my death in another reality. I don’t know. Like, this is great. Think about this. You know what? Coincidentally, by accident, I had, I came across.

Do you sleep all night? What’s that? You sleep all night? Not really, no. Yeah, me neither. So I’ll put on. I put the earplugs in. So if I don’t wake up Sarah, and then I’ll hit something, right? And I’ll listen to something. Usually I listen to something that’ll enhance my mind. And then one day, just recently, came across an NDE video near death experience. Then I have friends who have had near death experiences, and I started listening, and then it caught my attention.

So I started, now listen to another one. And I listened to another one, and holy shit, the similarities are in your face. But getting back to what your question was, a lot of these people were. They all said that you’re not judged. They said you’re not judged. I said, you, your whole life is ran fast paced in front of you from the time you’re a kid. You’re showing all the fun things you did.

You’re showing the good things you did, the good things you did to help people and how good it felt. And then you’re shown the shitty things you did that made people feel bad. And you’re shown the pain that those people experience. You’re shown the pain, and then for some reason, some people are shown and some people are stopped and they’re sent back here for a reason. Now, obviously, what you’re doing right now, maybe possibly you were supposed to have a little shift in direction at that time.

You never know. I mean, right now, you got to admit, if you look at it, if you look at from a different angle, a possible different angle, what’s your time spent? What’s better for your time being spent punching people in the face, making money or helping your community? Helping my community 100%, thousand percent. So maybe consciousness has expanded so much, like it’s. It’s. It’s grown so much more in this field, this new arena than it was in boxing.

Boxing was like, I had a. It was a golf ball and a shoebox consciousness. Now I’m a golf ball in a. In acres and acres and just a golf course. Right. It’s just different. It’s like a whole nother world. And I think I’m living to my fullest potential doing this. Yeah, like, I gotta hurt like a motherfucker. I’m not gonna lie to you. It was like a nuclear bomb went off in my life, and I was just like.

For ten years, I had to pick up the pieces and reinvent myself. But I would have never guessed it would have gone this direction. Never. Same dude. Jesus. I mean, I don’t know how many times I wake up, like, huh? Like, I’ve got the most watched channel in the world when it comes to this one topic. I love you. I know, but it’s like, that wasn’t my goal.

How did I end up. How, you know, since I gotta ask yourself, how did you real, bro? You’re real. No, how do I. Good dude, man. Yeah, but how did we and so many others end up in these positions we’re in? Because we can’t stop ourselves. You can’t stop yourself, right? I can’t. You could easily walk away and go make some fucking money and mind your own business and just watch shit show go down.

But I can’t do it. I don’t know why, but I just can’t do it. So, like I showed, I think Jason Brashear is a guy that I just had on talking about the simulation theory. I think he said it best. He said, you know, we’re teachers and now’s the time to teach. And a lot of us are teachers, whether we like it or not. We’re helping people navigate through this for a show, you know, whether teachers want to admit it or not.

Teachers. It’s almost like teachers, teachers, protectors, fighters. Because all the similar people we listen to, they’ve all got fighting backgrounds and protector backgrounds. Right. Yeah, that’s, that’s possibly something to maybe take note of. I don’t know, because I am seeing a bit of a pattern with the different characters that I follow and I listen to. And everybody seems to be on the same, we all seem to be in the same journey, going the same direction, maybe from different angles, but we all seem to be doing the similar thing and we didn’t ask for it.

So what the fuck’s up? You know? You know, like before we went live, we were talking about certain events that could happen or are supposed to be, you know, what I feel is gonna happen in the next six, five to six months. And I believe it to be probable. And I, and I think. I think you do too. I think we’re getting ready for a big shit show, man.

I mean, this is going to be one books. Well, the other thing too is, you know, for a while now, everybody saying something’s coming, something’s coming, something’s coming. But, you know, jump out of that bubble. Look in the bubble again. Something’s been coming and has been here. Interface and hitting our plate almost weekly for what, a couple years now? Three. Yeah, four years. I mean, death by a thousand razor slashes, right? That’s what’s going on right now.

And they’re taking their infrastructure before. I don’t want to get into it too much on YouTube, but you’re seeing the infrastructure being taken out, open borders, bridges collapsing, and then the big one hits, folks. So just think about that with your imagination. All, all of this is engineers. You don’t think. Another thing I was going to bring up too was I think maybe possibly one of our problems is, is we’re being absolutely bombarded, swamped with too much.

And here’s an example. You don’t know what to believe. Well, no, not that, but I mean, what to focus on because, okay, here’s an example. That movie, the sound of freedom, right? Remember the sound of freedom? You had the, you had the actor, you had your friends on, on your podcast. I watch, I pro the shit out of it. We had everybody talking about it. On to the next topic because we’re having, we’re having about 50 to 100 fricking battles dumped on our plate.

What? Every minute. Think about every time you swipe with your finger just one of those swipes back in the day, let’s say 1520 years ago, would be major news for months. And it’s going to be talking to get attention, and it’s going to get attention until it’s dealt with. We’re not dealing with shit. You know what I mean? Like, we’re not all banding together and taking one of these battles.

Okay? We got the sound of freedom hits our plate. We got these characters that taking all these children. All right, let’s fucking fix this and erase this right now as a community. Oh, boom. Well, you know, five days later, we just got another unrelated but big thing dumped on our plate. Because consciousness is, there’s so many avenues now for creation and consciousness, I really feel like novelty now is picking up so fast that we don’t even know where to look.

Is that going on a tennis court and having a tennis ball machine to go and then all of a sudden bringing out 50 of these tennis ball machines is just. You don’t even know what ball to hit. You’re just, like, overwhelmed, right? Isn’t that what it is? I mean, but you’re still standing there in front of the tennis ball machine trying to hit whatever ball you get. I guess I’m still standing there, though.

I’m still in the game. That’s what it is. Like, what do you pay attention to now? It’s like there’s so many avenues for our consciousness to go through this. And then it’s like, and it almost feels like we did. We are in the end, man. This is whatever’s coming. That’s whatever’s coming. We are, like, in the bottleneck right now. I feel like we are in the bottleneck of it.

And, like, time and space is collapsing on itself and we’re going through this warp speed channel of whatever this is. The quickening. Yeah. Well, you know, I do like to pull a positive out. Like, one of my closer friends. He goes, dude, you know, it’s positive guy I’ve ever met in my life. Like, there’s, I like to try to come up with or maybe look at it from, I look at everything from different angles all the time.

Now you never, here’s, here’s an example. All right? So we got our food sources getting pummeled, right? There’s a war on our food source globally. There’s no question about it. If you can’t see that, well, you’ve probably got your tongue stuck to a window somewhere. So let’s just say, I mean, they’re making food in the store more and more unobtainable by the fricking day. I showed you. I showed you what we’re doing with our hungry children here.

I’m feeding them. We’re, me and Sarah, we’re going to be over. We’ll be over 80 mouths fed with quality food. Two weeks solid, quality food per household. After tomorrow, we’re going to be over 80 people. Just two of us, anyways. But what I’m getting at is we just had a new tax imposed by our wretched criminal in the leadership position. Now I can’t even imagine the unobtainable food products.

Now here is maybe the possible possibility of the positive side to this. Okay, what’s going to happen, especially where we live. I can’t, I can’t speak for people who live in various different areas of North America, but where I live, if our food source, our major supply food source got chopped. But I’m looking at from a different angle, it would actually benefit society. We become more healthier. Think about it.

We would be more healthy. We got right here, we’ve got fish, seafood. We’ve got, you got to be a guy like you that hunts and fishes and does stuff like this. These are too many people. Millions of people are just domesticated. And they don’t say the worst thing about hunting and going out and getting their own food. They’re going to be feeding these bugs. Yeah, but the minor point I’m trying to maybe pull out of a hat from a different angle of viewing is having our major food sources chopped off right now might be a good thing in the long run.

Not, I’m not talking about fighting in the streets and cannibalism and going gangster, trying to raid somebody’s fridge. No, but on the other positive, I’m looking at the positive. I’m just saying, because here’s another example. There was a native community, I think it was a British Columbia, and everybody in this community was basically stricken with diabetes, unhealthy. And they agreed to some native first Nation counselors and another person, they did an experiment, and they made the community go back to eating what’s available around them geographically.

They eliminated diabetes in the frickin community. Wow. Wow. That’s huge. Right? So anyway, I’m just saying. I’m just trying to pull it positive out of all the shitty negatives going on right now. I’m like, we’re talking to Sarah the other day. I’m like, well, you know what? In all reality, I think we’ll make it through. I think it’s going to be really tough, but we are going to make it through.

I think the Canada and America that we knew once before is gone forever. I think we’re going into a new phase and a whole new chapter here. It can’t get too much worse. No, I heard we’re out about a three right now. We’re gonna hit a seven or eight is whatever. I don’t know. Bring it. I’m ready. But you’re gonna be good, dude. I mean, all you do is, I mean, you live off the land.

My worry is, can you imagine that people that might flood into your area, you know, coming up? Maybe not. You’re in Canada, so fuck, you know what? We actually. We talk about all possible, you know, it’s going to be, obviously going to be a handful of people. The people. They’re heading the sand. They’re going to listen to us right now, going, listen, these two conspiracy idiots. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. Look at other countries right now. Hey, how you doing? Haiti. Yeah, exactly. Right. Don’t think for a second all the shit in the world can’t happen to you. That’s the biggest mistake. Oh, it’s happening now. I don’t see anybody who’s. Who’s debating that they all agree something’s wrong. I mean, they’re all coming here. Yeah, but I don’t. I mean, we were even talking just yesterday after I told you what she witnessed at the airport, right? Yeah.

And I was saying to her, I go, I go, okay. Let’s just picture we’re in a goofy movie. Let’s just picture this is a goofy movie. All right. Shit’s going down. Uh oh. There’s hordes of people from somewhere else coming down our streets, basically going door to door, muscling, looking for food, provisions or whatever. How would we make out? I’m just. We’re just joking about my immediate area right here.

How? I mean, you’ve been to Vancouver. I can be in Vancouver in less than 2 hours. We’re not, like, in the middle of frickin nowhere. I could be in Seattle in my boat in probably an hour from right over here. So. But I’m just saying. I go, let’s see. Well, we live at a dead end rural road. All my neighbors are basically people that would probably put somebody under a stump if you asked them to.

Yeah. There’s probably enough guns just on my street to have a mini war for about six months. So I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay. It would take long. I think you’d be. Yeah, I think you’re good. I mean, where I’m at, I’m right on the border. I’m like ground zero here next to Mexico. So I don’t know how I would fare, but what’s going on? I won’t go down without a fight.

What’s going on in Mexico? How are the people living? Is there anything drastically changing for them? No. I mean, I know people in obviously see that what is right. That’s what I know that live there. And they tell me, like, man, they. They do not like these people going there. They don’t like it. It’s causing a lot of crime has spiked. Violent crime. They’re just hanging out in waters.

They’re causing problems. How about those two young guys that did the fricking documentary? And they did the whole track. You watch that one? Which one is this? Young guys, they video documented doing the trek from Central America to the. Oh, I didn’t see that. You didn’t know? Send it to me. I watched it. Well, it’s. I mean, dude, I mean, I’m around this shit. I mean, I’m basically here on the border.

I know I did, but I’ve never seen that. But, I mean, I can imagine how bad it is, what they showed the Un and China. Although. Don’t say that later. Don’t say that on here. All right, I gotta catch you on that one. All right. So they. My audience knows those guys with the blue helmets that bullets can go through. Yeah. They had, uh. They have road maps of how to hike to the US through the jungles.

It’s on video. These guys did the track. Like, if this isn’t just some. This isn’t just a big thing to help people out at all and look at us. But then it was go. Doesn’t take long, right? We’re supposed to be talking about big. I’m with you on a go, but how do you not talk about what’s going on? You should hear our discussions off camera. Yeah, yeah.

But anyway, but that’s. Yeah, I was looking forward to sharing that video. Dude, I gotta tell you, man, I’m. I’m sold on it. It’s incredible. I hope that someday people do get to see it, but it’s not up to me. Not up to me. But I gotta tell you, man, thank you for letting me see that. That was awesome. Awesome stuff. Dude, that was so cool. Yeah, for sure.

If you’re ever on the. On the fence, that topic. But getting back, I mean, before, uh, shit hits a van, I got to get up and see you. Or we got to meet somewhere and go hunting and go fishing. Now, I got to do that once. Probably bring your family up to come fishing. But anyway, yeah, get some salmon. Hell, but have some fun. And it’s very safe here.

But anyway, I was going to say, well, I’m going down there. I think I’m flying. Well, I won’t say when I’m flying, but it’s real quick, and I’m not. I always. I just wing it. I can’t help myself. Like, Sarah’s, like, when are you coming back? I don’t know. I’ve never made plans in my life. Like, I’ve always gone somewhere at two to three weeks or even a month or two months of time.

I don’t know. I’ll show up when I show up, right? Poor thing. But anyway, so I’m coming down. I’m going to be. I might be coming near you for sure. We’ll see. I’ll let you know as I’m going. Right. But everything I’m doing right now is geared up to learning and meeting up with people who know some shit. So we’ll be sharing along my ride for sure. And then if we hook up, I’ll be able to share with you what I can’t share yet here, which should be substantial.

And I also got a bunch of other shit that I’m putting together to share from some scientists who state some facts about this topic that’ll make your frickin hair stand on end, too. Too. On side note, though, how, how. How is following all the shit show affecting you? You know, I’ll be honest, man. I lived a life of adrenaline and stimulation and being. Having a knife. Look, I’ve already experienced the worst encounter.

A knife went through my throat. I don’t know really what beats it, but a knife to the throat is very intimate, and it’s very. I mean, I was almost done, so I experienced that. So I’m on bonus time anyway. And the way I see it is I. Let me get this far, so why can’t I make it further? You know what I mean? It’s like, I really am.

That’s my mindset. It’s like, I’ve gotten this far. I’m on bonus time. I’m thankful. I’m grateful. Otherwise, I should have been dead now for another. For 13 years or whatever. I mean, I should be gone. So I’m still here, and you’re still laughing. Lots of shit, dude. Yeah. Like, I’m still enjoying life, and I’m doing something completely different than boxing, you know, man, it’s like my dad. I talked to my dad.

My dad’s in the hospital right now with, you know, he’s having seizures or whatever, and I go, dad, man, you got to be all right. We got to get through this. He looked at me, and he starts laughing. I was like, oh, what? He’s like, I’m 89. Like, he’s. I don’t know, man. It’s just like, you know, it is what? One thing for certain. Well, I am. I am 110% convinced this isn’t the end.

There’s no freaking way this is it. Not a chance to know. But on that load of your dad, let me share this funny one with you. I met up with this. Met up with a guy to this doctor, Doctor Ken Tuttle. And he’s from Oregon. He used to be one of these surgeons, the only one who could put together a whole bunch of big medical summit on his ranch.

He used to be on CNN and shit. Yeah. So get this one. His knees didn’t bend anymore. He had these little brown stains in his front teeth from smoke and tobacco. Very intelligent frickin surgeon, right? And he called himself the Tuttle shuttle. The Tuttle. The tut shuffle, because he couldn’t really walk anymore, and he booked a mountain sheep hunt. And finally I’m like, I had to get to this.

I had to walk him down the. Shuffle him down the trail and find this big, tall stump so I can get him on top of his horse, right? Yeah, real good guy. But I’m one on one with these guys all day, every day for two weeks, and finally I go, dude, you booked a sheep hunt? Seriously? I don’t know, man. I was at the. I was at the hunting chill banquet, and I was trying to bid up the hunts.

Next thing you know, they said, I won. I got the hunt. I was just trying to get the price up. He won it. Yeah, he was bidding up the auctions to try to get the price up, and he got the auction sheep. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. I’m like, holy shit, dude. All right, well, I think I got this one hill I could try to get. I mean, I got pictures of me soup.

This guy’s just a real awesome human being with the most fucked up stories I’ve ever heard in my life. I’ll tell you later. A lot of them are absolutely hilarious. You know what? I might even tell that story before we get off because you’ll love it. But anyway, getting back to your dad, so I finally get him on top of this mountain, and I say that with effects.

He’s got a fishing vest on, right pocket. He had rolling papers, pouch of pipe tobacco, a pipe 25 pack of king size cigarettes. And when you stop, like, I can’t stand background sound, I’m calling Moose or I’m glass for sheep. And I finally sit down on this pristine mountain peak and the Rocky Mountains. It’s absolutely beautiful. And I go to concentrating, and then all of a sudden, I just hear this.

I’m like, fuck, what are you doing? I’m just gonna have smoke. You’re a surgeon, you idiot, right? He goes, ah, look at you. You don’t get it. I’m 69. I’m ready to go. If you can make it a 65, you can smoke the shit out of this shit. You’re not going to die. I almost. I agree with him, dude. But he said, he goes, look at you. You’re all.

You’re all fit and shit. If you die tomorrow, you’re going to be pissed off. I die tomorrow. I’m good. I’m ripping. I’m good to go. He’s got a point, right? So. But here I got to share. You’re going to love this story because we’ve been talking about doom and gloom for a while. You’re going to fucking lap your head off. Listen to this. So we have another guy camp.

So we typically have two guys in camp. Sometimes their friends, sometimes they’re not from anywhere around the globe, and they’re on a two week hunt. Could be for elk Mountain, sheep mountain, go, whatever, right? So my hunter is obviously Doctor is Ken Tut. We call him Tut. My hunter’s tut. And the other hunter was a guy. He, I think, is in his late thirties from. Oh, no shit.

My brain’s farting over there next to the Ukraine somewhere. What the hell was Hungarian? I’m hungry. Okay, follow me. He doesn’t know a stitch of English. Nothing. Nothing. And he’s got a translation book from English to Hungarian, okay? I’m clowning nonstop as the sun comes up, somebody’s getting ribbed. We’re saying stupid shit to make ourselves laugh all day as normal, right? So there’s myself, another guide, two hunters, a female cook and a wrangler.

So our wranglers are teenage, right? Right. And I’m razing him. I nicknamed him Julie. Hey, go. Hey, what’s your name? Uh, Garrett. Not anymore, it’s not, huh? You’re not Julie. You’re Julie. You can’t bitch, right? Like, just shit like that. Razzleberries. So. And we called him Julie all season. Great kid. He worked for me up in Whistler after we got out. Anyway, so we’re at the dinner table, and this is back when everybody’s joking.

Oh, yeah. Remember those days, right? Now it’s like the norm, but then, you know, you one of your buddies? Hey, man, no shit, man. Heard about this for sure. And then I get pissed off. I go, would you shut the fuck? People aren’t putting live hamsters up their ass. Shut up. You know, it almost makes me annoyed that friends I have respect for are repeating the stupid tale, and it’s making me angry now.

And I had a lot of surgeons, some from DC, from all over the Louisiana, and surgeons, I loved it. I loved getting doctors because they have the most fucked up human being stories you could ever make. Think up, like, one day we’ll sit down. I’ll tell you some other ones that are mind fricking boggling straight, 100% from the doctor. Anyway, so I’m sitting right here. You’re the guy from Hungary, right across from me, okay? Tuts on my left.

The cook standing up, cooking shit. The other guy just over here. Wranglers right there. And the guy from hungry doesn’t know shit. He’s just sitting there like a mannequin, and we’re all cracking funny stories. And I got time. Listen, I got. Tell me. Tell me this isn’t true. Tell me. I’m sick and tired of the shit people keep. Oh, yeah, guys are putting gerbils. Tell me it’s not true.

And then he goes, I’ve already described the character. The doctor goes. And everybody’s laughing their frickin head off at the table while I said this. And the guy from Hungary’s just sitting there. For all he knows, we’re joking about him, right? And then tut goes, well, I hate to be the one to tell you, Steve, but it’s true, the search. And I’m like, no, it’s not. And now I’m screaming, no, it’s not, you lying bastard.

Stop it don’t say that. Oh, it’s true. And they put a lot more weirder, right? So now everybody’s scream laughing at the table, right? Yeah. And I felt so bad for the guy from hungry, because he can’t. We can’t chuck him the ball. He’s got nobody to throw the ball with, right? And look at all the poor bastard. So I got it from the table. I went into.

There’s two cabins. We’re in the middle of freaking nowhere. We’re like, you can stand on a mountaintop and do 360. We’re the only human beings in sight. Bush plane drop off, two days for us to ride the horses in, just to get these cabins. So now I go back into the hunter cabin, which is my cabin with the hunters, because the cook’s in her cabin, and we only go there to eat.

And I get the hungarian translation book out, and I’m adamant I’m going to tell this guy this. This story, what we’re laughing at. Okay, so Garrett, I still got this in video somewhere, because Garrett comes in, he’s got the video. What are you doing, Steve? Then I go, and it took me forever, like, it took me over an hour and a half of going through the hungarian translation book, trying to come up with.

I thought that I wrote down funny doctor tell story of man putting gerbil. But I couldn’t find the word for gerbil in Hungarian. But I found guinea pig. So I use guinea pig, right? And Garakin got, what are you doing, Steve? And I go, well, I’m trying to write the story to the guy from Hungary so he knows we’re laughing at about the twisted guy who puts gerbil.

But I had to replace gerbil with guinea pig. So we laugh if the poor guy from Hungary doesn’t come in the cabin, right? When I thought I completed my honest, helpful thing, I go, hey, check it out. Here, here, here, here. And he goes like. He goes like this. He got the book. He’s going to. Yeah. Starts losing his shit on me and runs out of the cabin.

Leaves me sitting there by myself. I’m like. He thought maybe, who knows what? Still today, I don’t know what I could have told him. That I wanted to jam a guinea pig. Wait, what happened, dude? So you’re in the middle of nowhere. Yeah. And he had to stay there till the end of the hunt. And he wouldn’t look at me. He wouldn’t sit near me, he wouldn’t have nothing to do with me for the next handful of days, like, who knows? Who knows what his version of the story is today? He could still be in Hungary today saying, yeah, that guy on.

On YouTube, that’s him. That’s the guy I told you guys about. He was with the guinea pig. I don’t know, but that’s the guy. Holy shit, man. Christ. Oh, dude. Really happened. I’ll never do that. Trust me. Don’t ever anybody listening to this. If you’re telling jokes around somebody and they get a translation book, don’t try to tell them what you’re joking about. It’s not going to work out.

It’s not going to work out. I’m lucky the guy didn’t go grab his right. Yeah, you are. You didn’t even tell him. Like you should’ve wrote down. This is what we found funny, that. Yes. I thought that. I thought that I wrote down other men at camp. As doctor, he tell us funny story of man putting gay. That’s what we’re laughing about. That’s what I thought. Who knows what that guy interpreted as? Oh, my gosh.

I would pay anything to know his version of that. I’m thinking, for all I know, he thinks I pig and I want to. I don’t know. Holy shit, man. Holy fuck. We started off with Sasquatch and we ended up with guinea. Yeah. Oh, God, man. I’m telling you, some of the stories I got from guiding people. I’m not going camping with you anymore. But you don’t like guinea pigs? I’m not gonna be your guinea pig.

He coach. Hey, man, hey, if you ever want camp with some, you woke up with a gerbil hanging out. You tell anybody? Hell, no. Wanna go camping? Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh, man. This has been a riot, bro. Oh, fuck. Anyway, yeah, it’s probably better off to end on it. We need some laughs now. I needed a lot. I haven’t had a good laugh like that in a while.

I don’t think. That story’s never. Never got a different reaction from my version anyway. Holy shit, man. Dude, I love doing podcasts with you, man. Oh, I get it. I. We got it. We got to get out there, bro. Oh, man. Oh, well. Fucking wants to go out there for that story. Somebody’s going to comment. I know that guy, and he did guide me, and he did put a guinea pig up.

Don’t let him fool you. Oh, shit. Well, fuck, man. Dude, steve, this has been awesome, bro. Let me get to the hospital. All right. I gotta tell you, I needed that laugh, bro, because I’ve been like, yeah, no, doubt. Laughing’s good. It’s good. It’s good food, right? It’s good juju. Oh, dude, I needed it. Shit, bro. Let’s do another one soon. You know what? That’s how my channel went off.

I started telling, I’ve always been, even though doctor told me, he goes, you got the delivery? He goes, when you got the delivery? Go place. You got the delivery. What do you mean? So you can tell a story, whatever. And then I and all, we always have story night in camp because everybody get me to tell my stupid stories in camp, right? And then eventually I’m like, fuck, I’m gonna, I was trying to figure out how to get everybody to know about my hunting apps from sharing knowledge, and then I’m like, oh, tell a hunt story.

And I told, I started telling hunt stories on my channel. It’s your first gerbil story. Yeah, well, I haven’t shared my first time yet, but I shared other people’s. Anyway, that’s what usually got the channel going, was sharing my stupid stories. But they’re all 100% factual, right? They’re fucking awesome, man. There you go. Well, shit, man, let’s, let’s keep in touch, Steve, and let’s do this again pretty soon before the end of the world.

Yeah. Anyway, I guess I’m going to go and eat some dinner. I got to squeeze out, see if I can squeeze in another little podcast before bedtime tonight with another guy who ran into these damn things just up the road here, like three or four days ago. Videotape they’ll come to is pretty creepy. Really? Yeah, they’re beating on something on that later. Huh. Can I see the video on that? Yeah, I’ll text it to.

Okay, cool. It’s gonna, we’re gonna share it on the video, too. But he had this guy’s legit, this guy. He’s been to the house, good friend, and he’s seen one of these things. One time hunting, probably about 4 hours east of Vancouver is where he was. And he said he sit in his basin and he felt like, just felt something was off, right? And he heard some weird howls and screams the night from camp, camp by himself.

And he’s up in the basin above treeline, sitting there, not seeing shit, not even hearing a bird and all, suddenly looks down the bottom about 100 yards away. And here’s this. He thought it was a grizzly bear, but the grizzly bear stood up and looked at him, and he goes, dude, I had my scope on his face. He goes, that was no grizzly bear. I didn’t give a shit what anybody says, I guess.

Okay, man. Seeing him say, you don’t have to convince me. And he said that that thing looked at him in the eyes through his scope, because that thing looked into my frickin soul through my scope, right back at me. And he said it got up, started booking away from him, and was watching him the whole time. He goes, that guy was looking me in the eye through my scope.

And he said. He also said it was. He was huge, nine ish feet tall. And he said that the look on his face was really, really weathered. Like, he was really weathered. Old and tired is how he’s like, shit, I don’t need this shit right now. I can’t let him get near me. I’ll probably put a guinea pig. I’m just trying to take a shit and look up, and then you’re there anymore.

Sasquatch deterrent. Just hold up a guinea pig and grin and wave. All right, we gotta go for dinner, man. All right, brother. Thank you, man. All right. Send some best wishes and prayers to your dad, for sure. Thank you. Gotta head over right now. Later, man. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.

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Alberta Canada mysterious creature sighting beings in different light spectrum creature reflection in man's dealing with ridicule after Bigfoot sighting enhancing sixth sense existence of giants theory foxes and red light spectrum investing in precious metals mysterious beings over a thousand years old mythical creatures in alternate dimension questioning education system sasquatch secret video discussion

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