Gods Plan For America Revealed? The Lost Monument Of America.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez features a guest, Sheila Holme, who discusses the true history of America before the Civil War, arguing that much of what we’ve learned is incorrect on Nino’s Corner TV. She also talks about the Faith and Soldier Monument, which she believes represents the real history brought by the pilgrims. The show also includes a segment on harmful foods that are falsely marketed as healthy, according to nutritionist Dr. Amy Lee. Lastly, Sheila shares her work on writing books that aim to teach the correct history, which are now being used in schools and homeschooling.
➡ This text talks about two different monuments and their meanings. One monument represents morality, truth, law, and education, leading to liberty and freedom. The other monument represents history, peace, and plenty, but it’s suggested that it leads to war and tyranny. The text also discusses how these monuments reflect the history and values of the people who built them, and how they can be interpreted in different ways.
➡ A four-year-old boy named Grayson, who loves to pray, saw a woman surrounded by white light and angels, and believed she didn’t need prayer. During a public event, Grayson was asked to share his experience, which he did, encouraging people to stand against evil. The story also discusses the Hebrew language, explaining how each letter has a phonetic sound, a pictographic image, and a numerical value. It uses the Hebrew word for truth, “Emet”, to illustrate the importance of God’s presence in life, and how without Him, there is only death.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude for a powerful message they received, comparing it to a scene from a Tom Cruise film where the choice is to be with or without him. They emphasize that being with “father” eliminates worries, while being without him leads to death. They also mention an upcoming discussion on Nino’s corner tv and promote a book available on various platforms, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and in many countries.


All right, folks, welcome to Ninoscorner tv. I’m with your favorite, Sheila Holme. We’re going to be talking about faith and soldier monument, the true history of America before it was overtaken, well before the civil war. So basically everything you learned was wrong, real wrong. And she’s going to talk about that now. Sheila, thank you for joining me. It is excited to be back with you. Getting this information out is so critical in these days.

And I’m just so grateful that your audience really gets it. I mean, when we did the eclipses, I mean, my goodness, that people were sharing all over the place. It was amazing. And we’ve got to get this truth out. Yeah. Because what we think happened did not happen. And I’ve always known in school, I’m like, man, none of this makes sense. I don’t believe any of it. Even when I was a young kid and that gave me an excuse to be a really bad student, I hated her.

Yeah, it is what it is. But first, folks. But first, do you know what you’re eating? We live in the most advanced era in human history. There have never been more medical breakthroughs than ever right now. So why are millions of Americans more unhealthy and overweight than they’ve ever been? According to us, board certified physician and expert nutritionist Dr. Amy Lee, one of the main reasons is three harmful foods that are being passed off as health foods all over the country.

And wait till you hear this, because these foods can cause weight gain to log your digestive tract, deplete your energy, and wreck your skin. They are banned in other countries. Not here, though. Yet, shockingly, they’re still legal in the US. And it’s time that someone shined a light on what they are. Dr. Amy Lee does just that while explaining how the side effects from these foods are wreaking havoc on the health of millions of Americans.

The great news is it’s easy to stop and reverse this damage by simply learning which foods to avoid and how to spot them. You know, you know, a lot of people that are obese and they don’t really eat that much, and you’re wondering yourself, how can that be? Well, could be the food that they’re eating. And by doing so, you can experience easier weight loss, smooth digestion and vibrant energy.

Folks, this is how you turn everything around. To find out these three fake health foods, and they’re fake health foods, folks, they’re not even healthy for you, go to threeharmfulfoods. com nino. The number three, threeharmfulfoods. com slash nino and get started. Or hit the description box below and start learning how to take care of your body. It’s important. It’s the only real thing we own. It’s all we got while we’re here.

Might as well take care of it and start looking your best, Sheila. All right. How do you like my commercials? Love them. Yeah. There are no commercials that have passion anymore. We can’t even remember the logos of them. Remember you used to. That’s why I like the sham wow guy. I’ve had the sham wow guy on my. Huh. He was the last big infomercial guy that, you know, he’s funny and I’ve had him on my show a few times and he’s cool.

Yeah, I like him. So, Sheila, what are we talking about today? So we’re going to be talking about this faith soldier monument and basically fake history, right? Yeah. They knew how bad this was. And I kept saying I was putting the faith monument in almost all my books. There’s probably two or three that don’t have it out of the 18. And I was always talking about how the pilgrims brought us all this truth.

And it’s four simple pillars, how to raise up a child in the way they should go. And they were raised up by their parents and mentored by their grandparents. It was simple. And they put it out on a hill out in Massachusetts and Plymouth, Massachusetts, and it’s in a cul de sac and nobody even knows it’s this. This monument is kind of like opposes the guidestones. Yeah. Wow.

So the guidestones are like, okay, so you’re saying that this is like the direct opposition of the guidestones that are. And we have to be very vague on this, folks, but it’s somewhere down in Georgia. So these things are like the opposing force to that. And these were put up before that. These were put up in 100 years after Washington took his oath, and they were put up as a national monument to the forefathers.

And that’s not what it was. This is what the pilgrims brought to America, this truth, because the Bible had just been transcribed into English. Your books, you’ve written how many books, Sheila? Well, 18 are out. I’ve got another nine in process. Four are on the front burner going out really quickly, and then five are on the back burner. Okay. So I got to say that I’ve written one book.

I read it. I wrote the book myself, and I realized how hard that task is. That’s not easy. I did it in a month, but it took all my energy and it was hard. Writing a book is not an easy feat for you to write that many. I am thoroughly impressed. Like, wow, that’s incredible. So I give you my hats off to you. You must be a brilliant lady.

And I know you are. I know you are. So your books are being taught in schools and home schools now where they’re trying to teach the correct history. Correct? Yeah. The teenagers were telling their parents to sit down, watch these interviews. It’s going to resonate with you. This is the truth. And so the kids were demanding it. It’s just amazing how this is all formed because I’m just doing what God’s telling me to do so I can get back out of Georgia and get back to San Diego.

And it’s not working yet. Right now I’m working on a 45 points. And the 45 points is going to be explaining how they did all of this to us. But when I was talking about the faith monument and that’s what I was always talking about. Boom. I go to Batavia. On my way to Batavia, I stop in Gettysburg and the family that met me there, their children love the war and so they were studying the war.

So I made this whole thing about giving them a tour of this war area in Gettysburg on the way to Batavia. So we started this. And the two monuments, if we can slide up just a little bit and you can see the tops of the two monuments where faith is pointing up to heaven holding the bible, you can see how identical they are. So when the soldier monument was put up, it went up in four years.

It’s all concrete form. The one on the left, the faith monument is done in granite. And so those stones that you were mentioning, those guide stones, there’s a reason why they called it stones, by the way, is that they said it was the tallest granite monument in America. And it’s 19ft tall. This one that you see of the faith monument is 81ft tall. I had to stand on the other side of the road, way back on the other side of my car to get a straight on picture of that.

Are these your pictures? These are all my. And wow. So I’m surprised these are still up, to be honest with you. I’m surprised they didn’t tear them down. Yeah, it’s amazing, isn’t it? And then the soldier monument, there it was in Gettysburg, in the national cemetery. And even the guys given the tour didn’t know what it even meant. And it was all dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. I’m serious, I’m serious.

As we go through this you’re going to see how simple this is. And they didn’t even understand. And there are no words on this, except there’s a little bit in the center, as you can see, between the Civil War soldier and the woman on the right. And all it was was Gettysburg, July 1, 2318. 63. That was the bloodiest battle of all of the Civil War. And they had just come through that.

They did the dedication of the cornerstone of this in 1865, and they erected it in four years. By 1869, this was up exactly as you see it now. It’s been there since 1869. The one that they knew about. You see, they knew about the faith monument because it’s exactly the same, only there’s no bibles, no ten commandments, no promises. You’ll see how the pattern is so completely different.

The soldiers already knew exactly what we were going through and why Abraham Lincoln was taken out. Wow. So why was Abraham Lincoln taken out? Well, he’s. He was a believer, and he wanted everything for the Bible. He quoted the Bible all the time. He read the Bible. That’s the only book he reads. It’s like we’ve talked about Wigglesworth when we talked about some of my books. And Wigglesworth only allowed the Bible in his home.

The man didn’t know how to read until God helped him learn how to read the Bible after he was filled with the Holy Spirit. So you’ll see such a drastic difference in these two monuments by comparing them like this. Morality has eyes closed. You seek the heart where Christ resides, for the truth has the scrolls of the Bible in her right hand and holding the ten Commandments in her left.

And that truth is what guides you toward liberty and freedom when you’re doing the right thing? The other one is called history. Do you see how she’s got a writing instrument and she’s just looking at what other people are doing and making notes on it, and they’re calling that history. You see how our history turned out like this? It has no wisdom or basis to it. Wow. The way they captured that in that statue.

You’re right. She’s observing with a pen in her hand how impressive. And what a drastic difference. And there’s no. See, there’s pictures of the commitment. But they knew about these pillars in order to do these four pillars, so they already had this, and the pilgrims had paid for it, so it didn’t go up. They did this long, long before, and it was never erected up until 1889. This one in soldier monument went up in four years because it’s formed concrete by 1869.

He died April of 1865. And they did the cornerstone in 1865 and immediately moved on to do this. The second pillar is law, which is equal mercy and justice. So if something happens today, like if we do something to harm each other, you would gather some of your peers, I’d gather some of mine. We meet tonight. We gather together, we hash it all out, talk it all over, and find out what the truth is about the matter and resolve it between the people.

You don’t wait 18 months, do a bunch of depositions, and it’s become man’s law. And you see how he’s got the Ten Commandments in his left hand also? Yeah. And what’s the guy with a piece? He looks like one of my friends that used to come over and smoke the bong. That’s all they look at, the depression in it and the open hands. He had a factory job in Europe.

He gave it all up, left his family is here by himself, and he’s not getting liberty and freedom. And do you see anything peaceful about that? But that’s what they call peace. You see, that’s a comparison. He looks depressed. He looks like he should be. Looks like he should be a poster boy for depression. You’re going to notice that there’s no straight on looks. There’s no. Like they’re communicating with people.

And it’s true. As we go through this comparison, it was shocking to everybody to see this comparison. You should at least have kind of a grin on his face. Exactly as we come down to the next slide. Because there’s only four pillars in this, but the next one is education. And that’s where the mom is working with the Bible and the Ten Commandments. And on the side of this pillar, it has the grandparents with the globe talking about the world and the Bible and giving them their foundation as mentors.

And then the parents teaching them in the other monument for the soldiers, they called it plenty. But there was a guy that was one of the park rangers, and he was telling some of the people when we went back, he called it prosperity. I don’t see any prosperity in this. I don’t notice any improvement of the fabrics. And she’s holding a little sheath of wheat, and that’s. And so they came for things.

And you’ll see it in the next one. Also in the next slide is the fourth. And where is this located again? Right above Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in a little cul de sac. Wow. And, I mean, I’ve never even heard of this. No. And General Flyn had not seen this? Nobody knows it’s even there. Even the park rangers, even the people who give tours, they don’t even include this in the just.

It’s a monument dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. And it’s the same with the pilgrims put together. It’s just a monument to the forefathers. So who wants to take their kids on a vacation and see a monument to the forefathers? And we can come back up to the top and show you. It’s where faith is pointing to heaven and holding the Bible. Look right underneath her. I don’t know if we can zero in enough.

The word faith is right across the center of that one, and that is the faith monument. And then when they put it up 100 years after George Washington was inaugurated, that’s what they put national monument to the forefathers by a grateful nation. From a grateful nation. A grateful people. They don’t even name the pilgrims. They don’t. Nothing about them at all. Jeez. Should I go back down? Yes.

And so we go from morality to law to education, and then we come to liberty. And that’s what those take you to. Liberty and freedom, history, peace, plenty takes you to war. You’re always focused on war, tyranny. Everything that they got away from in Europe was oberty back, and it was back quickly. So the man of liberty that you see on the left, he’s got his foot on tyranny.

On the side panel, it’s got him with his foot on a man with a crown. And then the. The other, like he’s stepping on a king. Yes, on the king’s neck. Wow. And remember the lion that they emphasize all the time in England, the big lion. And like they put on the caskets of all the royals and everything, they have this big red, and it’s got this golden lion on it.

Well, the lion is also Rothschild. The lion is also Rockefeller. That lion is what he has conquered. He has skinned it, and he’s sitting on the head of the lion and up over his right shoulder, you see that paw of that lion? Yeah. He is completely conquered or something. Yeah. And it’s a looking glass where he can look out like they did on the ships. He can look out to the horizon and see when tyranny is coming back and stomp it out before it gets on land.

So that was the whole idea, was to never let tyranny come into this nation. Now, you see the soldier on the right, he’s got to hold his own gun, is his right foot on broken clay pots. And if he’s side down. But what’s his right foot on? Broken clay pots. Broken clay pots. Okay. All it is is assets. They came for prosperity and plenty and all. They’ve got stuff.

They have to protect their own land. That’s why I did these shots. You see the cannonballs by his left foot? He’s got to protect his own acres. They got no liberty. They got no freedom on this land. They proved in the pictures. Look at that face on that soldier. That is not a soldier who’s feeling victory. Over 700,000 believers were killed in that war. And when the men realized that’s what the focus was, they didn’t want us on this land.

That’s what happened. And that’s why it’s Gettysburg one. 2318 63. And the president after Lincoln was Ulysses S. Grant. He was the last republic president. And he said, there are but two parties, traitors and patriots. I love that he made it clear. He made it clear, but he signed executive orders and he brought all of the pagan religion stuff back in Christmas in 1870, Ishtar, Easter in 1873.

Everything came back. So a lot of this is described in the books. But I didn’t have the soldier monuments. I just knew that we didn’t realize generation to generation because people were only living to be 30, 40 and 50 over those years. You know what? Any longer? Yeah. I went to a savannah graveyard with my buddy who was an army ranger. This is about 15 years ago. And I remember he took me to a cemetery and we walked around and it would say the age of the person that died.

And they were all children and they would say who they were, like, mother of five, and the girl is only 1617. I’m like, how is that even possible? And then the oldest person that I saw in the cemetery was like 40 something. It was really crazy. They just did not live long. No, it was rough on the land. It was rough on the land and we didn’t know and it didn’t get passed on to the generations what they were doing.

And we’re going to do that bioweapon targeting one. We’ll do it probably on your tv. I can explain to people then how all the rest of this was so. But this is where we’re at. And that’s exactly where we’re at now. Boom. Cutler has been saying, quit being talking about Republicans, who’s a Democrat. Quit fighting each other. We’ve got to unite. We’ve got to unite because either you’re for the country or you’re operating against.

So. And that’s what the faith monument is about to operate with the father. Otherwise, you’re operating against him. And we didn’t even know the difference. And here’s what was so powerful. This is Grayson. He was four years, four days old when we did this. And when he saw me come to the event, I was unloading my car. They had me bring some books. I’m unloading the books. And then he just kept staring at me and smiling.

And his grandma said, he loves to pray. So when I got ready to week, I said, you know, I’d really like you to pray for me. And he goes, and he shook his head no and just ran away. And so grandma asked him, he did the same thing. And I said, I’m so sorry. That night when she went to put him to bed, she said, what was wrong with you? She wanted to pray, and you love to pray with people.

And he goes, oh, grandma, she didn’t need it. And he said, there were big white angels and all this bright white light. She didn’t need prayer. Oh, my gosh. And he knew. And so this was the day we did the tour, which was on Saturday. And when we did the tour, Juan O’Saban had just completed the prayer, the closing prayer at the event. And God said, get the microphone.

Have him share the testimony. So I said, grayson, God wants you to share the testimony. And this is his discernment. At four. He leans into those of us who’ve been doing the speaking. There were several presentations. I just did the tour of the monument itself, like I did the year before. And so there’s all these people. And he goes, is the testimony for us, or is it for all of them? Because you see all those cars in the background, so many people started driving in and joining us because they’re like, what’s happening? And there’s never any cars here.

There’s never any people here. And they go, what is going on here? Because people don’t even know what this is. That live there. That live there. Don’t even know what this is. No, because it’s in a cul de sac up on a hill, so when you drive by, you wouldn’t see it unless you completely turn because it’s so high. That thing is 81ft tall. You brought attention to this.

Yeah. Wow. When I went, I have a video. Do you want me to share this video? Well, just a second. I wanted to finish about him, what he did when he gave the testimony. He was sharing all of that, and I just leaned in and I said, that means he saw me in the glory. A lot of people don’t see that, but he has ability to see that.

And then he kept the microphone. You see how serious he is at four years old, and he know Jesus handled Satan. All you have to do is kick his butt. So please start kicking Satan’s butt. And then he goes, in the name of our Lord savior, Jesus Christ, amen. Hands me back the microphone and runs off to play. That’s who this kid is. Yeah. Wow. And when we did the eclipses, I sent a little video because there was a hebrew video that came out just a few days after we did that.

So this was not shared on the eclipse one, but this is confirmation in Hebrew of exactly what came out of my mouth, what I said in 22. And when I said it in 22, nobody wanted to believe me. And right now, even since our interview, that everybody loved, you know, how the x, they’re only using the 2017 and 2014 eclipses again and showing that x and devastation, and there’s going to be earthquake.

They’re still doing it again. And so I wanted to provide this hebrew clip for you so people can see exactly what I said in 22 came out of my mouth. And I don’t know Hebrew and I don’t know eclipses, and I don’t know all these things. But this little hebrew video confirms it. Where do we get the word Alphabet from? That’s easy, right? The greek Alphabet. Alphabet. Alphabeta.

But where did the Greeks get their Alphabet from? Hebrew. Yeah. The language of the God of the Bible. In Hebrew, the first two letters are Alifet, which is where the Greeks got alphabeta from. And the hebrew language is so cool. It’s potentially 3500 years old. And it’s such a brilliant use of language from people that long ago. English, everything is phonetic. I cat c at. That’s it. No other means but hebrew word, at least three dimensions, maybe four, maybe even more.

Watch this. The first dimension, it is phonetic, just like English. But in Hebrew, the letters are also pictures. They’re pictographic. An example, the 6th letter of the hebrew Alphabet is the letter vav. Vav stands for nail or post, like a tent peg. Third dimension. Each letter has a numerical value. A aleph, is one. B bet, is two. So the numbers, in addition to being pictures and having a phonetic sound, a lot of times they add up to equal something relative to the word it’s constructing.

Take the hebrew word for Father. Av. Olive. Bet. One, two equals three. Hebrew word for mother. Aim. Olive. Mem. 140 equals 41, some of three and 41 44. Hebrew word for child. Right. Mother, father, child yelled, that’s 1030 and 444, the fourth dimension. The way that the letters are arranged have a meaning, which is what we’re going to cover today with the hebrew word for truth, emet. This is so cool.

It’s so cool. Okay. Emmet is the word for truth, and it is three letters. Aleph. Memtov. Aleph, which is the first letter, and the number one represents God. The pictograph is an ox head. It is the authority or the strength. So Aleph is the oneness of God. The first, the source, the father. The second letter, mem, means water. Water which is vital to life. You have to drink water or you will die.

If you get dirty, how do you get clean water? If you’re wounded, you rinse it with water. Running water. John, chapter four, verse ten. Jesus answered her, if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. ANd if you stop drinking waTer, you will die. If you RefUsE to drink of the water that JeSus provided.

The third letter of EmeT is Tov. Tov is the final letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. So in English, we have z. In Hebrew, they have tov. It is the final letter. It is the ComPletion. It also means a mark, a sign, an omen or seal. It is the symbol of truth, perfection and completion. It represents the restoration of all of ExistencE. Jesus is the tov. He is the final letter, which represents a covenant, a seal, a mark and completion.

Perfection, restoration. And the pictograph for the letter Tov is a door. John, chapter ten, verse nine. I am the door. I am the Tov. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. And it gets better. In proto Hebrew, ancient Hebrew, the letter Tov was an x, a mark, an x or a cross. And then the cross changed to a door. It was the idea of salvation, that Jesus would give us salvation on the CrOss.

And by doing so, he became the door to eternal life. A message echoed by the Passover prophecy, where the blood of the lamb over the doorway to your house caused death to pass over. The blood painted over the door in the shape of the letter tov. Final level. And this is where it all comes together. The hebrew word for truth is Emmett. Aleph. Memtov. The hebrew word for dead is met.

Memtov. The only difference between these two words is the Aleph, the presence of God. With the presence of God, we have truth and life. Remove God, we only have death. Dead is defined as deprived of life, dead is the lack of life, and we have life because he lives. People want to know where life came from. God, the Aleph. He created life. With him, we have life and truth, and without him, there is no truth and there is no life.

Pretty impressive. That exactly matches the Aleph, the angled letter that he is now putting his signature on this nation. That is life and truth. And the Tov is only with us in truth and life. And so all of the fight against us. And that’s why when we talked about the eclipses, the people in Nineveh that were saved were the ones that were with him. The rest, he, he even said to the king, you will never know where they are.

You will not know where I have taken them. He gave all of his people the uninhabited lands, and that’s why so many have said, now that we’re at this point, there is no other place to go but here. But we are here. And that’s what the message is between all the peace. You saw that in the Tov, in the completion, the perfection, the number seven. You saw all of the messages that he’s giving us in these three eclipses, and it takes all three to prove this message.

And so that’s why it was so exciting and this came. If I would have had this before that interview, we could have added it in that interview. But what’s so powerful is that’s what he gave out of me in 22. And I’m saying all this stuff and I don’t know Hebrew and I don’t know eclipses and I don’t know science stuff, but he proved it. We’re either with him or we’re not.

I don’t know if anybody has seen the tom Cruise film. Did you ever see night? Hey, night and day? Tom Cruise did a thing on agent, like a CIA agent, and he was traveling, and Cameron Diaz was unfamiliar with everything that was going on. And what he would say is, with me or without me, so you got nothing if you’re without me, but with me. And that’s exactly where we are with father.

We don’t have the worries of all these things. Without him, it’s death. And so it was so powerful to get this message. So thank you for including that today. Correct. And this was very powerful. Thank you, Sheila. Yeah, and then we’re going to be going on to Nino’s corner tv, and we’re going to be talking about a lot of other stuff, folks. So get over there, Sheila. Thank you.

Where can people find you? Where can they get your book? It’s hisbest. org. Yes. Or Amazon or Barnes and. Or. And they’re printed in many nations, too. You don’t have to just get e books over in Australia or Japan or can. You can get the printed books also. Beautiful. Wow. Thank you, Sheila. Nice history lesson. A true history lesson. So, man, I. I gotta tell you, you bring it.

You bring it every time. Thank you. You’re welcome. It’s good to be with you. Thank you, Nino. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.

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America before Civil War truth Dr. Amy Lee nutritionist insights Faith and Soldier Monument significance harmful foods falsely marketed as healthy history and peace monuments homeschooling history resources interpretation of monuments law and education leading to liberty Monuments representing morality and truth reflection of builders' values in Sheila Holme history discussion teaching correct history through books

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