AZ Sheriff’s Assoc Joins Other Law-Abiding Citizens and Public Officials to Rebuke NM Governor’s Order

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AZ Sheriff’s Assoc Joins Other Law-Abiding Citizens and Public Officials to Rebuke NM Governor’s Order

Editor’s note: The Arizona Sheriff’s Association joins other law-abiding citizens and public officials to publicly rebuke the order of New Mexico’s governor to suspend the 2nd Amendment in certain counties. The AZ Sheriff’s Association cites Supreme Court Justice Anthony’s Scalia ruling in the famous Mack / Printz V. USA case. Please share with your friends and family and get involved today!

MACK / PRINTZ V. USA: The Monumental Supreme Court Case that Restored the Tenth Amendment

ASA Letter of Concern 

September 15, 2023

Today, the Arizona Sheriff’s Association joins an ever-expanding chorus of law-abiding citizens and public officials to publicly rebuke the order of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham that suspended the second amendment in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Governor Grisham, citing the need for greater public safety and extraordinarily high crime rates, decided unilaterally that severing the right and ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves for a period of 30 days would somehow enhance public safety. This chilling executive order erroneously cites a public health emergency but is nothing less than a full-blown violation of constitutional rights. Simply, there is no public health exception to the U.S Constitution. The governor’s extraordinary executive overreach is, to our current knowledge, unparalleled and unprecedented in our country. Additionally, this order completely disregards well established case law and interpretation of the second amendment by the United States Supreme Court which has upheld an individual’s right to bear arms in self-defense. Most shocking for every law-abiding person who believes our elected officials are duty bound to uphold constitutional rights, Governor Grisham’s own words describing her beliefs that no Constitutional right is absolute sends a chilling message.

While we as law enforcement professionals certainly share in the incredible concern over rising violent crime across this nation, we know as experts that there are much better ways – rooted in actual evidence – to address this problem. It is no coincidence that rising crime tracks laterally with the nation’s serious border security crisis of the past 3 years, or that New Mexico reduced its prison population dramatically using early release in the past several years. To regain control of public safety, measures must be taken to inspire confidence that the law will be enforced against those who commit crimes, not those who don’t. Zero tolerance for crime, support for law enforcement, border security, and the encouragement of law enforcement to be proactive in their duties are all strong starting points. No community will ever be safe without the ever-continuing development of relationships between the police and the community.

Violating constitutional rights will do nothing to keep the public safe. Rather, this problematic move will, in effect, make the public less safe by eliminating individuals’ ability to defend themselves. As is well documented, criminals have always ignored laws, behaving more aggressively and violently when the expectation of self-defense is diminished.

And finally, to all our elected sheriffs, chiefs of police and law enforcement officials that took an oath to their office: Remember this: that oath is absolute, no matter what the governor of New Mexico claims. The Constitution, which you swore to uphold and defend, was designed by our founders specifically to protect us from the government overreach that the governor of New Mexico is attempting to exact on her citizens right now. We have been warned many times throughout history that leaders would attempt to exchange perceived security for constitutional rights. Resist that urge now by refusing to violate the constitutional rights of your fellow citizens of New Mexico. And in the words of Supreme Court Justice Anthony’s Scalia, “The Constitution protects us from our own best intentions. It divides power among sovereigns and among branches of government precisely, so that we might resist the temptation to concentrate power in one branch as the expedient solution to the crisis of the day.” Don’t allow Governor Grisham to consolidate her power; it is impossible to ever reverse once it begins.

David Rhodes

Yavapai County Sheriff
Arizona Sheriff’s Association President


Also read: NM Sheriff Tells Governor He Will Not Enforce Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban

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10th Amendment 2nd Amendment AZ Sheriff's Association constitutional sheriffs CSPOA Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Gun Control Justice Anthony's Scalia Mack / Printz V. USA New Mexico sheriff mack

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