The Danger Of Being In Offense | The Economic Ninja

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➡ The Economic Ninja discusses the negative impact of taking offense and being ghosted by others. He emphasizes that 90% of a problem is how you react to it, and that being offended can hinder your success. He shares his experiences of being ignored by people he has tried to help, and stresses the importance of not letting these situations affect your mindset. Instead, he encourages focusing on positive aspects of life and not letting others’ actions dictate your happiness.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences and lessons learned from running a successful social media channel. He emphasizes the importance of not letting jealousy or offense hinder personal growth and success. He encourages his audience to be open to new opportunities, to turn challenges into advantages, and to surround themselves with positive influences. He also highlights the value of wisdom and understanding found in the Bible, regardless of one’s religious beliefs.
➡ A fire chief shares his experiences with new recruits, emphasizing that he’s had more failures than successes. He contrasts this with a new chief who claims to have never failed, highlighting the importance of recognizing and learning from failures. The speaker also discusses how negative behaviors like lying, bragging, or making mean comments stem from insecurity. He encourages his audience to understand this root cause, to not let it anger them, and to focus on building each other up and making positive changes in the world.


Hey, everybody. I want to talk about the dangers of being an offense. This is totally different than my normal videos, but something’s happening in my life, and I’m going to share with you the way I choose to deal with it, because I believe that there are times when things happen to us negatively. First off, 90% of any problem that comes in your life is how you react to it. 90% of the problem, 10% really is just the problem. 90% of the problem is how you react to it. And something is happening, and it’s getting a little bigger.

I’m being ghosted. I think ghosting is a very interesting concept in this day and age, because in a big city, it’s easy to sort of ghost you. In a small town, it’s a little hard because you’re gonna run into the people, right? But I think it’s an incredibly childish way. It’s not how an adult should act in this world. If you have a problem with someone, you should say something rather than acting a child. But this story, this video, is going to be about carrying someone else’s offense or being offended, period, by somebody and what it can actually do to your mind and keep you away from success.

So trying to keep this real light, because I don’t want anyone knowing who this is, who these people are. But recently, I’ve noticed that I’ll text somebody and they don’t text back, or I’ll call them and they push it straight to voicemail. All right, people are busy. I do it. You know, when I’m, like, recording, I’m like, ah, I can’t take this phone call because I’m recording from my phone. Totally get it. But the other day, it started happening with a couple of people in my life, and I searched myself first to go, okay, did I do something to offend them? I know I didn’t really searched myself.

And I get that people are busy because I get so many emails and phone calls, I can’t answer them all. As a matter of fact, right before the recording of this, when I hit the record button, I called someone to apologize to them because they’ve called me three times and I haven’t called them back. And I said, man, I’m so sorry. I’m not trying to ghost you or ignore you. My mind is so full of stuff. My life. Whoo. It’s just like, man, the pressure on my mind. And I can only take so much bandwidth from other humans, and so I can’t answer the phone for everyone.

So I apologize to this person. It was nothing they did. Right. It’s just me. So I’m searching myself, and I’m starting to see this sort of pattern with other people. And I’m going, these are people that I’ve tried to help sincerely. And actually, I know that I have helped. I know 100% I’ve helped. There’s nothing. But I know that they have outside influences affecting them. People that don’t like me. That’s okay. There’s lots of people that don’t like me. How many of you have people that don’t like? Just say that. I do. You know, the people that just don’t like you.

Right. It may be warranted. A lot of the times it’s honestly not warranted. But what’s happening is they’re offended. Something you did offended them, even if you didn’t know. And what happens is it festers inside of them to the point where they get so upset and so offended and angry, they start having conversations with themselves. Now, I’m going to be honest with you. I’m that kind of guy that has conversations. You know, I should have said this, and I would have done this, and, oh, gosh. And I learned a long time ago from a pastor, an amazing guy that actually has went a separate way in life, down an interesting trail.

And he’s no longer a pastor. And it’s sad because he taught me a lot. And one thing he said was, when you grab onto offense, you’re offended by someone because a friend tells a story of somebody that offended them or hurt them or cheated them, and it’s obviously a one sided story. But there’s times where you sort of grab onto that offense and you own it yourself. And now you don’t want to talk to that person, really, without getting down to the bottom of it. And I’ve seen that destroy relationships. I’ve seen liars destroy relationships. Liars are insecure, right? How many people know a pathological liar? I know a handful of them.

They have a problem with lying. Their tongue is trying to destroy other people because they’re so insecure inside, they can’t get a grip of that, and they lie. And there are people that I’ve done business with that have gotten offended with me. And I am very straightforward because I want to be an adult. A man. A man gets down to the root of an issue and bears the truth, right? And I’ve done that before where I’ve gotten like, hey, let’s get. Let’s get everybody in a room right here and let’s all talk and you can usually tell the liar lashes out and gets angry or doesn’t want to meet.

I don’t want anything to do with you guys. You’re all crazy. Like, okay, we can already see everybody else wants to get into the room. You said something. It’s going to be outed right now because four or five people are like, yeah, that guy said that. And, you know, and it’s like, all right, so obviously we can all separate now. And I don’t need that kind of person in my life. We don’t need liars in our lives. We don’t need people that carry offense in our lives. Well, when you, you get, the more successful you get in life, the more this type of personality will be drawn out of the woodworks.

And. And I, and the other day, I texted both people, and I said, hey, with one guy, he’s a well meaning person, and we definitely go off on different tangents, but he’s one of those guys that preaches. He’s a preacher style. And he, you know, you know, how we started talking is he said, hey, God told me, I can talk to you. Oh, cool. You know, and help you with some stuff, and you’re gonna help me. And it was great. And then all of a sudden just fell off the face of the planet. I was just like, just, you know, texting, no answer.

Text, no answer. Then I’d call, no answer. Call, no answer. And then finally yesterday, I went to both of these gentlemen that totally ghosted me, and I said to one, I said, hey, I’m just curious. Did God tell you to stop conversing with me? I’m super curious. I got a feeling that’s why. And I personally do not believe that’s how God works, but. Oh, well, wait a minute. Hold on. Now. Let me clear. Clarify that there are people that are dangerous in our lives that are bad influences, and I believe that the prompting, the Holy Spirit can show us that and go, you know, maybe I just need to stay away from that person for a season or all the per permanently.

Right. Well, obviously, I didn’t get an answer. That’s a direct question to another person. I texted and I said, hey, I just want to make sure that we’re good. Like, are you cool? Like, I haven’t, you know, heard from you. I just been reaching out. Haven’t heard about are we good? No answer. And in this day and age, you know, when people see the text and you know how long time goes and you just know. Right. Okay, fine. It’s official. Copy. If you can’t even, like, answer a straightforward question like that. Obviously, you got some stuff going on inside of you, but this is the most important part.

I have to make a conscious decision every time. And I prayed about, oh, about a month ago when this started happening. And I go, God, I don’t want to be an offense. I don’t want to be offended. I don’t know what this person’s going through. I don’t know why they’re choosing not to talk to me or not talk to me or treat me this way. But I can’t be an offense because what happens is when we’re angry and we’re upset and we’re thinking about that kind of stuff, we can’t be thinking about the most amazing things of life.

The opportunities that are abounding around us, the new people to meet. You know, I have to. I just went into a bagel place. I love. I love these new cups. Hey, how you doing? Einstein’s bagels. And I had a bagel, and I sat there and I had to make a conscious decision, especially before I wanted to get my mind right for this video. And it’s probably not coming out the right way. But I sat down and I put my phone down, and I wanted to smile at every single person in the room. Some people I smiled at, they smiled back.

Some people gave me the head nod. A couple of officers here gave me the head nod. And one lady just looks right down. And I’m trying my hardest to read the room, but also be open to a new introduction, new meeting. And when we’ve got things bogging us down in life problems, offenses, we’re dealing with people in our lives that are toxic. Right. We do need to step back from them, and there’s going to be some people that step back from you. And I think the best advice I could give you is try your hardest not to be offended.

I’ve learned a lot over the last four years. As a matter of fact, the channel just turned four two days ago, an awesome subscriber called me and reminded me of that. He said, dude, your channel turns four in two days. My God. Didn’t even realize that. I forgot. I knew it was coming. But in the four years, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve had to deal with a lot of stress. Right. It’s. Anyway, that’s not about me, but it’s. Well, I want to share my issues so that you either, a, feel normal, or b, you can learn something from it.

Right. And one of the things I’ve had to learn is as you become more and more successful, people around you get more and more jealous and you’ve probably type three, if you remember. I’ve always tried to highlight new channels or encourage people to start channels, social media channels. I want to encourage them to be big and successful and show them the business of social media, but also how to be successful in your mind and peaceful, but how to help and impact other people’s lives. So I’m always trying to highlight people, right? Well, what I’ve seen, and it comes out in speech patterns, it’s really interesting because there’s a lot more to me than that meets the eye.

Straight truth, truthfully honest. I do have an uncanny ability to put information together and explain in a digestible form. I do have an intellectual side that I don’t really let out on the channel, quite frankly. And the reason why is because I need somebody to ask me questions. For me to. I know it sounds crazy, but the way I live my life, it’s just so last minute. When intellectuals ask me questions, I give them an intellectual answer. But I can never get those type of people to ask me questions online. And I see in speech patterns that people are building their way up.

They get very jealous of what’s going on on this channel. This success, the subscriber growth, the views are not because of me. I met a awesome follower of this channel the other day at a gun show. I was checking out freedom seeds and boom boom sticks and, you know, just keeping the government at bay all the time, right, with every purchase we make. But sorry, it’s not an advertisement for freedom. And he said, I watch you every day and it’s still the most humbling, crazy, weirdest thing for me because I’m like, I don’t know why anyone will watch me, but I can tell you this, the success of this channel is because I’m being blessed by God.

This channel is being blessed as more and more of you get to know each other around the country. When we do these meetups, I get emails from people that say, I met so and so at the Dallas meetup two years, two and a half years ago. We’re like super close friends and we’re working together now. I know people that have become business partners and sold everything they had and moved across the country and built a business. See, that’s not me. But what happens is people get offended by that. There are people that I’ve helped that have amazing content, so much better than mine.

Matter of fact, I think I’m on the lowest tier you got everybody else right here and the ninja. All right? And they get angry, and they’ll talk to me and just through this, through the words. This is why I used to do really well, and I still do in boardrooms. I’m good at reading people’s linguistics, the pitch of their voice and their body language to tell me what they’re thinking. And it’s really cool to be able to navigate around that kind of stuff, right. Um. And they’ll say, like, why are you growing so fast? And I’m not.

And then they’ll laugh. That wasn’t a joke. And. And the. The more successful you get, the more people get angry. Rather than look at themselves and really go, what am I doing? They’re like, why is that person getting this and I’m not? And what happens is they get super offended or they start hanging out with somebody new. That’s constantly an offense. Like, I know some youtubers that they are constantly offended by everything. They’re just angry and bitter and bitter and angry. And they attract that same type of person. I just want to be open, super stoked on life and looking for opportunities, understanding there’s bad stuff all over the world.

Yes, there’s crap going on. So you know what we’re going to do? We’re going to take that crap that doesn’t work. We’re gonna take lemons and make lemonade because I don’t want to take crap and make anything out of it because that would just be crappy. But take. Turn the lemons into lemonade. Let’s just go out and crush it. I’ve. I’ve crushed it on two cycles now, economic cycles. Now I just want to take the rest of the world with me. Right? And there are some things, like with my courses, I get super serious about and take that very serious.

That’s the teacher side of me. But with this, these channels, yeah, they’re growing, and I’m super stoked. Every time I get to meet one of you on the street. You’re all amazing, amazing human beings. That’s super cool. But you know what? I’m going to be honest with you. Like attracts like. Do you agree with that? Type five? If you agree with that and, and if you’re in a moment right now where you’re carrying someone else’s offense because someone told you how someone else screwed them and you’re offended at them, I’d be very careful about that. Or if you’re offended at someone because they offended you, you’re wasting valuable space up here and in your heart it’s going to destroy you.

It’s like a slow rotting. And I lost it because I was looking out. But there are bible verses about this. A wise man is slow to speak and quick to listen. Think about that. Slow to speak and quick to listen. A wise man. The other verse about being an offense, man, I wish I had it. It was on the phone that I’m recording on. But there are amazing Bible verses. And here’s the cool thing. Here’s the greatest thing about the Bible. Want to hear the greatest thing about the Bible? You don’t even have to believe it.

You don’t have to believe in a God that created you to open that Bible up and go, yeah, that makes sense. I’m gonna read another one. Yeah, like, just go to the book of proverbs. If you don’t believe in God, it’s, I’m not here to preach you what I’m telling you what you want to hear. You want to see something that will change your life today? I can guarantee you this is the easiest thing. Just the ninja said it. You got to try it. If you don’t believe in God, you’re like, I don’t think there’s God.

Okay, no problem. Just go to book of proverbs. Just start reading and saying, but ninja says that if I read this book, this, this chapter in this book be like, whoa, that’s really going to help me. It’s like, it’s truth. You can’t deny truth, right? And so you just start reading. You’re like, a wise man sees trouble ahead and moves to avoid it, yet a fool runs headlong into it. Well, that’s, it’s like food to my soul, food to my mind, and are. And look, I get called a Bible thumper all the time. Like, man, I wouldn’t know how to thump you because I barely read my Bible and I should read more because it’s amazing truth.

I’m just being totally honest with you. And there are people that are running around offended about that too. I’m like, oh, gosh. That’s why they’re not successful. They’re sitting around angry and bitter. And so remember, you show me your five closest friends and I’ll show you your future. I do have to guard myself with whom I really talk to, who I confide in because they’re either going to give me sound advice that I don’t have to take, but I can chew on it, right? I can take it under advisement or I could go and hang out with a bunch of people that are just sort of fools and sitting in their folly.

There are people that are just. I got to tell you this story. I’m sitting down with a fire chief the other day. We’re having a drink, we’re talking, and, and he was telling me about, you know, as we get older, especially those of us in the fire service, you start to have a lot more wisdom because you just had more happen to you, right? Yet there are, there’s a big difference between someone that is, takes all the lessons and the beatings in life and the success and formulates a conclusion, and those that just can’t get it.

They just, they just don’t get it. Well, he’s in a course about leadership, and he’s telling me he’s in the course and he’s a chief and he’s teaching all of these new firefighter recruits, and he says, look, and I think he said he pulled his brass off to prove a point. I’ve seen this before in courses. I’m going to pull my brass off and set it down. I was, I was once at your rank. I’m not a fire chief right now. We’re going to talk about leadership. I want you to ask me anything you want. No repercussions.

And there’s a whole bunch of the cadre, the teaching cadres there, and some firefighters asked what were your greatest failures and your greatest successes? And so he starts rolling through all the success. He goes, yeah, well, I had this happen. Oh, crap. Nope. That blew up in my face. And he goes, and he’s trying to think of, this didn’t work out. That didn’t work out. He goes, I pretty much conned my way up the ladder a couple times where I convinced them to promote me. He goes, you know, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have a lot of successes.

You know, you may look at me like I have. I’m paraphrasing here because I’ve got all this, the white shirt on the bugles, all this stuff and all the brown gold badge, not a silver badge. And. But I really don’t have a lot of success. And so this brand new chief, brand new, comes up, and there’s a lot of people here that can understand, identify with what I’m about to say. And now he, now, my friend, was the first chief to be asked this question. He’s like just sort of detonated. He’s like, I don’t really got a lot of success, to be honest with you.

I couldn’t think that fast. This young chief walks up and goes, I succeeded here, I succeeded there, I succeeded over there, I succeeded here. Sounded like a doctor Seuss book, I imagine. I succeeded everywhere. I succeeded on a box. I succeeded under a box, whatever. And then the question, the next question comes to him and he, they go, well, then what was your greatest failures? And he goes, I really have never failed. And it’s funny because then all of a sudden, because I start dying laughing because I already know this type of personality. And all the older chiefs are just like, we got your number.

And it would have been great if the, the next chief would have came up and said, I can actually tell you his greatest failure is not being able to recognize a failure. And that’s what will get you killed. That’s what will get you hurt. Because there are people in this world that just want to puff up their shoulders and be amazing because they’re insecure. And all of what we’re talking about, liars, people being offended, people bragging, right? It all comes down to your insecurity level. Like, you know, there’s people all day long that every day I get that you’re fat comments, or you got that, you know, definitely got the.

The goiter here and. Or my hair, right? They all. And there’s one really cool thing in common with every single one that puts a bad comment on a mean comment. And it’s okay. I’m not offended by it. Yeah, I’m overweight. I’m six foot one. I’m 248 pounds, Jizo. I’m overweight. I should be 210, but I’m not. So. But my point being is that none of them have a profile pic or real name on them, right? And so I get that. And these are people that just like, oh, they feel good. They feel, you know, and I go, man.

And every once in a while, I get that in public. Someone will say that to me and I’ll look at them and I say, do you feel good about yourself today? Does that make you feel good? And they’re just like, oh, crap, what do I do with this, Mike? I mean, yeah, I get it. Copy. Look at me. Jesus. But did I at least, did it make you feel good? Do you feel better about yourself that you could put push that off on me? I hope. I hope everything in life’s going well. Boy, that just rattles people.

But every single one of these things come down to insecurity. So once you see the root cause of somebody ghosting you or somebody being offended by you or somebody lying to you, it’s their insecurity. And once you know what’s going on, you go, it makes it that much easier for me not to be pissed off. So look, do me a favor, and if this spoke to you, say this was for me, let me know down in the comments. Because I don’t want. I want to make content about being successful financially, but I don’t want any of you losing your spouses.

I don’t want any one of you losing your children. I want you to grow healthy and be amazing and change this world. And that is why this channel will keep being a success. Because I am. I really, truly know the only way we can change this world is if we inspire each other, we build each other up. We don’t lie to each other, all that crap. We’re ninja nation. We’re a group of people around the world. I don’t care about your sex. I don’t care about your race. I don’t care about what country you live in.

I don’t care about your creed. I care about your heart. I care that you’re prepared, you’re not scared, and you’re going to run headlong into this battle. We were born for a day like today. Say amen. If you completely agree with that, it’s very true. I’m going to go to the gun show and buy some freedom seeds. I hope you guys have some great days. God bless y’all. Ninja is out..

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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dealing with being ghosted dealing with being ignored dealing with negative behaviors focusing on learning from failures maintaining positive mindset negative impact of taking offense overcoming jealousy for personal growth overcoming offense for success reacting to problems effectively running successful social media channel surrounding with positive influences turning challenges into advantages understanding root cause of insecurity value of biblical wisdom

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