The Debt Paradox: Inflating Away the Anchor of Stability | Silver Savior

Dollar Decimation Is The Goal | Silver Savior

The current landscape does little to assuage concerns harbored by astute observers. The central bank’s propensity to monetize debt is akin to firefighting with gasoline, fostering an environment where debt levels grow exponentially, divorcing public spending from fiscal prudence. Click The Button Below To Read More

2025 Predictions: Inflation, Inflation, Inflation, Boom | Silver Savior

the-people-flee-toward-safety-of-gold-and-silver | Silver Savior

What happens, however, if people expect that, in the future, the money-supply growth rate will increase to ever-higher rates? In this case, the demand for money would, sooner or later, collapse. Such an expectation would lead (relatively quickly) to a point at which no one would be willing to hold any money — as people would expect money to lose its purchasing power altogether. People would start fleeing out of money entirely. This is what Mises termed a crack-up boom. For More Click The Button Below.

The Current State of Affluence: Foreshadowing the Future of Finance | Silver Savior

financial-collapse-underway | Silver Savior

Today, the Fed will likely lower interest rates again under the guise of economic recovery. However, the truth is far darker than a fabricated rosy picture of the economy. The Federal Reserve is fighting a war to maintain solvency as rising tides of debt are lapping at the shores of a credit crisis. With interest rates rising on their own, the battle becomes maintaining debt face values while undermining the dollar’s purchasing power. These two goals mutually assure the destruction of the dollar-based economy. Click The Button Below For More Information.

The Lurking Debt Leviathan: Dollar Purchasing Power Is Bleeding Away | Silver Savior

USD is bleeding away Silver Savior

Turning our lens forward, the medium to long-term horizon appears no less fraught. Debt, that ensnaring web spun by spendthrift policies, threatens to suffocate genuine economic activity. Inflation, an insidious tax upon the thrifty, gnaws relentlessly at savings. Interest rates are suppressed to the floor, distorting the delicate balance of savers and borrowers upon which healthy markets hinge. To Learn More Click The Button Below.

The Illusion of Prosperity: Unmasking the Reality of an Unsustainable Economy | Silver Savior


In the midst of such uncertainty, the November U.S. elections approach, ready to stir the volatile market concoction even further. It is not hard to envision the market reacting with edginess to the political spectacle, infusing even greater volatility into the already turbulent investment landscape. But when the show is over it will have only been hype that was exploding, the markets are empty husks sailing on winds of vapor. Click the Button Below for More Information.

Rising Precious Metals and the Illusion of Central Bank Security | Silver Savior


Suppose central banks and governments continue down the path of debt accumulation and fiat currency proliferation. In that case, they do so at the risk of economic calamity, where precious metals will not be the savior but rather the stark reminder of a lost opportunity to embrace financial stability.

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