The Current State of Affluence: Foreshadowing the Future of Finance | Silver Savior

financial-collapse-underway | Silver Savior

Today, the Fed will likely lower interest rates again under the guise of economic recovery. However, the truth is far darker than a fabricated rosy picture of the economy. The Federal Reserve is fighting a war to maintain solvency as rising tides of debt are lapping at the shores of a credit crisis. With interest rates rising on their own, the battle becomes maintaining debt face values while undermining the dollar’s purchasing power. These two goals mutually assure the destruction of the dollar-based economy. Click The Button Below For More Information.

Weekly Market Report: Analysis and 3-Month Financial Forecast – October 21, 2024 | Silver Savior

Silver Savior | dollars-wither-in-value

The financial market has seen strategic shifts towards safer investments amid global economic uncertainties. The latest data suggests intriguing trends, especially in precious metals, energy, bonds, and debt instruments. Key market indicators reveal changes in commodity prices and investor behavior, which offer insights into potential investment opportunities and risks. To Read More Click the Button Below.

Commodities and Monetary Policy: Implications for the Market’s Future | Silver Savior

Nonetheless, the long term prompts a more somber vision through the Austrian economic prism. If mitigating actions towards sustainable growth are not advanced, notably a radical rethinking of the prevailing debt-based fiat currency system and central banking orthodoxy, we risk aggravating the existing frailties within Western financial systems. To Read More Click The Button Below.

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Takes Up ATF Frames Receivers Case! | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how the supreme court takes up ATF frames receivers case

Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how the Supreme Court will look at a major case about gun rights. This could change what the ATF has been doing for a long time. Gold prices are rising, and the dollar’s value is dropping. Buying gold and silver might be smart as they hold their value. The court case is about the ATF’s new firearm definition, which some disagree with. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

ATTENTION: Assault Weapons Ban Moves Forward In 2 States! Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about another assault weapon ban moving forward in 2 states

Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about a state that made a new rule about some guns without asking people’s opinion. This isn’t right as it goes against our country’s top law. Plus, Lear Capital has a free report showing that gold prices rise when the government is in debt. If you’re curious about gold, it’s a good time to learn more.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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