Speaker Mike Johnson Attacks Christianity The Bible! Ben Shapiro Puts Gag Order On Candace Owens! | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez discusses various topics, including speculation about Speaker Mike Johnson’s political future, the success of his YouTube channel, and a contest he’s running. He also mentions the rising value of gold and encourages investment in it. He warns about agitators within movements and groups, and emphasizes the importance of unity over division. He shares his personal experiences and insights from his boxing career, and ends by expressing concern about increasing control and power in society.
➡ The speaker discusses a letter from Albert Pike to Mazzini, suggesting it outlines a conspiracy for World War III, involving conflict between political Zionists and Islamic leaders. The speaker also mentions a GOP anti-discrimination bill passed in the House amid college unrest, which some argue infringes on free speech. The speaker encourages unity and understanding, criticizes the increasing reliance on technology, and hints at a conspiracy involving Saudi Arabia and Israel.
➡ Saudi Arabia is arresting people who criticize Israel on social media, signaling a potential shift towards diplomatic relations with Israel. Meanwhile, President Biden has signed a bill providing financial aid to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, and another bill banning TikTok in the U.S. due to its Chinese ownership. There’s controversy over a new law that some believe could make parts of the Bible illegal, due to its definition of anti-Semitism. Lastly, protests at Columbia University against the Israel-Hamas war have reportedly been infiltrated by outside agitators, leading to increased violence.
➡ Dr. Gundry warns that certain “healthy” foods may contain toxins that cause digestive issues, weight gain, fatigue, and other problems. However, these issues can be addressed at home by identifying and avoiding these foods. In other news, Swedish police have approved a Quran burning event, causing concerns of unrest and division. Lastly, there’s a push in some states to replace the electoral college system with a popular vote in national elections, which could significantly change how elections are decided.
➡ A former auditor for Spirit Aero Systems, Joshua Dean, who accused Boeing of ignoring safety flaws in their 737 Max airplanes, has suddenly died at 45 due to a fast-spreading infection. In other news, the weight loss drug Ozempic has been linked to a range of unusual bodily changes, including shifts in breast size, sagging skin, and sunken cheeks. Pop star Britney Spears has sparked concerns over her mental health after being seen in distress and attended to by emergency services. Lastly, the speaker discusses his preference for driving over flying, his love for red meat, and his enjoyment of watching the entertainment industry struggle.
➡ A man in Las Vegas, Colin Scheck, is accused of killing and eating parts of a man’s face. In a separate story, a wild male orangutan has been observed treating his own wound with medicinal plants, showing human-like behavior. The speaker also shares his thoughts on evolution, suggesting that exposure to psychedelics could have played a role in human development. The speaker ends by thanking his audience for their support and teasing upcoming content.


Good morning. Good morning. I do have an important announcement to make, folks. I got a real important announcement. But first, could Speaker Mike Johnson being, could he be promised something bigger? Could he be being promised a shot at the presidency? Now, folks, you may think that’s crazy, but I’m talking to a lot of people that this is absolutely a possibility. How they would do it, I’m not too sure, but you always got the evil people in the background. Do this, change that, make this happen. Do that, vote this way. Give us the money and we will do everything for you.

We will open up the world for you. Folks. I want to say thank you to all of you. 300,000. We hit 300,000 on my YouTube channel. And I feel like I’ve been throttle. I feel like I could be easily be at half a million. I feel like I’d easily be at half a million. But the contest is paying off. So keep it going, folks. Keep it going. Keep it going. Keep it going. Don’t stop. May 31 is when I’ll be announcing the winner. First place, 1500. 2nd place, 1003rd place, 500 buckaroos in your pocket, folks. Venmo.

D Hype and Rod 1977. D hype and Rod 1977. When the lights go out on Amazon. When the lights go out, leave it on its review. And my mama’s book, the Mexican Mix. Just leave an honest review. So I’m gonna go through this pretty quick here, and I do have an announcement to make. It’s an important episode because I’m gonna try to get you all to see something that’s happening behind the scenes. And it’s all adding up to me. First of all, Laura Eisenhower is on fire on Nino’s corner tv. She hit a million views on x with her.

What she says Truman signed with in World War Two. Did we really lose that war? Did he sign a unconditional surrender? And I don’t want to go too much into it on fluff, too, but Laura Eisenhower, President Eisenhower’s granddaughter, is dropping serious intel that puts a lot of the pieces together for us all. And that’s on Nino’s corner tv. Laura Eisenhower, President Eisenhower. Ike, President Eisenhower’s granddaughter is on there right now coming clean. Was there an unconditional surrender? I’ll leave that for you to decide to. You know who? That guy with the funny mustache. I. Folks, noble gold, folks, noble gold.

Gold has gone up more than 81% in the last five years. I didn’t even know that. It is happening. Central banks are ditching the dollar and us treasuries and buying more gold. The good news, it is predicted to go up even more, folks. UBS even said it would go up another 5000. Noble investments phone has been ringing off the hook. Everyone wants to protect their retirement with gold, and you should too. You can do the same. And if you do it this month, noble gold investments will give you a free one fourth gold standard coin for qualifying.

You got to qualify for an account. Golden. Noblegold investments.com. Now, noblegoldinvestments.com. Right now, folks, get started. Guess what I’m going to do, folks. I got the ghetto timer. The ghetto timer. You all going to be with me? Bing. All right, so telegram. Nino’s corner. Rumble, Nino’s corner. Gator, Dino’s corner. True social, David Rodriguez boxer, Instagram, David Nino Rodriguez, boxer, X Nino boxer, patriot wear.com. Get a fuck them all. That’s my outlook on a lot of shit right now. Bugabal, Nino’s corner. Laura Eisenhower is up there right now. I got Kerry Cassidy coming up, Rob Cunningham. We have it all.

Victory is ours. Really feel good podcast. You’ll love that one. Doctor Pierre Corey, you’ve seen him on Tucker, you’ve seen him on Russell Brand, and you’ve seen him on Joe Rogan. He came on Nino’s corner to discuss this. Yeah, facts from fiction, folks. And I gotta say, there’s a new term I want to, I want to use. It’s called legal fictions. And we’re seeing a lot of legal fictions these days. The ghost is up there. And one oh save. It’s coming up. Sheila home. Sheila Holmes. She’s an audience favorite. Sheila home is the next general May.

So a lot of people wanted her on. I listened to you. We’re bringing Sheila home on. And folks, I just want to say once again, thank you, thank you. Thank you for helping me get to 300,000 on YouTube. I wish my instagram would get unthrottled, but it is what it is, folks. You might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Let’s go. Oh, coming at you for the apocalypse boat. Yeah. All right, bog it up again. All right, folks, let me make myself very clear here, and I’m going to make myself very, very clear.

I don’t tolerate the hate of any select kind of race, creed, orientation, religion or affiliation. Now, I understand there’s extremist people and groups and every type of race and religion, that’s just the way it is. That’s, that’s on a broad spectrum. That’s everybody, folks. People basically suck. I don’t discriminate. They want, they are inserting agitators right now, within movements, within groups. And you got to beware of this. If they’re not talking about unity and they’re pointing fingers at select groups of people, they’re to blame. They’re the bad ones. Oh, they’re bad. That’s hatred. That’s what beats us.

That’s what gives this to the globalists. Do you understand that? That’s how we lose. That’s called gasoline on the fire. They want you fighting amongst each other and divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide further. Divide, divide, divide, divide to where you’re all just hating each other and then finally hating yourself. And then they come in order out of chaos. And this is how they introduce new laws like they’re passing right now. Mike Johnson. This is how they tweak things like the Bible, folks. This is real. This is really happening right now. And what are they doing? They’re making you hate certain select groups of people.

Now, agitators are being inserted everywhere. From what I got the news on this, I’m talking full scale. I can’t say this word on YouTube, but you’re gonna have people that you’re gonna be looking up to that are gonna be stoking the fire. And they’re put there for that reason, to stoke the fire further. Now, me personally, and me personally, I hate all people the same. I don’t, I don’t. I’m not prejudiced against any one person. I look at them all the same, okay? People suck. And I. And I personally, you know, I put that on my ex.

I don’t discriminate. All people suck, okay? Just my opinion. That’s just me. I’ve learned that through boxing. Who I thought were my friends were never really my friends. I learned that the hard way. I learned the real hard way. I learned in the school of hard knocks. I learned bullshit from fucking get go, folks. And let me tell you, boxing, boxing is the toughest business you can be in. They’re flush peddlers. And I was the hoe to the pimps, and that’s just the way it was. And I learned how this I learned from a very, very young age.

The real world, folks. Remember, I was raised on the border. I was raised in El Paso, Texas, going back and forth to the what, the most dangerous city in the world. See that? Juarez. I got my wits about me, folks. I know what’s going on. I know who I know bullshit when I see it. And a lot of you going to sit here and say, oh, well, why do you have this person on? Why do you have that person on? Why do you have this? Because I lay it out for you all to play it out, folks.

And there’s some people that you hate that I like. I’m not gonna say it, but there’s agitators. And I’m gonna read you an excerpt right now. An excerpt right now of why this is so important and whether you believe it to be tinfoil hat shit or not. Listen up. Listen up to this because I want you to really digest this, what I’m about to lay out for you all. Yeah, I’m on it today. I’ve had some strong coffee. I shaved a little bit. I got rid of the gray whiskers. I was sick of looking old. I was looking in the mirror and I was going, fuck, what’s going on here? This is happening really fast.

So we told you it’s about to get scarier and scarier as we go, as they go in for full control. And as we, as we come into November, it’s gonna get scared. They’re going for full power. Full control, folks. Oh, wow. Finally someone gave it the super chat. Thank you very much, Bonnie Blackwood. A body from the block. All right, we haven’t even hit the climax yet. Let me repeat this. We have not hit the climax yet, okay? We have it. And I would appreciate if you would like and share this video. The contest is real.

We got up to 300,000. I am looking at the emails and I’m gonna pick somebody a first, second and third place. So share and like. But we’ve now hit a new phase of the game from what I’m understanding. And the new phase of the game is absolute power. I’m going to read you a paragraph right now from a scottish mason, Albert pike. And I’ve done some shows on this and, yes, I know I interrupted Susan Bladford. I understand. I get it. I get a little excited, folks. I’m sorry. Some things just get me excited. All right, so this is a paragraph that I’m gonna read from Albert pike to Manzini Mazzini.

All right? It’s a letter. Open letter. Now, I first saw this in the nineties in high school and it, it resonated with me. And I was like, ah. And I could say maybe that was really the first time I really started waking up to all this and, and really seeing it for what it is. We’re all being played. Okay, thank you so much for the super chat. So this is fluff tube. So I must phrase it. This is conspiracy. This is absolute conspiracy. This is fluff tube. So I gotta say that what I’m about to read to you is absolute conspiracy.

No proof on it. Um, but it may. I just want you to think a little bit about what I’m reading here and where we’re at in this stage of the game right now. Here is the excerpt. Excerpt about World War three from Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini. Take what you want from this. Now, he mapped out three world wars, the first and the second. Now, those two you can go back and read. But this is the third one, and that’s all I’m going to be reading to you, and you tell me if this sounds like we’re here.

The third world war must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agent tour, the agent hello of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the muslim arabic world, and political Zionism, the state of Israel, mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on the issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will be clearly to the will be, will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world. Minority of revolutionaries, agent tours, people that are agitating, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity. They’re going after Christianity, whose diastic spiritual will from that moment be without compass and direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. Do you see that happening now? The manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

And then it goes into some other things here that I don’t want to go into. But this was, I believe, 18 something. 1871. I could be wrong. 1871. 80. 118 71. Someone might want to correct me on that. But, folks, I gotta say, this is conspiracy. This is tin foil hat stuff. This is not real. This is not real. This is conspiracy. Tinfoil hat stuff. But I thought I’d bring it out to you. Just for things that make you go, hmm. All right, so as I read into my segment here, and as I go into this, I want you to keep this in mind.

I want you to really keep about what I just read to you in your mind and think, huh? Yeah. Okay. Agitators. People are out there stoking the fire. People are out there creating movements within movements and creating their own movements to stoke the fire to get you to go, yeah, I don’t like those people. Yeah. You know what? They’re to blame, or you know what? They’re to blame. Wrong. We all need to unite and come together. That’s what. That’s how we win this. We’re all the same folks. We all got the same blood coursing through our veins.

And like I said, I don’t discriminate against anybody. I fucking hate all people the same. So this is coming from me. House passes GOP anti you know what bill. And when I say anti you know what, you know what? Those certain people, that. They just can’t like that because too many people are starting to hate them. So that gives them a reason. That gives them a reason to pass bills. The more you hate a certain group of people, the more fucking bills they pass. Get it? Let me see if you get it. Do you understand that the more agitators that are out there causing you to dislike a group, the more bills they pass, do you not? You guys see this? That’s what’s happening right now.

So House passes GOP anti you know what bill amid college unrest. So because of the colleges, under the college unrest, which was. Wait a. Wait a minute. Who, who brought all those people here in the first place? Oh, yeah, Mister O brought all of them here a while back. For a time such as now, the House passed the anti you know what awareness act on Wednesday amid unrest in college campuses. The bill, which was introduced by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, passed 320 to 91. So the politicians are doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing.

The measure was led by Rep. Mike Lawler, Republican out of New York, who had 15 democratic co sponsors, many Republicans and Democrats, who voted against the bill. And it infringes on free speech. It requires the Department of Education to use the international, I don’t like to say, remembrance alliance working definition of anti you know what, when enforcing federal anti discrimination laws, the working definition says anti you know what is, in part, a certain perception of the J people. The J people. Oh, man, I love. Isn’t it fun playing these games with me, folks? It’s like charades.

It’s like we’re playing little, it’s like the game clue. I don’t know. You know that. I’m gonna start. I’m gonna start. I don’t know why my, no, I keep rubbing my nose. Don’t get it. No, I’m not, I’m not doing this again. Nope. I’m still four years. I’m coming up on four years, five months sober. But I don’t know why my nose is itching. I’m gonna start playing board games, folks. I think I’m gonna, I’m gonna go back to playing board games. I want to do something like, I want to feel that what I used to feel as a kid, you, you know, do you guys remember playing board games at the table with your family and how you would all just come together and it was just, just felt really good and like everyone was laughing and shouting and that’s what I want to go back to that.

I’m going to start doing that. I think this technology is cutting us all off. Killing human connection. Anyway, several Democrats took issue with the alliance’s definition of anti you know what and some of the contemporary examples on anti you know what listed by the group. Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who is a J person, said he took issues with the bill because it would put the, put the thumb on the scale in favor of the definition of anti you know what and could chill constitutionally protected free speech. Nadler voted against the bill. So good for you, Nadler.

Good for you. The definition of anti you know what has been fraught, especially in the ongoing protests at colleges and the universities across the country in connection with the war in Gaza. Student protesters critical of the israeli government’s military actions in Gaza have continued to face accusations of anti you know what as politicians from across the ideological spectrum react to the widening demonstrations in college campuses. The House’s vote came as those college protests rage on. Many pro palestinian protesters are calling for their colleges to divest of funds from Israel military operations. While some J students on the campuses.

You like I’m doing this. The J people. Oh, boy. On the campus as well as the elected officials have called the protest anti you know what? Said they are scared for their safety. So let’s enact more laws, more push through. More laws, more laws. And as they stoke the fire, more and more, folks, this was just, this is the perfect storm. This is the perfect storm. How did they do this? Ask yourself, how did they accomplish this? It took decades to do this, folks. I’m just opening your eyes. All of you see this. All of you.

My audience knows what’s up. You all know what’s up. You love Scrabble. I do too. I used to make up words and be like, look it up in the dictionary. Look up. It’s there. And it was never there. Sometimes I would get lucky and I’d be like, yes, Saudi Arabia to start arresting anyone who comments against Israel. Are you serious? Hey, how do you guys like that? He just had that guy on my show. Are you serious? What’s his name? Paul. Paul Bat. Paul Bagley or something. That Saudi Arabia to start arresting anyone who comments against Israel on social media.

Bloomberg reports. So Saudi Arabia has stepped up the arrest of citizens has stepped up the arrest for citizens of citizens for social media. Posts related to the Israel Israel war as the kingdom signals a readiness to agree to diplomatic relations with the J people state. The article says, anyone who dares to insult Netanyahu, Yahoo. Goes to jail. Now, how you like that? Biden signs Ukraine aid tick tock ban bills after republican battle WAshINGTOn, President Joe Biden signed a hard fraud fought bill. He signed a hard fought bill into law on Wednesday that provides billions of dollars to the new us aid to Ukraine for its war with Russia, notching a rare bipartisan victory for the president as he seeks re election and ending months of ringling with Republicans in Congress.

It gives the support to America’s partners so they can defend themselves from the threats to their sovereignty, folks. Threats to their sovereignty. Russia is a threat. The social media platform is particularly popular in the left leaning young Americans and group crucial to Biden’s victory in November. Biden and Democrat. Oh yeah, so it says. Biden also signed a separate bill tied to the legislation that bands tick tock, Barry, tick tock. In the United States, if its owner, the chinese tech firm Bite Ben Soul. See, folks, I make fun of everybody, okay? Nobody escapes the wrath of Rodriguez, okay? I even make a fun of myself.

I make a lot of fun of myself. So that ended when the Republican controlled House and representatives abruptly changed course and approved four bills that included funding for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and other us partners. We’re funding the whole fucking war. We’re funding all of them, folks. All your tax dollars, all of it is being used right now. Right now. Just spread out, okay? None of this shit’s going here. None of this going to our border at all. We’re just sending it out abroad. All our money’s just going. But understand this, they’re in the confines of America, Inc.

They’re in a sandbox picture Biden in a sandbox making a mess. We have the perimeter surrounded and we’re watching him make this mess in the sandbox. So let him take down the whole fucking thing, folks. Let him do it. Better him do it than Mister T. This can’t happen on Mister T’s watch. Do I make sense? I hope I do. So as this. As all of this happens, what the fuck just happened? And let’s go into this. They literally just passed a law that makes parts of the Bible illegal. Question mark. Yeah, for example, Bible passages that state that the jew people.

I said it. Fuck what they did to Jesus. Well, Mike Johnson proclaimed, Christian a Christian is changing things up, folks. And let me get into this right now. This is crazy. And you got to remember, all these people have dual citizenship with Israel. So Republicans voting for bill that could make Bible illegal. Outrages Maga. So MAGA conservatives voiced outrage at congressional republicans voting for the anti you know what awareness act over concerns it would make the Bible illegal. Congress on Wednesday passed the bill, which require the Department of Education to use the International Remembrance Alliance. I don’t want to say that word.

Working attention of anti you know what. When enforcing anti discrimination laws, it comes as colleges across the United States have seen pro Palestine protests that critics say at times have allegedly veered into anti you know what. So as long as that fire is stoking, right, as long as people agit agitators, and by the way, paid agitators are coming onto these campuses, beta agitators are starting movements to get people to say, you know what, I don’t like those people. And let me tell you, folks, I even have them on my show. I even bring them on Ninos Corner tv.

One of them is Dustin. Right. But Dustin, I don’t think is an agitator. This guy really believes what he believes. So, you know, I let him have the floor and get his point across. You know, a lot of my audience likes listening to him, but I have a different perspective on all this. I have my own opinions. So anti you know, what is a certain perception of the J people, which may be expressed as hatred toward the jays rhetoric and physical manifestations of anti, you know, what are directed toward the J people or non J people? Individuals and or their property toward the J people.

The bill drew bipartisan criticism on both Democrats and Republicans voting against it. Critics argue the bill, if signed into law, stiffles, stifles free speech that is protected by the US constitution and is overly broad in its definition of anti you know what, pointing to the definition, including claiming that the existence of this state, of the state of you know what is a racist endeavor. Some conservatives are taking issue with the bill over the IHRA definition of anti you know what, including claims of the J people killing Jesus, arguing that it could mean that parts of the Bible would now become illegal.

Oh, boy, they stoke in this fire, folks. I’m only. That’s what this whole segment is about today, people stoking the fire. Beware of the agitators. I don’t give a shit how charismatic they are. And I’m gonna. Charismatic guy. But I’m gonna tell you right, I hate right now. I hate all people the same, okay? I don’t select any group of people. I just go, you suck, you suck, you suck and you suck. But there are people out there right now, and I’m just telling you this, that are being brought in to agitate. Go back to what I read about Albert Albert Pike.

Columbia goes remote after campus arrests Columbia is making all classes and final exams remote due to concerns over any evol evolved over an evolving campus environment, the university said in a letter on Wednesday. The big picture, the shift in the final days of the semester comes after more than 100 pro Palestine protesters were arrested at the university on Tuesday and the biggest escalation yet of the Ivy League school’s response to demonstrations over the Israel Hamas war. The arrests were preceded by protesters barricading entrances of the university building, which leadership warned would result in their expulsion. The following move to suspend students refusing to leave their encompassing camp and on campus.

And Catman, you know, this would be a godsend for me if I went to these universities. I didn’t really go to college. I went a couple semesters and I was like, not for me. I’m gonna go get punched in the head for a living. That’s what I decided to do. Israel Terra Victor Sue Anti you know what campus groups for aiding Hamas. Okay, what? So here we go with the lawsuits. Law fair israeli victims of Hama October 7 terrorist spree are the suing too anti you know what campus groups alleging they are partially liable for the attack due to the role of as collaborators and propagandists for so.

The lawsuit, filed in us district court Wednesday seeks damages for nine american and israeli victims of Hamas is unprecedented terror assault. It targets two campus umbrella groups, American Muslims and Palestine, and national students for justice in Palestine, that are responsible for fomenting a tidal wave of anti you know what protests on college campuses across the country. So let’s follow the money, folks. Let’s all follow the money right now, and I’m going to tell you right now, who’s funding them? Who’s funding these groups, these agitators, these paid agitators? So paid agitators are on the rise. Says right here, I’m not making this up.

What you know about outside agitators? What to know about outside agitators cops say are co opted. Columbia protests, you don’t say, huh? That would make a lot of sense from what I just read earlier. Go back and listen to the program in the beginning, it all makes sense. I’m putting all these pieces of the puzzle together for you. Protests at Columbia University against the Israel Hamas war in Gaza have been allegedly co opted by what New York police say officials described as professional outside agitators bent on sowing chaos and violence. Top police brass and protesters affiliated with Columbia University have been escalating the violence.

There you go. On Thursday morning, the NYPD said a preliminary analysis of the 282 people arrested Tuesday night at Columbia and the City College of New York, 47% we’re not even affiliated with the school, folks. There you go. There you have it. 47% we’re not even affiliated with Columbia University. And my timer is about to go off. Oh, boy. I’ll wait till it goes off. It’s about to go up any second. Who? Yeah. Here comes the next commercial, folks. Don’t go anywhere. Here we go. I’m just gonna do it. Bing. All right, folks. Gut cleanse protocol.com Nino, I’m gonna see my fucking viewers drop.

All right. Speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by potential toxin that’s in all of your, quote, healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time. And this potential toxin causes digestive issues. According to doctor Gundry, a world renowned cardiologists, this is affecting millions of people nationwide. Warning signs include weight gain and fatigue and digestive discomfort. We all get some of that. And stiff joints, even skin problems. These are due to toxins in your bloodstream and in your tissues. I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these healthy foods that you think are healthy and it’s far from normal.

The good news is you can easily help fix this problem from your own home. It’s very simple. You just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which contain this hidden potential toxin. So you go find it yourself at gut cleanse protocol.com. Nino. Gut cleanse protocol. Calm slash Nino get started. It’s in the link below. Hit the link below, folks, to get started cleaning out your gut, your filthy gut. All right, let’s get back to this swedish police approved Quran burning. Do you see how this is happening everywhere right now, folks? Do you see how this is just picking a base.

Agitation. Agitation. Keep the agitators going. So this is all desired, folks. This is all desired. To stoke the fire further and further and further. So swedish police approve? They approve. Okay. They’re approving this. Why would they do that? Why would they approve? Koran burning event and Malmo ahead of Eurovision. So authorities in Malmo, Sweden, I hope I said that right, have granted permission for a Quran burning event scheduled to take place tomorrow. Why would they do that? Why would you say, that’s okay? Why would you just disrespect any people or their religion? Say that? Oh, that’s fine, we can do that.

Do you see what they’re doing, folks? Stoking the fire. Stoking the fire. And everybody’s in on this as far as I can see, a Quran burning event scheduled to take place tomorrow igniting concerns of a potential unrest in division within the community. Igniting. They listen to the words they use here. Igniting concerns over potential unrest and division within the community. Unrest and division. Igniting unrest and division. See what they’re doing? But they’re going to allow this to happen. Why? Because they want the igniting of unrest and division. The demonstration set to occur in Gustav Autolyst street between three and 06:00 p.m.

Swedish time has raised alarm bells among local residents and officials alike. Really? You don’t say? Folks, take a moment to please, like and share this video far and wide. Share it like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving. Iran’s access of resistance claims new front against Israel, a militia base in the arab island nation of Bahrain. Did I say that right? Bahran, angel warrior. Thank you. And Bahrain has claimed its first ever attack on Israel, marking that would be a fifth front open by forces of the Iran aligned axis of resistance coalition since the beginning of the nearly seven month old war in the.

It’s already been seven months. It’s already been seven months, this war. The group known as the Al Haste and styling itself as the islamic resistance of Bahrain issued a statement Thursday announcing that it had targeted the headquarters of the israeli company truck net Enterprises, said to be said to be responsible for land, transportation and the zionist entity in the southern Israel port city of also called so. All right, border news, let’s get to some border news. Florida passes a law requiring hospitals to publicize the cost of unpaid care for illegals and the reports thus far show that the loss to the state’s hospitals is a massive 566 million just in 2024.

And we just started in 2024, folks. The taxpayers are picking up much of that loss. So, yeah, you’re gonna pay for it. You guys remember the border agents on the. On the horseback that falsely accused of whipping migrants in Texas now are awarded. They’re given awards for their service. One of the border parole agents falsely accused of whipping migrants at the border in Texas and chastised by President Biden himself, has now been given an award by the same government. The agent, whose name has been withheld since the September 2021 incident to protect his identity, received a Border Patrol achievement award.

Really? Oh, boy. From the legacy from the agency. Thursday morning, a Department of Homeland Security DHS source told the Post the agent was recognized for his intelligence work on human smuggling cases. They added the agent was one of the five photographed on horseback during the incidents. Do you guys remember this? I do. Where they were accused of whipping haitian migrants at the riverbank in Del Rio, Texas, while trying to control members of a crowd of roughly 14,000 people crossing into the US illegally. So I remember seeing this picture and it was a picture of the. This guy riding a horse and there’s this black haitian guy.

Ah, there’s. And just the way the. The rope was hanging off the horse or whatever it was, the mouthpiece, it looked just like. It did look like he was whipping up. It fucked up, but it did look like that. So they took that picture, plastered it all over MSM and ran with it. Some states looking to drop electoral college for popular vote. What do you guys feel about this? There’s a push taking place at the state level to end the current form of the electoral college system in national elections and to replace it with a popular vote.

There’s now a movement of 17 states and the District of Columbia, of course, Washington, DC, to go along with this proposed change. If enacted, this could represent a fundamental shift in how America’s elections are decided. And, you know, if DC’s in on it, it ain’t good. Breaking news. California’s Long beach declared a public health emergency after a tuberculosis outbreak left one person dead and nine others hospitalized. So where would the tuberculosis be coming from? Oh, I think I know. A southern border. Elon Musk promises to lift x band on neo Nazi leader controversial billionaire and ex owner Elon Musk vowed to allow avowed neo Nazi Nick put this back into his platform on Thursday with this.

The leader of the so called. I don’t want to say this word I don’t want to even read that. Has been banned from the platform since 2021 and is infamous for his violent, bigoted rhetoric. What was I saying before? I think I almost got Nick on my show not too long ago, but he wanted to be on YouTube, and he’s like, do you have the balls to put it on YouTube? Something like that. Come on my show, buddy. Let’s talk. Let’s make. I want to see. I want to see who you are. I want to see who you are.

I want to see what your purpose is. I want to see if you’re not an agitator. I’d like to see that. I’m open to whatever you have to say. I’m 1ft in, 1ft out with you, buddy. 1ft in, 1ft out with you. So prove me wrong, because I kind of feel, I don’t know, that you could be agitating things a little bit, pouring gas on the fire, if you know what I’m saying. So come on my show. Let’s talk about it. I’m not saying you. I kind of. I’m going that direction, but let’s talk about it.

I’d like to have you on my show if you’re willing. And obviously, it can’t go on YouTube. Can’t go on fluff tube. Can’t go on the fluff tube. But, um. And I’ll keep it clean, man. I’m not gonna throw it a. I won’t throw any cheap shots, you know, I’ll keep it clean. Hey, yo, prove me wrong. I just want to know what. What, uh, where you’re coming from. That’s it, man, because there’s a lot of agitators out there right now, and I don’t know, you’re kind of falling into that category to me. So let’s see.

I don’t know, folks. Look, I like to be proven wrong, and if. If I’m proven wrong, I’ll be. I’ll happily say, good. You changed my mind. That’s all I needed to see. That’s all I wanted to see. And I’m out. Let. Thank you. Peace. Give me a thumbs up if you agree with what I just said right now. I’m just curious how my audience sees this. Interprets everything I’m saying. Give me a thumbs up. You know? Please, folks, let me know that if I’m. What I’m laying down, you’re picking up. I don’t know. I don’t know if you are.

Yeah. All right, cool. So you guys are on board with what I’m saying? Okay, cool, cool, cool. All right, I can work with this. I can work with this. See? All right, cool. All right, let’s get to flying is now, to me, russian roulette. I don’t like to fly. Okay. I don’t like flying on airlines. I like to take little hops and skips, you know, I’ll go to Austin, Phoenix, California, sometimes on southwest, but the greyhound in the sky. You’re flying the greyhound in the sky. Packed in a plane like sardines. Every plane, every fucking seat sucks.

And then, of course, I always have to sit next to the big lady that needs the extension on her seatbelt, and she always takes the middle seat, you know? All right, so second Boeing whistleblower dies suddenly after claiming safety flaws were ignored. Pinky, Luciano, a nino, any chance of you and Jim Brewer hooking up? That dude is. Yeah, I’ve been on. I’ve had shows with him. I’ve done two shows with Jim brewer. I’ll reach out to him again. You know, we’ll see what’s going on. A whistleblower who has accused Boeing of ignoring safety flaws in the 737 Max airplanes has died.

Joshua Dean, a former spirit aero systems quality auditor, claimed he was fired for flagging concerns about lax standards at the company’s manufacturing plant in Wichita, Kansas. He suddenly died. He just suddenly died at the age of 45 on Tuesday after suffering from a fast spreading infection, according to his family and lawyer. A fast spreading infection, huh? I don’t know. Dean’s lawyer, Bryant Brian now’s, said it was a loss to the aviation community. And it’s flying public. Yeah, I’ll say. I don’t like flying. I don’t like flying. I feel like. I don’t know, I’m trusting these two guys.

I don’t know, flying the plane. I’ve know they’re low. I know they have absolutely lowered their standards and everything now, and they’ve all been this, so I don’t even know if their iqs the same anymore. So I don’t know. I don’t. I don’t like to fly. I don’t like to fly. I look at it like, ah, yeah, maybe I’ll. I’ll drive instead. I’ve been driving to most places. I like driving because at least I’m on the ground and I know what you’re gonna say. I already know what you’re gonna say. It’s a lot more dangerous. And, yeah, it is, but at least I feel like I have some kind of control.

I don’t know. Exclusive women are reporting ozempic breasts while taking weight loss drugs. Folks, if you’re taking ozempic, beware. Go at your own risk on this one, because I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Ozempic. I’ve heard it paralyze, it can paralyze your guts and then you can’t go to the bathroom. I mean, there’s certain folks, I’ve heard horror stories on ozempic, but plastic surgeons say that rapid weight loss can also cause the breast to sag. Ozempic users have opened up about experiencing shifts in breast size. Ozempic has already been linked to a host of bizarre bodily changes, including sagging skin and sunken in cheeks that just become a vegan.

You’ll get. You’ll get that. God, look, in no time, everyone I know, and I know, I know, there’s probably vegans on here, oh, my God, he’s gonna be talking about us. Yes, I am. Remember, I hate all people the same. The vegan movement, to me, is just another one of these movements, if you know what I’m saying. And me personally, I love red meat. I love Red Meat. I love red meat. I like deep red meat. Nothing tastes better to me than a greasy cheeseburger with onions. I love in and out. I love what? I love whataburger.

Let me see right now. I want to take a quick poll. Whataburger? I have to say whataburger. Whataburger or in and out, which one’s better? Let’s take a poll right now. Which one’s better between whataburger and in and out. Come on, come on. In and out. In and out. Ooh. Whataburger. Whataburger. Water. In and out. Ooh, it’s even. It’s even. It’s even, man. You know, I’ve always I. But, yeah, it’s even. I gotta say, I love whataburger. I like crave whataBurger. The double Patty with cheese. I love whataburger, but I even have whataburger shirts. Okay? I like whatever bird, but shit, I don’t get in and out enough.

I don’t get in and out enough. Have you guys ever eaten at Chico’s tacos in El Paso? Have any of you ever eaten at Chico’s chico tacos in El Paso? Have you ever had a chico tacos? Now I’ll put chico’s tacos against in and out. I’ll put Chico’s tacos against whataburger any day of the week. The only problem with chico’s tacos, it ain’t fun when it comes out. Ah, chico’s tacos. I don’t know. Chico’s tacos. If you ever go through El Paso, make sure you stop at chico Tico tacos. Get your chico tacos. Basically they’re underwater tacos with cheese on them and like a pizza sauce, a tomato sauce with post conqueso and they’re really good.

Okay, buizza rosso. All right. So ozempic has already been linked to host of bizarre bodily changes including sagging skin and sunken in cheeks. But now women are reporting side effects dubbed ozempic breasts, which when their boobs either shrink or balloon in size, I don’t know, they balloon in size. Doctors say the former is to be expected because if someone loses weight, fat tissue in the breasts also diminish, making them smaller in size. But that later is more surprising to excerpts. One line of thinking is that hormonal functions in the body cause temporary breast swelling in the or tenderness.

Another theory is that as people become skinnier, their breasts simply appear bigger. So wow. Still, dozens of women’s have been left feeling disappointed or pleasantly surprised due to the phenomenon. So you could either lose your breasts or they can go up and they can balloon. So use at your own risk Britney Spears let’s talk a little bit about Britney Spears and her mental breakdowns. Britney Spears sparks mental health crisis concern man, I gotta tell you, ah, it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth it. Being faith, not being a child star and brought up into this industry? Hell no.

I just don’t see how it’s worth it. So Britney Spears sparks mental health crisis concerns as chateau Marmont Marmont Marmont in LA. As Barefoot star is pictured wrapped in blanket and attended to by emergency services. In scene reminiscent of her 2008 breakdown, Spears, who’s 42 years old, which I didn’t know she was 42. She’s already 42. 42 years old. Wow. Britney Spears was seen clad in her underwear, clutching a pillow and appearing distressed. A man wield a stretcher with the stars belongings on it with a fire truck. Also seen it has been claimed Spears and felon x Paul Richard Saltz got into a huge fight Britney Spears sparked mental health crisis concerned at the Chateau Marmont Marmont in the early hours of Thursday morning as shock photos showed the barefoot star wrapped in a blanket being escorted out to emergency services.

In scenes reminiscent of her 2008 Brit meltdown, Spears, 42, who was sparked increasingly concerned with her recent behavior and has claimed to be completely dysfunctional has been seen clad in her underwear, clutching a pillow and appearing distressed after she left the hotel. Folks, I’m going to be covering a little more entertainment news because I’m kind of finding this. It’s kind of like a byproduct of what’s. What’s happening right now. Watching the entertainment industry squirm and lose their fucking minds for what’s coming. I don’t know. I take great joy in. So it’s kind of like how Kat Williams came out and, like, threw the first stone.

And I actually, you know what, folks? I did. And I don’t get credit for that. I’m the one that came out with the first viral video talking about, you know what, in 2020, when nobody else was. Nobody, nobody Isaac happy. But other than that, it wasn’t going viral. The video I hit, boom. A shot to the nuts. And I wasn’t expecting it, nor did I plan it. I could never have planned anything like that. And here I am today. So it’s kind of weird how this happened for me, folks. You guys, do you guys, did you guys find me from the first viral video? Is that how you guys found me? Or was it through my podcast here? Because I don’t even know.

It’s kind of weird. Like when you were in the tortoise, the tornado, you don’t know what’s going on, but people from the outside looking in know what’s going on. Was it that Alex Jones? Is what Alex. I love Alex Jones. Croaking. Yeah. Yeah. But the video I did went bananas. Found you on the. Yep, yep, yep. Yes, yes, yes. That. That really. That’s how you guys, a lot of you found me, huh? On. I did not plan on that. I did not coordinate that in any kind of way. Yeah, you know what? That’s true. Liz. Liz has been busy on this stuff, too.

Liz is. Liz is deep in this stuff, and I commend her. You’re right. That’s correction. Liz as well. Hundred percent Liz. Yeah. All right, folks, double header in what the fuck news? In what the fuck news? In what the fuck news, folks, please share this video far and wide. Take a second to just share it, please. And I know you all get pissed off with all the ads playing from fluff tube. Nothing I can do about that. I don’t. I don’t know how to stop that. So double header, folks. What the fuck news. And what the fuck news.

And what the fuck news? Zombies are here and we know they are. Silence of the Lambs is an actual reality. Whoever thought Buffalo Bill would be like the norm. Remember how creepy that movie was? Silence of the lambs. I remember watching that thinking to myself, holy shit, there are probably people like that. And I would say in my mind, probably people like that in this world. And now they’re everywhere. They’re roaming the streets openly. They can all came out of their basements possessed. Murder suspect eight man’s face and eyeball and his ear after killing him. A man has been accused of killing a convenience store customer by eating his fucking face.

It didn’t say fucking, but is eating his face. In Las Vegas, Colin Scheck, 29, reportedly tackled Kenneth Brown to the ground on Las Vegas Boulevard near Charleston Boulevard just before 05:00 a.m.. Sunday. This is morning breakfast. I guess you had to get his protein. CB’s Austin reported that a 711 employee told police a man had punched a customer in the parking lot before tackling the man and smashing his head on the concrete. About 45 minutes later, police received another call from witnesses reporting a man fitting the same description now at a bus stop eating another man’s face.

The victim, identified by the broadcaster as Kenneth, was taken to the hospital having sustained a large cut out of his face and missing an eye and an ear. He was later pronounced deceased. Whoa. He died from this? By medical personnel, the police added. Officers found check with biological matter in his hair, mouth and on his clothing. According to arrest documents obtained by CB’s affiliate KLAS. He claimed he was homeless, had been awake for five days straight because he was possessed and that Kenneth had attacked him. He used his teeth to eat Kenneth’s eyeballs and ears, he told detectives, the documents say.

Appearing today in Las Vegas Justice Court this morning, checks lawyer told Judge Amy Shellan that he believes check is incompetent to stand trial. I’ll say better make sure he has a full stomach. Jeez. Let’s have some good news, some feel good news for what the fuck news. Orangutan amazing orangutan shows incredible human like behavior in worlds first. So check that. And so I have a theory about this. In Disney’s the Jungle Book, the orangutan King Louie famously sings how much he wants to be like young human mogul. I don’t know that. Now it seems that real apes are even more like people than previously thought.

In an incredible world’s first a an orangutan and male orangutan has been seen repeatedly treating his wound using medical plants. The wild male male sumatran orangutan known as ruckus, has been chewing leaves and applying the SAP to a wound on his face. He then smeared the chewed up leaves over the injury like a gauze. The plant a car. Kooning has anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties. It is used in traditional medicine to treat conditions including diabetes, dysentery and malaria. So here’s my thoughts on this. If evolution did occur, which I I’m 1ft in, 1ft out, but I believe, I believe in a creator and I believe we were perfectly created, maybe a little modified here and there, I don’t know.

But I do think spontaneous evolution could happen in which, meaning that, which means this, given arena tang and orangutan, some DMT, given orangutane, some psychedelics, and maybe, just maybe spontaneous evolution right there, I’m just betting our primitive ancestors came, came across psychedelics. Is that so hard to believe? If an orangutan is treating his wound with a medicinal plant, maybe we came across some mushrooms and it piqued our curiosity and consciousness and I don’t know, maybe that’s how we went to the next level. If that, if that happened. I’m not saying it happened, but it’s a good theory.

Like I said, giants to me and all the other species that are now being caught on camera and bones are being discovered, ah, that there’s a huge monkey wrench and evolution for me. All right, folks, I’m out of here. Fuck them all on Patriot where Patriot wear calm. Get your fuck them all shirt. I’m gonna go jump onto some entertainment news right now and see what’s going on. All right, folks, I’m out of here. Share this video far and wide. Like, like, please help me beat the algorithm and thank you for getting me to 300,000 subs.

That’s pretty cool. It was a lot of hard work, a lot of hard work. So thank you very much. Get rid of Ann Coates and coats. Grifter grip. Grifter. Why? Because I had to put food on the table, that’s why. Should I do an onlyfans? Would you be happy with that? Those masturbating on camera, would that make you happier with that? Would I not be in the. Would I not be a grifter? I was jerking off on camera. Makes sense. Okay. All right, folks, I’m out of here. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting, kick all those trolls out later..


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