Mon 6May24 The David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight show discusses the issue of censorship, particularly around the topic of vaccines. The host, David, expresses his frustration about his content being taken down from Vimeo for allegedly spreading false information about vaccines. He criticizes the control of speech and information by platforms and the government, arguing that it’s a form of war against free speech. He also mentions the controversy around the anti-semitism act and criticizes the Southern Baptist religious Liberty ethics board for their stance on vaccines.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, the impact of COVID-19 vaccines, and the enforcement of mask-wearing. It shares personal stories of health issues following vaccination and criticizes the lack of transparency and honesty from authorities. The author also expresses frustration with the perceived suppression of free speech and religious freedom, and the influence of big corporations on public health policies.
➡ The text discusses the controversy surrounding the states’ actions that are perceived as infringing on the constitution and the Bill of Rights. It also highlights the debate over religious liberty, free speech, and anti-semitism, with specific reference to the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. The text criticizes certain individuals and groups for their stance on these issues, arguing that they are betraying their principles. It also discusses the ethics of war, comparing past and present military strategies and their impact on civilian populations.
➡ The text discusses the use of power and control in various situations, such as war and government decisions. It criticizes the use of nuclear bombs on civilian populations and the ongoing funding of wars. It also discusses the role of religion and ethics in government decisions, highlighting concerns about censorship and the potential for legislation against so-called hate speech. The text ends by emphasizing the importance of free speech and the role of money in influencing decisions.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the influence of Israel on American politics and the potential threat to freedom of speech. It criticizes a bill that could limit criticism of Israel, arguing that it could infringe on constitutionally protected speech. The author also expresses frustration with Christian leaders who support war and violate their oaths. Lastly, the author warns against a future where quoting the Bible could be illegal, citing a case in Finland where a politician was prosecuted for expressing her religious views on homosexuality.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including criticisms of Trump, the Holocaust, and the Armenian genocide. It also touches on the issue of free speech, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the role of lobbyists in politics. The author criticizes the Israeli government and Hamas, and expresses concern over the lack of attention to the ongoing issues in Armenia.
➡ The text criticizes Netanyahu’s disregard for the Israeli people and his focus on geopolitical gains. It also discusses the controversial role of the Department of Education in pushing certain ideologies and censoring others. The author criticizes politicians for not advocating for the elimination of the Department of Education due to its corrupting influence. The text also criticizes the lack of free speech in Israel and the influence of Israel on U.S. politics.
➡ The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is being criticized for its potential to infringe on free speech and religious beliefs. Critics argue that the act, which aims to criminalize anti-Semitic speech, could be used to suppress criticism of the Israeli government and penalize Christians for their religious beliefs. There are concerns that the act’s vague language could lead to misuse and that it could set a dangerous precedent for limiting free speech. Some also argue that the act is being used for political gain rather than to genuinely combat anti-Semitism.
➡ The article discusses concerns about free speech, particularly on college campuses, and the influence of foreign governments on American politicians. It criticizes laws that limit criticism of the Israeli government and suggests that such laws could suppress protected speech. The author argues that the love of money is leading politicians to betray American values and that the First Amendment is under threat. The article also mentions the influence of the World Economic Forum and the potential misuse of funds.
➡ The text discusses the debate between investing in gold and bitcoin. The author prefers gold due to its physical nature and long history, viewing bitcoin as more speculative and risky. The author also warns about the spread of false news on social media, which he believes is a threat to democracy. He encourages support for his show, which aims to provide truthful news free from corporate influence.
➡ The article discusses various topics, including climate change, political views, and the COVID-19 vaccine. It criticizes the idea of punishing companies for climate change and expresses skepticism towards both Trump and Biden. The article also discusses the negative side effects some people have experienced from the COVID-19 vaccine, highlighting the story of a woman who suffered brain damage. It criticizes the lack of compensation for those affected and suggests that the truth about the vaccine’s side effects is being suppressed.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the reporting and handling of adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccines. It mentions that the system for reporting these effects is difficult to navigate and that many cases may go unreported due to red tape and professional intimidation. The text also shares personal experiences of individuals who have experienced adverse effects after receiving the vaccine, including medical professionals. It criticizes the lack of action and transparency from health agencies and calls for more thorough investigation into these issues.
➡ Vaccines are designed to train our immune system to fight diseases. However, there are concerns about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, with some people experiencing severe symptoms. Despite these concerns, the medical community often dismisses these symptoms, leading to frustration and mistrust. There are also legal issues surrounding the vaccine, particularly regarding its use in children and the pharmaceutical companies’ immunity from legal action.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines, with a focus on mRNA vaccines. It mentions a prediction by a former Gates Foundation scientist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bosch, who warns of a possible significant increase in illness and death in highly vaccinated populations. The text also discusses theories about the involvement of various organizations in the pandemic and vaccine development, and suggests that the consequences of the vaccines could lead to economic and social chaos.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential collapse of hospitals and societal chaos, criticizes political figures, and expresses concern over the effects of vaccines. They also discuss the potential benefits of declining populations in developed countries, suggesting that advancements in robotics and AI could improve living standards. The speaker also mentions the deaths of vaccinated individuals and animals, implying a connection to the vaccines. Lastly, they express skepticism about the bird flu scare and emphasize the importance of protecting children from harm, including vaccines and traditional schooling.
➡ The article discusses concerns about bird flu, questioning the methods used to detect it and the focus on certain animals over others. The author suggests that the USDA, FDA, and CDC are not aligned in their approach, and questions why the USDA is focusing on cows and milk rather than birds and eggs. The author also doubts the validity of PCR tests used to detect bird flu, suggesting they can find almost anything if amplified enough. The article concludes by suggesting that the focus on bird flu is not about health risks, but about controlling food supply.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the centralization of the food supply, with a focus on meat and dairy. It suggests that the USDA is imposing restrictions on the movement of dairy cattle and discouraging the consumption of raw milk as part of a plan to control food processing. The article also mentions the testing of potential bird flu vaccines for poultry, following an outbreak that has led to the death of millions of birds. The author expresses skepticism about the severity of the situation, suggesting that it is being used as a cover story to justify these changes.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the CDC’s warning of a potential bird flu pandemic, suggesting it’s fear-mongering. It also questions the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty and the Senate’s potential response. The text criticizes the lack of transparency in reporting vaccine-related issues and expresses concern about censorship and free speech, particularly in relation to the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of personal hygiene in preventing diseases.


Using free speech to free minds. You’re listening to the David Knight show as the clock strikes 13. It’s Monday, the 6 May year of our Lord 2024. Well, today we’re going to begin with some new censorship, as we’ve told you, we were on rock Fenn. But of course, that is dependent on a Vimeo channel, which has now been flagged because I told the truth about vaccines. They’re not over with this stuff, folks. And I’m not going to bow to any of this stuff. And so we’re going to talk about that as well as this anti semitism act that is running through.

It’s amazing to me to see people’s reactions to this, especially the southern baptist religious Liberty ethics board or whatever it is. These are the same people who are pushing the vaccines with Francis Collins. Yeah, big surprise there, isn’t it? We’ll be right back. Well, as we’ve had the Roku channel just for a few weeks, how long has it been, Travis? About three or four weeks, I guess. You know, we’ve told people about it. I asked people to promote it because there’s not really too many places I can go without being censored. And now this was set up.

Now, eventually the people were doing the Roku channel that we paid and spent a lot of time on this, as a matter of fact, a lot of time, a lot of Travis’s time, a lot of Karen’s time and a lot of money to us to get this thing put on, dependent on it being hosted in the interim on Vimeo. Well, we’ll see how this works. And so we got this message. This is your video from Thursday. It’s been taken down. Got this on Friday. Because we talked about vaccines. We do not permit content that makes false or misleading claims about vaccination safety.

Oh, yes, you do. You have stuff from the CDC and Fauci all the time. You still got stuff. That’s a lie out there. That is a lie. Who are you to say what’s true and false? This is what I have a problem with, with censorship, folks. If we don’t get this censorship thing right, you know, I don’t really, when we look at this anti semitism stuff from Israel, who are they to say what I am allowed to say? You cannot have free speech if you don’t allow what you think is false and then criticize it. That’s the way that works.

If you’re going to say, well, I’m going to be the standard to decide what this is. And we all know that Vimeo is doing this for the government. They always do it indirectly. That’s our subversive government. That’s our government that actively plots to subvert the constitution. When you look at the mechanism for how they’re doing this with universities, right, it’s through the money. Oh, well, I’m not violating the first amendment because I didn’t make a law about that. Well, what you did was you made a law saying that you’re going to stop giving them money. Oh, I can do that.

Yeah, you could have. I wish you would have stopped giving the universities money a long, long time ago. But they had no problem with them when they were marxist seminaries, as they have been all of my life, when they’re actively involved in racism and hatred, actively purging out white people from the colleges, began with the Ivy League colleges. It’s now trickled down everywhere. Pretty much all this dei stuff. They had no problem with that. They had no problem with the CRT, Marxism, racism, hatred, the DEI, sexual grooming of everything. They had no problem with that. Congress still funds that, and they still will.

There’s not going to be any monitors for any of that stuff. Not at all. I tell you, you know, if we don’t get this free speech thing right, that’s the first thing they attack, right? What. What’s the first thing that dies in a war? Free speech. What’s the first thing our government went for when it went to war against us? Free speech. The COVID war, the climate, MacGuffin, all the rest of stuff. They’ve been moving towards shutting down free speech for a long time. They did it covertly, they did it overtly, and now they’re doing it in your face, in Congress.

They are at war with us. The lockdowns were sanctions. Sanctions are the first act of war. In ancient times, the sanctions would be somebody, you know, they would show up and they would barricade the city state because they didn’t have nation states, they had fortified cities. And so what they would do is they would surround the city and try to star the people out. That’s what they did with us, with Trump and with Trudeau, and with every other global leader that you can announce, uh, whatever their party, it didn’t matter. It is a war with us.

The sanctions, the attacks on free speech, always there. Excessive attacks on free speech. When they won a war, as I’ve pointed out many times, Woodrow Wilson, when he wanted to get us on World War one, on the side of the british, taking that film, the spirit of 76, throwing the guy who did it into jail, ten year sentence, gave him a massive, massive fine by today’s standards, if you adjust it for inflation, because this is before they created the Federal Reserve and destroyed the value of the dollar, but absolutely came after this guy. The Supreme Court said, that’s fine.

There’s no first amendment rights for free speech because he wanted a war. Speech is the first casualty of war. That’s the first thing they’ve gone to because they’re already at war with us. I get this article. 49% of the people think that there’s not going to be a civil war within the next five years. 41% say, yes, folks, isn’t that within. It was in the last four years it began that the civil war already. Four years in the civil war and we’re already about, let’s see, we’re fort. 16 years, 16 years in the fourth turning, right? Is that right? Yeah, I guess so.

Going back to 2008. So we’re 16 years in the fourth turning, we’re four years into the civil war, overtly declared against us, with sanctions, with censorship. It just keeps getting worse. And it’s focused on the vaccine stuff. So going back to this thing and allow anything that makes false claims about vaccination safety. Yes, you do. Or health related information has a serious potential to cause public harm. Oh, so they didn’t take any Pfizer commercials or they didn’t take any of that $250 million ad council money that was out there from Trump. Didn’t take any of that.

What a bunch of lying filth scum. At Vimeo. They’ve not purged our channel. I want you to purge our channel. Go ahead and do it, Vimeo. I dare you to. I don’t care. I don’t care if anybody sees this. I’m not going to lie for you. I’m not going to live by your lies. I’m not going to play games. You know the thing, you know that. I’ve seen people do that. I saw Pinwheel friel do that. Todd Friel, he wanted to talk about the vaccines and of course he was going to push the vaccines and he wanted to talk about the vaccines and convince people to take the vaccine against their conscience, against the constitution.

And so he wanted to stay on YouTube, because if he said vaccine, they’d probably kick him off anyway. So he’d say the thing, you know, that thing. The thing I can’t say on here. I am sick of these quizzlings. Quislings make me want to throw up. People like Todd Friel, people like and I got this guy who is the religious. The Ethics and Religious liberties Commission, Brent Leatherwood of the Southern Baptist. What a quizzling. This guy is unbelievable. What he’s telling people makes me disgusted. Oh, this is fine. You know, we’ve got this non governmental organization.

Yeah. It’s not even an unelected bureaucracy like the FDA and the CDC or the EPA or whatever. It’s not even an unelected bureaucracy is going to be dictating things to us in our life. No, this is going to be a non governmental organization. Doesn’t have anything to do even the most tenuous, you know, connection to the government. The international holocaust. I h r a. Interesting, isn’t it, that the WHO is going to try to exercise another non governmental organization is going to try to exercise control over us with the who’s I HR, international health regulations, and now we’ve got the international holocaust rules, whatever that group is called.

Unbelievable. So this is the new pattern, right? A new pattern you always wind up with. Now, I guess instead of it going to be bureaucracies that do it, federal bureaucracies, state bureaucracies, unelected people. I said, in 2020. Why do you care about Trump running for president? He turned the government over to bureaucrats. He paid them to lock you down. We’ve been run by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Why do you care about election? I don’t care about elections anymore, but I do care about this stuff. And we need to call these people out. In Tennessee, every single one of the GOP representatives, every single one of them voted to shut down our free speech and the free exercise of our religion.

Every single one of them. With this anti semitism awareness act, the triple A, every single one of these Republicans in Tennessee voted to shut that down. Well, guess what? I’m not voting for whoever, whichever one of you guys is my representative. Just amazing to me. So, let’s talk about where we are in terms of the vaccine. Here’s an update from Handy, Ems. And now Handy’s got his own substat. Did he put that in here? Well, anyway, I don’t see handy subs, and I can’t remember what is. But look for handy, you probably find him that way on substack.

He’s been sending me stuff for a long time as to kind of reports on the ground as to what he was seeing in hospitals, with patients coming in with EMS. He said a couple of updates, said, first, my friend who just had open heart surgery, myocarditis. Endocarditis. Aortic valve destroyed. Mitral valve damaged. Aortic root destroyed. Still making a slow recovery. Says he’s lost just shy of 60 pounds since January, and he wasn’t a big guy to start with. I wouldn’t recognize him had I not known him or known that this was him. His heart is functioning at only 30%, so I think he’s being set up with a congestive heart failure team.

Next, the hospital bills for two weeks. $480,000. They get their cut, don’t they? Oh, boy. Death and hospital bills, two things you can’t avoid, I guess. Death and taxes. This doesn’t include the hospital bills and doctor visits between January and April, so that’s only just the two weeks. So secondly, I’ve mentioned my partner at work whose mom took the jabs in a booster and was then diagnosed with lymphoma. I spoke with him this evening. He says his mother went to a chemotherapy appointment yesterday and began having shortness of breath. She was taken to the hospital, and ct scans showed pulmonary embolism and dvts clots in her lungs and legs.

I think she’s doing okay considering the circumstances. But when you began having pulmonary embolisms, that can change in a second. The blood clots as well as the cancer vaccinated. Third, nothing has really changed regarding the EMS stuff here. We’re still in the midst of this new normal where your younger patients are having problems we typically didn’t see in younger demographics, in numbers that we’ve not seen before 2021. I had a 41 year old experiencing a stroke just today. Sudden cardiac death is still a concern, he said. I think you’re right. I believe some people have damaged hearts and don’t know it.

Then they exert themselves like they did before. Their hearts were damaged and the heart can’t take it. The jabs are like a ticking time bomb. Things can be fine for months, then overnight you have a lifelong debilitating illness. If you’re lucky, it may be something that can be treated. But now you are a pharma customer. Well, it’s not just people who are, let’s say, 41 years old. Karen’s brother Keith has a, was just talking to a friend, was telling him his high school son, who’s excelled in sports, involved in a lot of different sports, has been just diagnosed with myocarditis.

But he said, and Keith is very concerned because he listens to this program, not through Vimeo, by the way, they can go to anyway, he said. And this is what bothers me about all this stuff. Why are people dying like this, my people perish for lack of knowledge. God said that about people spiritually, but it’s also true politically, medically, physically, all those things are true. So he said, the doctors are very positive about it, said, yeah, lots of kids have that today. They’re setting him up. Not only have they lied to him about the vaccine, not only did they give him an experimental drug when there was no pandemic, and they changed their definition of the old people.

Oh, now we got to get the young kids as well, because they might kill grandma, all the rest of this stuff. And now I guess it’s a thing to screen athletes. I’ve shown many different school jurisdictions where they do that. Perhaps that was what was happening. I don’t know if he had any symptoms of anything or he was asymptomatic. And they scanned it because he’s participating in sports. A lot of schools have now started doing that. Nobody asked why. Why is it that they started doing that? The answer is just too obvious. And yet what they’re doing is they lied to him about the pandemic, they lied to him about the vaccine.

They lied about every single thing. And now they’re telling him, go ahead. Yeah, no problem. You got Meyer credits, still play sports, whatever. They’re setting him up for a son to die. It is just absolutely beyond belief what these people are capable of. And Vimeo, you’re just like that. You’re just like that. You calculating sobs. It’s just amazing to me. Amazing. He says the ERs are a mixed bag in terms of mask wearing. Some ERs are encouraging masks by signage that says that masks are required. Conveniently place boxes of surgical masks on most countertops. They seem to be just using peer pressure at the moment instead of police pressure.

Right. We’ve seen that. We’ve seen people tackled, brutalized by the cops on the ground. We’ve seen a mob of people, some of them on horseback in Australia, grabbing a lone individual outdoors, walking for exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. This mob of cops would attack him, held him there and put a mask on him. Tried to find the clip. I’d shown that many times. I couldn’t find the clip where I’d show it to you again. I just have to describe it. But, you know, it’s, um. It’s kind of interesting to see what’s happening now with these protesters.

They love the, the mask. And so you can see this here’s a protester. Oh, she got her mask taken off. Oh, there you go. I can see the face there. Why is it that they don’t want their face shown? Well, because we’ve got people like Mark Levin and these big money jewish donators who to Ivy League schools who said, we’re going to make sure they never get any job again. They were going to work again in this country. This is my country. We own this country now. Oh, really? Really? I’m done with the cancel culture. I’m done with anybody that pushes this stuff.

I’m done with a foreign government that fleeces us of money and then fleeces us of our free speech, our free exercise of religion and our constitution. I’m done with you people and I’m done with any Republican who supports that, who panders to that. And that’s the vast majority of them, quite frankly. He says someone walks into a waiting room full of masked people and sees boxes of masks and signs everywhere saying masks required. They just automatically don their mask of shame. When are they going to make us wear the cone of shame? I mean, that that’s, you know, they could put a cone of shame on us and then maybe wouldn’t have to stay 6ft apart.

You know, it might even expand out a little bit so that, you know, you get a couple of feet between you and everybody. But hey, you know, it’s going to be going. It’d still be able to breathe at the top of. It’s open, right? You know, they got the plastic shields that they put up everywhere during the pandemic. Why don’t they put shields around our head? Is that what they’re going to do the next time? Are you going to do that? Todd Friel will tell you, you got to do that. His thing is, well, I’m not even going to say what the name of his program is.

I don’t want to give him any publicity. Just amazing. What we haven’t seen in quite some time is a hospital using their security to escort someone out of the building for refusing to wear a mask. Been there, done that. He said he’s been escorted out of the building because he wouldn’t wear a mask. So now we’ve got, you know, cops who are taking masks off of people. Isn’t that interesting? To everything? There is a season to wear a mask, to not be allowed to wear a mask. It’s just whatever your dictators say at the moment, that’s where we are at any given moment.

So, you know, when Vimeo says we do not permit content that makes false or misleading claims about vaccination, safety or health related information. Okay, well, you’ve got radical leftists saying that oil companies are committing climate murder for them. That’s hyperbole. They can’t prove it at all. I can prove that these Trump shots kill people. We’ve got lots and lots and lots of evidence. As a matter of fact, we knew they were killing people in unprecedented reactions as soon as they started rolling him out while Trump is still president. This is nothing new. This is not hyperbole.

But you got radical leftists saying all companies are committing climate murder. You think they’re going to get kicked off of Vimeo? No, no, not at all. A recent Harvard environmental Law Review article proposes prosecuting major oil companies for climate homicide and mass murder. Sounds very much like Robert F. Kennedy Junior, doesn’t it? So, you know, give them three hots and a cot, three meals in a bed in a prison for supposedly killing people by raising global temperatures, sea levels, and causing deadlier hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, heat waves, blizzards and wildfires. Total nonsense. Media outlets eagerly promoted the claim.

Soros funded prosecutors will undoubtedly be thrilled to indict ExxonMobil and other companies once they put more flash mob thieves back onto our streets. As a matter of fact, you know, I’m sure that you think that RFK Junior would revert back to his ways. He hasn’t renounced that he tried to finesse it. Well, I was talking about the company. I think we should give the death penalty to the company. Do you really? So we dont do any extraction, right? Just kill all the oil companies. How about that? Yeah, thats what you get with him. Youve got people who are double haters.

They dont like Trump or Biden. Im a triple hater. I hate all three of them. Fortunately, here in Tennessee, therell be some. I dont care about the presidential election anyway. I don’t have to scratch it out or write a name in there. I got somebody, constitution parties on the ballot here in Tennessee, by the way, Joel Skousen did not get the nomination. I thought it was a done thing, but it’s going to Randall Terry, which would be kind of interesting because Randall Terry had in the past run abortion ads on the Super bowl when he ran for president.

Hmm. That could be interesting. Of course, the Super bowl is gone now, but it should be interesting if he decides to do what that Democrat candidate did. Remember this? I showed you this progressive activist. Last year I recovered the remains of these five babies from an all term abortion center in Washington, DC. These are the faces of a genocide supported by Joe Biden and my own democratic party. We can provide for the working class and resist this extremism. I am challenging you to never vote for a pro choice Democrat again. I’m Teresa Bukovinak, pro life Democrat, running for president of the United States, and I approve this message.

Yeah, again, she is a radical leftist, but she’s got that there. I wonder if Randall Terry will do that with Operation Rescue. As a matter of fact, I don’t know. It was operational. Rescue was around before I really got involved in the pro life thing. I remember hearing a lot of stuff, but, you know, I don’t trust anything that heard the mainstream media. But their confrontational tactics were the reason they have this face act here. Not that it justifies the face act again, you know, these are people who are not violent with anybody. It really, the face act is really about shutting down free speech.

But even the New York Times, Vimeo, even the New York Times, Vimeo is talking about vaccine harm. Even Chris Cuomo is talking about vaccine harm. Better late than never. Here we are four years later, and they’re talking about the vaccine stuff and the fact that nobody is paying any attention to people. And in the New York Times, even though they have to bow and scrape and kowtow to big pharma and big government over this stuff, they still, every person in this article, I read the first half of it, and it got very repetitive. But they kept going to doctors, doctors who have been injured.

And I’ve talked to doctors who have been injured, who have had their career ended. An orthopedic surgeon, for example, who cannot stop. His hands won’t stop shaking since he got the vaccine started right away. Other doctors don’t want to talk to him about it. One said finally, well, we know what this is, but we’re not going to talk about it. I’ll see what I can do to help you. Right? That’s how afraid they are, folks. We can’t let them do that to us. This is why it doesn’t matter what they take away from us. We cannot live by their lies.

We cannot censor ourself. Self censorship is the worst thing you can do. The worst thing. Let them take you down, but don’t take yourself down. There’s a difference between dying, fighting a war, and committing suicide. Don’t do that. Thousands believe the COVID vaccines harm them. Is anyone listening? Asked the New York Times. Well, not if they watch Vimeo. Within minutes of getting the Johnson and Johnson jab, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.

She was 37, with a PhD in neuroscience. Until then, she could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class, and give a lecture on AI, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work or drive and even cannot stand for long periods of time. When I let myself think about the devastation of what this vaccine has done to my life and how much I have lost, sometimes it seems too hard to comprehend. So the, here’s the obligatory praise of government and big pharma.

Even though they don’t mention Trump by name, they say the COVID vaccines, a triumph of science and public health. The Trump shots, they are miracle. Quote Ernest Angley. Right, a miracle. And of course, to quote people like Al Molar and Franklin Graham, they were telling people to take it. You know what? I understand that this wasn’t their wheelhouse. This wasn’t their beat to cover. It was mine. I’d covered it. I knew it. And so there’s a little bit, there should be some grace there of people who didn’t understand what’s going on. They know it now and they’re still silent about it.

That is not anything that you overlook. They’ve got to be called out on that stuff. It’s estimated, they said the New York Times, to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and death, and the vaccines do produce rare side effects. Blah, blah, blah. That’s their, their paragraph, their disclaimer for their sponsors, the government and pharmaceutical companies. Then they get back to the real story. Doctor Zimmerman’s account is among the most harrowing. But thousands of Americans believe they have suffered serious side effects following COVID vaccination. A lot more than that. Why do they say thousands? Because 13,000 people have filed vaccine compensation injury claims.

Guess how many have been compensated. 47. Only twelve of those 47 have been paid out. They have gone through 19%. So, you know, one fifth of them have been, have gone through. So in other words, out of those that one fifth that they’ve looked at that have been filed, you got a lot of people haven’t filed any stuff. Of the people who filed it, they’ve only looked at one fifth of them. And of the one fifth that they have looked at, they’ve approved 1.8% of those. They’ve only paid out money for a quarter of those, 0.4%.

Right. And they have paid out an average of $3,600 to have your life destroyed. How much of the vaccine companies been paid by Trump and Biden. Tens of billions of dollars, free marketing everywhere, vilifying and shutting down anybody that questions their products. Sometimes some scientists feel that patients with real injuries are being denied help and believe that more needs to be done to clarify the possible risks. This is the New York Times. The reason this is happening. As beholden as they are to the government and the big pharmaceutical companies, the only reason this is happening is because it wasn’t thousands of people, it wasn’t rare.

It is a building avalanche of truth that is going to bury these sons of Bolsheviks. The history is going to be clear on this. I’m afraid that it is just now building, and it’s going to get a lot worse in the next couple of years. A lot worse. They’re not going to be able to hide it. So they’re already starting to try to do some damage control for themselves personally. But they can’t get off of the big pharma teeth, can they? People who say they have post vaccination industries are just completely ignored and dismissed and gaslighted, she said.

Person who was injured. Hundreds of millions of people in the US have safely received COVID vaccines, they say, well, I think this is too soon to say that, isn’t it? The test is still running. These things would not have been approved yet if they had followed their procedures. In a recent interview, Doctor Janet Woodcock, a longtime leader of the FDA who retired in February, she had been the acting commissioner in January of 2021. Now that she’s retired, she’s going to give us a little bit of truth. Just a little bit of truth. I felt bad for these people, she said.

She said, I believe that their suffering should be acknowledged, that they have real problems, and that they should be taken seriously, said the former head of the FDA. I’m disappointed in myself, she said. I did a lot of things I feel very good about, but this is one of the few things I just didn’t bring it home. Okay. This is as close as you’re going to get to a confession from any of these people. This is kind of like what Robert McNamara did when he had Errol Morris film him in the fog of War and talk to him about the Vietnam war.

Yeah, you know, we, uh, we got it wrong. He doesn’t talk about how many people died because he got it wrong. There’s no central repository of vaccine recipients, says New York Times, wrong, nor of medical records, and no easy way to pool these data wrong. It’s been done by many people. They just don’t want to show it to you. Reports. The largest federal database of so called adverse events can be made by anyone about anything. This is not true. There was tremendous amount of red tape involved. And then it became even more difficult to report things into the vaccine adverse effects reporting system.

The VAERS system became even more important, more difficult because there was a lot of professional intimidation. Don’t put that in there. The red tape alone was enough to discourage people. And so there are multiple studies, one of them showing, I think it was only like 1% or something. I can’t. I can’t remember the number now, but it was something like that. 1% that were reported. That was a Harvard study that was. I remember it was Harvard study that was commissioned by the CDC. So there you go, gold standard elite organizations and all that. And then they said that, well, most of them are not being reported.

Why? Well, because the red tape then, there was active intimidation. Nevertheless, what we did see was an unprecedented number of people reporting. Now it doesn’t matter, does it? You know, what percentage, if it’s 1% or if it’s 10% that’s reported, or if it’s 100% reported, if you’ve got an explosion. More people reporting problems than all of the other vaccines for 35 years combined in just the first few months. That’s not a warning flag for you. And that was four years ago. We knew that four and a half years ago anyway. So that’s an absolute line. Of course, there was another system that was there.

They shut that one down. And then there was a Pentagon system where they kept very careful records because they wanted to have an early alert. If there was a bio warfare attack, well, there was a bio warfare attack by our own government. And then when they got the signals, they shut it down and they told people, well, these army doctors or military doctors said, you’re looking at this database, you’re comparing it to the previous five years. Well, all previous five years are wrong. We’re just going to go back and retroactively change them. The lies and the COVID ups there.

I hope some people go to jail for this stuff. I really do. Sean Barkovich, 54, a nurse practitioner in New York City who has worked on clinical trials for HIV and COVID, said that ever since his first COVID shot, merely standing up sends his heart racing. A symptom suggested of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, a neurological disorder that some studies have linked to both COVID and much less often, to vaccination. No, it’s a vaccine. The vaccine was a bioweapon they misattributed this to anything and everything, even stirring up some mysterious gases in the soil if you’re gardening.

Just the nonsense that they have gone to. It’s like the bat soup stuff. He also experienced stinging pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals, which has abated, but also tinnitus, which has not abated. I can’t get the government to help me, he said. I’m told I’m not real. I’m told I’m rare. I’m told I’m a coincidence. Renee France, 49, a physical therapist in Seattle, developed Bell’s palsy, a form of facial paralysis, something that happens a lot with vaccines anyway, but even more so with this one. I mean, we had a, had friends when we were in Texas 45 years ago and he was from England and they got married and she had to get a vaccine to travel and she got Bell’s palsy.

So she goes to England to meet all of the new in laws and half her face is paralyzed and drooping down. I mean, fortunately for her, it went away. But not until after that trip. Doctor Gregory Gregory Poland, 68, editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, was somebody who’s been injured. How about that? The editor in chief of Vaccine magazine, oh, the irony. Oh, the justice said that a loud whooshing sound has been in his ears every moment since his first shot. This is a medical doctor, editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, a loud whooshing sound in his ears every moment since his first shot.

But his entreaties to his colleagues at the CDC to explore this has led nowhere. We got the guy, the vaccine journal here. He’s got a problem with his vaccine up. Not listening. I know nothing. He received polite responses to as many emails, but I just don’t get any sense of movement. If they have done studies, wait a minute, hes the editor in chief of the journal Vaccine. If theyve done studies. First of all, this is a guy who should know that you do studies. He should also know since hes got the journal Vaccine, that they havent done that they didnt do any studies before.

They pushed this stuff out, at least not that they would tell. People were now finding out they did do some studies. They found very horrific stuff and they put it out anyway. They covered up the studies. If they’ve done studies, those studies should be published. That’s one of the reasons why he’s saying that, because now we know they did some studies and they know exactly what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were doing. In despair, he says I might never hear silence again. It’s going to go through life with this incredible wishing sound. Doctor Buddy Creech, 50, who led several COVID vaccine trials at Vanderbilt, said his tinnitus and his racing heart lasted about a week after each shot.

It’s very similar to what I experienced during acute COVID back in March of 2020, he said. He said, regardless, he said, when our patients experience a side effect that may or may not be related to the vaccine, we owe it to them to investigate that as completely as we can. No, you will have all of these bought and sold prostitutes like Vimeo, shutting down anybody that even makes a mere suggestion, or anybody who reports what a study has had to say. What I was talking about last week was the fact that it’s now an established fact.

Both the american government, health agencies, Canada, as well as the UK have all acknowledged that there’s all kinds of DNA garbage in there that they didn’t clean up. We had doctor Robert Malone testified before Congress as to why that is. Yeah, how they use that as part of the manufacturing process and how they’re supposed to clean and filter that out, but they didn’t bother to. And how they left the most dangerous part of sv 40, simian virus 40, in there that causes cancer. They left all that stuff in. Now what has happened with any of this stuff? We’ve had one state attorney general, no, Surgeon General Latapo in Florida, who has said, we don’t recommend this for anyone of any age because of that.

He’s taken a lot of heat for that, but he’s not banning it for anybody. And desantis isn’t banning it. It should be banned. It should be banned by the FDA. Violates the FDA’s safety and purity rules. It ought to be banned. But you’ve only got one surgeon general in one state who recommends against it. That’s all they’ve done. We had, we had a couple people die decades ago from a vaccine. You had nine states ban it right away, I tell you. Our government has become so captive to corporations, to foreign governments, to the military industrial complex that’s run by the CIA, it’s just the CDC also links mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna to heart inflammation and myocarditis, says the New York Times, especially in boys and young men.

And the agency warns of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, which can occur after any vaccination, which was something that they knew would happen because they used polyethylene glycol to encapsulate the particles and as I said, scientists at children’s health defense called the FDA. They said, well, we don’t care. Call Pfizer. We don’t care. So Chris Cuomo finally breaks down, admits his vaccine injury first time publicly. And remember, it was his brother who was governor at the time, Andrew Cuomo, who was saying, you know, you all have to get this, all you young kids have to get.

You might go home and kiss your grandmother and kill her, but you won’t transmit it if you have a vaccine. Really? Is that how that works? Let’s say that you got a vaccine against some kind of bacterial thing or something, right? Let’s say that your hands are dirty with it or something, and maybe you’ve got an immune system. Let’s say, let’s just go through how this is all supposed to work. You train your immune system for whatever this is. So say it’s a bacterial infection, and your immune system has been trained because you got a vaccine and it worked according to all these theories.

And so you get this stuff on your hands and you’re all dirty, but it doesn’t make you sick, but you go see your grandmother and, you know, you can transmit it that way even if you’re vaccinated, even if you don’t get sick. None of this stuff was even consistent with their vaccine theory. You know, we were told all the time by Fauci and other people, well, no natural immunity. That’s nothing. Now, natural immunity means that you were in a real battle with a real disease, and you beat it. And that means that your immune system has been trained.

The whole purpose of a vaccine is to train the immune system according to their theories. And so everything they told us was a lie. Everything they told us was nonsense, inconsistent. So he says, telling the young people, oh, you know, you got to get it, you’re going to kill grandma. By the way, that was nothing new. We’ve been told that was part of the Yale psychological study, and that was released in July of 2020, by the way. Well, I forget it. I handy at substack. That’s where you can find handy. I handy at substack and ecotaxi.

Thank you very much for the tip on rockfin. Appreciate that. So Chris Cuomo did an interview, and he basically highlighted this New York Times piece. You know, why aren’t we listening to it? So now it’s safe. They’re all starting to get concerned about the fact that they’ve committed massive murder crimes against humanity. They’re going to be exposed, and so they’re starting to try to pull it back around the edges. And as one of them steps forward, like the New York Times a little bit, still doing obeisance to the pharma mob. Then others, like Chris Cuomo, will say some things.

So he admitted publicly for the first time. These also suffering from a vaccine injury. Well, it’s, we’ve known this for a long time. A living nightmare. Former pussycat doll is still recovering from COVID vaccine injury. For those of you who don’t know or care about contemporary culture, like me, that was a very successful girl group. They actually were multi platinum, which means they sold a lot of records. Her name is Jessica Souda. She shared a life altering journey of pain, confusion and advocacy. After being injured by Moderna’s Trump shot. She said, I remember when he injected me, I made a joke because it ripped out through my arm.

It was like one of the most intense, horrible feelings. I looked at him and said, am I going to turn into the hulk? In August of 2021, she decided to get the Trump shot, believing it was the right thing to do for her community. Yeah, I’ll be a guinea pig for community health. We’re talking about communist health, right? And you know, one of the interesting things about communists, they don’t care about the individual. Community health, people don’t care about the individual. It’s all about the health of the community. Well, the community is made up of individuals.

You know, the individual’s not free. If the individual’s not healthy, guess what? The community is not free and healthy either. So I was very much focused on mainstream media, she said. I believed everything they were telling us. I believed all of the propaganda. Three days after her first shot, she woke up with a muscle spasm in her back, breathing difficulty and brain fog that left her feeling dizzy and unable to think coherently. She spent a day in the hospital, but the medical staff was still unable to make a definitive diagnosis, she said, I didn’t know it was a vaccine injury for at least a month.

I thought it was MS, multiple sclerosis. Despite her initial symptoms, she got her second dose of the vaccine three weeks later, she said. And that is what completely did me in. The second shot marked the beginning of a cascade of symptoms, including double vision, burning in her rib cage, muscle fatigue, skin sensitivity and joint pain. It was a living nightmare, she said. Suda’s journey through the medical system was a frustrating, disheartening experience. She struggled to find answers for her worsening condition, and doctors were quick to dismiss her concerns. And so was Vimeo. They would take down this if she was to talk about this.

They have no sympathy for her ordeal. They’re sold out prostitutes. Any information about her ordeal would be taken down by those people, by YouTube, by all these people. Paypal, Venmo, you name it. Despite her pleas for help, the medical staff treated her with skepticism and dismissal. They ran all these tests, she said, catching nothing. They kept telling me I’m healthy, I’m crazy, she said, and I’m like, please make the pain stop. Listen to this. The medical staff answered her and said, what pain? We don’t see it. They see pain. Is this a new thing now? They got some panometer or something? Now I’m looking at your spatial aura, and I don’t see any pain there.

Yeah, right. We don’t see pain. Yeah. That was amazing. It’s science. This is science, folks. This is medical science. No, it’s pure prostitution. Murder for hire. That’s what these people are. She eventually connected with a neurologist who, upon hearing her symptoms, asked if she had been vaccinated. I asked him, are there a lot of us? He said, well, about 50 of you. He said, I’ve treated. That’s what he treated. However, when she later consulted him, he clamped up and he wouldn’t talk about it, she said, as if he was being recorded. She said, they put me on a lot of psychic psychiatric meds as well, because they said I was making it up.

But the medications only exacerbated here already debilitating symptoms. Yeah, of course. Well, let’s put you on some Ssri’s. How about that? Murder suicide. That would get rid of one of these people is going to blow the whistle on us. So children’s self defense fund is asking the Supreme Court to hear a case alleging that the FDA misused its emergency powers to authorize these COVID shots for children. Why were they in such a rush to get it to kids? Because of legal immunity. We talked about this at the time. You know, they get this approved for the kids, then they get, you know, different kind of legal immunity.

It was a tenuous immunity that they had with the under the prepack that George W. Bush put in, so they wanted to get the full thing. And that’s why they’re playing these games with Cormanati label versus the Pfizer Biointech. Yeah, they’re the same, they said, but they’re legally distinct because they got a different label. And so we’ll say that one of them is for emergency use and the other one is for fully approved for children to use. And it was all about the legal immunity for these people. So they filed lawsuit and they’re hoping that it’s going to be heard by the Supreme Court.

They filed it more than two years ago. So I guess we’re at the point now where the sold out court system is kind of reached the end of it. And so, as I said, all of this stuff about what has happened with the DNA contamination, Health Canada admitted it on Thursday. I was talking about that. That’s the reason why, I guess, they pulled it down on Vimeo. I have talked about the vaccine every day that I’ve been on Vimeo because I talk about it pretty much every day. So I’m assuming that they’ll go back and pull these things down.

I don’t know what their rules are about censorship, but I imagine that it’s done. You know, you can see if you can find anything on the Roku channel if you want to go there. And you can leave your comments if you want to on Vimeo to any of the. Go directly to the Vimeo channel and leave the comments there about their censorship. I don’t really care. I know I’m, I know I’m poking the bear and I’m going to poke the bear. I’m going to continue to poke the bear. And you better poke the bear as well, because the bear is not Paddington bear.

It’s not a cuddly little cute bear that we can control or allow it to be in our midst. We’re going to take a quick break, and we will be right back. Elvis. Ladies and gentlemen, the beetles and the sweet sounds of Motown. Find them on the oldies Dot sa making sense common again. You’re listening to the David Knight show. We got the New York Times. We have Chris Cuomo, we have the editor in chief of the journal Vaccine. And they’re all talking about these vaccine adverse effects. Here we are four years later, and it’s only going to get worse.

This is a Bill Gates insider, somebody who worked for many years as a vaccine expert and a scientist at the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And he went on with Steve Kirsch and he talked about what he sees coming. And so now, as you see, uh, yeah, we, we’ve been telling people about this before it happened. And because we had seen what they did with vaccines in the past, we knew what their mo was. And they keep doing the same thing over and over again. And it doesn’t matter whether it is the COVID MacGuffin or the climate MacGuffin or whatever.

They keep doing the same tactics, they have the same long term strategy and goals, but they keep using these same tactics because frankly they work. And so we were telling you about this for a long time. Now you’ve got, four years later, you’ve got the mainstream media starting to talk about the adverse effects of vaccines that they’ve always denied, that they’ve always censored. But now what are the people who are looking at this talking about? They’re talking about a massive killing of the population. That’s where we are now. And it’s going to be happening in a few years now.

And that’s why these people are running scared, because I think they know it as well. I know they know it. Former Bill and Melinda Gates foundation scientist and vaccine expert doctor Geert Vanden Bosch has warned that populations around the world will soon experience a completely unprecedented plunge. Completely unprecedented is his phrase. He predicts that the death toll will be up to 30% to 40% in highly vaccinated companies countries. And again, this is what I said about Deagle. I said isn’t it interesting? Especially considering the fact that this mRNA vaccine I think was a product just like the germ games, it was always a product.

These simulations that they did, you know, you look at CIA’s involvement in this for example, okay, the dark winter simulator, they were heavily involved. As a matter of fact, the former CIA head Woolsey was the one who played the role of the president. And the germ game simulation, Fauci was there, Johns Hopkins was there, all the usual suspects, gates and all that. And we know that they did that every year. Event 201, the last one they did in the fall of 2019. Was it 201 or 301? I always get that confused. I think it’s 201. Anyway, same thing.

Dark winter was key. Two months before 911, CIA was involved in that. 911, CIA was involved in that. Then a week later you’ve got the anthrax attack. Guess what? CIA was involved in that as well. Yeah, that’s right. When they went back and did the investigation, of course, New York Times and Washington Post, at first they said, well, it was coming from Saddam, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, we got to go get him. No, nobody has that kind of weaponized anthrax except for the american government. And as they continue to do an investigation, the FBI, to help the CIA, pinned it on a scientist who worked at a lab that didn’t have that kind of anthrax, didn’t have the, it was a, not only was that a particular type of anthrax that was unique to the United States.

But it was a weaponized anthrax that would propagate in a particular way. And that was only done in two labs. Both of those labs were connected to, you guessed it, the CIA. So they went with a third lab and pinned it on a scientist there. They never took it to trial because they didn’t have any evidence. They just, you know, made it sound like it was him and harassed him and all the rest of stuff. He died. They said he committed suicide. And then they said, yeah, we know he was the one who did it. They pended on him after he was dead.

And so top scientist with Bill Gates raised the alarm during interview with Steve Kersh. He also notes that COVID is impossible to tackle with an mRNA injection because it’ll always continue to mutate, he says. And what he’s talking about here is any kind of a SARS virus. And again, I’m not dogmatic about viruses even existing one way or the other. They can’t even decide whether they’re live or dead. They can’t see them on a micro. It’s an abstraction, folks. It’s a way of explaining a physical phenomenon. And I’m not buying even into that anymore. I don’t buy, I rejected long ago vaccines, now I reject the virus theory.

I just see it as an abstraction. It’s a model. And we all know about models, don’t we? As I said, every time I talk about this, it’s like atomic models. They can’t observe it. And so they come up with abstractions like Niels Bohr did, or they come up with quantum mechanics and other things like that. But of course, as Heisenberg pointed out, I think it was, Heisenberg said, you know, even if you to observe, to try to observe this stuff, you change it. So you can’t observe it because merely looking at this stuff is going to change it.

Okay? So, you know, these are intellectual abstractions and we should not think that this is, you know, you’ve actually got, you know, they can look at these viruses and see them under the microscope, as a matter of fact. So Kerry Mullis said, he said Fauci is so ignorant, he thinks, or at least he tells people, talks about this as if you could look under the microscope and you could see a virus. You can’t do that. The guy who invented the PCR test that Fauci has weaponized and abused and misused, well, you talk about false information. You talk about misinformation, disinformation, malinformation.

That’s what Fauci has done to the PCR in every regard and called out, not using those terms, of course, because those are newly minted terms to shut down free speech about everything. But he used those terms extensively, you know, in terms of talking about Fauci. So he says the expert then warned that these highly vaccinated countries will soon see, quote, unprecedented numbers of deaths. He said, in my humble opinion, what we will see is something completely, completely unprecedented in terms of the magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately, the mortality that we will see. Kirsch asked him about specifics, about what are you talking about? Completely unprecedented future.

He responded by predicting that over one third of all people will die as a direct result of the COVID mRNA injection rollout. He said, in some highly vaccinated populations, I would not be surprised that we’d be dealing with a serious decimation of the population. Some populations, maybe up to 30 or 40%. Now, what he’s talking about there, I think he’s talking about a country, for example, a highly vaccinated population. If he was talking about just the people who’ve been vaccinated, he would have said just the people have been vaccinated. But he’s talking about in particular countries where you’ve had a high percentage of the population vaccinated.

He thinks that we’re going to see 30, 40% of the people die. Well, since a country that has a high number of people vaccinated is 60% to 80%, that they’ve achieved in some western countries and in the United States, what he’s saying is about half the people jabbed are going to die. That’s what he’s saying here. In essence, a former Gates foundation vaccine scientist, he warned that a, quote, huge, huge wave, unquote, of illness and death among those vaccinated for COVID is now imminent. That’s his word, imminent. He also said this is going to be a, quote, massive tsunami that will collapse hospitals and cause financial, economic and social chaos.

That’s what they always want, isn’t it? Isn’t that what the lockdowns and sorry, you can’t open your business and you can’t go to work. And all the rest of this stuff Gerald Slinty said about the commercial real estate, we knew that was going to happen. And then what happens with that, as that rolls out, it’s going to take down the banks as well. What this guy is saying is that the knock on effects, the long term effects of these vaccines, has yet to be seen. And he thinks we’re going to see it in the next couple of years.

And he thinks when that happens, it’s going to have massive financial and economic consequences. Not just, not just the consequences for each of these individuals. I think we’re already seeing that when we look at help wanted signs about everything, even though we’re bringing in millions and millions of people, many of them not interested in working. They want to get the welfare, like the squatter that we saw bragging about it. But nevertheless, there’s a lot of people that are out of the workforce now. We’re told they just don’t want to work. And some of that is true.

Some of that is the universal basic income training that Trump gave them with a lockdown stimulus check to move the Overton window towards people. Oh, I don’t have to have a job, I’ll just stay home and play video games. You cut me a check for that. But I think some of it is people who have gone missing and they don’t want to talk about it. They will start to replace the surge of cancers. Now we have a more chronic phase, he said, and it will end with a hyper acute phase, a huge, huge wave. I’ve been studying this now, he said, for four years, and I know what I’m talking about, said Bosch.

It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society, financial, economic, social, you name it, will be complete. And that is what I am very clearly predicting. It’s very strange for me to make such statements, he said, but I’m not hiding it, because I’m 200% convinced that this will happen. This will be something that will be reported in history for many, many generations to come. Well, you know, Johnson Trader Johnson, he calls himself speaker. Uh, I call him traitor. Traitor. Johnson says we’ll just gotta be on the right side of history.

He is on the wrong side of every issue, and history will remember that. And these people, Republicans and Democrats, who participated in this massive culling, this massive Democide, and it’s every country, but of course, you know, we were seminal in it. Trump funded the vaccines and sent them out from here. History will not remember them. Well, frankly, I don’t care about history. History will cease someday, just as this world will cease, but God will remember it. And these people may not be interested in recording the adverse effects of what they have done, but God collects their tears in a bottle.

And I know that’s a metaphor that’s been soiled by these idiots in the right, but that is a biblical metaphor, collecting the tears in a bottle. And I know they have run that into the ground. It’s another satanic aspect of these people, the way they defile it. That is a very. It’s a very true thing. God is not going to forget the suffering that was caused to these people. He will forget it if they repent and call on Christ for forgiveness. But I don’t see that happening, do you? Professor Dolores Cahill, that I talked about last week, a world renowned immunology expert, was even more explicit.

As I said last week, she said, everyone who’s been vaccinated, even if they have one injection, will die within three to five years. And in spite of her credentials, as I said, I didn’t think that that was. I don’t think that anybody could make that kind of an absolutist diagnosis, because there will always be individual variation. You know, some people are immediately affected by this, others aren’t. And I know there was a big variation in the different vaccine lots, but depopulation has been the thing that they’re after. And again, whichever Macguffin you’re talking about, whether it’s climate or COVID or whatever, depopulation is something that they have aspired to.

Here’s Larry Fink talking about that with the World Economic Forum. I could argue in the developed countries, the big winners are countries that have shrinking populations. It’s a feature, not a bug. That’s something that most people never talked about. You know, we always used to think shrinking population is a cause for negative growth. But in my conversations with the leadership of these large developed countries that have xenophobic immigration policies, they don’t allow anybody to come in. Shrinking unemployment, excuse me, tricky demographics. These countries will rapidly develop robotics and AI and technology. And if the promise. I didn’t say it’s going to happen, but if the promise of all that transforms productivity, which most of us think it will, we’ll be able to elevate the standard of living of countries and the standard of living of individuals, even with shrinking populations.

And so the paradigm of negative population growth is going to be changing. And the social problems that one will have in substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations. And so for those countries that have rising populations, the answer will be education. And so rapidly develop, you know, for those countries that do not have a foundation of rule of law or education, they’re going to be left. That’s where the divide’s going to get more and more. I guess that’s pretty bad for us. We don’t have either one.

We don’t have rule of law. We don’t have education either. And when he said there, he said those replacing machines with humans, he didn’t mean that. He meant it the other way around, replacing humans with machines. And of course, who’s he talking to? They’re saying it’s going to be much better for us. He’s talking to the elites there at the World Economic Forum. Not much better for us. Not better for us if we die. That’s what they’ve always been after. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the COVID MacGuffin or the climate MacGuffin. Earth Day, 1970. It was still, you know, pushing Ehrlich’s population bomb and all the rest of this stuff.

This was also sent to me by handy. Again, I handy at substack. He said, hey, look at this. You got a gorilla that died a little bit early at the zoo. Oh, yeah. You know, this is Little Joe, interestingly enough. And he sent me a clip, not just the article about the. About the gorilla dying. Heart attack, by the way, but he sent me a clip from September of 2021, as they were rolling out these vaccines to everybody. And of course, one America Health insurance life insurance company said we had this massive increase in the number of people dying in the third and fourth quarter of 2021.

Never seen anything like it. It’s more than three standard deviations away from the mean. And they say this was not from COVID But he goes, but I know better. It had to been from COVID and it had to have been only the unvaccinated, because we know that it had to be COVID. And I know that you can’t die if you get the vaccine. So we’re going to charge unvaccinated people more money. Well, the unvaccinated people are going to be the ones that you’re going to have left, for the most part. But the people that are really going to bleed the insurance companies dry, just like the hospitals are going to be the people who have had the shots.

You just wait for it and see if that doesn’t happen. But anyway, Handy sent this to me. This is September 20, 21st. Louis Zoo begins vaccinating its at risk animals against COVID-19 I think little Joe was the gorilla in the coal mine showing us. Here we are, three years later, he dies from a heart attack. I don’t know what happened to Haas. Actually, I do know what happened to Dan blocker. He died from a minor operation in the hospital leading cause of deaths. Hospitals have always been. Anyway, it is incredible with incredible sadness that we share.

The western lowland gorilla, little Joe, who had been in treatment for heart disease, died of a heart attack overnight May 4. Well, they want to try to explain this away. He also had his other mate who just died as well. They were vaccinated four years ago, died just recently. Another 27 year old grow. They live for about 30 or 40 years in the wild, they said. Well, yeah, heart disease is a common cause of death. And grills. It’s, it’s nothing unusual. I’m sure that it’s not the vaccine, don’t you think? I. Of course it’s not the vaccine.

So the, and you also got former football players, former basketball players dying at an early age. This is an NBA player, Darius Morris, passed away at 33. Cause of death unknown. We do know that they were vaccinated. I think it was last week. I think the guy was 27 years old or something like that. Former NFL player. I think he’d only been retired about a year, year and a half, but he would have had to have had the vaccine in order to play. So, you know, nothing at all unusual about athletes dying? Nothing at all unusual about young children having myocarditis? Nothing at all unusual about young children dying suddenly of heart attacks? None at all.

We’re going to take a break and we come back, we’re going to talk about some questions that are not being asked about bird flu. Yeah, there’s some real interesting to me questions about why they’re doing what they’re doing and why they’re not doing other things. And if you answer these questions, then ought to put this bird flu scare to an end. You’re listening to the David Knight show. All right, let’s talk about bird flow. Before we do, real quickly, a comment on Rumble. Midwestern Canadian, thank you for the tip. Says, I think my wife and I are pretty good parents, but the best thing we might ever do for our kids is to keep them safe from the shots.

Second best was going homeschooling. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, that’s, you know, keep them from harm. You know, that’s the first thing. And we ought to think about that as parents. It used to be that that was a motto of the medical community, first do no harm. That’d be one of the best things we could do as parents to first do no harm. Don’t send your kids to school. Don’t send them to get injections. That’s really key, I think. And, but, you know, it’s key. The key thing is we need to, and I think a lot of people who homeschool do it for the reason they’re trying to protect their spirits.

That is an eternal thing. That is an eternal thing. On Rockfin, Jason Barker. Thank you, Jason, for the tip. He set your own fire today, David. Well, thank you. I’ve, yeah, I really got set on fire when I saw that. Took my blood pressure up a few points. When I saw that, I had a lot of people send this to me. It’s an article from axios. They’re now mapping out bird flu in the wild. There isn’t anything that they won’t do. And take a look at what Drudge did. This was the, I took a screenshot of this.

This is a drudge on Friday, I think Friday or Saturday or something like that. The very top bird flu fears rise. Drudge report, well, it’s rising because he’s putting at the top, put it at the top of his feed there. And then disturbing. First photo of a Texas farm worker who caught bird flu shows bleeding in the eyeballs. And we’re going to show that to you. I’m going to show you the bleeding eyeballs of this guy. And I’m going to see if you can distinguish between Cal flu conjunctivitis and uveitis. And I’m going to show you pictures of all three.

And we’ll have a little multiple choice quiz here and see if you can tell which one is the disturbing first photo of a Texas farm worker. That’s coming up in a moment here. But as I said, several people send this to me. Drudge picked up this axios article as well. But I like the comment from Roy. He says a polar bear has it. You were right. And of course, the map shows up. We found a polar bear with it in Alaska. One polar bear. Isn’t that interesting? Just one polar bear. And then they found a dolphin in Florida.

Just one dolphin. Is this an epidemic? How come the entire school didn’t come down with it? Did they close the school of dolphins? Did they lock it down? What is going on with any of this stuff? Do you see how nonsensical that is? But the polar bear, actually, there was a report that went out in January, January 16 of this year saying we found a polar bear who died. Died from bird fluid. Did you really? Again, this is back to where we always were with the human stuff, right? Did he die with a PCR test? Did he die from bird flu or did he die with a bird flu? PCR test, what were the symptoms? And interestingly enough, and again, Gavi is the gates vaccine organization.

Pushing it everywhere. Vaccines for everybody everywhere, as part of this 2030 IA agenda, immunization agenda everywhere. Every age vaccinated, presumably every vaccine that they can imagine. So we’re back to zany zoonotics here. Bird flu’s wild and crazy range. It’s like Steve Martin Wild and crazy. So there’s some questions that I have. You know, when we go through and we get this, this narrative that is being sold to us by the mainstream media, not a day goes by now that we don’t have some fear porn put out there, some disinformation, misinformation and malinformation being put out there.

We’ve got the FDA, the CDC, the USDA, and they’re not on the same page. Exactly. The USDA is pushing this harder for the moment than the CDC is and the FDA is. And of course they’ve got their bots in the press who are pushing them to do more. You’re not doing. No, we saw that with the other one, too, didn’t we? But let’s just, you know, when we got the USDA going around checking ground beef and milk, of course, it was the FDA that looked at the milk and the FDA said, yeah, okay, we did the PCR test and we found some fragments.

What does that mean, fragments? Because they didn’t sequence anything, really. I mean, if they found fragments of it, I don’t know how the PCR test works. I do know that they’re multiplying it by 1.1 trillion times. I do know what Kerry Mullis said. If they could find this virus in you at all, and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else, right? I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which BCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body.

Okay? So that could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that it’s meaningful. It allows you to take a very minuscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like it is important. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you. Yeah. So what does it mean, when they say they found a fragment in the milk, they found fragments of bird flu. You know, there’s a lot of different bird flu.

Supposedly they tell us, if they found a fragment of it, how do they know what it is? It could be something completely different. It could be a different kind of bird flu. It could be a different kind of flu altogether. When you look at the DNA sequencing, you know, we’re told we share a great deal of DNA with all the different animals, especially with monkeys. But, you know, that very tiny difference there makes a huge difference. You know, we’re not like monkeys at all. And yet there’s a lot of similarity there in the DNA, doesn’t indicate evolution.

What it indicates is a common designer and creator who created that mathematical error correcting code and self propagating code. But when we look at that and say, you got some fragments of DNA, you know, how much do you need to distinguish a human from another animal? How much of a fragmented DNA do you need to distinguish between bird flu and something else, between different strains of bird fluid? So I have questions about that. I also have questions about why, when the FDA and the CDC says, well, it’s nothing, because it was destroyed, when it was pasteurized, when it was cooked, it was destroyed.

Okay, so then why is the USDA looking for it then, now why is the USDA then looking at beef? Because if this is bird flu, wouldn’t you think that they’d start looking at eggs? Why aren’t they looking at eggs? If it’s bird flu? Why are they looking at milk and meat? First question, why are they not looking at chicken meat? Why are they looking at cow meat if it’s bird flu? Wouldn’t you think that if this was really a pandemic, a pandemic where it is necessary to kill tens of millions of chickens and industrial farms? If this wasn’t simply an attack on our food supply, if this was a real concern, don’t you think they would look at the birds were supposedly the source? Why are they skipping the chickens now? Why are they so focused on cows? Well, we know why, don’t we? Because this is to shut down meat and dairy.

That’s why they’re not looking at eggs. That’s why they’re not looking at chicken meat. And then why, when they look at meat from cattle, why are they looking at ground beef instead of steaks? Well, because once you grind that up, you’re exposing it to a lot, a lot more air. You’re aerating it, and all the rest of this stuff and so you’re more likely to pick up anything, you know? And as Kerry Mullis says, if you magnify it enough, you run it through 40 cycles, you magnify it by 1.1 trillion times. You can find anything, especially, you know, if you’ve, you know, run it through the air, aerated it a lot like you do with ground beef.

So they’re not looking at steak, they’re not looking at chicken, they’re not looking at chickens eggs. And so if they were looking, if they were concerned about bird flu and humans, what about salmonella? We have about 50 to 250 cases of salmonella a year. So why aren’t they looking at. We’ve only, according to them, we’ve had a single case of bird flu. This guy with the red eyes, we had a single case of that, but we’ve had 50 to 250 cases of salmonella every year. So why are they focusing on pink eye? Is it pink eye or is it something else? Right? I mean, is it, is it bird flu or is it pinkeye or is it uveitis or whatever? And why haven’t we had a single symptomatic cow? Why is the USDA pushing this when the FDA said, and the CDC said, well, we looked at the milk, but it’s harmless because it’s cooked.

If the FDA tested the milk and pronounced it harmless, why is the USDA creating controls about transporting milk cows? We know why, because this has nothing to do, folks, with bird flu, there’s no risk to the birds, there’s no risk to the cattle, there’s no risk to the humans. The risk to the humans is that they’re going to use this to ban meat and dairy. And that’s why they’re focusing on this. And it’s why the USDA is involved in this, because why they’re getting involved in the meat stuff and why they are putting travel restrictions on lactating cattle, you know, dairy cattle, because they want to centrally control our food supply.

They want to centrally control the processing of meat. And the one thing they’ve said about the raw milk, that they’ve all. One thing said about the milk, don’t have raw milk. So what are they doing? They’re focusing on attacking raw milk. They’re focusing on attacking local farms and especially local processing of meat, which we saw them going heavy within the last year. Several different farmers, Amos Miller, the amish guy, others, that’s their agenda. They’re rolling this out to give them a cover story for what they want to do, which is to completely centralize and shut down our meat and dairy.

That’s what this is about. When you look at that article from axios, they put spots in. Well, we found one case or we found five cases. We found eight cases in this area. So they put different size dots on a us map altogether in the entire United States, according to that fear mongering article that was at the top of the drudge report and so forth, 221 total cases in all of the United States. This is not an epidemic, folks. And these are animals that didn’t say died. They tested positive. You had 85 of those were foxes.

As many people said, well, if a fox eats a bird that’s got bird flu, then the fox will test positive for the bird flu, obviously. Right. So again, this is us news. Us bird flu outbreak. Outbreak. It spreads to chickens and cattle and it raises concerns over human infections. No, you’re the one raising concerns over human infections that we don’t need to be concerned about. Again, why don’t we see, you know, 50 to 250 cases of salmonella? You know, that’s also easily taken care of with hygiene. So why are we freaked out about this? Why are there no sick cows? These are PCR tests.

When they talk about cases, it’s the same stuff. No symptoms, no sickness, just a misapplied PCR test that the inventor called out fauci for misusing. They said since 2022, no bird flow in the United States has infected over 90 million birds. No. Since 2002, it’s been around. And it’s just in the last few years, they’ve started killing tens of millions of egg producing chickens and meat chickens because they want to raise the price of food. More than 90 million, they said. And they said they had to kill these. One person who came in close contact with infect infected cattle, I guess, had to kill him, too.

Right? Colorado became the 9th us state to report an infected dairy herd. So what? The USDA said it required dairy cattle moved between states be tested for bird flu. The FDA said it found bird flu virus particles, but said the commercial milk supply remains safe due to pasteurization. But don’t have anything locally produced or any raw milk. Get your stuff from big agra. Get your animals vaccinated by big pharma. The US government said it was testing four potential bird flu vaccines for poultry. Bingo. There we go. See the narrative? They make up a phony story so then they can demand that everybody get vaccinated.

And this tracking of cattle is so they can track their vaccination status. They’ve already said that. Track their movements and their vaccination status, and we’ll do it by every individual cow. So they’re testing four potential bird flu vaccines after more than 58 million chickens, turkeys and other birds have died from the nation’s worst outbreak ever. No, they, they were killed, they were killed. It’s very similar since, to what was happening in the hospital death protocols, right? Oh well, we had a positive test there, put them in here and kill them with a ventilator. And that’s what they’re doing to these chickens, except they’re just doing massive, you know, straight up in your face murder.

But it’s the same way they, they did it with a hospital death protocol. They also killed businesses, they killed travel, did everything so they could push the Trump shot. And now they’ve got four bird flu vaccines. And I’m sure, you know, you got all these different companies out there, they have played along with the government, they have greased the right politicians, they’ll be allowed to make a fortune off of this as they vaccinate our entire food supply. And it’ll be an mRNA vaccine. It’s not going to be safe to eat chicken and beef anymore soon, you understand? And that’s why they want to get rid of local farms, local processing, the raw milk, the local dairies.

More than 22 million commercially raised us chickens and turkeys have been killed. Not died, not died with, but killed. You only have to have one, you have one bird that they find a pcr positive test on and they kill them all. So this is a program of chaos, of destruction, of poverty, to take us down. Let’s talk about this individual, this really scary thing, and just to go back and my dangerous childhood, I don’t know how I ever survived. I mean, I had measles and mumps and chicken pox and all this other kind of stuff. And I had pink eye multiple times when I was in elementary school.

I grew up in Florida. We didn’t have air conditioning until I got into my last year of high school, so I’m not really fond of hot climates. And we had these big windows that were kept open and they didn’t have screens, and we got gnats all the time. And when you’re a little kid, you know, you don’t really rubbing them and you’re rubbing your eyes and stuff and they, you know, when I was first grade, I got pink eye several times from these inats. Lewis and Clark talked about it. Mosquitoes, extremely troublesome to me today. They wrote in their diary, the large black gnat, though less troublesome, but it doesn’t sting, but attacks the eyes in swarms, and it compels us to brush them off or to have our eyes filled with them.

They even call them eye gnats because the females love to get around eyes and open wounds, and it causes conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye. Now, I’m going to show you some pictures here, and I want you to pick out the pink eye from the bird flu via cow in a human. Okay? And so here’s picture number one. Okay, there’s an eye, lots of redness there. Here’s picture number two. Okay, here’s picture number three. Here’s picture number four. Oh, they’re starting to look. I don’t know. I can’t tell. Now, some of these are pink eye, some of these are uveitis, and some of them.

And one of them, only one of them is bird flu. Okay, here’s another picture here. Okay, one more there. And the last one right here. Now, which one of those did you think was cowbird flu? I guess that’s what we should call it. Cowbird flu. There is such a thing as a cowbird, you know. Which one should we call cowbird flu? You know, when you look at some of these things, that one looks really bad. That’s pink eye, by the way. This is pink eye. This is pink eye. This is pink eye. This is uveitis. This is uveitis.

This is cowbird flu. See, they can’t really tell conjunctivitis from uveitis, except it’s like myocarditis. It’s an inflammation. Myocarditis and pericarditis are both inflammation of the heart. Different parts of the heart. Right. And so the difference between pink eye and uveitis is that one is external, the other is more of an internal thing, but symptoms look pretty much the same. And then when you look at this, the interesting thing that I pointed out last week was uveitis has just been identified as an adverse effect of people who have been vaccinated. Oh, okay. So is it the inat, is it the vaccine, or is it the cowbird flu? This is just ridiculous.

It’s just ridiculous. The lies that our media is telling. And if I talk about this, and I’m talking about, they pull my video down from Vimeo, which is pulling it down from rock Roku. So, yeah, that was the picture of the guy who had the cowbird flute, was this one. But, you know, the other ones looked even worse to me. I don’t know. And he was a farm worker who caught it. But listen to the way that they hyped this up from the UK, this tabloid, the express. And of course, this is what Drudge went with when he was pushing the fear, right? Bird flu.

Fears rise, and then right underneath. And then drudge report. Then right underneath drudge report. Disturbing. First photo of a Texas farm worker who caught bird flu shows bleeding in the eyeballs. He suffered bleeding in his eyeballs? Yeah, if you got pink eye from a gnat, you get bleeding in the eyeballs as well. Uveitis from the jab. Yeah, bleeding in the eyeballs as well. It is thought to be the first known case of mammal to human transmission, as the CDC warns that bird flu could pose pandemic potential. No, it’s not serious. You need to be afraid of the CDC.

Not the birds, not the cows, not the flu. The CDC, the FDA, the USDA, they are our enemy. His eyes began to swell up. Listen, this. This is why I say that it wasn’t bird flu, okay? He didn’t have flu. Listen to this. His eyes began to swell up. They turned red. But he had no fever and his lungs were clear. He didn’t have the flu. He didn’t have any kind of flu. He had pink eye. Was it a net or was it the vaccine? Or was he just getting stuff in his eyes? And, you know, you can get an eye infection, just have dirty hands.

I mean, he’s working on cows in the, you know, on the farm. The. The biggest improvement we’ve had in health has just been through hygiene. Through washing your hands. Maybe he’s the only one who didn’t wash his hands. They even said the scientific term. This is in the article. This is the fear mongering article that everybody’s pointed. Look, we got a human who’s got it. The scientific term for his eye condition is conjunctivitis. So the infection is on the outside. So it’s not the uveitis, but it is conjunctivitis. And you can get it from gnats in your eyes.

You can get it from dirty hands, rubbing your eyes. Right? What’s the deal with this? They’re using this, folks. You’re being gaslit. They’re pushing for another agenda. World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty ignores their COVID policy mistakes. And of course, they are going to commit within the next month or so to a new global treaty to prevent and manage future pandemics. Now the question is, will the Senate call Bolshevik on this, or will they just keep quiet like they did with the Paris climate accord, which is a treaty, are they going to do something about it? And it’s got a lot of similarities to what we’re going to talk about next, which is the AAA, the anti Semitism Awareness act.

But again, the Senate has to approve it, 60 votes. They need to approve any treaty. So the question is, are they going to just silently go along with this and pretend that this is ratified by Biden or by Kerry or by Obama or something like that? Because we’ve got 44 senators who are urging Biden to dump this World Health Organization treaties and these changes of the rules. If we got 44 senators, that’s four more than we need to stop a treaty. So will even one of these 44 senators, I mean, because we see them do virtue signal all the time about stuff.

Will any one of these 44 senators stand up and say, we need to have a vote on this new treaty and we need to have a vote on these new international health regulations? Or will they just turn this over to a non governmental organization and give a non governmental organization the power to do to us what Trump did in 2020, what Trudeau did in 2020, what every Boris Johnson, every single one of these people, will any of them stand up? And so when we come back, we’re going to not talk about the international health regulations, the IHR, but we’re talking about the international Holocaust rules Organization, or whatever they call themselves, the IHRA.

We’ll talk about that and the AAA when we return. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to the David Knight show on Rockfin Eco taxi. Thank you for the tip. Writes the pre COVID-19 vaers underreporting factors were credibly found to be between ten to 100 times lower for morbidity and mortality. So the post COVID-19 vax mortality under reporting factor was obviously, let’s see, he’s got. I can’t. Some extra. So I think he’s saying 200. I’m having a difficulty. He’s got so much stuff here I’m confused about. Anyway, it’s just in the US alone. So again, thank you.

Yeah, anywhere from ten to 100 times unreported. Because there are multiple studies. I think one of them found it is a factor of only 10% report another one found only 1%. That’s the key thing. This is clearly, literally minimally possible. And so it is giga democide. So. Yeah, that’s right. And there’s, it gives a website that you can look at as well,, which helps to explain that on Rockfin, Karen Carpenter says they need to put their milk through a mask. That’s right. Because we know that stops all the viral particles. Right. Well, let’s talk a little bit about this attack on free speech coming through the congress.

I’ve talked beginning of this program now about half of program about the attacks on free speech coming still through social media, through the Internet, companies of Silicon Valley, companies working in partnership with the federal government still shutting down vaccine information even as the smart ones are starting to try to edge away from this a little bit towards a more neutral ground. The anti semitism bill, royals the right, says world magazine. Well, it’s not just the right. There’s people on both the left and the right who are speaking out against this censorship bill of Trader Johnson. The delicate balance of rights and responsibilities sparks a big debate.

There’s a subtitle there. Let me just say this. There is no balance. There is no trade off. You do not trade off your liberty for security. Also, I didn’t remember I signed up for any responsibility for Israel. That’s right. That’s right. Well, and again, it isn’t about responsibility, it’s about liberty and it’s about the rule of law. You either obey the law, you either obey the constitution or you don’t. It’s just that simple. There isn’t any kind of trade off. And every time they offer this to you, anybody that says something like that, you know where these people are coming from.

They just want your liberty. They want to take it gradually and incrementally. And so, yeah, speech, folks, is not a crime. It is protected under the constitution. Speech is not a crime. Censorship is the crime. Censorship is the crime. Absolutely. So they began by saying, well, they said, we’ve got people on both sides of this. You know, we’ve got people who are conservatives. Some of them support it, some of them don’t. And so they began with a guy who supports it. On the one side, we have advocates for the bill who see it as an important statement in response to the meltdown on university lawns.

Really, I think we’ve been having a lot of stuff happening at the universities, as I said before, that these people who are demanding now that we destroy our free speech had no problem with it whatsoever. They never suggested monitors for anti white racism. They never suggested monitors for CRT or Dei. As a matter of fact, they wanted all of that stuff. It was not okay to be white. Black lives mattered. But if you said white lives mattered, you were racist. They have advocated all of this stuff, and these people are making excuses for it now. Didn’t have a problem with it before.

So when they talk about what is happening on the college campus, folks, their crime is not their speech. As much as we dislike their speech, as much as we dislike what they have to say, that is not a crime. Censorship is the crime, not the speech. Censorship is the crime. If you have a federal government that is doing it, it’s a crime. If the federal government is doing this in partnership to produce plausible deniability, if they’re doing it in partnership with social media companies, as we always knew they were, now we’ve got the receipts for it as well.

That is a crime because the censorship is being directed and incentivized by the government. They are bribing and blackmailing companies to do that, in the same way that they’re now going to be bribing and blackmailing universities to shut down speech that they don’t like. That is the crime. But they always do it with the money. This is why these clueless mother people who say Trump didn’t do anything wrong. Biden is saying the same thing as well. I didn’t order anybody. I just told them that they couldn’t have a job or a contract and we’d shut their business down because they’d lose all their government business.

We would shut down their cms to the hospitals if they didn’t vaccinate all their nurses and I. But I didn’t force anybody to do anything. Now, coercion is force. It is force. And when you are bribing people to do something for you, they’re acting as your agents, and it is coming from the government. And the government is censoring people. The government is creating a crime. They didn’t pass a law, but they’re acting lawlessly. They’re acting in defiance of the First Amendment. And this is true of the states as well. As a matter of fact, this is something that is now happening, you know, to protect the state of Israel, the state, a political foreign entity.

You’ve got laws being set up at state levels all over the place. There was an article about, I’ll get to it here in a second. And I said, well, it’s a different thing because that’s being done by the states. You know, the federal government, they’re not supposed to do it, but we know they’re doing it by using money. You know, they’re bribing and blackmailing people with the money, but the states are just doing it and they’re making crimes out of all this stuff. Well, guess what? When you take state office, you swear to uphold the constitution as well.

Constitution is still there, even if it’s a state office. The Bill of Rights is still there. But this is what they say. Well, here’s, here’s a guy who is on the right, and he likes this. He says the anti semitic displays that we’ve seen across our nation, and especially on college campuses are absolutely detestable and should be denounced at every turn. Approving this bill is the right response, said Brent Leatherwood of the Ethics and Religious Liberty commission of the, of the southern Baptist convention. All right. And also family research council saying the same thing. Let me just throw in here as an aside.

You know, we’re talking about the satanic temples, mocking displays that they put up for one stated sole purpose, and that is to shut down the free exercise of religion. These are the kinds of people, Brent Leatherwood and others, who have said, no, no, no, you got to leave that up. Gotta leave up the satanic display. That’s protected speech. But if you say that the Jews killed Christ, that’s not protected speech. Now, even Ben Shapiro knows better. Even Gerald Nadler knows better. You got conservative Ben Shapiro Jewish, Jerry Nadler jewish radical leftist. They both agree that this Johnson bill is against the First Amendment, and it sets up some very dangerous precedents because it is an affront to the First Amendment and our free speech.

This is, to me, this is amazing how the lines have been drawn on this thing. But again, when you look at people like this ethics and religious Liberty commission, you know, it was a, there was a state rep in, what was it, Iowa or Idaho? I can’t remember. I get the. Can’t remember which one of those two it was where around Christmas time you had a satanic display that was put up. And, yeah, I hear thunder out here a lot. We may lose power. So don’t want them thinking that Mossad drone struck us here or the CIA or big pharma or Vimeo or something.

But, yeah, so we may lose power, but when you look at these people, and there was a pastor, there was a state legislator as well in that state where some guy went up there and he knocked the whole thing down. And so now they’re charging him with a crime. I think that was his speech, frankly. It was a protest. Now, when you do certain things, it’s different than if you just speak. Okay. But they were not protected for religious liberty because they had been upfront about the fact they don’t believe what they’re doing. They’ve been upfront about the fact they don’t believe in Satan.

They don’t believe what they’re doing. They’re there merely to shut down Christianity. It is an anti christian group. It is a display there to shut down the first amendment. So I don’t think we need to accord them anything. We don’t need to lose any sleep worrying about how we divide the baby of religious liberty and free speech at all. But by the way, this guy, Brent Leatherwood, I’ve got a clip of his. Here’s what he had to say as that Bill was coming up for a vote in the house. And of course, it’s now passed. But this is what he said just before it came up for the vote.

Hey there. I’m Brent Leatherwood, president of the ethics and religious Liberty mission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Behind me is the building I just came out of, which is the israeli embassy here in America. And we met today with various members of the staff of the ambassador to reaffirm our support as southern Baptists for Israel and Israel’s right not only to defend itself, but to exist. And it’s very clear you can probably hear the music behind me. Before, we were worried about even being able to tape this video because there was a loud siren that was playing.

And that’s because the folks who work in the embassy are being subjected to continual harassment by sympathizers of Hamas and other terrorist groups. And so it was important for us today to meet with the ambassador’s team being subjected to continual harassment from people like this Baptist and Mike Johnson, solidarity with the people of Israel and to condemn acts of anti semitism that we’re seeing not only in Israel, but even right here in the United States. Later today in Congress, the anti Semitism Awareness act is expected to pass the US House. We are in full support of this legislation, and we urge the US Senate to take it up swiftly to show that America is not a place where harassment and intimidation and evil will persist.

And so we stand with our friends from Israel, we stand with jewish citizens here in America, and we want to make sure that we are constantly being a voice for the vulnerable in these types of situations. So, thank you. And he stands against the constitution. He stood with Francis Collins, by the way, the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission stood with Francis Collins. As a matter of fact, this same guy, Brent Leatherwood, wrote an article here. And it’s got. I don’t have that in the list there, I don’t think. But here it is. It’s got their, their eRlc logo there.

You know, it’s interesting. I can find in the Bible where it says many places in the New Testament where it says the Jews killed Jesus. And I talked about that on Thursday, and I’ll mention what that meant, full implications of that. But I can’t find anything about a denominational convention. I can’t find anything about denominations except to see condemnation of it in the New Testament. I don’t see anything about an ethics or religious liberty convention or committee inside a convention either. These people. Statement of principles of church and civic partnership on contact tracing. This is what they did in July of 2021.

Key to successfully confronting this crisis is for churches to conduct themselves as co equal partners with civic entities to combat the spread of the coronavirus. I regard people like Brent Leatherwood as traitors to his people, as traitors to christians, in the same way that Benjamin Netanyahu is a traitor to Jews. He betrayed them to the World Economic Forum. I’ve played the clips many times of Benjamin Netanyahu calling multiple times and recording it with a World economic forum, talking about how he’s vaccinating everybody. He’s going to give them all the information, the reports. He’s going to use Jews as lab rats.

And I said he’s no different from Joseph Mengele, except he’s probably experimented on more jews than Joseph Mengele did. We’ve got to be careful that we don’t become the monsters that we fight. And unfortunately, both the United States and Israel have become the monsters that we fought. We said it was a day of infamy when Japan attacked us at Pearl harbor. And it was. Even though FDR was passively aggressive, even though he enabled it, even though he shut down the early warnings, it was still the Japanese who attacked. And to say that they bear no responsibility for that attack is the same as saying that a man who killed his wife because she nagged him constantly was justified.

It was not justified. And yet, when we see how we have conducted ourselves since then, we don’t see any problem at all with doing preemptive attacks like Japan did on Pearl harbor. As a matter of fact, that’s become core american policy to do that, to attack them before they attack us. It’s also become core policy for us to attack civilian populations, as you see happening in Gaza. Even when there is a justified response to an initial attack, the prolonged attacks against the civilian population. Go back to the types of things that we did in world war two, the extensive firebombing of Dresden and then the nuclear attacks on the cities and I’ve seen this argument going back and forth, and again, it is a hegelian argument.

They’ll say, well, here’s our two alternatives. We could either have fought them island by island, and it would have maybe taken more japanese lives than we did with the nuclear bombs. They would have been soldiers, however, not civilians, and we would have lost a lot of american lives. Or we could have. Or we bombed these civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war. Well, as you usually see with these things, they give you two choices, and those are not the only two choices we had. Of course, if you’re fighting the japanese soldiers island by island, why did they have to go bomb a civilian population? They could have taken a nuclear bomb and dropped it on one of the islands, you know, drop it on Okinawa or something, right? So we don’t have to fight them.

I don’t know when that came in. I think that battle was before that. Nevertheless, we’ve got a chain of islands. They’re going to have to take, one by one, blow up that island, take pictures of it and show it to the world just like they did in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. If that doesn’t work, blow up the next island with the soldiers on it. That’s part of the combat. Instead, they chose to go to a civilian population. And we always have this argument given to people. Well, you know, we could have let the war go on forever, or we could have bombed these civilian populations.

No, there was another alternative. You could have used a nuclear bomb in the war, because a justified war is a war that is conducted after you have been attacked. And a justified war tries to minimize civilian casualties. And a justified war tries to end the war. As a matter of fact, we all know that that is not the intent of the american government to end any of these wars. Babylon be had a headline. You know, the congress is told, we got to pass this bill for Ukraine or the war might end. Yeah, it would end if we didn’t keep funding it.

And which is better for the people of Ukraine? Have a petitioned Ukraine or to be completely destroyed? Well, we know which one our people want. And yet you look at this guy, Brent Leatherwood, who just sold us out on the first Amendment and not even on the free exercise of speech, but he was never there on the free exercise of religion. I’ve always said, these people who push for the idea of romans 13, that you do whatever the government says. I said, when? Unless the government tells you that you can’t worship, is what they would always say.

The government tells you, you can’t worship, then you are. You have the right and the duty to not obey those orders. Right, but you have the duty to not obey those orders. And yet these are the people telling you, lockdown, stay locked down. And even worse, people like Brent Leatherwood were bringing in Francis Collins to convince other people there to tell everybody to lock down. And you had them also saying that we’re going to work with them in terms of doing contact tracing on our own people. So the SBC, does that stand for Southern Baptist convention or does it stand for the Stasi Baptist convention? I think that’s what it stands for.

These people are quislings and they will report on you. That’s what they were saying they would do at the time. And now they want to shut down your free speech. And apart from, you know, this, this article from Oral magazine said, well, you know, you got the back and forth of this and even the people who are apologists for it say, well, I’m not saying that the legal issues aren’t troubling. The legal issues are troubling, but the religious issues are also troubling. Have you ever noticed that whenever they do these MacGuffins, it is never a direct order from the government? They always act through surrogates? If you or any of your people are caught or captured, the impossible mission force will deny any knowledge of your involvement.

Right. Plausible deniability. Wash our hands of it. They always use these other agents that are out there. They’ll use the bureaucracies, they’ll use companies to censor people, or they’ll use NgO’s now to censor people. Not just corporations, but NgO’s to do that. And so these are people who are saying, you know, wear the pinwheel on your head. If the government tells you, Pinwheel Friel, Todd Friel, this is what they were about and they still are about that. And this is not just the Southern Baptist, but it’s also the family research council. These are people. Understand when you look at this guy, Brent Leatherwood, what he’s, what is he doing? He’s hanging out with politicians.

He wants to be a player. That’s his God. He wants to be a political action figure. So he’s hanging out at the israeli embassy. He’s hanging out with Speaker Johnson. He wants to get audiences with these people. He wants to have an opinion and be seen as a player. So he’s playing ball with them. No, Brent, Christ is king. You ought to write that down. Maybe you forgot that prominent religious freedom advocates, including frequent world opinion contributor, this is world saying so? Frequent contributor Karen Wagner of the alliance defending Freedom fear that a bill against so called hate speech could be the groundwork for future legislation on hate speech against lgbt issues.

Yeah, of course God created them, male and female. Can’t say that. Can’t say that. That’s hateful. It never ends. There is always a religious component to this stuff, isn’t it? Isn’t that interesting? There’s always an ethical component to it. Whether you’re talking about the lockdown, can’t go to church. No, no, no. Or whether you’re talking about the vaccine, they can’t object to the ethics of how this vaccine was created with aborted babies. You can’t object to the fact that the government is using this to move the Overton window toward a one world government and a global id.

You can’t object to that on religious or ethical issues. No, no, no. And then when it comes to this. Sorry. You can’t object to this issue on ethical or religious things because you’re going to have to be quiet. We’re going to have censorship and we’re going to take money away from these colleges that we have handsomely rewarded them to push racism and hatred and Marxism. That’s all fine. But now, because they’re pushing anti semitism, we’re going to put monitors there and we’re going to take away their money. Money if they say anything about it. But they won’t take them away for any of these other things.

They’ll continue to fund all of the Marxism, the DEI, the CRT, all of that will, the lgbt stuff that will all be funded by Johnson and by these Republicans who voted for it and the Democrats who voted for it. They have no problem with that, folks. The only thing they got a problem with is anti semitism. So do you think that this is going to set up a precedent? Of course it will. Of course it will. The bill says that it shall not be interpreted to infringe on the first Amendment. That’s a disclaimer. That’s like, you know, when somebody comes out and says, well, you know, I think abortion is a tragedy, but let’s have more of it.

Right? I think censorship is really illegal, but let’s have more of it and we’ll let it be defined. We’ll let truth be defined by some foreign NGo or by some foreign government. Professor Robert George of Princeton University put on x. He says, this does not help those of us who are calling out anti semitism on campuses and pushing back against this vile form of bigotry. More broadly, for legislators to enact laws placing viewpoint based restrictions on speech. That’s what we’re talking about here. You’re talking about censoring political speech. You’re talking about censoring religious speech. Whether or not you agree with it is beside the point.

Free speech isn’t the speech that you agree with. And if you don’t, if you don’t allow free speech for speech that you disagree with, then you don’t support it at all. So it says, it’s important to remember the bill does not directly regulate or censor speech. That’s what World magazine says. See, this is the trap. This is why the MAGA people, well, Trump didn’t do anything. That was the public health officials and the governors that he gave so much money to, and it was Fauci and all this other. They just made suggestions to people. But it was actually implemented at the state level by the people that he was giving tens of billions of dollars to.

And that’s what they’re saying here. Well, it’s important to understand that this bill does not directly regulate or censor speech. It expands upon or clarifies existing rules for what educational institutions qualify for federal funds. You see, the money, it’s always money, not mandates. And it’s actually, the money is the mandate, because the money is how they bribe and blackmail people to do this stuff. And that’s what these people should know. I don’t expect the MAGA people to understand it because they never got involved in politics before and they’re clueless about how it works. But it’s about time to get a clue.

It’s about time to see this, because this is how it always works. It always works through money, not through direct mandates, because they don’t have the legal authority to do that. And they operate through bluffs, just like Jeff Sessions and his marijuana obsession and how he’s going to pay the, you know, the police departments, like the sheriff’s department in San Bernardino county to rob armored cars. They were taking cash from legalized, legal marijuana retail sales in California to rob them. You give us 20% of the money, we’ll let you keep 80% of money. It’s always about the money they don’t have.

He doesn’t, you know, Jeff Sessions never attacked any of these states because prohibition doesn’t have a legal basis. The censorship doesn’t have a legal basis, and the lockdowns and all of the stuff that they did in the so called pandemic does not have a legal basis. So they do it through regulatory. They do it through the bureaucracies. They do it through their rules, not laws, and they do it with money. Now, even Jerry Nadler says Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst jewish leader in 2100 years. Talking about compared him to a jewish leader in history, the king who invited in the Romans.

Here’s what he had to say. Anti Semitism. And I am as attuned as anyone to threats and bigotry aimed at jewish people. I will take lectures from no one about the need for vigorous efforts to fight anti semitism on campus or anywhere else. I am also a deeply committed Zionist who firmly believes in Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the jewish people. But as someone who is also a longtime champion of protecting freedom of speech, I must oppose this misguided bill. While there is much in the bill I agree with, its core provision would put a thumb on the scale in favor of one particular definition of antisemitism to the exclusion of all others, to be used when the Department of education assesses claims of anti semitism on campus.

This definition, adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance alliance, or IRA, includes, quote, contemporary examples of anti semitism. The problem is that these examples may include protected speech in some context, particularly with respect to criticism of the state of Israel. To be clear, I vehemently disagree with the sentiments toward Israel expressed in those examples. And too often, criticism of Israel does in fact, take the form of virulent anti semitism. Many jewish students no longer feel safe on campus, and some colleges have not done nearly enough to protect them. But while this definition and its examples may have useful applications in certain context, by effectively codifying them into title vi, this bill threatens to chill constitutionally protected speech.

Speech that is critical of Israel alone does not constitute unlawful discrimination. By encompassing purely political speech about Israel into title and so forth, right. Money equals mandates. Fiat currency equals fiat orders. That’s their superpower, the money. And as he said, you know, look, I agree. Israel’s got a right to exist. I have absolutely no problem with that. If they have the strength to take the land and hang on to it, I got no problem with it. Frankly, I also, as a Christian, understand that they’ve been there for a very long time. They were given that land.

They were run off of that land. They have a right to take it back. I think what they do not have a right to is to loot the american taxpayer. They do not have a right to destroy our first amendment. They do not have a right to bribe and to cajole and to threaten our legislators and to take over our government. They don’t have a right to take over our government. They’ve got a right to exist, but they better not continue. To take over our government. I say better not continue. They’ve been doing this for a long time.

It’s just more open all of the time. And that’s what disgusts me about all this. That’s what disgusts me about people like Mike Johnson, his misplaced christian theology where he supports war everywhere. First of all, that’s a non starter. Secondly, he took an oath to the constitution. He is a Christian who has become a liar, an oathbreaker. How is that Christian? How is it christian to push for war? How is it christian to break your oath? How is it christian to destroy the liberties that many people died in this country to establish, and now we’re going to let a foreign government pay these crooked politicians to destroy our bill of rights? That’s what’s happening with Israel right now.

That is a political entity. Understand, folks, as the Bible says, not all Israel are Israel. God said, even at the time, he said, look, my chosen people are the children of the promise. He said, I’ve got. He said at the time it was Israel. He said, there’s a small remnant here that actually follows me. That’s what I mean by Israel. He said, and you got people, whether it’s liberal Jerry Nadler or you got Ben Shapiro, or you got ultra orthodox Jews who do not support the political entity of Israel, and yet they always want to conflate this political entity with the jewish people.

And there is no. No comparison. There is no connection there. And this Holocaust organization is making that a comparison. All these people are always doing that. It’s antisemitic to criticize Israel. That’s why I’ve had the anti semitic label put on me, because I criticize political entities, especially if they’re foreign entities, especially if they’re foreign entities who are trying to manipulate our government to their advantage and to our disadvantage. So the. You know the headline for this is the ERLC of the SBC. Southern Baptist Convention lobbies Congress for unconstitutional bill that makes it illegal to quote scripture.

He said, we are in full support of that. Again, that’s the. That’s what these people are all about. They were in full support shutting down churches. They’re in full support of going full stasi on their church members. Again, the working definition, the religious side of this working definition is using symbols and images associated with classic anti Semitism. For example, claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel to characterize Israel or Israelis. Now, notice it says Jews killing Jesus or blood libel. Some of the apologists for this have said, well, I know what they meant. They didn’t mean that contemporary Jews are responsible for this.

And yet look at what they do to white people at these same universities. Right? You’re white. That means that you’re guilty of slavery. Like, I haven’t slaved anybody. We talk about that all the time. The Jews that are here today, they didn’t kill Christ. But as I said on Thursday, I said, look, the Jews demanded that he be. The jewish leadership demanded that he be held over. The people who were there said, give us who I release to you says, pilate Barabbas or Jesus Barabbas. We want barabbas. Kill Jesus. That type of thing. And then when you have 50 days later, Peter is talking to them at Pentecost and he says, you know, this Jesus you killed to the people that were there, and they were struck, they said, what do we do? He says, well, repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.

There’s forgiveness for any of this stuff. This isn’t something that is on people because of who they are, how they were born. But as I also said, why did you know who killed Jesus? Well, Jesus said, no one takes my life from me. I lay it down. He laid it down for people like you, like me, who were sinners. And I said, who killed Jesus? I did. You did. He died for your sins. Question is, will you accept that mercy, or will you turn your back on it? But I will not be quiet about it. That is one thing I will not do.

And you know this. There is absolutely. It is in direct contradiction to the essential law of the land. If you don’t have the constitution, folks, none of these other laws make any difference. But even if the constitution did not protect my religious liberty or my free speech, I would refuse to comply with this. This is the problem I have with these christians out there who are saying, well, yeah, it’s okay, do it. No, even if it wasn’t the bedrock of the constitution, the first amendment, it would still be wrong for a christian to capitulate. And what can be said? Are we going to leave a legacy to our children that they’re going to grow up in a society where they can’t say God created them, male and female? Are we going to leave them a legacy where they cannot quote the Bible? I mean, we’ve got a woman who was in the cabinet of Finland.

She was an elected representative for several terms. She served multiple terms as a cabinet position. And you’ve got a prosecutor coming after her because she talked about homosexuality being promoted by her church. So she put a post up to her church saying, this is what the Bible says about this. And for that, this prosecutor has come after her not once, not twice, because he lost the first time. Then he took it to appeals court, lost there. He’s appealed it to the highest court, the Supreme Court, to still relentlessly come after her because she quoted the Bible.

What this Holocaust non governmental organization is doing is putting a gag in our mouth. And people like Brent Leatherwood of the Southern Baptist convention or the Family Research council or any of these other political groupies who want to get a little pat on the head and they want to get invited to the big parties, because then they can show themselves posing with the president or the speaker of the house, and they can show that to their donors, and they say, look at us, we’re big players. You need to support our organization. We’re going to defend your liberties.

When they’re doing exactly the opposite. They’re getting access to these criminals by selling you out, just like Trump did on so many different issues. He sold the MAGA people out, he sold the conservatives that he turned his back on what he said he was going to do. He never had any principles. He had some political promises that he went back on. But again, it’s over and over again. In the New Testament, first Thessalonians, Jews killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets. You say that that’s illegal according to this non governmental organization pushing the Holocaust. And let me just say this about the Holocaust, okay? I had a friend in college who was jewish.

His mother had been in one of these camps. She was crippled for life, always in a wheelchair. She had a tattoo on her hand. That was the numbers that the Nazis gave her. Now, you know, I don’t. I don’t know why it is so blazingly important for their 6 million number. I don’t care if it was 6 million or six Jews. That was criminal or 60 million, okay? And there have been more people killed and communist purges. Stalin killed more people than 6 million. Mao killed a lot more. The Khmer Rouge, probably in Cambodia, even killed more people than that.

The Marxists are doing it all the time. But it’s not Marxism versus fascism. It’s not communist versus, you know, Stalin versus Hitler or whatever. This is totalitarianism, folks. How do you get totalitarianism? Well, you start by taking away free speech. You want to start with. You want to wind up with death camps. You take away the free speech. I know these organizations think that the Holocaust gives them some special right to have Israel. That’s flawed thinking. They need to go back to the fact that, and it’s interesting that the secular governments in Israel are constantly covering up archaeological evidence of the Jews being there long before, you know, the Palestinian, which is what the Romans called it, they were there forever.

We have archaeological evidence. We have biblical evidence of that. They don’t need to justify this in terms of the Holocaust, and they don’t need to just, and they don’t need to have this precious, oh, you can’t say anything about it being 6 million people. How many times in any war have you ever gotten the casualty figures right? I’ve said over and over again, look, you look at the casualty figures from the civil war, I don’t believe them for a minute. Supposedly, you had exactly the same number north and south die. Really? Are you kidding me? Exactly 300,000 from each side.

Come on. That’s nonsense, and we know it. And it doesn’t count any civilian casualties. It doesn’t count the economic damage that was done or whatever. But it’s. That’s absolutely cooked books. And I’m not saying that the 6 million is cooked. I don’t really care how many it was. Do they care about what’s happening in Armenia? Do they care about that? You know, Armenia is going through ethnic cleansing. It’s Christians in Armenia. Real genocide, real ethnic cleansing done by Muslims, done by people who are working with our NATO ally Turkey always has been that way. As a matter of fact, the term genocide was coined about the christian armenian genocide, and it was done by a jewish guy.

He coined the term genocide in terms of talking about what the Turks did, the armenian Christians. And yet what is happening there? It’s still going on. Does anybody care? No. Does Mike Johnson care what’s going on right now in Armenia? This long history, a century of this stuff. Last week, thousands of the country’s citizens in the streets of Yerevan holding flaming torches to commemorate genocide Remembrance Day. Meanwhile, the armenian diaspora met on soccer fields in South America and in churches in Belgium, where the belgian foreign minister told them, never again. This year, the commemoration is especially salient.

Despite the platitudes and the promises of foreign leaders, including those in Russia and the United States, the specter of genocide continues to haunt the armenians. Just months ago, 120,000 Armenians fled Nagorno Karabakh, a semi autonomous region of Armenia known to its inhabitants as artsocial, that contains the oldest christian nation’s oldest churches. So again, Armenia is the oldest christian nation, and it’s its oldest churches are there, and this is the last holdout there. The resulting humanitarian crisis and ethnic cleansing, a predator predicate for genocide. During just one week last September, azerbaijani troops completed their invasion of the regional and the Armenians fled, leaving behind their homes, their dogs, their churches, and their graves.

The US had months of forewarning and could have responded, but it barely did. It wasn’t that the US was caught unaware, but rather that a complex web of lobbyists and alliances. You see, it’s which politicians you own. You go in and you buy. Politicians like Johnson $20 million in his first full quarter as speaker, an obscene amount of money. He should be ashamed. He should be driven out just for that fact alone. He is for sale. He is a prostitute, a whore, a war mongering whore who has just sold out our first amendment. Azerbaijani troops have been blocking Nagorno Karabakh for months.

The region was starved of food and medicine and electricity and cut off from the rest of Armenia since January 2023. Does that sound familiar? Oh, well, you know, we’ve got people on campuses now saying, well, Israel’s doing that to Gaza. Nobody cares about the Christians as the Palestinians and the Jews. That’s all we care about. And the Christians like Brent Leatherwood, the nominal Christians, like Brent Leatherwood, the nominal Christians, like Mike Johnson, christians by name, not by deed, don’t care about them either. It’s just amazing. So, yeah, that’s the real genocide that is out there. And they really don’t care, could not care less about any of that stuff.

And so Brent Leatherwood and full support of this legislation, he was in full support of the lockdown of churches, he was in full support of contact tracing of members, the Stasi Baptist convention. That’s what he’s in full support of. Just amazing. So my son says, I got a quote from Chesterton. Okay, I’ll read it. They do not understand the nature of a law any more than the nature of a dog. Oh, speaking of dogs, we’ll talk about Christina. Anyway, if you let loose a law, it will do as a dog does. It will obey its own nature, not yours.

Such sense as you have put into the law, or the dog will be fulfilled, but you will not be able to fulfill a fragment of anything you have forgotten to put into it. That’s right. It’ll be used as it is. There. If there’s a problem, if it looks like there’s a problem, folks, there is a problem. So, as Mike Pottage says, it’s simple. Let the Bill of Rights rule. Do we want to? Anybody want to talk about the Constitution? Is that a thing anymore? He says there’s an underlying assumption involving the recently House passed anti Semitism Awareness act.

Once Congress passes a law, the enforcement or the application of that law is assigned to a cabinet officer. With that potential law and all other laws are words empowering the secretary to adopt such administrative rules and regulations as necessary to carry out the purposes of this act, quote unquote. That’s what they always say. See, I’ll never forget how everybody look at Nancy Pelosi. She’s so stupid. She says we got to pass Obamacare to find out what’s in it. No, what she was doing was she was passing Obamacare, kicking it over to, was it hhs that operated the thing so they could put in the details, so they could write all the rules and regulations.

They didn’t know what was going to be in. They were just giving broad powers to an unaccountable, unelected bureaucratic agency for them to fill it in. This is why I talk all the time about that. It’s regulation without representation. It is also taxation without representation. It is rules, not laws. Same thing happened with civil asset forfeiture in the drug war. Same thing happened with COVID Same thing happening here, in this case, the department of education. When the goal is censorship, antisemitism is the excuse, always has been. I have been accused so many times by the southern poverty Law center and AdL, and I don’t even talk about this issue.

As far as I look at it, what’s going on in Israel and with Palestine is their business. They can work it out. It’s their war. We don’t need to get involved in it. I agree with the ultra orthodox Jews. God gave them the land. He can do it miraculously. Again. And I don’t agree with the israeli government. I think it’s one of the most reprehensible governments on the planet earth. And so I do not get involved in these fights. I don’t like Hamas and I don’t like the. The government of Israel. They’re political entities. They’re political entities that have, as I said last week, absolutely no respect for the lives of their own people.

Hamas doesn’t care what happens to the Palestinians. As a matter of fact, the more Palestinians that get killed, better for Hamas. They can play the victim card. They can get nash international sympathy. Netanyahu has absolutely no regard for the people of Israel. He doesn’t care as long as he gets his geopolitical stuff through what happens to them. He showed that with the vaccines and in many other ways as well. There are a number of political leaders who advocate eliminating the Department of Education and not giving it censorship rights over what people say about religion and religious people.

See, that’s the, that’s the real traitor Johnson aspect of this. As I’ve said many times, Jimmy Carter pushed through the Department of Education, created it in 1980 in the middle of an election campaign, and Ronald Reagan said, we’re going to get rid of that. But he didn’t. He grew it and nurtured it for eight years. We’ve had politicians in the past say, well, if I’m elected, I’m going to get rid of the Department of Education. And they should, because it has been a corrupting influence. It has used federal funding to push Marxism, critical race theory, DEi, and all the rest of this stuff.

This anti white hatred that’s on college campuses has always been funded and pushed by the Department of Education, just as they were pushing for mentally ill trainees, men to get into the showers and the dressing rooms of girls. It is always the money, and they’ve always pushed this. And so we don’t have any politicians anymore saying, we’re going to get rid of the Department of Education. Instead, what they do is they use the Department of Education to impose censorship and censorship for one group and one group only. They’re not there to say we’re going to have free speech.

They’re there to shut down any criticism of Israel or Jews, political Israel or Jews individually. They’re not there to shut down any criticism of white males or Christians or any other group. And there you have it. More rules about disinformation and misinformation, which are often, more often than not, protect the bureaucracy and keep the citizens confused or in the dark. The Bill of Rights got it right. The public does not need to hear the anti semitism, identify the perpetrators and shun them. Make sure they never have a job that tells you the heart of Mark Levin and these other people.

They don’t have a heart for liberty. They don’t have a heart for the rule of law. The biggest bunch of nonsense. Mark Levin’s liberty amendments. Do you trust a guy like that who has never had respect for individual liberty? None whatsoever. Mark Levin, he wants to have a constitutional convention. Can you imagine the kind of constitution Mark Levin would produce and people of his ilk? Can you imagine the kind of constitution that you would have by people who have prostituted themselves to a foreign government? We have a constitutional convention. Who’s going to write it? Israel will be China.

Who’s going to write it? Depends on who the politician is. Right? Bill of rights. Got it. Right. The public doesn’t need to hear the anti semitism to identify perpetrators and to shun them. Hearing stupid people say stupid things is part of the public’s overall education about those who seek public office and said, what would we have done if we didn’t have this intellectual property thief that was president of Harvard? Would she have been forced to resign if there hadn’t been publicity? Are we allowed to criticize people? What are we allowed to criticize? And again, just in case you think that Israel is a democracy, just in case you think that political Israel respects free speech, they just shut down the Al Jazeera offices there.

Look, I understand Al Jazeera is critical of Israel, but they don’t support in any way, shape or form the principle of free speech and a free press in Israel. And they are demanding and paying for free speech. Free press, the free exercise of religion to be shut down in our country. That’s the israeli government. The same ones that shut down al Jazeera. And they own Congress, as Trump said. Well, you know, Israel owns Congress and rightfully so. Really? Well, they appear to own every one of the republican representatives, which is all the representatives from Tennessee are republican.

They appear to own each and every one of them. That’s for sure. Now, I played you what Jerry Nadler, a Jew on the left, said about this flawed bill. Here’s what Ben Shapiro says. The way this is phrased suggests that it is anti semitic to say that Jews killed Jesus. Well, according to the New Testament, Jews did involve themselves in the killing of Jesus. Jews, the Sanhedrin, according to the news. Again, I’m a jew, so this is not my book, but my best understanding from all my christian friends and from reading the New Testament is that the Jews, under the New Testament, the Jews referred Jesus for prosecution to Pontius Pilate, who then convicted, out of fear of riots, Jesus to death, and then gave the Jews the opportunity to free Jesus, and they chose not to do so.

And the book of Matthew, there’s a verse where it says, his blood be upon us and our children. Right? That’s all from the New Testament. Christians saying all that stuff doesn’t make christians anti semitic. I think what the IhRA was actually going for here was a different claim which has been rejected by the Catholic Church, which is that Jews today are collectively responsible for the death of Jesus, which. But white people are collectively responsible for slavery. Again, my understanding, and correct me if I’m wrong, because again, I’m not a Christian, is that the basic idea is that all of humanity is collectively responsible for the death of Jesus.

That is humanity’s great sin. And Jesus wiped away original sin through his death. Well, he got that pretty close. He got that pretty close. It’s not that Jesus wiped away original sin. It’s, there’s an offer for those who ask him, but other than that, he got it exactly right. The interesting thing is, is that when you’re going to apply that blood libel, essentially, that is what has been done by the Marxist in order to foment a race war. That’s what they do to white people. You know, you’re guilty of slavery. Every one of you white people, you’re guilty of slavery.

Why don’t we have any monitoring of that? Why can’t these conservative republicans do that? Well, because nobody’s paying them to do that. They do what they’re paid to do, and they’re being paid by Israel for this thing. And here’s the other thing, too. We can talk about what the IHRA has to say about its definition of semitism. Anti Semitism. Why should a non governmental organization have a say? Why wouldn’t, again, we’re talking about that quote of Chesterton, right? Whatever you put into the law, you have Johnson and these other people. But, and it was a republican bill that was put in, I think, last October by Lawler out of New York.

A Republican out of New York put that in in October, and they brushed it up and rushed it through real quickly. Now why, why is that being done? You have to ask yourself, why don’t they do something about these other hateful programs, racist programs, marxist programs that be done in these other places? They’re not interested at all. So you had Lawler put it in and back in October it was okay. And then Johnson quickly pushes it through. And now you’ve got, in the Senate, you got Rick Scott and Tom Cotton, Republicans working to hurriedly put together their version of what had been sitting there dead because it’s a horrific piece of legislation to put through a similar piece of legislation.

If the government, if the Congress is going to pass something through, they have a responsibility. If they’re going to have an anti semitism act, they have responsibility to define anti semitism, not to point to an NGo somewhere and say it’s what they say. No, they have a responsibility to define it themselves and they chose not to do it. That in and of itself is a huge red flag. That in and of itself is a huge new precedent. Kind of like when Trump did gun control by executive order with both the bump stock and the pistol brace.

And he did the pistol brace in 2019, pulled it back in 2020 when all the election stuff was going on, and then Biden put it back in. But Trump did two gun control bills by executive order never been done before, pushing this stuff off and letting, you know, putting out a bill to shut down free speech, free press, free exercise of religion, and to do it based on a definition done by a non governmental organization, even. It’s bad enough if you allow these bureaucracies, these unelected, unaccountable government bureaucracies, to do regulation without representation. Now these people are letting non governmental organizations do legislation.

That’s yet another issue with this thing. This bill would codify the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism into federal law. That in and of itself is a big enough problem to shut this thing down. So only 21 Republicans opposed the bill. There were 70 Democrats who also opposed the bill. The IHRA examples of, quote, manifestations, unquote, of anti semitism, according to their definition, include saying that Jews killed Jesus or making stereotypical allegations about Jews. Again, Ben Shapiro said, it’s obviously unconstitutionally vague. And it is obviously, as he said, look, I said I don’t believe it, but that’s what their religion says.

So it’s obviously an attempt to censor religion. Whether or not you agree with it, it’s not the point. You don’t have free exercise religion. If everybody’s got to agree on it, you won’t have any right. That’s just what, that’s what the goal is, actually. But every one of these tyrannies has got a direct religious test component to it, and every single one of them has a situation where our elected representatives have kicked it over to some bureaucracy or now to a non governmental organization to say that I didn’t do it for plausible deniability. Every single one of them, that is what’s common to them.

They have these tyrannies. They always have a surrogate do it for them. And so Marjorie Taylor Greene said, anti semitism is wrong, but I will not be voting for the anti Semitism Awareness act that could convict christians of antisemitism for believing the gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews. But again, you know, he, Jesus delivered himself. That’s what we need to understand, and we need to understand why he did it. Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy called it a show vote. Yeah, it was virtue signaling, but it was more than virtue signaling.

Who were they showing? Who were they virtue signaling to? They’re virtually virtue signaling to the people in the israeli government who give them money. They’re prostituting themselves to a foreign government. He said it was jammed through to take advantage of this political moment. And he criticized republican leadership because, again, it was Johnson who took this poorly conceived bill written and sitting there on the shelf for six months. Nobody did anything with it, and he rams it through. Matt Walsh with a daily wire also criticized the bill’s vagueness. He said the vast majority of Republicans just voted for a bill to criminalize criticism of the israeli government.

If the bill passes, you will be guilty of hate speech, if you apply, quote unquote, double standards to the government of Israel or if you accuse it of genocide. He said, this is honestly one of the most insane pieces of legislation I’ve ever seen. And it’s got, and my comment is it’s got Johnson’s fingerprints all over it. And so it’s interesting, you know, I see Brent Leatherwood, I see Michael Brown, who is a christian pastor. He is jewish ethnically. And he asks, he said, did the House just outlaw quoting parts of the New Testament? And so as he talks about, he says, well, he said, torba, Andrew Torba of Gab, he says, who himself is frequently accused of anti semitism.

Who isn’t? Who isn’t, Michael, come on. You know, they call everybody racist. They really do. Any, as we’ve seen this over and over again, you show up to debate these protesters somewhere, ask them what they’re, and they just shout at you, racist, racist, racist. They have nothing to say. It’s like Karen at the abortion clinic holding up a sign saying abortion is black genocide. And the antifa people showing up with a black sign, nothing, just to put it in front of her sign. You know, they’re going up and down, you know, here’s my sign. You know, back and forth.

They don’t have anything to say. They just want to shut you up. And so he’s been accused of anti semitism. Seriously, has he? Is he anti semitic or not? Don’t, don’t throw these types of things around. This is the kind of stuff, again, Michael Brown, you shouldn’t be throwing stuff like this around. If somebody is not anti semitic, if he’s anti semitic, make your case. Instead, he just throws these accusations out. He said, he wrote an email, sent out an email, may the second the house passes this, and it is a threat to the christian faith.

He then claimed that the bill adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, which includes the basic biblical truth, that Jews killed Jesus and so forth. He didn’t claim that that’s true. We all know that’s true. And he noted that Torba then wrote this as an urgent warning, and he signed off with Christ is king. Oh, that’s something else we’re not allowed to say now, right? I’ve had it with these rules. I really have. I really don’t care what these people say. He says, in short, then, this bill says nothing whatsoever about citing these New Testament passages or affirming their truthfulness.

Yes, it does, Michael. It’s very clear. It says blood libel or saying the Jews kill Jesus. The Bible does say the Jews kill Jesus. Ben Shapiro pointed that out. He was objective about that. He was right about that. Rather, he says it addresses the historic and still present anti semit semitic libel that all Jews were and are Christ killers. A libel that has led to the slaughter of Jews throughout history, is documented and our hands are stained with blood. He says, what about all the white people, again, who are supposedly accused of being racist slaveholders? You never cared about that, did you? No, you didn’t care about that at all.

Whether the bill infringes on free speech in general is a separate issue entirely. Is it? Is it? Is that. You don’t even talk about that. So he doesn’t. He knows that it infringes on free speech, so he doesn’t want to talk about that. Well, if you infringe on free speech, you by definition infringe on religious liberties. Because even if it didn’t explicitly say what it explicitly does say, if you say that, you know, we’re going to let you say certain things and we’ll shut you down on other things, it’s going to go back to God created them, male and female.

It’ll be that simple. So again, no monitors for any of this other hate, but we will have monitors for all of that. That is what they’re going to give us. And there’s going to be a wave of legislation seeking to penalize criticism of Israel as anti semitism. This has already happened. Not just federal, but it’s also state laws. This is from Lee Feng. His substat federal and state laws include subjective actions like holding Israel to a double standard. What does that even mean? What does that mean? And so he runs through, Fang runs through, says, here’s the status of where we are at state levels.

Earlier this year, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, a frequent world economic Forum attendee, by the way, revised Georgia’s hate crime statute to include certain forms of speech critical of Israel. In March, Christy Noem signed legislation of the South Dakota civil rights statute that codified some forms of speech critical of Israel as a form of illegal discrimination. Nearly identical hate crime legislation passed South Carolina’s legislature last week and now awaits the signature by the governor there. Florida legislators are rapidly advancing a similar bill, just not enough that they did that. DeSantis went to Israel and signed a bill there to get paid.

Frankly, he needed money to run for president. So he goes to Israel, signs a bill making it a crime, a felony, an imprisonable offense to hurl insults at jews. I’m sorry, but you know, somebody who’s had a lot of insults hurled at me, I have no sympathy for that. None whatsoever. Perhaps you deserve those insults if you’re going to take away our free speech because of that. There is no such thing as hate speech or speech crime. The crime is censorship, and it’s committed by politicians all the time to be paid by foreign governments. In New York, state legislators propose legislation that would make a class a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in prison to vandalize any poster, banner, flyer, or billboard that supports the country or the citizens of Israel in any way.

But again, burning a us flag is free speech. And I agree with it. I think that is free speech. I don’t like it, but I think that’s free speech. That’s a thing. I disagree. I detest the policies of America or something. That’s what people are doing when they burn an israeli flag. But they’re going to make that a crime when it’s not even a crime to burn our own flag. That is a crime, folks. A crime being committed against us, a betrayal. These people are Judas goats. These people are Benedict Arnold, Donald as well. So again, it goes over federal funding.

New York, Georgia, directly expand the scope of behavior subject to criminal prosecution. An act of alleged anti Israel vandalism would now be subject to a harsher penalty. You know, you can set a pro life clinic on fire and endanger human life, and the FBI doesn’t care. Don’t touch an israeli flag. All these laws, federal and state, require government entities to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti semitism. Just like the who and their IHR. We have Johnson and his Ihra. Kenneth Stern, an expert on anti Semitism, who helped to develop the IHRA definition of antisemitism has since criticized efforts to enshrine the definition into law.

You see, you hear that this is a guy who worked for the Holocaust remembrance thing, and he defined anti semitism, but he doesn’t think this should be enshrined in the law. You see, this is a piece of garbage put in by republicans because just like DeSantis, they can’t grovel enough to the israeli government to get money. It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? You know, you give the Israelis billions, tens of billions, or whatever, they give you back millions, tens of millions. That’s how it works. They have the foreign governments bribing these american politicians with american taxpayers money, or more accurately, with our debt.

There was never Ken Stern, the guy who helped to develop these IHRA definitions of anti semitism, he said there was never any idea that this would be used as a de facto hate speech code on campus. You wanted to train police officials on it and so forth. But to curtail speech on a campus in particular, that is something that was never contemplated. As a matter of fact, Greg Abbott, who had put in some free speech laws because these same universities were shutting down the free speech of conservatives and of white students and people who are speaking against their marxist revolution, he said at the time, these universities, these outdoor areas, are, quote, deemed traditional public forums, unquote.

And he said, we encourage disciplinary policies for students and faculties who, quote, unduly interfere with others. Free expression. Some colleges are banning free speech on college campuses, said Abbott in 2019. Well, no more, because I’m about to sign a law that protects free speech on college campuses in Texas. And again, I’ll say it again, when you see the violence being done, that’s not speech. That’s something completely different. Assault and battery. As a matter of fact, you saw Doug Wilson’s grandson at, I think it was Columbia, and he’s standing there as this mob wants to break in and break up the building.

He and another guy stand there and they’re trying to remove them and they’re shoving them around. He goes, this is assault. This is total assault. That’s right. It is assault. It’s not free speech. And we don’t need to destroy the first Amendment because you’ve got a marxist mob out there assaulting people, jewish or non jewish. He’s not jewish. But they’re assaulting everybody out because that’s what the marxist mobs always do. Why are we continuing to fund them? Unless they criticize the state of Israel, then we’ll take their funds away. Governor Kemp stood side by side with Israeli American Council chief executive Elon Carr at the signing of this bill, making speech that the israeli government doesn’t like a crime.

Jerry NADLER that I played for you earlier, he says if this legislation were to become law, he said, we can end up suppressing protected speech, criticizing Israel or supporting Palestinians. What is more important with all of this stuff? And yet you look at what is happening, you now have, Mike Johnson has decided to invite Benjamin Netanyahu, who barely has a majority in his own country, who has completely subservient himself to the World Economic Forum, partnering with him to inject and kill his own people there to use them as lab rats. So Johnson wants to bring him in to do more pandering.

Johnson doesn’t care a whit about America. He’s giving them three and a half billion dollars to send their trash to us. They’re violent Palestinians. Export them to America, we’ll take them. Here’s the money to send them to us. He won’t spend a dime to protect our borders, but he will keep funding wars everywhere. And he’ll invite Netanyahu to come in. And now he’s got Chuck Schumer, who needs to mend some fences with the israeli lobby because Chuck Schumer, Jewish himself, criticize the israeli government. Do we lock him up? Do we lock up the orthodox Jews? Do we lock up Ben Shapiro? Do we lock up Jerry Nadler? No, it’ll probably just be people like me that they lock up because I’m not going to shut up about this stuff.

I’m done with censorship as far as I’m concerned. When we look at this, the root of all of these tactics that they’re using against us, I understand the root of all evil is the love of money. And that’s really what is involved here, isn’t it? We have these people in leadership, these professing christians like Mike Johnson, these professing conservatives, these people who profess to be Americans, these people who profess to put America first. They’re out there selling us out for the love of money. But the way that they’re going to destroy this country is by destroying the First Amendment, is why it was the first Amendment.

If you don’t have free speech, if you don’t have free political and religious speech, you don’t have a country, you don’t have a democracy. And so again, the instigator of this is Johnson. The main point to be made is that Schumer is joining Johnson and bringing in Netanyahu, who has killed his own people. It truly is amazing. Now, before we get off of this, I just have to play this for you. This is some of these radical campus marxists. They are fighting the police in riot gear. And this is a little bit of humor, I guess.

We have this one guy who starts yelling at him, this is a school. This is an effing school. And then he says, I’m here to learn about public health, as he beats the cops, leave our campus. This is a school. This is a school. What do you think you’re doing? What are you doing? This is a school we learn. I gotta learn about public health. This is a school I gotta learn. I gotta learn about public health. That’s why he’s got his mask on. He’s got his Yasser Arafat headdress there, like Che Guevara or something, right? He’s probably got a Che Guevara t shirt underneath that Yasser Arafat mask that he’s gone on.

Look, I don’t agree with these people, but you want to poison all of this stuff by telling us we can’t have free speech? It’s not only the wrong, it’s not only overreaction, it is a dead wrong reaction to what is going on here, but unfortunately, it doesn’t exist as an outlier. It’s a long pattern of abuses. It’s a long pattern of people who proclaim to be policing anti semitism and racism. Shutting me down because of what I have to say politically, shutting me down because of what I say about climate or because what I say about any.

The pandemic, that’s the same stuff. And I have to say when I talk about climate and their response is to say not to show their data. No, we’re not going to show you the data. Even when you sue us, we’re not going to show you the data. You do what I say. Then when you have the pandemic, no, we’re not going to show you the data. We’re not going to bother to do tests. You do what I say. And then we have this. Not allowed to criticize the climate, not allowed to criticize COVID, not allowed to criticize the Holocaust.

What are they afraid of? Truth doesn’t need to be defended. And if these people are juicing what happened, and again, I know what happened was evil, it doesn’t need to be 6 million people. But if they’re going to have to preserve this and they’re afraid to defend it, then they got to preserve it by putting gags on our mouth. Well, then maybe it needs to be questioned. It’s just that simple. On Rockfin, stealth Patriot. Thank you for the tip. Almost forgot to drop it and give my little tip. Well, thank you. I was enjoying the show so much from Friday.

That was a great combination of guests. Yes, it was. I really do appreciate Tony doing that. And again, Tony Ardabin has been a big supporter of this show, and I really do appreciate him taking it over. He had a lot of guests on, had guard, he had Don Jeffries, he had Charlie Robinson, had Gerald slenty, had a lot of people on. And that always makes for a good program. So I really do appreciate him doing that and giving me some time off. I wanted to take, you know, last week, I think it was Tuesday was my birthday, and then my son’s birthday was on Saturday.

So we decided we’d take Friday off and do some things with the family, just have some family time and just to take a break. And so Tony was really kind to do that. He always has supported us. Again, if you want to prepare for this financial chaos that they’re preparing for us as well, you can go to David Knight dot Gold. Tony has set that up. That’ll take you to his wisewolf dot gold. And there you can buy gold and silver, small or large transactions, if you want to do small regular transactions and take advantage of group buys, he also has the wolf pack there.

You can join that and you can get a fixed amount each month, you know, dollar, $50, 100, what, I don’t know. The upper limit is there, but you can accumulate it on a regular and gradual basis. And again, that’s one of the best ways to accumulate gold. It’s just a regular accumulation. It’s what the central banks are doing, quite frankly. There’s a very interesting back and forth. I don’t have time to get into it today, but it was very interesting back and forth. On zero hedge, they had a debate between Erwin Schiff, who is 100% gold, 0% bitcoin.

You know, Tony is not that way. I’m not even that way. I mean, I don’t demonize bitcoin. It’s not something I want to put a lot of money into because quite frankly, I just don’t understand it well enough. And I see too many issues with it being connected to the Internet and a virtual reality. I want something that is physical, that is going to have full transactional privacy. And so that’s why I lean toward it. Something that is simple, that I’ve, that has a very long history. So I see bitcoin as being something more speculative, as being a.

Something of a roller coaster ride. And I’ve ridden financial roller coasters in the past, and I’ve been thrown out and run over. So I don’t like to do that anymore. But I thought it was kind of interesting, the back and forth, because on one side they had Peter Schiff, and on the other end, and Rubini Roubini was the guy who called the, you know, the economic collapse before he was a bit towards the, you know, even made some stupid claims like, well, this is for money laundering and things like that, which is nonsense. But I thought it was interesting what Peter Schiff said when they said digital gold.

He said, well, no, that’s like saying I got a picture on the Internet of a hamburger and you call that digital food. I like to have something that is physical and tangible. So again, go to Davidknight Gold. That’ll take you to Tony Arnabin. Thank you so much for joining us today. I imagine I offended everybody today, not just the Vimeo censors, but I’m gonna tell you what I think. Have a good day. False news has become all too common on social media. Unfortunately, some members of the regime use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think.

And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective, bringing you genuine insights on current events. But if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support, sharing the show, subscribing, and even just hitting the like button.

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