iPhone 12 Radiation: FDA Investigates as France Suspends Sales Over Emissions

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As France Bans iPhone 12 Sales Due to Radiation Concerns, the FDA’s Stance and International Implications Take Center Stage

In a tumultuous turn of events for Apple, the safety of the much-loved iPhone 12 has come under even more scrutiny, prompting France to impose a sales ban due to radiation fears.

This move has sent shockwaves through Europe, with Germany, Belgium, and Spain considering similar actions.

While Apple disputes these findings, the controversy has rekindled long-standing concerns about the health implications of cellphone usage.

The alarm bells rang when the Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR) in France reported that the iPhone 12 had failed its latest round of routine testing, citing radiation levels that were 40 percent above what the regulator deemed acceptable.

This startling revelation led to France taking the drastic step of prohibiting iPhone 12 sales within its borders.

The implications of this decision are far-reaching, given that more than 81 million iPhones were sold in the United States in 2021 alone, a year after the model’s initial release.

It remains uncertain how many Americans still own this three-year-old device.

Amidst these developments, reports emerged that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was investigating the 2020 edition of the iPhone, a claim initially disputed by an FDA spokesperson.

Jim McKinney, an FDA press officer, clarified the agency’s stance, stating, “Based on the evaluation of the currently available information, the FDA believes that the weight of scientific evidence has not linked exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phone use with any health problems at or below the radio frequency exposure limits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).”

McKinney further emphasized that the FDA continuously monitors scientific studies and public health data for any signs of adverse health effects associated with radio frequency energy from cell phones.

The responsibility for regulating smartphone safety in the United States lies with both the FDA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Earlier on, the FDA was quoted as “reviewing the available information” in a story published by the Daily Mail.

The controversy surrounding the iPhone 12 escalated when French scientists pointed out that the device emitted electromagnetic radiation at levels exceeding European Union restrictions, raising concerns about its potential health impact.

French Digital Minister Jean-Noel Barrot confirmed that the iPhone 12’s radiation levels exceeded authorized thresholds.

In response, Apple disputed these claims, citing certifications from multiple international bodies affirming compliance with global standards.

However, other EU countries, including Germany, Belgium, and Spain, have indicated their willingness to follow France’s lead and consider banning the popular tech product.

These developments occurred against the backdrop of Apple’s unveiling of the iPhone 15, generating considerable fanfare in the tech world.

In an attempt to address the French concerns, Apple offered a software update designed to align with the testing methods used in France.

Despite the ongoing controversy, Apple has reported selling approximately 100 million iPhone 12 units worldwide.

In 2022, the company boasted a user base of 900 million, according to Business of Apps.

Per usual, the morally ambiguous “World Health Organization” claims they’ve never substantiated any adverse health effects caused by these ubiquitous devices.

However, extensive past research has suggested that prolonged exposure to radiation from cell phones could lead to various health issues, including cancer, infertility, and memory loss.

Despite these concerns, the allure of the latest iPhone remains strong among consumers.

The anticipation for the newest gadget was so high that the Apple Store website experienced technical difficulties hours before the launch of the most expensive iPhone to date.

In response to the controversy, an FDA spokesman stated, “In general, the FDA does not comment on specific studies or test results but evaluates them as part of the body of evidence to further our understanding about a particular issue and assist in our mission to protect public health.

The FDA is reviewing the available information.”

The situation surrounding the iPhone 12 remains fluid, with the international community closely watching the developments and their potential impact on smartphone safety regulations worldwide.

Read the original story here:

The New York Post



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Apple cellphone usage Electromagnetic Radiation emf EU restrictions FDA France Health Effects international regulations. iphone iPhone 12 radiation safety concerns smartphone safety

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