Dr. Jon McGreevey Gets Arrested After Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Operation In Maryland!

Posted in: Patriots


Dr. Jon McGreevey Gets Arrested After Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Operation In Maryland!

Last Friday, Dr. Jon McGreevey, US Senate candidate in Maryland, was arrested.

They charged him with filing a false report after he allegedly told law enforcement an adult bookstore in Edgewood was forcing a young girl to perform sex acts on men.

You can read more about the story on CBSNews.com

Also, you can watch Jon talk about that drug and child trafficking operation in this video, shortly after he was poisoned for exposing it.

Was this a setup to try to silence Jon or is Jon a liar?

Watch “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home” here to learn more about how law enforcement can be involved in child sex trafficking. 

Also, you may have seen this post of Jon recently exposing Mike Pence for having a long term, sexual relationship with an underage male who has recently turned up in Scotland and is now apparently talking to authorities. 

Jon has also called out Flynn and other deep state actors about their involvement in January 6 and other operations.

Do you think the deep state has a reason to try to silence Jon??

And yet even the “conservative” media outlet, the Gateway Pundit (which some say is a Flynn supported deep state propaganda rag) released an article attempting to discredit Jon and the work he has done. 

As Lin Wood might say, WATCH OUT for The Gateway Pundit. 

And since Jon’s arrest, some supporters and law enforcement professionals came forward with their opinions and more details on what happened…

Live show discussing the BOGUS arrest of Jon McGreevey 

YouTube player

But wait, there’s more! 

Today, Jon came out with his official statement about his arrest.

You can see the audio on his Telegram page here.

The full recording is available below for you to listen to.

Notice how Jon mentions the connections between Pence and the Maryland governor…

What are your thoughts?

Was this another deep state setup to try and silence a REAL whistleblower??

Or did Jon make a false report about child trafficking for political gain?

Let us know in a comment below.

And Thank You For Sharing This Information To Help Get These FACTS Out To Fight The Propaganda!



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john macgreevey arrested johnheretohelp arrested Jon Mcgreevey arrested jon mcgreevey maryland jon mcgreevey statement lin wood whistleblower arrested ryan dark white arrested
  • This is literally happening in my back yard. Recently talked to a friend that was in said shop and said he heard screaming coming “from the back” and was like …WTF!!!.. He did not know this story about Mr. McGreevey at the time he told me that, but I did. God, stay with this man.

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