Bird Flu Deja Vu: Pandemics Dont Repeat But They Rhyme

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The article discusses concerns about bird flu, questioning the methods used to detect it and the focus on certain animals and products. The author suggests that the USDA, FDA, and CDC are not consistent in their approach, and questions why they are focusing on cows and milk instead of birds and eggs. They suspect that the real aim is to control the food supply, particularly meat and dairy, rather than addressing a genuine health risk from bird flu. The author also criticizes the media for spreading fear and misinformation about the disease.
➡ The article discusses concerns about bird flu spreading to local farms, affecting meat and dairy production. It suggests that the authorities are using these concerns to centralize and control food production, and to push for vaccination of livestock. The article also criticizes the use of PCR tests to detect the virus, arguing that they are misused and cause unnecessary panic. It ends by questioning the validity of a reported case of bird flu transmission from a mammal to a human.
➡ A man working on a farm got pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, possibly from not washing his hands or getting gnats in his eyes. Despite initial fears, it wasn’t the flu or any other disease. The article suggests that this case is being used to push a different agenda, and emphasizes the importance of hygiene, critical thinking, and questioning information. The David Knight show, which spreads this kind of information, encourages listeners to trust science, wear masks, and get vaccinated.


They’re now mapping out bird flu in the wild. There isn’t anything that they won’t do. And take a look at what Drudge did. This was the, I took a screenshot of this. This is a drudge on Friday, I think Friday or Saturday or something like that. The very top. Bird flu fears rise. Drudge report. Well, it’s rising because he’s putting at the top, put it at the top of his, his feed there. And then disturbing. First photo of a Texas farm worker who caught bird flu shows bleeding in the eyeballs. And we’re going to show that to you.

I’m going to show you the bleeding eyeballs of this guy, and I’m going to see if you can distinguish between Cal flu conjunctivitis and uveitis. And I’m going to show you pictures of all three. And we’ll have a little multiple choice quiz here and see if you can tell which one is the disturbing first photo of a Texas farm worker. That’s coming up in a moment here. But as I said, several people send this to me. Drudge picked up this Axios article as well. But I like the comment from Roy. He says a polar bear has it.

You were right. And of course, the map shows up. We found a polar bear with it in Alaska. One polar bear. Isn’t that interesting? Just one polar bear. And then they found a dolphin in Florida. Just one dolphin. Is this an epidemic? How come the entire school didn’t come down with it? Did they close the school of dolphins? Did they lock it down? What is going on with any of this stuff? Do you see how nonsensical that is? But the polar bear, actually, there was a report that went out in January, January 16 of this year, saying we found a polar bear who died, died from bird flu.

Did you really? Again, this is back to where we always were with the human stuff, right? Did he die with a PCR test? Did he die from bird flu? Or did he die with a bird flu PCR test? What were the symptoms? And interestingly enough, and again, Gavi is the gates vaccine organization, pushing it everywhere, vaccines for everybody everywhere, as part of this 2030 Ia agenda, immunization agenda, everywhere, every age vaccinated, presumably every vaccine that they can imagine. So we’re back to zany zoonotics here. Bird flu’s wild and crazy range. It’s like Steve Martin Wild and crazy.

So there’s some questions that I have, you know, when we go through and we get this, this narrative that is being sold to us by the mainstream media. Not a day goes by now that we don’t have some fear porn put out there, some disinformation, misinformation and malinformation being put out there. We’ve got the FDA, the CDC, the USDA, and they’re not on the same page. Exactly. The USDA is pushing this harder for the moment than the CDC is and the FDA is. And of course, they’ve got their bots in the press who are pushing them to do more.

You’re not doing that. We saw that with the other one, too, didn’t we? But let’s just, you know, when we got the USDA going around checking ground beef and milk, of course, it was the FDA that looked at the milk and the FDA said, yeah, okay, we did the PCR test and we found some fragments. What does that mean, fragments? Because they didn’t sequence anything really. I mean, if they found fragments of it, I don’t know how the PCR test works. I do know that they’re multiplying it by 1.1 trillion times. I do know what Kerry Mullis said.

If they could find this virus in you at all, and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else, right? I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which BCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. Okay? So that could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that it’s meaningful.

It allows you to take a very minuscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like it is important. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you. Yeah. So what does it mean when they say they found a fragment in the milk? They found fragments of bird flu. You know, there’s a lot of different bird flu supposedly, that tell us if they found a fragment of it, how do they know what it is? It could be something completely different.

It could be a different kind of bird flu. It could be a different kind of flu altogether. When you look at the DNA sequencing, you know, we’re told we share a great deal of DNA with all the different animals, especially with monkeys. But, you know, that very tiny difference there makes a huge difference. You know, we’re not like monkeys at all. And yet there’s a lot of similarity there in the DNA. It doesn’t indicate evolution. What it indicates is a common designer and creator who created that mathematical error correcting code and self propagating code. But when we look at that and say, you’ve got some fragments of DNA, how much do you need to distinguish a human from another animal? How much of a fragmented DNA do you need to distinguish between bird flu and something else, between different strains of bird flu? So I have questions about that.

I also have questions about why, when the FDA and the CDC says, well, it’s nothing, because it was destroyed, when it was pasteurized, when it was cooked, it was destroyed. Okay, so then why is the USDA looking for it then, now why is the USDA then looking at beef? Because if this is bird fluid, wouldn’t you think that they’d start looking at eggs? Why aren’t they looking at eggs? If it’s bird flu, why are they looking at milk and meat? First question, why are they not looking at chicken meat? Why are they looking at cow meat if it’s bird flu? Wouldn’t you think that if this was really a pandemic, a pandemic where it is necessary to kill tens of millions of chickens and industrial farms, if this wasn’t simply an attack on our food supply, if this was a real concern, don’t you think they would look at the birds were supposedly the source? Why are they skipping the chickens now? Why are they so focused on cows? Well, we know why, don’t we? Because this is to shut down meat and dairy.

That’s why they’re not looking at eggs. That’s why they’re not looking at chicken meat. And then why, when they look at meat from cattle, why are they looking at ground beef instead of steaks? Well, because once you grind that up, you’re exposing it to a lot, lot more air, you’re aerating it and all the rest of this stuff. And so you’re more likely to pick up anything, you know? And as Kerry Mullis says, if you magnify it enough, you run it through 40 cycles, you magnify it by 1.1 trillion times, you can find anything, especially if, you know, if you’ve, you know, run it through the air, aerated it a lot like you do with ground beef.

So they’re not looking at steak, they’re not looking at chicken. They’re not looking at chickens eggs. And so if they were looking, if they were concerned about bird flu, and humans, what about salmonella? We have about 50 to 250 cases of salmonella a year. So why aren’t they looking at. We’ve only, according to them, we’ve had a single case of bird flu. This guy with the red eyes, we had a single case of that, but we’ve had 50 to 250 cases of salmonella every year. So why are they focusing on pink eye? Is it pink eye or is it something else? Right? I mean, is it.

Is it bird flu or is it pinkeye or is it uveitis or whatever? And why haven’t we had a single symptomatic cow? Why is the USDA pushing this? When the FDA said, and the CDC said, well, we looked at the milk, but it’s harmless because it’s cooked. If the FDA tested the milk and pronounced it harmless, why is the USDA creating controls about transporting milk cows? We know why, because this has nothing to do, folks, with bird flu, there’s no risk to the birds, there’s no risk to the cattle, there’s no risk to the humans. The risk to the humans is that they’re going to use this to ban meat and dairy.

And that’s why they’re focusing on this. And it’s why the USDA is involved in this, because why they’re getting involved in the meat stuff and why they are putting travel restrictions on lactating cattle, you know, dairy cattle, because they want to centrally control our food supply. They want to centrally control the processing of meat. And the one thing they’ve said about the raw milk, that they’ve all. One thing said about the milk, don’t have raw milk. So what are they doing? They’re focusing on attacking raw milk. They’re focusing on attacking local farms and especially local processing of meat, which we saw them going heavy within the last year.

Several different farmers, Amos Miller, the amish guy, others, that’s their agenda. They’re rolling this out to give them a, you know, a cover story for what they want to do, which is to completely centralize and shut down our meat and dairy. That’s what this is about. When you look at that article from axios, they, you know, put spots in. Well, we found, you know, one case or we found five cases or we found eight cases in this area. So they put different sized dots on a us map altogether in the entire United States, according to that fear mongering article that was at the top of the drudge report and so forth, 221 total cases in all of the United States.

This is not an epidemic, folks. And these are animals that didn’t say died. They tested positive. You had 85 of those were foxes. As many people said, well, if a fox eats a bird that’s got bird flu, then the fox will test positive for the bird flu, obviously. Right. So again, this is us news. US bird flu outbreak. Outbreak. It spreads to chickens and cattle and it raises concerns over human infections. No, you’re the one raising concerns over human infections that we don’t need to be concerned about. Again, why don’t we see, you know, 50 to 250 cases of salmonella, you know, that’s also easily taken care of with hygiene.

So why are we freaked out about this? Why are there no sick cows? These are PCR tests. When they talk about cases, it’s the same stuff. No symptoms, no sickness, just a misapplied PCR test that the inventor called out fauci for misusing. They said since 2022, no bird flu in the United States has infected over 90 million birds. No, since 2002, it’s been around. And it’s just in the last few years, they started killing tens of millions of egg producing chickens and meat chickens because they want to raise the price of food. More than 90 million, they said.

And they said they had to kill these. One person who came in close contact with infect infected cattle, I guess, had to kill him, too. Right? Colorado became the 9th us state to report an infected dairy herd. So what? The USDA said it will require dairy cattle moved between states be tested for bird flu. The FDA said it found bird flu virus particles, but said the commercial milk supply remains safe due to pasteurization. But don’t have anything locally produced or any raw milk. Get your stuff from big agra. Get your animals vaccinated by big pharma. The US government said it was testing four potential bird flu vaccines for poultry.

Bingo. There we go. See the narrative? They make up a phony story so then they can demand that everybody get vaccinated. And this tracking of cattle is so they can track their vaccination status. They’ve already said that. Track their movements and their vaccination status, and we’ll do it by every individual cow. So they’re testing four potential bird flu vaccines after more than 58 million chickens, turkeys and other birds have died from the nation’s worst outbreak ever. No, they. They were killed. They were killed. It’s very similar since to what was happening in the hospital death protocols.

Right? Oh, well, we had a positive test there. Put them in here and kill them with a ventilator. And that’s what they’re doing to these chickens, except they’re just doing massive, you know, straight up in your face murder. But it’s the same way they, they did it with a hospital death protocol. They also killed businesses, they killed travel, did everything so they could push the Trump shot. And now they’ve got four bird flu vaccines, and I’m sure, you know, you got all these different companies out there, they have played along with the government, they have greased the right politicians.

They’ll be allowed to make a fortune off of this as they vaccinate our entire food supply, and it’ll be an mRNA vaccine. It’s not going to be safe to eat chicken and beef anymore soon, you understand? And that’s why they want to get rid of local farms, local processing, the raw milk, the local dairies. More than 22 million commercially raised us chickens and turkeys have been killed. Not died, not died with, but killed. You only have to have one, you have one bird that they find a pcr positive test on and they kill them all. So this is a program of chaos, of destruction, of poverty, to take us down.

Let’s talk about this individual, this really scary thing, and just to go back and my dangerous childhood, I don’t know how I ever survived. I mean, I had measles and mumps and chicken pox and all this other kind of stuff. And I had pink eye multiple times when I was in elementary school. I grew up in Florida. We didn’t have air conditioning until I got into my last year of high school, so I’m not really fond of hot climates. And we had these big windows that were kept open and they didn’t have screens, and we got gnats all the time.

And when you’re a little kid, you know, you don’t really rubbing them and you’re rubbing your eyes and stuff, and they, you know, when I was first grade, I got pink eye several times from these inats. Lewis and Clark talked about it. Mosquitoes, extremely troublesome to me today. They wrote in their diary, the large black gnat, though, less troublesome, but it doesn’t sting, but attacks the eyes in swarms, and it compels us to brush them off or to have our eyes filled with them. They even call them eye gnats, because the females love to get around eyes and open wounds, and it causes conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye.

Now I’m going to show you some pictures here, and I want you to pick out the pink eye from the bird flu via cow and a human. Okay? And so here’s picture number one. Okay, there’s an eye. Lots of redness there. Here’s picture number two. Okay, here’s picture number three. Here’s picture number four. Oh, they’re starting to look. I don’t know. I can’t tell. Now, some of these are pink eye. Some of these are uveitis, and some of them. And one of them, only one of them is bird flu. Okay, here’s another picture here. Okay, one more there.

And the last one right here. Now, which one of those did you think was cowbird flu? I guess that’s what we should call it. Cowbird flu. There is such a thing as a cowbird, you know. Which one should we call cowbird flu? You know, when you look at some of these things, that one looks really bad. That’s pink eye, by the way. This is pink eye. This is pink eye. This is pink eye. This is uveitis. This is uveitis. This is cowbird flu. See, they can’t really tell conjunctivitis from uveitis, except it’s like myocarditis. It’s an inflammation.

Myocarditis and pericarditis are both inflammation of the heart. Different parts of the heart. Right. And so the difference between pink eye and uveitis is that one is external, the other is more of an internal thing, but symptoms look pretty much the same. And then when you look at this, the interesting thing that I pointed out last week was uveitis has just been identified as an adverse effect of people who have been vaccinated. Oh, okay. So is it the inat, is it the vaccine, or is it the cowbird flu? This is just ridiculous. It’s just ridiculous, the lies that our media is telling.

And if I talk about this, and I’m talking about, they pull my video down from Vimeo, which is pulling it down from rock Roku. So, yeah, that was the picture of the guy who had the cowbird flute, was this one. But, you know, the other ones looked even worse to me. I don’t know. Um, and he was a farm worker who caught it. But listen to the way that they hyped this up, uh, from the UK, uh, this tabloid, the express. And of course, this is what, uh, Drudge went with when he was pushing the fear.

Right. Bird flu fears rise, and then right underneath. And then drudge report. Then right underneath drudge report. Disturbing. First photo of a Texas farm worker who caught bird flu shows bleeding in the eyeballs. He suffered bleeding in his eyeballs? Yeah. If you got pink eye from a gnat, you get bleeding in the eyeballs as well. Uveitis from the jab. You have bleeding in the eyeballs as well. It is thought to be the first known case of mammal to human transmission, as the CDC warns that bird flu could pose pandemic potential. No, it’s not serious. You need to be afraid of the CDC.

Not the birds, not the cows, not the flu. The CDC, the FDA, the USDA, they are our enemy. His eyes began to swell up. Listen, this, this is why I say that it wasn’t bird flu, okay? He didn’t have flu. Listen to this. His eyes began to swell up. They turned red. But he had no fever and his lungs were clear. He didn’t have the flu. He didn’t have any kind of flu. He had pink eye. Was it a net or was it the vaccine? Or was he just getting stuff in his eyes? And, you know, you can get an eye infection, just have dirty hands.

I mean, he’s working on cows in the, you know, on the farm. The, the biggest improvement we’ve had in health has just been through hygiene, through washing your hands. Maybe he’s the only one who didn’t wash his hands. They even said the scientific term. This is the article. This is the fear mongering article that everybody’s pointing. Look, we got a human who’s got it. The scientific term for his eye condition is conjunctivitis. So the infection is on the outside, so it’s not the uveitis, but it is conjunctivitis. And you can get it from gnats in your eyes.

You can get it from dirty hands, rubbing your eyes, right? What’s the deal with this? They’re using this, folks. You’re being gaslit. They’re pushing for another agenda. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If youve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread. Father, people have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds.

It’s the David Knight show..

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bird flu detection methods bird flu impact on local farms bird flu media misinformation centralization of food production critical thinking in health information David Knight Show insights farm worker conjunctivitis food supply control concerns hygiene importance in farming livestock vaccination controversy mammal to human bird flu transmission PCR tests for bird flu USDA FDA CDC inconsistency

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