UPDATE: New Mexico Governor SUSPENDS 2nd Amendment


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➡ The video narrated by a co-owner of Blackout Coffee discusses the decision made against Governor Michelle Luan Grisham’s suspension of the Second Amendment over concerns of public health and gun violence in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Bernalilo County. However, as Grisham slightly revised the original order to only target public parks and playgrounds, the judge deemed the case as moot.


Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the channel. I appreciate your time. Thank you for watching. A tyrant has been allowed to continue to tyrant, and I wanted to tell you all about it first thing in the morning, because if you’re like me and you’re having your morning coffee or your second coffee, now, you’re going to be angry. So hold on to your hats, to this one. The sponsor of today’s video is Blackout Coffee.

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So we’re going to go to New Mexico. We’re going to talk about Governor Michelle Luan grisham. Last night, there was a decision made in the preliminary injunction for or against Michelle Luan Grisham’s suspension of the Second Amendment. What do you mean, Jared? I haven’t been watching your videos regularly like I should. So she the governor. She said there was a public health emergency because a kid got shot, and she suspended the Second Amendment, both open carry and concealed carry in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Bernalio County, most populous area in the state.

And there was also a bunch of other things in there that if certain amounts of people went to the hospital with gunshot wounds or there were a certain amount of reports taken with guns and stuff like that, then that area would be also in the Nazi Germany list of you can’t carry a gun there because of Michelle Luan Grisham. So all of the groups, all the groups, you name them, they all sued.

There were five different lawsuits merged into one, and a temporary restraining order was issued. Why? Because Michelle Luan Grisham suspended the Constitution because she felt so she felt it needed to happen. All right, so then after the temporary restraining order, michelle Luan Grisham said, you know, I’m going to lose this case. Let me just change it. I’m going to tweak it. And she tweaked that order to only include public parks and playgrounds because of the kids.

And we had our hearing last week, I think it was, and the judge in the hearing sounded like a very sympathetic to the cause of got to do something, got to do something. Well, yesterday the judge came down with his decision, and the judge said that there was going to be no preliminary injunction because the case is moot, because the governor changed the original order. It’s not that broad, expansive order anymore.

So it’s moot. And the judge also, in part of his explanation, he hearkened back to the adoption of wait for it not the second amendment in 1791. Like the supreme court said, anytime a government infringes on the second amendment, the government must prove that their law, their infringement, their restriction is consistent with this country’s history and tradition of firearm regulation at the time, or adoption of the second amendment, also consistent with the text of the second amendment.

And in nowhere will you find that if a governor gets a hair up her ass, then she can suspend the United States constitution second amendment because she feels like it. And during this process, it came out that, you know what, the governor is going to extend it another 30 days and then look at it at that next point to see if they’ll extend it another 30 days. So that would be a 90 day suspension of your right to keep and bear arms at a time when everybody across the world is saying that today the 13th, friday the 13th, that there is call to a national jihad by the leader and founder of hamas.

So at a day where people could be at risk, could be at heightened risk, they want to disarm you. But the judge said, nope, not going to have it. And as of right now, her ban on the rights to keep and bear arms in public parks and playgrounds is alive. I feel like there’ll be an appeal. I really think that the groups, all of them, are involved in this.

I think they’re going to fight this because that is still an infringement. But jared sensitive places. Yep, sensitive places. It is one of the weaknesses of the decisions we’ve had in Heller and also mentioned again in Bruin. However, that’s exactly what these anti gunners are holding on to. They find the weakness and they try to exploit it. And that’s what those six states who have post bruin bills are doing.

And Massachusetts has the worst one in the country, worst bill I’ve ever seen. And they just had their public hearing, and now we’re going to wait to see if their legislation, the legislators have the cajones to do what’s right. And I know that they don’t. It’s so bad. Even all of the chiefs of police in the whole commonwealth voted not to support that bill. So all of the chiefs of police have said, we’re not supporting it yet.

The attorney general wants it. The legislature wants it, and the governor, believe me, she wants it. So, guys, I’m here to tell you that our rights are not given to us by some liberals. We don’t get our rights from them. So I’m telling you, that you have a right to keep and bear arms, I suggest you exercise your rights, all of your rights, not just the ones that people like more than others.

And I forget to mention, the judge used the 14th amendment, 1868, as his excuse to dismiss the case. Yeah, not a good start to the day when you hear that, but when you have some blackout coffee, man, it makes everything better. I appreciate you all be safe. Stay vigilant and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. Subscribe to this channel if you want to stay in the know and hit that link down below if you want the best coffee in the world.

If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you 10% off just to try it. See you on the next one. Take care. .


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