The REAL Reason Letitia James Sued Trump!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

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➡ Dr. Steve Turley discusses a theory that New York’s lawsuit against Donald Trump was politically motivated, aiming to secure votes for Democrats. The guest, Ross Givens, suggests that the Democrats use strategies like promising benefits to voters and supporting unions to gain support. He also talks about his method of tracking politicians’ stock trades to predict profitable investments. Lastly, he promotes a free training event where he will teach others how to use this strategy.
➡ The text discusses the belief that Democrats are encouraging illegal immigration to gain voters and maintain power. It also criticizes the Social Security system, calling it a Ponzi scheme that benefits no one and is used by Democrats to create dependency. The text ends with an invitation to a free training event about stock picks.


Did New York’s attorney general Sue Donald Trump because he committed fraud? Obviously, not many legal experts have been adamant he did nothing wrong. Even the banks he supposedly defrauded testified that he paid him back in full and they wanted to keep doing business with him. So why were the charges brought? Well, one theory which my guest is going to share with us today goes way beyond their mission to keep them out of the White House.

This theory might shock you. My guest today is Ross Givens, a fellow patriot and good friend of the show. Ross is my go to expert when it comes to following the money in DC. He’s made a name for himself by tracking the stock trades of politicians and other insiders and then sharing those tips with his readers. It’s a simple strategy, but also wildly effective. In fact, he’s led his members to a total gain of more than 2000% over the last six years just by piggybacking on these insider trades, buying the same stocks they buy.

In fact, he’s got a free training event this Thursday where he’s going to teach people how to do the exact same thing. And the coolest thing here is that Ross has found a way for regular patriots to profit from the overwhelming corruption among DC elites. From Nancy Pelosi’s stock returns to donor kickbacks, from defense contracts. This corruption has become the norm, not the exception. And nowhere is that more true than the state of New York.

Last month, a New York judge ruled against President Trump in a civil fraud case and ordered him to pay $355,000,000 plus interest for, quote, conspiring to manipulate his net worth. Everyone, myself included, assumed Democrats just did this because they hated Trump, which, of course, they do. But Ross says there’s something much deeper than that, and this is going to blow your mind. Ross, thanks for coming on, man.

It’s great to see you again. Hey, you too. Always a pleasure, Dr. Steve. Oh, it’s always a pleasure. And I always love just chatting with, even before our interviews and just having a. It’s always just great to catch up with you, Ross. I mean, just, bottom line, lay it out for us. Why did New York really bring this suit against President Trump? It’s very simple. They’re buying votes, right? And this has become the go to strategy of the Democrats for decades.

Promise people free stuff if they vote for you. And it started out with welfare and food stamps and other benefits, right? Once you’ve got these people living off the government dime, they have to vote Democrat to keep the money coming. And then we got this affirmative action, which I believe was probably even well intentioned. But of course, today has morphed into this disgusting system of DEI where employees are hired and promoted based on their race, their sexual identity, all the things law specifically forbid, even when there’s a less qualified candidate.

So, I mean, sure, if you’re a blue haired, tri gender socialist who identifies as a St. Bernard, yeah. Democrats are not only going to make you feel normal, but they will infiltrate the economic system and force your advancement. Biden, he’s tried everything to cancel student loan debt. Why? Because he has the lowest approval rating since Jimmy Carter. Right. I had student loans. They sucked. I paid them off.

But if someone offers to make your debt go away when you’re broke and you’re struggling, a lot of people are going to vote for that person, right? Yeah. I mean, obviously people are always going to vote for their own interests, for the person they believe will make their life better. But I’m curious, so how does this relate specifically to New York? Sorry, I got off track. Okay. Right.

So New York City’s mayor, Mayor Adams, he has said, and I quote, New York City is a union town right now. Is this because he believes in the collective bargaining power of unions? No. Adams is a reformed thug. I don’t know how much you know about this guy. He was in a gang as a teenager. I used to hold money. He ran errands for a prostitute. When she wouldn’t pay him, he stole his tv.

Right. He is not a champion of the working man, but he is pro union because unions overwhelmingly vote Democrat. So it is in his interest to fund these unions because he needs their votes. Now, here’s how he does this. Here’s the part that he realizes. There’s something known as union administered benefit funds. So these pay health benefits, legal benefits, education, even supplemental retiree pension income. And those are funded by the New York City taxpayers.

So the city, through tax dollars, contributes more than a billion dollars a year to fund these things. I just want to make sure we get the buried leave there. Did you just say, in effect, that taxpayers pay for these unions? I thought they were always operate off union dues from the members. Yeah, that’s what most people think. And it’s tricky because what the union dues do that pays the salaries of these union leaders, the staff, the ones who are doing the lobbying and negotiating contracts.

But most of the benefits that are paid out to members come from these union administered funds. It’s all in the name. The union administers the money. But yes, Dr. Steve, it comes from the city, from the taxpayers, even though most New Yorkers are not in these course. So. Yeah, right. New York is not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, okay? They are buying votes. And honestly, it’s hard to even blame union.

Mean. Imagine you’re a blue collar worker making a middle class income. You’re struggling to get by in New York. Some guy’s running for office, he says, hey, vote for me, you’ll get cheaper health insurance, you get free education, you get a better retirement. Sure. Like you said, people, they’re going to vote for him regardless of whether they agree with his views on immigration or abortion or anything else.

They are voting for what improves their lives. So in summary, here’s what’s happened. These scumbags, on the taxpayer’s dime, mind you, built a rigged, bogus civil case against Trump. They tried in a kangaroo court with no jury. An anti Trump judge. Shocker. He rules for a $450,000,000 judgment when you include the interest. And then they’re going to take those dollars to give free stuff to union members who are then going to vote Democrat in the next election.

I’m laughing because you’re like a broken record. I don’t think you’ve ever been on this channel exposing corruption without telling us this lovely refrain, follow the money. If you’re a musician, you’re going to have to write a song called follow the money. Once again, here it is. So I could see why you do well picking stocks this way. I meant to say something that reminds me. You were on the show back in January talking about these politicians and how to follow these stock trades, and you gave our viewers a stock to buy, and I think they got it free when they registered for your.

Yeah, Caddx, I think. Well, perspective therapeutics is the name of the company, but. Right. The ticker was CADX. Yeah, CadDx, obviously. I’m sure you’re tracking with this thing. This thing’s up 180% since you told it to us about it six weeks ago. I told you it works. Yeah, it’s incredible. And by the way, folks, gang, Ross is holding another free training event this Thursday. Just like when he originally told us about CaddX.

This one’s on March 20 eigth, 03:00 p. m. . Eastern. If you haven’t been one of these, they’re amazing. They’re so popular. I mean, you really owe it to yourself to attend. It’s online, completely free. And Ross lays out the entire methodology, how to see what stocks, politicians and others are buying in real time. What to look for everything, be sure to click on the link below this video to register.

We’ve gotten so much tremendous feedback from turley talkers about how these free trainings have changed your lives. So thank you, Ross, for continuing to share your work with our. Absolutely. And listen, I’m proud of you for following that stock. I know you get the recommendations, but. Yeah, I wasn’t going to mention it. That the one we give away. 180%. 180%. And by the way, just for everybody, you mentioned registering for the new training event.

We’re going to send out our latest pick again as well for anyone who registers. So that’s the full research, our whole report. So even if you cannot attend live, I mean, it’s online, it’s free, but even if you cannot attend, I would encourage people to sign up because we send that report to you immediately over email. And this is another small biotech company, got a lot of growth.

I think it could do even better than the last one. Wow. Be amazing. I just think it’s really interesting to have this paradigm, this very simple paradigm. And that’s what I think what you do is so wonderful. It’s so simple and yet so profound when you start looking at things in terms of follow the money and policies designed to buy votes. I mean, obviously this is what we’re seeing with this mass illegal immigration.

You and I were talking about this before our interview here. It’s just so painfully, pathetically obvious. Democrats are quite literally importing voters to keep them into office. Yeah. I mean, Biden’s slipping them in overnight on. Exactly. Bypassing the border. Quite literally. Yeah. And what we were talking about before we started here, I mean, in New York, I cannot believe this is happening. They’re giving $10,000 apiece, right? $10 from the taxpayers, $10,000 of someone else’s labor.

They take and they give it to people who broke the law to get there. I don’t see how anyone with half a brain can see this as anything but buying votes. So you look at it in those terms. Well, how far fetched is it they take 450,000,000 from Trump, someone they despise, and then use it for the same thing? And I didn’t want to go too far, but really, if you look at this in those terms, you can trace this all the way back to Roosevelt in the 1930s with the introduction of Social Security.

I know it’s a touchy subject these years, but Democrats love having a population that depends on them for something like Social Security, because then it lets them weaponize it and create this false narrative of Republicans want to cut your Social Security. It’s total bs. Social Security is not running out of money like politicians claim. It never had money. It has been a Ponzi scheme since day one. The first recipient of Social Security in this country was a woman named Ida May Fuller.

Are you ready for this? She contributed a total of $24. 75 into the system. Three years later, she retired, collected benefits of $22,888. That’s hardly typical. That’s for sure. Generally, when I think of Social Security, I always think it’s the worst investment you can make. I mean, if people just put their money over the course of their lifetime that they have taken away from them for Social Security benefits, if they just put it away in the stock market, I mean, they would have made five times as much in retirement.

The system benefits no one, it seems. No, it may be an item, a. Yeah, she got a 92,000% return on her money. But look, all they did was rob the next guy. I don’t care what anyone said. It is the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and this entire thing was orchestrated and run by the democratic party. Yeah. Dang Ross. Dang, man. That certainly puts things in perspective.

Eye opening perspective, for sure. Listen, I appreciate you being on here and sharing all this with our viewers. I’m looking forward to our free training event this Thursday, 03:00 p. m. . Eastern. Just click on the link below to register. Again, gang, this is amazing stuff. It’s 100% free and Ross is going to send you his latest stock pick along with all the insider research to everyone who registers, whether you attend or not.

So I encourage you, whatever you do, to do that. Now, make sure you sign up. The event will be this Thursday, March 20 eigth, 03:00 p. m. . Eastern. It’s online. Anyone can attend. Click on that link below to register. You’re going to be absolutely blown away at the information that Ross shares. Ross, amazing stuff as always. Follow the money. I think we’re going to. Maybe that’s going to be your license plate.

Follow the money. Thanks for coming on, my friend. It’s always a pleasure. Same to you, Dr. Steve. Keep it up. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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criticism of Social Security system Democrats creating dependency Democrats encouraging illegal immigration free training event on investment strategy free training event on stock picks. gaining voters through immigration New York lawsuit against Donald Trump politically motivated lawsuits profitable investment predictions Ross Givens strategies securing votes for Democrats Social Security as Ponzi scheme tracking politicians' stock trades

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