RBN Authentic News (12 March 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer on RBN Authentic News talks about how on March 11, 2024, Robert Her, the special counsel investigating the Biden classified documents case, resigned from the Department of Justice to testify as a private citizen before the House committee. The investigation focused on whether Biden shared classified information with his ghostwriter and mishandled classified documents. Despite evidence of mishandling, Her did not recommend charging Biden, as he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Biden intended to mishandle the documents. The investigation sparked debates about double standards and political bias, with some arguing that Biden was treated more leniently than Trump would have been in a similar situation.
➡ The article discusses accusations of double standards in the handling of classified documents by President Biden and former President Trump. Republicans claim that Biden was treated leniently, while Democrats argue that the situations were different. The article also mentions allegations of Biden planning to write a lucrative book using classified information. Lastly, it discusses the presence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine and the potential implications for global politics, including the possibility of a conflict with Russia.
➡ This text talks about a person’s positive experience with a health product, some thoughts on potential nuclear war scenarios, and the importance of spending time with loved ones. It also includes a call to support a cause, and ends with a line from a popular song.
➡ This text talks about various topics. It criticizes the term “free range” in the chicken industry and promotes pasture-raised meats. It also discusses political issues, including President Biden’s support for Israel and his plans to deliver aid to Gaza. Lastly, it mentions a rally for Biden that had a low turnout and the creation of a war crimes tribunal in Liberia.
➡ This text talks about various political issues in America. It discusses crime rates, immigration, and the role of Jewish individuals in these issues. It also talks about the Israel-Palestine conflict and how it might affect America. Lastly, it mentions Donald Trump’s business success and controversies, as well as other political figures and their actions.
➡ This text covers a variety of topics, including criticism of Biden’s border policies, potential ways Democrats could manipulate elections, and the controversy surrounding a New York City fire chief’s investigation into firefighters who booed Attorney General Letitia James. It also discusses Google’s alleged “woke AI” that replaces white people in history with people of color, and the possibility of 3D printed underground bunkers. Lastly, it mentions a book about JFK’s assassination and a new AI drone designed to hunt and kill people.
➡ This conversation is about a comment made by Donald Trump regarding the conflict in Gaza. The speakers discuss whether Trump’s statement, “you’ve got to finish the problem,” means he supports the violence or if he’s suggesting a peaceful resolution. They also talk about Trump’s unique way of speaking and how it can lead to different interpretations. The speakers agree that they need more clarity from Trump on his stance.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including concerns about the potential for war, the use of artificial intelligence, and skepticism towards politicians. It also mentions a federal judge ordering the Biden administration to build a wall. The conversation emphasizes the importance of actions over words in politics and the need for skepticism and cynicism when interpreting political propaganda.
➡ The text discusses a potential financial crisis and the importance of protecting personal wealth. It also includes a conversation about political figures, with a focus on South Dakota Governor Christie Nome, who recently signed a strong hate crime bill against anti-Semitism. The text ends with a discussion about mortgages and the potential legal issues that can arise from them.
➡ This text discusses various topics including political power, identity, and political figures. It mentions the influence of Jewish power in politics, the rise of different identities, and the importance of discussing these topics. It also talks about political figures like Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, Marina Le Pen, and Tulsi Gabbard, and their roles in their respective countries. The text ends with a discussion on fairness, justice, and truth in society.
➡ The text discusses various political topics, including criticism of Christy Nome’s potential signing of a hate crime bill, the desire for Trump to communicate with international leaders like Putin, and concerns about potential war with Russia. It also mentions allegations against Matt Gates and discusses bills in Congress that could impact indigenous people. The text ends with a call for the U.S. to leave the UN and NATO.


Was a day trip up. One way to find out. I found out. This is Jim Pepser, your host on authentic news is right here on RDM Live, this 11th day of March, 2024, simulcasting on speak free radio. A hot story of the day is that Robert her, who had been the special counsel investigating the Biden classified documents case, which many believe ought to have resulted in a criminal prosecution in order to testify before the House committee investigating the case, resigned from the Department of Justice in order to testify as a private citizen.

Here we have a sample of what took place of Matt Gates questioning Robert Hormin or, and of course, we got to skip the commercials. Five minutes. February eigth, the White House. Question, Mr. President, why did you share classified information with your ghostwriter? The president I did not share classified information. I did not share it. I guarantee I did not. That’s not true, is it? Mr. Her that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report, yes.

It’s a lie. It’s just what regular people would say. Right? Yeah. All right. So the next one, and all the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked. That wasn’t true either, was it? That was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation. Another lie, people might say, right? Because what you put in your report was among the places Mr.

Biden’s lawyers found classified documents. In the garage was a damaged open box. So here’s what I’m understanding right, as Mr. Armstrong laid out, you find in your report that the elements of a federal criminal violation are met. But then you apply this senile cooperator theory that because Joe Biden cooperated and the elevator doesn’t go to the top floor, you don’t think you get a conviction. And I actually think you get to the right answer in that I don’t think Biden should have been charged, don’t think Trump should have been charged.

But under the senile cooperator theory, isn’t it frustrating that Biden continues to go out and lie about the basic facts of the report that lay out a federal criminal violation? Congressman, I need to disagree with at least one thing that you said, which is that I found that all of the elements were met. One of the elements of the relevant mishandling statute is the intent element. And what my report reflects is my judgment that based on the evidence, I would not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that that intent element had been right.

But the reason you have that doubt is the senile cooperator theory. The fact that Joe Biden is so inept in responding that you can’t prove the intent, which, again, I don’t quibble with that conclusion, but it’s frustrating to be like, oh, well, this guy’s not getting treated the same way as Trump because the elevator is not going to the top floor. So we can’t prove intent while at the same time Biden goes out there at the White House and know he just blatantly lies.

And what I’m trying to figure out is whether or not Biden’s lying because he’s still so senile, he hasn’t read your report, or whether it’s a little craftier and a little more devious and perhaps a little more intentional than we might otherwise think. So I also want to go to this Biden Penn center. Did it give concern to you that the Biden Penn center, where all this classified stuff was being mishandled, was being floated by foreign governments? Congressman, we were concerned with getting the bottom of all of the classified documents that were recovered during the course of.

Yeah, but, like, what bothers me is that the money that was paying for the place where the documents were being inappropriately held, it was the Chinese and it was other foreign countries. Did that play into your analysis? Did you look into the billion dollars in foreign funding sources at the Biden center at UPenn, for example? Congressman, we conducted a thorough, impartial, and fair investigation, and we were very concerned with getting to the bottom of all the relevant questions relating to the recovered.

Did you look into the fact that the Chinese were floating the place where this guy was keeping the documents unsecure? Yes or no? Congressman? To the extent that we identified evidence that was relevant and significant to our investigation, we put it in our report. Okay. It seemed relevant to me. Maybe not to you. Another thing that seemed relevant to me is this ghostwriter. Right. So the ghostwriter purposefully deletes this evidence that seems to be, like, show culpability of Biden’s crimes, and you don’t charge him.

Why did you not charge the ghostwriter with obstructing justice and deleting evidence? Well, for a number of reasons that are laid out in the report. But in brief, congressman. Yes. When we interviewed the ghostwriter, he did tell us, and I’m trying to get the exact language, that one of the things on his mind, one of the things he was aware of was that I had been appointed special counsel and was conducting an didn’t.

Just so everybody knows, the ghostwriter didn’t delete the recordings, just as a matter of happenstance, ghostwriter has recordings of Biden making admissions of crimes. He then learns that you’ve been appointed. He then deletes the information. That is the evidence, and you don’t charge him. That is reflected in the report. And one of the reasons what does somebody have to do to get charged with obstruction of justice by you? If deleting the evidence of crimes doesn’t count, what would meet the standard? So, congressman, as we state in the relevant chapter of the report, one of the things that Mr.

Zwanitzer did not delete was transcripts of the recordings that he had created that included inculpatory evidence relating to Mr. Oh, so if you destroy some evidence but not other evidence, that somehow absolves you of the evidence you like, here’s what I see. Zwaniger should have been charged, wasn’t Biden, and Trump should have been treated equally. They weren’t. And that is the double standard that I think a lot of Americans are concerned about.

I see my, well, what I don’t think is right about double standard is the cases were completely asymmetrical. They weren’t at all the same. Trump was president of the United States. He had declassification authority. Biden was vice president, and he did not have declassification authority. Any classified documents in the possession of Donald Trump were legit because he was president. Those in the possession of Joe Biden, however, by contrast, were not, they were inappropriate and they should not have been in his possession.

So I find it all really quite shocking. Not only that, but Trump had a secure vault that had been approved by the National Archives and by the FBI. He had his documents in the secure vault. Biden did not. He even had them in his garage by his beloved corvette in cardboard boxes. And get this, Trump didn’t share any documents in his possession with a ghost rider. Biden, on the other hand, was doing precisely that.

So in my opinion, the cases were totally different. They should have been judged by the same standard, in which case, Biden was massively guilty and Trump was not, all for the reasons I’ve enumerated here and now, meanwhile, we have a report. The top five takeaways here from USA Today special counsel Robert Hur went before the House Judiciary Committee this morning to discuss his report on Biden’s handling a classified documents and his explosive commentary on Biden’s memory and demeanor in the report released last month, heard did not recommend the Justice Department charge Biden with any crimes with the declassified documents found in his former Washington, DC office in Delaware home, saying the evidence did not establish his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

And you heard him say all the elements were satisfied, but that for the question of intent did he know what he was doing? And here her gave him a pass, which I think was wrong. I think her is a good man, but this was wrong. The report described Biden as a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. Said he couldn’t remember important details about his own life, something Biden team forcefully pushed back upon.

Her’s appearance was rife with finger point from both sides, Republicans accusing her of going easy on the president, Democrats attacking Republicans for using the report for political gain. Here are five takeaways heard defended his characterization of Biden’s memory. Democrats responded poorly to her’s depiction of Biden as an elderly man with diminished capacities and memory loss issues. Many argued the characterization was inappropriate and politically motivated, knowing that her was a principal associate deputy attorney general in the distance department under Trump later appointed him to be a U.

S. Attorney for the Maryland district. Garland appointed her as special counsel to retain the independence of the Justice Department in the investigation. Speaking to lawyers Tuesday today, Hearsay needed to show he chose not to charge Biden, which made his evaluation of the president’s state of mind for all of us. His description, he claimed, was necessary, accurate and fair. I did not sanitize my explanation, nor did I disparage the president unfairly.

Second takeaway Republicans argued DOJ is a double standard for Biden and Trump handling a classified dogs. While Dems noted differences, multiple republican lawmakers accused her of going easy on Biden by choosing not to recommend criminal charges. They drew frequent comparison with former President Trump, who’s being charged with crimes related to handling a class of idog. As I’ve explained, this is all wrong. Trump’s innocent, Biden’s guilty. We get by the same standard, meaning the same rules.

We get to this glaring double standard. I think it would be toxic to the rule of law in its face if it were just two ordinary citizens, said Representative Tom McClintock of California. But the fact the only person being prosecuted to be the president political opponent, meaning Trump, makes this an unprecedented assault on our democracy, especially, as I’ve explained, the evidence suggests it ought to be the other way around.

Democrats argued there were differences between Biden and Trump cases. There are, noting that Biden cooperated while Trump did not and allegedly told his lawyer to hide or destroy evidence. I don’t believe that for a second and that many of Biden docs were his own handwritten notes. Third Raskin this guy’s a complete scumball. Accused Republicans of plain amateur memory specialists for political gain. Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee.

And if you follow this guy, you’ll see why I call him out. This guy is a total propagandist. He has got a fair bone in his body. He’s a liar, liar, pants on fire. Said his republican colleagues failed to prove Biden committed high crimes and misdemeanors and have now switched over to being amateur memory specialists, giving us their drive by diagnosis of president United States. Well, her has been more than generous in my opinion.

High crimes and misdemeanors, of course, are as specified by the Constitution as grounds for impeachment. I believe this actually passes that test. Meanwhile, fourth Jordan alleged Biden kept secret talks to write a lucrative book. House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan accused Biden of willfully breaking the law by holding on to classified information in his notebooks in order to write an $8 million book about his time as vice president.

That’s one of the ways they commit bribery. You give massive advances for a book that’s going to be of no consequence. Who would want to read a book about Joe Biden’s experience as vice president? Ridiculous. That would put you to sleep in the first five pages. Bad. So what do we have here? Finally, we have the fifth herd denied being a partisan actor. I think it’s fair for him to make that claim.

Representative Hank Johnson, a Democrat of Georgia, accused her of using the report to try to get Trump reelected in the hope of landing a job as a federal judge. That is such a reach. Ask whether he’s a Republican. He confirmed he is a registered Republican. Johnson sent her user report that trash and smear President Biden because he couldn’t recall how he got the documents and her knew it would play into the republican narrative that the president’s unfit of office because he’s senile.

Congressman, I reject the suggestions you’ve just made. That’s not what happened. Adding he doesn’t want to become a federal judge. Partisan politics played no part whatsoever in my work. But of course that’s the best they can do. They’re going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to do it. Meanwhile, switching to foreign policy and affairs. Soldiers from NATO countries are already in Ukraine, says Bullen’s foreign minister. Bullen’s foreign minister returned after a ten year spelling opposition and said NATO soldiers are already in Ukraine, thanking alliance member states so deployed for taking this risk.

The latest comments in a growing european conversation on boots on the ground for Kiev, the foreign minister said, as reported by the government news outlet radio for Europe. Their presidents came with some threat, he told the gathering. Soldiers from NATO countries are already in Ukraine. I’d like to thank the countries that take this risk. The countries with forces themselves know who they are. But unlike other european politicians, Sikorsky said he would not be drawn further.

Meanwhile, many european leaders concede that Trump has a point when he talks about having to contribute their fair share. They take him seriously, but not literally. European leader reacted to Trump’s comments on NATO over the weekend, in which he laid out his frustration at member states refusing to pay their way, yet still expecting full protection from America’s military and hence the US taxpayer in two ways. Not a newspaper particularly friendly to the US.

The british broadcast noticed that some reacted with sheer horror, like Spain’s Joseph Borrell, who unironically accused Trump of unacceptably proposing all La carte alliance when his home nation has taken exactly the opposite approach. Yet others, the Times said, in an uncharacteristic concession to Trump’s approach to conjolling recalcitrated allies, realizes actually in a paulingly cavalier but necessary wake up call. In their words, the response was Trump was to be understood seriously, but not literally.

I’m afraid they’re misunderstanding the guy. He wants to be understood literally. Well, what would happen if the west were to pull out of Ukraine? Would it be the end of the world? Would it be the end? Are these people insane? Are these globalists trying to start World War II while at the same time intentionally driving the United States into the ground? It sure as heck seems that way.

And Putin and China, by the way, are watching us dig our own graves. This, of course, will completely alter the global world order. And Putin told Tucker Carlson exactly that. Don’t you have anything better to do than meddle in Ukraine? Don’t you have a wide open southern border? Don’t you have anything better to do? You have issues on the border, issues with migration, issues with the national debt, more than $33 trillion.

You have nothing better to do? So you should fight in Ukraine. Over the past few days, we’ve gotten our clearest sign yet that the United States and NATO are getting increasingly desperate to hang on to their global hegemony. We’ll get into these big developments here in a second. But first, last April, something stunning happened that didn’t get any attention on american television. Why would it? After all, it happened in Poland.

During a televised address, Poland’s president went on the air and shocked western allies when he said that if we lose Ukraine, this will end the West’s golden era. Quote, the defeat in Ukraine could be the beginning of the end of the golden age of the west. In other words, it’s not about Ukraine at all. Ukraine is simply a metaphor for the end of the United States dollar dominance and the end of western hegemony.

This will end western dominance and give rise to a new world order led by BRICS nations. And that’s why desperation has now sit in like never before. This week, Sweden joined NATO, ending 210 years of neutrality. Sweden officially joined, and their minister is here tonight. Stand up. What were they thinking? Bullied by the west, probably to take this position, Sweden just shot itself in the foot. NATO now fully right on Russia’s doorstep.

That will most assuredly lead to a direct hot war with Russia. As Tucker pointed out, this is exactly what they want after all. No, what are they going to do? They’re going to go to war with Russia. That’s what they’re going to do. There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in the next year. Be right back. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest Confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina.

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Israel, as the occupying power, has no right to self defense. A russian ambassador to the UN made that right off the bat early on when the slaughter of Palestinians began. Biden, of course, massively ignorant. He’s a stooge. He follows a script. He’s not the real Joe. Embarrassingly bad. Meanwhile, the Sea party’s declared will take months to establish antiwar. com. That means most of Palestinians are already going to be dead from starvation by the time it’s able to be established.

President Biden planned to deliver aid to Gaza through a sea corridor. Will take at least 45 to 60 days to develop. Depends on Tel Aviv’s approval. They’re going to be real eager to approve it. Israel’s five month siege and the bombing of the strip have created a humanitarian catastrophe that is nearing famine. Many are starving already. Meanwhile, this is fascinating. Biden showed up at a political meeting and was overwhelmed by Democrat activists calling him genocide Joe.

There was only about 100 people who turned out, get this, a pretty disturbing story here, but the biological reason. Thank you. Rubbish. Filth. Fly muck foe. What’s up guys? Boy Benny, let’s say it was your 20th or 40th or 80th or nintieth birthday party, which is the birthday that Joe Biden is heading into. And all of your friends threw you a birthday party inside of a giant warehouse because you’re so beloved and you got 81 million votes and totally all those people want to come see you for sure, right? And then nobody showed up.

Maybe like twelve people showed up and half those people were there to scream at you and tell you how much you suck on your birthday. You would say that’s a pretty bad day. And well, Joe Biden’s been having a lot of bad days. Okay. Biden interrupted at Atlanta rally. Was it really a rally by the way? Was it really a rally? I just want to jump in here, okay, ladies and gentlemen, because yes, people did scream.

Raving lunatics of the Democrats. Democrats ran into scream at Joe Biden at this rally. They call it a rally. It’s not a rally. It’s not a rally. This was the line to get in. This was the line. Are they still social distancing? Like, I guess that’s a thing I need to ask. Are these people still social distancing? This is in Atlanta, by the way. You can see it’s in a giant warehouse.

This should be, I mean, wow, this should be like a lot of people. This is Donald Trump’s line to get into his rally. Also in Georgia, just down the. Hmm. Very curious, ladies and gentlemen. This is what the full rally looked like for Joe Biden. Let’s see. I see like maybe four, three to four rows of people for the full thing. Ridiculously bad and I think genocide. Joe will be his name for posterity.

Meanwhile, net Yahoo is ignoring Biden’s red line on Palestine, planning to proceed with a rafa invasion that’s going to be truly catastrophic. We also are hearing Israel plans to split Gaza in half for a year. Check this out. Antiwar. com again. Islay officials said they would keep Gaza divided by a military highway for a year. The corridor will be buffered by demilitarized zone, give Israel control over the Palestinians.

Talib says a regional highway will make ground raids in the strip easier. CNN confirmed the completion of the net Zarim corridor through interviews with israeli officials and by reviewing satellite imagery. This east west road, which has been under construction for weeks, now stretches from the Gaza israeli border area across the entire roughly four mile wide strip dividing northern Gaza, including Gaza’s city from the south of the enclave, the outlet explained.

Meanwhile, and here’s a nation doing something appropriate. Liberia’s parliament has approved the creation of a war crime tribunal. Liberia’s parliament voted to approve the creation of a war crimes court 20 years after the bloodiest conflict in the west african country’s history. Liberia suffered two civil wars between 1989 and 2023 in which serious atrocities include massacre, rape, and the use of child soldiers were committed. A truth and reconciliation committee recommended the establishment of a special tribunal to try those accused of committing crimes, but no action was taken.

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For the golden age for american Jews, here’s one for the truth seeker. Will redemption through genocide end the golden age of american Jews? Many of my friends think so. Are we living through a jewish apocalypse? Lynn Din isn’t the only one who thinks the COVID Jew jabs are a plot to exterminate the goyam. There’s the allegedly jewish plan to destroy America through crime and unchecked immigration. Leonard remained me, at least until recently.

You didn’t think crime had gotten out of control. In San Francisco and other american cities, by contrast, I clearly see Jew Stoke mayhem with Soros installed prosecutors like Alvin Bragg in Manhattan and Larry Kranzer in Philly. There’s a surge of crime and chaos across the US, and jewish Majorca says Secretary of homeland security, is allowing all these illegal immigrants to flaunt in. You don’t see their plan behind this madness.

I see it. I doubt any of you don’t see it. Here’s another in the Israel Palestine News will the Israel lobby cause America’s downfall? By Alison Weir in full view of the world, the US is facilitating some of the worst crimes of our age, an action that could ultimately cause America’s downfall. Why is this happening and what can be done about it? Race journalist and author Owen Jode recently made a video describing in excruciating detail Israel’s ongoing genocide against the palestinian people in Gaza and the West bank.

Many others have also reported on this. Medical aid CEO Melanie Ward says children are being starved at the fastest rate the world has ever seen. Jones concludes that Israel’s ruthless actions, publicly supported by western governments at a time when the world has seen them in real time, could prove the downfall of the west. He points out that western governments have openly facilitated some of the worst crimes of our age and concludes, I don’t think the west is ever going to recover from this.

Frankly, neither do I. Meanwhile, Paul Craig Roberts asks, can Americans have hope? I suspect some of our readers are getting worn down by the continuing refusal of our rules and manipulators to acknowledge any truth. I myself get worn down. Tucker Carlson’s interview with Steve Kirsch reveals it’s impossible in the medical world to speak the truth. The top doctors and medical research scientists cannot state the truth about the COVID mRNA vaccine and childhood vaccination without losing their jobs and becoming a non person.

What this means is that the medical profession is forced to protect big pharmaceuticals and the reputation of Dr. Fauci, NIH, CDC, FDA, who, at the expense of human life and health. The restitutes are lined up with those who dictate the narrative. He’s got that right. Meanwhile, Trump gets major applause at a packed NFC event with Ivanka and NFL stars Joe Burrow and Nick Bosa. Trump is in the building.

Here’s a bit of a clip with Conor McGregor also making his way to the octagon. The 45th president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, blacked by UFC CEO data White. And what’s in the package? Just how big a mixed martial arts fan Donald Trump is. He sits on the outside with the pans on. Absolutely loves our live event and a real privilege to have President Trump in the building at USC 299.

What a contrast. Listen to that crowd cheer. There was about a dozen people at the Biden event and they were yelling at him for a good reason. Meanwhile, President Trump gets great news net worth set to skyrocket. New York Attorney General Letitia Graham thought she got Trump by using the state monopoly on force to scam him into baying hundreds of millions of dollars. Whether or not the amount is ever actually paid remains to be seen, but no matter what happens, it seems as though Donald J.

Trump will get the last laugh. WLTR recently reported one of the former president business entities, the Trump Media and technology group and DWAC, were set to merge pending some routine regulatory hurdles. Since that time, a shareholder lawsuit filed claiming the merger would threaten certain shareholder interests, a common occurrence in merger situations. However, it had been resolved by a Delaware judge at the time of this writing, the deal is back on.

The former president set to rake in a windfall profit of $4 billion. Here’s the latest. Wow. Meanwhile, Bret, whom dropped a truth bomb about Joe Biden sending Democrats into a state of panic? What did he say? Well, he merely observed that the guy’s senile. I mean, really, give us a break. During Tuesday’s episode of Food Channel Special Report, host Britt, whom dropped a truth bomb on Democrats about how Americans view Joe Biden.

Last thing, just going back to tonight, if you thought a year ago, even months ago, we’d be here looking at the bull numbers, we’re looking at independence trending toward President Trump on a number of issues, would you have believed that? Bret Blair said, whom replied he was not surprised given Biden’s age and acuity issue. I always thought the age and acuity issue was a ticking time bomb, Hume said.

I was saying when it was not at all fashionable to say it, that he was senile and senile. Indeed he is. Meanwhile, the House committee has released a report showing how the Democrat January 6 edited all the evidence they were special pleading, picking out, cherry picking evidence and destroying the rest. House committee released a report showcasing how Pelosi J Six committee was used for politics and lawfare from the Sundance at the conservative greenhouse.

The House Subcommittee on oversight release a report and overview highlight just how political the J Six committee was. The report outlines how Nancy Pelosi structured the JSIK committee for political intents and the longer report showcases the evidence of Liz Cheney assistant this is disgusting. You cannot count on any truth from the Democrats. They’re going to manufacture phony evidence in order to support lies. Here’s bright part. Report Transcript confirmed January 6 committee lied about Trump attacking the Secret Service newly released transcripts of secret testimony in the J Six commission witness testified and President Dondrup had not wrestled with a Secret Service agent and indeed requested droop.

To protect the Capitol. The transcript of a closed door interview with Deputy chief of staff Anthony Dornado and then Representative Liz Cheney on January 28, 2022, was hidden by the committee as it played up sensational claims that the testimony refuted. Here’s another Trump driver refuted January 6 claim from their star witness, who is actually just transmitting hearsay third hand. The Secret Service agent who was driving the SUV with President Trump inside on January 6, 2021, refuted the claim that then President Trump attempted to grab the wheel of the vehicle, according to a US House of Representative report issued on March 11.

The agent, not identified by name, told a House panel he did not see him reach President Trump, never grabbed a steering wheel, the agent said, according to a transcript reviewed by the Public Times. I didn’t see him lunged and try to get to the front seat at all. Long time ago, maybe even a year ago, I reported that he was prepared to testify under oath to that very point, and now he has done so.

Meanwhile, get this from the gateway pundit. Is this the last straw from Raffensberger? Evidence confirmed that Georgia Secretary of state team illegally recorded the Trump call, promoted a fraudulent transcript, sent it to the Washington Post, then trashed the audio. Now he’s caught. A new report from the Federalist confirmed the gateway budget report from over a year ago that Brad Rabbinberger’s office almost certainly committed a crime in January 2021 during the Georgia secretary of state’s office phone call with President Trump on January 2.

On February 21, 2023, Joe Hoft of the pundit discovered that Jordan Fuchs, Georgia’s deputy secretary of state in 2020, was on the call with President Trump, taped the call from Florida without announcing it. That was a criminal act. Since Florida is a two party consent state, you must notify an individual before you record them in Florida. Jordan Foots did not do that when she recorded President Trump speaking with Ravenberger team.

But that was not all. Her second illegal act was destroying the audio recording. It was later discovered in her computer’s trash folder and showed that they’d edited the conversation to smear Trump. Are you surprised? Meanwhile, George Stephanopoulos tried to use Representative Nancy Mace’s sexual assault survival to attack Donald Trump, trying to shame me as a rape victim. You forget how bad Stephanopoulos is, that he’s not really a journalist.

He’s a Clinton bipartisan activist. Mace appeared on ABC’s this Week discussing her support of Trump. Stefanopoulos insists that she explain her support considering Trump, in a civil case with E. Jean Carroll, was accused of sexual assault. You’ve endorsed Donald Trump for president, Stephanopoulos began. Judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming the victim of that rape. The anchor would repeatedly repeat the false claim he was not found liable for rape.

How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with a testimony we just saw? Base replied by noting she has publicly revealed she was a rape victim at the age of 16 before insisting she wouldn’t take debate on his false arguments. And as we’ve reviewed, Eugene Carroll appears to be a basket case. This was a fantasy accusation. It should never have gone to court. I’m embarrassed that it even happened.

She couldn’t even remember the year of the event, much less. Therefore, how could Trump have provided an alibi when he has no idea what date it was supposed to have occurred? It should never have gone to court. Meanwhile, law enforcement has conducted a human trafficking operation in Florida showing the danger of Biden’s open border policies. The murder of the 22 year old University of Georgia nursing student Lake and Riley by an illegal alien released by Biden’s homeland Security highlighted the dangerous threat.

And of course, he was confronted about that. Marjorie Taylor Green at the State of the Union couldn’t even get her name right. Meanwhile, this Caitlin Clark is creating quite a sensation. Is she the WNBA’s next game changer and conservative hero? USA Today is racist demands black only stars of women’s basketball because Caitlin Clark is white? Here’s a good one. The six most predictable ways that Democrats could steal the election.

Number one, resurrect and regurgitate the Trump Russia collusion delusion from 2022. Start another pandemic and have 40 million falsified mail in ballot prepared. Plus, use the Dominion vote living machines at top and off in swing states. Three sage some horrible event like a nuclear explosion or EMF bomb shutting down the Internet for months, indefinitely postponing the election, meaning there will never be another four. Simply arrest Trump and then suicide him in prison, just like Epstein’s fifth.

Don’t put it past the left to try to put Trump 6ft under before the November election. Six, refuse to certify the election if Trump wins. All those, I think, are right in the ballpark. Meanwhile, New York City’s woke fire chief is going after the fireman who booed Letitia James. I mean, this is disgusting. No freedom of speech in New York City. New York City’s woke fire commissioner has reportedly launched an investigation to hunt down the firefighters who loudly booed New York Attorney General Letitia James and Janet in support of Donald Trump during a department promotion ceremony last week.

The incident took place last Thursday at the Christian Cultural Center, a black megachurch in Brooklyn. James spoke at the event to honor her friend, Reverend Pamela Holmes, who was being sworn in as New York Fire Department first black female chap hunt. According to the New York Post, the crowd was made up of the families of captains, battalion chiefs and civilians up for promotion. They broke out in lusty booze as James approached the podium and later chanted, Trump.

Trump. Trump. So she’s going to retaliate. Anyone have any doubt about it? Meanwhile, Google is preparing to rewrite history, scrub any cultural memory of white people. Google’s quote woke AI that is replacing all white people in history with people of color. You’ve probably seen the images of the colonials, all black people, Supreme Court justices, all black, all the popes throughout history, all black. Nothing against black people, by the way.

There are very important, prominent people of color throughout history. But let’s be accurate about history. There are obviously white. Can I even say the word whites? Mike Adams got it right. Here’s some interesting news. Due to all the recent claims about possible nuclear wars, viruses, solar flares and civil unrest, people are scrambling to prepare and stockpile food. But the one thing out of reach for many is an underground bunker.

Until now. Because you can now have a 3D printed underground bunker in just one day. An excavator digs a hole in your backyard and shows up in a small truck and sets up their 3d printer under a tent completely undetected. They can print as many rooms as you want at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional metal bunkers. Uses polymer concrete, which is five times stronger than regular cement.

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com. That’s xtendovite. com. Extend your life with extend over shut up. Goobing up slowly got juice you apple he won’t holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it please shut briefly AI drone designed to hunt and kill people is built in just hours by scientists for a game rise of the slaughter bots. Think about it. AI chaos whistleblower exposes Microsoft’s naughty bot.

I think it allows you to design your own porn stories. Isn’t that nice? Meanwhile, my king every the iconic class talks about geniuses who are conspiracy theorists. I take it they are fairly substantial in numbers. Since you cannot understand what’s going on in the world if you don’t appreciate the nature and ubiquitousness of conspiracies, what would have Shakespeare had to write about if not for plots against the kings and queens of England, for example, speaking of conspiracies, there’s a final analysis by Jerry Corsi and David W.

Mantic, MDPHD, my oldest collaborator in JFK research, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A final analysis. There’s Twitter about it, but Twitter has blocked me, sad to say. If you’re wondering why I haven’t been able to update for several days now, my Twitter account. I have been blocked. Check out this book. However, it’s going to get a huge amount of play. I expect it’s going to skyrocket.

All to number one on the bestseller list for anything in the area of true history, true crime, politics, assassination. David is the leading expert on the medical evidence in the world today and explains how, in addition to two shots to his body, a shot to his back, about five and a half inches below the collar, just to the right of the spinal column, and a shot to the throat, he was hit three times in the head.

David is now concluded. Once in the back of the head. After the limo was brought to a halt, he slumped forward. Jack eased him back up, was looking him right in the face when he was hit. Dave I now believe things near simultaneously by shot in the right temple and the side of the head which blew his brains out the back of his head and he slumped to the left.

The violent back into the left motion you see in this film is a result of editing. If you go to myassassinationscience. com blog, scroll down to the JFK film hoax and introduction by John P. Costella. You can see a brilliant dissection of how the film was edited from authentic, original sources. But they took out too many frames. There wasn’t even an 18. 3 frame per second speed on the camera.

It was 24 and 48 for slow motion. But they cut out so many frames they created an artificial, including the back into the left, which even others who have seen what appears to be the unedited film has confirmed. Meanwhile, we’ll be right back and take your calls after this break. From my friend. You need anybody? I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I can buy help from my friend gonna try little help from my friend I get, I guess I get by a little help from my friends.

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Welcome to the second hour of authentic news. Right here on RBN Live this 11th A of March 2024, where I take your calls. And we have a number lined up already, Joe in Florida. Joe, join the conversation. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. Great to hear you today. Hey, listen, I don’t know if you heard Dr. Patrick Slattery earlier in the day, but I thought that this was something that you would definitely want to know about.

And this relates to the alleged comment by Trump, finished the job thinking about Gaza. Okay. And I heard you and I was totally with you by the, just parenthetically, I’ll say I’m not a blind Trump loyalist. Right. I had problems with him, especially the Soleimani thing and moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. Now that all having been said, however, Dr. Slattery made a really interesting point, and I was aware of this.

So a week ago, this alleged comment by Trump finished the job is when it happened. If you go to, there’s a story in the Hill from March 5, and the title of the story is Trump on war in Gaza, quote, you’ve got to finish the problem, unquote. And Dr. Slattery makes a great point, and that I totally agree with. So the actual quote, it happened, the quote was on Fox and Friends last Tuesday when Trump called into the show and he was asked by Brian Kilmeade, what does he think about what’s going on in Gaza? And the quote, word for word, is this quote from Donald Trump, you’ve got to finish the problem.

You had a horrible invasion. It took place. It would have never happened if I was president, by the way, unquote. And I agree with Dr. Slari’s interpretation. It’s very know, Trump has this very idiosyncratic syntax that only he speaks right. So I think of the example when the people left immediate, he was urging him to say, oh, will you disavow the Proud Boys. Do you remember that? And he came out with a statement.

He says, you know, stand back, stand by, proud boys or whatever. And of course, the lefties all had a freak out. Like, oh, he’s telling the Proud Boys to stand by. He’s going to call on them. But in the strange idiosyncratic syntax of Donald Trump, the word stand by to him is just another way of saying be a bystander. I’m convinced that he was completely unaware that 99% of people, if you say stand by, it means to them be ready.

Well, this is another example. And Dr. Slater, I give the credit to him. The phrase is, you’ve got to finish the problem. Now what does that know? Trump has not said what Nikki Haley said. Nikki Haley said finish them. Right? When she was asked about Gaza, I think she was even asking about referring to all Palestinians visit them, which fits because she’s a bloodthirsty warmonger and she’s a puppet of the Jews, too.

We know that. But Trump, whatever else you say about him, I’m not under any delusions about his support of Israel. It’s quite a different thing to say finish the job and to say finish the problem. And he did not say finish the job. What does it mean to say finish the problem? It means, well, you could say end the problem or what’s the problem? The problem is the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

And how do you finish the problem? Maybe a two state solution. I’m not saying, but there’s a whole big difference between saying finish the job, which when I thought I honestly heard that quoted from different people, I thought, oh, that’s it, I’m off the Trump train. But true to his nature, Trump is a very unique syntax. And I think that there’s an argument, again, I’m not blind loyalist, but actually, if you think about it, the two real choices are going to be Biden and Trump.

And at core, whatever else you say about Donald Trump. And again, I have issues with his support for Israel. I believe at core, Trump is essentially an anti war, he has anti war instinct. And for that reason, I think we have to consider that and don’t jump to a conclusion yet. What do you think? Well, Yahoo confirms that finish the problem after months of silence. But in the contents, what else can he possibly mean? Here’s what we get.

In a phone interview on Fox and Friends, host Brian Kilmeade and Lawrence Jones asked the Gob front runner if he was on board with the way Israel forces have been carrying out their offensive in Gaza, which of course is mass slaughter and genocide. In response to that, he said, you’ve got to finish the problem. You’ve had a horrible invasion that took place that would never have happened if I was president, by the way, how else are we to interpret that other than as an endorsement of what Israel is doing in relation to the Palestinians? I think it’s the equivalent of finishing the job myself.

I would love to be able to excuse him on this, but I cannot do this, Joe. If he comes out and starts condemning the israeli government for their excessive punishment, for their disproportionate response, if he calls for a ceasefire, if he declares that Palestinians are entitled to life and to the right to return and the like, then I might give him some credibility. But under the circumstances, frankly, his silence over this period of time while this massacre has been taking place is, in my judgment, inexcusable.

And believe me, Joe, I’ve gone out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt up to this point. Frankly, unless he goes much, much further, unless he clarifies this, I cannot feel the same way I have about him in the past. I’ve admitted I may nevertheless be forced to vote for the guy because what the hell is the alternative? He’s going to be better than anything the Democrats can put up, but it won’t be with that sincere belief and enthusiasm I felt in the past, Joe.

Yeah, and I totally, by the way, I’m completely with you. And I had the same reaction. I do have to say that I am actually convinced by this argument I heard from Dr. Slattery. And it’s only because I know Trump’s, I’m actually from the same part of the world. I grew up in a neighborhood very close to where his family was in Queens, there in New York, and kind of very strange syntax.

I really think there is a way of interpreting finish the problem as meaning what’s the problem? The problem is the fight between the Israelis and Hamas or Israelis and the Palestinians. And in that way, is it totally out of the question that he might be know this whole problem between Israel and Hamas or Israel and the Palestinians has to be ended? I do think that if he wanted to say finish the job, he would have said finish the job.

And again, the contrast that I make is that Nikki Ailey, she said, finish them. I mean, there are, people know, it’s very uncomfortable actually for me to be sounding like I’m a blind Trump loyalist because really that’s not my history. But I have had previous experiences. Like the one where he said stand by about the proud Boys and everybody thought, oh my God, he’s calling on the proud Boys to get ready.

There’s another example. When he said, they’re people coming over the border, they’re sending killers, they’re rapists. And people thought he was referring to all Mexicans as rapists, when to me, that word there was a contraction of the two words there, there and r there. That’s a New York thing, not they are, but there are rapists and there were and there are. So anyway, that’s just the syntax. Joe, he could have said, just as you suggest, he could have said finish the job, but he could have said they deserve humane treatment.

They have the right to live. They have the right to life. This slaughter must end. He said none of those, and I haven’t heard him say him yet until he. I stand by my interpretation. He’s endorsing genocide, and I don’t like it. Give me a final. I agree. That’s important for me. It’s important that he does. But all I’m saying, again, is that I think there’s more wiggle room than it might appear right at the moment.

Obviously, if he comes out and starts saying some support of this bloodthirsty, I think he’s satanic. Netanyahu, the mass murderer, genocidal maniac. If he says, then I’m definitely jumping off the Trump train. But I just think there’s a little wiggle room. Just considering the fact that I know the way Trump speaks, especially with a history where he can actually say things that are literally interpreted the opposite of what he might be meaning.

Anyway, thanks. Listen, we can’t jump off the Trump train, even if he’s made a colossal mistake here, because the alternative is even worse. I mean, for God’s sake, Biden sent him all the weapons that are necessary to perpetrate the slaughter. We can at least hope he wouldn’t do that. I believed in him being an anti war guy or a non interventionist forever, but he’s got ample opportunity to clarify the issue.

He can’t get away with this. We have to know where he stands. Joe and I greatly appreciate your call. Excellent, excellent. One last thing. I’ll just make the final point. And I totally agree with that point. I will just say this. It’s very likely whoever the next president is going to be is going to be in two or three wars because of this. Psychopaths in the White House now and again.

I know that you’re not saying you’re off the trumpet, but just remember also, I believe he still has that anti war instinct. And when we’re already in wars, to have a president who has an anti war instinct versus somebody who is literally a bloodthirsty genocidal psychopath is going to be key. Yes, Joe, I agree with all that. We’re on the same wave. Thank you for an excellent call.

Excellent. Ken, Texas, join the conversation. Ken. Hey, Dr. Fetzer. A lot to talk about when it comes to TikTok and them banning TikTok, that’s obviously them just flexing their Internet control muscles. It has nothing to do with protecting us from the Chinese. Because they wanted to protect us from the Chinese, they’d stop them. From coming across the border with all their fighting age men. So obviously they could care less about that.

And it’s an obvious move to control the Internet. Next thing is on the AI bringing up all this false history, revisionist history, but ridiculous stuff. I mean, more than just gathering the wrong data or telling you that it’s 90 degrees out when it’s obviously 70 degrees, that’s plausible deniability. But this AI stuff of rewriting history means that they’re outright lying with AI. Would you agree? Of course. But I mean, it’s like hammers.

You can use hammer to construct building, and you can use hammer to beat people to death. It’s a tool. It can be used for good or for bad, right? But what they’ve done is they’ve given us plausible deniability, because going forward, if they use that against you in court or whatever, you can say, well, no, you’ve already demonstrated that not only can the AI be wrong, but it will outright lie, give false information.

Yeah, well, there’s a principle in computer science, gi g o garbage in, garbage out. You put in false data, you’re going to get false data out. So you’re making a good point. Ken, do you have a final thought? Yeah. When it comes to all this political stuff, everybody’s talking about what they said, what the meaning of the words are, it’s all propaganda. I can’t believe anybody listens to RBN, hasn’t graduated from the school of skepticism and become full blown cynics when it comes to all this propaganda, because all they’re saying is stuff that gives them plausible deniability.

Well, that’s not what I meant to say. Or that’s what I meant was the issue is, what have they done? So you can’t listen to anything that they’re saying about what they’ll do. It’s like, what are they doing and what have they done? Well, that’s when Joe was talking about moving the embassy to Jerusalem and assassinating Soleimani. Those are the things Trump has done. And remember, he was given a menorah and designated a prince of peace for saying finish the problem, which they were interpreting as have high as finish the job.

And I’m very unhappy about that. And I want this man to speak clearly to the issue so we know where the hell he stands. Well, yeah, again, I agree, but even if they do speak clearly, it doesn’t mean that that’s what’s going to happen. Considering there are certain people still walking around should be trying to pass their bar exam in a great. This is a great human rights issue of our time, the palestinian issue.

And if Donald Trump can’t take a clear moral stance on him, I no longer regard him with the respect I have in the past. I’ve been a very enthusiastic follower and supporter of Donald Trump that ends if he doesn’t have the character to recognize this is mass slaughter. It’s inhumane. It’s as immoral as an action becomes. He’s got to have the to call it out and I want to hear it.

I may vote for him in fight of it, but it will be a bitter vote because the man’s not who I thought he was. Well, I understand, and a lot of stuff in politics is disappointing. So I’m just saying that we have to change our way of thinking and that you have to completely distrust them until they prove that you can trust them. That’s what I’m saying. That’s what we have to have.

I thought he was a good first term in terms of securing the border, making us energy independent, giving us a thriving economy and a whole lot else. There were things he didn’t do, he could have done, but it was pretty good for a first term, especially given he was surrounded by traders and he was boxed in. That Barack Obama taking all kinds of measures, know, restrict Trump’s freedom of action in the office.

That’ll be very different. He gets back in, you’ll see the real Trump, for better or for worse. Yeah, I think it’s mostly about hurting the cattle. Us being the cattle. That’s what they think we know. My line that I come up with after that is bovine lives matter. So we have to like it. And I like your point. From skepticism to cynicism. Yeah, we’re all learning way too much and RBN is doing a great job of informing us.

Thanks, Ken. Excellent call, Tom. Yeah, Tom, join and we’ll carry over the break. Tom. Well, good day, President Pester. Your last caller. Ken, we’re not cattle. We’re going to go. We’re going to them. Let’s make this crystal clear. Jim, a federal judge today made something very crystal clear. I don’t know if you heard the news when he says you’re going to build that wall 35 foot tall and maybe you have to deport them all.

And he said, told Biden today you’re going to use that federal fund, $2. 8 billion, to start building that wall in Texas. So what do you think about that, Jim? Florida. I love this. I love this, Tom. I love this. Yes, the federal judge, I can even give you his name. His name is Drew Tipton. Federal Judge Drew Tipton. He has ordered Biden’s administration to start building that wall immediately and spend $2.

8 billion and take the, they already sold off like $75 million in a steel. But he says that they got to replace that steel that was sitting on the border out there in Arizona and Texas, and he wants to replace it and start building a wall immediately. A federal judge. So we’ll see how that goes. I can’t get up to the supreme Court or whatever, but here’s the reason I called your show yesterday.

You had a guy, one of the last callers you had, his name was right of mind or something was out of his mind. Right of mind. I can’t remember. Mindset actually was called in and dropped. I want him to call back in and I’ll get him on. Go ahead, mindset. What’s his name? Jim. Hold on. M I n d s e t. Mindset. Yeah. I want mindset to know that mindset is kind of partially wrong or something.

And I can tell you who Donald Trump, I think is definitely going to pick for his VP. You want me to tell you? And I want you to look at her. Hang on, hang on, Tom. Hang on. Block. Are you sick of censorship? TLB talk is the cure. TLB stands for truth, liberty and balance. We are the newest and most unique social media platform to hit the Internet.

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Will your savings survive a global banking wipeout? What happens when the US sees hyperinflation? What if taxes soar? Not only for the rich can you survive the stock market tanks? Look, between a stock market wipeout, waves of bank failures, soaring government spending that will lead to hyperinflation and the destruction of the dollar’s value, isn’t it time that you prepare for the uncertainty which lies ahead? Protect your money now or forever kiss it goodbye.

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Or call me Jeffrey Bennett at 602-799-8214 or by email at cattlemarainltd@cox. net for a private consultation. Once again, our phone number 602-799-8214 it’s almost Friday. I need somebody. Not just anybody, you know, I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way. Now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured. Tom, go ahead with your further thoughts.

Well, yeah, mindset. It’s not going to be Huckabee, Sarah Huckabee or it’s not going to be cold Gabbard. Forget that nonsense. But I did tell you, the woman I think it’s going to be, there’s two women and a man he’s looking at and he’s zeroed it down to three. He’s zeroed it down to Tim Scott from South Carolina. But my favorite is the one I’m going to say right now.

It’s Christy Gnome, or at least the phonics. But I love Christy nome. I wish everybody in RBM would watch her feedback speech. It was fantastic. She would be a great VP. She would actually be a great president. She’s tough as nails. South Dakota has the best economy in the United States. South Dakota, everybody’s flourishing in there. Even the Indians are going wild over there, making money up their butt.

And everybody’s doing good in the state of South Dakota. She’s doing a great job. And she said she has her own tractors and all that trailers. She’ll literally personally load up a rig and drive it down to Texas with Bob wire. No other governor’s ever said that Christy Gnome is your pick for the VP. Remember I told you that Donald Trump is smart? He’ll go with Nome. Yeah, go ahead, Jim.

Sorry. Well, here’s a report now. South Dakota Governor Christie Nome signed strongest hate crime bill in America to stop anti Semitism. South Dakota Governor Christine Holme on Thursday boasted she had signed the strongest hate crime bill in America into law to stop anti Semitism and ensure the security of God’s chosen people. Give me a break here. We have an interview. I think it’s a new bill combining anti Semitism or reaffirming old bills.

Could you just tell us a little bit about that because it’s such an important issue? Well, this is a bill that defines what anti Semitism is. And it has examples that we put in statute that will be used as model legislation in every other state to make sure we’re defining what a hate crime is and that we can prosecute those who engage in it. It really is the strongest language in this country to push back on some of what we’ve seen for hatred being spread across this country since the October 7 attack.

So I was devastated to see some folks in this country be uneducated and some maybe purposefully stand with pro hamas and attack our allies, Israel, and our brothers and sisters in the jewish community. So this bill we signed into law today in the rotunda of our capital. We had hundreds and hundreds of people there. It was amazing to see the unity and the support. We have one of the smallest jewish communities in the entire country, but we dearly love them and stand with our allies and are proud to sign this bill that I believe many other states are going to use because it gives them strong language that we can win in court and prosecute those who engage in hate crimes.

I got to tell you, I don’t like that, Tom. I don’t like that one bit. You tell me your thoughts. I got to say this, though, Jim. Every senator, every congressperson got to sign a pledge to the Jews. We’re not stupid. We know that. It doesn’t matter if it’s Tim Scott, I don’t care who it is. Ron DeSantis, they’re all going to lick the butt of the Jew.

We all know that they are controlling, they control Hollywood. They control everything. One of these days, they’re going to bite off more than they can chew, which they might think that they’ve already done. But these Jews right now are ruthless with their money. And like this caller said yesterday, and by the way, there’s so many great callers, Alexander, he’s wonderful. Like I said, it’s all about the money.

He is right. Alexander is right. Money talks. And that’s why these zionist Jews, like Rothschilds, know that realize the whole category of hate speech is a fabrication to sabotage the first amendment. And the league plays a victim card. They can’t get away with it any longer after the slaughter in Palestine. I’m not impressed with Christine Ohm for signing that. In fact, as Marv’s, I’m concerned that disqualifies her.

I’ve heard a lot of nice things about her, but I don’t like that. In my opinion, that by itself. Do you agree with me that they are all going to do that? All the Republicans and Democrats are all going to do that pledge nonsense. They’re all going to kiss the butt. We all know that, Jim, it’s a hypothetical. We know that’s just going to happen. They’re all going to lick it.

I mean, Jim, I’m a realist. I’m a realist. The way you beat the Jews is you tell them I’m a Jew for Jesus. They can’t refute that because they always say, they keep saying he’s a prophet. He’s not a prophet, he’s the son of God. He’s a perfect man. What’s supposed to be the great attraction of Tim Scott other than that he’s black? And isn’t that just a matter know, identity politics, Democrat style.

Well, Jim, if he picked Trump, picked him, that’s fine. Like you said, we got to get over the hump. We got to put Trump in there. We can’t put another four years of this idiot HarrIS this would be. Jim. I like Tulsi better than any of those. I really do. There may be others know Ron Johnson, my senator from Wisconsin, would be a superb vice president. My goodness.

Let’s take a look at the real qualification. Jim Jordan, Matt Gates, they’d all be better than the three you sign. There are three alternatives over and beyond. Tulsi would be better. They’re all going to find that fled to the dude. No question about it. I’ll take a final thought when we come back. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen, a dream waits at the window wearing the face to she keeps in a job by the door.

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The younger you get, the greater the percentage of people will identify as Alphabet know LGBTQrs. This woman, she’s like, oh yeah, I identify as a koala two years ago and I’m like, what? A koala? What? Maybe if it was quickie koala, that might be cool, but otherwise, how about an inward pass? Have you ever received an inward pass from any of your black friends? Biden invited a drag queen to come for the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Respect for anal sex act. Let’s just call it like it is, the Patrick and Jeremy show Tuesday at nine central and Wednesday at one central. Tom, I give you a final word, but I got mindset standing by for a response. So you go ahead. Make it real concise. Well, yeah, my final thought is this. The Palestinians in this country need to have a rally cry against the israeli state.

So they should be right. Starting today, it’s illegal what the jewish state is doing to the palestinian civilians instead of population. Starting today, that should be their rallying cry. Illegal. Joe Biden’s illegal. What Alejandro Mayorkas has done to the border in this country. He’s illegal. He should be tried. And those are all illegal actions. But what I got to say, something good is happening. What’s good in Europe is happening is Marina Le Pen is winning against Maracomb, Marcone, Marikone, whatever his name is, by eleven points today on the news.

So I think she’s going to win the prime minister of France, and that’s going to be the linchpin out of the grenade. And I think the whole continent of Europe is going to go swing to the right like worse than Donald Trump could do. Le Pen beat him before. And they tore the ballots. In France, if you have a torn ballot, so the ballots they sent out with Le Pen’s name were already torn.

It’s really disgusting that they’ve done this. But I like it. I like it, Tom. I like it. I like your calls. Thanks, Tom. I’m going to go to mindset. Mindset. Join the conversation. Mindset. Yeah. So when it comes to Tulsa Gabbard, yeah. I think christian ohm is a great pick as well. But I called Tulsa Gabbard back 2019 because that’s just the best pick. And because also tulsa gather is a Democrat that when independent, who’s in the military, that’s a woman who’s technically not white, but she’s like Hawaiian or something.

So the technically colored people would be. Oh, you know what I mean? So it’s like a surprising surprise. People realize that in a way because a lot of people probably look at her as a white woman. Mindset. You have a radio on or something. There’s background noise. It’s harder for me to hear your words. Okay. Go ahead. Please repeat. Yeah, I can hear you better. Go ahead. All right, so basically, Tulsi Gabbard, I think Christy Noam would be a great pick, but the whole point is unity.

Right? So Tulsi Gabbard is an ex military, like Christian Ohm. But she was a Democrat and she became independent. So that’s a big political PR move. And on top of that, she’s white. Well, obviously she looks like she’s white, but obviously she’s, like, white and whatever. So a lot of people, I’m not trying to get the race card in there, I’m just trying to point it out that it’s a good surprise when they find out that she’s obviously not just white, but another nationality that’s of color, technically.

You know what I mean? Yeah, that’s going to be another big point of factor, as long as the fact that she’s a woman. So, yeah, I think she’s going to be obviously the one. But Chrissy Noam, obviously is a good pick. But for political reasonings and relationships, reasonings for the public in unity, it’d be a better fit for Donald Trump to go with somebody like Tulsi Gabbard, who’s an independent, that was a Democrat and all that, as a VP and a woman.

I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been touting Tulsi for two years now as the running mate for Trump. Very good mindset. Give us a final thought. We got quite a few here lined up. Go ahead. Other than that, I’ve got four things to do, everybody. One, the golden rule, which is treat others like you would treat yourself, and that implies do no harm to others, obviously. Two is learn personality type, learn how your mind works and learn how others who you’re going to be dealing with work and body language.

Three, do not rush to judgment. Do not take character context, do not judge a book by its cover. And four, always be fair. Right, just and true. How do you know which one’s what? Three make one. So if you’re going to be fair, be right, just true. If you’re going to be true, be fair. Right. Just when you get all four, because three determine one, you get all four, then, you know, you keep going on.

So that’s the four things everyone should be following, no matter what religion or place you come from. What do you think about that? I like it. I like it. Mindset. This is a very interesting call. I’m very glad we got you back on today. Excellent. I look forward to future calls from you, my friend. Thank you for this one. Meanwhile, you got it. Jeff in Phoenix. Jeff, join the conversation.

Can you hear me? Yes. I just wanted to say that I saw an interview with Kamala yesterday and interviewer asked her if she would have a vice presidential debate and she said that, well, we’re not really here to talk about that right now, so they’re not going to have. Meaning she’s got her peeing in her panties by just asking the question. Yeah. And so what I think is going to happen is the campaigning is going to be a two person race between Trump.

And, and I just, Trump doesn’t have any credibility on the vaccine. So I think unless Trump can get RFK to drop out or be his vice president, I think they’re going to split the vote and Biden’s going to win. No, Biden isn’t viable. I don’t think he’ll even be on the ticket. Jeff Biden is a total loser. Genocide. Joe, all that he’s done, stick a fork in him.

They got to bring in somebody else. And my best guess is Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama. I think that’s the most likely. I’ve heard some other alternatives like bringing in Hillary, but she is so despicable. Joe’s not even going to be on the ticket now. Trump has got to do something about the vax. There’s a very nice piece by Wayne Roode about how he can do that, that I’m going to be reporting tomorrow.

But it was too late for today. He’s got to address it just as he has to address the slaughter in Palestine. He cannot get away without coming clean on both of those issues. RFK Jr. By the way, has also expressed support for know in terms of Palestinians, which stuns me, frankly. His father would never have done that. So I find that very disappointing. He has a lot of good traits, but that is not among them or.

Jeff, give me a final thought. Final thought. I pretty much agree with you. I just think that I don’t trust RFK either, but I think that he’s going to probably split the vote with Trump and we’ll end up with whoever the Democrats got up there. I don’t think the Democrat voters really care who. It just, it’s really a vote against Trump more than it is for Biden or Trump.

If you heard the enthusiasm for Trump at that sporting event, man, it was overwhelming. Jeff, I think Trump’s got it in the bag and RFK is going to siphon some off, but he’s also going to siphon them off from the other side. So I think it’s a wash. You throw an RFK, it might drop each side by five or ten points, but I don’t think it’ll all affect the outcome.

Thank you, however, for making the argument. I’m glad you did called in. Thank you, Laura in Michigan. Laura. Hello, Mr. Fester. Did you know that Trump is supposed to be getting intelligence reports because he’s a presumptive presidential nominee, but they don’t want to give them to them? Not that I think I would believe whatever they gave him. I don’t think it’s quite legally formally the case that he’s yet in that category, but he should get them.

And I know the Democrats don’t want to give them to him. And that keeps him in the dark about the latest political. That’s just dirty pool. But that’s all we get from the Democrats. Nothing but dirty pool. So give us more. Yeah. I’m glad you guys exposed Christy nome, but she’s going to sign a hate crime. I mean, she doesn’t believe in freedom of speech or freedom of thought.

That knocks her right out of the ballpark. Yeah. I want to see Trump put blinders on, not listen to everybody, all the media and everything, and go back to talking with Putin and talking with different. When he’s the president, he can talk to any of know if he wants to talk to Kim Jong un, whatever. He could talk to them. It’s the best way to have to talk to all these readers.

He’s good friends with them. I was so delighted when he went to North Korea. I just thought that was a wonderful event and an inspiration when he opened up by saying, would it be great if we were friends with Russia? Obviously it would be great. We need to be friends with Russia. But the EU seem to be eager to have a nuclear war. I’ll be talking more about that tomorrow.

But they say if we go to war with Russia, it could last for years. No, if we go to war with Russia, it’ll be over in a day. Well, they keep talking about, oh, Russia wants to move into Europe and whatever. But do you remember during the Vietnam, the whole thing was the communism was going to go by diamond like dominoes through other countries. See, it’s the same playbook.

Yes. Trying to scare people to thinking that he’s countries. You’re spot on, Laura. I could not agree more. It’s like domino theory. Putin has no interest in taking other nations. He’s already made it clear. He also explained exactly why he had to go into Ukraine and yet the Democrat, the administration, acts as though he never said a word about what he’s really doing or why he’s there. It’s just outrageous.

You could help me. I don’t know if I forgot or whatever. I thought that they named a town in the Golan Heights after Trump. I believe they have. Yeah, I think they have done that. Yeah, I thought I remembered that. I believe that’s right. Laura, you got a final thought, girl? Yeah, one thing. People are talking about Matt Gates. Well, if you want to check on Matt Gates, Kelly Nelson, who writes her news with you, she did kind of expose on Matt Gates.

The people might want to read that before they. What does she fault him for? What does she say? Bad about Matt? Well, mostly because going out with young choke girls and that kind of thing. He’s a womanizer. Yeah, I can’t remember the whole thing, but I just remember she did kind of expose on him. Okay, Laura, thank you for mentioning that. We’re glad to have you on. Thank you for the call.

Thank you. HB in Tennessee. Welcome to the show. HB. Hello, Professor Fletzer, are you there? Leon? Yeah, tell us, give us your thoughts. Hb Hey, I was listening to Maria Z today. Do you know Maria Z? No, but go ahead. She’s from Australia. She’s got a site called Z Media. Z E E media. She was a host, had a lady on there today, and they were talking about these bills that are in our congress and senate to go the way of Australia.

And Canada is already doing this, too. They gave 20% of one of the provinces up there to the indigenous people. Well, the indigenous people don’t know how to run stuff. I mean, it’s one of the big cities you’ve heard of in Canada. So the UN is appointing NGOs to run these places for these indigenous people. So they’re giving their land over to the UN. And she said, we’ve got bills.

And I didn’t catch them. I was driving. Which, if you go on to Maria Z site, you could probably see it. Or she was on the fourth hour of infowars today and catch it. But it’s coming. There’s bills. We shouldn’t have to tell our elected so called conservative representatives not to vote for these. Yeah, I’ve got four so called conservative Reps, congresspeople, and Senate people here in East Tennessee.

And Tim Burcht came out with unfettered support for Israel. And Marcia Blackburn voted against certifying the election for Trump. And Briggs, he’s all for the vaccines. I mean, why even yeah, yeah. Pretty discouraging. Pretty discouraging. But I’m with you on that Christine gnome thing. I was behind Christy Noam and she came out with that hate speech thing and I fell off her train pretty quick. That’s my opinion.

HB. This was a bridge too far, was a dumb thing to do. She ought to have better sense of that. I’m very unhappy about that. Totally disillusioned. They’ve sold us this Jews are God’s chosen people myth. She even said that. How outrageous is that? Do you know Ted Broer? No. Ted and Austin Brewer have a show on. They’ve got a site, they sell supplements and they talk about health.

And Ted Broer is a preacher and he gives a history of a lot of stuff. And he’s gone through the history of the Ashkenazi Jews, which are the Rothschilds, which are the rulers of the world. And part of it is that they’re part of the Anunnaki. They don’t have any compunction to not killing us and no empathy towards anything and they run the world. It’s very interesting. Good stuff, HB, thanks a lot.

A final thought. Yeah, good having you here. Oh, yeah. And that lady that was talking about taking over the land and stuff, she boiled the fat off that possum and said, we need to get out of the UN. Yeah, we’ve been saying that forever. Get out of the UN, get out of NATO, and it’d fall apart and the world could live in. Yes, yes. Laura from Michigan. Yeah, thanks, HV, very much.

Tom, I’m going to have time to give you a little more thought. I didn’t let you have a real final thought, Tom, so call. Sorry. I know, I know. I’m going to have Francis first and I want Tom to call back in. Frances, give us your thoughts, girl. Well, I’m going to try and be as quick as I can because I wasn’t looking to call in today, believe me.

However, good day to you and everyone else for that, young man. Obviously, it’s very apparent to me a couple of things. One, the fact that these people are coming up with anti Semitic legislation, policies, whatever, have you ad nauseam are obviously of dual citizenship. In other words, double passported. So when you have such things like that come up, chances are if they want to go and be a dual citizenship, well, then go back to the homeland where you came from, or supposed homeland you came from.

Leave your garbage there, not here in the bloody us, for crying out loud. We’ve had enough of it. Secondly, for one thing. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the people are playing into the hands of the so called elite, which I call fault brats, by spreading negativity amongst and calling out people as being this, that, or whatever have you as far as their listenership is concerned. One thing, everybody has a point.

Let it be expressed. Francis, hang on and I’ll let you add your final thought after the break. Tom, please call back. Sandbot goofing up slowly he’s got juice to eyeball. He wants holy roller. He got hair down. I’m the founder of blackout coffee and I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America, and trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US, I was so disappointed with the coffee.

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Frances, give us your final thought for today, girl. My final thought is my heart goes out to the palestinian people that have lost their lives purely and for kicking. Go for it. Live life and don’t let anything stand in your care. Thanks. Thanks very much, Francis. Mike in Kentucky. Mike, give us your thoughts. Well, the russian war with America won’t be done in a day, I don’t think.

And if I was running Russia, I know what I’d hit after I took out as many missiles as I could. Because essentially, if America gets nuked very many times or an EMP pulse or any of that, probably we’ll be lucky if more than just the northern hemisphere isn’t poisoned. We have what I call a de facto doomsday weapon of something like 188,000 tons of nuclear fuel in 90 places.

That would all go Fukushima after any length of time because the circulating pumps, they never taught us this when they sold nuclear power, that the fuel rods have to be kept cool for up to six years or they can go critical, catch fired, then you got a massive explosion from the hydrogen. They always talk about the scram safety. We can scram the reactor with steam. Yeah, sure you can.

That doesn’t do any. You got to keep the dang water circulating because those rods are hot for six. So you make a telling. But, you know, I should have said it’ll be over an hour’s because Russia has a massive first strike. They’re going to unleash it and it’s going to be all over. Mike, the idea of stretching out for years is an absurdity, but you’re right about the nuclear cloud.

It’s going to turn Earth into a wasteland. Life will no longer be possible on Earth after this exchange. Well, the first thing the Russians should do if that happens is to hit Yellowstone and unleash that caldera to bury everything under the ash. And then maybe the southern hemisphere could survive. Interesting. That would be my method. You have an engineering scientific background I can tell. I like your call.

Very good. Give us a final thought. Well, I’ve got an idea of how to shut down the gulf stream in a hurry too. If we wanted to try to save the ocean after a know if the tsunami takes out the east coast, all those reactors would kill the Atlantic Ocean. So you might as well shut down the Gulf Stream in order to allow people to escape to the southern hemisphere.

Anyway, good call, Mike. I like it a lot. Tom in Utah. Tom, give us your thoughts. Our marines fodder. Yep. A marine’s father who is arrested for shouting out at the State of the union. Yes, Tom, I’m finding the marines are fodder, especially the Gulf war victims. Anyway, need to find out what happened to the records at the murder building. Early tomorrow, Tom and I’ll get you on.

Spend time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left and support RBN. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Have a good night. I get by a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend. .

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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