Is Jailing a Former President Good for this Country? Trump and 18 Allies Indicted

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Democrats Attempt to Bury Trump and Associates in Another Barrage of Nonsense

ATLANTA, GA — In an unsurprising turn of events, former President Donald Trump and 18 of his allies find themselves at the center of a high-stakes legal battle in Georgia, facing charges linked to their alleged efforts to rectify the 2020 election outcome in the state.

The proceedings have taken an unprecedented twist, with prosecutors invoking a statute often associated with organized crime to castigate the former president and his team of lawyers and aides for supposedly orchestrating a “criminal enterprise” to secure his presidency.

Contained within a substantial, nearly 100-page indictment is a cascade of allegations detailing numerous actions attributed to Trump and his confidants, all aimed at unraveling his supposed electoral loss.

Among these instances, the document highlights Trump’s impassioned pleas to Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, urging him to uncover the necessary votes for victory.

Additionally, the indictment bolsters claims of intimidating an election worker, who was ‘ensnared in baseless accusations of fraud’, and attempts to sway Georgia lawmakers into disregarding the voters’ will by appointing electors sympathetic to Trump’s cause.

A particularly audacious narrative unfolds within the indictment, revealing a plan allegedly drawn up by one of Trump’s lawyers to infiltrate voting machines in a rural Georgia county and abscond with data from a voting machine company.

Addressing a late-night press conference, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the driving force behind the case, couldn’t resist doubling down on her false narrative.


“The indictment alleges that rather than abiding by Georgia’s established legal procedures for contesting election results, the defendants embarked on a criminal enterprise, utilizing racketeering tactics to overturn the outcome of Georgia’s presidential election,” declared Willis.

The list of defendants encompasses a roster of prominent figures from Trump’s inner circle.

Among them are Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff; Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney and former mayor of New York City; and Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department official during Trump’s tenure, who allegedly played a role in efforts to reverse his electoral defeat in Georgia.

The indictment further implicates legal minds such as John Eastman, Sidney Powell, and Kenneth Chesebro, who promoted ‘legally questionable strategies’ to contest the election results.

Willis confirmed that the indicted individuals have been granted the option to voluntarily surrender by noon on August 25.

She also expressed her intention to secure a trial date within the subsequent six months, with plans to pursue a collective trial for all the defendants involved.

This latest indictment marks the culmination of a series of remarkable legal proceedings spanning the past five months, each unfolding in a distinct city.

For a figure like Trump, navigating the complexities of both criminal defense and a burgeoning presidential campaign, the simultaneous barrage of cases is unparalleled.

To the average citizen, it’s blatantly obvious what the Democrats are up to.

Merely two weeks before this Georgia indictment, Trump found himself ensnared in an expansive conspiracy charge leveled by a Justice Department special counsel.

This gigantic, unfounded conspiracy case shows the lengths to which leftist investigators have gone to hold Trump accountable for his alleged involvement in ‘undermining American democracy’, following the overblown events of January 6, 2021, when they claimed a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol.

While the Georgia case intersects with certain aspects of Trump’s recent indictment in Washington—chiefly, his attempts to disrupt the electoral vote count—it is distinctive due to the number of defendants involved, a total of 19.

This sprawling indictment diverges from the more tightly focused case presented by special counsel Jack Smith, who has thus far exclusively named Trump as a defendant.

By ensnaring notable Trump aides who were previously referred to by Smith as unindicted co-conspirators, the Georgia indictment is a feeble attempt to paint a broader picture of alleged criminal activity that extends well beyond the former president himself.

The indictment employs some ridiculous charges rooted in the state’s racketeering law, invoking language reminiscent of the shadowy realm of organized crime, to accuse Trump, his former chief of staff, legal representatives, and the ex-mayor of New York City of operating within a “criminal organization” and an “enterprise” that spanned multiple states, including Georgia.

The indictment’s unveiling coincided with a tumultuous day at the courthouse, marked by the brief appearance of a list of anticipated criminal charges against the former president on a county website.

Although the document was swiftly retracted, Reuters managed to publish a copy, prompting speculation and confusion that the news outlet will never have to answer for.

A spokesperson for Willis downplayed the incident, asserting that it was “inaccurate” to suggest that an indictment had already been issued.

Nonetheless, the Trump legal team seized upon this misstep to challenge the integrity of the investigation, and who could blame them.

Misinformation is misinformation, after all.

Seizing the opportunity, Trump and his allies quickly seized on the incident, characterizing the investigation as politically motivated and using it to underscore their assertion that the process was rigged. The Trump campaign even utilized the situation as a means of fundraising, circulating an email containing the now-removed document.

Responding to the indictment, Trump’s legal team issued a statement that decried the day’s developments as “shocking and absurd.”

The team expressed astonishment at the leak of an assumed indictment before witness testimonies or grand jury deliberations had concluded.

Casting doubt on the prosecution’s motives, the attorneys rightly accused the witnesses of harboring personal and political agendas.

In a strong show of defiance, Trump announced his plans for a forthcoming news conference, intended to present a comprehensive report on the egregious fraud played upon the citizens of this country during the last election.

The Georgia indictment attempts to meticulously catalogue the 161 actions attributed to Trump and his associates.

Among these actions is a pivotal episode involving a call on January 2, 2021, during which Trump implored Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” the exact number of votes needed to overturn his electoral loss.

Prosecutors argue that this call constituted a violation of a Georgia law that prohibits soliciting a public official to breach their oath of office.

Moreover, the indictment accuses Trump of ‘disseminating false statements and fabrications’, including claims made to Raffensperger and other state election officials.

These alleged falsehoods ranged from allegations of enigmatic ballot insertions to assertions that thousands of ineligible voters participated in the election.

Notably, the indictment singles out Ruby Freeman, a Fulton County election worker, branding her as a “professional vote scammer.”

Giuliani, too, finds himself ensnared in the indictment, accused of disseminating falsehoods.

The former mayor faces charges of misleading lawmakers by claiming that over 96,000 mail-in ballots were counted in Georgia, despite an absence of records indicating their return to county election offices.

Additionally, Giuliani allegedly propagated a narrative that a Michigan voting machine erroneously attributed 6,000 votes to Biden instead of Trump.

He wasn’t wrong, however.

Recently, Michigan Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel admitted the election fraud had happened- this case is unfolding now.

In response, Giuliani refrained from directly addressing the allegations, instead characterizing the indictment as an “affront to American democracy” and merely another installment in an ongoing “book of lies.”

The indictment delves deeper into the actions of individuals who purportedly supported Trump and his allies on the ground in Georgia.

One individual, Stephen Cliffgard Lee, faces charges for allegedly attempting to influence Freeman’s testimony by visiting her residence.

Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss testified before Congress last year, recounting their ordeal of being targeted by Trump and his allies, who seized on surveillance footage to level allegations of voter fraud.

Despite their attempt at a swift debunking, these accusations spread like wildfire, stoking an already growing flame of voter discontent.

The indictment further alleges that Powell and several co-defendants tampered with voting machines in Coffee County, Georgia, purportedly seizing data belonging to the rather aptly named Dominion Voting Systems—a manufacturer of tabulation machines that has long been a focal point of voter fraud critique.

Powell’s attorney declined to comment on the matter.

Evidence publicly presented by a congressional committee investigating the January 6 riot suggests that Trump allies zeroed in on Coffee County in their quest for evidence to substantiate claims of widespread voter fraud, allegedly copying data and software in the process.

Beyond the two election-related cases, Trump is being buried with yet another separate federal indictment that accuses him of unlawfully retaining classified documents.

Simultaneously, a New York state case charges him with falsifying business records.

As the list of indictments grows, Trump, the leading Republican contender for the 2024 presidential race, stands firm in his convictions and refuses to bend the knee to these unbelievably brazen criminals.

In a show of unity, Republican allies promptly rallied to Trump’s defense, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy asserting that “Americans see through this desperate sham.”

Let’s hope he’s right, or we may see the unthinkable happen.

Read the original story here:
AP News



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2020 allies charges country criminal case efforts election meddling former president Georgia Indicted indictment jailing prosecutors state Trump

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