Heres What YOU Had to Say!!

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ Peggy Hall from shares her thoughts on discernment, truth, and evidence. She also discusses an anti-aging product called Dermalone, which works by targeting a hormone called DHT. Peggy also shares an email from a viewer named Frank, who talks about the experiences of World War II immigrants in the U.S. Lastly, she mentions her own family history, her grandfather’s struggle with property rights, and her ongoing coverage of RFK Jr. and his family’s history.
➡ The speaker in the text emphasizes the importance of truth and encourages viewers to discern truth from deception. She values honesty and uses her platform to discuss issues she finds important, such as personal freedom and individual choices. She also critiques public figures for inconsistencies in their actions and statements, particularly regarding health and political issues. Lastly, she appreciates the feedback and engagement from her audience, which she believes helps foster a community of critical thinkers.
➡ The writer discusses a documentary about vaccines, which suggests using single doses instead of combined ones. They question the sincerity of Robert Kennedy Jr.’s pro-vaccine stance, given his focus on safety studies and his website, Children’s Health Defense. The writer also criticizes the lack of focus on human rights in the vaccine debate and expresses skepticism about the safety data provided by pharmaceutical companies. They invite Kennedy to discuss these issues on their show.


Hey friends, Peggy hall back with you from thehealthyamerican. org. I love reading your comments and I want to share some of your comments, especially related to the videos that I did on RFK Jr. And also about which side am I on? It’s so important that we are able to use our powers of discernment and to not live in denial and to face the reality of what truth and evidence and facts are showing us.

So that’s exactly what I want to do. I’ve got three or four exceptional emails that I want to share with you, and I’m always grateful for all of your perspectives. Many of you have said, peggy, I don’t always see eye to eye with you, but I do appreciate your coverage, your digging deeper and making me think about these issues. So that’s exactly what I want to share with you.

And before I do that, I do want to share with you a message from a sponsor and we are going to hop right on over to here it is dermalone. com Peggy and if you are interested in looking your best, in looking younger so that your outward appearance will match your inner appearance, this is a message for you. And you know, looking younger was once thought to be a luxury that only women who had access to costly professional treatments could enjoy.

Basically, the rich and famous could stay ageless and the rest of us struggled. But a game changing discovery is finally leveling the playing field, and more and more women are learning to fight back against their body’s aging switch. If this is of interest to you, check it out. It’s dermalone. com. Peggy, there is an informational video here for you that is going viral. Thousands of women have watched it, and you’ll learn about this latest antiaging trend that is not about aggressive treatments or expensive creams, but it’s a simple daily ritual that takes less than a minute to perform.

And what makes this approach so effective is that it has to do with a little known hormone or a little studied hormone called DHT. And apparently this is what’s behind the telltale signs of aging. So it’s not so much our age that determines our appearance, but the presence of this hormone. And again, there is a surgeon here in California that has uncovered this truly shocking information that will help you learn how to reduce the effects of the skin aging hormones at home.

Again, you don’t need any professional treatments, creams, lifestyle changes. So check it out. Dermalone. com Peggy, I will have a link for you in the description box below. You can watch his doityourself tutorial and I will love to hear what you think about your results. Oh, the FDA wants me to say that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

All individuals are unique, and as such, your results can and will vary. Friends, we are talking about all individuals being unique. I did a video for you the other day about, call me crazy, but I don’t value equity and equality the way that our government is trying to push it in terms of we have to give up something that we earned, that we worked for, using our own God given talents and gifts, and it just didn’t make sense to me.

So I have an entire video for you, and I want to read to you an email that came in from a healthy american. And he has been with me for some time, and so I’ll just call him Frank. And so, Frank, I appreciate you writing to, you know, there are so many of you that are my top researchers. You send me links, you send me article ideas, video ideas, and I’m so grateful for you.

And Frank is one that does that. He said that he was raised and he said, wow, if people only knew how the World War II immigrants lived earlier. He said basically there were two mixed factions. He said that there were people that came from the communist fascist countries. They never had any government handouts in the United States. They settled in their own culture oriented neighborhoods, and they took care of their own.

They had clubs, they had dances. They had their own style of foods and customs. They used proceeds for things like helping a widow whose husband had died in steel mills. Also, there was heavy church support with God, family, and country in mind. He said, it wasn’t until I got much older that I realized that all of this was done by immigrants or different nationalities. And they all worked hard.

They paid taxes, they bought homes, they bought new cars, they raised their families. Nobody told them what they needed to do. And they became everything that they became. Americans. This is how the unspoken details of no government relief, they called it government support. He said, americans, Germans, polish, they were different, but they pulled together. And he said, this is a historical fact that many people never knew. Thank you, Peggy.

Your thoughts are valid and free people naturally know, and they knew, and they did what I speak. So anyway, I just wanted to summarize some of his comments there. I’ve spoken on this channel before about my own grandfather that escaped from communist East Europe, and he made a life for himself. He came here at the age of 16. He was sponsored. He came legally, and he started working in the steel mills outside of Chicago.

And very difficult, dangerous, backbreaking work. And he went on to raise a family of eight. And he became a property owner. And he also rented out apartments. And the government came and stole his property through eminent domain. They put up housing projects, which to this day are still being fought in court because of all of the problems. And it created more of a ghetto scenario. I don’t know if it brought in, but it resulted in drugs and gangs and poverty and violence and crime.

And it was so sad for my grandfather to see a wrecking ball go through his house after he had toiled for all of those years. So that’s in my DNA, if I can put it that way, to fight for freedom. And speaking of DNA, I’ve done several videos about RFK Jr. And he often talks about the Kennedy DNA. Many of you are asking me to continue to share facts and evidence and truth about the history of his family.

It’s very interesting when you go back to his grandfather, Joe Kennedy, which was the know Kennedy of his lineage, as far as I understand it, in the United States. He was the youngest banker in the United States. And it’s interesting because I’ve never heard Bobby Kennedy speak poorly against the big banks. And that’s really where part of his family history comes from. Anyway, there’s a lot to talk about.

Joe Kennedy, he was not very well liked. He was also wrapped up in those FDR years. So it kind of ties into that. So stay tuned for more coverage where I will be sharing with you more about the FDR years and Kennedy and other information. You guys liked my series? Well, you liked the first in the series about the worst, best presidents, meaning presidents that people thought were great, but they actually were horrible.

So I will do more for you on that. But I did get several emails, not just comments on the chat or after the video, but I got several emails from people about RFK. So this came in from Pastor Ricardo. And he is a longtime healthy American. He has been in the fight against becoming a human pincushion for many years. He fought in California against these horrible bills that were pushed through illegally.

And I count him as a great healthy american. We actually did an interview some time ago. I’ll have to do another one with him so he can share with you all of the great work that he did helping people keep their jobs without the jab. So he says, peggy, you make a good case in this. About RFK and other previous postings defending your work. This message solidifies that you’re in the fight for truth, regardless of the consequences.

That is the way it should be. And then I love what he wrote. Now take a deep breath, relax, and thank God for the inspiration. Proceed with your research, observations and publications. Don’t waste time trying to neutralize negative energy. It’s like those who attack a Facebook post to try to discredit and upset us, which simply distracts us from our efforts. Don’t let them pull you in. And then he ends up by saying, may God bless you and your work and protect you and your loved ones from all harm, physical and emotional.

Amen. Best wishes, Pastor Ricardo. I’m so grateful for all of you that send me your prayers, your words of encouragement. I’m woefully behind on my thank you notes to all of you that are sending me cards and letters and support and goodies. And I do want to share more of your written cards and letters that come in through the mail because that really encourages me and I want to encourage you.

I talked to my husband, Pastor David, and we pray. We pray for you. We pray for those who are persecuting us. We pray for our country. We pray for everyone that is living under tyranny and oppression. And often when I do these videos, before I go on the air, I will pray and I’ll think to myself, what is the most powerful thing that I can do? What is the most powerful message? What is the best use of my time when I’m making these videos? And I will say that there are a couple of things I said in one of my videos, that my highest value is truth.

And it is, there is no freedom without truth. Otherwise, it’s all based on a lie. Which is why I get so frustrated with the double talk and the deceivers and those that will tell you this, but they’re actually wanting to go for that. So that troubles me greatly. And then there was an email from someone that said, or a comment that said, peggy, I’m so surprised you, as a Christian, saying that you value truth.

And you didn’t say Jesus Christ. And I thought, jesus Christ is not a value, he’s a savior. So I thought that was a kind of a very interesting perspective. So I stand by my position of values. You can value love and truth and hard work and ambition and creativity and loyalty and freedom and hard work and persistence and optimism and determination. I value all those things. But number one for me right now is I value truth.

Because that is where the entire Bible is about, discerning truth from deception and I actually have a video that I think I will replay for you, which is called the oldest trick in the book, and the book is the Bible, and the oldest trick is deception. And the opposite of deception is truth. So I will always speak out against it and I will always value that. But when I answered my own question, what is the greatest value that I can bring to you on this channel? Well, number one is helping you to discern truth from deception and then also to encourage you.

And I hope that when you watch my videos, you feel encouraged, you feel empowered, you don’t feel like you were put in the spin cycle and hung out to dry, that you feel that there are steps that I can take individually to live in liberty, to stand up for my freedom. I don’t have to be a part of a greater national movement. The choices that I make day in, day out in my own life have consequences.

And I’m going to do that. By the way, I will have another video coming up for you later this week about what you can do about the spraying in the skies. And I think it’s important that we continue to take these actions. So I hope that my snarkiness, my humor, my little pokes and jabs at the public, serpents, my peggyisms, the language that I use to outwit the knitwits on this channel, I hope that you come away uplifted, maybe a little smile on your face, that you can take a break from all of the hogwash.

Having said that, I do want to share a couple of other encouraging emails that came in because I’m so grateful for all of you. So this one said, the title of the email was, you’re right about the RFK jab inconsistencies. And I have a perfectionist streak in my personality. And I understand that there are different perspectives and there were many people that left comments saying, I’m going to vote for the guy.

I think he’s fantastic. I love him. I don’t see anything wrong with him whatsoever. Well, that’s your opinion. And I have an opinion that I don’t trust people that are untrustworthy, especially when they cheat on their spouses more than once. And so sad that with RFK Jr. His wife know, in the aftermath of this, we’re told, committed suicide. I think that’s horrible. And I don’t know what’s in that man’s heart.

I don’t know if he repented of his past ways. It just would be tough for me to trust anyone, to trust and believe them if they actually lied to their own spouse. So it’s the inconsistencies that really trouble me. And so John, who wrote to me, agrees. And he said, I just want to give kudos to you. On your recent RFK video, I was told that you attacked RFK, but you didn’t.

You simply questioned, why has he not called for an appeal of the 19860 liability law on the drug dealers? I’ll put it that way. Why hasn’t he called out his own uncle, who he’s always touting as being a part of his dna? Why hasn’t he called out his jab program and he says, thank you. I had never heard of that. That was the cocktail, I’m just using my code words, assistance program.

And that was in 1961. And that was the first authority to give federal money, your money, my money, tax dollar money, to local agencies, namely states, counties, cities and school districts to pay for those jabs. So think about it. You may have been of the age at school where you just lined up and they jabbed you right there. That was paid for out of taxpayer dollars. And that has been taken different forms over the years, but it was JFK who actually was the driver behind that.

Of course, no president can make a law, but he signed the bill into law with great fanfare and confidence. And you may say, well, that was different back then. Absolutely. My question is, why doesn’t RFK on his platform that so many of you believe is anti jab when I have a playlist? And I would encourage you to watch the playlist before you ask me questions, because I’ve already answered your probably.

I’ve already answered your questions in my playlist with the several videos I did. One I think is called answering your questions. And my question is, why doesn’t he at least mention that and say, gee, a dark spot in the history of my dna. There are many dark spots, I’ll just put it that way. But this one in particular is that his uncle actually got the system going that we’re living with today.

At least point out to it and know I would repeal that. I’d work with Congress to get rid of that funding. I’ve never heard that. Because he’s a big government guy. That’s his DNA. And I’m not. Okay, I am individual liberty, individual choices. I am small government. I’m a conservative Christian. I’m not in favor of mothers murdering their babies as they’re developing and before they’re born. I’m not in favor of that.

I’m not in favor of the bang bangs being taken away. I’m not in favor of shutting down the economy and society because of the climate. I’m not in favor of any of that. And that is basically his platform. Many of you have also said, peggy, why don’t you call out the former President Trump on this? Well, I have, and that’s in my previous videos. And the issue is that he’s not inconsistent.

Trump always was in favor of warp speed and getting these out to everybody who wants them and using the military. He wasn’t flip flopping. He wasn’t doing double speak, as far as I understand, in that I don’t see the inconsistencies and I don’t see the hypocrisy on the jab issue. So that’s why RFK is in the running. And I see these inconsistencies. And many of you have said, thank you for pointing them out.

I didn’t realize that. I go on with this email that came from John and he said, why does RFK continually call for safety testing since that would require kids know, be exposed to the toxins and so forth? That is a question that I have. And John said, your comments were spot on, critical thinking, as you always say. And then he goes on, my concern about RFK is his Democrat roots.

And he says, fyi, at one of the fundraisers at the children’s health defense, I asked him why he calls the US a democracy and not a republic. He said basically that everyone thinks they’re the same. So no biggie. Biggie. John says, I was disappointed with that answer. Okay. He goes on with some other comments, but I’m really grateful for that comment as well. And then here’s one that I want to read.

This comes from Keith, and he actually emailed my assistant Olivia. Many of you have. I would love if you would leave your comments publicly here on the platform so that other people can read them and comment on them as well. If you feel that YouTube is going to take it down or there’s something you need to be confidential about, then absolutely, you can email us. So this went to Olivia and he said, I hope you’re doing well.

I’m having a little fun dialoguing with Peggy about her position regarding RFK and his cocktails. She knows I love her, he says. So I was thinking, okay, he’s going to be criticizing. And he said, it was and still is a godsend that I found you online while living in LA, California at the time of the hogwash. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you on so many things, including the need for critical thinking.

You’re gifted at putting your thumb on the issues, issues such as Robert Kennedy, Jr. Making the cocktails about safety rather than about human rights. And he said, can I give you my candid opinion on the subject? So he said, as a nationwide clinical nutritionist, I’ve had the honor of meeting many gifted doctors, naturopaths, and professors and becoming acquainted with many of these people. And I’m truly blessed to have been exposed to the health industry I work in and all its host of colleagues.

She said, okay, I just want to skim through this a little bit. And he says, when the documentary film, I think many of you know what this one is called, from catastrophe to cover up, and it was all about the cocktails, I’ll just leave it at that. When that film was released, there was a big bus that drove around. He said, I had an opportunity to watch it locally at the theater, and I heard there was bonus material at the end of the movie.

It turns out that the bonus was the cast and the producer live in person. He said, we had the best closed door Q and A. Interestingly, he says, the documentary is not anti jab. It advocated for single doses of the MMR rather than the other one that has a three and one. I need to be a little careful on this platform. Sure enough, someone expressed surprise that the documentary advocated for the single dose jabs at all, rather than no cocktails.

Dr. W’s response was something to the effect of, well, you can’t do that, or the documentary won’t get accepted and the important information won’t get out. We had to in quotation marks. In another statement, Dr. W said, knowing what I know now, I would never have done this to all of my children. There it was, his true position. This is Keith writing, not spoken in the documentary, but behind closed doors.

He said, I have this sneaking suspicion that Bobby is just tipping his hat to the drug dealers. That’s what I call them, the big drug companies. Similarly, the way Hollywood actors tip their hats to certain communities or they get canceled. He said, I would love to ask Kennedy some follow up questions in private, which jabs did his children get? And in context, when he says that they are fully juiced up, they may take on a different meaning.

He said, I would like to ask him in private, do your adult children continue to get juiced up? Did they take the cooties cocktail? Do your children get their children to take the cocktails? And then he goes on to say, given that compulsory injections is a clear human rights violation under the law, but the safety studies are not. He writes, given the pure evil of these drug dealers and our government’s collusion with them and those that have been taken out while daring to expose them, I wonder what is the safer position to argue from? I wonder what is the best position to win both the battle and the war.

When I watch Kennedy speak on this matter and how he claims that he is pro jab and he’s in favor of safety studies. Forgive me if I remain unconvinced. Body language is 70% of communication, he said. I have never seen him raise his fist on the topic or look the camera or the people straight in the eyes. Given his website, children’s health defense, it would be logically incongruent to have such a strong stance on the toxins and be sincerely pro cocktail.

Conversely, he knows the current safety studies have skewed efficacy endpoints. I’m not exactly sure this is him writing to me. That is, that they start with the desired safety outcome, and then they skewed the data to align with them. He just described it, making the safety data appear safe, but really the product is harmful, he said, and we know why. And then he’s got dollar signs in an ideal context, doing real safety studies and reclassifying them as drugs would expose and abolish the industry.

And then he says, I wonder if this could be more congruent with his position. He goes on to say, I lament that we don’t hear more on human rights. I wish it were both. And human rights and safety studies, things aren’t always what they appear, and I think Kennedy is not as fully as he appears. So anyhow, that was another very interesting position that I wanted to share with you, and I would like you to draw your own conclusions, as many of you have.

All right, friends, I just wanted to kind of wrap up my position here. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to do more videos on this topic. I think the information is out there. Unless there’s something that is earth shattering or adds more information to the conversation. I’ve said what I’ve needed to say. I’ve got several videos on the topic. I don’t know him personally. I would love to have these conversations.

It’s unlikely that will ever happen. He’s welcome to come on the show and defend himself, or I don’t even know if that’s the right term, or to express himself. And I would love to have a cordial conversation and get some of these questions answered. So there you have it. I appreciate you writing. I appreciate you leaving comments, and I appreciate you being a part of our healthy american community.

I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. I have the best audience on YouTube. You’re savvy, you’re sophisticated, you’re supportive, and you’re a little bit snarky, just like I like it. All right, friends, be sure that you’re subscribed to my substac. It’s free, and I do a lot of written analysis on the videos that I produce s so that you can have links and see comment and leave a comment as well.

It helps me get my important messages out there, and I can’t thank you enough. See you soon, everybody. .

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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critique on public figures health statements Dermalone anti-aging product documentary about single dose vaccines fostering community of critical thinkers importance of truth and deception discernment Peggy Hall thoughts on discernment personal freedom and individual choices RFK Jr family history Robert Kennedy Jr pro-vaccine stance targeting DHT hormone World War II immigrants experiences

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