GOP Establishment Gets DESPERATE as Trump SURGES!!!

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots


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➡ The GOP donor establishment is backing Nikki Haley, who has been endorsed by Charles Koch Network, in a desperate bid to defeat Trump for the presidential nomination despite Haley’s low popularity in polls. The support for Haley reflects the growing divide between the GOP establishment and the populist, grassroots Republicans who favor Trump.


Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your patron professor and my has the GOP donor establishment gotten desperate? Not only they abandoned Ron DeSantis in their attempt to defeat Trump for the nomination, but now they’re backing what Vivek called Dick Cheney in three inch heels in an attempt to resurrect an old political alignment that no longer exists. I’m going to show you exactly what’s going on, but before we get into it, make sure to stick it to this corrupt GOP establishment by clicking on the link below and getting yourself and the Patriots in your life this incredible Trump half dollar coin.

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Get your own Trump half dollar today. Nikki Haley, who wants to police your speech on social media and send billions of your tax dollars to Ukraine for the foreseeable future, has been officially endorsed by the king of the Republican donor class, the Charles Koch Network. Koch is promising to pump tens of millions of dollars into Nikki Haley’s fledgling campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, even though she remains in most polls in the single digits.

This despite Rupert Murdoch’s attempts at giving her glowing daily coverage on Fox News. This is the first time that the Coke network has actually backed a candidate during the Republican primaries. The Cokes have been viscerally anti Trump ever since 2016. Obviously, 2024 is no different. Now, the irony to all this is that even the ultra woke lamestream media recognizes exactly what’s going on here. The GOP establishment is freaking out because Trump is running away with this.

You may have seen this from USA Today. Look at this headline. Earth to Democrats. Biden presidency is a dumpster fire. How many warning signs do you mean? If that doesn’t scream desperation, I don’t know what does. Yo, Democrats. Yo. Hello? We’re losing. Hello? Every single poll out there shows the exact same thing. Biden is imploding. Hello? That’s panic, and rightly so. What PR person in their right mind thought it was a good idea to have Biden pose with 80 burning candles on his birthday cake? I mean, talk about a dumpster fire.

I mean, it’s just nuts. They’re walking disasters at this point. And on top of all that, you now have the Wall Street Journal poll have found that 73% of voters believe Biden is simply too old and senile to be president. All the polls show that this is one of the major reasons why the vast majority of voters are simply not going to be voting for him again. Look at this.

Check this out. Out of the last twelve national polls, trump is beating Biden in ten of them. Trump leads Biden by 2. 2 points in the polling aggregate. Again, Trump never even came close to tying either Biden or Hillary in the polling aggregate. Biden was they had Biden plus seven in 2020. Now he’s beating Biden. I mean, there’s no way around this. And so that’s why, ironically, this is why the GOP establishment is getting so desperate.

This is why the Koch family is panicking, because they see the Biden sinking Titanic entailing a virtually assured Trump victory. And we can’t have that. This is the ultimate irony for these Republican donors. The Republican donor class, led by the Cox and the Murdochs are every bit as opposed to Trump as is Nancy Pelosi. When it comes to Trump, there’s virtually no difference between these Republican donors and Chuck Schumer, or AOC for that matter.

There’s no difference between these Republican donors and Rachel Maddow. I mean, just, you gotta let this hit you. This is who’s backing Nikki Haley. In fact, again, when it comes to Trump, there’s no difference between Nikki Haley and Joe Scarborough, or Whoopi Goldberg for that matter. Joy Behar and this ridiculousness is bringing to the surface a massive divide between true Republicans, the rank and file, grassroots populist Republicans, and these rhino fake Republicans in our donor class.

Byron York of the Washington Examinery is a very good piece on this entitled The GOP Race and the Donor Class, and it’s actually very prescient. It was written several weeks back, actually back in May, but he retweeted this piece after the announcement today that the Cokes were going to be throwing big money. Nikki Haley’s way, and the way York puts it is so good. He summarized his article by tweeting out GOP donor class and voters are not aligned.

Strikingly not aligned. The short version is this the Republican donor class wants to get rid of former President Donald Trump and the party’s voters want to elect him. That’s the bottom line. There is a massive rift between the GOP establishment that’s bought and paid for by the donor class, made up of the likes of Coke and Murdoch. And I’m sure Mittens Romney will take his place among these ultra millionaires and billionaires when he finally retires.

And of course, you got Paul Ryan sitting on the board of Fox News. You got this Republican donor establishment that loves open borders because it involves cheap labor and infuses an increased market of consumers. They love shipping manufacturing jobs overseas because that increases the margins for their investors. And they could care less about our culture, our customs, and our unique traditions, which so often get in the way of unfettered consumerism.

Again, we need to underscore this very basic point, but expand it a bit. It’s not just when it comes to Trump it’s. When it comes to Trump and his voters, the rank and file Republican, the grassroots, when it comes to Trump and his voters, there is fundamentally no difference between these GOP donors and Nancy Pelosi. None. They both want the same thing. They want Trump gone and they want his voters wishes denied, pure and simple.

This is why Nikki Haley doesn’t stand a chance. The Bush coalition is dead. Bush himself demonstrated that by winning by just a few hundred votes in Florida in 2000 and winning with just a single state in Ohio in 2004. Bush barely got 280 electoral votes. The Bush coalition is dead. How many more McCains and Romneys do you need to demonstrate that Nikki Haley doesn’t stand a chance? The only GOP candidate that can demonstrably crush Biden or Newsom or Cackles Kamala, or even Michelle Obama is the one who commands the support and loyalty of the working class voter.

This election is rich. Barris of the people’s. Pundit constantly reminds us this election will not come down to California. It won’t come down to New Jersey or Texas or Florida. Red states are going to vote red. Blue states are going to vote blue. This race comes down to battleground states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, states with an inordinately high working class population. The candidate who captures the majority of that working class captures those states.

And right now, as we speak, all the battleground polls, all of them, show it’s a Trump blowout. It’s Trump crushing Biden in five of the six battleground states. We did a video yesterday. Biden’s already conceded Georgia. They’ve got next to nothing in terms of a campaign apparatus in Georgia. The biden campaign. The New York Times. Just report on that. Biden’s people have given up winning Georgia. So obviously the GOP donor class in backing Nikki Haley are just demonstrating their radical political ignorance.

They may be rich, but they’re politically poor. And their latest anti Trump antics will only make Trump stronger and the fledgling anti Trump wing of the Republican Party all the weaker. Hey, gang. I know what it’s like to feel alone out there in these turbulent times, but I broke free. If you, too have been looking for a community with like minded patriots who are serious about resisting globalism, building a parallel economy, and having intelligent and deep fellowship on a regular basis, then you’ve come to the right place.

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Charles Koch Network endorsement GOP divide over presidential nomination GOP establishment backing Nikki Haley GOP establishment vs grassroots Republicans Nikki Haley GOP donor support Nikki Haley low popularity polls Nikki Haley vs Trump presidential nomination Trump favored by populist Republicans

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