Ep 3210b – Iran Threatens To Assassinate Trump Connect The Dots All Roads Lead To [BO]


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Ep 3210b – Iran Threatens To Assassinate Trump Connect The Dots All Roads Lead To [BO]


➡ Dave, in episode 3210, examines a myriad of topics ranging from personal health habits to systemic political corruption. The episode features his personal endorsement for a dietary supplement, different levels of the “deep state,” and conjectures about potential threats to Donald Trump while outlining the interconnectedness of various political figures in alleged schemes – suggesting all roads lead back to Barack Obama.
➡ The report sheds light on political and geopolitical tensions, focusing on Trump’s belief in an orchestrated effort by the deep state, including alleged corruption by leaders like Biden, Obama and Clinton. Trump aims to expose this corruption publicly, all while weathering threats from Iran and concerns around the 2024 election.
➡ The text discusses various political issues in the U.S., including attempts to indict former President Donald Trump, the sad passing of Trump’s sister Judge Mary Ann Trump Barry, potential cover-up concerning a cocaine incident at the Biden White House, California’s poor handling of its economic and social issues, the decreasing public approval of politicians such as Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden, and speculation about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson possibly running for president.➡ This text discusses potential legal issues concerning Trump, the accusation of corruption and cover-ups in the Biden White House, the economy and governance in California, and possible political strategies within the Democratic party, such as impeachment. It also pays tribute to the passing of Judge Mary Ann Trump Barry and speculates on future election agendas.
➡ A previously undetected child sex trafficking network is currently being exposed, with key figures such as Peter Nygard found guilty of sexual assault after five women testified against him. Claims suggest the information regarding these cases is being slowly leaked to the public. Further, some suggest that Biden’s frequent vacations could be indicative of hidden political happenings. Lastly, concern is raised over potential digital discrimination through regulatory control over the internet and the flow of information, reminiscent of previous attempts by Obama.
➡ The extensive textual block discusses the ongoing deconstruction of human trafficking rings being exposed, notably the Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard, akin to Jeffrey Epstein, convicted of sexual assault. The text further discusses surprising connections and control mechanisms within the US government and the media, insinuating that the patriots, potentially under Trump’s influence, might be manipulating the narrative. Additionally, it addresses concerns about the FCC’s “digital discrimination rule”, which some believe is an attempt to centralize control over the internet, regulating everything from broadband rates to promotional pricing, likened to a more severe version of Obama’s proposed net neutrality. The text concludes by suggesting the loss of narrative control could lead to a potential communication blackout in 2024.
➡ This is a multifaceted discussion involving several subjects: conspiratorial theories of an alleged plan to disrupt communications using solar storms, global unrest surrounding pro-Palestinian protests and potential manipulations by certain entities, controversies surrounding Chinese shopping app Tamu due to suspected breaches of wiretapping laws, and drastic changes in the UK’s political landscape—with the sacking of Conservative Suwela Bravemen and reinstatement of former Prime Minister David Cameron. Additionally, it addresses the controversial remarks by French President Macron about Israel’s conflict with Hamas and suggests a potential nefarious purpose behind urgent calls for a ceasefire.
➡ The speaker believes there is a planned attempt to shutter communication networks, possibly using solar storms or cyberattacks as a cover, with a further goal to postpone elections. They posit the existence of ongoing global conflicts, the alleged misuse of user data by a Chinese shopping app, and digital infiltration of governments. Additionally, they touch on political movements in the UK, where the Prime Minister faces declining popularity. They also discuss alleged international manipulation of information regarding Israel’s conflict with Hamas, where they claim hospitals are used to store military equipment and plan attacks. Finally, they hypothesize that protest movements like Antifa and BLM are channels for inciting violence and protecting terrorist assets.
➡ The text discusses the alleged mishandling of COVID-19 patients in New York’s veterans homes under Andrew Cuomo’s governance, leading to a class action lawsuit. It also criticizes the Justice Department for dropping investigations into these issues and insinuates political motives behind these actions. Furthermore, it suggests that more individuals should sue for alleged mishandling of the pandemic. Finally, it hints at public anger over COVID-19 vaccine side effects and potential legal action, government corruption, and societal racial tensions.
➡ The summary pertains to accusations against Governor Andrew Cuomo for allegedly ordering sick patients into nursing homes during the initial stages of COVID-19. It also discusses a class-action lawsuit from families of veterans who died in a state-run facility, criticizing the Justice Department for dropping investigations into Cuomo. The text also delves into suspicions around the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, referencing the hiring of personnel to handle vaccine-related lawsuits. It ends by addressing racial tensions and points out media bias in reporting incidents depending on the races involved.
➡ The text discusses the legal charges against Donald Trump and alleges a conspiracy within the legal system intending to undermine him. Trump alleges foul play by the Biden administration, accusing them of trying to damage him as a political opponent. Despite the negativity, his supporters continue to back him. He insists on having cameras in the courtroom to reveal the truth about election fraud. The text also highlights potential presidential candidates, suggesting Michelle Obama as a likely choice from the Democratic side. The text also insinuates a panic amongst the Democrats at the risk of Trump winning the election. The need for effective law enforcement and the reference to possible assassination threats to Trump are mentioned. Trump’s tough stance against Iran is noted as a reason for potential threats against him.
➡ The text discusses claims and fears about the corruption of the legal system and its potential misuse against a common individual without financial resources. It covers political events, including Trump’s pursuit to expose deep state activities and the potential plans for upcoming major political elections. The narrative also explores legal challenges Trump faces, speculation about potential candidates for the next presidential election, and rising concerns around increasing crime and state control mandates. The possibility of assassination threats against Trump by Iran is also highlighted.
➡ The passage discusses a suspected conspiracy where government factions may have worked with foreign entities to destabilize the Trump administration and spur civil unrest. Claims include potential assassination attempts on Trump and allies, deep-state involvement, and complicity by the media. The author believes the truth will ultimately emerge, leading to a demand for justice and possible military tribunals, mostly implicating Obama and his associates.
➡ The text suggests that there is a widespread government conspiracy to undermine Trump involving multiple foreign governments. The author believes that exposing these alleged actions will lead to a wave of public outrage, compelling Trump to bring those responsible to justice by way of military tribunals. Evidence of election fraud is expected to surface, scorning political figures like Biden and Obama, and inevitably leading to their indictment for their claimed treasonous actions.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3210 bn. Today’s date is November 13, 2023, and the title of the episode is Iran threatens to assassinate Trump. Connect the dots. All roads lead to Barack Obama. Let’s talk about our health. The shredded lettuce in a double double and their fruit filling in a donut are awesome, but they don’t count against five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

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That’s promo code X 22 at fieldsofgreen. com. That is fieldsofgreen. com or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are now set up, trapped in their entire agenda. Trump is going to show the world everything. Remember, transparency is the only way forward. And for people to make a decision, for people to think logically, and for people to make these choices, they need to see it all.

They need to see the treasonous crimes. They need to see how these individuals who committed these treasonous crimes, how they cheated in the elections, how they overthrew the United States government, how they had the insurrection on November 3. The people need to see all of this, and they need to see who’s been behind this from the very beginning. And remember, it’s not just one player, but yes, there are players that stand out and there are people behind the scenes.

There are many different levels of the deep state. Just like in the Mafia or criminal syndicate, you have many different levels. You have the lower level, which is the foot soldiers, which you’re seeing out in the streets right now, you’re seeing the pro Palestinian protest riots that are happening right now. It’s the same antifa BLM people. It’s the same foot soldiers. And the know everyone that they bring in, those are their foot soldiers that they use.

Then you have the individuals that have been brought in as prosecutors, attorney generals, people that control the voting systems around the country. That’s the next level. Then you go up to DC and you have the representatives there that they install so they can pass certain laws, get certain things done that they need, and they blackmail these people. These people make money so they’re happy. And then it moves up the change to Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden at the upper levels.

And above that, you have Soros, and it keeps moving up the ladder there until you get to the head individual, which is, I do believe there’s not just one, but there’s probably multiple head individuals. But you can see that Trump needs to show the people the treasonous individuals. He needs to show everyone who has been orchestrating all this. And if you show people that aren’t elected, people wouldn’t understand.

So you need to make the connections on why this person was doing certain things and who was actually orchestrating it all. So I do believe in the beginning, everyone needed to see the crimes that Biden committed. Everyone needed to see that, yes, he was treasonous under Obama’s presidency. Yes, he did all this. And Obama knew this wasn’t a secret or anything like that. And people needed to understand this because now people are thinking, well, wait a minute, if he was vice president and he did this as vice president, why didn’t Obama know this? Remember, he told everyone that his entire administration was scandal free.

So Biden has been doing this all along, which means Obama had a hand in all of this. Now, of course, right now, Obama wants to stay separate and apart from all this. He doesn’t want people to realize this. And this is why I do believe they’re going to eventually take Biden out. Because when the impeachment inquiry gets too close to home, and that’s for the Obamas, that’s when they’re going to make their move.

And you can see that Obama and the rest know that when Trump wins the election in 2024, it will be game over for them. So what is happening right now? They’re going to make moves to try to remove Trump. Now, I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they know their moves. They know the playbook. And Trump and the military, they are now putting them front and center so that people can see the truth.

And I do believe everything leads to Barack Obama. All roads, when you start to connect the dots, everything is going to lead to him and everyone’s going to see how treasonous this individual really is. And yes, the deep state players, what are they trying to do? They would like to bring us to war and they’re using Iran right now to do this. And I do believe Trump and the Patriots are allowing them to do this.

And this fits into the entire plan because Iran is connected to who? It’s connected to Biden, it’s connected to Obama, it’s connected to Hillary Clinton. It’s connected to many people because they were dealing in uranium one sales. And they were also working with other deep state players where they had terrorist organization, terrorist cells across the world. Plus they had bioweapon labs, which we’ve seen in Ukraine. So this is all connected.

And I do believe this is the direction that we’re headed in. And Trump, he wants to show the people the truth. Now, what’s very interesting is that Iran, they put out a video and they have threatened to assassinate many different individuals, but mainly Trump. Remember, Trump took out Soleimini, and you could see that now they’re going to make a move. Now, this is kind of curious because it’s been years since he took him out.

Why now? Why all of a sudden did they decide, okay, now we’re going after these individuals. Think about this for a second. This is very, very interesting. And we can see that it’s not just a foreign government that’s going to be going after Trump and others. I do believe this is tied to the treasonous people in this country that are orchestrating all this. And yes, there are a couple posts about assassination.

What happens if there are domestic players in the FBI or other agencies that are working with foreign governments to assassinate Trump? What happens if that information gets out into the public? Is it game over for all of them? Well, I would say yes, it is. And I do believe this is exactly where we’re headed. Because remember, the deep state players, they know as we go down this path and as we get closer and closer to the 2024 election, what do you think they’re going to be looking at? They’re going to be looking at their internal polls.

They’re not looking at ABC, CBS. They’re not looking at CNN polls. They have completely different polls. They know exactly what’s going on. They know how much they have to cheat by. And they know that as time goes on and the people go to Trump’s side it’s going to be completely impossible to cheat. Their system will not work. I mean, it will work. If they could have a pandemic and everyone stays home and they just use mail in ballots, could they make that work? Of course they did.

They did it in 2020. Would they be able to make it work again? Most likely, yes. But they don’t have that ability. And I think eventually, in the end, as they try all their different cheating tactics and remember, Trump, the military, they already know the cheating tactics. Why? Because they’ve been monitoring their cheating tactics. They know what they’re going to try. They realize that they will not be able to do it because they don’t have the ammunition that they had back in 2020.

So in the end, they’re going to have to do something to try to stop the election. They’re going to have to do something where they’re going to have to try to put a pause on it. And I do believe this is what they’re going to try to do. Because remember, Trump, he’s going to be releasing certain information. It’s going to show the people that they cheated. It’s going to show the different methods that they have cheated.

And this is going to be a major, major problem for them. And I do believe, yes, they’re going to try many different ways to try to get rid of Trump. They’re trying to indict him. Is that going to work? No. Trump, he’s going to turn the tables on them and they’re going to be on trial. TUckER CARLson, he mentioned assassination. Trump really never answered him when he asked him about assassination because he know they need to get rid of you.

So the next step is assassination, right? And all of a sudden Iran has put out this video talking about assassination. Now, I do believe this is going to be the end of the deep state players because once certain information is brought out into the public light and people, maybe they see emails, maybe they see texts, maybe they see different communications. This is going to be a major, major problem.

And remember, are they going to use their governmental addresses? No, probably not. They’re probably going to use other methods. Now, do you think the military and others have captured this information? Absolutely. Just like Biden, Obama and the rest used other email addresses to communicate their treasonous acts, their money laundering and everything else. Well, I do believe this information is going to be coming out. We’ll be getting to this in just a little bit.

But first, we have some sad news. Trump’s older sister, Judge Mary Ann Trump, Barry passed away. She was 86. Barry was a senior judge on the US Court of Appeals of the Third Circuit until she retired in 2019. She was appointed to the US District Court for the District of New Jersey by Ronald Reagan back in 1983, and then was appointed to the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 99 by Bill Clinton back then.

And condolences go out to the entire family. And I do believe the country is praying for them. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting that we see happening right now is that in the White House, the first photos of cocaine found at the Biden White House have finally been released. So the photo is of a 2 grams of cocaine found in a locker, which is locker 50. And remember, they have no evidence.

They have no fingerprints. They have nothing. So no fingerprints, no DNA samples, no leads. They have no idea. In the most guarded house in the country, cameras everywhere. It doesn’t make any sense. Can you say cover up? Absolutely. So why was this photo actually released? Well, the Daily Mail, they actually submitted a Freedom of Information act request and they got the photo, but it doesn’t look like the FBI or the other agencies were going to release this.

And once again, they’re trying to convince everyone that, oh, no one knows who did this because there was a blind spot. So you didn’t see people walking back and forth in this area and you couldn’t narrow it down of who was in this area. This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. But again, this is a cover up, just like out in San Francisco. They had to cover up their homeless problem, the problem that they had in California, because you could see that the economy is doing poorly.

Everything that Newsom is doing is not working. They’re pushing the Green New Deal. They’re pushing everything the World Economic Forum wants them to push, and the entire state is completely and utterly breaking down. And Newsom, he was giving a press conference in clown World, put this out and said, I know folks say, oh, they’re just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.

That’s true. Because it’s truE. Yes. They cleaned it up because there was a foreign leader coming to their city. They didn’t want the foreign leaders to see, hey, look, the United States is breaking down. We have a homeless problem. We have a drug problem. So they decided to clean it all up. Now the biggest test is going to be, let’s see what happens in a couple of weeks or a month or so.

You think everyone’s going to move back in? You think the tents are going to be put back up? You think the druggies are going to be all back. Yes, this was all for show. It’s theater. And once again, if they really want to clean it up, they can, but they don’t want to because they want the country to be like this. They want criminals on the streets. They want people to suffer.

They want people to feel how angry they are. And this is the deep state players. They’re pissed off that the people are waking up. They’re pissed off that the people are seeing what’s happening. Remember, their entire mission is destroy America. And that’s what they’re trying to do. And since America is not going along with them, they’re angry at America and it’s getting worse and worse for them as time goes on.

And actually they’re panicking right now because they realize that the people, as they wake up, they’re turning against them. Why do you think their poll numbers are absolutely awful? Actually, Newsom, he’s dropped eleven points already. Why do you think this is happening? Because the people are starting to realize the reality of the situation. Why do you think Biden’s numbers are dropping like a rock? Because people are starting to realize the reality of the situation.

And as we go throughout this year and into the 2024 election year, as things start to really break down, like the economy, like when people start to lose their jobs after the holidays, when the stock market completely collapses, which I do believe is going to happen probably around October when as we approach war and there is terrorist activity within this country and other countries, people are going to hit the precipice and the people are going to get very, very pissed off and they’re going to see the reality of the situation.

And a lot of people are going to wake up and remember, you just can’t tell people this. It just doesn’t work because you can tell them, looking right at them, they will not believe you. Trump can come out and tell them over and over and over that people just won’t believe him. Listen, he told everyone from the very beginning, if Biden gets elected, he’s going to destroy the economy.

If Biden gets elected, we’re going to have open borders. If Biden gets elected, we’re going to be heading to war. No one really believed him at that point. People said, oh, yeah, that shouldn’t because he lost the election. We don’t really believe him. Yes, there are certain people that did believe him, but most of the people said, no, no, that’s just talk. So he actually had to show the people the reality of the situation because people just won’t believe the words they’re hearing.

They actually have to walk through it. And I do believe this is why Trump set up the plan this way, because this is the only way to wake the American people up. And the people are waking up. And as we approach 2024, the election of 2024, more and more people are going to wake up like we’ve never seen before. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we could see that there are certain individuals in the Una party who don’t like Speaker Johnson.

They don’t like the Patriots are taking control. They’re putting out fake information, trying to convince people or trying to muddy the water, and it’s not working. That is completely and utterly falling apart. DC Dreno put this out on X and said Speaker Johnson confirming internally, he never said he wouldn’t move forward with the Biden impeachment rumor was put out by McCarthy proxies trying to weaken him. Speaker Johnson likely putting out a statement earlier this week clarifying his position.

He is pro Biden impeachment. He wants the investigations by Comer and Jordan to continue playing out and producing more evidence. It’s not a question of if, it’s only a question of when. Now? Yes. When the evidence continually builds and people say, okay, why isn’t anything being done? Maybe this person shouldn’t be in office. Will they start the impeachment process? Most likely yes. Will ADIz block this and say, oh, wait a minute, look, his dimensions really kicking up.

Will Kamala come out and say, okay, we’re going to have to use the 25th Amendment on Biden? I do believe as the evidence builds further than it is today and more evidence comes out and the walls start to close in on Biden, I do believe you’re going to see the DS make this move. I wouldn’t be even surprised if Kamala comes out and actually is leading the way.

If you notice, Biden continually comes out and says, President Harris, so it looks like it’s already baked in. They’re just waiting for the right moment. And yes, we are going to have a change of batter, which we can talk about a little bit later, because they did ask the rock something. Certain parties came to him and asked him if he would run for president. Now, if they’re going to ask him to run for president, why wouldn’t they ask Michelle Obama? Of course they would, because they need someone that’s very, very popular.

They need someone that has a very big audience. And I do believe we’re going to see this happen. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see the whole pedal ring. Human trafficking is completely falling apart right now and more and more evidence is continually coming out and what’s happening is the pedal ring is being exposed. LIz CroAkin put this out on X and said the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein guilty of sexual assault Former Canadian fashion mogul and pedophile Peter Nygard has been found guilty on four counts of sexual assault after five women testified he used a private bedroom suite in his company headquarters to assault them.

The verdict by a Toronto jury came midday on Sunday after five days of deliberation. In one instance, a woman testified that she was only 16 years old when an older man she was dating brought her to Nygard’s headquarters. She said Nygard sexually assaulted her and when she was leaving the building, a woman handed her an emergency contraceptive pill. This child sex predator was so evil and deranged that he told women he wanted to impregnate them and then abort the baby so he could use the abortive fetus for anti aging.

He was a friend of George H. W. Bush and Oprah propped this psychopath up on her show, just like she did with pedophile murderer John of God who ran a baby breeding farm. The wheels of justice certainly move slow, but all those chickens, their sacrifice to Maloch, are coming home to roost. And she’s absolutely right. The information is getting out there. The people are seeing the truth and this is how you drip the information out.

And one leads to another, which leads to another. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Now. The other thing that’s very interesting is that Adam Schiff put out a photo. Now this photo was also in a Q post, and this is what he put out on X. I talk a lot about my little brother David. We met over 30 years ago when we were paired together through Big Brother of Greater Los Angeles, a mentorship program that empowers youth by pairing them with a big brother to help guide them.

We were paired up for a day as a trial run. We went to the beach in Venice, where I was living at the time. After an afternoon battling the crashing waves and having a blast, we dubbed ourselves the survivors. That was the start of one of the most important relationships of my life. David was a groomsman. At my wedding. I had the privilege of watching him graduate from Yale USC Film School and go on to a career as an award winning TV writer and producer.

I even walked the picket line with him and his WGA family, fighting for better wages. We’ve learned so much from each other and we’re family. I wouldn’t be here and running for us Senate without David. Now, it’s very interesting that he picked the same exact picTure. He has no other picture that he could choose. He decided just to pick this one. That is on the cue post. Does that make any sense to you? Well, post 3223.

This is March 27, 2019. The picture is there down below it says POTUS may have a few words on the subject. Watch HaNnITY tonight. So this is very interesting that that is there. And what’s interesting about all of this is that his post was put out at 517, which is actually 1717. And if you go to post 1717, this is July 26, 2018. He says, do you understand what is happening? Think optics.

So are these people controlled by the Patriots? It’s starting to seem that way because remember, if there’s an insurrection and we had an overthrow of the United States government, these people would be controlled. Wouldn’t they? Would they be able to do whatever they wanted? No. Would they be able to put on a show to wake the people up? Yes. Who would be controlling them? I do believe it’s Trump and the military.

Why do you think every time there’s an event, every time something happens, Biden seems to go on vacation? Remember when the fake news were continually out there telling everyone, oh, Trump’s playing golf, he’s always on vacation. He never, never works. He’s always on vacation. But isn’t it strange how Biden is always on vacation? Isn’t it strange how it’s always happening to him? And I do believe as we move forward, all these protests, all these things that we’re seeing are going to happen to Biden just like they did it to Trump.

I do believe it’s going to be turned around and it’s going to happen to Biden. And Biden is going to have to try to handle this. And we can see already it started. The foot soldiers are not with him. The foot soldiers are actually protesting against him, which I find very, very interesting. We’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that the Democrats, their digital discrimination rule that they’re trying to push is going to micromanage the Internet.

So FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said in a statement that the agency proposed a digital discrimination rule, and this is not going to work. It’s going to micromanage the entire Internet, and they’re going to try to control what is being seen, how much bandwidth you get actually this is what they tried to do with net neutrality, but that was voted down. So in November 2021, Congress adopted Biden sign, the so called 1.

2 trillion Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act. The legislation, which did not do much to improve infrastructure, contained a provision requiring the FCC to adopt rules by November 15, 2025, to prevent and identify necessary steps to eliminate digital discrimination. As part of the rulemaking process, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenwersall created the task force to prevent digital discrimination. Carr, one of the Republican nominated commissioners at the FCC, said he has a grave concern for digital discrimination rule, contending it would give the agency wide regulatory authority over the intraday for the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions, from how ISPs allocate capital and where they build to the services that consumers can purchase, from the profits that the ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive.

Talk about central planning. Biden’s plan includes price controls and at the 11th hour, the FCC slightly softened its proposal to use its title two proceedings to regulate broadband rates. Now we know why. The Section 60,506 order that the FCC will vote on next week expressly states that the FCC can use it to regulate broadband pricing and even an ISP’s profitability. Title two is no longer necessary to achieve that end, but the Section 6500 and six rules do more than that.

The FCC arrogates to itself the power to review and determine the lawfulness of promotional pricing and discounts. It even puts the use of credit checks squarely in the crosshairs. Of course, Congress did not give the FCC the power to do any of this. The agency just created it out of thin air. In fact, the FCC cites a few such actions in its draft order that were raised in the record, including eliminating government imposed barriers and regulatory red tape that had been slowing down broadband builds.

But instead of going that route, the SSE opts for this ideological approach instead. So they pretty much want to take over ISPs. They want to pretty much take control over the Internet, and they want to put out those ISPs that aren’t doing what they say. And basically this comes down to control. And that’s exactly what they want to do. And if you really look at it, this is the same thing Obama was trying to do with net neutrality.

But this is just on steroids, because now they need more control. And you can see that they want control over information. They’ve lost control over information. They lost control of X. They’ve lost control of what people are talking about because there are new platforms that started and they don’t control the social media platforms. Remember, they never wanted the controls at the social media level. It’s too hard because anyone can start up another platform they want to control at the source.

Remember, they like everything centralized and trying to control all these social media platforms doesn’t work. It’s better to control the source of the information. It’s much easier to do. Just like they control the source of the creation of currency, just like they control the source of the education programs, just like they control the source of controlling what weapons you have with the ATF. They like everything done at the centralized location.

And this is what they’ve been trying to do with the Internet for a very long time. But they failed over and over, which I do believe, which is then going to lead into a communications blackout because they don’t have control over the information. So this is going to be a major problem for them as we go through the 2024 year, because they won’t have control of the narrative.

And when you lose control of the narrative and people start to learn the truth, well, this hurts the deep state. Do they want people to learn the truth? Absolutely not. So what are they going to do? They’re going to shut things down. And I do believe this is why they’ve been mentioning solar storms that can damage the Internet. It can block communications. They might try to use this in the very, very beginning to say this is why communication is actually shut down.

But I do believe Trump, the patriots, they have countermeasures in place. And when this doesn’t work, I do believe they’ll probably move to a cyber attack after that. Remember, they’re never, ever going to give up. But I do believe Trump and the patriots, they know exactly what they’re going to try to do. And it looks like we were told what they were going to do with many of the posts.

And one of the posts is a cyber attempt on Election Day, actually the day before election Day. And I do believe they’re going to try to use this to postpone the elections, because when everything else fails, that’s all they have left, is to bring us to war and try to postpone the elections. Now, you could see there are many things happening around the world. You could see there’s a separation now of those people that are pushing terrorism, those people that are pushing the idea that they’re for the Palestinians, which they’re really not.

They’re really, for the terrorists, they’re the foot soldiers. It’s the same exact march and the same exact playbook as Antifa BLM because it is the same exact people. And you’re starting to see the actual infiltration of these people in governments. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves. A popular online Chinese shopping app is under fire for allegedly breaking international wiretapping laws on US citizens. It’s been revealed that the app has hidden functions that grant it access to an alarming amount of user data, including access to a user’s microphone.

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And the people of the countries are starting to realize this. And you could see the police are standing down allowing these riots to happen. And when the citizens of these countries decide, you know something, we can’t take this anymore, and they protest, well, the police come out and they stop them. So people are seeing very, very clearly the difference and they’re seeing the infiltration. But out in the UK, we could see that things now are being reshuffled out there.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reshuffled the Cabinet. He has sacked Conservative Suwela Bravemen and has bring back the centrist former prime Minister David Cameron as foreign secretary, which is very, very interesting. The reorganization was caused by the erroneous pressure Sunak was under to fire Braverman after her criticism of the police woke bias has said to threaten his authority. This is yet another restart for a PM badly losing in the polls to the opposition Labor Party.

Sunek is moving towards a more centrist territory, risking alienating the right of his party that supports Braverman. Braverman’s fate was sealed after she wrote a non authorized article for the Times of London in which she said out loud the forbidden fact. Police play favorites when it comes to protesters aren’t lenient toward pro Palestinian demonstrators and Black Lives supporters while cracking down harder on right wing protesters or soccer hooligans.

So you could see that they got rid of her and you could see the separation now. And we’re starting to see this. But the people of their countries, they’re calling these individuals out. Look what happened to Macron. Macron has now walked back. Israel’s bombing of babies and women. So Macron was out there. He’s the president of France and he was doing an interview with BBC. And Macron called upon Jerusalem to enact a ceasefire as it attempts to root out the Islamist Hamas terrorists behind the October 7 attacks that left over 1400 people dead and over 240 people taken Hodges from Israel while stopping short of outright accusing Israel of war crimes.

Macron told BBC, De Facto, Today civilians are bombed. De facto. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there’s no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop. And then all of a sudden he started to backtrack on all this. Because once again, what have we come to find out? We’ve come to find out that these individuals, they’re taking orders.

From who? World Economic Forum, the deep state players. And yes, you’re seeing the infiltration and you’re seeing it firsthand and you could even see it with Biden. Biden is conflicted right now because he’s playing both sides. But the foot soldiers of the deep state players, they’re only playing one side. And Biden came out and he called on Israel to take a less intrusive action in Gaza, saying that we must protect the hospitals in Gaza.

Now why are all these individuals talking about a ceasefire? Why are they all talking about we should protect this area? Remember, they invaded Israel. They decided to kill, maim, rape and take hostages. They are terrorists. So why since that action have they said ceasefire, don’t go to the hospitals, don’t go into Gaza because the deep state players don’t want Israel to find out what is really happening because they’ll report it to the world.

The same thing happened in Ukraine. They wanted to cover up their bioweapons, the neo Nazis. They wanted to cover up how they were using the people in Ukraine as shields. The same thing’s happening out in Gaza because once Israel goes into Gaza, which they’re already in, and they find out what the hospital is actually used for, it’s game over. And it’s already game over because Israel has reached the hospitals.

Guess who controls the hospitals? The Hamas terrorist organizations. They use civilian hospitals as the center for storing military equipment and planning attacks from that location. And it’s been revealed by the Israeli Defense Forces. So now that cat is out of the bag, the people could see the truth. And this is why they had the foot soldiers pushing these protesters, saying, ceasefire. Oh, we got to protect the Palestinian people.

No, what they were really saying is, we need to protect our terrorists. We don’t want anyone to find out our true tactics. We don’t want anyone to see these things, and we don’t want Israel to wipe out our terrorist forces. But it’s too late for that. DiscloTV put this out on telegram and says the following. Hamas has lost control in Gaza and has no force capable of stopping the IDF.

IDF has taken over the Hamas Legislative Council building. And yes, Israel is in there, and they’re wiping out the terrorists. And think about it. The terrorists are having their people protest and riot on the streets because Israel is destroying their people. Not the Palestinian people, their terrorist people. Because once again, we see the separation and we see all of these people that are on the streetwoods at the foot soldier of the deep state players.

They are violent, they hate people, and they want to hurt people. It’s the same playbook that you saw back in 2020. There is absolutely no difference. All they did was change their outfits, and now they’re carrying a different flag. That’s pretty much it out in Germany. The horrifying figures on hate protests in Germany are skyrocketing. And where is all this coming from? It’s coming from the protests. It’s coming from these people because it’s antifa, it’s BLM.

It’s the illegals that have come in. It’s the same exact people. Sean Davis put this out and said there is no difference between the BLM marches of 2020 and riots and the pro Palestinian demonstrations today. It’s the same street theater, just with different slogans. They’re organized by the same people with the same funding streams for the same purpose. That’s exactly what it is. And they sent these people out to protect their terrorists.

They wanted everyone to think one way when something else was going on in the background. And Israel is exposing the truth, and they don’t want the truth out there. But as the truth gets out into the public realm, there’s no going back. And they know this. Which means I don’t think we’re far off from having an event. And this is why you see all these alerts all over the place.

But you could see that everything that they’ve done in the past, and I’m talking about the deep state players, where they had COVID, where they had all these events. It is completely and utterly falling apart right now, especially with what Andrew Cuomo did during the first part of COVID where he sent sick people into nursing homes, into veteran hospitals. The truth is now coming out, and we can see that when he brought people into the veteran homes, he killed a lot of veterans.

They died. And now there’s a class action lawsuit. In July 2021, the Biden Department of Justice dropped their investigation into Cuomo and several Democrat governors who sent infected COVID patients into nursing homes. Now, the families of more than 100 vulnerable hero veterans who died at the New York State Veterans home in Queens are suing the state run facility for negligence. And the suit was filed on November 4 in federal court and alleged that the state veterans home did not follow COVID protocols and violated residents 14th Amendment right to conditions of reasonable care and safety by failing to implement basic infection control protocols and provide adequate medical care to the state veterans.

This lawsuit claims at least 350 veterans and staff who lived at the facility were infected and critically ill. Veterans were not given proper treatment or taken to the hospital despite their conditions. So this truth is coming out. We know that they did this, and of course, the criminal syndicate, they’re not going to press charges against their own. So what’s happening? The people are taking it into their own hands, and they are pressing charges.

They’re going after them with a class action lawsuit. And I think the people should start doing this all across the country, especially those areas where they threw the sick people into the nursing homes to get their death rates up. I mean, really, think about it. They threw people in there with pneumonia, with flu, with COVID whatever it was. They just wanted people to die so they could say, look, this is deadly.

When they realized that this didn’t work anymore and they needed to have the death count rise very, very quickly, they started to pay the hospitals to say, everyone died of COVID The whole thing was a hoax. It was a statistical hoax that they played on the American people. Why? They needed to get Trump out of office and they needed to cheat in the election. Yes, there were many, many different agendas associated with it, but those agendas came after they got rid of Trump, because if Trump was still in office, guess what? They wouldn’t be able to push the other agendas.

So their main agenda was to get rid of Trump. And that’s what they did, they cheated in the election. You know what Trump did? He caught them overthrowing the United States government. He caught them rigging the election. And that is what he’s going to show to the American people. Now, the other thing thAt’s very interesting, it looks like the Justice Department is quietly preparing for a surge of lawsuits from those who are claiming injury from the COVID-19 vaccines.

And it seems, and Miranda Devine put this out in New York Post. And actually they are now hiring individuals to handle these class action lawsuits. And this is what they put out. The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act. So they’re now hiring individuals because they are realizing that lawsuits are heading their way, which is very, very interesting.

Why would they need lawsuits? If the vaccine was safe and effective, there’s no side effects whatsoever. If there’s no side effects and it’s safe and effective, what would be the purpose of the lawsuits? Oh, that’s right. They lied to the America people. And the people are seeing their loved ones get sick, their loved ones having a heart attack, their loved ones dying suddenly. That’s what they’re witnessing. And the people are getting pissed off.

Actually, as time goes on, there’s going to be more people dying from the bioweapon than anything else. And the people are getting pissed off now. Now the other thing that’s very interesting is that a newly found kill switch that triggers the death of cancer cells was found, which means they have the ability to shut down cancer cells. And it’s very interesting, as the pharmaceutical companies lose their credibility, as the CDC loses their credibility, the FDA loses their credibility, people aren’t getting the bioweapon.

They’ve come out with this information. And this is coming from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer center in Sacramento. Now, I do believe, going way back, they probably had this cure already. They just didn’t want the American people to see it. They didn’t want anyone to see it because why do you make money when you cure something? Or do you make money when you treat things? Actually, when you look at the pharmaceutical companies, what was the last cure they actually had? Really? Think about that for a second.

All they’re doing is rebranding the same drugs over and over and over again. That’s how they make all their money. And now all of a sudden, this information comes out. We’ll have to see how this all plays out in the end. But I do believe we’re going to see cures actually come out where they said there was no cure. And you’re going to see cures. And I do believe some of the drugs that they tried to hide, like Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, I do believe those can be used to cure the flu, cancer, and many other things.

But let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is you can see the brainwashing has worked for the young generation. Actually, if you go back to Nazi Germany, you look at the brown shirts, you can see they went around and they were very, very violent to people that weren’t thinking the same way, that those people that weren’t on their side, they would harass them, beat them up.

And you could see that actually today. Remember the deep state players, they have been brainwashing the people, that white people are bad, that they kept the black person down. The black person needs reparations. Even the white people are ashamed of being white. Actually, they did a survey and it showed that, yes, white people are ashamed of being white, which is absolutely ridiculous. But this was the same playbook that they used in Nazi Germany.

And with the young generation being brainwashed like this, they take their anger out on white people. And this is exactly what happened. Wall Street Silver on X put this out and said Jonathan Lewis was white. His attackers were black. Other than local media, the national media is avoiding this story. Jonathan Lewis was trying to protect another small student initially. Then ten plus other teamed up to attack Lewis, getting him on the ground and causing multiple injuries that resulted in his dying later.

According to the boy’s father, the brutal beating happened after his 17 year old. Jonathan Lewis stood up for one of his smaller friends. A couple of kids attacked him and they weren’t able to hurt him enough, and they all attacked him at once. So why isn’t the news broadcasting this? Because they’re part of the criminal syndicate. This doesn’t go with their narrative. Their narrative is the opposite of this.

If this was a black child and white people beat up on the black child, we would be having protest and riots today. Everyone would be out in the streets. But they don’t want to touch these stories. Just like if there is a black person who’s shooting up a neighborhood or shooting up a mall, they don’t want to touch these stories. They don’t want to push it out there because it goes against their narrative.

And once again, you can see how this is all playing out. And you can see the brainwashing, you can see the same exact playbook that they used in Nazi Germany. All they do is they take a race that has been kept down because they convince them that they’ve been kept down, even though they’re the ones who’ve been pushing them down, making their lives miserable, and they blame it on another race.

It’s the same exact playbook because they wanted these individuals as their foot soldiers as they got older, and they use them any way they possibly can. And in the end, they don’t care about them. They don’t care if these people die. And we could see that this is the same playbook that we are seeing. And they know in the end that everything that they’ve been trying to do with their 16 year plan to destroy America, they know if Trump gets back into office, it’s game over.

And you could see they are definitely panicking. Remember, they’re going after him with all these indictments. They thought, oh, if we indict him, the people would no longer back him. The people would say, oh, he’s a criminal. We can’t back this person. But the people saw through this. You know why? The people are awake. The people can think logically. The people are seeing exactly what’s happening to Trump, and they’re saying, wow, if they could do this to this guy who’s a billionaire, who built successful companies, if they can bring charges like this against him, where this guy has all this money, what would happen to me as an everyday guy or girl where I don’t have this type of money? They would put me away for life.

Oh, wait. Just like the January 6 prisoners. Why do you think Trump calls them hostages? Trump, he’s showing everyone. Look at the deep state. Look what they want to do to you. And that’s why he keeps saying, I’m just in the way I’m showing you. You got to see it to believe it. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. I am a victim of a corrupt legal system that is being used by those surrounding crooked Joe Biden with his full knowledge and consent to hurt and demean and damage his political opponent, me.

A terrible precedent is being set. But so far, despite the vulgarity and viciousness of it all, it has driven my poll numbers to record. Numbers. You see, the American people are much smarter than crooked Joe. They see what is going on with the corrupt and racist New York State AG and Trump hating puppet judge will do her dirty work even as it takes him and his reputation to new levels of low.

They fully understand the Obama appointed radical left DC federal judge who refused to recuse, fully gagged me and set a trial date the day before Super Tuesday, the biggest and most powerful day in the primaries. They get the fact that the AG, Garland and his boss, Lisa Monaco, sent their top DOJ lawyers to Manhattan to run the district attorney’s case on me and much more. But we will win.

Absolutely. And people are seeing this. Remember, this is Obama appointed radical left DC federal judge. Everything goes back to Obama. All roads lead back to Obama. Now, Trump, he wants cameras in the courtroom. He wants America to see the truth about who stole the elections. This is how you wake the people up now. Yes, he’s going to be pushing, and he’s going to be pushing very hard to get the cameras in there.

And hopefully, in the end, he does get the cameras in there because he wants the people to see the truth. And yes, Trump gets equal airtime under the FCC rules. And you can see that. JACK SMITH well, he’s panicking over all this. Julie Kelly put this out on X and said Jack Smith just unleashed a temper tantrum in another motion, opposing cameras in the courtroom for Trump’s DC trial.

And every American, especially the relatives of the victims, should be outraged that this Department of Justice continues to compare Trump to murderous terrorists. Absolutely. And Jack Smith, he’s using everything he possibly has to try to stop this. But I have a very funny feeling that it might not work out the way Jack Smith thought it was going to work out. But let’s see how this all plays out.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we now see that Tim Scott, he decided to suspend his presidential campaign. I do believe most of these other individuals, they’re going to drop out. And I think they should all endorse Trump. Now, I know that the majority of them are not going to, but in the end, they’re all going to drop out and Trump is going to end up being the nominee.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and we mentioned this in the beginning of the report, Dwayne the Rock Johnson, he was being interviewed and he said at the end of the year, in 2022, he got a visit from the parties asking me if I was going to run and if I could run. If that’s ultimately what the people would want, then of course he said I would run.

So why would they go to the rock and ask him if he was going to run for president? I do believe what they were doing is they were trying to find those individuals that were very, very popular because they realized that Biden wouldn’t be able to pull this off because Biden has too much baggage. They needed someone where they could bring them in, have them be very, very popular to go up against Trump and all these people, they’re not going to be able to do it.

But you could see what they’re doiNg. They’re trying to find that person. I do believe they already have that person. I do believe they’ve already asked Michelle Obama. I think Barack Obama already knows it has to be her. And I do believe that change of batter is coming. Why? Because they’re panicking. They realize that they don’t have a candidate. They don’t have someone that can go up against Trump.

And I do believe we’re going to see the deep state players take Biden out because look at the panic. Jamie Raskin right now says a second Trump term would look a lot like Vladimir Putin in Russia. The Hill put this out. Trump wants to turn the government into a weapon for personal revenge. They’re actually saying, Trump is a Nazi fascist dictator. Patriots are in control. Put this out and said, oh, look, Trump is a Nazi fascist dictator.

Again. Can the 04:00 a. m. Talking point guy ever come up with something new? Why are they saying this? Because they’re panicking like they’ve never panicked before. Because they realize that Trump has been talking about retribution. He’s been talking about, hey, they did this to me. I can do that to them. I’m going to go after each one of these people. But I do believe he’s going to do it in a completely different way than what they are saying.

Think about it. When they cheated in the election, they said Trump was going to come and get them out of the White House. Or if Trump lost in the election, that Trump was going to have to be dragged out of the White House. If you notice every step of the way, everything that they would do, and they’re projecting this onto Trump, Trump did the opposite. So I do believe he’s getting them all panic right now, and I do believe all of this is going to happen in a completely different way.

Do I think Trump’s going to be running around going, arrest that person, arrest that person? Absolutely not. Will these people be held accountable? Yes, but it’s not going to be the way they do things. Remember when Biden came into office? What did he do? He acted like a dictator. He’s still acting like a dictator all of a sudden. Vaccine mandates, censor the people. Arrest those people that were protesting on January 6.

Keep them in prison for as long as possible. Call everyone, a domestic terrorist, a MAGA extremist. See, he became the dictator. Everything they said Trump was going to be, they are, they always project who they are on Trump. And you can see that it’s not going to work this time. Now, something very interesting happened. The Secret Service agents protecting Biden’s granddaughter open fired on three people trying to break into an SUV.

Now, the SUV was empty and these individuals tried to break into it, and they drove off in a red type of car. They didn’t really describe the individuals, but you know that DC, there’s a lot of crime there. Bowser is doing a terrible job. Those tags that they want to place on everyone’s car to monitor the cars, that’s not really going to stop people from stealing the cars because it’s just going to rip those tags off again, that doesn’t stop crime.

You know what stops crime? Arresting the people, having laws that you enforce. That’s what stops crimes. And if you stop letting the prisoners out of prison, well, that helps, too. But you can see that it’s very OD that the Secret Service was protecting Biden’s granddaughter. Rick Grinnell put this out on X and said grandchildren are protected by Secret Service. Question mark, exclamation point. Yeah, that’s very interesting, isn’t it? Let’s see where that goes.

And I do believe we’re going to see other information come out about that. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and going back in time, when Tucker Carlson was interviewing Trump, Tucker Carlson said something to, you know, their next step is assassinating you because they’re trying to stop you. They can’t stop you. And the only thing they have left is to assassinate you. And what’s very interesting is that Iran has vowed to kill former U.

S. Government officials, including Trump. Now, I do believe they threw all this in, but their main target is Trump. Because what did Trump do? He killed Solomini, which I find very interesting. Now, think about this. He did this years ago. Why would they be putting this out now? Timing is very, very interesting. But take a listen to this short clip. This video was posted online by a channel affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

It vows to kill former American government officials, including President Trump, to avenge the 2020 US assassination of the terrorism mastermind, Qasim Suleimani. Threats like this have been deemed credible enough that several of these officials have been under round the clock. So are they setting the narrative right now? Is the deep state now working with foreign governments to try to target Trump and then blame Iran? Remember, they want a war and they want to remove Trump.

Think about this. Remember these individuals. These are the same individuals that work with foreign governments to overthrow the United States government, to overthrow the duly elected president. And this reminds me of post five eight 6 January 22, 2018. I’m going to read the first couple of lines here. What would happen if texts originating from an FBI agent to several internals discuss the assassination possibility of the POTUS or member of his family? What if the text suggests foreign allies were involved? Forget the Russia setup.

This is only the beginning. Be careful for what you wish for. As the world Turns, could messages such as those be publicly disclosed? What happens to the FBI? What happens to the DOJ? What happens to special counsel? What happens in general? Every FBI DOJ previous case could be challenged. What happens if we find communications from the FBI, from the CIA, from many others where they’re actually working with foreign governments to take out Trump? What happens if we find out information that they overthrew the United States government? I do believe we’re going to find out all this information.

Then let me go to post 1589. This is June 26, 2018. Couple lines down, it says threats of assaSsination. They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists red line. Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and congressional leaders and the public, they lose. That is very interesting. What do we see on the streets? Right. Progressive activists, are they building up to this? It’s starting to seem that way now.

Do I believe Trump and the Patriots, they know what’s going to happen? Absolutely. Are they bringing these players down this path? Because remember, all roads connect all the dots. It leads to who? Obama, Soros, and the rest. And yes. How do you show the public? Well, you need the public to walk through all of this. You need to show them everything. You need for the public to think logically, and you need the truth out there.

Transparency is the only way forward. And without it, the people won’t know. The people won’t believe. And I do believe this quote says it all. The media won’t tell you the truth. And it is hard for the American voters to make a good decisions when they don’t know. We need a situation where the truth is out there and the media needs to stop fueling the flames. So are we entering that period of time? I do believe so.

Because think about what’s happening in the year of 2024. Trump is going to produce the proof of election fraud. People are going to see how treasonous Biden is. Obama is going to be brought into the spotlight. Information is going to be brought out about Obama. I do believe information will be brought out about how they tried to assassinate Trump. I do believe as the war builds, what’s going to happen, the deep state players, they’re going to become desperate.

They’re going to want the war. They’re going to be pushing the war. You’re going to see the protests, you’re going to see the events, you’re going to see all this play out. And the people who are thinking logically, they’re going to see all of this and they’re going to realize, wow, look what they’re doing here. They’re going after Trump. He just proved that they rigged the election. They’re trying to bring us into war.

We’re having events in this country because they have open borders, the economy’s crashing because they’re trying to bring us into the Green New Deal, the great reset, it’s all them. They’re the ones who are causing this to cover up their crimes. And in the end, when the people see all of this, because remember, they couldn’t just be told, they wouldn’t believe it. They have to be shown. They have to be brought to that place where they’re backed into a corner and they say, I see it, enough is enough.

These people are guilty. Actually, I do believe the people are going to say to Trump, you need to arrest these people. Look what they’ve done here. And how do the people tell Trump this? They vote. And I do believe this is what Trump wants in the end. And this is going to give the ability of Trump, the military, the ability to go after these individuals. And no, Trump is not riding around on a white horse arresting all the people.

I do believe the facts, the truth, the evidence is going to come out and the people are going to see the truth and the people are going to demand justice. The people are going to say, these are treasonous individuals and you must arrest these individuals. They are treasonous to this country. And if the people are telling Trump to do this, well, what’s going to happen? These people are going to have to be investigated and yes, indictments are going to be brought against these individuals.

I do believe we’re going to see military tribunals in the end and the people are going to demand it because the people are going to see it all. Once again, all of what’s happening all leads back to Obama and I do believe Obama’s are front and center and the people are going to finally see the truth and the people are going to tell Trump, this is what we want, do it why? Because the patriots are in control.

Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .



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