Ep. 3135a – Electric Vehicle Companies Going Bankrupt [WEF] Agenda Falling Apart

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– Dave: Electric Vehicle Companies going Bankrupt. World Economic Forum agenda falling apart. Invest in gold with Noble Gold Investments. Let’s get right into the economic collapse.
– All these EV companies are completely imploding on themselves. People aren’t buying what they’re selling, they’re pushing back. Trump has been telling us to get the economy back to where it was. All we need to do is reverse everything the Biden administration has done.
– Invest in gold with Noble Gold Investments, you’ll also get a 24 carat, one quarter ounce gold standard coin. SNP Global has discontinued its practice of providing woke ESG ratings for corporate borrowers. People aren’t stupid. People see what’s really going on. The agenda of the deep state is going to get worse and worse.
– Why do you think they created the paper market for the gold market? Because they didn’t want people to realize that as they keep printing and then printing and printing. I do believe people are going to move their currency into alternative currencies. We need to go back to sound money.


Site: https://mypatriotsnetwork.com : full summary text presention: ep-3135a-electric-vehicle-companies-going-bankrupt-wef-agenda-falling-apart

“That’s report. My name is Dave in this episode 3135 A, and today’s date is August 9, 2023. And the title of the episode is electric Vehicle Companies going Bankrupt. World Economic Forum agenda falling apart.

Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. The US. Dollar has lost 85% of its value since the 70s when the dollar decoupled from gold. And the government seems bent on continuing the tradition. From now until after the elections, the government can print as much money as they want. The last time they did that, inflation went up 9%. Gold is the one asset that has proven to withstand inflation. Invest in gold with Noble Gold Investments, you’ll also get a 24 carat, one quarter ounce gold standard coin. For free, go to x 22 gold, that is X 22 gold.com. Or click the link in the description. If you don’t see the link, click the description button or the other button, or simply call 877-646-5347. That is 877-646-5347. It’s the only gold company I trust. And remember, there’s always a risk of investment and there’s no guarantee of any kind.

Let’s get right into the economic collapse. Financial news now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, the private what’s, the Central bank, the World Economic Forum, they’re having a very difficult time with their agenda as they continually push and push and push. People are starting to realize EVs aren’t going to work for them. Solar panels aren’t going to work for them, windmills aren’t going to work for them, ESG scores are not going to work for them. And at this point, everything is starting to backfire on them.

Really think about this and just take a step back for a SEC. They’re trying to bring us into the great reset, the Green New Deal. They’ve been pushing these agendas, pushing the narrative that the earth is boiling, the climate hoax is real, and the people aren’t going along with this. The people aren’t doing what they want. It’s almost like if you go back to COVID, where they tried to push the vaccine passport, people weren’t doing what they wanted. The same thing is happening right now with the great reset, the Green New Deal, especially when they’re going to push us into the Central Bank digital currency. The people aren’t going to do what they want them to do. And you could see it already that everything that they’re trying and everything that they’re pushing is now failing.

Companies are starting to realize this ESG model is going to bankrupt them. Companies are starting to realize, hey, how come the people aren’t coming out dumping their fossil fuel cars and buying these really expensive electric cars? Because the people, they’re figuring it out. They’re starting to realize what’s really going on here. But once again, we know the Deep State, the Central Bank, the World Economic Forum, they’re going to continue to push to the very, very end. And I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they want them to push, push as hard as you possibly can. Why? Because this shows the people what their agenda is. If they did it in secret, if they had a cover story, would you know? No, you wouldn’t. So it’s better to do it out in the open and be completely transparent about it. And this is what I do believe Trump and the Patriots have set up. They set it up where they have to do this out in the open, so it’s completely transparent, so you understand what they’re trying to do. And as you watch them do this, you’re going to say, you know, that’s not going to work for us. I mean, how come I’m losing all my investment money with these ESG scores? How come I can’t travel that far with this electric car? This is just not working right now. And as the people watch this, what do they see? They see the entire economic system completely falling apart.

But you could see there are major, major investment companies behind all of this. We know BlackRock is, we know Vanguard is. And this is why you could see they’re pushing their agenda with these corporations. They’re forcing them to use the ESG model. They’re forcing them to do certain things. Actually. Just look at New Zealand. New Zealand right now is partnering with American investment giant BlackRock in an aim to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2030. Now, really think about the countries that they’re using. It’s the same countries that they took over, the same countries that they can control. And I’m talking about the deep state. The central bank, the world Economic Forum. It’s always Australia. It’s always New Zealand. It’s always the UK. This is where they push their model first. This is the pilot program. And you could see with Australia, what are they trying to do? They’re trying to push decent by digital currency in New Zealand. What are they trying to do? Well, they’re trying to reach renewable electricity by 2030. Isn’t it the same two countries they did this with when COVID was released onto the world? Didn’t Australia set up camps? Weren’t they locking people down? Didn’t New Zealand keep everyone at home? Didn’t they force people to get the bioweapon? Of course they did. It’s the same exact playbook.

And look what the World Economic Forum says. Remember, they want you to owe nothing and be happy. Well, that doesn’t sound too good. So they have to change things around. And right now, coming out of the World Economic Forum, the title of the article from the World Economic Forum says, psychologists say a good life doesn’t have to be happy or even meaningful. Wait, a good life doesn’t have to be happy or even meaningful. What are they trying to say here? Well, Wall Street Silver responded to this and said, before you will own nothing and be happy. Now you’ll own nothing and probably be unhappy. They’re trying to convince you that if you don’t own anything. If you’re not earning money, if you don’t have any goals or anything like that, it’s okay. You can still be happy. Life can still be good and meaningful even though you don’t have any of this stuff. Do you think this is going to convince the people that, yes, this is the direction we need to go in? Absolutely not.

Now think about all the EV companies right now trying to push these cars onto the American people. They’re very, very expensive. Especially when the economic system is completely imploding on itself. People are finding it very difficult just to put fuel in their car, to maintain their car, to make ends meet with their electric bill, with their insurance bill, with their food bill. And did they really expect people, as they were destroying the economy, to go out and say, hey, you know something, I got an extra 80, 9100 thousand dollars to spend on this electric car. That’s not really going to take me anywhere. No, people weren’t going to do it. And yesterday we mentioned that protera, they’re filing for bankruptcy and the Energy Secretary has investments with this and they’re going down the Tubos. But look at all the other companies that are having a very difficult time. Canoe SPAC merger completed in December 2020 from peak down 97.5%. Fisker, they had a merger in October 20, preceded by Fisker Automotive, which made the Fisker Karma, now $5.93 from a peak down 81%. Lucid Motors merger announced in February 2021, now $7.19 from peak down 89%. And it goes on and on and on and all you could see is all these EV companies. They are completely imploding on themselves. Which means the agenda to push this on, we the people, we’re supposed to own all the electric vehicles right now. We’re supposed to get rid of all the fossil fuel cars. Is that happening? No, it’s not. People aren’t buying what they’re selling, they’re pushing back. They’re saying absolutely no.

And remember, Trump has been telling us to get the economy back to where it was. All we need to do is reverse everything that the Biden administration has done. And what has the Biden administration done? Well, we went from energy independent to depending on other countries where the fuel prices are moving up and up and up and up. And now we’re depending on what? We’re depending on everyone else. And Trump said all we need to do is drill baby, drill baby, drill. And Biden, he is doing the opposite actually. He said I wanted to stop all drilling on the coast and the Gulf, but I couldn’t do it because the courts blocked me. Can you imagine if the courts didn’t block him? Can you imagine if he stopped all drilling? This country would implode on itself.You need energy production and it’s not windmills, it’s not solar power. How do you run a forklift? How do you run the construction vehicles? How do you run these massive pieces of equipment to build or to manufacture. It just won’t work. And this is why Trump is saying once he gets back into office, which I do believe he’s going to be getting back into office, all we need to do is make the country energy independent and you’re going to see things take off. And yes, we also need to get rid of the central bank because without getting rid of the central bank, what happens? The corruption stays, it never disappears. So I do believe they already have a plan in place to actually restructure the entire central bank system.

Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. The US dollar has as 85% of its value since the 70s when the dollar decoupled from gold. And the government seems bent on continuing the tradition. From now until after the elections, the government can print as much money as they want. The last time they did that, inflation went up 9%. Gold is the one asset that has proven to withstand inflation. Invest in gold with Noble Gold Investments, you’ll also get a 24 carat, one quarter ounce gold standard coin. For free, go to x22 gold, that is x22 gold.com. Or click the link in the description. If you don’t see the link, click the description button or the other button or simply call 877-646-5347. That is 877-646-5347. It’s the only gold company I trust. And remember, there’s always a risk of investment and there’s no guarantee of any kind and it will most likely be brought into the government and we will create our own currency. I do believe we will go back to the constitution. If you look at Trump and you look at what he’s following, it looks like he’s following Andrew Jackson.

Now once again, like we said from the very beginning, their entire Green new deal model is falling apart. EVs are going down the tubes. People aren’t buying what they’re selling. Now we have corporations going, okay, you know something, this ESG rating is not really working for us. And SNP Global, one of the largest independent credit ratings firms in the world, has discontinued its practice of providing woke ESG ratings for corporate borrowers. Now why in the world would they do that? Actually, by the way, Moody’s is still doing it. But soon when they start to realize, holy crap, we’re losing a lot of money and we can’t continue like this, that’s when they’re all going to start to change. And actually we’re starting to see a lot of corporations start to do this. And since SMP Global decided to do this, their stock prices started to surge. Oh, you think the people are like, hey, you know something? Oh you got rid of that. Okay, now things are getting better and this is what people are seeing. They’re saying, okay, should I be with a company that’s using ESG for my investments or should I be with a company that’s not using my ESG score? For investments. The people, they’re not stupid. These are investors. They know what they’re doing. They’re going to go to the corporations, the investment houses, where they’re not using the ESG scores because they know if they continue down that track, they are going to go broke and they’re going to start to make a move to the companies that are not using it.

It’s almost like looking at the blue and red states, the blue states that are pushing the agenda of the World Economic Forum, the Central Bank, the deep state players, that entire state is completely imploding. People are leaving and people are saying, okay, there’s too much crime, the economy is completely failing, businesses are leaving. This is not a good model. Well that state is following the ESG model. If you really want to think about it that way. They look at a red and says, okay, we’re not doing any of those things. We’re not following the woke agenda, we’re not following ESG, we’re not doing any of those things. And you can see the red states, they are booming. They’re doing a lot better. And what do you think people see? Well, they say, okay, well I can’t get a job. I’m losing a job, my company moved out. Why am I staying here? Everything’s too expensive. I might as well move to a place that doesn’t have this. And that’s exactly what’s happening. People aren’t stupid. People see what’s really going on. And the entire agenda of the deep state, the World Economic Forum, the Central Bank, as they push this, it’s just going to get worse and worse for the corporations. It’s going to get worse and worse for the states. And people are starting to see this.

And basically what they’re doing is they are controlling this entire collapse and they’re trying to bring us into the great reset, the Green New Deal. And this is all part of their agenda. And remember, Trump and the Patriots, they wanted the people to see this. They didn’t want it behind closed doors. They didn’t want it in the shadows. They didn’t want a cover story where they can push their agenda. They wanted this front and center so people can see exactly what their plan was. And as people see this and as the people see them destroying the economy, the people, they are going to take action because that’s what really needs to be done in the end. The people need to take action.

And when you look at the housing market right now, the housing market, because the interest rates are moving up, it’s completely falling apart because what happens when the interest rates move up? It throws people out of the market. People can’t afford the homes. So if people can’t afford the homes, who are the sellers going to sell to? Nobody. This is a disaster in the making and actually unusual. Wales put this out on X and said, affordable homes for first time buyers have disappeared from the US. Real estate market. It’s a complete and utter disaster, and that is what we’re seeing.

But remember the deep state players, the Central Bank, the World Economic Forum, they’re trying to push us into the great reset, the Green New Deal, and they will do everything and anything to try to move us away from alternative currency. Because when you use an alternative currency or you transition your fiat currency into the alternative currency, you are then outside of the central bank system. And they don’t like that. They don’t want people to use other currency. They want people to save with their currency. Because if a lot of people start to move out of the fiat currency and move into the alternative currency, and people start to use the alternative currency, what happens to the central bank? We don’t need them. See, they know this. They know if the people catch on and the people start to realize, hey, you know something? If we don’t use the fiat currency anymore in our town, in our city, and we use an alternative currency and we transact all business using something else, maybe gold, maybe Bitcoin, if we use that, then we don’t have to deal with the central bank. Then we don’t have to deal with their system. We’re outside of their system. And they don’t want countries to realize this. They don’t want the people to realize this. So every step of the way, what do they do? They try to force people away from it. Why do you think they created the paper market for the gold market? Because they didn’t want people to realize that as they keep printing and then printing and printing, which actually pushing a button on a computer to create the currency, which are blips today on the banking system, they didn’t want people to realize, as they continually did, that that gold was going to move up in value. Because as of right now, gold would probably be very, very close to Bitcoin. And if people saw that, what would happen? People would say, this doesn’t make sense. Why is gold worth so much? Or why do I need so many pieces of paper to purchase that 1oz of gold? It’s either gold went up in value or the paper currency has lost its value. And you know, it’s the paper currency that lost the value. And that’s why they needed to control the gold market. They also need to control the Bitcoin market. They need to make you think that criminals use it. The exchanges and everything that’s been set up, it’s bad for you. You needTo step away and move away from it. That’s what they’ve been trying to do for a very long time. But once again, are the people going to buy this? No, they’re not. The people aren’t going to go along with what they’re trying to do, because remember, as they push their agenda and as people see the truth, the people are going to first, they’ll be able to think logically.

Second, they will realize, wait a minute, the fiat currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is continually losing value. And I see gold holding steady right now. I see Bitcoin holding steady right now. But it costs me more and more with the Federal Reserve Note, people are going to say, okay, I need to protect my wealth somehow, some way. And I do believe people are going to move their currency into alternative currencies.

Actually, if you look at the central banks, if they believed in their paper currency, they would just stockpile paper. They wouldn’t need gold. They would say, no, this, listen, we create this. This is the thing that’s worth something. That’s why our vaults are filled with paper currency. We don’t hold gold because, as Bernacki would say, that’s just a barbarous relic. It’s not real money. We don’t hold gold. We just have our vaults filled with paper. Well, why don’t they?

Because they know it’s just a piece of paper. They know it has no worth, especially when you’re continually printing and printing and printing and printing. And what did the central banks, what have they been doing? They’ve been purchasing gold. That’s what they keep in their vaults. Why do you think governments keep gold in their vaults? They don’t have stockpiles or warehouses full of paper. They keep gold. And if you look at China right now, China is stockpiling gold, oil, and food while its economy has slipped into deflation.

And yes, that is what countries do. That’s what central banks do. And you have to remember, yes, each country has a central bank. Right now, they’re controlled by the private Western central bank, which means it’s a privately run central bank. But a country can have a central bank which is run by the people, just like in this country. When our founding father set everything up, they created the treasury. And when you look at the Constitution, there are two sections dealing with the monetary issues.

And Section eight permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section Ten denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. So the founding fathers said, okay, we’ll set this up. Congress has the ability to coin money, not a private west central bank, but Congress. And we need to go back to the Constitution. We need to go back to sound money.

And this is why the central banks and governments, this is why they hold gold, because they understand that piece of paper, especially the private west central bank, they realize in the end it is worth absolutely nothing. And as time goes on and you see how the DS, the Deep State, the World Economic Forum, the central bank, and all the installed individuals in government as they keep spending, what do you think is going to happen?

The value of the currency is going to continually drop and drop and drop. It’s going to lose its value. And people are going to see this firsthand. And it’s accelerating right now, and it’s getting a lot worse, which means the people they’re going to see and experience this firsthand, remember, it all has to be transparent so people can think logically and people can make a decision at the end.

And that is what Trump and the Patriots are showing everyone. They’re showing everyone. Look how they’re destroying the economy. Look what they’re doing. It’s being done on purpose. And the people, they know this. They realize it. And that’s why, in the end, they will make the final decision. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.



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