Diddy Apologize To Cassie After Hotel Footage Released Chicago Kidnapping Migrant Fake Robberies | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how a mother and her child were kidnapped in Chicago but were found safe later. The incident happened when two unknown men forced them into an SUV. The police are still investigating the details of the incident and the people responsible. There’s also a discussion about a loophole for illegal immigrants, where victims of armed robberies can apply for a special visa to encourage them to cooperate with the police, but some are staging fake robberies to exploit this.


Kidnapping in Chicago but the mother and the child is safe. Now, we actually got a little bit of good news in Chicago today, so we’re going to get to that. Let’s get it popping. We are beginning with breaking news here in the 10 o’clock hour. A mother and her child reported kidnapped on the city’s northwest side in just the last few minutes. Police say they have been found. Let’s get right to CBS2’s Andrew Ramos. He’s live in Jefferson Park for us. Andrew, a witness told you they saw this abduction. That’s right, Chris, and we got this update from Chicago police a short time ago.

Like you said, this mother and daughter have been found safe and sound. Now, this terrifying situation unfolded right here in the 5500 block of North Austin Avenue. Now, according to police, a witness told officers that the woman and her daughter were inside an apartment at this three-unit building when at about 4.40 p.m. They were forced into an SUV by two unknown male offenders. Now, like you said, a neighbor told us that her husband heard screams and when he looked out the window saw the adult victim in a headlock being shoved into the vehicle. Now, cops say the offenders fled southbound from the location with the victims.

We spoke to some neighbors who confirmed that this mother and daughter had recently moved into the building just this month. Now, many of them shocked to learn about the abduction that happened on a block full of families and longtime residents. Now, again, the good news in this case, the victims have been found safe and sound. Now, details about how they were found and those responsible for abducting them still unclear. Police, we are told, still investigating. Now, that’s the latest from here in Jefferson Park. I’m Andrew Ramos, CBS2 News. OK, that’s unfortunate. I would love to hear the details of what happened and how they found them because we don’t want nobody getting shoved into a car.

A mother and a child getting shoved into a car kidnapped. That’s not a good look. That’s not a good look. Listen, the least the least vulnerable amongst us needs to be protected the most, which includes women and children. It used to be that women and children were off limits. And you know what? You know what else is not really being talked about? What’s not really highlighted and talked about is all of this trafficking that’s going on. And it’s not just women as prostitutes, as footage streets, as walking the streets. Now, it’s a huge thing and has been going on for years as far as people selling people.

And it is massive. So God bless. I’m glad that they found those people. We don’t want nobody out here getting shoved into a car, especially, you know, no, no women and children. You know, it’s out here bad. Also, so I reported on a story. And so, you know, I always like to bring myself back to the front of the congregation. I reported on a story on quick hits. I believe it was last week. It’s probably last week of a robbery that happened over in Chicago. Well, it turns out that the feds are saying that this robbery was staged in order to try to get some migrants some visas.

So I don’t know whether or not we give Chicago credit for not having another robbery or for the fact that they have a bunch of migrants over there that’s trying to get visas. And so they’ve learned how to stage robberies in order to try to get themselves. United States citizens in the sanctuary city is bad all around, but it’s good and bad at the same time. I don’t know. Take a look. Also tonight, more than a dozen terrifying robberies across Chicago and the suburbs were all staged. According to federal prosecutor, they handed down charges today against six men accused of this fake robbery scheme.

Also obtained special immigration visas reserved for crime victims. CBS2 investigator Megan Hickey is digging into how this all worked. One of those alleged robberies happened at this Bucktown liquor store last summer, according to federal prosecutors. Victims of armed robberies can apply for a special visa to help encourage them to cooperate with police. But according to the indictment, these victims were fake. So wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Who knew this? I am a United States citizen. I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I think that I’ve heard of the majority of what’s going on out in these streets or what the possibilities are.

I have never in my life, never in my life heard of this loophole for illegal immigrants. So are you telling me that immigrants have done enough research to realize that if they get robbed in order to make sure that they cooperate with the police, they can get special circumstances and special visas to help them become citizens faster and quicker? I had never heard of this in my entire life. Yo, this is insane, bro. Back in July, the owner of this Bucktown liquor store told us he was stunned by the dramatic robbery that left his clerk with a gunshot wound.

I’m just feeling so sorry for him because I hope everything goes well. They’re seeing it through. They said we’re going to shoot everything. We’ve got to make it real. Continue serving the community. Their surveillance video showed two masked men in all black walk in. The clerk and other customers handed over their wallets and belongings. Then one suspect fired a shot injuring a 26 year old employee. In January of 2023, police in Lake Villa said this suspect did the same thing in a liquor store there. But according to this newly filed federal indictment, both incidents and about a dozen others were staged in order for the victims to be able to obtain a special type of visa available to crime victims.

Are you guys willing to take a gunshot in order to become a citizen of the United States of America? I’ve never heard of this type of stuff before. Here’s how the scheme worked, according to the feds. Six people are charged with organizing and participating in staged armed robbery. I’m not showing them. These would take place at restaurants, coffee shops, liquor stores and gas stations across Chicago in the suburbs. They went from as far south as South Holland, north as Lake Villa and as west as St. Charles, just to name a few. This scheme knew no borders, with two of the supposed fake crimes taking place in Tennessee and Louisiana as well.

They’ve undergone something pretty serious. Xavier Borjas is an immigration attorney who helps victims of crimes obtain U visas, which can help encourage victims to report crimes without fear of being deported. To ensure that they’re willing to assist. So he getting the bag off of telling people, hey man, I can get y’all a visa without fear of getting deported if y’all out here committing crimes. He’s a part of the problem. Some of these lawyers and stuff like that, they just as much as a part of the problem as the people that’s out here committing the crimes. Assist the police in the investigation.

Assist in any charges. Read that super chat shortly. These cases are not what it’s meant for. It’s very disheartening because there are so many people that unfortunately do qualify and have been victims of these crimes that you want to ensure hopefully get some sort of relief. I did not know that. I’m new to this whole thing. An employee working here today about the federal indictment, he said he had no idea and was not working here the day of the robbery. The indictment doesn’t make it clear exactly who was in on these crimes, but we should find out more in court.

Wow. Well, so now we got to be skeptical of when people are actually committing crimes and whether or not they actually doing it for ulterior motives outside of just getting money. I’ve always wondered like, man, why are they in there still in $30 or you willing to risk your freedom off of that? No, they are risking a freedom to get citizenship so they can be out here finessing. Anyways, last but not least, I’ve covered this. I think it was last Friday. I covered it, but we got to cover it here on the Millionaire Morning Show just a little bit.

Diddy, apologizes to Cassie. Take a look. It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life. This dude looks so fake. I can’t even do it. Don’t. God, this is so cringe. Sometimes you got to do that. I was fucked up. I mean, I hit rock bottom. It’s horrible. I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable. I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I’m disgusted. I was disgusted then when I did it, I’m disgusted now. I went and I sought out professional help. Jesus Christ. Was that before or after the video got released? That’s all I’m asking.

Was it before or after the video got released? Because the video was recorded in 2016. Was it before or after the video got released that you went and sought professional help? Jesus, Lord help us. Oh, Diddy out here making us all look bad. And I personally gave you the benefit of the doubt. And I always got to bring myself to the front of the congregation and I say it. I’m always open to the possibility that I’m wrong. And I was off on this one. I was 100% off on this one. And I still don’t by default believe by default believe every woman that automatically accuses a man of a crime.

But I was off on this one. One thousand percent off. And he’s continuing to make us look bad by releasing bad videos. Let’s look at the rest of it. Got to go into therapy. We’re going to rehab. Had to ask God for his mercy and grace. I’m so sorry. But I’m committed to be a better man each and every day. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m truly sorry. I don’t know who he got around him as his PR team. I’m not sure what the heck is going on out here in these streets. But one thing is for show and two things is for certain.

Two thousand twenty four has been nothing but explosive. Nothing but explosive. I can’t wait to see what happens in the second half of two thousand and twenty four. It’s amazing. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, that is your quick hits. Jesus Christ. Thank you. [tr:trw].

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armed robberies and special visa cooperation with police for visa details of Chicago kidnapping incident exploitation of immigration loopholes loophole for illegal immigrants mother child kidnapping Chicago police investigation kidnapping Chicago safe recovery after kidnapping special visa for robbery victims staging fake robberies for visa unknown men force into SUV

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