Cancer Secrets

Posted in: News, Patriots, SettingBrushFires



➡ Cancer is a normal cell that has lost control and can’t be stopped or removed. It’s not caused by one thing and can’t be cured by one thing. Our food, full of sugar, chemicals, and harmful substances, contributes to diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and especially cancer. Eating healthy foods, reducing stress, and being positive can help prevent and fight cancer, as well as other diseases.


You cancer. It’s not some implant. It’s not some foreign body. It is a normal cell that’s completely run amok without any control or regulatory capacity to confine it or to eradicate it. Cancer doesn’t occur because of one thing, nor can it be treated with one thing. We live in a toxic food culture. All around us, highly processed foods that are loaded up with sugar and chemicals that are contaminated with pesticides, hormones, even antibiotics.

If they’re not certified organic, they’ve often been soaked or desiccated. In this toxic cancer causing compound, glyphosate. The modern food system is obesogenic. It produces cardiovascular disease. It causes Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. And of course, it also contributes mightily to cancer. The cancer process is evolving. That’s what the science shows. We have to evolve with it more. We have to get ahead of it. And the current paradigm, the current way of thinking, is just going to leave us further and further behind.

We’re understanding that actually, the more aggressively we treat cancer, the more aggressively it returns. These detection technologies are also known for causing the very cancer that they’re trying to detect. And then they, of course, profit handsomely from. When you look at full dose chemotherapy, it destroys the immune system. Inflammation is the bed that cancer lies in. Cancer is not a random act of your genes or a random act of God.

It’s a deliberate act of man in ignorance or acting in arrogance to conquer nature rather than learn from nature. So when you go to war on cancer, you’re going to war on the body. What we’ve had, the last pandemic, is now a new virus that contributes to cancer. Cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer. It grabs sugar faster than your healthy cells do. You natural therapies have an inherent capacity because they’re natural.

They’re created with design that they target the unhealthy cells. It they don’t hurt the unhealthy cells, and they actually promote healing. Maximize your exposure to the foods that actually help you prevent and reverse cancer. The antioxidants, the polyphenols, the flavonoids, all the phytonutrients that help your body to have the potent resources it needs to deal with whatever offenses come your way so that you can process them, neutralize them, and thrive.

And that’s the key to a healthy lifestyle. The women who ate at least a serving of garlic per week had a 35% drop in risk of colon cancer compared to the women who had it just once a month or less. It’s an antioxidant neutralizing free radicals in the body. It helps the body deactivate specific carcinogens, and it helps slow the reproduction of cancer cells. If they have more stress, more fear, more negativity, their healing rates are lower.

They can have higher chance of rehospitalization or other complications. If they’re feeling optimistic, then it can actually improve their healing rates. Their healing rates are better, faster. We can prevent up to 90% of heart disease, up to 90% of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, 90% of type two diabetes with simple changes to diet, lifestyle and environmental exposures. The body does things that just shock me because the body is designed to heal.


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Alzheimer's disease prevention cancer cell control cancer cure methods cancer prevention causes of cancer dementia prevention disease contribution disease prevention methods fighting cancer naturally harmful food substances healthy eating benefits healthy lifestyle and disease prevention heart disease causes positivity and health stress reduction benefits unstoppable cancer cells

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