Alternative Health Podcast With Linda Wells ND | Episode 6: High Protein Diets LIVESTREAM BEGINS AT 1000 AM EST | Untold History Channel

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➡ The Untold History Channel has a conversation is about the pros and cons of high protein diets and how they affect our health, particularly our kidneys and lymphatic system. The speakers also discuss how our beliefs and biases can influence our understanding of such topics. They plan to continue the discussion in a future session, where they will also talk about how to check kidney function without lab tests.
➡ A lot of people spread misinformation, sometimes on purpose, but often because they genuinely believe it’s true. This can be due to ideas passed down through generations without questioning their validity. The text also discusses Edward Bernays, known as the father of public relations, who used his skills to change public perception, often for corporations or public officials. He’s famous for campaigns like making breakfast a big meal and making it acceptable for women to smoke.
➡ The first bodybuilding contest happened in England in 1901, sparking interest in physical fitness and bodybuilding. This led to the creation of Mr. Olympia and the rise of physical culture, with entrepreneurs selling bodybuilding equipment and literature. As bodybuilding became more popular, the gym industry grew, and muscular actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger became famous. The idea of what is considered muscular has changed over the years, and there’s even a cultural and political debate about meat consumption and masculinity.
➡ This text talks about how bugs are a source of protein and are eaten in many countries, but people should have the choice to eat them or not. It also discusses the idea of high protein diets and how the science behind them isn’t settled. The text then moves on to the topic of the alkaline diet and how the body regulates its pH levels, with the author disagreeing with some common beliefs about this diet. Lastly, it discusses how food can affect the pH of your urine, but not your blood, and how an overly acidic body can lead to health issues.
➡ This text talks about the role of protein in our bodies and how it affects our health. It explains that while protein is important for muscle growth and energy, too much can lead to health problems like kidney damage and acid buildup. The text also discusses the debate on whether protein should come from animal or plant sources, with examples of successful vegan bodybuilders. Lastly, it mentions that high protein diets can initially help with weight loss, but the long-term effects are still unclear.
➡ The text discusses two studies: one about the benefits of plant protein over animal protein for reducing fractures, and another about how high protein diets can boost metabolism. It also explains how the body can convert protein into sugar for energy if it doesn’t get enough carbohydrates. The text also mentions the benefits of fasting, as it allows the body to focus on addressing other issues instead of digesting food. Lastly, it talks about a health program that teaches people how to detoxify their bodies and make them healthier overall.
➡ Parasites can live in your body for a long time, moving around and causing health problems. They can be hard to detect because they don’t just stay in one place. Even if you eat right and take care of your health, you might still have parasites. Getting rid of them can take a long time and requires giving your body what it needs to fight them off.


We are live. Good morning, cousin. How are you? I’m great. How are you? Wednesday morning, March 5 or 6th. 6th, yeah. Wow. Yesterday was Gemini’s anniversary. What’s that? Yesterday was Gemini’s anniversary. Oh, well, happy anniversary. 36 years. That’s insane. Yeah. I did not realize it had been that long. Wow. Congratulations. Thank you. It belated. Wow. Well, give Jim my best. It’s been a minute since I talked to, I think the last time that we actually met in person was he had posted something on Facebook.

And I said, what? And I said, we need to get together. Let’s get together. And I think we gathered at that little coffee shop or a little place for brunch out there in Yukaipa. God, that’s been seven years ago. I mean, something like that. So it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you guys. Time goes by too fast, doesn’t it? It does, right? Absolutely. Well, what do you have for us today? So today I wanted to go over the protein debate.

Okay. So it’s going to be long. If we are unable to get through it all, we can finish it next week. But then I want to follow up after that with the lymphatic system because it’s all related, the lymphatic system and the kidneys and how you can tell whether your lymphatic system and your kidneys are draining and working properly. Well, everything is related anyway. Exactly. But high protein diets have a lot of influence on that.

And so we’re going to talk about that first we’re going to talk about where do we get these ideas? And we all are biased. We all have ideas of what we think is good. And so we’re going to talk a little bit about that, and then we’re going to look at what does the science say, and then at the end, I’m going to let you know what I think.

Okay. There’s a phrase that I learned not too long ago. So we have, there’s confirmation bias, but then there was also, I butcher it, believe it or not, but it’s. What is it? Perception, acceleration or something like that. So it’s like we hear something and then our confirmation bias leads us to go. And what that does is that it accelerates, as they say, perception. It accelerates our perception.

So just hit that gas pedal. Yes. All right, well, you sent me several things. Where do you want me to navigate to start? Well, let’s go straight to the PowerPoint, because in the PowerPoint are those links. So there will be an order. You’ll see? Yeah, they don’t play well from the links in the PowerPoint. That’s why I sent them to you. Right? Yeah, exactly. All right, well, let’s get her done here.

Let’s explore the evidence. Yes, ma’am. Okay, go ahead to the next one, if you can. The next one. All right, there we go. So today we will be looking at the pros and cons of a high protein diet and what science has to say about it. I’ll be showing you how to look. Well, I was going to be showing you how to look into the iris of your eyes to see how your acid levels are in your body and your kidney health.

But this was so long. There’s so much information that. That’ll have to be on our next video. Got you. Yeah. And that next video is going to. I’m going to tell you how you can check the functioning of your kidneys without lab tests because lab tests are way behind. There are better ways to check the function of your kidneys. And that’ll be the next show if we make it through this one.

Okay, so, yes, keep going. All right, so what does the science say? Can we trust science? How is propaganda used to steer us into what we think we know? So it’s all related, no matter what. Everything that we think we know, we were told by somebody, and usually it’s somebody who we respected. And so we have all been steered in ways of thinking, and can we trust what we think we know about high protein diets? So basically we’re going to be looking at high protein versus either low protein or no protein.

And there’s really not a standard that I could find. I did look on. I think Britannica is the only place I could see what is considered a high protein diet. And according to them, it was more than 20% of your diet. Okay. Which is not very much, actually. No, that’s not at all. But when I think of high protein, I’m thinking of people who want that to be their biggest part of their diet.

Okay. So that’s my thought process. And so I just want to kind of lay that out. There is so much information that I was not able to cover here because this is long. I don’t know if we’ll even get through all of this today. But anyway, let’s go to the next one. So this is confirmation bias. Basically, we look for things to confirm what we think we already know.

And one example of that. I think I butchered that. Hold on. Sorry about that. That’s okay. So one example of that is I have people come to me a lot and they’ll tell me what they’re already taking as like a supplement. I’m taking this supplement, I’m taking that supplement. What they really want me to do is confirm to them that it’s good. They really don’t want my advice.

They’re looking for me to confirm what they think they already know. I have a real uphill task in what I do because everyone has been steered, in my opinion, in the wrong ways. They’ve been told so many things that end up talking about biohacks this and biohacks that, where I have an uphill battle because I’m trying to get people to heal their bodies. And they don’t always want to hear what I have to say because it goes against what they want to believe.

So anyway. Yes, and I think the critical thing that you just said there is, and the most accurate part is that what they want to believe. Yes. And the desire of what they want to believe is, man, that is a hard thing to overcome. That’s a very hard thing to overcome. It is. And if you go against what they believe, that we have this foundation as a child of things that we were taught are these people know this and these people know that we have this foundation.

And when someone goes against that, oftentimes people react really strange. It’s really weird. They’ll get mad if you question. And the only thing I can think of is that it upheaves their foundation of what they have thought all their lives to be true. And it’s hard for people because it makes you unstable. You feel unstable when the things that you believe have always been true. You find out that, hey, maybe this is not quite right, but if we want truth, we have to be able to look at both sides.

I tempted to do this because I do have my biases based on my experiences. So I tried to be as neutral as I could with what I found. But I have to admit I am biased. We all are. Yeah. You know what? We all are. And I think that’s the biggest hurdle, I think that every single person has to overcome, is checking their ego and belief system at the door.

The strange thing is that all of our belief systems, it’s like we hold on to them and they’re personal. And if you say anything that goes against, or if anybody says anything that goes against what you believe, people almost take it as a personal attack. Exactly. They cannot let that go. That’s why in my challenging my school, most of the people that come to me are people who have chronic illness because they’ve tried everything already, and they’re finally to a point where they’re like, okay, none of what I’ve done is working.

What do you have? And so we take six months and we go through, what does it really take to heal the body? And so I have to uneducate and reeducate. I have to reprogram people into thinking, because we have all this information being thrown at us all the time, all these hacks, people in white coats saying this and that. And everybody has their angle. And when you’re not trained and you have all these people who seem to know what they’re talking about coming at you with conflicting information, it takes time to reprogram.

So anyway, that’s the battle that I face all the time. Well, you know what I think? And again, not to belabor the point, but we all face that, whether we’re facing it from people in our lives that are trying to tell us information that we disagree with because it goes against what we’ve been taught all our lives, or whether it’s information that we are coming across just where we can’t fight anybody, but it’s information that we are coming across that’s like, wait a second.

This doesn’t add up to anything that I’ve ever been taught. And the vast majority of people out there that are teaching information, I don’t believe that there’s a tremendous amount of people out there that are deliberately trying to deceive. There are some that absolutely are out there purposefully trying to put disinformation out there. But I think a good chunk of the people genuinely believe that. They think they’re doing a good job and that they’re offering a benefit to humanity, even though they could be giving out wrong information, but they believe they’re doing the right thing.

Most people, it goes from generation to generation to generation to generation. So things that are passed down, it’s like, well, if it was true 40 years ago, and my grandfather told it to, my great grandfather told it to my grandfather, who told it to my father, who told it to me, how could it be wrong? Right. We don’t actually ever really go back and analyze it with the notion that it could be wrong.

And therefore, because it’s been right for 50 years, why would it be wrong now? Right. Exactly. Anyway, yeah, sorry, don’t mean to go off on a tangent. You. I’m with you. Okay, let’s go to the next. Yes, so we’re going to talk about Edward Bernays. He’s known as the man of I forget what the term. And you know what? Hold on a second. I’m going to change something here because this is just way too hard to read.

I’m going to change the color of this font because it’s just. Let’s see. Come on. Go ahead. You can go ahead and talk while I’m doing basically. What that little story, it’s an excerpt. I took out all the links from where I took the information. It’ll be in each slide. It’s basically saying Edward Bernays, you know, the Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, he owned the mining companies in Colorado and he basically did not treat his miners very well.

And that’s when they formed the United Minor Workers group. But how people saw Rockefeller was poor because he treated his mine workers poor. And so he hired Edward Bernays to change how people saw him. And so Edward Bernays changed the perception of the public and what they thought about John D. Rockefeller by making him into a he’s the Edward Bernays is the spin man. He’s the one who learned the spin.

The original. He’s the original. What would you call. He’s the first person out there who really worked to overcome the negative publicity. I guess probably a publicist would be a good word for public relations. He’s like the father of public relations. Yeah, right. Yeah. We’re going to look at the next slide whenever you’re ready. I know, I’m sorry. When I see this, it’s like I can’t read that.

That’s okay. So most of the slides I put the links in. I was going to read this thing. Okay. Yeah, go ahead and play the first one. This is who is Edward Bernays? He talks about using basically mind control. All right, guys, let me know how this sound comes through, guys. I recognized that ideas could be as important weapons as anything. And first I called what we did publicity direction.

I would direct the conduct of people so that they could win through ideas, their public goals. And soon I found out that I could give advice and a person could win his or her goals, whether it was to become an elected official or whether to become the head of a corporation or whether to sell ideas or a product. And I found out that one action that they might commit would destroy whatever reputation had been built up through public visibility.

So you taught the first course in public relations and wrote the first book textbook in public relations. Is that concept engineering of public consent? That’s your concept. And that’s based on the Thomas Jefferson principle that in a democratic society like our own, the consent of the public is basic to anyone’s meeting his or her social goals. Do you also believe that the consent of the public is basic for corporate goals too? Well, obviously ideas were weapons and were even more effective than bullets.

I recognize that’s the end of that idea. So ideas are weapons. And he has learned to change public perception by feeding certain ideas to the public in order to create whatever idea that his public official or whoever is trying to advertise or win whatever argument they’re trying to win. And I’m sure, Ron, you’ve heard of the hegelian dialect. Oh, I can’t hear you. The hegelian dialectic basically problem, reaction, solution.

Right. So they’ve learned how to change public perception in so many ways. And so that’s another reason why we want to really go. Okay, where are we getting our ideas? And we really have to question everything. So the next one, you can go ahead and play also. Okay, this is the next video. Yes. Okay, there we go. So this is just a TikTok video that I found. Famous one is the all american breakfast.

You get your eggs, you get your bacon, you get your sausages, you get your orange juice, you get your milk. But 100 years ago, that wasn’t breakfast. That wasn’t american breakfast. A breakfast wasn’t a thing. Edward Bennet, known as the father of propaganda, launched the breakfast campaign because the meat industry came to him and said, dude, we’re slacking on meat sales. What can we do? So he’s like, it’s too hard to convince the average person.

I need to go to the people that are already sources of authority. So what did he go and do? He went and convinced. Who? The doctors, the pediatricians that breakfast was the most essential diet. With all these studies and all these experiments and all this bullshit, it was all paid propaganda. So Edward Brene launches the breakfast propaganda campaign and turns breakfast into a rousing success. He’s did it as well with cigarettes.

Okay, that’s it. Yeah. And if those of you who don’t know about what that was, he is. Bernays is the guy who literally made it okay for women to smoke when they’re pregnant. Yeah, I actually have a few pictures of that or related to that, so I can’t read that. Yeah, let’s see if I. Okay, go back to the Cambridge. There we go. So Edward Bernays is known as the father of spin.

Most people have never heard of him yet magazine named. Which magazine? Life magazine named him one of the most influential people of the 20th century. His client lists included major corporations of his area era, including american tobacco, General Electric, CBS, Dodge Motor Company, and United Fruit, as well as three presidential administrations. He created an entire genre combining business, marketing and psychology, and fought until the end of his life trying to professionalize, standardize and perhaps control his creation for the future.

Edward Bernays was the inventor of public relations. Ed Bernays was nephew of Sigmund Freud, was born in Vienna, Austria, but grew up in New York City. A bright student, he enrolled in Cornell University at the age of 16 to study agriculture. His first job however, was in journalism and after the outbreak break of World War I, he volunteered to work for the government’s committee on public information. He was put in charge of a number of propaganda projects centered on generating support for America’s involvement in the war.

His contribution was so influential he was invited to accompany Woodrow Wilson to Paris Peace conference in 1918. And we can see that being played out today. Right. And for those of you who just don’t pay attention to these kind of things, but United Fruit, United Fruit was, that was a company down in the Caribbean and that essentially was prior to the CIA, the United fruit was the headquarters of all of the clandestine activities that were used to overthrow governments and whatnot in Latin America.

Wow. I did not know. And it’s all connected. It’s all connected. Yeah. All right. Okay, so here are a couple pictures. You got a doctor saying hey, smoke Lucky’s, it’ll help you with your cough. And then to the left, lucky’s is being advertised as a way to keep a slender figure. This is some of the propaganda, so just thought I’d throw that in there. Did we already go through? We already did this one? Yeah.

And this one and that one. Okay, so the next few slides are going to be a few articles from this man that I have at the top, this David Robinson. I was looking for the history, trying to find ways to kind of put everything in perspective. And so I was looking at Mr. America and why are we so obsessed know, high protein? And so anyway, this is just a little history of how Mr.

Olympia became famous. Followers of the iron game will know that bodybuilding in its popular form began in earnest in the 1890s with the arrival of Mr. Eugene Sandow, whom the Mr. Olympia statue is modeled. And initially he was more about showing feats of strength and he would go around and perform for people and having body symmetry. And so you can see he has good body symmetry, kind of muscular all over, not just in one spot.

So the next slide. Okay. Some of my text, see the background on some of them. The way I sent it to you was white and you could have seen that. Yeah. Sorry, guys. I want to make it so that everybody can see this. Some of these just are not conducive for good visuals. Yeah. So anyway, the first bodybuilding contest was in England in 19 one. And this is where it was.

I guess it was packed out. People were coming to see the bodybuilding contest for the first one. So he basically developed the whole idea of Mr. Olympia. Well, you got to realize that back then there weren’t know. We didn’t have baseball or football or basketball or anything like that back then. The Olympics were a very big deal because it was all about how fast you could run. It was individual achievements, individual achievement, sports, speed, what you could do in terms of lifting or boxing, things of that nature.

And those were very big deals. Okay, next one. So I was going to look at. What are some of the propaganda? This is another screen from the same guy. That’s okay. I just keep talking. As you can see, this is a magazine or an article. I can’t remember what it is. Maybe a newspaper, funny or whatever, but here you have the guy calling the other guy. Skinny, your ribs are showing.

Hey, skinny, your ribs are showing. I think this was a whole new. Let me just read it. Following the contest, bodybuilding culture became increasingly widespread. Many entrepreneurs seized upon the notion of physical development and began distributing bodybuilding equipment and literature. Bernard McFadden, who became referred to as a father of physical culture and his popular chest expander, and went on to become one of the greatest physical identities of the early 20th century.

He published one of the first bodybuilding magazines, physical culture, and eventually became the most successful magazine publisher ever. In 1921, McFadden helped to push another major propagandist for the physical movement, Charles Atlas. What happened? Sorry. Into the spotlight. So basically what I’m showing here is that there’s people who want to make money until they push certain ideas. Next slide. And then this is another magazine, Muscle beach. Got you.

Sorry. It’s basically the same thing. Kind of just. I don’t mean to do this, but if anybody’s trying to watch this, they’re not going to be able to see it. That’s fine. It wasn’t like that when I sent it to you, just so you guys, so that you understand. Kind of what happens is when I get these, I import them into Google Slides. It comes from a PowerPoint presentation and I import it into Google Slides.

And sometimes it doesn’t always come across in the import process. It’s not always smooth but it’s never been this bad. So I think, anyway, apologize for the. And then the bodybuilding movement progressed. In 1930s, adherents were becoming more interested in developing balanced physiques and losing body fat as training techniques and new development and exercise equipment advanced. The 30s were the beginning of what is affectionately known as the golden age of bodybuilding, where gyms and associated practices of training in groups and posing in front of mirrors became commonplace among followers.

So that’s just some of the history. And then I just thought, hey, let’s look at some of the old pictures. Compared to now, 1924, you can see most people were pretty average size. You don’t see a lot of real muscular people. And then another one, you can see the guys here. I mean, they look healthy, they look strong, but they don’t look like they’ve been focusing too much on bodybuilding and creating.

No, but the lifestyle that they led back then was, I want to say manual labor. But the vast majority of work in that era was laborious. They’d work in the fields, they’d work whatever they were doing, they were using their muscles, and they were on their feet all day. They were using all of their muscles almost every day, right? Yeah, just the progression. Here’s how the girls look.

The officer is measuring their bathing suits. I guess I’m assuming there was some kind of a law, you couldn’t show too much. Yeah, you probably couldn’t have. A police officer is measuring the swimming suits of young women on the beach, probably to make sure that they weren’t showing too much skin or they had to have a certain amount of covering. Yes, that’s what I’m guessing, yeah. So anyway, they all look pretty average.

And then in the 1940s, you could see muscle. Beach here is starting to develop. The whole idea of the bigger muscles, and muscle building is beginning to become more popular. And then as bodybuilding increased in popularity in the 1970s, Arnold and other superstars, such as three time Mr. Olympia winner Frank Zane, Dave Draper, and Mike Mincer, became household names. The movie industry often specifically targeted muscular actors, such was the marketability of this type of physique.

As the muscular body became more desirable, the gym industry gained momentum, and industry as a whole became lucrative. Right. Going back and looking at the actors in that time frame, Stallone, you had. Arnold, you had, who’s the guy? He was the guy who fought Rocky. Carl Weathers. Okay, Carl Weathers and Jean Claude Van Damme, you had a lot of guys that were the muscular types, and you didn’t have a lot of those guys in the early 70s, they just didn’t have that right.

So as a young guy who’s wanting to be popular with the girls, you probably are going to be more interested at building muscle than being. There was a documentary that came out that Schwarzenegger did, and I don’t remember what the name of the documentary was, but it came out, and it was in the, was all about him coming over and him in the gym and whatnot. And I’m drawing a blank as to what it was.

And I’m sure bench brat, you’re a power lifter. What was that documentary that it was all about? Schwarzenegger let me know because I knew you will know if you’re a power lifter. That was a big deal. But next. Yes. Okay. And so this is 2023. I’m just showing the progression of what is considered muscular over the years as this has progressed. Okay. And then we also have politics involved.

Right? I mean, there is this right versus left, even in the meat a. I believe people should be able to eat whatever they want. And I don’t know if you’re aware. Are you aware of the big thing on Miller’s organic farm? The state of Pennsylvania department of, what is it called? Agriculture? I believe they’ve been going after this farm. Now, this is a farm that I used to head up a monthly co op, and we used to order from Miller’s.

And I would go down every once a month down to Pasadena because he would ship a big truckload of stuff and people would go there and pick up for their people. And all his meat is 100% grass fed. He doesn’t do antibiotics, vaccines, none of that kind of stuff. And he doesn’t put acetic acid or bleach on the meat in order to kill bacteria before he sends it.

Our state of Pennsylvania has gone after him. They’ve been in court, and now it’s become unpopular. There are even politicians who are coming and standing behind him. And we’re bringing this aware to people. People should be allowed to drink raw milk if they want to eat the meat that they want to. I mean, you have to sign a form when you buy from him, from his club, his buying club, saying, yes, I want to buy food from you.

I know that you’re not treating it with all these other things that the government is saying we need. So anyway, there is a culture war of meat and no meat conservatives. This is just an article I got from the meat culture newrepublic. com, just to point out kind of how they pit us against one another conservatives darker fantasies aren’t just about threats to dietary stable, but about threats to the liberty, bodily integrity and masculinity of America.

So one side is trying to say you’re not masculine if you don’t eat meat. The obsession with bugs, though, perfectly encapsulates the insipid but dangerous battlefield that meat now represents in America’s perpetual culture war. From right wing trolls disparaging references to effeminate left wing soy boys to the stomach churning embrace of hypermasculinity carnivore diets, it’s clear conservatives darker fantasies aren’t just about threats to dietary staple, but about threats to the liberty, bodily integrity, and masculinity of american men.

So yeah, I can definitely see that playing out. And yes, they are trying to feed us bugs. Tyson is starting to do, I guess, some studies or whatever to figure out how they can put bugs in your there’s bench brat is a gentleman in the chat, and I asked him the documentary that came out, I think it was in the early eighty s, it was called pumping iron, and that was the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

And that’s what really led to the explosion of the bodybuilding in the men, at least, and I’m sure in some cases the women as well. Well, then you had the misfitness contest, which influenced me a lot. Right? I was really big into that for years. Understand that I’m not defending all this garbage about eating bugs, but bugs and insects are a source of protein. Make no mistake. You go into Asia and you go into countries that don’t necessarily have the same food choices that we have in the United States.

And there’s a lot of places that eat bugs as a delicacy. We should be able to eat what we want to eat, right, and not be forced to do it. And the government shouldn’t be trying to force it down us. That is 100%. Yeah. And again, that’s not me, Ron, I got to run and do something real quick. Yeah, go ahead. If you go and you look at a lot of the stuff that’s out there, bugs are a staple in many countries.

So I don’t necessarily advocate eating bugs, but I’ve heard about military training in terms of when you’re going to survival training in the military. I’ve heard several people who told me that when they had to go in to go in and they threw these bugs out there and they said, you’ve got to eat them. And if you do not eat the bugs, you fail the course. So it’s all about showing you that.

Look, they’re edible. They are edible. They may not taste the greatest thing, but they are a source of protein and you can survive on them if that is your only source of protein. I’m not saying, just like what Linda said, it should be our choice, not something that we are forced to do. So. And she is back. All right, thanks. Okay, you’re welcome. Next slide. Next slide. Okay.

So did the fitness industry influence the science? Did supplement industry promote the idea of high protein? And are we being manipulated by politics? So those were just some things that came to my mind when I was thinking about where did we get this idea of high protein diets being healthy. So the science is not settled and you can find anything to support your desired outcome. Okay, next slide.

And I would like to just add that science is never settled, ever, under any circumstances. Science is never settled. You are always trying to put things to the test and adding more things in and testing it out. All this garbage, especially that they shoved down our throats with the climate change narrative. Oh, the science is settled. No, science is never, ever settled. Right. And they use that as a weapon against you, trying to force you into a box and into a belief system anyway.

Actually, science is really a religion to some extent. It really is. That’s a very accurate statement. Yeah. Okay. The alkaline diet and evidence based review. So I do believe in the alkalinity of the body and that being important, protein is an acid ash food. So the more protein that you eat, the more acids build up in your interstitial tissue, which you will learn when we go to the next week if we make it through all of this today, which we’ll learn about in the next slide on the lymphatic system.

Anyway, here’s an evidence based review on the alkaline. He’s actually kind of believing that it’s not true. And I’ll tell you why I believe he’s wrong. Some of the things he says is true, though, says many proponents of the alkaline diet suggest that people monitor the ph of their urine to ensure that it’s alkaline over seven and not acidic below seven. People are doing that because they don’t understand the lymphatic system and how the kidneys really work.

You do want your urine to be acidic. If your urine is acidic, that means your body is getting rid of the acids in the body. So this whole idea that the body regulates the ph, it does have a regulating ph system, and that is to keep the blood alkaline. But your lymphatic system is what is involved in getting rid of the acids in your body. And that is where it comes out, the urine.

So anyway, he says, however, it’s important to know that ph varies greatly within your body. With some parts of our acid, others are alkaline. There’s no set level. And that is true in some parts. Your stomach is loaded with hydrochloric acid. And you do want your stomach to be acidic, because if you are breaking down food, acids break things down, acids destroy, and that’s why you don’t want it in your interstitial tissue, acids destroy, but your stomach is made to do that.

And once it leaves the stomach and goes into the intestines, if you’re healthy, if you have a healthy pancreas, if your stomach is creating that correct hydrochloric acid, then your pancreas puts out sodium bicarbonate, which is alkaline. Okay? So that is very helpful in helping the acid alkaline balance throughout the body. But if your digestion isn’t working right, you got one thing going down on you there, and being able to keep your body where it’s supposed to be.

Correct. A lot of people that they drink coffee, and coffee, if I’m not mistaken, coffee kind of destroys a lot of the acid in your stomach. Probably does. Let’s go back to the other one before you do. Yeah. What’s that? You went down too fast. It did? Yeah. Can you go back up to the. There we go. Yeah. So a lot of people, what happens is they get.

Well, I spoke too soon. It’s not that coffee destroys acid. What coffee does is coffee relaxes that sphincter muscle. Yeah, right above, right at the top of your stomach. When you get acid in your stomach and that muscle is relaxed, then it allows the acid to come up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. And so then what we do is then we take things like pepsid or any of those things that they regulate or control the release of acid.

And what that does is then it makes it so that your body can’t break the food down because you don’t have enough acid. And really, the true thing to do there is to increase the acid content by, one of the ways you can do that is drinking apple cider vinegar. Right. And if you drink the apple cider vinegar, and correct me if I’m wrong here, because this is just stuff by drinking a little bit of apple cider vinegar, obviously you don’t want it touching your teeth.

But by increasing the acid content of your stomach, what that does, is that actually is better for you than taking something that neutralizes the acid, right? Well, you can look in the iris of the eye and know if you’re low in stomach acid or if you have too much, you can tell. You can tell if the sphincter muscle is struggling. Also, there’s little exercises you can do to help strengthen that too.

But if you’re low in stomach acid, you want to get some good sodium in your diet, the good kind, because you need sodium to be able to create stomach acid. If you have too much, it’s a matter of your body is just full of acids. You have to get it out. It’s destroying tissue. You have to get all those acids out. Too much acid, I see both of it.

So there’s no shortcuts. There’s no shortcuts. If you have too much acid, you just have to start alkalizing the body and get the acids out. But you’re right. If you’re not getting your digestion good from the very beginning, everything else suffers from there on. You’re not absorbing your food, you’re not getting the minerals you need, you’re not getting the protein from your food, you’re not breaking them down.

You get dysbiosis, all kinds of things. And that goes back to kind of the things that George was talking about last know, the breaking down of the food is what creates the hydrogen in the body. And when we don’t have the hydrogen in the body, then a lot of the things suffer as a result of that. Right, but anyway, I digress. Okay, I’m going to go to below the last blue part.

He says food affects the ph of your urine, but not your blood. Well, here’s the thing. That’s true as far as it goes. But when people are very acidic, then eventually it affects your blood too. Your blood becomes sticky and thick, and that’s when people get put on blood thinners. Yes. So the ph of your blood needs to remain constant for you to stay healthy. And your body has several effective ways to regulate it.

That’s true. Food won’t usually cause a major change in ph of your blood. That is true because your body has those regulating things to keep your blood a certain level. However, the food of the ph value of your urine, though the effect is somewhat variable. Excreting acids in your urine, in your body regulates its blood ph. Well, that is not 100% true, because like we said, your body has its mechanism.

It’s going to keep you alive. You think of your food or your blood is your kitchen, your lymphatic system, is your sewer system. Your body is going to fight to keep your blood where it needs to be, so that it can give you the nutrients and the things it needs. But your lymphatic system, it carries the acids out. And I’ll bet you a lot of you guys, if you were to do a ph test of your urine, you might actually have a high ph, and you don’t want that.

If your urine is a ph in alkaline seven or above, that means you’re not getting the acids out of your body. Because every day, in the making of energy, your mitochondria, that’s making that atp, it’s putting out combustion. That combustion goes into your interstitial fluids. Between all your cells, there’s fluids and there’s collagen, all the things around all your cells. And when your cell, each tiny little cell is making energy, it has to put out combustion.

So that combustion is acidic and it has to carry it out. So you want your urine to be acidic. Okay, next slide. Okay, so I said, what are the arguments for high protein diets? So I just googled and I found this guy. Ten science backed reasons to eat more protein. And I basically went down all those different questions. It causes muscle growth, blood sugar, weight management, bone health, boosts metabolism, reduces cravings, reduce blood pressure, control cholesterol levels, helps the body repair after injury and does not hurt the kidneys.

So I basically went in and I looked in, mostly pubmed because it’s free. And so I did a lot of research. I looked at his links that he gave and then I looked to see if I could find opposites. Now, I kind of got lost in my research because I had so many things open. And most of the research did not specifically address what I was looking for.

So I did a lot. But anyway, here’s what I came up with. So we’re going to talk about muscle mass, the effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength and aerobic and anaerobic power, and healthy systematic review. So basically, in this one, they took basically a combination of different studies and put it into a systematic review where they looked at all of it and the results that they came up with.

For untrained individuals, consuming Supplement protein likely has no impact on lean mass and muscle strength during the initial weeks of resistance training. However, as the duration, frequency and volume of resistance training increase, protein supplementation may promote muscle hypertrophy and enhance gains in muscle strength in both untrained and trained individuals. This is evidence also suggests that protein supplementation may accelerate gains in both aerobic and anaerobic power. So that seems to be yes.

If you are looking to lift weights, increase your protein is going to be helpful. Probably not initially, but after you continue. Okay, next slide. Yes. Does protein have to be from meat? So I went online and I just found this. Greatveganathletes. com. So here are some vegan muscle bodybuilders. And as you can see, they’re very muscular and well defined. So you don’t have to get your protein from meat.

But how much does this have to do with, because everybody’s bodies are different. I find that, I have found in the past that people who eat more protein typically have a better likelihood of being able to build muscle. Because my dad used to say there’s no, absolutely no substitute for animal protein. Well, I argue that that’s not true. Okay. It’s all based on chemistry. It’s just chemistry. Because when you break down protein, to be able to assimilate it, you have to break it down into amino acids.

And, I mean, I used to think that too, Ron. That’s how I ended up getting sick, to be honest with you, is when I was involved, know, bodybuilding and trying to be healthy, I went on the high protein diet and I was getting good protein. I was getting the grass fed and it hurt my kidneys, and I ended up with lumps and bumps. And we’re going to see some pictures of my hands and what happened to me when I started detoxing from it all.

So you have acids. Anything under seven is an acid. Your proteins are acidic. Anything above seven, you’re going to get that from your fruits and vegetables. So if you’re on a high protein diet and you’re not being balanced, somewhere down the line, you’re going to be out of balance and it’s going to harm you because you have all this acid that is building up in your system and acids break things down.

Next slide. Yes, protein for the diabetic. So here, one side is pro, the other side is con, high protein. It’s my turn for you to do this for a second. I’ll be right back. Okay, so protein for the diabetic. High protein diets may not help. Those with diabetics, diets high in animal derived protein have been associated with increased diabetic risk when compared with diets high in plant derived protein.

Real foods are bundles of nutrients, vitamins and fibers. So this is just kind of me showing that there are different sides. These are scientific studies that are saying two different things. Then the other side says, effects of high protein diets on body weight, glycemic control, blood lipids and pressure, and type two diabetes. A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. High protein diets are popular for weight management, but the health effects of such diets in diabetes persons are inconclusive.

In summary, high protein diets within six months may have beneficial effects on weight loss, a one c levels and blood pressure. With patients with type two diabetes, however, further investigations are still required to draw conclusions. So basically, they’re saying, we are seeing a change within the first six months. And that’s what I see, too. People who go on a high protein diet often initially lose a lot of weight.

They get more toned, you lose your fat, but after the initial period, you see the people gaining it all back again. And this said that there were benefits in the first six months, but after that they didn’t really see much. Okay, next slide. Yes. Weight management, kind of what I was just saying. The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, saty and weight loss. A critical review. Some evidence suggests that diets higher in protein result in increased weight loss and fat loss as compared to diets lower in protein.

But findings have not been consistent in dietary practice. It may be beneficial to partially replace refined carbohydrates with protein sources that are low in saturated fat. Although recent evidence supports potential benefit, rigorous long term studies are needed to investigate the effects of high protein diets on weight loss and weight maintenance. So really all of this is really relatively new, and they haven’t even done any really long term studies.

My observation and even my own, of what I’m seeing with other people and what I’ve seen with myself is that you do initially lose weight and gain muscles. We still have a lot. Do we need to? Well, no, it’s up to you. It’s up to you. I don’t know, because we’re about the hour mark. Yeah, I’ve got time today, but. Okay. Yeah, it’s up to you. I can keep going, but if you have something you need to do, that’s fine.

I do have a few things I got to get done. Let’s try to wind it down, like about ten minutes, and then we’ll make this part one and part two. We’ll finish up next week. Okay, sounds good. So anyway, weight management. Yes. But if you look at people who have really pushed the weight, the high protein for weight management and stuff, eventually they gain it back. If you watch them your first six months.

Yeah, you do. You’re changing your diet, you’re shocking your body. Your body’s having to create thermogenesis. Basically, it uses more energy to break down protein. So it is going to use more energy to do that and you’re going to lose weight. All right, next one. Plant protein meals patterns may compromise bone health. So, okay, can you eat off plants? Is that going to be healthy or do you have to have your protein? So there’s two different studies here.

So the one on the left is observational studies show that in industrialized countries where both animal protein consumption and osteoporosis incidence are high, fracture incidence is higher. Prospective studies have added to the notion of a detrimental effect of animal protein consumption on bone. For example, a large prospective study in 1905, elderly women showed higher animal to plant protein intake were associated with more rapid femoral neck bone loss and higher risk of hip fracture.

Several lines of evidence suggest that dietary protein and calcium have a positive synergy interaction on bone. In the Farmington study, a cohort study, subjects in the highest turtile of animal protein consumption taking less than 800 milligrams of calcium had 2. 8 times the risk of hip fracture of those in the lowest churchile of protein intake where protein decreased fracture incidence with calcium. So basically this one is saying that the protein had to be put together with calcium and d and that’s when it became effective.

And then on the other study to your right, prospective study of dietary protein intake and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal windmill. So not exactly apples to apples. Conclusion, intake of dietary protein, especially from animal sources may be associated with a reduced incident of hip fractures in postmenopausal. So the other one was a study on using plant protein. They actually said that it can raise your incident. I mean, of animal protein raise your incident of fractures and things unless you combine it with a calcium supplement and d.

The other one said that using protein from plant sources was better. Got you. Okay. Right. Does high protein boost metabolism? Let’s see. Let me change this because this is actually make that one slow. There we go. Bring this up here. There we go. All right. The study on the left says there is convincing evidence that a higher protein intake increases thermogenesis and sadie compared to diets of lower protein content.

The weight of evidence also suggests that high protein meals lead to reduced subsequent energy intake. Some evidence suggests that diets higher in protein result in an increased weight loss and fat loss as compared to diets in lower protein. But findings have not been consistent. Although recent evidence supports potential benefit. Rigorous long term studies are needed to investigate the effects of higher protein diets on weight loss and weight management.

So, basically, they’re saying, we don’t really know for sure. And then the one on the right says, glucogenesis and energy expenditure after a high protein carbohydrate free diet. So, gluconeogenesis is, basically, you have to have carbohydrates, you have to have sugar to create atp. So what that is, is that your body will take any other substance that it can find. If you’re not giving it carbohydrates to make the ATP, it’s going to figure out how to change what you have into a sugar.

So I actually had a nurse come to see me one time, and she was saying, hey, my a one c is high. Why I’m eating this protein? Well, your body will create sugar from protein if it has to, to give you energy. And that’s basically what this is talking about, right? The objective was to study whether a high protein carbohydrate free diet increased gluconeogenesis and whether this can explain the increase in energy expenditure.

Conclusion, 42% of the increase in energy expenditure after the high protein diet was explained by the increase in gluconeogenesis. The cost of the gluconeogenesis was 33% of the energy content of the produced glucose. So, in other words, it’s taking your protein that you’re eating, it’s creating energy, creating glucose out of that protein. So you’re making your body work harder. Right. I remember my dad used to always talk about.

He’s like, look, just because you think you’re going to eat all this protein, and you’re not going to be stimulating insulin response because of the sugar, if all you eat is protein, your body is still going to ultimately get an insulin response. Yes. Well, an insulin can be raised from cortisol, too, when you’re stressed. Our bodies are so complicated, and there’s so many mechanisms that all work together.

So our body does what it has to work. Exactly. Yeah. Is this a good place to pause? Sure. Okay, we can pause here. This is number 30. Let me see. Because we were using that, we went to that thing. I wanted to do a darker background to get a better contrast. I just want to say that right now, I have openings in my school. I only allow so many.

I have several right now. So I’m marking down a 50% savings on the school. So if anybody’s interested, they can book the call, the discovery call, with me to ask about it. And if they decide they want to do it, they’ll get an additional discount for paying full. And then I always give couples a two for one because I believe the couples need to do it together, because if one’s doing it, it’s going to be hard because the other one, you’re going to be eating different and all that stuff.

So I always give couples a two for one, and that’s a smart thing to do. And it’s good for bonding as well. Yes, you go through the same things together. You can enjoy it together. But however, if your spouse doesn’t want to do it, you would be surprised once they see you start getting healthy. That’s what happened in our house. I had to get healthy because I was doing so bad.

And so later, my husband joined in also. Good old Jim. Yes. All right. Well, where do people find you? Goodnewshealthsolutions. com. You can find information on my school. You can contact me. There’s a link for the calendar. You could actually purchase an iris analysis if you want, from there. Or just book a calendar call with me, a discovery call, to find out about the school. School is six months long.

It’s once a week for six months. You get video content and a weekly small group coaching session with me. Nice. So I just take you through the whole body, teach you how to look at the iris of your eyes to know where you’re at in each one of these areas. This is a tool that will reprogram the old programming, hopefully. I mean, six months, when you think of six months, I tried to do it shorter.

I couldn’t do it shorter because there’s so much programming in people. So we’re doing it a little bit longer. But this is a lifelong tool. Now, when you say programming in people, do you mean programming that they have been subjected to, that you have to deprogram? Yeah, basically. Here’s the thing is, people are taught, what can I take for this? And what I’m doing is I’m teaching you how to take the whole body, make your whole body healthy, so that you can take something for a specific issue, but that is not going to fix it for you.

You have got to detoxify. You have to get the acids out of your body because they’re breaking you down. And then you have to rebuild on that. And then you will know what to take, where to look in the iris of your eye. And this will be tools that you have for the rest of your life. It’s life changing. It’s a life changing program, and it won’t only benefit the person, but it benefits the family, your children, you can use and help your family members, too.

Awesome. Well, there wasn’t really very many questions. In fact, I don’t think somebody asked, do bugs have parasites? Well, we know that certain bugs carry, like, a flea. A flea will get on a dog or whatever, and then that flea is a carrier, which gives that dog parasites. So they’re called vectors, I would imagine. Well, I can’t even say that. I started to say, I would imagine that by the time they’ve processed it, any parasites would be gone, but that’s not necessarily even true.

So I don’t know. I know there are vectors that carry parasites that go from one to another and carry it. Okay, well, somebody asked, do you approve of fasting? And I’m pretty sure that I’m going to know the answer to this question. Fasting is a wonderful thing to do for your health. And the reason it is is because when you stop putting more stuff in your body and it takes a lot of energy to digest food, it takes a lot of energy to break it down and put it into your system.

And we often, when we’re doing that, we’re also bringing in more toxins that the body has to get rid of. When you’re not eating and you’re fasting, your body can say, wait a minute, I don’t even have to put all this energy into getting, taking care of this food that’s coming in. I can go and start addressing things that I haven’t been able to address. So, yes, it’s very good for you.

I did it yesterday. I went all day without eating. Well, I ate some sunflower seeds, but that’s pretty much. I know there was a guy, I don’t remember his name, but he was an athlete, and he said that one day a week, all he would do is drink water. Just one day a week. So he was like, one day a week. He was essentially fasting just with just nothing but water.

And that was one of the things that he said that attributed, that he could attribute to his good health. Yes. And here’s what I want to say to people who want to fast, and you’re saying, this is too hard. I’m so hungry. Well, one reason why you’re hungry is those natural flavors that you find in all your packaged foods. They are designed to make you hungry. They are designed to make those receptors in your brain say, oh, this is so good.

Give me more of that. That’s what they’re for. And then also when you have parasites and you have fungus in your body. Those things are telling you, give me something to eat. So if you really are having difficulty with that, you have to consider you may have parasites, you probably have fungal. If you’re diabetic, you have fungus in your body, because you are. What is it? When you turn grapes into wine? You are fermenting.

You’re fermenting. And so fermentation causes fungus if you’re diabetic. Almost everybody has some kind of a parasite. If you’ve never done a parasite cleanse, and I’m not talking about a two day parasite cleanse or a three day parasite cleanse. I’m talking about if you are a diabetic or you got chronic health issues, you might have to do a very long term, like for a year with that on top of eating, right, because they feed off of all that stuff in you and you’ve got them, they travel.

I had a young boy who was twelve. His mother brought him to me. He kept going to the doctor. He couldn’t get over an Epstein Barr virus that they said he had. Well, we found out through testing he had parasites in his pituitary gland. I think he was on this program for about three months. The last month he came, it was testing differently in different locations because they travel.

Parasites travel throughout you. They don’t just stay in your intestines. So that’s why just the stool sample is not going to tell you what’s really going on because they do travel and they actually form little capsules around them for protection and then they come out when they’re ready. So that’s why you can’t just take one, do one anyway. So the last time he was still testing, his mom’s like, why is he still testing for parasites? So he got over Zepstein Barr, but he was still testing for parasites when she quit bringing him to me.

So I don’t know what the final outcome of that was, but yeah, it takes a long time. You got to realize that depending on how old you are, you’ve probably had the american diet over the last 50, 60 years has been, pardon my french, but it’s been shit. And even things that you think that are healthy are really not that healthy. So it’s, you know, it’s, it’s very, you have, there’s, there’s going to be a lot of unwinding of stuff that has been wound up.

And it’s just, it takes time. Now, you’d be surprised at how fast the body will respond if it’s given the good things that it needs, but you’ve got to give it the things that it needs. All right, guys, I’ve got to go. I need to go about ten minutes ago. But we will be back next Wednesday morning at 10:00 a. m. And we will complete this. So everybody have a wonderful day.

Thank you, everybody. Thank you, cuz. Good to see you. And we will see you guys again very likely this afternoon. So take care, everybody. Have a wonderful afternoon. .

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Arnold Schwarzenegger and bodybuilding bugs as protein source checking kidney function without lab tests Edward Bernays public relations campaigns effects of high protein diet on kidneys high protein diet pros and cons history of bodybuilding contests influence of beliefs on diet understanding meat consumption and masculinity debate misinformation in health and diet rise of physical culture science behind

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