Alien Bodies Found In A Mexican Cave? These Film Makers Are Now In Possession.. Real or Fake? | David Nino Rodriguez

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➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about a documentary called “This is Not a Hoax,” which explores the discovery of three-fingered mummified humanoids found in a Peruvian cave. The beings, believed to be about 1000 years old, have 70% common DNA with humans, but 30% is unknown, leading some to suggest they might have been genetically engineered. The documentary also discusses the potential implications of this discovery on our understanding of human evolution and genetic engineering. The filmmakers aim to present these findings to the public and spark further scientific investigation.
➡ The text talks about a small cave where some mysterious beings were found, preserved in a white, powdery substance called diatomaceous earth. These beings, which are small and have elongated skulls and three fingers on each hand, were studied using 3D CT scans, revealing muscle, flesh, bone, and even brain matter. Some people believe these beings could be more intelligent than humans, and one was even found to be pregnant. Despite skepticism and claims of a hoax, the evidence suggests these beings could represent a new species.
➡ Dr. Salse and his team found some mysterious bodies, skulls, and hands in a lab at ECA. They spent a lot of time studying these items and believe they are not man-made. They are inviting scientists from around the world to help figure out what these items are. There’s a free press conference on Tuesday where they will reveal more details, and it will be live-streamed on YouTube.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. This is definitely. I’m gonna make this flufftube worthy. I’m gonna make it YouTube worthy. I’m joined with Michael Mazola, co director with Serena DC, in a documentary called this is not a hoax. And I gotta tell you, folks, I’ve been looking at photos right now and I gotta say I agree with the title. It’s pretty epic. Pretty epic stuff we’re gonna be talking about.

But first, folks, before we get started, you know what to do. Get your gold. Get your noble gold. If you have a bank account, pay attention, folks. Your savings could be at risk. The US banking system is once again under extreme stress. This jeopardizes you and your family, but there’s an easy way to protect yourself, and that is gold. Gold and silver. Contact Noble gold investments today and safeguard your family’s financial future.

As a thank you for opening a qualified account, they’ll give you a free quarter ounce gold standard coin, folks, go to noblegoldinvestments. com. Noblegoldinvestments. com. Get started with some gold, folks. You know what to do. Mike, thank you for joining me. This is awesome, man. I saw the article on Daily Mail and it just blew me away because what it looks like to me, before we get started, I’m going to pull up the article.

Aliens are hoax. Filmmakers say three fingered mummified humanoids found in peruvian cave are real and believe 30% unknown dna might be proof of a new species. But I guess it really wouldn’t be a new species because these are what, 1000 years old? That’s right. It would be a species that’s new to us that we don’t know about. But yeah, they are definitely about 1000 years old. The radiocarbon dating that’s been done is unimpeachable.

So that’s not in question. So these were found in a peruvian cave. They’re quite small, aren’t they? They’re pretty tiny. Some of them are. They’re pretty diverse, actually. The ones that everyone saw go viral a few months ago when Jaime Mason brought two bodies in front of the. And everyone kind of had a laugh. Those are quite small. Here’s a picture of. Is this a picture of you and Serena? This is one of the new ones.

So this was a photo we just leaked. This is totally new. We were in Peru filming the scientists reactions to seeing these bodies for the first time. So Tuesday we’re going to be unveiling these for the press, for the public. We’ll be live streaming it for free so everyone can check it out. And what were their reactions when they saw mean? It was pretty mean. Everyone was kind of stunned.

We had a few forensic scientists with us from the University of ECA, and we had a guy who I really love and respect named Dr. Jose Salse. This guy’s a lieutenant colonel in the Mexican Navy. He was the head of all health research and development for the mexican navy. He’s an expert in DNA forensics, forensic anthropology, forensic dentistry. And he was examining them for the first time, and I got to capture his reactions.

He was stunned. And then we went to a lab nearby, and we spent several hours doing x rays. You can see this image of these hands here. I took that picture on my phone in that lab, and we got their sort of raw response to this. And I’ve been doing kind of weird UFO, paranormal, cryptozoology investigations professionally for about ten years. It takes a lot to get a reaction out of me.

I’m kind of jaded. But we were sitting there just like, what is our life right now? Like, what is happening? This is so crazy. So how does this fun fact, folks, and I’m going to tell you, Michael, I actually held the starchild skull in my hands, and I was privileged to look at that. And it was amazing to me because it had lobes, it was a flat face, a flat back.

Didn’t really have any, had no navel cavities. And I believe there was, like, I don’t know, two to 300 disparities that wouldn’t match up with a human skull. And it was fascinating to hold in my hands, and it was almost like the skull was like, what’s the density of the skull or the bones on these? I mean, the human skull is kind of clunky big compared to the one I was holding.

Is it the same thing with these? Yeah, that’s a good question. I’d have to check my notes for the density. I believe that they are more dense than what we would see in humans. Is there human DNA in these? So the original two that went viral, that were brought in front of the Mexican Congress, those have had extensive DNA testing done on them, and they show 70% common ancestry with us.

So some human DNA, but 30% unknown DNA. And for context, we share 80% common ancestry with, like, bacteria. So these are even more foreign. And according to the scientists we interviewed who were doing the DNA analysis and others who reviewed the DNA analysis, apparently there are markers in the DNA that suggest that these might have been genetically engineered. So while nobody involved is claiming that these are extraterrestrials.

I mean, that’s what the press writes. They say alien mummies because that’s a cool headline. And they definitely look like what we imagine extraterrestrials to be. But we don’t really know where these came from. We have no evidence that these ever stepped foot on another planet. But I’ll ask you this. Who had the ability to do genetic engineering 1000 years ago? It wasn’t humans. Unless we were the ones that were genetically engineered by them, maybe.

Well, that is a common theme in ufology and something that would explain a lot about human evolution. So what are the most drastic differences from what you can see just by looking at these? Obviously, they’re bipedal, they have limbs, they have a human type blueprint, right? Two eyes, a nose, a mouth. What are the big differences you see between them and a human being? So we’re calling these the tridactyl beings, right? Meaning three fingers, three toes.

They’re elongated, there’s no thumb. Which my first question when we were interviewing these scientists was, well, doesn’t that represent a step backwards in evolution? Isn’t our opposable thumb the thing that sets us apart, makes us advance? And they said, well, actually, the way the hands are constructed and the way they seem to be able to curl around objects would actually give them greater dexterity than we have. So I thought that was nuts.

And also some of the beings, the way that the vertebrae in the neck is constructed, they seem to be able to elongate their necks like ET. That’s exactly what I said. I was like, oh, my God. Like, know, there’s sort of some lore in the UFO field. I don’t know if it’s true or not. Is that Spielberg based et on a real case? Now, we know that Spielberg was given access to Project Blue book files to make close encounters of the third kind, right? And he had Jacques Valet and J.

Allen Heineck as advisors, right? Or J. Alan Heineck was an inspiration. And Jacques Valet was an advisor to the project. And so he had real access and he had a lot of real themes that was more like a docu drama. So in my mind, it’s not out of the question that eT could have also been inspired by real events. I have no evidence for that. But that is something that I have been told by people who I find credible.

So it’s a fun thought to entertain. Are majority of these mummies, are they only found in Peru that you know of? Or are they found in Egypt? Are they found in other parts of the world or are we just finding them in Peru? So there’s all kinds of really weird beings that are being found. For example, there’s the ones being in Chile, there’s the Atticama humanoid that was really famous in 2013.

It kind of blew up because of the movie Sirius. There was a lot of controversy around that. The story kind of got flipped and the press was reporting, oh, no, it’s just a deformed human fetus. But that’s not what the scientists involved were initially saying. So I don’t know what really happened with that. But all of the bodies that were presenting were all found in the same cave in Peru, in a town called Palpa, which is a rural town near Nasca.

So they’ve kind of been known as the Nasca alien mummies or the Nasca mummies, because no one’s heard of Palpa, so they get called the NASCAR mummies, but it’s really from Palpa. And we met the grave robber who found them. Yeah. I mean, this story is so crazy, right? I’m like, what is going, like Indiana Jones? This is crazy. Yeah. And we hired him to take us to the cave.

I didn’t realize that it was going to be a two hour vertical climb up a mountain. And I have this horrific fear of heights which I now have gotten over because I climbed this mountain, thought I was going to die, it was so bad. And we finally get up there and I was expecting a cave that I could just walk right into, and instead it’s this tiny hole where you have to get on your belly and kind of squirm into it.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, no, I put my head in and I started freaking out and I’m like, no, screw this, I’m out. So my crew, my friends went in and they filmed inside. It was very small, but I didn’t go in, so it was just kind of. So how far down deep into this cave are these found? And could there be reason to believe that these are, I guess, cave dwellers and they travel through caverns and maybe they could still be on this planet? Yeah.

So the cave was pretty small. It probably went back about 10ft and it was like a circle and you couldn’t really even stand up fully in it. You’d have to crouch. So apparently these beings were the reason why they’re so well preserved is that they were packed in diatomaceous earth. That’s why they’re all white and powdery. That’s what that stuff is. So they weren’t purposely mummified well, they were.

I mean, whoever buried them in this cave knew exactly what they were doing. By packing them in diatomaceous earth, they were able to really perfectly preserve them. I mean, they’ve got tissue and organs and eggs partially intact. One of them is pregnant. It’s really wild. There was even. And you actually have photos. You could share slides of that? Correct. Do you want me to let you do that? Right.

Sure. Sure. Yeah. This is pretty phenomenal, folks. They have eggs in their abdomen. Okay. This is so initially, we went down to Mexico City to meet with Jaime Massan. I’ve known Jaime for years. I meet him at the conferences. Didn’t know him super well. Totally love and respect the guy, but I didn’t know if this was real or not. I suspected that this was just bs because I saw all of the debunking and all of the ridicule and even being in this field, being a researcher, we’re all kind of susceptible to the media hype.

And so it was kind of irritating me that there was this kind of embarrassing hoax that was casting a shadow over this field. So me and Serena said, well, why don’t we go down there and see what this is all about and just put it to rest? So we went down, and this is one of the two first beings that we saw. These are the ones that were brought in front of the Mexican Congress.

Well, here’s what’s crazy is that why haven’t they, I mean, back in the day when people came in possession of things like this, like when people would unearth elongated skulls or in Peru or giants, giant bones, they would get shut down immediately by the powers that be, the government, whatever. They didn’t want people having possession of this or even knowing about this. What is happening now to where filmmakers that you’re able to have possession of these beings and now you’re able to put it out on the.

Things have changed. Correct. I mean, this is pretty amazing. Things have literally transformed. I mean, it wasn’t like this before. Yeah. I mean, Dave Politis, who’s a friend and an amazing Bigfoot researcher, he did the missing four one one book, super successful author and filmmaker. He’s got this fantastic anthology book that’s called, like, bigfoot, wild Men and something else. I’m sorry, Dave, I don’t remember the title. It’s a great book, though.

And all it is is 400 years of newspaper articles talking about mostly giants and Bigfoot. And there’s all these scientific articles and mainstream newspaper articles talking about the discovery of these giants, these giant skeletons. And then in these articles, it says, oh, yes, it was sent to these scientists or so. And so scientists showed up on the scene, and it was taken to this university, and then, you know what? You never hear about it again.

It just disappears. These articles are absolutely amazing. So there is definitely some kind of weird black hole that these things disappear into. I have a friend who used to be an archaeologist, and she worked at the Smithsonian, and she told me that there was so much cool stuff coming in all the time, and it was just getting covered up. It would just disappear. And she was like, what’s happening? I want to study this stuff.

So I don’t like to invoke conspiracies or whatever without evidence. But it’s weird that we have documentation going back hundreds of years of these amazing discoveries of these bodies, and then they’re taken to university labs, and they’re never talked about again. It’s just like it never happened. So we went down there, we saw these beings, and you see the white powder that it’s sitting in. That’s the diatomaceous earth that they were packed in.

To me, it looks like it would be almost. It looks about, what, 3ft is this one? No, this one’s really small. This is like foot and a half, 2ft. Really tiny. Yeah. So these are tiny bean. And they’re very diverse. Correct. So they come in all shapes and sizes. Yeah. I’ll show you some more. So the ones in the mirror article, the image we just released, that’s about three and a half feet tall if it was standing up.

So it’s considerably bigger. Very different. But what they have in common is the sort of elongated skull and the tridactyl. Hands and toes. Right. These long fingers and long toes, three on each appendage. Right. So here, I’ll go through some of these. Here’s another angle. So they’re kept in these temperature controlled cases in the diatomaceous earth. So we’re like, okay, pretty cool, but it could be paper machete, right? Right.

I mean, when you’re looking at this, I’m thinking, it’s so bizarre looking at this thing. I’m like, come on, this can’t be real. Right? So then we met a guy named Dr. Jose Salse, who I mentioned, right, lieutenant colonel in the Mexican Navy, head of all health research and development for the Mexican Navy, expert in DNA forensics. Expert in DNA or in forensic anthropology, and he starts showing us these 3d ct scans, right, that they did on these two bodies.

And you see there’s muscle, there’s flesh, there’s bone, and you can see that there’s some brain matter intact. I’m like, now let me stop you real quick. Let me ask you, do we know what their iq could have been? Do we have any idea if they were very intelligent? I don’t have the iq to even begin to speculate. Just because they’re smaller doesn’t mean that they were primitive or less intelligent than us.

I mean, they could have been much more intelligent than we, right? Yeah. We work with a lot of experiencers, contactees. Some have been our film, some have just been friends. And a couple of them have said, oh, my God, guys, these beings are exactly the beings that have been visiting me for decades, right? So again, that’s anecdotal. That’s someone’s personal experience. But for me, as someone who takes, I believe, a lot of these experiencers, they have nothing to gain by lying about it.

And these are people I happen to trust. So that was just another point for me of know, maybe it is real. So I’m looking at these CT scans, and again, I’m not qualified to analyze these, but these experts are telling me, Michael, these joints show the wear and tear that we would expect to see on a body that lived, right? As opposed to something that was just constructed.

They’re saying there’s no evidence at all of this thing being fastened together by humans. And look at the details on this, right? I mean, this would be such an elaborate hoax. These scientists say, if this is constructed, we have no idea how somebody could have constructed this. And then I would add to that and say, how is it that people with no medical training, no medical knowledge, we visited their homes living.

Yeah. And then go stick them in a. Yeah. Living behind a chicken coop in rural peru with no medical training or education whatsoever are going know, somehow construct these in a way that surgeons couldn’t do it and then sell them on the black market for a few thousand dollars. That, for me, is unbelievable, right? For me, it’s more likely that this represents some kind of new species. So you see these little orbs down here? This little white circle and the gray circle? So these are eggs.

This thing was pregnant. So are there male and female or are they. Well, they presume that this one is female because of the eggs. So that’s an assumption that’s being made. They don’t have genitalia. They don’t have anything like that from what you can see, not from what we can see. And then this thing, this thing that looks like a wishbone, this is actually a metallic plate that seems to be in there to heal a fracture.

But again, perfectly surgically implanted without any scarring. And it’s made of cadmium. And again, it’s 1000 years old. And it’s like humans didn’t even know what this metal was until the 20th century. So who made this? Here are the feet. And here’s another view. This is Dr. Salse. This was in the lab in ECA when we took these new bodies. There were also a few skulls and hands that were just loose pieces.

They weren’t part of complete bodies. And we spent hours doing these x rays. So he was reacting in real time to these. Their eyes look to me as if they can see in different spectrums. Right. Are they nocturnal? Do we have any idea that they are nocturnal? I mean, if they’re living in caves, I would imagine they can see in the dark. So we don’t know that they were living in caves.

We just know that they were buried in the cave and they were buried by someone who knew exactly what they were doing. I know I’ve said it already, but to pack them in the diatomaceous earth so they’d be perfectly preserved, it took two years for them to be excavated. This skull is one of the things we’ll be unveiling on Tuesday at this press conference. I don’t want to spoil too much, but there were some very interesting characteristics to it.

So we’ve published a couple of photos to wet people’s appetites. But we don’t want to give everything away just yet. Right. You want people to go to the documentary and watch it? Yeah. Well, just come to the press conference. It’s totally free. What is the press conference? The press conference is Tuesday morning, 10:00 a. m. . Pacific, 01:00 p. m. . Eastern. We’re doing it in Los Angeles.

So we’re going to have Jaime and we’ll have Dr. Salse and a couple of other people in Los Angeles, and then we’re going to have a live link to the labs in Peru. And we’re going to have about six scientists, really top of their game, guys from the University of Ica and from Lima who will be with the bodies, doing live examinations, live scans, discussing it, breaking it down, analyzing.

Yeah, you say live. Will this be on YouTube? Where are you going to be streaming? Yeah, it’ll be on YouTube. If you go to sparklivestream. com, you can sign up and we’ll send you an email with the link. We’re going to embed the YouTube video there. Do you get pushback from YouTube by putting this type of stuff up on YouTube, or. No, I’m sorry. Do you get pushback from YouTube putting this type of stuff on there? I sure hope not.

Yeah. Let me ask you this. Go ahead. No. Okay. So what are you hoping to accomplish with this documentary? Are we just asking the questions? Like, what are these? We don’t know if they’re interdimensional or extra dimensional. We don’t know if they’re otherworldly. We don’t know if they’re from outer space. We don’t know if they’re indigenous to the earth. We just don’t know what these are. Correct. We have zero idea.

Are they a species from this? All indicators tell me that they’re from this planet. I mean, if they’re found here and they’re buried in a cave, I would imagine that they’re from this planet, maybe living underground in caverns. What’s your thoughts? Yeah, so a couple of things we’re trying to accomplish here. Number one, what you just said is absolutely the case. We do not know what these are.

All we’re saying is, according to the scientists who have actually spent time examining them, and they spent a lot of time examining them, they’re saying these are not constructed. They’re saying, not paper machete, they’re not cake art. Right? And so we need the scientific community, the global scientific community, to step up and help us figure out what these are. Right. And so the University of ECA inviting any scientist in the world who wants to come and inspect them or who wants to run dna analysis step, that’s.

That’s our number one goal, is say, hey, guys, let’s just let the scientific process play out here. Right? The other thing is that while we were in Mexico City filming, all of these articles started coming out. It was really weird that we were there. If you google NACA alien mummies, you will see a hundred articles, and you’re going to see two little bodies that look very similar to the ones I just showed you.

Right, but they’re wearing, like, dresses and sombreros or whatever. It looks ridiculous. And the headlines say peruvian officials have examined the bodies and they say it’s fake. They’re just dolls. Right? And so those are not the same bodies that Jaime Mason presented to the Mexican Congress. So that’s the other thing we’re trying to clear up, is that peruvian officials are the public and they’re misleading the scientific community.

Now, I don’t know why they’re doing it. I don’t know if it’s a mistake, but I will say we interviewed the guy who made those dolls. His name is Manuel. He lives in the town where the reals were found. And he told us that he made these dolls because he wanted to sell them to tourists. And the peruvian ministry of Culture steeped his dolls at the airport. And he told, no, these are not the bodies that were presented to the Mexican Congress.

These are works of art that I made. And they ignored that. And then they told the world, these are just dolls to see here, guys. So there is a lot of bs around this that we have to clear up, right? So we don’t know what these things are, but they are not dolls. And there is a lot of misinformation. And so the first step is clearing that up.

This is fascinating. I really suggest everyone to get out. And you’ll be live streaming on, what is it? Sparklivestream. com. Yes, sir. And the documentary is called, this is not a hoax, folks. And these were found in 2017, correct? 2017, in a cave. 2017. Took them about two years to excavate them. And listen, I heard about this in 2017 when it happened, and it took me this long to get on a plane and go check it out for myself.

So there’s been so much debunking, so many accusations, so much misinformation. But now we comfortable enough with what we’ve seen. Again, we also have to use our intuition and say, okay, are these scientists? Because you can find scientists with all kinds of opinions, right? But we had to ask, do we find these scientists credible? And we do enough that we are holding this event and saying, hey, worldwide scientific community, step up and help out what these are, because we don’t know what they are, but they’re not dolls, and they’re not cake art and they’re machete.

Well, it’s something. Maybe there’s an alarm bell going off in my mind right now. And maybe the reason they’re hiding this is because it goes against evolution. Maybe if these have 70% RDNA, I mean, that could really throw a monkey wrench in everything we were taught in school. Yeah, man, I don’t like to say there’s a conspiracy when I think human nature can just explain the situation. And I’m not a mind reader, so I don’t know why people do the things that they do.

But it’s very possible that if you’re ministry, you’re probably an archaeologist, a paleontologist, an anthropologist, you’re a scientist, you spent a whole career doing this. And something like this will rewrite our entire history if it is real, if it is what it seems to be. And so that’s a threat to your worldview. And people tend to freak out and have a visceral response to that because they don’t want to accept, oh, my education is alive, my career is alive, whatever.

And so they just have this kind of sort of immune response to it where it’s like, let’s just shut this down. It’s got to be BS. So that might be what’s going on. I don’t know. I’m not a mind reader. All I can say is, folks, get out and see this is not a hoax. This is impressive stuff. What are they? We’re asking the questions. Could they be from another planet? Are they from this earth? Are they even real? It’s all answered in the documentary.

This is not a hoax. I’d like to say thank you to Michael. Michael Mazula. Did I say that right? Michael Mazula? Yes, sir. Thank you so much for joining me. It’s a pleasure, man. I wish you luck in this, and God bless you, man. Co director with Serena, DC. This is not a hoax, ladies and gentlemen. Got to get out and see it. Thank you, Michael, so much for joining me.

It was great being here. All right, get back to work. Take care. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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diatomaceous earth preserved beings DNA comparison of ancient mummies and humans elongated skulls and three-fingered beings genetic engineering implications on human evolution Mysterious beings in small cave Peruvian cave three-fingered mummies public presentation of mummified humanoids scientific investigation of ancient beings This is Not a Hoax documentary discussion

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