3 Ways We Vote, Patriot Political Party & More! – January 25, 2021 Update

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Daily Update #35 – Monday, January 25, 2021

Great day Patriot,

It’s a beautiful day to be alive.

There’s so much to be grateful for in this life.

Of course, we don’t always see or seem to get what we want in the “outside world”.

However, we live in a world of abundance and anything we truly desire, we can have, if we’re willing to do what it takes. 

We have made it this far in life and the flame of freedom in the human spirit will not be extinguished.

In 2021, us Patriots from around the world turn up the heat and shine the light of freedom brighter than ever before!

In today’s main topic, I’ll share a few simple, but not always easy ways to take away the Deep State’s power and return it back to the Patriots.

Let’s do it!

“Success is a decision away.”

3 Ways We Vote

There’s 3 ways we vote.

  1. We vote in elections. 

And we must have election reform immediately to have any integrity in our future elections.

2. We vote with our dollars.

The things you buy and pay for are you showing your support for that company and people involved with it. Every time you shop at Walmart, Amazon, Target, and almost any other big box store, you’re supporting them and their actions.

3. We vote with our attention.

Some people in business say, “Attention is the new currency”. It is true that energy flows where attention goes.

This works for both fear and faith.

Remember the movie Nightmare on Elm Street?

How did Freddy Krueger become more powerful and harmful? 

He first started as a bad dream in someone’s head and then the fear kept him alive and growing stronger.

It’s a relevant analogy here.

The things we give our attention to grow stronger.

So what are YOU giving your attention to throughout the day?

If you’re watching mainstream media, you’re voting for them and giving them power with your attention.

If you’re visiting their news websites, you’re helping them stay in business by increasing their website traffic and justifying their sponsors paying them.

Not only that, but you’re also letting them inside your head, implanting fear and a false reality into your mind.

So with that being said, I encourage you to start “voting” for things you want to support with your attention.

And of course, I encourage you to vote with your dollars in supporting businesses and products you believe in and want to support.

But it’s time for every Patriot to take more action to help restore liberty in this country and around the world. 

This Is Why MyPatriotsNetwork Exists.

This year we’ll continue to develop the groups as well as unite Patriots locally to work together to do things such as…

  • Ensure mask wearing is optional in your area
  • Make sure getting a vaccine is optional in your area
  • Know how to get Patriots elected into government
  • Keep businesses open and restriction free
  • And much more!

In case you didn’t realize it yet, this year (and any year) becomes great when YOU decide to make it great, develop an attitude of greatness and take action to ensure it is great.

You have more power than you realize. 

2021 is about realizing that power and taking action on it.

Let’s do it Patriots!

God Bless

P.S. Be sure to join the MyPatriotsNetwork Telegram channel here!

P.P.S. Be sure to watch Jimmie’s newest video update about MPN here if you haven’t seen it yet! 

In Other News

Because of the corruption we’ve seen in our politics and elections, we’re going to see more and more Patriots getting involved in government more than ever before. Here’s one example…

Former President Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announces She Is Running For Governor Of Arkansas. 

Part of the MyPatriotsNetwork mission is to also educate Patriots about how their local government works and how to get involved to really create change. It starts at the local level.


Patriot Party Registers With FEC Naming Trump As Authorized Candidate For POTUS

It looks like we are seeing the birth of a new political party, folks!

I believe we will see Donald Trump return before 2024, but I don’t know what that exactly looks like.

But the forming of the Patriot party is a big deal and should give hope to anyone that feels defeated or discouraged. And yes, we need to have election reform and change the voting systems. That’s a job that us Patriots must continue to pursue and demand this year.

Today’s Tip

Tip of the day: Create a long term plan. As we know, China has a 100 year plan to become the leading superpower in the world. That’s a bit longer than most people tend to think. They are also moving full steam ahead in their achievement of that goal.

So what’s YOUR plan? What are you going to do with your life? Think about where you want to be and how you want your life to be in 10 years or 20 years from now.

Then, create a goal (if you haven’t already) for this year. Something you’d like to create or experience. And something that will help you along the path of achieving your longer term goal.

After that, write out your goals on paper and then make a decision to do something each day to work toward that goal, no matter how small the action may seem.

Continue with that process each day and you’ll begin creating momentum and progress! Be consistent and you can achieve your goals or something even better. God/Creator/Life wants you to succeed and has provided all the resources for you to do so on this planet. “The world is yours!”

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