01 31 2024 Celente and the Judge Edited: Trends Journal

Posted in: News, Patriots, Trends Journal



➡ Trends Journal with Gerald Celente and Judge Andrew Napolitano are worried about how the government is spying on people. They say the government is buying our emails and texts from big tech companies and using this information to predict crimes, which they believe is against the Constitution. They also talk about how the Patriot Act allows the government to look at our records without needing a search warrant. They think this is wrong and that we should have the right to privacy.
➡ The government can track what we do on our phones and computers, even if we think we’ve deleted it. The article also talks about how the U.S. is getting ready for a possible war with Iran, and how this could lead to bigger problems. It also mentions that many people in America are struggling, with many living paycheck to paycheck and more people becoming homeless. Lastly, it discusses how some people believe that America is responsible for problems in other countries because we supply them with weapons.
➡ There’s a lot of anger around the world because of something bad that a country did in a hospital. This could cause problems for the governments of Turkey and Jordan if they don’t step in. Many people are upset with Israel and this could lead to big problems for them. The article also talks about how the number of people being killed in Gaza is not being reported properly.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celenti. And it’s Wednesday, January 31, 2024. And who do we have with us? The man of men. Someone that really has the, not only the american spirit and what this country was founded upon and why it was founded upon thing called the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, but a man that really knows about it and fights about it to keep what the founding fathers fought for that we’ve lost.

It’s Judge Andrew Napolitano, and I’m so honored to do this every week with you, judge. Thank you for being here. Well, the honor is mine, Gerald, as well as it being know, judge, I have to tell you, I’m heartbroken to see what’s happened to this country in so many different ways, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and how we’re so far removed from what this country was founded upon. And each week you write these wonderful articles, wonderful, sad articles, but filled with facts.

How we’ve lost our life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness, what was called the Declaration of Independence. Happiness, by the way, is a dirty word. You’re not allowed to be happy anymore. Get back in your house, put on your mask, stand 6ft apart. Anyway, it’s gone. And you have an article that’s coming out tomorrow. And by the way, everybody listening, you really need to go to see what the judge is doing day after day with the guest that he has on and what they’re talking about like nothing else, any place, anywhere.

It’s judging freedom and just go there. It’s on YouTube. The feds are buying our emails. And you mentioned what Justice Lewis Brandeis wrote. But you go on and say, while we are consumed with Joe Biden’s bombings and Donald Trump’s trials, the federal government’s rapitious appetite for spying on the private behavior of Americans as to whom it is, no suspicion of wrongdoing continues unabated. The spying on us. And you go on to say that, as justice wrote 140 years afterwards from the Constitution, the most comprehensive of those rights was the right to be left alone, which today we call privacy.

But it’s, you know, a left wing senator whose voting record would not coincide with yours or mine on anything except this stuff. Ron Wyden of California, I don’t know how he finds this out, but found out about it and interrogated the head of the NSA who purported to defend it. The NSA, which captures the keystrokes on all mobile devices and desktops illegally and unconstitutionally, which can go to the FISA court and get a surveillance warrant on any basis whatsoever.

Still, that’s not enough for them. There are still some pockets in the country where privacy prevails that they haven’t been able to pierce. So what they can’t do directly invade our privacy, they are doing indirectly by purchasing digital data from big tech. They don’t name individuals because there’s no target. There’s no articulable suspicion, there’s no probable cause. There’s no crime, there’s no search warrant. It’s just their rapacious attitude.

Okay, Verizon or Google, we need every email sent between the state of New York and the state of New Jersey. This is just a hypothetical between these time periods. And Verizon or Google will say, okay, it’ll cost you x million dollars. The check arrives. Our tax dollars are money borrowed in our name. And they get this information, what do they do with it? Share it with the FBI.

What does the FBI do with it? Uses it to predict crime. To predict crime. This is what the British did when they used general warrants to break down doors, to search where they wanted and seize whatever they could find. The general warrant authorized it. Didn’t name a target, didn’t articulate a crime, didn’t name a thing to be seized or a place to be searched or a person to be searched.

They were trying to predict who would engage in insurrection against the king. This was all in Madison’s mind and all in the framer’s minds when they wrote the Fourth Amendment to assure that this would never happen, that the new federal government here, that the new country here would never do to Americans what the king had and parliament had done to the colonists. They were wrong. We are in a 1984 nightmare far beyond George Orwell’s dreamings.

There is no right to privacy remaining when this can happen, when Congress doesn’t stop it, and when there’s no outrage, it can happen. Congress doesn’t stop it. No outrage. Why doesn’t Congress stop it? Well, because these spies have dirt on Congress. Why is there no outrage? Because it happens so regularly, consistently, systematically. There was a time when I would go on Fox and say what I just said here and the switchboards would be lighting up and the emails would be pouring in and some people would be condemning me, but most people would be praising me for exposing this stuff today.

Big deal, judge. We all know about it. Get with the program. We lost our privacy years ago. Stop worrying about it. Have a good night’s sleep. We have a constitution or we don’t. Either it means what it says or it know. Again, you’re right here about this guy, the NSA national shit agency has been buying huge caches of american text messages and emails, like you just said, from big tech.

And the FBI has been using this data to predict crime. As you just said, both these undertakings are profoundly unconstitutional. Okay. They’re using. Buying it, right? Spending our money, stealing our tax dollars or going in debt. So it’s both costly and worthless because what have they accomplished? What have they said? Look, what we just found out. Nothing. I’ll tell you what they often do with it is they find some disaffected loner and they can detect that from reading his or her emails or texts.

They’ll befriend this person in a bar, a pub or somewhere, talk him into committing one of these phony crimes. Let’s go blow up the subway. And we’ll provide the explosive and bring him a barrel of talcum powder. And he thinks it’s explosive. And then with camera crews in tow, they swoop in and arrest them. Oh, we saved the subways from destruction. Yeah, they did. These poor guys in Newburgh, over here.

Yes, it was the same thing. But I’m just saying there’s nothing. There’s nothing of any consequence of all these agencies, the FBI. And then you go on also to write about after 911 in a collective spirit of fear and subversion to president, at the utter disregard for its members oath to uphold the Constitution, Congress enacted the Patriot act. It permits one federal agent to authorize another federal agent to search and seize whatever the latter wishes to look at and capture, so long as it is in the possession of third party financial institutions.

The Patriot act. You talked about Orwell. That’s the perfect name for it. It’s an orwellian name. It has nothing to do with being a patriot. It is anti patriotic. It’s called the Anti Patriotic act. But explain to what you mean by they capture it so long as it’s in the possession of third party financial institutions. Well, it was intended, publicly stated, to find out how terror groups were wiring funds from one group to another.

That’s why they said financial institutions. What they didn’t tell us is their bizarre definition of financial institutions to include lawyers, physicians, jewelers, builders, contractors, hospitals, and that great financial institution to which we all repose our wealth, the post office. This definition of financial institution has got about 30 or 40 different entities in there, which basically allows them to go to any third party possessor of your records. You go to a supermarket, they can get that record without getting a search warrant.

Oh, my FBI agent a authorizes FBI. This is a real check on authority, isn’t it? Authorizes FBI agent b to go and get those records. This was the George W. Bush creation. October 15, 2001. So just a month after 911, Ron Paul told me he was given 15 minutes to read it. It’s 115 pages long. I’ve read it twice. It takes about 15 or 16 hours to read because it’s not 115 consecutive pages.

It’s basically amending various sections of the code that already exists. Of course, Ron Paul and his band of colleagues in the House, all 15 of them, voted against it. Two us senators voted against it because it was that aura of fear and timidity and subservience to the White House that would promise to keep us safe. Hey, give me your liberty. This is Satan coming out from behind a tree.

Hey, Mr. And Mrs. America, give me your liberty and I’ll keep you. That’s. And we end up with neither liberty nor safety. Boy, you said know it’s. Do the american people know this? Aren’t members of Congress outraged? Isn’t the liberal establishment outraged? Aren’t libertarians outraged? No. There’s people like you and I and a few of us talking about this today. It’s so sad what’s happened. Life, liberty. And if there’s no happiness, no life, no liberty again.

You’re also right about Snowden, how he put all this information out. And look how they punished him for speaking the truth. And what he revealed has never been denied by the government. Yep. Anyway, everybody, he revealed that they were capturing every keystroke and everything in your iPhone or your desktop and your mobile. Even what you think is deleted, they can capture. Well, you know me, I don’t carry a cell phone.

Well, that means the government can’t follow you. Because when I have this cell phone on the front seat of my car, it hooks on to cell towers as I travel. Isn’t that great? Not just me, but everybody. So they can, if they want to, if they had the manpower to do it, could follow us in real time. Are there search warrants? No. Is there suspicion? No. Is this a violation of the fourth amendment? Absolutely, positively is.

It’s a freak show. You’re asking why Congress does it. They’re a little bunch of nobodies. Look at the clown show. Mitch McConnell dead in your eyes. Arrogant Pelosi. You know, Pelosi came out and said, there he goes. Pelosi said that. Anybody that wants to cease fire, do you hear? This is repeating what Putin wants. Yes, yes. Putin is behind the. I mean, can you imagine the stupidity? I said who the hell are you to say this shit? Oh, don’t speak like that, senator.

You should be respectful to your congresswoman. How the hell is. Oh, it gets better. You see what’s happening now with Biden ramping up war against Iran? And again, judge, that’s the COVID of this week’s trends journal. America keeps going to wars. The nation keeps going to shit. And it’s shit going. Look at that. You want any more homeless on the street now? How about bringing more refugee migrants in? Yeah, how about the rotted infrastructure? How about 63% of the people living paycheck to paycheck? Hey, we got wars to fight.

We got to get ISIS, we got to melt them all over the world. And now Biden’s ramping up this war with his saying that he’s ready to respond to that attack and that they say that was in Jordan where three american soldiers were killed and some dozen or so wounded. And there’s other reports saying it was actually in Syria. But anyway, it’s all the difference in the world, because if they were in Jordan, they were there legally.

If they were in Syria, they were there illegally. We know us troops are in Syria illegally. I want to read this to you. He said, this is US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he decided how to respond to the deadly drone attacks on the US forces in Jordan. He decided. He decided. All everybody listening, you’re just pieces of crap. The Biden out of his mind bullshit.

Biden decided, so you should obey what he decided. He goes on to say. He said that. Where is it over here that the iranian foreign minister said that these fighters did not take orders from the Islamic Republic of Iran. And if they decide, then they asked Biden whether he holds Iran responsible for the deaths of these three Americans. And Biden said that he does. You ready? In the sense that they are supplying the weapons to the people who did it.

Okay, so Iran is responsible because they supplied the weapons to do it. Then how about America is responsible for killing Russians because America supplied the weapons, quote, to do it? How about America is responsible for genocide in Gaza because we supplied the weapons and ammunition with which to do it? America is responsible for the genocide in Gaza because we supply the weapons to do it. No one is saying what you and I are just saying right now.

This clown boy gets away with it. Oh, Iran supplied the weapons, but we could supply the weapons to kill anybody anywhere anyhow. And if they retaliate, why, how dare. I don’t. I don’t know if his people realize how treacherous an attack on Iran would be, I mean, please, mother of God, don’t let them listen to Lindsey Graham because we’ll have world war three on our hands. Yeah, and then they keep putting that slime ball up all the time.

Lindsay. Here’s what Lindsey Graham, however, Donald Duck has to say. This piece of crap, as you and I talked about when you were on Fox, when I used to be a guest on there all the time, I can’t tell you how many times we have to interrupt this program. We have Senator Lindsey Gray, this slobby, moronic crap head, spewing out his. Here, here’s what he said. Hit Iran now.

Hit them hard. Yep. Until Iran pays a price with their infrastructure and their personnel, the attacks on us troops will continue. His quote? His quote. How about quoting a moronic little arrogant slime ball of a war that he didn’t love, that couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag? Terrible state of affairs. I hope that Biden’s people, Biden’s people disregard him, but they’re of a similar mindset.

I think he wants to run for reelection. I still think the Democrats are going to ask him not to run. But if he has his druthers, he wants to run for reelection as a wartime president for reasons that you and I understand, and you’ve been saying your entire public career, when all else fails, they take you to war. His administration is a failure. So he’s going to beat the drums of war in the hopes that the.

There you go. Good job, Jane. In the hopes that Americans will back him up. And then this other arrogant guy, another warmongering freak, a mass murderer in Netanyahu, came out the other day in a talk on UK tv. What I say to our american friends. You ready? Our american friends. I’m an american. I’m not your. So. But anyway. Go on. Is that the war will take as long as it takes, but it will result in total victory.

You ready? Because our battle is your battle, and our victory is your victory as well. Didn’t you know that? That this is your war? Now, if he said this to me, I’d say, who the f are you talking to? He goes on. I hope that any fair minded government, any government that withstand for five minutes or even several months, the force of anti Israel propaganda will understand that their future is intertwined with ours.

Because if barbarism wins here. You ready? Europe will be next. America will be next. Iran will emerge victorious. He is, as Scott Ritter has aptly called him, a terrorist. Yep. Netanyahu, he leads a terrorist government controlled by right wing fanatics. I don’t think he’s long for the premier, but whoever replaces him will have a comparable attitude. They might not be as pugnacious or nasty or incendiary, but their military behavior will be the same.

However, the israeli defense minister Galant said they’re preparing to attack Lebanon. That will be their undoing. They cannot beat Hezbollah. They’ve lost to Hezbollah already. And Hezbollah was at the time, one third the size and strength that it is. And Hezbollah is a terrorist organization because they fought to get Israel out of. Correct. You know, where you stand depends on where you sit. Hear me out. Where you stand on these issues depends on how you look at the world.

To King George II, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Sam Adams were terrorists. Us, they are liberators and founders of what was intended to be and isn’t any longer the freest country on earth. You can call anybody whatever you want. It doesn’t make them that. If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Most people would say five. The answer is no. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make a tail a leg.

Calling these groups terrorists because they are trying to defend their Homeland from the incursion of the Israelis doesn’t make them terrorists. Every time you pick up any newspaper, go to any of the channels, they’re Houthis, everybody, they’re Iran backed militants. That’s all the language they keep using. So the IDF, the Israeli Defense force, is that an american backed militants, and Iran says they’re not backing any of them.

And you’re a militant if you fight those that are killing you. So when America’s in Iraq and they get attacked, they’re attacked by militants. What the hell are you doing in Iraq? You shouldn’t be there. So somebody breaks into my home and I attack them? Why? How dare I attack them? I’m a militant. Israel could go into anybody’s home, kill anybody as they want, but the people that respond to the murder are militants.

And again, I want to read this one more time to make this very clear of the arrogance and how the people suck up to this crappy murderer Netanyahu. What I say to our american friends is that the war will take as long as it takes, but it will result in total victory. Because our battle is your battle, and our victory is your victory as well. Our battle is your battle.

You mean slaughtering innocent people? What is it? Almost 30,000 dead already. Over 60, 70% of Gaza destroyed. What’s today? Wednesday on Monday, ten israeli soldiers dressed as women and as doctors invaded a hospital in the West bank and murdered three patients in their beds, blew their brains out. I asked McGregor and Ritter if they have ever heard of a state actor doing this in a hospital in a country not at war with the country that dispatched the killers.

And the answer was no. They had never heard of it. And it’s a war crime if ever there was one. So they are ratcheting up animosity around the world that will be over the top. McGregor thinks that they’re ratcheting up animosity so much that if Turkey and Jordan don’t do something militarily to intervene, the stability of the turkish and jordanian governments will be called into question. That’s how universal is the animosity against the IDF and wish to stop the IDF amongst the peoples of those countries.

Yeah, this is serious what’s going on. This could be the end of Israel. I really believe it because never before have so many people been anti what’s going on. It’s always been pro Israel, pro Israel, pro Israel. But this genocide in front of everybody’s eyes to see is really destroying them. And again, I’m not good at numbers, but whether there are about 16 million Jews in the world out of 8 billion people, 2 billion Arabs, Muslims, you’re outnumbered.

And you keep doing this, this is going to be, again, we have to see what Biden’s going to do over here. And if he attacks, is again, world War three has already begun. There’s going to be a false flag. It’s a major event that makes it, quote, official. And I think they’re leading up to this. And as you said, Biden wants to be the war president and his ratings will go up because they’ll make up something like they did three Americans troops.

Front page of the Wall Street Journal, the pictures of these three troops, how many people died in Gaza yesterday? I think according to the UN, it’s on an average about over 200 a day are being killed. But hell with them. Don’t put their pictures up. They’re nobodies. So they’re going to ramp this up anyway. Thanks for being on judge. Again, everybody go to judging freedom because we’re losing it.

And judge is doing everything we can to get it back. And the guests he has on, as he mentioned, Scott McGregor, Scott Ritter, Phil Geraldi, Max Blumenthal, one after another, terrific people saying things that you’re not hearing anywhere else. Thanks for being on judge, and we’ll see you next week. Thank you, Gerald. All the best. .

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American economic struggle Constitutionality of Patriot Act Gerald Celenti government spying concerns Government buying emails from tech companies Government tracking phone and computer activity Homelessness in America Judge Andrew Napolitano on privacy rights Predicting crimes through personal data Right to privacy against government surveillance U.S. preparing for war with Iran U.S. weapon supply

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