In his show, Ron Partain delves into George H.W. Bush’s controversial role in the CIA, speculates on the current presidential situation, and investigates the “Clowns in America”. The text reveals Bush’s influence in including the CIA in high-level meetings and daily briefings, with negative consequences for the American people. It also exposes Tanya Ugaretz’s Learn More, Click The Button Below
Tag Archives: CIA
Was The New Age Movement Created By The CIA? – January 25, 2022 Update Great day Patriot, I did some research and found some very alarming connections between the CIA and parts of the New Age movement and the “counterculture”. Lots of info to share in the post below. Enjoy! Jared “Research is creating new knowledge.” […]
I first became aware of the presence of Robert David Steele at Veteran’s Today as a contributing writer. Robert was known to me at that time for his intriguing publications as a former CIA Intelligence agent. During this period, I was publishing additional articles releasing evidence I had acquired during my undercover investigation into the […]
Yet Another Whistleblower Becomes a Targeted Individual! Tom Althouse, allegedly the REAL creator/writer of what became The Matrix movie shares some his latest updates of being a targeted individual. I say ‘allegedly’ because it hasn’t been “proven in court” yet. But as you listen to Tom’s story and look at the info on his website, […]