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Stand on a whole Biden train. All right, Biden. A lot of people were not familiar with this, but he gave a farewell speech yesterday. Biden gave a farewell speech. He gave his final speech yesterday. Have y’all checked it out? If you haven’t, we’re gonna review it together, and we’re gonna review it at 1 1.25 times speed. All right? Make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. Let’s get it. My fellow Americans, I’m speaking to you tonight from the Oval Office. Before I begin, let me speak to important news from earlier today.
After eight months of nonstop negotiation, my administration. By my administration. A ceasefire and hostage deal has been reached by Israel and Hamas, the elements of which I laid out in great detail in May this year. This plan was developed and negotiated by my team and will be largely implemented by the incoming administration. That’s why I told my team to keep the incoming administration fully informed. Is that somebody. Hold on. Let me answer this question really quickly. Well, I’ll address it afterwards. Kristen Duck says, well, let’s address it right now. Why not? Says, how did you go from you being the one to do all of that for your business’s company to gain to gaining team members to.
To help you get it done? We trying to do everything. We trying to do everything. And it’s wild. I’ll answer that question after this speech. All right, let’s stay focused for a second. That’s how it should be, working together as Americans. This will be my final address to you from the American people, from the Oval Office, from this desk as president. And I’ve been thinking a lot about who we are and maybe more importantly, who we should be. Long ago, in New York harbor, an iron worker installed beam after beam, day after day. He was joined by steel workers, stonemasons, engineers.
They built not just a single structure, but a beacon of freedom. The very idea of America was so big, we felt the entire world needed to see the Statute of Liberty, a gift from France after our civil war. Like the very idea of America, it was built not by one person, but by many people from every background and from around the world. Like America. The Statue of Liberty is not standing still. Her foot literally steps forward atop a broken chain of human bondage. She’s on the march, and she literally moves. She was built to sway back and forth, to withstand the fury of stormy weather, to stand the test of time because storms are always coming.
She sways a few inches, but she never falls. Into the current below. An engineering marvel, the Statue of Liberty is also an enduring symbol of the soul of our nation. A soul shaped by forces that bring us together and by forces that pull us apart. And yet, through good times and tough times, we withstood it all. A nation of pioneers and explorers. Is that supposed to be like a metaphor? Got it. I got it. I got it. I feel you. Metaphors and similes. We got it. Of dreamers and doers, of ancestors native to this land, of ancestors who came by force.
A nation of immigrants came to build a better life. A nation holding the torch. The most powerful idea ever in the history of the world. That all of us, all of us are created equal. That all of us deserve to be treated with dignity, justice and fairness. That democracy must defend and be defined and be imposed, moved in every way possible. Our rights, our freedoms, our dreams. But we know the idea of America, our institution, our people, our values that uphold it, are constantly being tested. Ongoing debates about power and the exercise of power. But whether we lead by the example of our power or the power of our example, whether we show the courage to stand up to the abuse of power or we yield to it, after 50 years at the center of all of this, I know that believing in the idea of America means respecting the institutions govern a free society.
The presidency, the Congress, the courts, a free and independent press. Institutions that are rooted not, they just might not reflect the timeless words. You know what’s so funny? He said free and independent press. Does that also include social media? Because Mark Zuckerberg lately has been going on a rampage. He was on a Joe Rogan show. He’s been doing press conferences. You know what Mark Zuckerberg has been saying? Mark Zuckerberg has been echoing the exact same sentiments of Elon Musk when he bought X. And he’s saying that there’s been censorship and bullying from the Biden administration and people within his camp that was forcing him to do things and put out a picture and paint a picture for things that they didn’t know really existed, for censorship and for cover up stories and for bullying them and painting the picture a certain way so that they can control the narrative of what happens in the media.
I don’t know if he’s saying that social media is also a part of the media, but. And I don’t even know if he read the speech before he decided to say it, but clearly the tech titans who all are appearing at Trump’s inauguration. I just got the notification and I plan on doing a video to drop for y’all on the Anton Daniels Channel that even the CEO of TikTok plans on being at the inauguration on Monday. Yeah, he’s saying a free and fair media censorship. Free. We’ve had anything but. And now, now that we’ve established two lies right off the top of the bat for the beginning of this, this farewell address to the nation.
I don’t believe a word that’s coming out of his mouth. But we gonna entertain it just for the second conversation. But they real, they, they echo the words. I didn’t know what he’s saying. What are we talking about? He don’t even know what. Listen, listen to this guy. Free and independent press institutions that are rooted not they just might not reflect the timeless words but they real. They, they echo the words of Declaration of Independence. Must have been past 3pm when they recorded this because you know them old people, they get to bed by like 6 and they be up at like 4am and they be walking.
Them all walking. As soon as the doors open at the mall. They be walking tomorrow to get their steps in with their sketchers. We hold these truths to be self evident, rooted in the timeless words of the Constitution. We the people. Our system of separation of powers, checks and balances may not be perfect, but it’s maintained our democracy for nearly 250 years longer than any other nation in history. Yes, it is spurred ever tried such a bold experiment in the past four years our democracy is held strong and every day I’ve kept my commitment to be president for all Americans through one of the toughest periods in our nation’s history.
I’ve had a great partner in Vice President Kamala Harris. It’s been the honor of my life to see the resilience of essential workers getting us through a once in a century pandemic. The heroism of service members and first responders keeping us safe. The determination of advocates standing up instead of losing their jobs to an economic crisis that we inherited. Millions of Americans now have the dignity of work. Millions of entrepreneurs and companies creating new businesses and industries, hiring American workers using American products together making me sleep launched a new era of American possibilities. I just woke up one of the greatest modernizations of infrastructure in our entire history.
From new roads, bridges, clothes, clean water, affordable high speed Internet for every American cap. We invented a semiconductor smaller than the tip of my little finger. And now is bringing those chip factories and those jobs back to America where they belong. Creating thousands of jobs. Finally giving Medicare the power to negotiate low prescription drug prices for millions of seniors. And finally doing Something to protect our children and our families by passing the most significant gun safety law in 30 years and bringing violent crime to a 50 year low. Meeting our sacred obligations. Over 1 million veterans so far were exposed to toxic materials and to their families, providing medical care and education, benefits and more for their families.
You know, it will take time to feel the full impact of all we’ve done together, but the seeds are planted and they’ll grow and they’ll bloom for decades to come. Oh, God. At home, We’ve created nearly 17 million new jobs, more than any other single administration. How many people are going for this finesse? Because I can break it down for you, right? Because what they’ll do is they’ll say, well, we had a whole lot of job loss during the pandemic. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. How many people believe that? Crack a bull that he just said, and that they created more new jobs than any other administration in history.
They. He sat there with a straight face and read that off of that screen, off of the big screen. You know how when you get your phone, a lot of those. Have y’all ever seen them, like when people get their iPhones or they Androids or whatever, and they show like, you know, you look over and they, you know, somebody got their glasses on and they’d be like this. That’s what my mom be doing all the time. Ma, what you looking at? Why you got the glasses on if you gonna look from over top of them? I’m sorry.
And you know what they be looking at? It be one word per line. That’s how big the screen be. Let me show you what the screen be looking like. I gotta open up a website, right? Say they looking at something like this. Let’s say they looking at something like this. They scream, be looking like this. Like, what you looking at? How can you read when the one word is bigger than the entire screen? Why is your font so big? That’s how they got Biden right now. They got Biden’s fonts scrolling up the screen looking like this right now.
This is how them old people be staring at their phones. We had the highest brightness, the biggest font that they can find, and it’d be wrong. And they still be lying and wrong and voting the wrong way. They have all of the things, they glasses be down, but it’d still be on their face for no reason. It’s for aesthetic purposes. That’s the screen that Biden is on right now. We need to get these geezers out of Congress and out of office. No, we need to have limits. Term limits for Congress and limits on. Anyways, let me continue single term.
More people have health care than ever before. And overseas we strengthen NATO. Ukraine is still free and we pulled ahead of our competition with China and so much more. I’m so proud of how much we’ve accomplished together for the American people. And I wish the incoming administration success because I want America to succeed. Lies. That’s why I have upheld my duty to ensure a peaceful and orderly transition of power to ensure we lead by the power of our example. I have no doubt that America’s in a position to continue to succeed. That’s why my farewell address tonight.
I want to warn the country of some things that give me great concern. This is a dangerous concentration and that’s a dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people. The dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked. Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms. He’s saying that it’s a class war. Biden is telling y’all that it’s a class war, except he’s attack. He’s attaching it to Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg.
He’s attaching it to all of these guys, Warren Buffett, all of these people. He’s saying it’s a class war and we need to tax the rich and take their wealth and make sure that they don’t have the power that they have right now. We need to unsert democracy and capitalism and go back to communism and socialism, that’s what he’s saying. And a fair shot for everyone to get ahead. We see the consequences all across America and we’ve seen it before, more than a century ago. The American people stood up for the robber barons back then and busted the trusts.
They didn’t punish the wealthy, just made the wealthy play by the rules everybody else had. Workers want rights to earn their fair share. You know, they were dealt into the deal and helped put us on a path to building the largest middle class. The most prosperous century any nation in the world has ever seen. We’ve got to do that again. The last four years. That’s exactly what we’ve done. People should be able to make as much as they can, but pay, play by the same rules, pay their fair share of taxes. So much is at stake, right? Taxes are the devil, I will tell you.
Listen, the only thing, the only thing that keeps me up at Night. And I’m not even remotely close to a billionaire. So, you know, this don’t apply to me. I’m saying that this applies to everyday, regular people that grind, hustle, and dedicate their life to whatever their craft is. The only thing, not a hoe, not a. Not my child, not jobs, not layoffs, not nothing. The only thing that keeps me up at night and that I got to figure out and I got to work with my people and my tax strategies on a regular basis is taxes.
That’s the only thing that keep me up at night. Taxes are absolutely out of control. And for those of y’all that live in these states where they’re looking to increase taxes, and I’m not just talking about income taxes. I’m talking about taxes across the board. If y’all not paying attention, you know why, Like I’ll give you an example. You know why I pay attention to property taxes so much? Is because I’m trying to. I have an equation, and I’ll give. I’ll give you guys that on a Patreon and one of the future block clubs, maybe the next block club, I have an equation that I use to determine how much I have to charge people in rent.
Now, you guys know, and I’ve said this here, I’ve said it on the Patreon, that I’ve never raised the rent, not one time, or any tenant that has ever lived in a property that I own in over 10 years. I’ve never raised rent on anybody that has ever lived in a property that I own. I’ve also never had a problem tenant or anybody that moves out. But here’s the problem. Here’s where that comes in. I’m able to do that because I’ve made smart financial decisions, which means that because I carry no mortgage and I front the huge upfront building, development costs, purchasing of the property, I front load the fact that I reduce my cost by limiting the fact that I don’t have to pay a mortgage, and then I pass that savings onto the person that went to property.
But, for example, if property taxes continue to go up exponentially because these counties and these places don’t know how to manage their budgets effectively, I have a threshold for how nice I can be and how accommodating I can be because I still have maintenance costs, I still have insurance, and I still have property taxes. And so if the cost of me doing business, because I’ve limited the amount of costs that I have, you know what I’m saying, as far as how much I would have to cost me to maintain a property or property taxes or the mortgage or interest rates or anything.
I don’t have those carrying costs. I tend to pass that over into the consumer because I’m not necessarily looking to make a whole bunch of money. I’m just looking to make sure that I have great tenants and that I have a great business relationship that benefits both of us. But if my costs continue to go up, if the cost of maintenance, if the cost of insurance, if the cost of property taxes, if all of these things continue to go up, at some point I have to pass that down to you so that I’m not operating in a deficit.
You see what I’m saying? As much as nice as I am, I can only be so nice because if you have incompetent leaders and people like Joe Biden that keep saying, well, you know, they need to pay even more in taxes, who you think is that that cost is going to get passed over to you? You see what I’m saying? You can’t, you can’t say there should be some protection for renters if they’re not, protections for landlords, the ones that actually front the costs. Because everybody is not super rich. We’re not institutional investors. We’re individual people that created companies.
And ultimately, you know, it, it lands in your lap. And so how good it comes for us is ultimately how great it becomes for you. Taxes across the board are egregious. It is crazy the amount of taxes that we are paying as a society, as a culture, and as a nation. Let me, let me get to the rest of this address. Now, the existential threat of climate change has never been clear. Just look across the country from California to North Carolina. That’s why I signed the most significant climate and clean energy law ever in the history of the world and the rest of the world trying to model it.
Now it’s working. Creating jobs and industries of the future. Now we prove that we don’t have to choose between protecting the environment and growing the economy. We’re doing both. The powerful forces want to wield their unchecked influence to eliminate the steps we’ve taken to tackle the climate crisis. To serve their own interest, for power and profit. We must not be bullied into sacrificing the future. The future of our children and our grandchildren must keep pushing forward and push faster. There’s no time to waste. It’s also clear that American leadership in technology is unparalleled, an unparalleled source of innovation that can transform lives.
We see the same Dangers of a concentration of technology, power and wealth. You know, his farewell address, President Eisenhower spoke of the dangers of the military industrial complex. He warned us then about, and I quote, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power, end of quote. Six days, six decades later, I’m equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country as well. Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact checking.
The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit. They cloak it in the form of fact check. They say it’s fact checking really is censorship. They say it’s fact checking, but really a censorship. The only way that they can stop the information and control the media. Because let me tell you what really happens. They want to control the level of information that you get so that you’re less informed and that they can control the narrative and they can push this legislation through. They can push through the people that they want in office. They can get past, you know, the military industrial complex and continuing to profit on that type of front.
But as long as you have independent journalists like me, as long as you have independent journalists and people that’s actually dedicated to bringing information and letting the people decide for themselves, you don’t need fact checkers. The people are smart enough to be able to, you know, determine what is right Information was wrong information. You, as a, as a content creator, your credibility is on the line and that should be enough because the people can choose to not rock with you if they get bad information. So, you know, I think that this whole censorship conversation and this bull crap, it’s bull crap.
Elon Musk, when he bought X, released the files to show that they were censoring and throttling information, depending on what side of the aisle that you were on. Because they did. Man. Listen, listen, let me just say this, this pandemic, looking back on it, it changed everything. Even to today, in 2025, we still can’t talk about 9, 11 or you going to end up demonetized like Candace Owens. And that’s a fact. In 2025, you can’t talk about 9, 11 or, or even have a conversation. We can’t even say certain words on a platform without certain, without videos being demonetized.
That’s a fact. We need less censorship, not more. We need less censorship. Even if I disagree with what somebody is saying, I don’t believe in censoring them because I think that the people should be smart enough to determine and make the decision for themselves. You can’t even say certain words. I’m just going to tell you the real. We have a list of things that we have to stay away from so that we don’t then suffer financially. I know people that lost their entire monetization and platforms for saying certain words during the pandemic. We had to, we had to modify the words that we were saying.
We had to say jab. We couldn’t say. We couldn’t say that word. We had to say, hey man, you getting the jab? Hey bro, you getting the jab? If people said, no, I don’t want to get the jab, or if they start saying a word or they start speaking out against it or the effects that was happening against them, all of that stuff hushed up, Everybody had to be quiet. And some places you couldn’t even travel to or get work if you didn’t take the jab. You couldn’t even. You couldn’t even. They was taking your money.
If that ain’t a form of censorship and control in the media, I don’t know what is. I’m just telling you. Must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families and our very democracy from the abuse of power. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is the most consequential technology of our time, perhaps of all time. Nothing offers more profound possibilities and risk for our economy and our security, our society, for humanity. Artificial intelligence even has the potential to help us answer my call to end cancer as we know it. But unless safeguards are in place, AI could spawn new threats to our rights, our way of life, to our privacy, how we work and how we protect our nation.
We must make sure AI is safe and trustworthy and good for all humankind. In the age of AI, it’s more important than ever that the people must govern. And as the land of liberty, America, not China, must lead the world in the development of A.I. you know, in the years ahead. It helped to be can be up to the president, the presidency, the congress, the courts, the free press and the American people. To confront these powerful forces, we must reform the tax code. Not by giving the biggest tax cuts to billionaires, but by making them begin to pay their fair share.
We need to get dark money. That’s that hidden funding behind too many campaign contributions. We need to get it out of our politics. We need to enact an 18 year time limit. Term limit, time and term. For the strongest ethics and the strongest ethic. Reforms for our Supreme Court. We need to ban members of Congress from, from trading stock while they’re in the Congress. We need to amend the Constitution to make clear that no President, no president is immune. It’s never going to happen. Never going to happen. You’re never going to ban Congress from having insider trading is impossible.
The only way that you can ban a Congressmember from having insider trading is if you then prosecute them if they are found to. But nobody is ever going to prosecute a Congress member and they all have insider information. And so it’s impossible. I’ve been hearing that rhetoric and that talk for decades. This is all just a talking point. You know, let me get rid of it. Let me, let me hear the rest of this speech and see if there’s anything else to matt out. And then we’re going to go to the next story from crimes that he or she commits while in office.
The President’s power is not limit. It’s not absolute. It shouldn’t be. I wonder if that applies to you and your son and what was going on over in Ukraine. I wonder if that applies to him and his son. And for him having a pardon all the way back to 2014, does that, does that apply? It sounds like the President’s power was absolute in that situation. Interesting. In democracy, there’s another danger to the concentration of power and wealth. It erodes a sense of unity and common purpose. It causes distrust and division. Participating in our democracy becomes exhausting and even disillusioning.
And people don’t feel like they have a fair shot. We have to stay engaged in the process. I know it’s frustrating. A fair shot is what makes America America. Everyone’s entitled to a fair shot. Not a guarantee, just a fair shot. Even playing field, going as far as your hard work and talent can take you. We can never lose that essential truth. Remain who we are. I’ve always believed and I’ve told other world leaders, America can be defined by one word, possibilities. Only in America do we believe anything is possible. Like a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Claymont, Delaware, sitting behind the this desk in the Oval Office as President, United States.
That’s the magic of America. It’s all around us. Upstairs in the residence of the White House, I’ve walked by a painting of a Statue of Liberty I don’t know how many times. That’s cool. All right. We got enough. We got, we got the gist of it. We got a gist of it. Lying on his way out of office. That’s pretty much the.