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➡ This text emphasizes the importance of financial planning and cutting back on unnecessary expenses. It suggests tracking daily spending, avoiding wasteful habits, and surrounding oneself with people who also want to improve their financial situation. The text also discusses various current events, including issues with theft at Walgreens, layoffs at Citibank, and quality problems in the fast food industry. Lastly, it mentions a new donut-scented perfume from Dunkin Donuts.
➡ The text suggests not to waste money on unnecessary items like donut-scented perfume, even if it sounds funny or interesting. It also encourages the reader to like and subscribe to the channel, and mentions upcoming Christmas and New Year’s gifts.
Hey, it’s Dan welcome back. This is I allegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because it is time to buy nothing Stop spending buy nothing. Please as always hit the like button subscribe to the channel join our email list Which is the first link below and let’s get right into it there is a trend happening in 2025 and I have three people in my life that are doing this very thing and that is the buy nothing principle and that is to cut extra spending cold turkey and I am like Okay, great.
You know the idea with this is you pay for necessities only you don’t pay for anything extra You don’t spend any extra money and you bank the extra money and I’m being lost pretty good way to live right now now First one that did this is my daughter. My daughter Is an influencer travels around the world spends a tremendous amount of money with her business and doing this But she’s like, you know There’s times I’m working till midnight one o’clock in the morning and I will have door dash delivered and it’s outrageous I’m gonna cut that out.
So Scott rid of all the food delivery apps and it’s cooking and she’s like, yeah, I have to admit that You know what you’re talking about rubbed off on me a little bit. Okay. Thank you, honey. And again Every now and then you make sense as parents remember that So how about that? How about this? How much do you think would be excessive to have food delivery delivered to your house? Over the course of a year now your house your office is in your house. You work there What do you think thousand dollars having food delivered? How about thirty five hundred dollars with the food delivered to your house throughout the year insane insane So just buy nothing mentality.
She says it’s already the first two weeks of the month. It’s already saved me a bunch of money, but This is the thing guys Richard Rosso is a CPA and financial planner and he said, you know, everybody’s New Year’s resolution this year and As they did these numbers they thought it was about 42 percent It’s almost 60 percent of the people have said they need to get their finances in order, which is great. Thank God Okay, I think that this is the best thing that you can do right now is to get your finances in order because You know he suggests you you know, you cut back It’s you tone it down a little bit, you know cut out, you know going out to dinner a few times If you do it three or four times a week, cut it down to one time away.
Well, maybe that’s the way that maybe you taper it Maybe that’s how you do it. But I’m telling you you don’t Want to piss money away right now This is gonna get worse before it gets better the other two people one of them husband and wife saving for a house My daughter’s saving for a house also and she’s like I can just escalate it if I don’t do this I’m gonna have to travel I’m gonna have to do the things I do, you know for the business But I’m not gonna spend any extra money right now Which I think okay, that’s a great way to live right now my friend and his wife You know, he’s retired.
I mean he gets a check every month mailbox money. He’s the luckiest guy I know and Him and his wife again save him for a house because they think that there’s this is gonna fall off a cliff So there’s that now We keep getting warning after warning after warning about these Financial problems that are happening the fires just escalated that with everybody and I really want you to think about this These poor people that lost everything, you know, if you have kids my girlfriend and I were talking about stay Imagine our kids in elementary school.
So you have to live in the area Uproot them and move to another County or another state You just got it You got to stay there and the problem with Los Angeles is that there are no rentals right now They are jacking up rent to people and it is criminal There is a place in hell for these people that are doing this because it’s out of control now me I’m telling you guys I could live and I can live at your house. I could live anywhere. I could live I Don’t have to live where I live right now guys It’s the greatest thing in the world the kids are adults and I can go when I want I can travel when I want friend of mine Called me and said, hey, we have a meeting on February 2nd on Sunday.
Do you want to come out Sunday Monday Tuesday to Texas? I’m like, yeah, sure I can do that. Let me check my schedule and because I have my calendar now like an adult I can know exactly that I don’t have to worry about that. There’s no kids going to school. There’s no problems like that now I This goes to you know another thing and it all gets wrapped into one Capital one is a big source for checking accounts And for those of you out to have a capital one checking account, there is a problem right now with them Not getting people with paychecks in so direct deposit is not working for these poor people now six hours eight hours two days five days Here is the thing that I tell everybody everybody everybody everybody if you are Trying to get your finances in order the first thing and the number one thing you have to do and I don’t care if you are Five million dollars in debt.
You need to have an emergency plan for your money Immediately, you need to have an emergency Stash put away for something like this. Now. Here’s the problem with the With the capital one situation these people go out and they’re getting their paychecks Here’s the worst part about this and we’ve all done this. I’ve all I’ve been I’ve been broker than broke guys But hey, I’m getting paid on Friday. Let’s see if I do an electronic payment Thursday the money will come in Friday It’ll clear. I don’t have to worry about it.
Ah So these people all have bounce checks You know reverse fees plus you bounced your landlord a check You know what I mean you bounced your car payment a check because they didn’t do the direct cause the money’s coming Someday, but you don’t have it. So what do you do? Who’s responsible for that? Who’s gonna pay these fees? Now capital one says oh, we’re working on this Well, we’ll work on getting these fees handle for everybody and try to make it as smooth as possible It’s not smooth as possible.
But again I Stash some cash make sure you have money makes you have food makes you have water makes you have, you know I golden silver personally myself But make sure you have an emergency stack if something like this happens that you can get and you know It’s safe the fireproof bags are incredibly important safe is incredibly important But also don’t brag, you know what? I got nine grams in a drawer third drawer down You know and then the cleaning lady comes and it’s gone, okay Again Stack in private don’t tell anybody what you have what you’re doing why you’re doing it or anything But just be ready because these poor people that didn’t get the money from capital one could have paid some bills and done Some things on their own have multiple bank accounts.
This is this is it right now This is the warning after warning after warning I spoke to the woman that owns the satellite phone store who’s they’re coming back and She was talking about how the only phones that work during the fires you guys didn’t hear about this cell towers burnt down guys Didn’t really brag about that So the only thing that would work would be those satellite phones if you want a satellite phone. It’s sat one two three They’re not even a sponsor yet, but you tell them Dan sent it and they’ll give you 10% off But the point is is that you guys have to be ready for this stuff to go south because it’s gonna happen California’s ripe for an earthquake.
Could you imagine with those fires if they had an earthquake? That would be just the worst thing ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. Okay, because it would just be done now One Myth that I keep getting sent to me that is not happening People for BlackRock are going house-to-house saying we will buy your home for pennies on the dollar We’ll write you a check right now. I have a checkbook here. That is complete BS insert profanity here It’s nonsense. It’s not happening because the houses are burnt down guys. Nobody’s knocking door-to-door and doing this right now It’s a complete lie.
BlackRock’s not doing this. I mean, you know Ten trillion dollars in assets and and they’re not doing this. So Be ready get ready get your finances in order. I don’t care how old you are I don’t care how much money you have you got to have a financial plan I always tell people talk to your accountant twice a year. I did it four times this year. Okay And you know Dan it really worked out and all it did was save me money guys every time cost me money to see this guy Okay, and again, I love the captain nerds and you know, Brian’s watching this you can get it But they you know, hey, I’m going to seminar on Friday and Monday on You know, they love the money stuff But guys get yourself ready for this be ready be ready.
Are you I am? You know, what’s wrong with cutting back? Don’t drink excessively. Don’t piss your money away Don’t gamble on football and don’t waste money on you know, illicit things that are bad for you. Don’t do that Okay Be around people that want to get their lives in order. Those are the best people to be around right now That’s who will save you. Oh, I’m not the way I walked you up at the wedding chapel so we can get married very nice very romantic I Do not when I do that Anyways You know what I mean? So Please see the echo of this place.
Will you take John to be your lovely? No Kidding ladies, okay Guys just the buy nothing principle. I love it. I think it’s great. My other friend that’s doing it is a Single man who’s just like, you know, I spent a lot of money going out. It’s kind of stupid, huh? You eat at home a lot. Yeah, I did home cuz I’m working till one and two o’clock in the morning Try living this way guys. Just try it also write down what you spend on a daily basis Oh gosh, my your subscriptions to the newspapers No, I’ve got news and things like that that I have to pay for for the business Got a lot of things that I have to have in my life that are important Make sure you have all that stuff guys.
Make sure you have it. So Next thing is good old Janet Yellen of the 400 computers that that had 400 computers from the federal government Janet Yellen grandma Yellen’s was covered. I was gonna do a you know, separate video on grandma got hacked But man does not really infuriate women. I get such hate mail. I mean, it’s just fabulously funny, but She’s such a talented woman. She’s amazing her personal computer got hacked by the Chinese by the CCP. Okay so I don’t like it It’s funny guys. It’s actually funny.
So God love us got help us all but grandma Yellen’s computer got hacked. Let me know what you think about all this stuff so far No one ever you know No one ever Lived a tough life by cutting back. I owe my brother David I told him this a thousand times and he rubs it in my face every time because I have money now because of him 100% because of him because I used to live with the lifestyle and the mind said I’ll make more I’m good I can do this which is great and it’s motivating things like that But I’d rather go to bed tonight and not owe anybody any money.
That’s satisfying guys. That is satisfying You can do whatever you want. You can travel you can anything it’s great. So Let me know what you think about this so far is a little bit more to cover on this but a lot of cool stuff happening and Big changes coming but don’t believe these lies that people are like listen Here’s I know your house was worth five million. Here’s 750 grand and have a nice day. It’s not hat It’s not happening guys telling you that right now. There are people Originally, they thought that about a third of the people wouldn’t rebuild Josh Altman from a million dollar listing He thinks it’s about 60% now that will never rebuild those houses again It is chaos and it’s only getting worse right now guys.
You haven’t seen anything yet People do not have places to live. There’s not enough places to rent And again, if you didn’t get your paycheck, we’ve all done this. Oh my god, if I could just hang on till Friday, man I’m great and then Friday rolls around you don’t get the money then it’s Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday. Oh Can’t put gas in the car So, oh by the way, the guy that says he’s doing the fine nothing lifestyle when he was married he Set down one day with his wife and told me a horrific story red dinner Earlier this week and he sat down and said there was a point in time that I was making Well over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year and my wife says we have ninety dollars to get through the next ten days $90 it’s got two kids got a wife because how do I get gas? How do I go to work right now didn’t have it didn’t have it and said I will never live that way again now He’s cutting back even more right now.
So that’s the value of doing this guys. Let me know what you think about this I don’t know why I find the weirdest things humorous and Tim Wentworth is the CEO at Walgreens and He has said that they have had nothing but problems with shrinkage and shrinkage is the industry term for the theft of merchandise So they did their conference call and the shrinkage has increased 52 percent but what they did in the majority of the Walgreens stores is that they’ve locked up merchandise and Tooth pay shaving cream, you know toothbrushes The odor and all these little things and you know what happens He said when you lock things up like this They don’t sell because nobody wants to wait to have somebody open it.
So he said quote unquote this is what he said that the Shrinkage and the shoplifting is like hand-to-hand combat in the stores now Walgreens is one of the stores that said hey Don’t confront these people. Let them fly, you know, you don’t you don’t ask questions You don’t say anything you let them out the door We just passed proposition 36 here in California that makes it so that this is a crime crime crime crime. So with that These people are now getting prosecuted finally and I mean it is crazy guys There was looting and shoplifting in Santa Monica In the last couple days during the fires that groups large groups online social media, let’s go get them Ah, you know what? They’re not gonna catch us.
They put masks on and they go out and they you know fight it out Isn’t that nuts guys? It’s absolutely nuts. So mr. Wentworth. I’m not so sorry for the guy because it’s nuts that Shop doesn’t such a problem, but I’m telling you I hate waiting for this stuff because it ruins it for normal people like me Okay now When you go to places like Las Vegas and go to the CVS Everything is broken down into sections and you may have to buy your deodorant at this register by your alcohol at this set registers So does it this register and it you know people have to wait in line You may wait in two or three lines to get out of the store for one trip who cares But the point is is it’s not locked up.
So this is gonna get fixed sooner or later City Bank City Bank has a real problem and they’re laying off another 400 employees and put together half a billion dollars in severance packages 500 million dollars in seven packages. Let’s go not work there. You know what I mean? So with that You’ve got all these people that are not That are not working not gonna work Jane Fraser is trying to get this thing set up so that They’re gonna get to it financially I’m gonna finish this video with these last couple stories and again, have you noticed how fast food has just fallen off a cliff and How insane prices have gotten the quality has gotten horrible Burger King the only thing good at Burger King is their chicken fries You know the long skinny chicken like fingers that are in the shape of fries.
That’s those are great a woman in Ohio was a little upset because she Bought chicken fries story out of the New York Post and they had weed in them. We marijuana coochie, okay In her kids chicken fried. You can’t make this stuff up. No, you can’t but again Just you know, I don’t know if they arrested the worker or not who was responsible for that But isn’t that funny though? It got weed. No, it’s horrible. But again quality the fast food industry is done now to end it this video Dunkin donuts teamed with a working company.
They’re going to have donut scented perfume. Oh Come on, I mean unless you’re some chubby chaser, he’s gonna want don’t donut scented perfume Oh, I come big and I can just smell like a glazed donut. I mean come on Again, don’t spend money. Don’t waste money. This is one of those things. You don’t waste money on Wouldn’t it be great to get donut scented perfume. My wife’s gonna think this is hilarious. No, it’s a waste of money Donut scented perfume Again guys, you cannot make this stuff up please don’t forget to hit the like button subscribe to the channel and if you want to email me a teller what I allegedly calm and you’re just a couple days away from the gifts from Christmas and New Year’s being sent out and Onward and upward guys, I will see you guys very soon