Your Mails Not Safe Anymore | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ I Allegedly talk’s about how mail theft is increasing rapidly, with over 440 violent incidents reported last year and 60 already this year. Thieves are targeting mail to find checks they can alter and cash in, a process known as check washing. This is making working conditions for postal workers more dangerous and stressful. It’s important to secure your mail and get to know your postal carrier to help prevent theft.
➡ The text talks about the importance of being prepared for emergencies, like power outages or system failures, and having enough supplies at home. It also discusses the struggles of electric car makers Rivian and Lucid, who are losing money and laying off employees. The text mentions a California almond grower, Trinitas, that went bankrupt, which could impact pensions. Lastly, it talks about the IRS targeting millionaires who owe taxes, builders in the Midwest refusing to meet energy efficiency standards due to high costs, and a man who was ignored during a job interview at Olive Garden.
➡ A man had a bad experience while waiting for a job interview at a poorly managed business. The video advises not to accept such unprofessional behavior during job interviews. It suggests that the way a company treats you during the interview reflects how they’ll treat you as an employee. The speaker encourages viewers to reject such jobs, even if they’re desperate, as it’s not worth the trouble.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching. I allegedly, and I’ve got a good one for you today because I’ve had three people send me stories about mail theft, and mail theft is on the rise. We’re going to talk about that. And don’t forget to hit the like button. Make sure you’re subscribed to the channel. And today we have a sponsor, ageless multicolagen. But let’s get right into it.

You know, I love when you guys send me stuff, and I also really respect when you say, don’t use my name. This person had kind of a unique spelling to her name, so I don’t want to talk about her and use her first name. But in Westminster, California, in a small enclave, there was a problem where they had mail stolen. Two separate trays of mail were stolen from a mail truck that affected an entire community.

Now, here’s the thing, guys. This is absolutely on the rise right now, and you have to be leery of this. And nobody wants to talk to anybody. Nobody wants to meet their neighbors. Nobody wants to speak to their mailman or mail lady and say, hi, I’m Glenda, and I live on this street over here. And nobody does that anymore. Nobody’s polite. Nobody does things because they’re just in their own little bubble.

But this is the perfect example as to why you should do that, because you should be in communication with these people, because the mail theft is absolutely out of control. Think about this. Been a record year last year with over 440 known mail theft where people were violently hurt. Okay? And that’s the post office workers and mail trucks taken over and things like that. Well, when you multiply that out right now, here we are towards the end of February, and you’ve already got 60 incidents across the country where you have all this mail theft that’s happening.

This is happening at a record pace right now, and it’s only going to get worse right now. Fullerton, California, last month, three workers didn’t hit the post office truck. They went right to the post office and stole hundreds of pieces of mail, stacks of mail from the bins that were going to the trucks and stole them and then ended up getting caught. But it was a high speed chase and tried to run people over and things like that and the stories below on that.

But the problem with this is it’s getting more and more brazen. And you have Eric McKinney, who in Broward county was arrested, and he was caught stealing multiple times from the post office directly. Now, what’s the real damn, what are they getting with mail? Well, what the big problem is is a thing called check washing, where if you steal enough pieces of mail, you’re going to hit the lottery and you’re going to get a check in there.

And what these check washing people do is they change the name written on the check. So that’s the whole idea of this. The goal of this is that if you get enough pieces of mail, you can steal this. And it’s absolutely gotten out of control. But I have had more postal workers write me. The working conditions are getting worse for them because as the economy gets worse, they’re expected to do more.

Hey, we just got rid of two carriers. You’re going to pick up the slack. So instead of doing, and it’s done by miles, it’s done by routes and streets and things like that, they always write me and tell me that they’re getting extra days added where you have to work every other Saturday for no more money. You’ve got to do an extra 1. 9 miles, 2 miles a day of walking and all this stuff.

It’s just crazy. So you’re seeing this happen more and more and more. And we’re getting more and more potential for them to be robbed on a daily basis right now. So be careful. Make sure you’ve got your mail locked up. But the incidents with the postal workers are getting more and more violent. They’re not peaceful. It’s not like they just break in and steal stuff out of the truck.

It’s strong armed robberies where they’re taking these people over and they’re getting worse and worse. And know Mr. McKinney that was arrested, this guy’s been doing this for a long period of time. And they realized that he had all this mail in his house. And it’s clearly a pattern that these people do this with. So look, make sure your area is safe. Get to know your postal carrier.

And be careful, guys, because I am telling you right now, you’re going to see more robberies like this than ever before. And it’s going to only get, you know, oh, Dan, just don’t get mail. Just have things sent to you electronically. I know what people are gonna say, but this is getting out of control. Now. The next thing is at t. At t went down for the count yesterday and they had an outage.

Now, one of my main phone carriers is at t. It’s a business. And multiple cell phones and things like that is ran through at t. And we had no problem here. None. Not one. We could text we could make phone calls, we could get phone calls, we could go on the Internet. Everything. Had no issues at all here in Southern California with my particular phones and my phone numbers, this is going to be a bigger problem.

I’m going to do something about this, though, for you guys, and I’m going to contact somebody so we can solve this problem for you guys again. But you have to protect yourself. What do you do if you don’t have access to these people, to people you need to be connected with? I think that this is a bigger problem. And people have talked about hacking and is this something that has to do with a chinese cyberattack or anything like that? You’ve got to protect yourself and just, you can assume anything.

But until we have facts, if we’re even going to be told the proper facts, it’ll be interesting. But share your thoughts on this stuff and let me know if you experience that, if you’ve had that. The problem with a lot of these networks that most people don’t know is a lot of remote atms and certain banking things work on these same cellular networks that you and I pay for.

So it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out and let me know if you were affected by that. Let’s talk about our sponsor, ageless multicolagen. Guys, for the last six months, the first thing I do when I start my day is take a scoop of collagen and put it in my coffee. It has five different types of collagen from four premium sources. It’s 10 grams of pyopeptides that help with my skin health, my nail health, joint pain, everything gut health.

It’s just fantastic. It’s really a wonder drug. Check it out today. If you go to healthwithdan. com, you can save over 50% off the regular price. And so many of you have ordered this. Biotrust is a great company. They’ve shipped over 15 million products. But you really do need to look at getting yourself some collagen. We think about our creepy skin and our joint pain as just part of getting older, but you can do something about that.

And it’s made a huge difference with me. And I’ve told you guys this over and over again. Where it’s made a difference with me is as I start working out, I have zero joint pain. It’s completely gone away. Go to healthwithdan. com or use the link below and order some ages multi collagen today and if you’ve already ordered it, it’s time to refill and get some more. But take a look at the good people at Biotrust today and get yourself some collagen.

Have a great day. Thank you very much. A couple of things else to talk about is they’re blaming the shutdown on the cell network with solar flares. Okay. And space aliens are coming. Doesn’t have to be that to be concerning because the other thing that’s concerning is we had a major problem with a pharmacy provider, change healthcare, which was shut down. And a lot of people wrote me about this, but they couldn’t process pharmaceuticals, couldn’t get prescriptions delivered.

And even Dr. Marvin, who’s in the Florida area wrote me and he got a letter from them and it affected these pharmacies. Mayor, Safeway, Osco, Randall’s, Costco, Weiss, Vaughn’s and Market street. And we’ll let you know when the system is back up. Here’s the thing, guys, these cyber attacks are getting worse and worse. And know, warning after warning after warning, the cell phones go down, you can’t get a prescription.

And I’ve told you guys this, you have to prepare yourself. You have to have cash in the house, you have to have food in the house, you have to have water. What if something happened in a substation and you’re in a condo that’s on the 14th floor in Florida and you can’t get water? What are you going to do? Seriously? Oh, I’ll just go to my kids house.

Okay. And they can’t get water. Think about that. So you need to prepare yourself for what’s coming and what they’re just giving us little nibbles of, okay, which are, you can’t get your prescriptions, can’t use your cell phone. What if everything goes down, guys, you have no power. You have no way of communicating with anybody. What would you do? Seriously, what would you do? Me? I could be landlocked for a month with everything I’ve got.

And I had a brother. I have a brother that beat into my head that I needed to prepare. And he was the one that got me to buy everything, buy the excess water, buy everything, food, everything, supplies, security, everything for the house. You have to have that right now. And if you don’t think that these problems are going to persist, you’re kidding yourself. I have no faith in the system.

I have no faith in the people running it right now. So look at this. But when you have doctors like Dr. Marvin, guy’s written books, guy’s very well respected, but he’s got issues with his patients and with people he sees and the warnings that he’s gotten, that enough is enough is enough. You have to be prepared for what’s coming down the road right now and change healthcare. What if you couldn’t get your prescriptions now? Things aren’t dire with me, and that’s the thing.

I’ve had cancer patients live in my house. And when you have that day to day, you could have to get a new prescription. So that’s not going to happen right now. So you have to be able to get communication with your doctor. What happens if the system, electronic system goes down? You need to ask that question. If you rely on pharmaceuticals to make sure you’re healthy and make sure you’re going to be able to get through the average week.

Okay. Have to have that conversation right now. Let me know what you think about this. Let’s talk about some businesses that aren’t doing so well right now. Electric car makers, Rivian and Lucid. I love this. Okay, Rivian again, we’ve heard this before. They keep laying off 10% of the people that work there. They’re going to lay off 10% of their employees right now, and they’re anticipating that they’ll still ship 57,000 cars this year.

Good for you. You guys, listen, they lose hundreds of thousands of dollars on those cars. The worst one is lucid. Lucid thought that they were going to ship in excess of 30,000 cars this year, and they’re going to ship 9000 cars for the year. They lose almost half a million dollars a car that they make right now. That’s a great business. The best part about this story, seriously, is that Elon Musk steps forward and says, you know what they’ve got to look forward to? And you’re like, what, Elon? Bankruptcy.

That’s what they’ve got to look forward to. So I guess if you’re in that space, you would gloat if your competitors were going down for the count. But here in Southern California, you got rich fat cats that drive these cars and have waited sometimes two years for delivery for these cars. And I don’t get it. What do you do with an electric vehicle that you can’t get parts for later on? What’s going to happen with, know, Ford, GM? All they do is lose money making these cars.

And I had someone write me today and say, you know, I think the greatest investment and where you’re going to see this stock go up hundreds of dollars a share is Ford. You should look at it, Dan. And I was like, what do you work there? I mean, were you kidding. So anyways, we all have to get ready for what’s coming for the ev space. Now, the next thing is Trinitas is an almond grower here in California.

They just went bankrupt. And the worst part about this, there’s two bad parts about this. Trinitas owes its suppliers $190,000,000. But that’s not the worst part. They had to file chapter eleven this week. And the worst part about this is that they are huge with the California pensions. They have so much invested and owe the pensions money because these people have lent them money to be almond growers.

And here’s the thing about this. They have almost 8000 acres of land and they have all these amazing water rights, which is a real big deal here in California, in the Central Valley, to have the water rights. And they’ve got the water rights, everything that hits the ground, plus all these other things. You can read the story below on it. It’s absolutely fascinating. But they owe a lot of people that are really relying on this money money, and they may not survive.

So here’s the funny thing about this. Almonds are incredibly expensive to grow. The price of almonds have dropped. The price of production has gone up. But here is Trinitas’biggest problem is servicing their debt. Nobody anticipated ever when they borrowed money at an adjustable rate that they thought that they would see interest rates go higher. And now that they’re going higher, oh, we can’t afford to pay that. So you know what I mean, guys, it’s absolutely crazy that these people didn’t think that, hey, this could be more expensive someday.

So that’s what’s happening right now. I have people that write me literally on a daily basis basis telling me how interest rates are going to go down and you’re going to see a 25% basis point drop the next meeting. What’s that going to do? Seriously think it’s going to get this company out of bankruptcy? Not a chance, guys. Interest rates have gone up over double and they can’t borrow it.

Plus, think about this. They get a dollar 47 a pound for almonds right now. They used to get $4 a pound for it and it costs more than that to produce. So the old joke is, yeah, we lose $100 in every job and make it up on volume. That’s not the case even for almond growers. So this is the beginning of this with these bankruptcies and with these companies going out of business.

My friend in the foreclosure business called me today to tell me that they’re going to a huge marketing conference in Vegas next week where they are seeing all this activity for the commercial lenders that are looking for new foreclosure companies to go get their properties back. Oh, okay. It’s all great. But here is where the problem lies. And this is where the story is going someplace. Trinitas owes the wrong people money.

Owing these pensions money is going to destroy mom and pops around the world because you’re going to see pensions get affected and get destroyed by this in the future. Mark my words on this, you’re going to see people not be able to pay their bills as a result of things like this. Okay, let me know if I’m wrong, share your thoughts on this stuff. I’m going to finish this video with these last few stories.

The sun is just so bright out here today. It’s really nice. First thing is Reddit, the posting site. We get news and share things and have polls and things like that. They just worked out a component for an AI deal for their site. $60 million licensing deal a year. That’s perfect timing because they’re about to go public. So there’s that. Next thing is the IRS. The IRS just doesn’t want you to think that they’re coming after you and me.

They’re going after millionaires right now. And they want you to know that millionaires owe billions of dollars in taxes and they are sick of looking at just the people that make 40 and 50 grand a year. They want the millionaires who have skirted the system and owe billions of dollars. So the IRS agents are going full force after these people. And there’s a great article below talking about how they are just fed up with this and how it’s been too much for them to.

They’ve just skirted all these laws for too long and they need to pay their fair share. Okay? So it’s nice. It’s not just you and I. There are builders in the midwest that are like, hey, these energy efficient standards that you guys have are crazy. They’re costing us on a 200 and 5300 thousand dollars home. $50,000. So we’re not going to do them. You want to buy a home from me? It’s not energy efficient.

It’s not going to have these energy standards that they have in wacky California. We’re not going to have that here. So come buy a house. We can get it built for you for 250 grand and it’ll be nice. And the same standards that we’ve used for decades, and now there’s that. So let me know, if you would buy a house that would just be only so energy efficient, not super efficient.

Final story, man didn’t leave his name, but there’s a great story about how he went to Olive Garden for a position and had an interview scheduled. And they said, okay, sir, wait right here. Sit down. So the guy sits down and nobody talks to him for 3 hours. He sat there and completely lost it and ended up shooting a TikTok video about how they just neglected him and didn’t pay attention to him.

And finally somebody walked in the room. Can I help you? He’s like, well, yeah, I’m waiting to get interviewed. Oh, yeah, we’ll take your name. We’ll call you back. Nobody ever took his name. Nobody ever took an application. Nobody took anything from this guy. I am telling you right now, you’re seeing more and more businesses that are ran so horribly right now. And clearly this Olive garden was ran that way.

But when you are interviewing right now, don’t tolerate this. You wouldn’t tolerate it on a date. You wouldn’t tolerate it on a job interview. And if you’re going to work for anybody, if they’re not professional, do not work there because you’re doing yourself a complete disservice. Because how they greet you and how it all starts is how the experience is going to be when you’re there. Don’t forget that.

People get desperate. I really need a job. I’ll put up with this. No. Say no. Just say no. Okay. I’m going to end this with this beautiful sailboat in the background. Please don’t forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to my channel. And if you want to get a hold of me, it’s hello@iallegedly. com. And join our email list and let me know what you guys want to see in the future.

A lot of exciting stuff happening that I’m going to be thrilled to share with you. And, man, I mean, I love warm weather, and I love when it’s not raining, so it’s not too much to ask for. Okay, I’ll see you sooner. .

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.


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check washing crime emergency preparedness supplies increasing mail theft statistics IRS targeting tax-owing millionaires job interview experience at Olive Garden knowing your postal carrier Midwest builders refusing energy efficiency postal worker safety power outage readiness Rivian and Lucid financial struggles securing your mail from theft system failure preparation Trinitas bankruptcy impact on pensions

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