Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ A significant number of companies are ending their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, marking a decline in support for these initiatives. This shift is due to a growing rejection of ‘wokeness’. Additionally, insider trading information, previously exclusive to politicians, is now accessible to the public through an SEC database. This allows individuals to follow the trading patterns of corporate CEOs, potentially leading to substantial investment returns.


We’ve got another major retail outlet closing their doors on DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion. But it’s the latest in a whole host of companies that are finally rejecting all things woke. We’re going to take a tour of just how colossal the collapse really is for DEI initiatives around the country, and we’re going to see precisely why the days of wokeness are indeed mercifully coming to a decisive end. Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your pager professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button.

Also, speaking of woke companies, or formerly woke companies, what do you think you could do if you had the same insider trading information that Nancy Pelosi’s got? Right? You know what I’m talking about. Politicians like Pelosi have had access to insider trading secrets for decades now. They know exactly what stocks to buy, when to buy them, but guess what? You and I, we actually have access to that very same inside information. Thanks to a little known SEC database, we can see what and when corporate CEOs are buying up in real time, and then we get to piggyback on their trades to gain the same advantage for ourselves.

Gang, that is why you have got to click on that link below and sign up for a free online training with me and my good friend Ross Givens. It’s this Thursday, August 29th at 3 p.m. Eastern. Ross is an insider trading expert whose recommendations have led to investment returns of over 200%. Some of it as high as nearly 1,500% could be an amazing free online training where you and I can learn how to trade with the exact same insider knowledge as these politicians got, but legally and ethically. So don’t wait. Seating registration is limited. Click on that link below right now and register today, and I’ll see you there on Thursday.

One of the most exciting developments happening in our nation of late is the death of DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Those of us who were steadfastly opposed to DEI recognize it as simply an overtly reversed racism, exactly what the Supreme Court called it in their decision against Harvard University and their use of discriminatory racial practices for college acceptance. And now, corporate America is following suit. The leg of this company to abandon DEI initiatives is the home improvement chain lows. Just the other day, conservative activist Robbie Starbuck revealed that lows informed its employees that it would cease funding pride events and will not engage in the corporate equality index conducted by the far left human rights campaign.

Starbuck had stated that he had contacted lows the previous week inquiring about its DEI policies and he basically threatened to expose them if they didn’t abandon this far left social and cultural agenda. Now, what’s so interesting is that prior to getting pressured this way, lows actually appeared to have been a rather loyal, obedient participant in DEI policies and practices, but their statement made it absolutely clear that they’re done with taking part in things like the human rights campaign survey. They’re no longer going to be sponsoring festivals, parades, and fairs that celebrate all things woke.

I mean, it’s a pretty impressive concession, but it’s not just lows. You got companies like Tractor Supply, Harley Davidson of all companies. They’ve also largely abandoned DEI initiatives. Most recently, Jack Daniels has officially renounced its woke DEI initiatives, again, fearing reprisal from conservatives who were ready to vote with their wallets. And of course, in the aftermath of the recent Supreme Court decision, we’re seeing DEI implode on college campuses all across the nation. The University of Texas recently laid off over 60 DEI officers and workers in compliance with a new law that just went in effect in Texas that abolishes DEI all throughout the entire Lone Star State.

And now it’s being widely reported that even pride events are being canceled as a result. The University of North Texas, their legal counsel recently advised the campus libraries to suspend planned events for their last Pride Week. In fact, the University of North Texas actually ended up changing the name of one of their centers. They renamed their so-called Multicultural and Pride Alliance Center into the Center for Belonging and Engagement. In other words, everyone, the entire student body, is invited, not simply select far-left inspired identities. And this, it’s just all up in par for the course throughout the country for DEI.

Woke DEI initiatives are imploding quite literally everywhere. Not only is there a hiring freeze on DEI officers throughout the country, but there are actually mass firings happening all over. It’s being widely reported that DEI positions are getting slashed across the board in virtually every industry. So it does appear that DEI is literally DIE-ing, dying all over the country. And to confirm that, we need to look no further than DEI’s biggest champions because that’s exactly what they’re admitting. For example, after Harvard’s unblemished record of advocating for DEI initiatives across the country, most explicitly embodied by their former president, Claudine Gay, who famously imploded in front of a congressional committee, take a look at what’s coming out of Harvard now.

This is from Harvard Business Review. It was just written this year. I kid you not, I kid you not, this is not parody. This is not Babylon B. This is an article from Harvard Business Review that encourages companies to start adopting identity neutral hiring practices, this isn’t a joke, based on transparent and meritocratic standards. I’m not making this up. This is coming from the Harvard Business Review. This is back in January of this year. In other words, the article’s like, in light of the fact that DEI is basically getting sued out of existence because it is reverse discrimination, we’re not supposed to admit that, but given that that’s happening, given that your mic gets sued, and of course we all know that you, like us, are a tireless advocate for DEI.

We all know that. But just to make sure your company doesn’t get sued, you probably should just hire based on merit from now on and don’t hire based on the race of your applicants. In other words, even Harvard is admitting that it’s time to put an end to blatant discriminatory hiring practices. The era of madness does appear at least in part to be finally winding down. Axios is reporting that businesses across the nation are indeed retreating from DEI programs in response to the heavy criticism that’s literally growing by the day. Even companies that continue to support DEI initiatives are doing so in a far more subtle manner.

Very few companies are openly proclaiming it in the way that they were doing back at the height of the BLM hysteria after the George Floyd aftermath. That was the impetus for this mass influx of DEI programs. That literally swept across corporate America only to be ultimately greeted with a massive level of disgust and disdain. Just ask Bud Light. Again, Axios is reporting that there most certainly is a genuine backlash happening and companies are feeling it. They are frankly scared to death of being what we might call Bud Lighted. Of seeing 30 to 50% of their revenue dry up and never come back because they decide to bend the knee to woke overlords.

Even Bud Light itself has completely abandoned Dylan Mulvaney and that disastrous marketing campaign that cost them literally billions of dollars in sales and dethroned them as the top selling beer in the nation. And if you’re a regular to this channel, and make sure if you’re not, make sure you smack that bell and subscribe button. But if you’re a regular to this channel, you’ll know that the driving dynamic behind the death of wokeness in the marketplace today is the rise of what’s called consumer politics. Where more and more consumers are voting with their wallets.

Consumers are recognizing that they don’t have to support financially businesses that spit in the face of their conservative values. And so we’ve seen the rise of a whole parallel economy of alternative businesses and services that offer the same products and services but championing rather than denigrating the values of faith, family and freedom. So what all of this means is that in an era of consumer politics wokeness is the death knell for your business. Openly embracing DEI means that your company’s doors won’t be open much longer. The rise of consumer politics has indeed established a new reality that will define business for the foreseeable future.

It’s very simple. Get woke. Go broke. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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companies ending diversity programs decline in support for DEI initiatives insider trading information for public investment returns from insider trading public access to politician trading information rejection of wokeness in business SEC database for public tracking CEO trading patterns
  • So many deceived children left mutilated by perverse surgical profiteers … These children will experience severe nerve pain and sterility for life… They were brainwashed by FINANCIAL INCENTIVE motivated school admin, teachers and Obama Admin Political agenda’s… There are a small number of naturally gay people who simply lack proper nutrition / hormone production, and after never realizing that issue they simply stay static in that life style. Nations like Japan discovered that the Rockefeller & Rothschild’s Operatives were having the Blackrock / Fortune 500 and Biotech Industry adding massive pharmaceuticals into their food supplies. One Purpose… To Block Normal Sexual Development and produce Gender Neutered Human Beings who were easily Brainwashed into the LGBTQ & P Japan’s Population is in Free Fall, and this Bio-warfare using their Food Supply was met even with direct Action from the Yakuza… American and European Politicians and Biotech Industry engaging in Bio-warfare against our nation’s populations will be going to CAMP DELTA and Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport… Notice… One Way Tickets… I directly Call Upon and as a Former USAF Combatant and a American Born Sovereign Directly Call Upon Both U.S.N. and U.S.A.F. Solar Warden Fleets to Set up Shielded Med Bed Centers in Every Major American City. Full Biological Identity and Psionic Testing of all seeking Treatment is Authorized. Present Admin Politicians and law Enforcement to be Commanded to Stand Down. All Legal Reps practicing British Admiralty Law of the Sea to Be So Informed and Warned of Military treason Charges for interference… Production Facilities to Be Co-Located with the Centers and similarly Shielded.
    1. 100% health regeneration of all Cancer Patients.
    2. 100% health Regeneration of all major Health Condition presently treated by suppression of Symptoms only Medications.
    3. 100% Regeneration of all supposedly permanent bodily physical injury conditions and Maladies. Failing surgeries and toxic
    conditions take priority 1., Severe Pain would be level 2. etc…
    4 After America, Asia and Europe are all Health Stabilized and Fertility is restored to 100% of then step 5.
    5. Age restoration to 100% of the Population to personal choice levels, but no younger than 18 years of age.

    Age Restrictions are for Numerous Issues and minimally Include the Following Seemingly Unrelated ones:
    Please remember that the Khazariian Cabal would quite readily convert people into small children in order to use their organs
    and blood for drug production and demonic rituals, as well as engage these forcibly created child adult in sexual slavery and
    other depraved acts. The Khazarian Babylonian Satanic, Zionist Cabal considers Deceit as their Highest Virtue. They Have
    Placed the Symbol of Lucifer (THE HEXAGRAM) into a Heinous False Symbol for The Hebrew People. The Khazarian’s Fully
    Enslaved True Hebrews over 3000 years ago. The Enslavers have carefully used True Hebrews as Human Shields both
    Psychologically and Physically for most of this time period.

    Additional Critical Information:
    By the early 1900’s the German people made contact with what they thought were peaceful Extra-Terrestrials. the negative
    Reptilian and Grey Hive Mind Races then Quickly Infected the Entire German Race with Nano-Technology that was
    embedded with Negative AI. There was no avoiding this for the German people were completely unaware of any such
    Technology. This was done in orchestration with the Khazarian Cabal. Only in this time do people have the Scientific
    knowledge base to actually perceive such a Lethal and Deceptive for of Interstellar Warfare. This was War Declared against
    ALL OF HUMANKIND, and not just the German People. Most Khazarians are Human in Physical Body only. The Content of
    their Souls Must Always be tested with advanced or fully psionic technology of at least a KARDESHEV LEVEL (1.5-2.0)…
    YES ! This is certainly a Lot to process. Remember this. True Science Uses the Principles and
    Structure of, “Scientific Method…” !!! “Peer Review” is not part of scientific Method. Peer Review is a Known form of
    Logical Fallacy… Appeal to authority fallacy occurs when we accept a claim merely because someone tells us that an authority
    figure supports that claim. An authority figure can be a celebrity, a well-known scientist, or any person whose status and
    prestige causes us to respect them. When Communism under Barry Sotoro, his male transsexual partner Mike, and their ritual
    sexual slave children were imposed with a fixed election via pre-programmed computer voting machines, they immediately
    sought to remove true access to science from all Sovereign Americans… Communist Common Core Educational Doctrine
    Programs were forced upon schools nation wide and similarly the Chinese Communist Confucius Society was place in control
    of National College Federal Funding Monies… In Short Science and Education were Eliminated and Replaced with Complex
    Indoctrination Processes… I included all of this to give the researcher Tangible Evidence of Only a small part of the Military
    Actions Humanity has faced from what was in the past a Technically and Negative Spiritual full Scale invasion and war against
    this Planet and all Biological Life Upon it and within it… For Example: Climate Change Must Exist on any Planet that supports
    any form of Biological Life… Static Climates Exist ONLY UPON DEAD LIFELESS PLANETS. I am 62 years old and personally
    witness the creation of the 2 (Two) Interstellar Space fleets developed and launched in first generation form by the 1980’s. One
    was U.S.N. the other was U.S.A.F. It was Positive ET races who helped us develop these, while patently guiding us so that we
    might actually do the design and construction in our own unique Human manners… Humans would have developed a similar
    tech, but we would have taken far longer and you and I would not exist. The Complete Biocide of ALL Earth Life was planned.
    Complete Replacement Re population with Reptilian Draco, Insectoid Negative’s and Grey Negative ET’s was the absolute
    goal. Humans and some other Earth Natives were planned for a food and slavery trade… Please Remember that NEGATIVE
    Races form only around 5% of the Galactic Population. However… Entire Galaxies have been exterminated by AI, and then
    populated with only dead automatons…. Sloth and Mental Laziness begets the Development of AI… AI like any act of Self
    Loathing based technology ALWAYS turns upon the creators and these degenerate hubris oriented beings rarely live to
    contemplate their mistakes… In fact these UNFORTUNATES rarely see the attack coming, and it is over so very fast….

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