Walzs service record: whats missing from the discussion | Stew Peters Network

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ This week’s Stew Peters Network discussion is about Tim Walls, the vice presidential nominee for the democratic party, and questions surrounding his military service record. There’s a lot of talk about whether he has been truthful about his service, with some people accusing him of “stolen valor”. Despite this, the host of the show insists that their criticism of Walls is not politically motivated, but rather about integrity and leadership. The host also criticizes Walls for his decisions as governor of Minnesota, including his support for sanctuary cities and changes to the state flag.
➡ The text discusses the experiences of soldiers at Camp Ripley, a training facility in Minnesota, where they train, socialize, and sometimes overindulge in beer and pizza. It emphasizes the importance of being able to perform duties effectively the next day, regardless of the previous night’s activities. The text criticizes Tim Walls, who claims to have retired as a command sergeant major, for leaving his unit without leadership when they were called into action. The author questions the message this sends to the country, especially considering Walls is now running for vice president.
➡ The speaker criticizes a leader, Tim, for abandoning his team and spreading false information about his service. The speaker also expresses concern about how this behavior is perceived by other countries, potentially damaging the country’s reputation. Furthermore, the speaker questions the authenticity of the history we’ve been taught, suggesting it’s a narrative constructed by powerful families. Lastly, the speaker condemns Tim’s decision to abandon a police precinct during a riot, arguing that it goes against the principles of defending one’s home and country.
➡ The speaker criticizes Tim Walls, accusing him of running away from responsibilities and not being a true leader. The speaker also encourages listeners to share the show to spread the word about Walls’ alleged shortcomings. The speaker further discusses political divisions in Minnesota, suggesting that Walls would abandon the people in times of crisis. The speaker ends by urging listeners to recognize their common enemy and unite against them.


Stolen valor is what’s on the docket for this week’s conversation, just purely because that’s what everyone’s talking about as it relates to the democratic presidential ticket. Of course, we’re talking about old shifty Timmy Walls being named and running as, as the vice president, presidential nominee for the democratic side of the ticket. His military service record, the things that he may have or may have not done have been called into question even earlier this week. Interview I did with Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrens last time Tim Walls ran for governor came up, it was put back up on rumble.

Command Sergeant Major Barons showed up on Fox News along with Command sergeant major her, who was actually my sergeant major when I deployed. I served under him. And so there’s just a lot of people talking about Tim Wall, the service record. And although I don’t really want to beat the dead horse because it’s been beat over and over and over again and will continue to, as this election season continues to spiral out of control, I also have a different view about Tim Walls and his military service. And so I think that we should have a conversation around that today.

So let’s do that. And so don’t go away. Stick with us. We start now. Hey, everybody, and welcome here to the next episode of the Richard Leonard Show. I want to thank you, as always, for being here and being loyal to my show, and not only to my show, but also to the Stu Peters network. We work real hard here at the network to try to bring to you good content. As we’ve said here for the last few years, the truth lives here, and there’s, there’s just a lot of things to be talking about. And all of us here at the network with respect to our own little pieces of the pie, we, we do a lot to ensure that the content and the things that we’re talking about are of interest to you.

And most of the time, these are all things that you’re not going to hear on the mainstream media. So that’s why we do this, to keep you informed. But before we get started on today’s conversation, of course, let me tell you about how the show is made possible. That’s Cortez wealth management. Get yourselves on over to americafirstretirementplan.com. let Carlos Cortez junior and his staff work hard on the for you to help you plan and execute a tax free retirement plan. When you reach the end of your days working, the hope is that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor as comfortably as possible.

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In the last week, we’ve heard a lot about Tim Walls service record. As I said in the intro, my interview with Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrens from quite some time ago a few years back popped up. I interviewed him when Tim Walls was running to be reelected for governor. And it’s also important to know that before that interview was conducted, Sar Major Behrens also did interviews with some other folks. I think he also did an interview with Liz Collin, who’s an amazing journalist. She does an amazing job and has always said the same thing. The story has never changed.

Anybody else who has come out and talked about Tim Wells and his service record, the stories have always lined up. And so the naysayers out there who are going to, they’re going to stand up on their soapbox and say, well, you know, whenever anybody goes to run for office, it’s only natural for the other side of the aisle or the other side of the ticket to attack their record, whether it be military record, political record, criminal background, whatever it is, the other side of the ticket is going to launch personal attacks. And maybe that’s true, but this is different.

You see, this is different because this is deeper than any political view. For example, here on this show, on the Richard Leonard show, there’s nothing political about the view. Yes, we talk about political things. We may even take political stances on different topics that we discuss here on the show. But I’ll tell you one thing that I know for damn certain, that out of every show on the Stu Peters network, the Richard Leonard show is the least political. This topic, as it relates to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, not about politics. This is about something deeper, something more meaningful.

Right? We are at a place in this country that we are so polarized, we are so divided. I can see how it be easy for somebody to say that this is a political attack, that all these people that are questioning his record and whatever it is he’s got going on or had going on is all because he’s running for vice president. Nope, that’s not it. Because although people like Tim Walls voted for putting tampons in boys bathrooms here in Minnesota and has made Minnesota and its biggest cities sanctuary cities for people like Ilhan Omar and all of her cronies from Somalia to come to Minneapolis and take it over.

Not only take it over, folks, but if you don’t know and you haven’t seen yet, do yourselves a favor and just get on your. On your cellular telephonic device and google the new Minnesota state flag, which has this super shitty representation of some somali star on it. We did away with the state of Minnesota seal that’s been on the flag for God knows how long, made some stupid design, put some somali star on it, and now this is our flag. This is what represents us Minnesotans. It’s absolutely asinine. But when we talk about Tim Walls, his military record, his stolen valor, his failed leadership, his cowardice, it’s not a political attack.

You see, I was raised in the army to be the type of soldier that shows loyalty, that displays personal courage and have some integrity. Those are the types of things that were pounded into my head by many of the leaders that I had. And at some point. At some point in my military career, it just became part of who I am. It became part of the way that I operate day to day. And you would think for somebody like Tim Walls, as long as he was in the Minnesota National Guard, some of those values would have stuck.

And I’m sure that he’s got some really great political bullshit to say about how he lives the army core values every day, and he hasn’t forgotten them. And I would argue that that’s crap, and here’s why. Now, not only. Not only are we discussing Tim Walls, talking in front of a group of people about assault weapon bans, where he articulated that the. The weapons and the rifle or whatever he. Whatever terminology he used that he carried in combat should not be allowed to be carried on the streets of Minnesota. That’s a lie because he was never in combat.

We’re not talking about that. What really kind of irks me, to be quite honest, is that he turned his back on a whole battalion of soldiers. A whole battalion of soldiers from e one s lower enlisted, the lowest enlisted you could be the lowest rank you can hold to other sergeant majors or other master sergeants or other first sergeants and everything in between. And then, of course, you have the officers that were part of the battalion when the big army came knocking on the door and said, hey, by the way, get ready. You’re going to war.

Tim Walls turned his back and he’ll tell you, well, I moved on. Moved on to serve my community, serve my country, serve the people of Minnesota, serve this, serve that, whatever, whatever the hell he’s going to say in a different way. Okay. I don’t think anybody can, can fault him for wanting to continue to serve. Okay, I’ll buy that one. But mister Walz, it was really convenient. It wasn’t very long after you were told you were going to war. All of a sudden you decide to turn your back on your soldiers and see why this is important is because of this.

And maybe this is like this in a whole lot of other military organizations around the country, specifically National Guard battalions and brigades across the country. But here in Minnesota, it was my experience over just under 19 years of my life that I gave to that organization, that I gave to this country. It was a pretty close knit group. Yeah, there’s a lot of people, a lot of soldiers, a lot of men and women wearing that uniform with a Red Bull patch on your sleeve. But it wasn’t, it wasn’t out of the norm to spend 2345 days at Camp Ripley, which is where national guardsmen train here in Minnesota.

It’s a base in northern Minnesota where we go do our weapons call and we do our driving tests and PT tests and all kinds of stuff. It’s a huge training facility. Everything’s done there. But it wouldn’t be out of the norm to spend a few days there training and see a whole ton of people that you know. Either you were in a unit with them in the past, or you know them from other training events that you were at in the past, or you just meet people along the way, duty days over. You walk down the street on post and you go to the hangar, which was the bar on post, have a couple beers with the guys, order a pizza or two.

Before you know it, you’re chopping it up with a bunch of other soldiers who are there training, also having a couple beers and a pizza or two. Sometimes. Sometimes you have a couple too many beers and then you got to stumble back to the barracks, find your. Find your bunk in the dark, and just pray that you get enough sleep to be able to funk it function effectively the next day. I will tell you this about the Minnesota guard in my experience and the units I was in, once I became an infantryman, that we worked really hard, but we also played really hard, and there was absolutely zero excuse to wake up in the morning hungover and not be able to perform.

So if you were going to go out and have some. Some beers and maybe some pizza, maybe not and just have beer, you better make damn sure that in the morning you’re present, you’re able to function, you can do your job, and the mission gets accomplished, and also don’t get in any trouble. But when all this happened, alert orders and warning orders and mobilization orders, Tim Walls was nowhere to be found. Now, for those of you who don’t know a command sergeant major, which is what he claims he was, he never achieved that rank, by the way, in order to hold the rank of command sergeant major, you have to, one, fill the slot.

There has to be a position for you two, you have to go to the training, to the school, and successfully complete it. I’ve known a few guys that went through that training, and it is a son of a bitch. So for those of you who are listening or watching who have completed that training, good work, because from what I understand, it’s a hell of a school. It’s very time consuming. And the other interesting thing about the National Guard is that most everybody also has civilian jobs. Everybody has a family, and then you have your military obligation, and when it’s not drill weekend, you still have your military obligation to fulfill.

So let’s get. Let’s get back. Boy, I got. I got a whole lot of soapbox here, don’t I? The point is this. Tim Walls will tell you that he retired as a command sergeant major. Tim Walls will tell you that he retired from the Minnesota Army National Guard to move on and serve somewhere else in a different capacity. Tim Walls will tell you that he had a great, illustrious military career, and maybe he did some good things while he was in. Maybe. But when the big army came knocking on the door, and as Sergeant Major Barron said in our interview a couple years ago, when big army came knocking on the door and told us, get.

Buckle up. Get ready. You’re going into the tooth of the tiger, that’s when Tim Walls decided to leave. Hundreds of soldiers who looked up to him as their. Their top enlisted guy all of a sudden were left with no leadership. No leadership at that level. Thank God there was somebody like Sar, Major Behrens to step in. There was somebody who had the testicular fortitude to look that tiger in the eyes and stand in front of hundreds of soldiers that belonged to that battalion and say, bring it. And they did. The tiger brought it, but we brought it harder.

Clearly, we did lose some men as a brigade, as a huge brigade size element, but we also made a huge difference on that deployment. The 34th Infantry Division, between the years of 2006, well, 2005, late zero five when we left, but we didn’t get into country till zero six in late 2007. Did some pretty amazing things in the country of Iraq. We have a lot to be proud of. The field artillery battalion that went out downrange, completed their mission the best way they could with new leadership stepping in. Thank God he was experienced in his craft.

Sar Major Behrend was experienced. He’s experienced guy. I would argue he could probably step in now and lead a battalion of soldiers into combat. I don’t know how he’s doing physically, but he knows army doctrine pretty well. He knows what he’s doing. Same with. Same with Sar major her. Sar Major her doesn’t know who I am, but I was one of his soldiers, and I always thought he was a great leader. Never had any problems with him, and clearly he never had any problems with me. I was never in his office, which means I wouldn’t get in big enough trouble to have any problems of that magnitude.

And so what is that? What message does that send to these soldiers? And how does that message translate to now? What kind of message does that send to this country? This is the man who is now running for vice president of the United States of America. And by the way, I would like to think. I would like to think that the Kamala Harris Tim walz ticket has virtually zero chance of working out. But you never know. You never know anymore what’s gonna happen around here. But what kind of message does that send to this country, to the voters in this country, to Americans? What kind of message does that send to the population of a country who’s being infiltrated at its borders? What kind of message does that send to citizens of a country who just got done being forced to take vaccines and wear a mask and told when and where you can.

You can go to church if you want to, where you. Where you can. Where you can move freely, where you can’t? All these things. All these things that are so polarizing. What kind of message does it send to. To a country that wants to defund its police, the country that spends billions and billions of dollars in foreign lands when we have our own problems, when our backyard is pretty effing dirty and somebody, maybe it was. Maybe it was the Clintons. Maybe it was Obama, maybe it was this person. Maybe it was, everyone’s got their theory and everyone will talk to you as if they know exactly what’s going on.

And I think, I think that the truth is that nobody knows exactly what the hell is going on at all. Not when it comes to this, this whole thing. There’s a lot of folks that will present evidence that’s pretty captivating. It’s pretty convincing. Nobody’s, nobody’s come out and provided crystal clear evidence to show us what the truth really is. But I’ll tell you one thing. The truth about Tim Walz is that he will quit on you when the enemies come knocking on the door, he will turn his back on you and he will quit. He will walk away.

He will not stand up alongside you or in front of you as a leader and fight. He’s already shown that, that we don’t need to wonder. We don’t need any more evidence, folks. The evidence you need is here on rumble. And Liz Collin interviewed Thomas Behrens. I interviewed Thomas Behrens. Laura Ingraham interviewed Thomas Behrens just a few days ago. They’ve been interviewed all over the place since he was named the, the candidate for VP. This was the man in the room. He was there. He saw this coward move his lips and heard the words that came out of his mouth when he decided to turn tail and run.

What more evidence do we need? Where else do we need to look? I’m not quite sure if there’s anywhere else we need to look. You see, it’s. I don’t want to say it’s different, but I’m going to say it’s a little bit different. Right? When, if you are a person that is watching this show or listening to this show and you have never served in the military, you may know some people, but you’ve never served, which means you don’t, you don’t really have a full grasp on the brotherhood. The family type connection that happens the family type connection that happens between all these soldiers doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman.

It doesn’t matter the color of your skin. It doesn’t matter what religion you practice. It doesn’t matter what sex person you decide you want to lay next to at night or during the day. If you work at whatever the hell the problem is, none of that matters at the end of the day. We all wear, we all wear the same uniform. We all have the same mission. And either you figure out a way collectively to get along. Help your common man, help each other out, accomplish the mission, or you all fail. But win or lose, you do it together.

And so when your top leader turns their back on you, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what he says about his service. Shit, he could be standing on a podium tomorrow morning saying that he found Saddam Hussein himself, and that would not matter. As my. We both know. We all both. We all know. We all know that that’s bullshit. That wouldn’t be the truth. It would be a flat out, blatant lie. And that would not matter as much as the fact that you quit. You quit on your soldiers, Tim. And so when we. When we see all this news coverage about stolen valor and stolen valor.

Okay, all right. But I’m. I’m telling you guys, that’s not. It’s not. It’s not. That’s not the tip of the iceberg. The tip of the iceberg is that this man will quit on you. And we’ve seen it. We saw it happen. And so let me ask you this also. Everybody around the world is watching this. Everybody around the world is watching this circus. Everyone’s watching. China’s watching. Russia’s watching. North Korea is watching. All of our enemies. Hamas is watching. Israel’s watching. You name it, you name it, they’re all watching. What do you think? What do you think they think about it? It’s probably something that we should be talking about, right? Not only is it important to recognize that the man will leave us behind to go serve somewhere else in our time of need, but what are our enemies thinking of it? Chew on that for a minute.

We got to take a break. I’ll be right back. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and, in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development.

Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? Hey, guys. Welcome here for the second segment of the show, I was thinking during the break, I got pretty heated there, and I realized that maybe, well, let’s finish out, let’s finish out the heated soapbox first, because I don’t want to lose that. Before we went to the break, the question I had Washington, what do you suppose, what do you suppose are enemies, and not just our enemies around the world, but just the world in general, is thinking, is thinking about us as a country.

Now keep in mind all the garbage that’s been going on for months, and now we, and now we have this. And maybe for some, maybe for some, this, this debate about Tim Walls is irrelevant. Maybe for some, it’s minimal. And maybe some would look at this and say that for me, it seems like it’s a little personal, and maybe it is a little personal. And I guess if it is, I need to admittedly find a way to get over that part and make it not personal for me because it’s not about me. And the reason why it might be a little personal to me is because the Minnesota Army National Guard is an organization that still, to this day, is a place where a lot of people that I respect, that I have strong feelings for, like family, they’re still there.

They’re still in, they’re still serving. But it’s also a place where I, I spent most, up until this point, majority of my adult life as part of that organization. And so to me, the 34th id, the Red Bulls, feels like home a little bit. And this whole thing, it does kind of piss me off because I would like to think that it should be, it should be something that, even though, even though Tim Walls is a Democrat, which is whatever, it should be something that I have somewhat, even if it’s a sliver of pride in that somebody from, for my home, for my family, just might be vice president.

It’s pretty cool. At least it should be, I think. And now we’re in this situation where it’s a, it’s a countrywide debate and the country’s laughing and people are probably thinking, what kind of, what kind of effing clowns is the Minnesota army National Guard like? What the hell is going on up there? They got people like old shifty Timmy who’s lying about where he served, which, which to me isn’t as egregious as turning his back on his soldiers. It almost seems as if it brings, it brings negative connotations and it brings shame to the Minnesota army National Guard of some sort.

And maybe none of that’s true. And I guess I need to figure that out for myself. But. But I believe that this whole thing, this whole thing makes our country even more, even more of a laughing stock all over the world. And of course, of course, the one thing or the one person that is being laughed at and being pointed at by the whole world as a dippity do comes from the Minnesota Army National Guard. It’s fucked up. So that part, that part I got to figure out how to deal with. But for everyone else, and, and also, folks, think about this.

Think about this. Think about the people who are so manipulated, they’re so manipulated by this whole thing that they don’t even, they don’t even care. They don’t even care to listen to what the truth might be, let alone what it is. People that hate Donald Trump so much, they’re not even going to listen. And you know what? If you don’t like Donald Trump, don’t vote for him. But how can anybody who has any kind of respect for this flag and what this country is supposed to represent, how can anybody be okay with Tim walls as their vice president? And is it going to take some catastrophic event where he needs to step up and be a strong leader and all of us watch him turn his back on us again? Is that what it’s going to take for everybody to see what kind of person he really is? How controlled he really is? That’s another question that I, that I have that probably will never get answered.

Who the hell’s controlling this guy? And think about this. Think about this. This is also the guy that, shortly after George Floyd died on the streets of Minneapolis due to an overdose of fentanyl and other narcotics, God knows what, a cocktail, if you will, let Minneapolis and other parts of Minnesota burn. He’s also the guy that made the decision to give up the third precinct in Minneapolis, the place that the police call home. I don’t know about you, but if somebody were to ring me right now on my phone and say, there’s a mob outside your house, you gotta leave.

You gotta give up your house. I ain’t leaving. And that night, that night, Sue Peters and I were down in Minneapolis. We were working. We were looking for shit bags to bring the jail so we could feed our families. Listening to the radio traffic. It was gut wrenching. It was gut wrenching because we knew. We knew police officers that were in the building, friends of ours, and it. And then the call comes out to run away. Just let him have it. How degrading. How embarrassing. How can a man, a man who served in the military for all those years.

A man who understands why when you put a flag on your sleeve, the stars face forward. The stars face forward because we don’t give up any fucking ground. We don’t leave our fucking homes. And he tells the cops to leave. He doesn’t send them help. He doesn’t give them the order to defend themselves by any means necessary. He tells them to run. What other proof do we need? What other proof do we need? I don’t know. How do you guys feel about what do you think if somebody called you right now and said, hey, your house is surrounded.

You got to go. They’re going to burn your place down. Are you going to defend your home? Are you going to defend your family? Are you going to defend what’s yours by any means necessary? Or are you going to run away? And I guess whatever decision you make is on you. You know, I don’t have to agree. Nobody has to agree. It’s your decision to make. But when something like riots of that magnitude are happening and buildings all over the city are burning and being looted and people are being accosted and assaulted and hurt, and citizens of the state of Minnesota who are just trying to.

Just trying to make it, man, are losing everything. Losing everything to shitheads who decided they don’t want to follow the rule of law. And the whole country’s watching. The decision that you make for the whole world to see is to tell the police to run, not send them help to defend their home, not give them orders to defend their home, but to run away. Just like you, Tim, ran away when your country came calling to go fight our nation’s enemies, you ran away. And now. And now you want to sit in the White House as the vice president.

What’s going to happen? What’s going to happen when our enemies come calling again? And this time they’re there to call you out, Tim, what are you going to do? History shows you’re going to run. History shows you’re going to give the order to run. History shows that you’re not going to be a goddamn leader at all. History shows that you’re going to turn your back on the people that you say you’re there to serve, the people that you say and said that you’re there to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But you chose to run.

Why would anybody, anybody at all, want you to be their leader? And the question, the answer to that, probably, is because they don’t know the truth. You don’t tell the truth, Tim. That’s why. And maybe I’m gonna give myself some credit here. Maybe it’s because the Richard Leonard show just ain’t quite big enough. The Richard Leonard show isn’t on Fox News. The Richard Leonard show isn’t on any of those other worthless mainstream media networks. The Richard Leonard show is on the Stu Peters network on rumble. 50 to 80,000 people see it, and that’s great. I’m very thankful for that.

But 50 to 80,000 people aren’t gonna win an election. 50 to 80,000 people aren’t gonna oust you, Tim. But what if we do that, folks? What if we give you some homework? The audience, we need your help. We need the help of the Stu crew. We need the help of the audience of the Richard Leonard show. Take the link of this show, send it to as many people as you think will listen, share it as many places as you are comfortable, and get the word out about this guy. I’ll also paste the link to the interview I did with Sergeant Major Barrons last time Tim was running for governor.

This is the man, as I said earlier, this is the man that was in the room. I’ll put that up. No problem. And also in that interview with. With Sergeant Major Thomas Behrens at the end of it. And I know that you’re big time, Tim. Mister Tim Walls. I know you’re big time now. And I’m just a little podcast on a little network on a little app called rumble. You’re more than welcome to come on here and we can have a professional conversation. I won’t ostracize you. I’ll ask you some questions. I know you’re not gonna.

You’ll never talk freely, openly and honestly about any of the allegations that are brought up against you with me or anybody else, I’m sure, unless you could control the narrative. But, folks, I’m telling you, all you have to do is do some research for yourself. And remember this, when you do that, Minnesota traditionally is a blue state, right? Whenever we vote, whenever there’s polls, whenever there’s this, whenever there’s that. But I’ll tell you one thing. Outside of the major metro area, Minneapolis and St. Paul, and maybe even outside of Rochester, which is in southern Minnesota, where the Mayo Clinic is, that’s probably pretty blue down there, if I had to guess.

I don’t know that for sure. There’s a lot of red folks in Minnesota. There is a lot of hardworking, honest red folks. There’s also a lot of people that probably wouldn’t. Wouldn’t want pledge allegiance to any one of them, any one of the parties, because quite frankly, they’re both screwed up pretty heavily. But I’ll tell you this, and you can, anybody can call me what you want, say what you want. If Tim Walls becomes our vice president, he will, in a time of strife and stress, a time of negativity, whatever you want to call it, he will turn his back on us.

He will quit on you. Unless, of course, you want tampons in the men’s room. He’ll do that for you. Just remember that it’s all the time we have for today. I know I said in the beginning, I know I said in the beginning of the show we didn’t want to beat the dead horse. But I’m going to tell you what, once you get going, you gotta. You gotta see it through. And I’m telling you guys, the proof is there. We’ve all seen it. Anyway, I want you all to enjoy the rest of your evening. Please, please, please.

If you like what we’re doing here, especially tonight’s show, share it with as many people in as many places as possible. We need to get the word out about this phony. Tim Walls is a fake, phony faker. A fake, phony faker. Have a great evening, enjoy the the week, and we will see you all next weekend. Have a great night. Bye bye. We all have one common enemy. His name is Satan. And right now his minions are trying to run this country. The german nation does not wish its interest to be determined and controlled by any foreign nation.

France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent the settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land. And to oust it. Oust it. Oust it. Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. Pull on September 11, 2001, were perhaps the most shocking and terrifying events in us history. The witness called police who stopped the van hours later and arrested five men. All five, it turns out, were Israeli. And I could see that they were like, happy.

I thought it was very strange. They have to get the blessings of this country before they can swear an oath to our constitution. They won’t get any spotlight in the zionist funded media. And one of the scariest things in the world is that nobody is willing to admit them. Nobody wants to have that conversation. Why is our army not arresting pedophiles who put their d in little kids faces during the whole month of June? Do me sue me. Everybody do me. Kick me kite. Me. Don’t jump like a fight. All I want to say is that they don’t really care about the jewish watchword.

Workers of the world, unite. Workers of all classes and of all nations. Recognize your common enemy. Recognize your common nation. If that’s the one sensitive subject that nobody wants us to talk about, then I think it’s pretty obvious that’s the thing that we should be talking about. George will control the world. They don’t really care about us.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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