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➡ Gerald Celenti discusses the top trends of 2024, criticizes mainstream news outlets for spreading disinformation and highlights anticipated global events such as the escalation of World War III, the continual meltdown in the Middle East, and the rise of gold as a safe haven asset. He also predicts the death of the dollar, an upcoming bankruptcy wave among banks, and points out the political manipulation by leaders during crises.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celenti, and it’s Tuesday, January 2, 2024. And you knew trends journals out. And what’s your trends journal all about? The top trends of 2024. Oh, yeah, we got some year ahead, but that’s only our trends. But you might want to go to the cartoon news network, CNN, because they have the eight biggest makeup trend predictions of 2024 according to makeup artists. That’s the kind of crap they put out there and other worthless stuff.

Back in the day, I used to be on the cartoon news network, CNN, when it was a good place, doing the top trends and much, much more. I used to be on the Today show. I used to be on Oprah. I used to be on ABC, CBS, NPR, all over the world, from France to Brazil. No more. No more. Journalism is dead. All they do is spew out bullshit because they’re little gutless boys and girls, little prostitutes, media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government whore masters.

This is the kind of shit they gave you. And then they go to all of them, one after another. Times, Financial Times. This is what they have to say. They get crap. Bullshit. We’re the only ones giving you the real trends of 2024. And again, one of our top ones last year, Middle east meltdown, office building bust. We’re not going to talk about that anyway. So your new trends are out, and very important ones.

And let me get them right over here. Here we go. Number one, World War three. That’s right. We said World War three began two days before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 22, 2022. Now, the Middle east meltdown again, the war started back then, but it only becomes official when there’s that false flag, that real big thing like, they assassinated the Archduke Freud man in Sarajevo. When that began, World War I.

They taught me that in school. Yay, fuck face. It’s been going on long before that. Same thing with World War II. But this year, it’s going to become official because, as we warned, Ukraine is losing this war. They’re going to do something major to get back on the news. And then there’s the Israel war again, which we warned about. Now, Middle east meltdown, top trend of 2023. So this morning, this was the news.

Israel army launches attacks on targets in Syria and Lebanon. Hey, we could kill anybody we want. America. Oh, yeah, we could do it any place that we want, too. We’re the exceptionals, and they’re the chosen people. So they could do anything that they want. You could kill anybody anywhere you want. So shut the fuck up and swallow. Oh, by the way, people don’t like my language. Fuck off.

Once upon a time, for all you little boys and girls with little guys like that and little dried nothings. Used to be a movie. Yeah. And at the end of the movie, the guy’s irate about what’s going on, and he says, I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore. Screaming at the top of his lungs, I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.

No, but maybe all those boys and girls, they like taking it up the ass from Lindsey Graham because he’d give it to you like that. Or Chuckie Schumer. Or out of his mind, Biden. Or arrogant Trump. Oh, no. Let’s go over to Israel. We got Netanyahu. Oh, your new trends journal’s out, right? This is part of our trends journal, what we’re telling our subscribers. With President Joe Biden coming up for reelection and with only a 39% approval rating, he and Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu, whose ratings are also in the toilet, which he should be flushed down.

With only 15% of Israelis wanting him to stay in office after the war on Hamas, both will do all they can to stay in office by ramping up wars to manipulate the public to their benefit. World War three. So I hope we’re here next year to give you the top trends of 2025, because if we don’t stand up for peace, we’re screwed. So, by the way, you might want to donate to occupy peace.

So going back to the top trends of this year. World War three. Golden year for gold. That’s right. Way up. Way up again. All things are connected. Gold is going to be the number one safe haven asset as things go down the toilet. Yeah, and they’re going down the toilet because they got a bunch of shitheads filled with shit coming out of their mouth, spewing it all over the world.

The whole fucking world has become one toilet bowl of shit from the politicians. So anyway, we explain why gold is going up. Also, interest rates are going down. Death of the dollar, bye bye. What else we got? Arab Spring 2. 0. Presidential reality show. By the way, that’s our trademark, and that’s all it is. Matter of fact, we wrote these trends before, of course, they came up. But this is this story from the Washington Post on December 31.

Doom dominates 2024 messaging as Trump and Biden trade dire warnings. Quote, the greatest threat Trump poses is to our democracy. Bullshit. Biden said narcissistic bullshit. Trump. I’m going to fix the infrastructure, I’m going to build a wall, and I’m going to give tax breaks. The only fucking thing he did was give tax breaks. And according to the tax policy center, the 1% got 64% of them. Just the facts.

And all the people that love the Trump guy. Yeah. That was the biggest year after that of stock buybacks in the history of the stock market, because the rich got richer. And Biden says, as long as Joe Biden is in the White House, the american dream is dead. As long as any fuck face from the repulsive kins of the Democrats are in office, we’re fucked. And not the way I like to be fucked.

What else we got? Banks go bust. That’s right. Goes back to gold. Why? Gold is going to go up. Why? The bank’s going to go bust. We’re the only ones saying it. Detail after detail in the detail. Yep. Watch for it to happen. Oh, you think Silicon Valley bank bust was bad? Oh, no. First Republic was terrible. Yeah, this is going to be way worse. No one’s talking about it.

And then a great article again by Gregory Manorino. We asked him, gregory, what are one of your top trends? Money junkies paradise. That’s right. And that’s all it is. So where the market’s going, what’s next? Manorino, Trader’s choice. And of course, great articles done by Joe Duran. Ev. Go fu. And again, we’ve been writing about this going back many, many years. When the whole Ev started happening, we said, a lot of this is nothing more than.

That was bullshit. That’s right. And another one of great Joe Duran, the technocracy king. And where is this book? Over here. You got to check this cat out, man. The human Joe Duran here, look at this thing. He writes technocracy every week in the Trends journal. Plus crypto articles, the synthetic devolution. Bye bye. As I say, they got it wrong. In the king’s James Bible, they said, the meek shall inherit the earth.

They misspelt it. The geeks have inherited the earth. I mean, what a cool cat, man. Look at that cook guy. Oh, and how about gates, man? Now that’s a. Oh, and I forgot about zuckerberg. Look at these fucking people. Look at them. Destroy the human spirit, and it’s only going to get worse. Only going to get worse. Look at him, man. What a cool, dude. Yeah. And crusades 2000.

Here we are. And migrant madness, mad as hell. What’s going to happen? These are some of your top trends coming up in your new trends journal. And we advise you to go to trendsjournal. com. Trendsjournal. com to read history before it happens, because we’re the only ones giving you this. Nobody else. And you know why? They don’t know. The big news is they fired that woman from Harvard.

Yep, that’s the big news. Harvard, Princeton, Yale. Bullets, bombs and banks. Oh, and by the way, talking about bullets and bombs, I read you this article that came out. Israeli army launches attacks on targets in Syria and Lebanon, again, expanding World War II. Guess what they just wiped out. Explosion in Beirut on Tuesday. That’s today. Killed a top official with a palestinian militant group. They’re not militants to the Palestinians.

Hamas and three others. Yep, that’s right. If Israel is behind the attack, it should mark a major escalation in the Middle east conflict. Hezbollah leader Syed Hassan Nassrella said, and he vowed to retaliate against any israeli targeting of palestinian officials in Lebanon. Hey, fuck you. Israel could slaughter anybody they want, anywhere. Again, occupied territories, settlers. They stole the fucking land. In violation of the Geneva conventions. Throughout, the Palestinians been slaughtering them on and on and on.

Wrote about it in detail in your trends journal. When Netanyahu got into office, it only escalated. Not my language. The language in the mainstream media. His extreme right wing government. And now they’re saying, his extreme right wing government. Get all the Palestinians out of there. That’s right. Yeah. Hey, they stole all the other land. Why not steal this land? Oh, you know why? It’s good for them. Because another arrogant fuck, the president of Israel, Isaac Herzog, said, God gave us this land, which I’d say to you, fuck you.

What if I don’t believe in you or God? Oh, and by the way, Junior, I’m the deacon of the universal Church of Freedom, peace and justice, so fuck off. This is stolen land again. Crusades 2000. Read all about it in your trends journal. It began with another cocksucker. And probably a cocksucker because, hey, he’s one of the royal family over there in the UK. Yeah, he’s the guy that invented the whole fucking thing, along with the Rothschilds that funded it.

His Majesty’s government. We don’t remember. Here we go. The Balfour declaration. His Majesty’s government. This is 1917. Views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national jewish home for the jewish people and will use its best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this objective. Who the fuck are you to say there should be a jewish settlement in Palestine? I got an idea. Let’s see. It’d be great let’s do.

What kind of settlement? How about a hindu settlement in Israel? Because, hey, the deacons said, I think this place should go to the Hindus. I mean, you think that’s fucked up? How about the Balfour declaration and all your little fucking scumbags that call me an anti jew and anti semite. Fuck off. Had enough of your bullshit. I launched occupied peace a decade ago. I hate wars. Can’t stand genocide, no matter whose country it is.

So fuck you. And again, donate to occupy peace if you want peace, because if we don’t unite for peace, this may be we won’t be doing the top trends of 2025 because they’ll be wiping us off the planet with world War three. You got maniacs in charge. So thanks for tuning in. And tomorrow, the man of men cat that knows more about the Bill of Rights and the constitution than anybody that I know, Judge Andrew Napolitano.

That’s right. 06:00 p. m. Eastern time tomorrow. See you then. And don’t forget, if you want to see the future, you better get this edition of the Trends Journal, the top trends of 2024, just for you. Thank you, and happy New Year. The Trends Journal, the best investment you could make, because it’s the best investment into your mind, and it can change how you look at the world.

His work is actually a gold mine. Anybody interested in politics? Political trends, economic trends, social trends, cultural trends, you have to follow him. Gerald Celente. The Trends Journal is one of the greatest sources of information, and it really is. You’re predicting these things well ahead of time. I would encourage everyone to go grab the latest copy. Journal subscriber for 20 years. I just have to commend you what you guys have put together in your latest trends journal.

There’s nothing like this out there, sir. Everything that you predicted about the economy, you were absolutely right. So I have followed you all this time. So please take a look at the trends journal. You correctly forecast that the fed would hike rates quite aggressively. Correctly said that initially, gold and silver would drop as the Fed starts to raise rates to one and a half percent and above. When we spoke last, bitcoin was around 49,000.

You said you expect to drop, and if it drops below 30, 35, then it could really drop. Trends journal, which I would encourage people to go and check out. It’s actually a 200 page document, pure data driven analysis. Gerald Celente, the top trends forecaster in the world. Gerald, you had an interesting call. Back in September of last year, you said gold had bottomed, which is exactly what happened.

And here we are. And we’re above $1,900. Subscribe to the Trends Journal. Read history before it happened at trends ##journal com and. .


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